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justify this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FLT pLmgRu4w

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Thread replies: 313
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justify this

Well he was black...
Don't expect many replies, /pol/ is right wing tumblr and anything that goes against the narrative will be ignored.

Some officers are unstable and the police force needs to do a better job screening applicants. Police cadets should have to go through an extended course in order to become officers.
>justify this
He's black.

not an argument
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White Nationalism
its actaully is
Cops sucking at guns is basically a given at this point.

this is a thread for /k/
So far the replies to this thread have been cancer

Fuck this shithole

Land of the Free
He didn't put the hands on the fucking wheel
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5g-nniO1WN4 reminded me of this
Should be illegal detention on the part of all of those cops. If it's a first offense, they should lose some pay. If it's a second offense, they should be fired.

>nigger trying to tell a cop what to do
>keeps moving his hands around

I can already tell this nigger had it coming whatever happened to him
Lol lose some pay on pointing a lethal weapon inches away from someone's face completely unpredictably and without any rational reason. That's cool dude.
What is this from ?
This is nigger-tier logic.

It would be like a nigger thinking

>white boy driving through a black commn-a-tay
>white boy has valuables and money

I be jussify in shootin dat honkey n takin his shiat.
The cop is a pussy that should do time for assault. That clown even had his finger on the trigger -- not that I expect more from Commiefornian cops.
A two-strike system would be better than what we have now.

First strike: hit the cop in the wallet. Second strike: cop automatically fired with no chance of appeal.
>Mexico everyone

Apparently all of the cops who were there were in on it.

Corruption definitely.
You know why? Op didnt give any back story other than react to this video.

How do you think people going to react to a faggot ass OP? OFC they are going to say fuck off nigger
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>not that I expect more from Commiefornian cops


Yes, because the nigger race is well known for being charged with upholding and enforcing the law.

Take your hippy bullshit somewhere else.
>Cop orders you to do something
>You don't do it
>You move your hands without warning him
>While behind the wheel of vehicle
>While you could be yourself carrying a gun

I'm really not sure what the logic of the guy getting pulled over is.

It's really just
>Ok. I can de-escalate the situation by not shouting and putting my hands on the steering wheel
>I'm not going to do that. I'm going to fucking shout for 3 minutes until another cop gets over here.
Trigger happy mentally cunted cops
How does it feel to know that even white conservatives who hate niggers want police reform to prevent what happened in the video in the op?

Do you know why we want it to stop? Because in 5 or 10 years, it'll be black cops doing that to us.
nothing to justify
didn't see anything wrong here
I don't care.

cops are not even in the top 15 problems for any communities in this country, get fucked.
Private investigator. Private being the key word. He's not affiliated with the police in any way. As far as they know it's just a cooky negro loitering and mouthing off.

Police officers hate dealing with people who operate on the law they think they know.
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Are you implying that I'm going to cause a confrontation with a police officer for no reason while he has his gun out?
>Because in 5 or 10 years, it'll be black cops doing that to us.
do you live with a bunch of niggers or something?
because ever cop around me is white for miles.
I'm extremely to the left and every person in that scenario acted incorrectly. If the person in the car got his brains blown off it would be entirely his fault.

Because the 'confrontation' will be you driving to work, doing nothing wrong, and then some nigger cop pulls you over and starts aiming a handgun at you for no apparent reason. You could have your hands on the steering wheel, it wouldn't matter.

"Hey whitey, howboutcha reach for dat driver lie-sens n rej-uh-strahsun? Wait wait let me aim at ya brain furst..."
A lot of it is a deliberate subversion campaign to keep out normies and prevent our ideas from spreading.

Also, anything involving LE and the cops and fake bootlickers come out of the woodwork to act pathetic. They usually post like women, with overly emotional and hyperbolic statements, and attempts at implied social stigma. This is especially true for federal LE. They don't realize that many of us already know it's being run out of the National Clandestine Service under the direction of Mr. Vogel.

Shills never seem to be cognizant of how easy they are to spot, it truly amazes me to no end.

Anyway, most actual /pol/ocks are nationalist libertarians.
>Chimping out and ordering a cop around before he even speaks to him
Sovereign citizens are the worst, but dindus take it to a whole new level.
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So, you're just roleplaying right? Or did you not even watch the video?
You think that he dindu nuffin?
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Do you really think that's what happened in the OP?
Like I said, the majority of white, nigger-hating conservatives support police reform.

99% of non-whites support police reform.

It's coming, and you won't be able to stop it.
>implying you have to cause a confrontation with angry police on the street

why did the cop cock his gun and have his finger inside the trigger well?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
>Telling an LA Sheriff what to do
I lived in California for 25 years. I might be a right wing /pol/tard but I truly believe the cops in LA are just straight up assholes who will take quick offense to everything you do. I don't know why this is but it's just California.

It's anecdotal evidence yes but I've only been treated with respect by police in Nevada and Florida. LA Police will scream at you if you interrupt them. They also love to ticket.
>they don't shoot him

0/10 would not watch again
>cop pulls you over and starts aiming a handgun at you for no apparent reason
it doesn't bother me at all. if the cop wants to point his gun at me go ahead, how does that change anything.
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Like me put this pretty bluntly, I live in a major city that has dindu problems. I have been arrested. The reason I don't get shot by the police is because I don't do stupid bullshit to cause altercations with the police.

There has never been a time in my life where police have used unjustified force or coercion against me.

Likewise, in virtually every video I've seen of the police interacting with dindus and the dindus getting roughed up, the dindus have deserved it. Likewise, for non-dindus interacting with police, when unjustified force has been used, the courts side with the non-dindus.
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RP it is

>Anyway, most actual /pol/ocks are nationalist libertarians.

Fuck off with your dead meme ideology.
Yeah, this guy seems like a cunt. There are cops out there like this, nobody is going to deny it. If they do they're probably just baiting you or shitposting.
Police are shit in areas where people have no real rights and no real agency to keep them in line -- it's the same natural devolution seen in the Stanford prison experiment. That's why cops in red states are so much better, even in the urban areas, because people have real physical recourse against illegal violence -- it ups the stakes and increases the responsibility of everyone involved.
To not waste seconds while opponent pulling a knife or a gun?
reminder Nevada is based
Deep down you know that the spirit of /pol/ is very libertarian in nature. Those who claim otherwise are just scorned and lashing out.
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>just casually pulling out his gun and aiming at the dudes head with the finger on the trigger without any sign of danger for his life

I'm beginning to understand why so many Americans hate their cops.

Was he fired for this?
I also have a Beretta.
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hahahaha enjoy your tyrannic police state third worldness.


this is just the begining

have a fine, close look at what was going on in the USSR.

this is your future.

All's left to do now is take away your guns, and yous are pigs in the barrel

Soo that's why you need guns over there, to defend yourself from that kind of cops
>good day to you
i mean jesus what do you expect ?
if you get triggered at a slighty paranoid citizen who doesnt quite trust strangers.

then perhaps you should change you line of work.

I mean uncle samuel has just the right job for you to utilize your short tempered power tripping talents being deployed in Iraq securing an oil well or two from "terrorists".

but your probably no different than that piggy, so why would your low IQ brain understand such things?
Guys, the man in the car was acting suspicious (he's a PI, they can be easily mistaken for drug dealers, hitmen, etc.) - cop had the right to be cautious. However, pulling a gun out, aiming it in the head and having a finger on the trigger was a retarded thing to do.
should of at least had his finger off the trigger.
this watching his lack of trigger discipline really triggered me
if we let go anyone that seems "paranoid" , drug dealers would be having a party
>pick kilos of cock
>get pulled up
>well he knows his rights we must let him go
stfu idiot, dont you ever reply to me again third world shitskinned scumbag

I know your kind well, you spawn of a whore
Finger off the trigger, gun not on the person. Especially if the hands are shaking, for fuck's sake.
>dont you ever reply to me or my wife's son ever again
Record Correctedâ„¢
>justify this

Easy, the cop is an asshole and doesn't really seem to know what he's doing and the nigger escalated the confrontation with his antagonistic attitude where most people would have kept their mouth shut and not have had a problem.

That doesn't change the fact that 99.9999% of police shooting dindus is entirely justified and that cops have every reason to be nervous around them.

>people actually believe this guy is a white nationalist.
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there aren't any bad police and if there's one than they all are bad.

he was merely trying achieve the goal of another darky down.
Not gunna. Cop was a massive fuck bag
around blacks never relax
>start beheaving strange and suspicious
>don't follow directions of an officer of the law
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The officer told you everything right there. The fucking shitskin was refusing to cooperate. These dumbfucks can feel however they want and can assume to perceive the officers demeanor at the moment to. However, the only thing they need to do for everything to be solved peacefully is to comply, its literally that simple. Its not like he just pulled him over randomly and started throwing commands around, fucking idiot.
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Jesus, that was intense. What is the background on this? Why did they go over to that guy in the first place?
so what

cop with shitty trigger discipline and obviously a manlet

fire the cop, problem solved
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>durrr muh officer of teh law

you are the kind of stupid fucks and reason why I will never support gun bans.

too many dangerously stupid idiots around to entrust your very own life and safty to.

Open carry,no license required, shoot first ask questions later rootin tootin shootin wild west style.
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>dumb nigger criminal
>dumb nigger cop

you know what isnt boring? huma's milf-feet
>the only thing they need to do for everything to be solved peacefully is to comply
Good goy. Just do what you're told. If you're not doing anything wrong, you've got nothing to be worried about, right?
Fucking bootlickers in this place. You may as well vote for Clinton, you dopey cunt.
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> Video starts with google telling the officer to holster his weapon
Please tell Me what army units are currently fighting for control of oil wells.
I'll be waiting
Why the fuck someone will look for and provoke a confrontation with the police?
It's the dumbesst shit you can do, specially in USA, where police are daily being shooted at traffic stops.
Just be polite and calm, and nobody will draw a gun on you.
and he has a right,

I'd do the same thing

how do I know that shitskin is not an imposter?

whats more in a day and age where the state hires any fucking idiot to "lay down the law" so long as they meet the martial law requirement quota.
Go ask the CIA or top pentagon officals

if you have enough security clearance they'll inform you to whom theyre pimping these types of faggots nowadays.

business is business
I've been pulled over like 5 times in the last 3 months and haven't even gotten a ticket let alone a gun pointed at me.
Guess the State Troopers and Local cops in my area aren't as big of assholes. The county sheriff's deputies in the county next to where I live is a whole nother story though. They have to deal with a lot more dindus however
The police force represents the society they serve.

Problems withing police forces, reflect problems developing withing a society.

It's unfortunate that decent officers around the world are often disregarded, while boot licking politically correct pushing morons gain hierarchical leverage.

There will always be shitty cops. There will always be good cops.

As our societies degrade further, police forces will do the same.
You do realize the Iraqi security forces have taken control of all oil facilities in Iraq.

>T. Uninformed Europoor
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>Iraqi security forces

motherfucker my ancestors are from Khazaria

I know how this shit works

but cool story anyways
Sure you can tell them to put it down, but it wont change anything besides making an angry cop more angry.
He has no common sense, and his attitude made the whole situation worse.
>Someone is pointing a gun at me
>I should be loud, disobedient, and generally cause a ruckus

I wouldn't really care if they were legitimate or not. They do have a gun to your face.
You said someone should go get a job in the military securing oil wells,
I'm telling you ISIS doesn't even control any more of them at this point so there's not even anyone to secure them from even if that was a thing.
So you're basically just babbling on about some shit that you made up anyway.
Pls gas yourself

>hurr guys cops are okay I never get any bullshit

>being proud of that star
How do you know what color I am, Eurofriend?
>I'm telling you

tell me more

really ur starting to educate me.
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>US liberals imagine they're uniting everyone against whites
>in reality latinos would exterminate blacks without a second thought

top kek
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What the fuck is wrong with black people?

Why they feel entitled to tell a cop what to do?

Why don't they just follow the orders given by the law?
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kangs n sheit
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They're stupid as fuck
Looks like you could probably use an education, since you type like a texting teenage girl.
engrisz iz not my first ranguage, kurwo
no, it's not
Southern Californian Mexican here. You couldn't be any more right
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>You are statistically more likely to get shot by a black man
>You regard black men as more suspicious

Seems pretty argument to me.
the nigger in the op started running his mouth right at the bat and then started reaching for stuff

after all that the cop felt like he needed to aim at his stupid fucking monkey face

kill yourself you stupid fucking retard
>you need an officer's permission to move your hands
you'd be happier in Sweden or Germany, friend.
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>Your suspect is resisting orders
>Your suspect is in a car
>Your suspect could be carrying a gun
>You really don't want to get run over or shot by a nigger

Honestly, I'm not sure what you expect to happen.

>>Your suspect is resisting orders
the dindu did ask what the cops issue was, and the cop couldn't give an answer. ergo, not a suspect
>Tell officers what to do
>Start confrontation with intent to provoke
>Disobey officer requests.
>Get gun pulled on you
>Somehow this is the Officer's fault

>I pulled you over for no reason

Please, besides, what do you have to gain from starting a confrontation with an armed asshole?
ur right the old fart he should have been packing heat and opened fire the moment that jackboot walked up to the window.

one less fascist extorting you out of your money.
i would beat the shit out of the cop if he did that to me.

bjj 4 life

fuck pigs

revolution now
This is why Poland exists 30 years behind everyone else.
>Get shot fifty times from four pistols

One less Ed Hardy shirt in the world.
yeah whatever you fucking yankee idiot
The cop was definitely in the wrong, anyone saying otherwise has never had a negative interaction with a shit cop before.

Sure most cops are completely cool but there are cops who are complete scum, cops who basically act like gangsters. When you eventually have an interaction like that your perspective will change.
i don't know why this guy was allowed to be rude against this cop for so long without gettting shot.
one with spic cop that was shaking and whose asshole was probably pretty puckered. a couple punches and he would have been sleeping.

what a punk ass pig
Justify what? The black guy refused to comply with insurrections, and instead decided to have a debate with the officer (deputy?) about why he shouldn't have to. When you don't comply, you can expect things to escalate.

If he had explained the situation, he could've been off there in 30 seconds. Instead he decided to babble about respect and federal court.
most cops aren't cool anymore

my grandfather was a detective and he is completely disgusted by the younger cops. they all think they are part of SEAL Team 6 or could be if they wanted to. He has seriously considered stopping going to the monthly FOP meetings because of them. Friends who were actual SEALs also hate the police and their lack of professionalism.

Lolbertarians live in a world of abstract concepts and ideas. They don't understand laws are enforced by a human being that may or may not be an asshole and think a firm belief in the constitution dispenses them from having an ounce of common sense. Just watch any of those "sovereign citizen" videos.


Don't be a belligerent, argumentative dildo, especially if you're a dindu and your encounters with cops will go a lot better.
The police officer didn't have probable cause.

The officer committed felonious battery when he touched the driver.
>that textbook 'delet this' pistol stance
I understand why the black guy thought he wa being reasonable.. but..
> Holster your weapon

No. Saying that to a cop is suspicious as fuck. Hey man you don't need to worry I'm a good guy, you can relax man, I promise, relax!

The cop didn't react well to it, but then again, I can't really pass judgement on the guy since I don't know what kind of situation's hes been in.
Maybe its like that in the USA, seems like your cops think of themselves like some sort of warrior class.

Over here most of them are chill but there is that 10% that are complete gangster scum.

i don't think it was weird at all. most people know that when a cop draws a gun nowadays, a black dude is gonna get killed.
This. This place is fucking pathetic
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>all these nigger lovers defending the fucking bootlipped monkey
Protip when dealing with cops
Don't give them orders.
The video started after the nigger did something to cause the officer to draw and then the nigger has the audacity to give him orders?
Fucking nigger lovers
he's being suspect as fuck. Blacks can be unpredictable and, violent. there body language when being confronted almost always indicates a fight or resistance. now I don't agree with the amount of power given to police but anyone with an IQ over 90 knows your not winning that fight. I've been in multiple altercations with the police while armed or drunk and walked away from all of them. you fight in court not on the street unless your willing to die. As sad as it is it's the truth the faster you learn this the faster blacks will stop being shot in the street. all these videos remind me of the chappelle skit when keeping it real goes wrong. I'm actually starting to find humor in them as well. when blacks stop buying into thug culture middle class/ upper middle class will stop being looked at as higher up drug dealers or gang members. It's that simple. if the guy was white we wouldn't even be having this discussion.
Watch the second video dick head.
The guy did nothing illegal, it was the cop who did not follow proper procedures.

They then all had a long chat about what to charge him with after the fact to cover their asses. This is what dick head cops do, instead of saying sorry they try to charge you with every infraction known to man to cover their ass.
there is definitely this warrior inferiority complex in most young cops i've meet.

also every damn towns have SWAT teams and military equipment bought cheap from leftovers from the sand wars.

in high school i used to help train cops in basic bjj and i was terrified at how bad they were but how great they thought they were. the disconnect is amazing. most cops also are low IQ.

shit isn't a good combo.

what we need to do is get rid of the DEA. Legalize pot and most drugs, decriminalize the rest of them, do away with civil forfeiture, and demilitarize the small town local police forces. then reduce the police forces by 25% because most cops deal with petty bullshit crimes that shouldn't be a crime.

you do those few things and you would do away with most of the police problem.
>Don't expect many replies
Look like you failed at predicting /pol/ behaviour. Maybe you should reconsider a thing or two about us.
I have given and will continue to give cops shit if they aren't following protocols. fuck them.

I'm also a well dressed white male. So, they don't generally fuck with me to begin with.
Hilarious, you can clearly see how the actors are getting uncomfortable and at one point he loses it himself
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But even then, what good does it do you to get shot? The court won't be able to resurrect you.
Lol, nope. The only people who care are niggers, but their party is the one that benefits the most from the police state. You think the Democrats are going to do shit about the cops? The only reason they can still win elections is black rage.
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Maybe if the nigger hadn't been argumentive he would've just been allowed to drive off
But no, gotta get dem cracka cops dey be racis gibs me dat gun officuh
I expect the rights of citizens in this country to be respected. Having a gun pointed at you for no legitimate reason, which does legally constitute assault, is objectively un-American. I'm white and law-abiding, and I've always been an especially calm person, but if that faggot cop walked up with his gun out and put it to my head, he'd better keep it there. That fucker is reckless and will probably take innocent lives at some point.
exactly true.

i'm sure he either has or will have martial problems. he likely beats his wife or will his future wife.
>all these bootlickers

Fuck the police. 99% of cops were bullied in high school and need to achieve some sort of power
Nice try Sanchez, but you will still have to break the law to sell heroin.
>nigger gets slapped
>he stands up
>looks directly at the guy running away
>the slapped nigger throws something at the faggot pretending he's just sitting there on the fence

why bother setting up such stupid faked shit

it's not like its funny

damn niggers
I really don't care if police point guns at niggers, to be honest, fampai.

If you're willing to engage in a fight with an armed police officer over a stop in which you are truly duing nuffin, then you're probably just brain dead and deserve to get shot.

Yes, he's also got a fucking gun. You have two real options, you can make everything worse and cause a confrontation, or you can let him do whatever he is going to do because he's got a fucking gun and a badge.

This isn't even a "WELL, WHAT IF IT WAS A THUG DEMANDING YOU TO GET OUT OF YOUR CAR?" this is a police officer. If you shoot a police officer, even in self defense, things are going to get shitty for you.
But it was asked way too late.
If he had been more cooperative from the start, nothing of this would have happened.
If one doesn't realize that he's littteraly at the wrong end of the gun, he got bigger problems incoming than an unstable officiers.
Usa will not pay them better so, they won't attract better applicants.
Plus the job is quite hard.
thats why people gotta understand extreme days are returning and it's time to make acquiring a pistol your life's top priority as north america enters a fascist martial law state.

those caught unable to defend themselves and their rights, are just sitting ducks.
>But even then, what good does it do you to get shot? The court won't be able to resurrect you.

Yes. It's like the other guy said, you fight cops in court, not during an encounter when a nervous cops is pointing a gun at you. Anyone with half a brain understand this but lolbertarians and dindus still think holding on to their principles and keeping it real makes you bulletproof.

And there's a reason cops are nervous, especially around dindus.

don't expect these authoritarian asslickers on /pol/ to understand

>yes goy.. submit to authority...
As far as I can tell the officer was completely fucking wrong. Problem is this is only one side of the story.

Did the cop see something in the vehicle? Was there a report of a man brandishing a weapon? Was the vehicle reported stolen? There are just too many variables to say who was truly at fault.

Now of course the driver was being way to casual about the whole thing. You don't just act all nonchalant when dealing with someone that can probably get away with killing you.
>fire the cop, problem solved

You fire one cop for something like this and you get fucked by the unions. Good luck getting re-elected after the cops/unions have bitched on local tv and then you have a single cop getting killed on duty (you should expect atleast 1 or 2 on the state level).
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Well, Poland, this is in Commiefornia, it doesn't really matter for them.

But it really comes down to this once again

1. Why would you start a confrontation with a police officer?
2. Why would you start a confrontation with an armed man?
3. If you genuinely believe in your court system, why would you risk getting shot by confronting an armed police officer?

What the fuck do you expect to happen?
>1. Why would you start a confrontation with a police officer?

I agree with you, if you are disarmed and unable to protect yourself from a cop's abuse, then you should just drop your drawers and spread those butt cheeks with no objection, let life be the cruel teacher she is and learn your lesson the hard way.
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Would you prefer to be shot?

There is no off ramp, you either escalate the situation by doing what you're told, or escalate the situation until you're restrained or killed.

Regardless of your principles you can't win this, unless you're Canadian.
Err... deescalate.
Both were idiots. The cop was a shaking mess and had no idea how to deescalete and the driver was being a douchbag all along.
/pol/ says day after day that you are more likely to be shot by a black them black cop just does as /pol/ says.
>Would you prefer to be shot?

well then, if you are armed, and the piggies are armed, it all comes down to if you trust the piggies to get close to you to get in the first shot.

doesnt it? :D

cant take the heat? get out of the kitchen
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Let's say you shoot a cop. If you're lucky, you're going to be on trial for murder.

If you're unlucky, you're just going to get shot full of holes by the other cops.

So, you've literally turned a traffic stop into either your deathknell, or a long drawn out trial you will probably lose that will cost you your economic life.

What is your possible reward in this situation? Are you brain dead?
Because deservs it. Niggers thougth its funny to kill cops by doing fake calls.

The pendelum swings back.
No one cares about nigger thugs dying
>Let's say you shoot a cop. If you're lucky, you're going to be on trial for murder.

if they can identify me, for starters

thats why you lay low for a while.

After such a death match
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>Put your hands on the fucking steering wheel
>well then, if you are armed, and the piggies are armed, it all comes down to ...

... nigger logic.

This is the most retarded thing I've read today. Good luck getting shot like a dindu when you pull your gun out on cops over a parking ticket.
and oh yeah, there have been many instances a single man has killed two armed cops

so yeah, spin the wheel of fortune and see how lucky you are.

see, to me, cops are nothing but corrupt criminals in uniform which the corrupt law protects.

life is cheap, and it isnt worth living one day under the boot of a thug
>There are two other police officers on the scene
>You are being recorded
>The police are also most likely recording you
>Besides the fact that you're in a car registered to you

Is this how Polish logic works? Better yet, if you don't recognize their authority as legitimate, and you're willing to murder them to resist... what exactly again..? Why the fuck did you pull over in the first place?
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>I'd rather murder two people while I have no reason to do so at a traffic stop because I dislike how they do their business than comply with simple orders
>be silent and acts like a good citizen
>got shot anyways
>nobody cares and thinks its your fault for trying to reach a gun
Niggers get no extra sympathy from me, but this issue goes beyond that. This is about what is and isn't acceptable behavior for the government, and if you think that a cop should be able to assault you without reason or recourse, then you're a bootlicking cuck. It would be a different story if he were suspected of a violent crime, even if it were a mistake, but that's not the case here -- and even so, that officer's complete lack of trigger discipline is never acceptable.

I really want to broadly support police, but seeing shit like this and no-knock raids ruin it for me, even if it overwhelmingly effects niggers. I don't care who you are or why you're there, but if you bust down my door at 4am and shoot my dog, yelling "police" isn't going to stop me from shooting, and I wouldn't feel bad afterward either. America isn't meant to be a cozy little europlebian-style cuckshed where the men are women, rights are symbolic, and life is boring -- it's meant to be an animated contest of freedom, where life is risky but rewarding, and the inalienable rights of men are respected and protected. Anything that subverts Americanism should be resisted by any means necessary. What we have here is immeasurably valuable, and if it's lost, I don't know that it'd ever exist again.
Land of the free....

He's black.
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>Police will kill you for no reason, and this is likely enough to happen that you still fucking pull over

Why do you even bother paying tax?
>pol believes a white person deserves to die because he didn't put his hands on the steering wheel even though they've done nothing wrong

Reminder that if you defend this, even if it was a nog, you are a bootlicker cuckold.
Why the fuck do police over there point fucking assault rifles at people in cars?
>Police cadets should have to go through an extended course in order to become officers.
It's called the fucking Police academy. And every person who wants to become a police officer has to go there and finish their education before they can shoot people. :)

>/pol/ is one person

When will reddit leave?
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>ethnocentrism eventually overcomes its closest competitor, humanitarianism, by exploiting humanitarian cooperation across group boundaries
If you pulled over a passenger in a car, and they refused orders and caused a scene, while also making quick movements, would you pull your gun?

Really, in this situation, it's a simple

>Do what you're fucking told, you idiot.
According to the bootlickers Police are god. You must obey every command even if no crime has been comitted. drawing a weapon should be a last resort but these corrupt fucks grew up watching tango and cash and are itching to get a few kills. Tasers are cheap as fuck, they should be the first weapon drawn but they aren't macho enough.
>Why the fuck do police over there point fucking assault rifles at people in cars?
because unlike jamal they're not gonna use it

check the actual stats instead of filling your mind with anecdotes, there's 350 million people here
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Do you have faith in your legal system?
Yeah in America they go for a much shorter period of time than in Europe.
I think I heard once some police academies is the US are like 6 months whilst the UK is 3-5 years.

Clearly US policing has gone very wrong. In the UK we have community based policing, which means the police take a part of the community and they're generally trained to be friendly guys. I have american friends who have been amazed when they went to london and said they could have a chat with policemen and just ask questions like where is something and they'd smile and answer. There needs to be two layers to policing imo: community policing where the officers are visible friendly and helpful, and the hardcore "we're not going to let you fuck around" police, like Italy has.

>inb4 webm of police fighting UK guy with a knife
>inb4 inb4

The video at the top clearly shows the cop is shaking and on edge. What was stopping him pulling the trigger? Literally nothing. Bootlicking cuck. Jamals have infiltrated your police force and pushed trigger happy culture.
Why was he shaking with his finger on the trigger? Why was he shaking with his finger on the trigger?
and you'll walk away. unless you have a police scanner you don't know what call just came over the scanner. police don't give tells because it interferes with the investigation. see philando castille he was a armed robbery suspect. you notice how once info started to surface anyone who was involved dropped it like a hot potatoe?
>police over there point fucking assault rifles at people in cars
That only happens in the cuckold enclaves like California. Liberals there have gradually removed the rights of people to defend themselves, while increasing the rights of police to attack them.

Here in east TN, 99.9% of cops are bro-tier. In the liberal fiefdoms like CA, police can do whatever they want knowing that the person they're fucking with probably isn't going to pull out an AKM and start shooting, only to get acquitted later on. The two paradigms lead to two vastly different atmospheres and hiring practices.
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>drawing a weapon should be a last resort but these corrupt fucks grew up watching tango and cash and are itching to get a few kills.

out of the 350 million people in america, how many are killed by cops each year?
>The video at the top clearly shows
that its an anecdote.

answer this
Bro he was PI or some shit that was scared because some pussy cop had is hands shaking with his finger on the trigger.
He's a PI meaning he parks his car for extended periods of time to watching something or someone. Because he's black and most people are racist, a racist piece of shit assumes the following:

1. Black man in a car watching something
2. He's black therefore he doesn't have a job
3. No job and black, means he's probably looking to steal something
4. I'm going to call the cops and say that a black man is breathing while being black and thus a danger to my white neighborhood

Shit happens everyday. Even black men with honest jobs are treated like shit everyday. Then people wonder why we have protests and reach breaking points and get angry.
Yeah, cops are shit. What's new? It doesn't justify retarded nigger movements. The ironic thing is, if this sort of behavior was protested in the right way, then the problem would have already been solved by now. But nope, niggers have to burn down cities, giving the police even more power in the process. Niggers are truly their own worst enemies.
mike brown had his hands up
travyvon was just going to the store
philando had a ccw
cd guy didn't have a gun
etc etc etc
>comply with unjust orders
aka being a cuck faggot bitch
more like he was casing houses cars or planing an escape route for a robbery he was going to commit.
Because when hes shaking on the trigger and pulls it you're fucking dead. That's what changed. Idiot.
>4 cops
>none of them white
not knowing police firearms have a 20lb squeeze thats one of the reasons they can't hit shit.
>being this dense
He wasn't pulled over, he was parked in a parking lot and the cop approached him with his gun drawn before even saying anything. Then he proceeded to AIM IT AT HIS HEAD WITH HIS FINGER ON THE TRIGGER LIKE A STUPID FUCKING NIGGER. The recklessness alone should be grounds for severe discipline or firing.

If a cop pulled you over and told you to suck his dick, would you swallow?
>nigger instantly starts belittling cop and giving him orders

It's like these retards never learn.
Why is he instantly this rude to the cop?
>lemme just pull my gun on you with my finger on the trigger while you're just sitting in your car doing nothing for fucking 5 minutes
>never mind when like 3 other cops show up, I'll just keep my gun pointed at this dude with my finger on the trigger

lmao what a fucking joke, this guy got a little dick or something? needs to compensate by pointing his gun at people's heads?
Wow, you're conflating a few stories that have nothing to do with this and then comparing your conflations to this one incident. That sounds like something an SJW would do.
If I lived in the US and was unfortunately born black I would be the hardest pipe hittenist nigger you ever did see.
What simple orders? The cops was sperging.
Hispanics are basically white in their own mind. They hate on blacks to appear more white. They get buddy buddy with whites to be treated like whites because they know how shit blacks get treated by whites. They're white.
>/pol/ is pro cop and need to justify every action of every cop

What is this meme?
im merely pointing out black people are more likely to lie or make shit up on the fly and gave examples of said point. lets just ignore evidence because fuck da polise right moniqa
>I got shot, but at least I can go to the grave knowing I'm not a cuck.

Hell, I'm not even arguing that the cop wasn't being a dick, or trigger happy. I'm arguing that the nigger is being stupid by causing a confrontation in the first place.
>Get out of the car
>Put your hands on the wheel
Cop so power hungry.
>statistics mean nothing to me
i didn't know they had niggers in russia
>>Do what you're fucking told, you idiot.
The guy literally did what he was told. The orders were pretty sperg-like too. The cop is just standing there like a moron, pointing his gun and not even saying anything (like fuckign Michael Myers or some shit), even when he sees that guy is not a threat. That cop was a fucking weirdo, and no amount of bootlicking can change that, bro.
>"Holster your weapon man"
Yeah really seemed to be running his mouth. *Slurp Slurp Slurp* Yes papi your boot tastes so good
You didn't answer his question. Would you swallow?
>right wing tumblr and anything that goes against the narrative will be ignored.
And? Here is your (you) bye mapple nigger.
>suck my cock
what should be done in this situation?
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>This cop is nervous, angry, and/or agitated while also pulling a gun on me
>Why don't I provoke him?

This is how you get shot.
youre a dumbass.
>hurr durr it's a cop vs a nigger so I'll side with the cop

are you all blind or did you also see that the cops there were also all shitskins? it's a fucking joke.

You can't just dress a lesser race up in white people uniforms and pretend they can do the same job, of course this shitskin cop is doing a bad job, a white cop would never be so stupid as to pull the gun on him with his finger on the trigger ready to blow the black's brains out.
I'd honestly suck his dick. Because he's got a fucking gun to my head.
I hate the police though
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>I'm merely pointing out that white people are more likely to be in positions of power and be racist and gave examples of said point
Yeah, you're tumblr-tier
>all the faggots calling people bootlickers for obeying cops...
Enjoy being ventilated.
You're probably all niggers anyway.
wow, neo-/pol/, everybody
out of the 350 million people in america, how many are killed by cops each year?
>23 posts by this ID
stop it.
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>Someone puts a gun to your head and orders you to suck their dick
>Would you rather be raped or shot?

Fampai, please. Would you rather get shot in the face or suck a dick since we're making this

so, no actual response except ad hom. sure showed me.
>The officer is willing to kill you over a traffic stop, but you're not willing to kill him
This is why you will die.
>I think it's okay when cops abuse their authority
>Please let me suck your cock, officer
this is one of those rare occasions where he actually dindu nuffin

that cop has issues.
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The fact that you even have to imagine yourself sucking a cop's dick is pretty pathetic and shows how much "liberty" when have in this country. Enjoy the semen.
Enjoy your bullet.
What am I supposed to be arguing against. Something about Trayvon Martin being a liar. I don;t think he ever testified, bro. I'm pretty sure he died on the scene. I don't know what that has to do with this incident, other than the fact that you're making tumblr conflations.
2015: 1140
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>not chimping out on a cop and yelling orders at him is sucking their cock
I see black hand in the photo, what's the problem here?
>butthurt blowhard copfag detected
Calling out the abuses of power is the most American thing you can do. This nation was founded with a huge "fuck you" letter written to the most powerful empire in the world by a hyper-intelligent aspie, all because they overstepped their bounds. If you want blind obedience and groveling to authority, move to some third world shithole.
I live in Indiana, we are literally allowed to shoot cops. Enjoy the dp.

mo big gitta gutta wudda
wizza wuzza wizzy woo

a woo woo wizza du
>please stop pointing your gun at me with your terrible trigger discipline = chimping out
maybe actually watch the video.
the msm pushed said story meanwhile he came back to start the altercation any ways lets replace trayvon with any dindu it still stands they lie and are criminals for the most part. some day you'll make the same conclusion.
So are you a shaft-grasper or do you mainly stick with the mouth?

Alex, I'd like "how to catch a shell" for $800 please

>cop clearly amp'd
>PI does not comply
>starts literally saying "i dindu"

I'm not saying things are perfect, but use some common sense.
what's so wrong about following orders?
the police have a higher power than you. shut up and do what he says.
you don't want to be shot for "reaching for something" don't you?
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Decent biat. Here have a (You) and a Comfy Pence
In Italy we've got the military police. If a nigger started yelling orders at them, they would have dragged him from his car, brought him into the nearest police station, beat the fuck out of him and then throw him into jail.
Or shot him in the face without blinking an eye if they thought he could be armed

Being respectful with law enforcement is a matter of decency and safety. It's not like they have fun wasting time with you
>nigger begins the interaction by acting like a belligerent ass
I can already see where this is going and it's his own fault.
so... essentially you problem is that magic doesn't exist and that since it cant exist it cant be used to intrude in our private lives in which everything can be known to the government at all times no matter what?

Cause even though your being an uppity faggot about it law enforcement is still bound by laws even if they far to often bend them as far as they can go but never out right break them.

Like till minority report type tech becomes a possible reality you are one naive and uppity dumb and lame nerd. We don't live in a perfect world and have to work with what we got. Yeah its not perfect and its fine to point out the shit wrong or not working with it but at the same time one should not also neglect to come up with solutions other than the shit that goes nowhere like "it should be better"

and even trust in law enforcement is needed because usually the shittiest places tend to be those with shitty trust in the law. So trust is something that we should try to instill while still also making sure that it is not blind trust as well.
Guy in the car is a fucking idiot, but the cop should have started that whole encounter much more casually. Also, you shouldn't have your finger on the trigger until you're shooting.

So basically everyone in the vid is a stupid asshole.
He wasn't pulled over by the cops. He was parked doing surveillance work for his job. The cop just drive by and decided to stop to see what was going on. No one called the police to the location. He had no legal obligation to obey their commands as he had done nothing wrong.
In Italy you have masters, in America we have servants. Some areas are trying to change that, but it's still the general idea.

In my state for instance, a deputy and his friend attacked two brothers who were sitting on their porch minding their own business. The brothers shot back, killed both of them, got acquitted, then put up a big sign with a warning and pictures of their bodies. The brothers are shitheads, but they were in the right, and the law maintained as much.
>shot him in the face without blinking an eye if they thought he could be armed

that can and does work both way mario, and with an ever increasing multikulti yurope, those days are here.

See, Muhammad does like being ordered around by shitalian mobster cops.

Im pretty sure he'd rather be a cop himself and lay down sharia law in shitaly himself.

And shake mario down with fines up the ass for even looking at him the wrong way
Except OP...
Cop looks like unstable, fammy.
>overly emotional hyperbolic and rambling response
What's your badge number? Kek.
The nig was fucking retarded
>ayo put your gun away n shiet
Yeah, like a cop is going to get spooked
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I can't justify that, the cop was an asshole and unstable

However, you cannot prove that his actions were motivated by racism.
You also cannot suggest that this single incident proves anything about the total problem of blacks and cops relations.

What exactly did you come here to prove, OP?
You can't have a security class of society (in this case the Cops) without giving them special rights to use dangerous and deadly force.

Only from the comfort of a message board do you think that Cops can just do their job and be nice guys at the same time.

The real question is why do you tolerate a security class at all if you don't want them to have discretion on the used of dangerous and deadly force?

Arm chair morality doesn't bring a Cop home alive.
I hope one of these unstable pigs shoots your smug ass. What kind of idiot acts like a fuckwit argues with an armed cop like an edgy 13 year old? Everybody knows that a shortcut to getting sho.

>low IQ mulatto police officer

You really think /pol/ will defend that nigger?

Nigs gonna nig.
When a cop approaches a sitting vehicle with the occupant doing NOTHING and he says the occupant isn't doing anything illegal(when asked he says IDK meaning nothing is happening) then you know something is wrong. His whole body was shaking, his face contorted into this map expression and he wouldn't lower his weapon for minutes. I've known cops to approach cars and have their hands on their gun, they'll even tell you to get registration from glove box just to put their hands on the gun. There is something seriously mental about these people and if citizens intend to give them immunity, expect bad things to occur. Giving anyone immunity in society draws power hungry psychopaths to it.
justified: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E1Gqpp1y_4U
>hurr durr he didn't handle that cop right

Yeah, no shit fucktards, but the cop is still the one who started pointless shit and acted batshit insane in this scenario.

On no planet is that behavior acceptable from an LEO.

I had no idea shills worked regular hours.

Fuck off, nigger.

He was acting weird and it spooked the cop.

You're supposed to keep your hands on the steering wheel and not tell the officer to holster his weapon.

Most cops unholster their weapon at a traffic stop. You shut off the car, roll down the window, keep your hands on the steering wheel, and say "Hello officer how may I help you?" and don't make sudden movements.

Cops are terrified that you're Billy the Kid and going to out-draw them.
because NIGGER
Thanks for the sauce! It'll be a good read
>Most cops unholster their weapon at a traffic stop.
What world are you living in?
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>Cops are terrified that you're Billy the Kid and going to out-draw them.
Around blacks, never relax

New York. They keep one hand on their gun when approaching the vehicle and free it from the holster.

I usually use self-deprecating humor to put the cop off his power trip. "Sorry officer I'm just a nerd I'm a big loser who watches anime." Then they'll chuckle and tell me to "get outta here."

There is literally zero societal trust from cops towards the public for a variety of reasons. They couldn't give a fuck, all they know is that they have to enforce the law against an armed populace so they have to think they are in Iraq or something.

Blacks are mentally disabled so when someone starts barking orders at them they either can't or won't follow them.

It might be different in smaller towns in the USA, I don't know.

I could throw up a few ideas why this is the case:

1. Multiculturalism.
2. Huge urban areas.
3. Much of the police force are ex-military.
4. Prevalence of firearms in the non-white community.
5. Police don't consider themselves civilians and part of the wider community.
>272 and counting dipshit

Policemen only need to be as violent as the people they are policing. Why do you think police forces are pussy-tier shit in the UK and Europe?

Cops don't even carry a gun in the UK and NZ.
>that fucking grip
and how many cops a year get shot by Pakistani, Koreans, Chinks gangs in your down under convict colony?
>people actually believe this guy is a white nationalist.
I don't know what he is, but thees clips are from 2013. Maybe he has changed since then.
Unbuckling it is one thing and completely understandable, but I don't believe it's typical anywhere in the US for police to unholster their weapon during a traffic stop unless it's a felony stop. If a cop casually walked up to my car with his gun out for a regular traffic stop, I'm not sure I'd stick around to find out what happens next. I'll believe it when I see it.
>He had no legal obligation to obey their commands
This is bullshit. I don't know where you studied criminal justice, but there is no circumstance under which you are stopped by an officer and aren't obligated to follow commands.

There are just as many people casing robberies as there are private investigators out there, and this guy could have avoided all of this trouble if he had not immediately and repeatedly told the officer to do with his gun. It's suspicious when a guy whose vehicle you approached on suspicion is telling you to take your hand off your gun.
>/pol/ claims to hold fascist views

>gets uncomfortable at a little police aggression

What do you think happened in Nazi Germany, niggers? Police were like the pussy european police nowadays?

This guy is a PI (a nigger with no certification who gets paid to follow people around) and was outside of someone's house. I don't blame the cop at all for acting the way he did, especially when the nigger tried to command him ("put your gun down") while hiding his right hand.

Fuck all. Here is every police death in NSW since 1803.

>follow police orders
>have next to zero percent chance of being shot

Has nothing to do with race or gender. Some black people appear to love confrontation and will simply refuse to do what someone with authority is saying. I've seen cops throw white females to the concrete and cuff them. They don't care who you are they are going to enforce the law. Period.

> but there is no circumstance under which you are stopped by an officer and aren't obligated to follow commands.

What if the officer wanted you to suck his dick?

>nigger acting belligerent
>nigger gives commands to officer
>nigger refuses to comply
>nigger doesn't understand that officer must follow protocol
>nigger reaches for things with no regard for officer's safety

Niggers are so fucking stupid.
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>smack your lips and pucker up

Fascism only works when actual fascists are in power. Hitler had a bad run in with the police in 1923.
>keeping your hands in plain sight is equivalent to fellating someone
nigger was irate upon encounter, should have exited the vehicle, and shouldn't have been a nigger. obey nigger and you won't be treated like shit!

Power tripping manlet with a gun.

I don't support black lives matter, but that doesn't mean I'm blindly going to support corrupt or poorly trained police either.

No getting out of your vehicle unless you're told to is a no-no.

He should have just stayed quiet, not said all the weird shit, and followed orders. It's really not that difficult
>It's really not that difficult

easier said than done

if the piggy wants to start shit, he's going to get his shit pie one way or another, if youre cooperating or not.
Dinkheller really fucked that situation up. I know police are trained to escalate but he should have never engaged in combat with him. As soon as he saw the rifle he should have got in his car and left. If I'm not mistaken his wife told him she was pregnant on the day he died. That makes what happened even less explainable. He engaged in a firefight with combat veteran who had superior weaponry and it cost him his life.


Demand Segregation Now!!!!!

nogunz britcuck here. Won't he blow his thumb off when he shoots? Like the slide will go back into his thumb and fuck his shit up
>libertarians fight cops just like dindus!
>give up your guns, bataclan was a fluke
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One time I was trying to pass around and accident. One of the cops cleaning it up signaled me to pass. I started moving. Then another cop starts beating on my window after I moved forward asking me what the fuck I was doing. Then they pulled me over and gave me a ticket..

After going to court the judge said it was justified to be stopped in the interest in public safety.

>mfw I listen to one cop only to get fucked by another cop and my word is not worth shit because I don't have a badge.
>I know police are trained to escalate


How about training them to deescalate situations?
I'm triggered by the lack of trigger discipline
You're more likely to get shot delivering pizzas than being a police officer. If they're too afraid to do their job correctly, that's on them not us.
You do not control a situation that you are not escalating. That is how officers maintain control.
thats not how you acquire slave labor and gubment funding for the prison industrial complex.

>your friendly reminder that majority of prisons in the USA are privately owned.


Not really. I've had my fair share of asshole aggressive cops and my state has some of the strictest cops in the nation.

It really is as simple as turning off your car, roll your window down, keep your hands on the wheel, and answer his questions. Don't say weird shit, don't push back. If you broke the law, then just accept the ticket and pay for it.
Black people get shot because they feel emasculated following orders from authority. It's ridiculous. Hillary doesn't help by insinuating police are specifically targeting black people.
That cop looks misceginated to be so is this 1/3 black on black crime? Tai Plunkett sounds pretty google to me.

Niggers think that when we roll down the window the cop sees we're white and just says "have a good day sir" without giving us a ticket
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> Black people get shot because they feel emasculated following orders from authority.

It's one of the most detrimental outcomes of growing up without a father to teach you to handle authority without flipping out. People like this can't hold on to a job or deal with cops or function in a civilized society.
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>civilized society

>26 posts by this ID

holy shit you're obsessed. Is life in Poland really that boring
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