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Trump General - I'd MAGA That Country Edition

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Thread replies: 350
Thread images: 138

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Text TRUMP to 88022 or get the Official "AMERICA FIRST" app for important campaign updates
>Volunteer to be a Trump election observer
>Trump Playlist

>Trump TH in Sandown NH 10/6/16 7PM ET
>Pence Rally in Johnstown PA 10/6/16
>Pence Rally in Gettysburg PA 10/6/16
>Trump interview NBC3 Vegas 10/5/16
>Trump visits ICA preschool 10/5/16
>Rato phone banking for Trump

>Trump Rally in Reno NV 10/5/16
>Trump at ICLV 10/5/16
>Trump Rally in Henderson NV 10/5/16
>Pence Rally in Harrisburg VA 10/5/16
>VP Debate 10/4/16
>Trump Rally in Prescott Valley AZ 10/4/16
>Trump Rally in Loveland CO 10/3/16

>Eric Trump vs CNN 10/4/16
>Nigel: Dont Take Abuse from a Clinton
>Trump on CNN 9/29/16

>America Will Win Again
>The Lion
>Trump Ad: Movement
>Deplorables Unite
>Trump Triumphant
>American Hero

prev >>91787243
I figured out why pol turned against Trump. Everyday it gets harder and harder to defend what he says. I have friends who are veterans of Iraq and they are offended and disgusted by him. I can't even look them in the eyes anymore. I feel ashamed.

Does anyone else feel this?
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Remember they feed on (You)s
I figured out why CTR turned against Hillary. Everyday it gets harder and harder to defend what she says. I have friends who are veterans of Iraq and they are offended and disgusted by her vote for the war. I can't even look them in the eyes anymore. I feel ashamed.

Does anyone else feel this?
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Nice save OP.

That was a close one.
>Canadian immigration rules are pretty tough for independent immigration (thanks to based Harper pbuh)
As soon as a feminist group gets a hold of that information though they'll just cry
>Anti-immigration is sexist
and Trudeau will eat that shit straight from their asses.
Never forget what happened in Indiana

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Is it time to join forces?
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>mfw Connor is to scared to fight Khabib
Guys, please tell me Trump is going to actually attack Hillary on Sunday. This 'discuss the policies' thing better be a feint.
Requesting anime girl saluting the flag.
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>tfw in 5 weeks you will wake up to watch trump victories every day
>tfw in 5 weeks you will wake up to watch trump interviews every day
>tfw in 5 weeks you will wake up to read trump tweets from @POTUS every day
>tfw in 5 weeks you will post in a President Trump General every day
>tfw trump will repair america in your lifetime
>tfw america won't turn into mexico because trump will deport 15 million beaners and the wall will prevent any more from coming in
>tfw the political spectrum will move right, and every future president will be somewhere between a trumpublican and a white nationalist
>tfw guns and other rights will be preserved because trump will appoint at least 3 supreme court justices, tilting the supreme court conservative for your lifetime
>tfw america will rise again, and destroy china and its clique of rootless international power brokers
>tfw america will forever be the most powerful nation on earth, and europe is forcibly uncucked and restored to former glory
>tfw the white race will finally win the war against international jewry and preserve western civilization forever.
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I figured out why Whiterun turned against the Dragonborn. Everyday it gets harder and harder to defend what he says. I have friends who are veterans of the Storm cloak Rebellion and they are offended and disgusted by him. I can't even look them in the eyes anymore. I feel ashamed.

Does anyone else feel this?
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>trickle down economics doesn't work!!
>give more money to the government because queen hillary says it will "trickle down" to us!!

>NAFTA isn't bad!! thats just like... uh..... your opinion!!

>trump abuses tax loopholes to avoid income tax!!
>queen hillary will take money from the rich by raising income tax!!

>queen hillary is an expert on foreign policy!!
>she said it's explained on her website!!

>it's so terrible that this poor syrian kid got hit by a bomb!!
>queen hillary says we can fix this by bombing syria more!!

>that idiot trump is lying!! he has no plan for ISIS!!
>turns out it's so easy, queen hillary posted a DIY guide on her website!!

>queen hillary will defeat ISIS, just like she defeated ISI and al queda!!

>everyone in the national guard is a racist bigot for helping contain BLM riots!!
>queen hillary will cure racism by federalizing the police force!!

>anyone intelligent knows that trump won't actually build a wall!!
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Thanks man. Have some maga girls.
I can't defend trumped up trickledown. Can anyone else?
>all those hurricanes in 2004
Hurricane confirms Florida goes red.
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>Requesting anime girl saluting the flag.
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Nate silver is a piece of garbage.

He ASSUMED Trump would lose voters thanks to the debate and in turn starts prancing around like a fairy to """""adjust"""""" every poll in Hillary's favor.

This is outstandingly dishonest because all of the tracking polls (aka the polls which are the most accurate for gauging subtle changes in public attitudes toward candidates) showed a GAIN for Trump.

In other words, had Nate Feces not adjusted the polls based off of his arbitrary, elitest opinion on how he GUESSES the polls SHOULD look like, then the race would be neck and neck right now- with trump leading in Ohio, Iwoa, Florida, North Carolina, and within the MOE in democratic stranglehold a like Pennsylvania, New Hamphshire, Rhode Island, Colorado, and New Mexico.

Basically Nate is making the same mistake he did in the primaries; being a pundit who relies on his rather poor "gut-insticts" and "tradition" rather than the data, which as of right now shows a potential Trump landslide in the electoral college.

I'm a statistician who is typically neutral in when it comes to Politics, but Nate silver has really blown it this election.

His success went to his head.
Yes. It's a forced meme that sounds great in Hillary's head but is actually stupid.
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I figured out why Glenn Beck turned against Cruz. Everyday it gets harder and harder to defend what he says. I have friends who are veterans of the True Conservative movement and they are offended and disgusted by him. I can't even look them in the eyes anymore. I feel ashamed.

Does anyone else feel this?
trump doesnt say trickledown

i know you think hillary clintons is trustworthy but
hillary clinton is lying again
Can one of you faggots give me that long list of all the shit Hillary does
this is actually bretty gud if you get past the personalities
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Nate Jenkem's biases coincided with reality in 2008 and 2012 so he thinks he's smart.
>/pol/'s face when frogposters on a Gambian Crocodile Enema Clinic are better at predicting elections than all the (((pundits))) combined
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I figured out why Satsuki turned against Ragyo. Everyday it gets harder and harder to defend what she says. I have classmates who are veterans of the Tri-City school raid and they are offended and disgusted by her disdain of the human race. I can't even look them in the eyes anymore. I feel ashamed.

Does anyone else feel this?
His policies are trickledown. He doesn't care about raising the minimum wage and helping people who need it now.
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What will we do about Pokemon Go to the polls?
>Marco Island
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This one?

List of people connected to the Clintons that died under mysterious circumstances;

>1 – James McDougal – Clinton’s convicted Whitewater partner died of an apparent heart attack, while in solitary confinement. He was a key witness in Ken Starr’s investigation.

>2 – Mary Mahoney – A former White House intern was murdered July 1997 at a Starbucks Coffee Shop in Georgetown. The murder happened just after she was to go public with her story of sexual harassment in the White House.

>3 – Vince Foster – Former white House councilor, and colleague of Hillary Clinton at Little Rock’s Rose Law firm. Died of a gunshot wound to the head, ruled a suicide.

>4 – Ron Brown – Secretary of Commerce and former DNC Chairman. Reported to have died by impact in a plane crash. A pathologist close to the investigation reported that there was a hole in the top of Brown’s skull resembling a gunshot wound. At the time of his death Brown was being investigated, and spoke publicly of his willingness to cut a deal with prosecutors.

>5 – C. Victor Raiser II and Montgomery Raiser, Major players in the Clinton fund raising organization died in a private plane crash in July 1992.

>6 – Paul Tulley – Democratic National Committee Political Director found dead in a hotel room in Little Rock, September 1992… Described by Clinton as a “Dear friend and trusted advisor.”

>7- Ed Willey – Clinton fund raiser, found dead November 1993 deep in the woods in VA of a gunshot wound to the head. Ruled a suicide. Ed Willey died on the same day his wife Kathleen Willey claimed Bill Clinton groped her in the oval office in the White House. Ed Willey was involved in several Clinton fund raising events.

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>8 – Jerry Parks – Head of Clinton’s gubernatorial security team in Little Rock. Gunned down in his car at a deserted intersection outside Little Rock. Park’s son said his father was building a dossier on Clinton. He allegedly threatened to reveal this information. After he died the files were mysteriously removed from his house.

>9 – James Bunch – Died from a gunshot suicide. It was reported that he had a “Black Book” of people which contained names of influential people who visited prostitutes in Texas and Arkansas.

>10 – James Wilson – Was found dead in May 1993 from an apparent hanging suicide. He was reported to have ties to Whitewater.

>11- Kathy Ferguson, ex-wife of Arkansas Trooper Danny Ferguson, was found dead in May 1994, in her living room with a gunshot to her head. It was ruled a suicide even though there were several packed suitcases, as if she were going somewhere. Danny Ferguson was a co-defendant along with Bill Clinton in the Paula Jones lawsuit. Kathy Ferguson was a possible corroborating witness for Paula Jones.

>12 – Bill Shelton – Arkansas State Trooper and fiancee of Kathy Ferguson. Critical of the suicide ruling of his fiancee, he was found dead in June, 1994 of a gunshot wound also ruled a suicide at the grave site of his fiancee.

>13 – Gandy Baugh – Attorney for Clinton’s friend Dan Lassater, died by jumping out a window of a tall building January, 1994. His client was a convicted drug distributor.

>14 – Florence Martin – Accountant & sub-contractor for the CIA, was related to the Barry Seal Mena Airport drug smuggling case. He died of three gunshot wounds.

>I'm a statistician
>15 – Suzanne Coleman – Reportedly had an affair with Clinton when he was Arkansas Attorney General. Died of a gunshot wound to the back of the head, ruled a suicide. Was pregnant at the time of her death.

>16 – Paula Grober – Clinton’s speech interpreter for the deaf from 1978 until her death December 9, 1992. She died in a one car accident.

>17 – Danny Casolaro – Investigative reporter. Investigating Mena Airport and Arkansas Development Finance Authority. He slit his wrists, apparently, in the middle of his investigation.

>18 – Paul Wilcher – Attorney investigating corruption at Mena Airport with Casolaro and the 1980 “October Surprise” was found dead on a toilet June 22, 1993 in his Washington DC apartment. Had delivered a report to Janet Reno three weeks before his death

>19 – Jon Parnell Walker – Whitewater investigator for Resolution Trust Corp. Jumped to his death from his Arlington, Virginia apartment balcony August15, 1993. He was investigating the Morgan Guarantee scandal.

>20 – Barbara Wise – Commerce Department staffer. Worked closely with Ron Brown and John Huang. Cause of death unknown. Died November 29, 1996. Her bruised, nude body was found locked in her office at the Department of Commerce.

>21- Charles Meissner – Assistant Secretary of Commerce who gave John Huang special security clearance, died shortly thereafter in a small plane crash.

>22 – Dr. Stanley Heard – Chairman of the National Chiropractic Health Care Advisory Committee, died with his attorney Steve Dickson in a small plane crash. Dr. Heard, in addition to serving on Clinton’s advisory council personally treated Clinton’s mother, stepfather and brother.

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"That's not the surge I wanted."
>23 – Barry Seal – Drug running pilot out of Mena, Arkansas, death was no accident.

>24 – Johnny Lawhorn Jr. – Mechanic, found a check made out to Bill Clinton in the trunk of a car left at his repair shop. He was found dead after his car had hit a utility pole.

>25 – Stanley Huggins – Investigated Madison Guarantee. His death was a purported suicide and his report was never released.

>26- Hershell Friday – Attorney and Clinton fund raiser died March 1, 1994 when his plane exploded.

>27 – Kevin Ives and Don Henry – Known as “The boys on the track” case. Reports say the boys may have stumbled upon the Mena Arkansas airport drug operation. A controversial case, the initial report of death said, due to falling asleep on railroad tracks. Later reports claim the two boys had been slain before being placed on the tracks. Many linked to the case died before their testimony could come before a Grand Jury.


>28 – Keith Coney – Died when his motorcycle slammed into the back of a truck, July 1988.

>29 – Keith McMaskle – Died stabbed 113 times, Nov, 1988

>30 – Gregory Collins – Died from a gunshot wound January 1989.

>31 – Jeff Rhodes – He was shot, mutilated and found burned in a trash dump in April 1989.

>33 – James Milan – Found decapitated. However, the Coroner ruled his death was due to “natural causes.”

>34 – Jordan Kettleson – Was found shot to death in the front seat of his pickup truck in June 1990.

>35 – Richard Winters – A suspect in the Ives / Henry deaths. He was killed in a set-up robbery July 1989.

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>Clinton Body Count conspiracy

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>http://g e-hentai org/g/731175/fc1b40ba10/
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>FEC also requires them to post a disclaimer with every post or comment they make, but they don't do that.

this is why they should hang

they are trampling all over the first amendment during a pivotal presidential election with multiple supreme court seats at stake

they shouldn't be punished

they should be killed

and not by a crazy right-winger with a gun

they should be killed by the state - for treason
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Fuck off leaf
Just ask them if it was a bad concept when Kennedy used it.

"Trickle down" is a misnomer. This link is a very brief summary on what it really is about.

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>implying minimum wage would do anything but drive up price of commodities.
Take your voodoo economics back to plebbit
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>TFW DC Leaks and Guccifer 2.0. are Wikileaks all along
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>duhhhh me give more money to guvvermint
>duhhh queen hilawy say it will trickle down to me!!!!!
>*seal clap*
>duhhhh duhhh poo poo pee pee
>*picks nose*
>tfw after Trump wins we will find out everyone who works for CTR and kill them

>Trump is for Expanding the NSA
So is Clinton.
>Trump is for renewing the Patriot Act
So is Clinton.
>Trump is for Citizens United
So is Clinton.
>Trump is for leaving the Fed alone
So is Clinton.
>Trump is for expanding, not reduce the black hole of a "Defense" budget
So is Clinton.
>Trump is for trade deals that destroy American jobs
So is Clinton.

Gee, it's almost like I have a functioning brain and used it.
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This appears to be a new CTR meme so I'll go ahead and reply once.

Trump's policies are not Trickle Down. Trump actually REMOVES the carried interest loophole which allows hedge fund managers to get enormously fucking rich off of low taxes, and zero rates taxes for all poor people. Growing the economy lifts entire communities out of poverty for generations, whereas gibsmedat programs the Democlaps advocate actually entrenches poverty across generations because of the welfare cliff effect. Trump's policies also encourage entrepreneurship, which is the primary engine of job growth and wealth creation in this country.
Hi Trumpgen I made a thing for you
Under common law, punishment for treason generally included drawing, hanging, beheading, and quartering. As with other crimes carrying sentence of death, those adjudged guilty of treason and finally sentenced were considered attaint, or stained, meaning dead in the eyes of the law—even before execution. Once attainder was established, the attainted forfeited his real estate to the Crown—a requirement symbolizing lack of entitlement to the benefits of society. Attainder also worked corruption of blood, preventing the attainted from inheriting or transmitting property and preventing any person from deriving title through the attainted. Forfeitures and corruption of blood worked hardship on dependents and relatives in order to provide maximum deterrence. Eventually, Parliament modified the laws of forfeiture and corruption of blood to protect the innocent.
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Jeb! is popularly known in Florida as the "Hurricane Governor," based on his extensive history of dealing with storms. Only he can save us now.

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we won't kill them
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President Donald J. Trump!!
That's not true prices went DOWN when they raised minimum wages in WA. I don't think many of you understand what normal folks need.

Wow what in insightful thing to say!! Typically stupid response from another brainless leftist.
So you're saying, we may as well just vote for Clinton.

Got it thanks!
You should reread the title. It never implies the Clintons had anything to do with the deaths. Just that they were connected with the Clintons and their deaths were suspicious. Nice attempt at Correcting the Record though.
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Yeah because labor fled the fuck out of Seattle to places with lower labor and overhead costs.
>t. Bremerton, WA
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God bless this man.
>leftist economics
Die oxygen thief
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President Trump!
Dont mind me just making fun of 538

>Nate Bronze
>Nate Copper
>Nate Nitrogen
>Nate Helium
>Nate Hydrogen
>Nate Einsteinium
>Nate Unobtanium
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>Trying to demoralize trump voters or make them vote for johnson by saying falsities about trump
So salty!
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Reporting for duty, sir!
I'll be signing up for those right wing death squads.
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A true goddamned patriot
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I'm worried about Trump's heart.
This is a myth. If it was a federal minimum wage those things couldn't happen. We need to force the big corporations to pay our folks what they deserve.
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Jokes on you faggot, I don't know what any of those things are.
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if you're gonna defend it at least don't be such a fucking pussy and pretend it's something else. Bitch move bro
minimum wage raised, less people get employed.
Requesting satirical twitter post about Tony Rodham and Haiti where OP pretends its actually trump who raped the charity coffers but ends with

> ... Actually that was Hillary

Please and thank you fine anons
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>mfw the newest hillshill psyop is to apparently dump a bunch of easily exploitable pastas
pls report CTR for intentional feeding
And so my dump end.

I've come to the conclusion that killing leftists is not only morally justifiable, but is GOOD. Leftists are the antithesis of everything good and just. They are quite literally the dumbest creatures on planet earth because they act against their own survival. Their hatred and stupidity causes them to drag others down with them. Every dead leftist makes the world a better place. Sadly our laws prevent genocide of leftists.
Don't worry, it has many protective layers around it.
He's been high energy for 70 years straight

No drugs, no cigaretts, no alcohol

Don't worry
Trump is ALL HEART. You have nothing to worry about.
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>>Trump is for leaving the Fed alone
>giving them yous
Stop falling for it see:
>CTR Doxx thread 404
Fuck am I gonna end up banned again?
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What did he mean by this?

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don't mess with the pense.webm
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when was this?
>banned again
didnt even need to check the flag
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why is this allowed.jpg
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How do we fix California
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trying your best.jpg
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No, read the title you fucking faggot. I'm not asserting the Clintons had anything to do with the deaths.

1. They were connected to the Clintons
2. Their deaths were suspicious

That is all.

Fucking illiterate retard.
Daily reminder that according to the LA times poll, Hillary has yet to recover from the contents of this WEBM.

How does that make you feel?
global warm is the end of us, vote clinton and this wont happen
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a (you) farmer

a kike

Stop falling for it, guys. Stop taking their b8
Dude is retarded.
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Before Faceswap
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fucked up
Can the shill (((wYEz00Tl))) post an image that doesn't start with tmp_? Or are you not allowed too?
I just want to say something I think is valuable.

China is screwing the hell out of you guys in trade. Any politicians who claim otherwise (Hillary Clinton) are lying to you. When you go to mainland China and pick up a newspaper, the articles are mocking the US for having stupid, inept leaders. The Clintons are respected as benefactors which signed numerous trade agreements which allowed China to rip off the US. The fact that so many in the US (your Democratic politicians seem to do it a lot as well as some Republicans) deny China's currency manipulation is astounding - it's evident here.

If you all ever want to get out of debt and fix trade, if you all ever want to have a better economy, if you all ever want enforceable borders and civil liberties, DO NOT let Hillary Clinton assume the presidency. Your country will stagnate slowly until income inequality, immigration, terrorism, and corrupt politicians combined with trade deals which suck your country dry of money lead to the collapse of your once great nation.

Donald Trump may not be the perfect man, for no man is perfect, but he has a reasonable amount of business sense and with the help of good, appointed officials combined with his outsider status and lack of ties to corporate donors/Super PACs, he has the potential to be an agitator which could disrupt your government to the point where it functions properly, smoothly, and quickly once again.

I am warning you all. I have been watching your election very closely - the whole world is watching. Your country's current state makes it a laughingstock here and in Asia as a whole.

You can either throw your country down the drain and kill your middle and working class citizens with Hillary Clinton. Or you can vote Donald Trump to Make America Great Again and make your country respected again.

I'll be watching and hoping Americans make the right choice. Good luck.
well yea she sucked on votes those years..she even lost to king nigger. so ofc more people will vote for her this year
jesus christ he looks so much younger and thinner here
They really are delusional
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remove the Dem voting illegals
Damn those are some nice big titties.
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After (shitty) faceswap
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>this WEBM
good job
We gotta remove your companeros, or else we get shit like this:

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How can Drumpt ever recover from this unrecoverable event?
Oh no, I got doubles. Does that mean that meme magic will hurt trump's heart?
I remember Hillary said that that exchange caused damage with our trusted allies. I can't believe her.
Actually its an FB post

Please deliver, i saw it earlier today
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Wait until after the deportations and the wall construction, then move to LA and keep voting to turn it red.

We have to use the momentum from this swing to do so.
The turnout for Brexit was the highest ever. Unfortunately for the remain side, it's not their camp who turned up to vote, it's the more enthusiastic leave.
Those fat TITTYS
The mods and I share differing opinions on what constitutes as porn on /pol/
makes since, seeing as this thing's going at a walking speed
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Tyrone you deserve the $8 you make to flip burgers. Sorry
Give it to Mexico and forget it was ever a US state.
>t-that was a lie
>we just need to prevent it from ever happening again! :^)
Fuck forgot link.
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OK, so, from Trump's perspective, how good/bad is half of Florida getting blown into the ocean?

He'll get a bump from the disaster, but will people physically be able to vote?
who's turnout?
Let me help you out there senpai



You were saying something about kikes?
I suddenly have a craving for milk.
damn pence looks even more a cute
and a anime
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(he is Bloomberg reporter btw)


>SANDOWN -- Trump spoke in a tone tonight he has rarely used since winning NH: "The most successful people are the ones that never quit."
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"Those fucking clowns are everywhere

One of them is even running for president"

this message got 154,000 retweets earlier today

is trump finished?
We know who you are shill.
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Many many many thanks anon, have a pretty picture I took a few weeks ago
Fascinating. What do you think will happen if you win this internet argument?

Lifetime supply of nothing
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>ywn impregnate Pence's daughter while sucking those funbags dry
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I attempted to make something that I thought might look cool
Of course he expects that.
Record amounts of dead people and illegals will be voting this year
>CTR has to manually connect their (you)'s

I'd say SAD, but I've seen your salaries; get shoveling.
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>May 22

1 TrumpCoin TM has been deposited into your big league truth team account.
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This dumbass can't even answer questions on Morning Joe. Who the hell even is he?

Just saw it off from the mainland and let it sink
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Words cannot express how much I love that photo
Yesterday I think.
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someone zoom in on pence in this one plz and tx

have a doge
I'm sure republican voters will be better off
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I BIT IT.png
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Or maybe it's just because you guys always flip out when I do it and I think it's funny

Or maybe it's a big conspiracy and I'm paid by Goldman Sachs who knows!
Get the Supreme Court to rule that illegal aliens and felons should not count towards Electoral Apportionment.

It was going to be taken up before Scalia died of "natural causes" and could significantly cut down California's sway at the federal level.
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Obama is dividing and breaking up the US's good alliances in preparation for WW3
Someone get this fucking google out of the whitehouse
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Gr8 doge. I approve
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No, he does it every single day. He has some bullshit excuse why, but he's just here to be an annoying heeb.

Thanks, Hong Kong bro. We know the world is watching, we know why, and we do understand what is at stake. We also know who is behind it and what they stand to lose.
Release flesh-eating bacteria into the LA water supply.
I've been to 4chan since January, and honestly Trump generals are cancer
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why do all your images say 'tmp'?

Dang. Those are some good genes.

Taxation is theft. It is immoral and violates the constitution.
He's been doing it since April. Just filter the prefix and never deal with him again.
feels good to be gangster
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I'm not sure why firefox on android does that.

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Here, kid, go buy yourself a cup ramen on me.
I've been here since 2007 and these trump fags are cancer. We used to really respect Hillary here.
Praise moloch.

Moloch will strike down trump.
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I'm not arguing. I simply posted information. That's the point.

I'm not putting forth an argument, I simply provided information. Interpret it as you will.
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>>Trump interview NBC3 Vegas 10/5/16
he predicted it
It's a town in New Hampshire where he had the town hall today. It's a comfy little place east of Manchester.
About to watch the Town Hall. Any good?
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Daily reminder that Donald Trump is the Republican nominee and that we're a month away from election day and he might just win this.

Just a reminder for anyone willing to go back to a 2014 mindset.
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Jacksonville is GOP stronghold, if turnout gets fucked there Trump loses
>Clinton camp manager
>Robby Mook
Never have any name and occupation gone so well together.
It's great. Very relaxing, but there's some high quality moments in there.
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Deep down, they know. They feel it, too.
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i'd love to see Trump and his campaign buses and shit to go down and rescue all the Floridans and show the world what he is capable of
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This, we need to support the first open and honest candidate for the President.
These are, by far, the shittiest pastas CTR has cranked out yet.
I expect as much from a campaign of yes-men that doesn't reward innovation
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>2014 mindset
>not 1984
i think he is conceded to losing now
Are we Japan now?
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When I post on my Win7 laptop it doesn't but lately I've been posting from my tablet.

I don't like the fan noise. My laptop is provided by my work and it's shit

>inb4 can't CTR afford better equipment

I could probably use another browser if I decided I didn't like it but I kinda like it. It's like an accidental tripcode.
Hurricane Donald
>shill falls for ironic funposting
Man, this new batch of CTR is really retarded.
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Never forget who will protect our rights and the one who wants to take them away.
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What happened with Trump and Ford?
Damn. I missed a Trump rally with all the hurricane hype down here in Florida.

How was it? Worth listening to now?
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ok i found it
Guys, my girlfriend says I can't vote for Trump because he's too "problematic." What should I do? Should I just vote Hillary?
Guyss um whats this aleppo meme? you should tell me what it is
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It will be good for Trump because he will tour the damage, making donations, and rallying the spirits of Floridians.

Hillary will physically not be able to match him and will be noticeably less presidential. She will make calls to some governors and mayors and look weak.

If Trump plays this like I think he will, like he did with the LA floods, he will 100% win FL and get a big boost in the GE chances
>36 - Millions of registered voters in several east coast states were voting for Trump, killed by a hurricane ahead of election day.
I like the Oriental Flavor kind.

How long before someone makes them change it to Asian Flavor do you think? So racist!
Out of curiosity, who did /pol/ (or any /pol/ predecessor) support in 2008? I can't imagine it was Hillary Clinton then, but I can't see it being McCain either
Republicans will vote come hell or high water.

No one wants to vote for Hillary. Rain in any area will sink her.
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I thought it might look cool cause it reminded me of the red stripes on the american flag
I don't know why but I find this picture really unsettling.

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how does he get away with it?
so fucking awesome
They're just mad that we know their names and addresses.

Also we showed them proof that Brock was pocketing $5,000 a quarter and paying them pennies per post, so they're probably demoralized.
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You can vote anywhere in your state
It was Hillary because no one liked Obama. After Obama got elected we fell in love with him though.
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Bill Clinton asking for $$$ to "help Haiti"…..AGAIN!

>had Nate Feces not adjusted the polls based off of his arbitrary, elitest opinion on how he GUESSES the polls SHOULD look like

That's not what he's doing, dumbass.
No problem, lad. I'm just concerned for you guys. It's fine over here, but you deserve better. I believe in you all. Defeat the scourge of globalism.
Reids right for once.
>"I don't want to let any of the air out of your balloon, buddy, but Real Clear Politics is one of the worst,” the Senator said. "All of them are wrong. Rather than doing your own stuff, all you do is average out all these bad polls."
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You can get laid if you can persuade.
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that doesn't even remotely make any sense. maybe he meant overall turnout?
Secret ballot, you mong. Just lie to her.
Its alright. Looks to similar to jap flags is all. Red n white their color
>meteorologists still debating how bullets got swept up in the winds and lodged into the victims' skulls
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I supported Obama, because I thought he was better than McCain, and I'm black.

I didn't take 3rd party candidates seriously until 2012.
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thank you.gif
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it is either
that is what they need to win (insane democratic turn out)
or what they are going to see while they lose (insane rep turn out)
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Fuck man Timmy is almost as fat as Trump.

Trump has weird proportions though. No man tits and a giant ass.
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I guess it looks okay as a pic but not as a flag.

Actually reminds me of this.
Great, Jeb! will be cheerleader for Obama who will be assisted by Hillary to save Florida. It's 2012 all over again, fucking hurricanes.
CA here.
Harris is the establishment shill who we really dont want to win. Sanchez is a calculated attempt to not get harris in. Sanchez has her name going for her to maybe win the mexican vote. Shes a 'democrat' (a necessity for CA politics), but is fairly moderate on a lot of things, and the best bet at not having something as horrible as as boxer who might actually win.

Thats why
How are you doing Florida bro? Property damage where you are? Are you safe and okay?
vote trump and do one of these following things
convince her to vote trump
dont talk about it
lie to her
break up
Japs don't give a shit. But, since you're talking, what do you do for work? Can't imagine you'd subsist on what Brock's giving you.

Are you working in DC? I have a lot of friends who live there.
>that beer belly
Ron Paul, obviously.
The guy is an absolute retard who can't answer basic questions which is his job, but if that's what the campaign actually believes, it can only mean good for Trump. They're supposed to have an eye on literally every individual voter in key states. Maybe they know she's schlonged.
Florida fag here, looking forward towards trump aid like the Louisianians.

gonna be comfey
Way back when we were hard libertarian. Ron Paul.
Nothing happens until around 1-2 AM but the storm seemingly passed over us for the most part.

Very disappointing. I wanted it to his my area strong.
E commerce management in Seattle metro.

I don't really like it but it pays the bills what are you gonna do
>persuade a girl
>by taking her to London
I mean, I guess.
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Apparently you need pic related.

Vote Trump
If Harris wins, she'll def run for President against a President Trump or as Hillary's successor
Bullshit that was just about the memes. We supported Obama seriously though.
I don't know, I didn't start browsing /pol/ until 2012. Personally, I supported Obama and was quickly disappointed by his first year in office. McCain was a pretty shitty candidate and his VP pick proved how retarded he was.
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But if she found out, I'm afraid she would leave me for her boyfriend.
basically Johnson thought the newscaster said "A.L.P.O" when he said "Aleppo" and now his campaign is over and bankrupt because be didnt immediately think of syria
I like this guy
I feel you. I'm working in tech in Boston. It's boring, bit at least MIT is nearby.
Yeah. For the GOP
>shilling his silver
Kill yourself you scummy piece of shit.
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>banned for 2 weeks
>watched /pol/ every day anyway
>Have no mouth but need to scream

I missed you guys so much.

The shilling has been the worst I've seen, about as equal to post convention.

Have faith in the God Emperor and the American People.

We will WIN!
Must be painful being in such a liberal area for a Trump guy. Seattle, the Trump people have to talk in whispers. You just can't say you support him. People freak.
why did you just link a coin salesman
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Thank you. We DO deserve better. Will will get better and we will defeat (((them))).
Who /BigLeagueTruth/ here?
Fuck off this is Hillary POL now
thanks. i thought he meant like STANDOWN or something with the caps
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>tfw you run a successful casino that makes a billion per year and pay hundreds of millions in taxes that is used to support nursing homes, schools and public safety programs while Donald Trump's casinos go bankrupt and lose $916 million dollars while Trump hasn't paid taxes for over twenty years despite being a billionaire
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I'm voting for Sanchez as well, she isn't on the evil side of the party like Harris.
Damn, I hate when that happens. Welcome back friend. To think there are anons here right now, that can't post, but want to tell shills to fuck off really badly.

Don't worry silent watchers. We got you.

Eat shit and die you bitch.
You don't know the half of it. There are a lot of Trump people in Boston but we have to keep it secret. Tons of MAGA hats appeared in my district on Super Tuesday, though, so we're here!

How's life in Seattle? Rent has to be better than SF, no? Or not by much?
>Nothing happens until around 1-2 AM but the storm seemingly passed over us for the most part.
Are you in the eye or something?

We'll keep you in our minds and hearts tonite anyway, just in case.
a post worthy of the caption in that pic
im just asking you to put some effort in. at least paste the link after the 30 second advertisement, its not hard. maybe you're the jew trying to shill your videos.
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>MFW even FOX says Trump had a bad performance in the first debate

Can't wait to watch this place meltdown when he gets trolled and chokes again
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See you Sunday.
Answer the question Schlomo.
The storm is sliding along the coastline. I live near the beaches but even then it's still only grazing Florida.

I appreciate your kindness though anon, you're a good man.
Bremerton, WA here, across the sound from Seattle. Rents in Seattle are better than SF but still completely fucking ludicrous. Go an hour outside of Seattle in any direction and it's still cheap, except for the islands in the sound (Bainbridge and Vashon) which are dominated by the wicked rich.
No shit he says that
What else would he say?
>"Hillary sucks at exciting people by running a negative campaign but we're hoping all these celebrities, apps, and money spent registering people will some how help us hoping these people even show up to the polls nov 8"
I thought you would be better by now
I know it was so awesome. Even pence sucked haha
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If it was secret, how did we know what it was about hm?
She's not even that cute. Yeah she has big tits but that's it.
It's insane. My house went so high in value in 5 years I am seriously considering just bailing and getting a cheap apartment somewhere and stashing the cash. This is 2001 and 2008 all over again.

Whoever gets elected president will probably be blamed when the bubble pops. So if Hillary gets it, that's some consolation for you.

If Trump gets it and the bubble does pop he will be known as the destroyer of the economy.
Net Operating Losses carrying forward keeps many MANY companies from shutting down and protects millions of jobs. It's been in place since the early 1900's.
I watched it a good 12 hours ago my man. Totally forgot about the silver shilling part.
> fake lips
>Problem eye ware
>ratty hair
Yea but nah.
>unironically using the whole "meme magic" shit as an argument

It's just autistic enthusiasm over silly events and coincidences, nothing more. Singles confirm it will not win you the election
>Has to choose singles because statistically less likely to be BTFO
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hillary is a nutjob.webm
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Did you even read what he posted?
The fuck does this have to do with meme magic?

Whats with all the fucking retards today.
should have an aussie in the loop
does she make you pee sitting down sissy?
As a Califag as well, I will be voting for Sanchez as well. The SF politicians need to get the boot.
there's a bearded russian man wearing a big fuzzy hat in the cat's ear
75 millions for the slayer queen, drumpf at 50 millions
ctr is butthurt about their names being leaked so their shilling is particularly low energy today
My roomate isnt exactly CTR but he's signed up to bus to Nevada to campaign for Clinton. What do?
desu Trump supporters will vote no matter what, Democrats on the other hand will be less likely. Look at 04 Florida had tons of hurricanes in sept and October before the election and bush won handily.
who's making the new thread?
did i miss the bread?
is there new bread?
break his leg
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On it
I'm making it be patient
ctr shut it down
hide his phone and give him a flat tire the day he is needed. don't slash the tire just depress the valve
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new bread when
I kinda feel bad for CTR for riling you guys up, they're probably getting pizzas due to rage I caused.

"It says it was ordered by Mr. Fourchan, who is that??"
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pol things.png
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You're probably asking the wrong group of people; do that which must be done.
The strategy of marginalizing your opponents REALLY backfires when you lose
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