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Jaded Berkeley Feminist writes Op Ed about why Ivy League boy

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Archive that shit man. Otherwise fuck off.
this. im curious about anti-white roastie logic but i don't want to give them clicks.


I got you.
Kek thanks for the archive, roastie getting toasty
>too loose for good use

Fucking gold!

Burn in your lonely hell, roastie!
she doesn't seem as dumb as the typical roastie but it's still pleasant to read stories of them getting toastie.

in a different context, i might have developed sympathy for the virgin-slut thing that she's complaining about but, knowing how evil women are, i just can't empathize.

1) women start dating older men the moment they leave middle school


2) women have impossibly high standards until they hit age 30

every single man has to grow up watching women his age ignore him in favor of older, richer men. middle school girls try to date high school guys. high school freshmen girls try to date seniors. high school senior girls try to date college students. college women try to date graduated men who have jobs. women always try to date upwards, always. even when they're already at the top.

so we can't have sympathy for these roasties when their roast beef starts catching up with them. women live life on ultra-mega-super easy mode for the first 25 years of their lives. they don't get to complain when men start having it good after that.

the same roasties who would only date older men or only date Chad are always the same women who bitch and moan after college when they can't find a husband who appreciates their moldy roast beef.
There is no double standard between men and women about promiscuity. You are responsible for your own actions. Men are responsible for their own. How hard is this for feminists to understand? You can do what you want, but men can judge you by your past actions and decide you aren't worth a commitment. You can do the same. You can reject men for doing things in their past that you don't feel comfortable with.

Chad is the least likely guy to marry a whore, especially a coal burning whore. Yes, the guys who fuck the most women, and probably race mix as well, almost always choose not to be with sluts long term, especially not coal burning sluts. This isn't hypocrisy. This is having options. Chad decides that women who acted just like him aren't worth marrying. He is right.

Women can act like Chad. They can fuck whomever they want, but they have no leverage over what Chad or any other guy thinks about them. It is none of their business.

Women could end this "double standard" tomorrow. They could collectively stop trying to date and marry Chad and other man whores. It is in women's full power. Just judge men like we judge you. Problem solved. No more double standard. Feminists predictively want something they themselves have no power over. They want Chad and betas alike to forget they sucked off Tyrone in the bar's bathroom. That isn't going to happen, and this is completely fair, as you have no control over other people.

Finally, I want to emphasize that no woman really wants men to stop judging whores. The system obviously benefits non-whores. Why would they care? The truth is that whores don't respect men who respect them. It is pathetic. If your partner isn't bothered that you sucked off Tyrone in the bathroom, then he is a fucking loser, and that disgusts you and makes you fear that he doesn't truly love you. And do you know what? If he doesn't care you sucked off Tyrone, then he doesn't truly care about you, and you fucking know this.
Maybe you're just a fuck up who can't get girls
maybe you're a gay retard. who knows.
>The last I checked, my life is not an experiment, and I was not informed in the debriefing session that my goal was to wait. By eating the marshmallows early, I didn’t realize I was putting myself second tier to the “good girls” in his conservative hometown.

Of course she knew all of that. That's exactly the 'patriarchal' worldview she complains about all day, she should know better than anyone else.
nice argument faggot

>degenerate whore who has probably been blacked by a dozen niggers


/pol/ was right again.

Nordic women confirmed shittiest women on the planet.
Shouldn't you get back in your hugbox?


Best post so far.
Women don't understand that while many men will have sex with almost women they will only enter into long relations with someone that meets their standard.

For a male that is placed at the top level of the social scale, the so called Ivy League they have their selection of almost any women. So why are they going to settle for an average women?

A lower social/status scale male will likely enter into a long term relation with a more average attractive and average class female.

Welcome to being just like the 80% of men that haven't had their pick of partners free to turn down normally attractive women. Unlike women that were free to select only the top 20% of men for their casual sexual relations.

Now that their time is up and their chance at a family is slipping away the roasties start turning to the average men in desperation. Only to find that those average men can selected from far younger female partners that are not past their best before date.

That this unwanted cat breeder hasn't even clued in that not only is he unable to enter a long term relation with top social class men but that even average men will pass her over is going to be hilarious when she slowly works that out after another 5 years of increasingly desperate attempts to enter a long term relationship.
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Did you not read the title of the thread?

What'd you expect to find? Pro-feminist bullshit?

I want nu-male cucks to leave.
Code Tan. I repeat, we've got a Code Tan.
An interesting article where a woman lays out her situation, and then smugly reaffirms to herself that she's right.
Honestly this is just sad and pathetic. It's like how when a girl gets her heart broken she runs to tumblr/facebook to be comforted by her friends/followers. Except somehow these people have convinced themselves that this is a social/political issue and so instead of tumblr it gets published in an actual fucking newspaper. Bizarre.
Yanky boy dropping truth bombs.
> sex-negative advocates

The new speak never stops.

The whole article is hopefully a warning to women.
Screen cap this
So this is what it has come down to. Women are allowed to have personal preferences, but men are not.
> Muh double standards!

Men and women are attracted to different things. Why is this so difficult for these roasties to understand? Women want a man with experience who has many options for girlfriends. It's social proof that conveys higher status. Men usually don't give a fuck about a girls status, and would prefer she has few to no partners before him.

We could on an on with double standards, and it will change nothing, because other than going A Clockwork Orange style brainwashing on people from puberty to adulthood, you aren't going to change what they are genetically programmed to find attractive.

Women prefer dominant aggressive men, while men have no problem being attracted to shy submissive women. Women still prefer men to make the first move. Women want a man with a college degree, a good career, and high income, while guys could care less about that in a woman. Men will hook up with women who have fooled around with other women, while women refuse to hook up with men who have fooled around with other men. Do these sex positive feminists address these double standards? Of course not, they only talk about the ones that hurt their own chances.

Why the fuck did she hook up with a southern conservative dude anyway? If she's such a staunch feminist then why didn't she get with some scrawny nu-male liberal sissy faggot that accepts her high notch count and agrees with all her feminist bullshit? Oh wait, muh double standards again.
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Rofl. I used to be editor at this paper. Since I left, women have taken over and made the newspaper total shit.

I don't read it anymore because shit like this triggers the fuck out of me.
this cunt has a "Bachelor's degree, Psychology"

do they not teach fucking psychology majors about the neurological differences between men?

>"what are differing reproductive dynamics"

how can this cunt be so fucking dumb as to think our reproductive strategies will mirror each other when our reproductive dynamics are exact opposites?

fucking slut is too dumb to realise that men have evolved to be able to impregnate all the women

while women have evolved to only be impregnated by 1 man

we are LITERALLY THE EXACT OPPOSITE when it comes to reproduction.

why THE FUCK would we behave the same way?
Exactly. Once you examine the contradictions of modern feminism it becomes clear that it is really just a female supremacy movement.
Imagine how much the guy who dumped her is laughing right now

>Some slut thought she'd knocked it out of the park by fucking a ivy leaguer
>can't trap the guy with feelings, even though she probably pulled out every stop she thought she knew.
>Bet she even let the guy fuck her ass
>is crushed to find out her free ride is not going to happen
>regrets not sabotaging his condoms
>consoles herself by writing some embarrassing article making her personal life a mockery on the internet.
>Rationalizing that at least she can do 'some good' out of her future fading prospects of not dying alone with 30 cats, or with no self respect and some fat balding loser beta.

Think I have it about right lads?
Do feminists not know about evolution or do they choose wilful ignorance to preserve their 'there are no differences between men and women' dogma?
>be jewess
>fuck a gorillion guys in college
>wake up one day and realize i'm thirty
>find ivy-leaguer cash cow I can milk for purses and prozac
>make a "bond" with him
>he finds out i'm a whore and leaves me
>cry to mom
>she calls me a whore
>g-generational gap!
>tfw no guy wants used goods

It's already a pasta m8s.

He commented on the article and called her a liar.
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Progressives deny any "problematic" areas of evolution, and present it as cosmetic only.

Honestly, it's very petty when you consider men get the short end of the evolutionary stick
She did this thinking all by herself?

Quite impressive desu.
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So she's a whore? Shocking. Isn't also childish the way that she expects other people to bend to her standards yet refuses to acknowledge the standards of others?
She's from California.
>men and women's brains are exactly the same
>disorders mean you're special
>nothing is ever wrong except voting republican
Might as well have a degree in breathing.
Half her articles are about what a whore she is
holy shit guys. that's my friend's ex. she's crazy. I also have nudes of her. not even lying. dubs gets nudes. I promise it's real.
let's see them then

Do it. The power of Kek compels you.
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Post them
Odd. Just watched this movie today and now I see this
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>too loose for good use
Incredible bantz
>her body her choice
>he should have to marry her regardless of the fact that she's a slut

bitch what about my body my choice
either post them or stfu
no dubs yet. they're good! keep rolling. i promise they're real.
>What’s worse, he justified valuing purity on the basis of “willpower” and “discipline,” as if I were a kid in the marshmallow experiment and failed to fight the urge to eat the candy later for a greater reward.
>The last I checked, my life is not an experiment, and I was not informed in the debriefing session that my goal was to wait.
Because it's a test of character, not ability.
>By eating the marshmallows early, I didn’t realize I was putting myself second tier to the “good girls” in his conservative hometown.
"This is unfair! I didn't get a chance to manipulate the result""

Why would you hold out for dubs if you aren't lying? Pics or gtfo
Post them gaylord

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Modern times are in a sad state of affairs. Do you want to know what truly makes men happy? Its not massages, football, video games, beer or even sex.

Its having a family, a future, a God, a nation. These things modern times have denied us and replaced with shallow, consumerist products, from the next CoD to have sex with a dumb whore.

This is how the West dies, not with a bang, but a whimper. A cry in the night.
It makes for a pretty good 'MFW' reaction pic.
>fuck hundreds of men
>still good for liberal cucks
>alpha conservative bucks don't want you anymore
>too loose for good use
This is my new favourite phrase. Incredible.
I'm rolling one time for dubs!

Former editor here, again.

Fuckin post 'em. It's justice.
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Holy shit how are there still people on /pol/ who aren't redpilled on promiscuity, the sexual revolution, and dating non-virgin women in general

>Go back to /r9k/!
>You're just mad because you can't get girls!
>crème de la crème
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>What’s worse, he justified valuing purity on the basis of “willpower” and “discipline,” as if I were a kid in the marshmallow experiment and failed to fight the urge to eat the candy later for a greater reward.
I love how she doesn't realize that is EXACTLY what she is. That experiment showed that children lack the ability to make and keep long term goals when there's a short term gain to be had instead.
They lack foresight and willpower because they're toddlers and haven't developed it much like this retarded cunt.
As much as I hate her, the guy she fucked isn't any better telling her she's used goods while he's fucking her as well. If he wants a pure qt waifu shouldn't he be focused on maintaining his purity as well?

Let me show you dumb fucks how its done. Give up them nudes boy.
nah we're blessed

dicks don't get destroyed when ramming puss like vaginas do

Do it
Some good points, but there is always an "average man" who will praise a roastie. Always, would take her 5 minutes to find one.
stop derailing the thread, take this shit to /b/


men are specifically, biologically driven to have AS MANY children as possible, at all costs

women are driven to have QUALITY offspring with the best men available

2 totally different mating strategies
>. I also have nudes of her. not even lying. dubs gets nudes
you're a fucking liar
the difference is, women are attracted to studs who can bang a lot of women. men on the other hand, might sleep with a slut but many will not settle down with her and marry/procreate.
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sure why not
You're not wrong. As I got older I realized everything I once loved was just a distraction and I wanted more, something that matters. Trinkets, drugs, booze, pussy, money are all nice but it's such a hollow thing and the feeling you get from them wears off fast once you get to experience them.
14 posts with no dubs. I'm thinking kek does not will it.

Nope. A guy can't get pregnant with some other bitch's kid. Sexual purity of men isn't as important to long-term relationships.
>Author of article has piece titled "Tits out for the boys"
Nah, I wrecked some good pussy in college before I settled down with a good girl.

Lock vs key and all that man.
It's fake, he would have posted a teaser if it was legit. That would have been more efficient at derailing.
Is she a twin? Cause if she is I might...have her sisters aswell.
I bet you're lying, but have a free (you)
I don't know, just seems super hypocritical of him. Granted, she's a chic, it's the double standard, not that it's a bad thing persay but he seems to be taking a holier than though attitude which just seems, like mentioned hypocritical as fuck.

But oh well. Whores gonna whore
Sometimes I think women don't get men at all

Clever girl

There we go.


Time to post
he's just letting her know that guys think about that stuff

desu he's doing her a favor cluing her in, else she'd be fucking chads till 27 and then wondering why no guy wants her and her 200+ laycount roastie
There is no way 35% of all women are infected with STD's.
She better start investing in cat food now.
Oh. Thanks for explaining it. That clears it up a bit. I'm assuming, for guys. Sex is pretty much just getting your rocks off and not remembering the chic after if it's just casual sex right?
> a sexually inexperienced girl, who likely has a nice shower head with five different pressure settings in her bathroom
No seriously, what did she mean by this
Drop them

Yeah you're right. She probably won't listen and just keep doing the same thing though, by the tone of her blog thing.
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>Achievement unlocked: bottoming
>Sex on Tuesday
>Out of pure desperation, I bit his pillow, already littered with imprints of my despair, begging for some form of relief. I hoped that by inflicting any miniscule amount of pain on this inanimate object of comfort, I could somehow escape the penetrative force threatening to consume me from behind. With each recurring thrust came a brand new wave of anguish, each of his loud moans matched by my own excruciating groans. All I could think about were his poor Foothill neighbors, likely balls-deep in quantum physics — or some equivalently difficult material — trying to tune out our obtrusive fucking. But I didn’t care about their midterms, or my own impending anal doom, all I could focus on was nailing this exam for Getting Nailed 101.

>this is an article in their editorials

It's not hypocritical because male sexuality is not the same as female sexuality.

Very few men can have sex with as many women as they want. A high body count indicates high desirability.

Most women can have sex with as many men as they want. A high body count indicates poor selectivity.

As long as you check the scientifically ignorant premises that men == women, then this shit is easy to see and Ivy League boy has not contradicted himself.
She is insinuating that masturbation is the same at whoring around.
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>Even my mom knows I'm a huge slut
>It's still not my problem that I make bad choices
>Fuck those good girls, they probably MASTURBATE (hypocritical slut shaming)
Basically trying pass off her whoreishness as a good thing, implying that a virgin girl (that only masturbates) isn't or can't be a good fuck and because she's a slut she has better experience in the bedroom department.
>And to those who still want to use sexual purity as a prerequisite for screening partners, I hope you find a unicorn in the pool of sexually active women out there, or at least one who is willing to lie about her body count.

>I'm a whore, all my friends are whores, therefore all women are whores

Is she a neckbeard?

It's the female equivalent of 'lonely virgin who watches porn in his parents basement all day'

She is attempting to lash out at women who made better choices by saying that they excessively masturbate to sate their urges, because this filthy petri dish can't fathom anybody enjoying a chaste life since she is so cock hungry.
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>14 posts with no dubs. I'm thinking kek does not will it.
Check your shit again faggot. If you don't give it up >>91794466 >>91794811

Kek is gonna kill you. Don't make Kek mad
It means she thinks that women who aren't turbo sluts are masturbation freaks who buy expensive shower heads to use as toys, instead of just using their hands like most chicks.

5 bucks says that the author has a massive pile of dildoes and vibrators.
Come on
Girls masturbate with showerheads.
pretty good post anon.

its probably 2/3rds of women that fall into that category

look at these two faggots arguging with kek's double dubs.
rollan fo nudez
She mentioned about the hypocrisy when the man criticized her for her promiscuity when he was promiscuous himself. Well a woman fucking multiple guys is disgusting and repulsive. So fuck no, we don't want you. But she still desperately wanted the man criticizing her. It is entirely her choice to abide by the same principles and deny the man sex / a relationship due to his promiscuity, but she wont, because that's what women love. Women love it when men are sluts, a man being a slut makes him attractive.

I don't understand, it's really obvious but why don't women see this until it's too late?
Tsk Tsk Tsk

And you call yourselves "redpilled"

This is partially why I stopped fucking so many girls

A girl with herpes tried to catch me and I was like "disgusting"
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Holy fucking shit that article is degenerate

It's unfortunately true anon. Perhaps it's different in the Netherlands (On one hand, blacks ruin American averages; however, Western Europe is arguable even more promiscuous).
>women who aren't turbo sluts are masturbation freaks who buy expensive shower heads to use as toys
I know very well that this is fairly common. Every girl so has let me into her home has a detachable shower head with a pulse setting.
>I'm entitled to anyone I want no matter what my carfax vehicle history report says
drop em, faggot
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Oh boy

Surely he will deliver
Sluts hate pure women because they know they have higher LTR value

Never date or befriend a girl with slutty friends

I dunno if it's on purpose or not but sluts will ALWAYS try to corrupt non-sluts to decrease their value

Like how women sabotage each other with shitty fashion & makeup advice
Well said, anon. Well said.

Ignore the buttmad roasties ITT.

Get to posting boy!
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>Some good points, but there is always an "average man" who will praise a roastie. Always, would take her 5 minutes to find one.
Ah but she will recoil away from even the average man that wants her because that somehow lowers her opinion of him.

The instant some average male starts to show interest in her she thinks that she's still in the game and wants something better.

Not in conflict with my past statements. She will keep trying to find some poor guy to turn into her human ATM, but when one does react positively she will start getting delusions of trading up while that increasingly poor man tries to build a lasting loving relation with her.

This isn't all women, but it is all women that are cunt hurt over being rejected by men for long term relations for being substandard goods.
It's tall poppy syndrome, they'd rather bankrupt all the competition rather than attain value for themselves
Women are solipsistic

They project what THEY see as attractive in men onto their own gender

The idea of men having different tastes is alien to them

No, because that's not how it works.
You're offered two different meals

one plate fresh from the kitchen, still steaming hot, it all looks fucking delicious and nobody except the chef has had their fingers in it

the other is a bucket of KFC that's been sitting out for a week, there's a bunch of flies buzzing around, there's very suspicious liquid leaking out of a bottom corner of the bucket, and you JUST SAW a black guy throw a used bone back INTO the bucket

>Gee, i wonder which meal I'd rather have?
As someone from a country where the threat of becoming a social untouchable keeps women from slutting around, it's creepy to think they are that far gone in whoring that they call virgin women "unicorns" in the west
>food analogies
These threads full of single NEETs always amuse me.

Somehow I married a hot conservative red-pilled babe. Isn't that supposed to be impossible?

But then again I found her before MGTOW was a "thing" and before I knew I was supposed to loathe women in general and supposed to consider the ideal unobtainable.

Good thing.
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You're experience with women =/= everyone else's or even anything close to normal.

You sound like a fucking loser with the typical feminist attitude of blaming your problems on something else.

Get real kiddo.
You're US citizens, it's in your nature
Nope, because male sexuality is attractive to women.

No woman wants an inexperienced man

Cool blog post fag.

They always work out. For example, which would you rather have:

1. A freshly baked cake untouched by anyone
2. A cake with 5 guys vigorously thrusting their penises into it.

Our gay, cucked philosophy professor made us read this. He quit doing his CS major and got his PhD in Phil. Then he bashes Silicon Valley startups.

In Silicon Valley, it's no doubt that we make our services and products for profit. We don't give. shit about the third world. I just want to drive my Porsche really fast and drink good wine at night.
you can marry 37 "conservative redpilled babes" but you'll always be a fucking faggot for needing to state how cool you are on a taiwanese chalkmixing collective

Wait she mocks girls for masturbating?

Holy shit what a shrill histrionic catty shrew. Just another judgemental fuck while trying to act all holier than thou. I know I'll get the /pol/ "anything I dislike is degenerate" police but there's nothing wrong with masturbation for women or men, a hell of a lot less wrong with it than spreading your legs for any motherfucker that comes along.

I think that's what I cant' stand most of all, that these catty huffpo type women are the living embodiment of the fox and the grapes and hypocritical judgmental assholes. "Lol what a virgin loser looking at porn" "lol what a prude nerd using her showerhead instead of fucking" "What an insecure guy lololol" "HOW THE FUCK DO YOU DARE JUDGE ME AND MY ACTIONS WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?!?"

Anyway this is less women as a whole and more liberal women. The same shit was going on back in the 60s and 70s and 80s, and it will continue to happen as long as we have this culture with a dichotomy of liberal women and conservative women.
Yes it's amazing how often an analogy is made using something everyone understands. Unless you are a skeleton that doesn't eat. Are you a skeleton?
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> my mom told me men don't like dating sluts
> I told her she's old and wrong
> She was right though
> it's a double standard!
> fuck the haters keep sleeping around girlfriends!
> mfw

Top kek, so she identifies that quality men don't want to date women with high partner counts but tells women to sleep around anyway.

It's like she can grasp the situation but can't see the obvious solution.
We've got white knights off the port side. Arm the poopoo cannons are return fire.
masturbation has historically been one of the five pillars of /pol/

Was she a virgin? That's the million dollar question, anon.

Or are you going to start spouting the "everyone has a past" meme.
Who gives a shit. You all need to let this muh purity and traditionalism die.

this is her

the thing women don't realize is sex is a challenge for guys to get. even the chaddest of chads may struggle to pick up every now and then. however if a woman wanted to get fucked every night they could do it with no effort at all.

a lock that is opened by many keys is a shit lock
>It's like she can grasp the situation but can't see the obvious solution.
She does. She just wants all men and all women to be just as miserable as she is.
You know that bit about men who see a higher mountain wants to climb it, while women proclaim where they're standing to be the mountain and say the other higher mountain is bullshit for some reason.

That's what this is. Women see that not being slutty gives them long term relationship value, except instead of not being slutty - they try to change everyone elses opinion of what constitutes value instead and get mad when it predictably doesn't happen.
To be fair, the men shouldn't be doing it either. I know, someone's gonna bring up the lock vs. key and how it's every man's duty to fuck every women he can and have a ton of babies, but that's just not feasible in modern society. That's caveman era stuff, we are way past that.

Plus, with birth control so widely available, most of these men aren't having a bunch of kids with women at all. They are just having sex and moving on to the next one, waiting until their late 30s to have children, if they have any at all. So you don't even get the benefit of being this massive patriarch.

Western greatness came about by rising above our biology and striving for something greater. But asking someone to have even slight self-restraint in modern America is like pulling teeth.
I can't help but think that men had a part to play in it. It's as if they fell for "sure, you know that you won't agree to marry them if they whore around, but if you tell them it's OK you might have a shot."
Honestly, prostitution should never have been outlawed, it seems like the kind of thing that could have prevented this.
This shit is like begging for a return to standards and principles in society when last week the liberal was preeching "everything is OK as long as it doesn't hurt other people". Unless they're going to start to quantify the level of "emotional" pain Stacy feels when she gets turned down.
why? that's not what women value.

Women are retarded.
catherine's a QT, if I were to see her on campus I'd be like hey girrrl...
she is cute but I wouldn't date her senpai
well put, leaf

Another good article from Berkeley

Those fucking aposematism glasses.
Literally all of you and your lives are entirely wrong and meaningless and should be executed.

sage this thread
So who gives a shit about what she thinks..

Jeez, you guys are such losers. Why are providing an audience to this bitch.
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Hey Catherine
Remember when idiots like this didn't have a platform?

The internet has had a downside.

These posts are nothing but sliders on a political board. They are worse than risk threads.

You faggots all need to be shamed off this degenerate shit. Would be a much, much better place.
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"My mom tries to shove her anti-sex attitudes up me like a dry tampon up my vagina — which she probably thinks is easy because it’s already “too loose for good use” — and ignores the fact that my shitty prospect pool can be due to bad luck. She claims that being sexually pure is conducive to a good relationship and boils my track record down to the fact that my body count has reached unwife-able double-digits. And a crème de la crème, according to her, is not forgiving enough to cream in a girl who loves sex."

What the fuck is this shit. Who in their right mind would want to spend their life with this slut besides some poly-amorous beta faggot
>What’s worse, he justified valuing purity on the basis of “willpower” and “discipline,” as if I were a kid in the marshmallow experiment and failed to fight the urge to eat the candy later for a greater reward

Thats exactly what happened tho.
Dump them faggot. An aussie rolled dubs
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Don't be mad Stacy, do you have enough info to write about /pol/ for your soc paper?
> When I tell friends the tale of my summer romance, it *seemed* torn out of a Nicholas Sparks novel:

The very first fucking sentence gets the tense wrong.
And there's no need for this to be two clauses.

Should read like this: When I told friends of my summer romance it seemed as if taken from a Nicholas Sparks novel.

> In the beautiful city of Cambridge, a liberal California girl falls for a Southern, conservative, *Ivy League boy who folds her clothes* before they fall asleep together in a cuddling position post-sex.

An Ivy League BOY WHO FOLDS HER clothes. You object-subject-pronoun-confused motherfucker.

> As much as we connected intellectually and emotionally, however, the “crème de la crème” Ivy League boy values sexual purity beyond our connection, so he could not see me as a viable romantic partner.

Redundant conjunction, redundant participle.

Says crème de la crème thinking it sounds smart. Just say top or best, fuckwit.

This whole sentence makes no sense.

> What’s worse, he justified valuing purity on the basis of “willpower” and “discipline,” as if I were a kid in the marshmallow experiment and failed to fight the urge to eat the candy later for a greater reward.

He didn't justify; he explained. Wrong verb, stupid.

> The last I checked, my life is not an experiment, and I was not informed in the debriefing session that my goal was to wait.

He never said it was an experiment. You did.

A debriefing session happens AFTER, NOT BEFORE, fuckface.

> By eating the marshmallows early, I didn’t realize I was putting myself second tier to the “good girls” in his conservative hometown.

Welcome to reality, you illiterate slut.
Fucking whore bitch. Purity is the only non degenerate way to life your life until marriage. It should be be no surprise that people who fuck like animals are much less succesful in maintaining relationships.
>implying it's possible to find non whores
The real MVP
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What are these? I've been here forever and have no idea what the hell these are supposed to mean? What is the reference?
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That is some quality assmad there.
dump the pix duuude
a whore has a worn out roast beef vagina
Forget feminist activity, every woman knows that.
>I didn’t realize I was putting myself second tier to the “good girls” in his conservative hometown.
I guess you are just a dumb bitch then. Good job comparing yourself to a retarded child.
>Sex is bad and we should only date virgins
Go back to the fucking middle ages

Go to the Arby's restaurant webpage anon.
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we can never go back.
She insinuates all the Good girls are actually just repressed sluts who haven't accepted their destinies as cum dumpsters.

TBTFAH, I'd take a girl with a giant dildo collection over someone who's slept with 20 men.

I'm pretty sure that sociopolitical commentary is classified as "/pol/ related" you dumb nigger.

It's certainly better than the Fivethirtyeight bait threads, anything with a Canadian OP, or the 5+ Pro Hillary shitposts we've had for months now.

Threads like these are especially necessary, when there are so many bluepilled newfags on the board who see no problem with female promiscuity, or don't understand the fraudulent science used to spearhead the Cultural Marxist sexual revolution of the 1960s.
except we're not past that. (((they))) can try to change nature all they want, fact is that men are going to have heavy balls and a need to fuck

thanks for your opinion
This, the objective of feminism is not equality, no matter how much they claim it is. The objective of feminism is to obtain the benefits of the male side of traditional gender roles, while retaining the benefits of traditional female gender roles, while sidestepping the downsides of both.
t.roastie detected, her flaps are probably quivering nervously awaiting the answer
> I was not informed in the debriefing session that my goal was to wait. By eating the marshmallows early, I didn’t realize I was putting myself second tier to the “good girls” in his conservative hometown.

Literally states that her mom tried to tell her that being a whore was a bad idea.
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Not an argument. A good reason for only dating virgins is one that rests upon germ theory, which didn't exist in the Middle Ages, you dumb faggot.
Roast beef. Basically, female genitalia that has seen lots of in-and-out activity is no longer the very same thing you might think it is. Instead it has reformed with various parts having become stretched and discolored flabs of flesh. It is aesthetically repulsing on a genetic level because of the associated diseases.

>I was not informed in the debriefing session that my goal was to wait.

>My mom tries to shove her anti-sex attitudes up me like a dry tampon up my vagina

Did she proofread this before submitting it?

>my shitty prospect pool can be due to bad luck

More like your poor choices. But personal responsibility is considered 'victim-blaming.'

>my body count has reached unwife-able double-digits


>men disproportionately and hypocritically apply it to women

A master key and a shitty lock.

>Not everyone thinks it is necessary to wait to save sex till marriage

Not everyone thinks women riding the cock carousel is an attractive quality.
Sup, Whitney

>Wanting to date low quality women who will be more likely to divorce you in the event you are stupid enough to marry the slut
Why would you put this private conversation between you as your meter out for all to read??

Good god that alone shows poor judgement
I semi agree, only on the point that men tend to shame women more for sex, ignoring the Chads as if it's ok for them to sleep around and act degenerate.

It's really not. Man or woman, the more you have sex the more degenerate and unstable your relationships become. You will be much more likely to cheat when you finally settle down, ruining a marriage and your family life. Both men and women should abstain and lead a more Christian kind of lifestyle.
where learn to not be bad at write write
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how has no one posted this yet?

Inb4 he finds her burner phone.
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>goes to berkley
>thinks she deserves the respect of an ivy league student
pls dump anon
Just because she doesn't know them doesn't mean they are as rare as she believes fampai.
I want a pure virgin GF but is it impossible to find one? My current gf has had 4 previous partners (assuming she is telling the truth and not hiding the real numbers). Is 4 acceptable? If I think about her as marriage material her having any previous partners annoys me
Look at these arguments.
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He said she was lying about that part.
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Sh-Shut up
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Here's some statistics for you Ausbro, I'd say no on principle; however, it's up to you to weigh not only your options, but her worth as well.
I don't. I wank a few times a week and besides that women are beneath my notice unless they have something to offer as a person.
If a manwhore is willing to settle down he'll likely stay under the porch as long as she pets him, but you can't really trust a whore to be loyal.

Hahaha. Perhaps, he can't wife her because her writing is shit.
rule with women is to multiply it with 3 to get to the actual number

also depends on what you call sex. for instance, is giving a handjob to Jack behind the crocodile farm sex?
Just do it already
Slut is unhappy when her looks are gone, news at eleven.
Certain schools of theirs should be respected, like their STEM and Business schools, but anything else are pleb tier filled with chicks like this chick.

>is okay with his wife banging 10 dudes before him
>stupid, inexplicable, family wrecking psychotic behavior directly induced from being gutter sluts is fine

Not wanting to pass on your genes and give your children the best chance for success, that's the real bluepill
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>sister goes through rebellious phase
>sluts it up through high school, college
>goes back to normal
>gets good job
>meets amazing guy
>gonna get married
>he finds out she was a slut
>slut zones her
>she's devastated
>blows up at work
>she loses him and gets fired
That's your own issues you need to work out. 4 is fine you insecure bitch. The important thing is do her positive attributes outweigh having slept with a few people.

My current girlfriend has fucked a few guys. She's a doctor and an amazing person who gives me no stress and has a hundred good qualities as comes from a wealthy family of doctors.

Honestly if she'd fucked twenty guys, I couldn't give a fuck. I've fucked like 60 girls, the majoirty of which were low status, so who would I be to judge.

It's just a cost benefit analysis. If the major cost is your insecurity then work on that because bitches loathe insecure losers who think about previous partners.

10/10, would read again.
the idea other people slept with her before me annoys me so I'd say no also. where do I find a virgin GF?

Anything intimate touching is sex I think

Finding a virgin is pretty fucking difficult. But there are ways to increase your odds of finding one.

I recommend finding a good Christian girl (who is actually good, not the slut it up on Saturday and think going to church absolves her of her actions). Look to see how what she thinks of her parents, especially her father. If she loves and respects her father, she is far less likely to be promiscuous. Look at what she says and what she does. Make sure she is an honest person, and make sure she is upfront with her past.

For those of you that are not Christian, I'm not sure that you are going to have any luck finding that unicorn. A Christian girl is going to want a Christian guy, and if you go with one who is not religious, there is nothing that is really keeping her from premarital sex.

I managed to find my diamond in the rough, and damn does it feel great.
Thanks for the cap anon, appreciate it.
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>A cry in the night.

Bullshit, there is always a cause to fight.

Image very fucking related.
Yea, bud
>That's your own issues you need to work out. 4 is fine you insecure bitch
Oh yes, I am so insecure because I want a girl who hasn't been fucked by someone else before

You should learn to read charts.

>Where do I find a virgin GF?

This anon >>91799520 laid it out well enough. I don't know how strong the Church is in Australia, but for Americans, I always recommend small-town, middle American churches.
Finding a girl with such poor critical thinking skills that she believes in mythology without any evidence base.

Religious girls are low tier and usually come with their own set of issues due to wing indoctrinated since childhood
>slut zones her
Now that's a term i've never seen before, but it makes sense

Girls friendzone and guys slutzone, it's only fair
I am a Christian but there aren't too many devout Christians in Australia. What about the deep south in the US?
>Women could end this "double standard" tomorrow

fuck that makes so much sense. but women always expect men to fix the problems, not them.

False, see:

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lol wtf do you want?

Every girl to be a virgin when she meets (You)?

She isn't allowed to have any boyfriends, sex, relationships, or romance?

Lol you're probably a fat ugly loser with no skills, money, charm, humor, or anything else tangible to offer and yet you expect other people to meet your impossibly high standards.

Get real kiddo.
women always lie friendo worse than men you can easily triple maybe even quadruple that number to get her real number.
no matter what feminists do. real men will always prefer girls who have good control over their impulses. so girls you haven't had any sexual history before marriage.
Lol you're a cuck, enjoy the sloppy seconds m80

You don't need many, you only need one.

I cannot guarantee results, and I can only wish you luck. Do what you can to put the odds in your favor (go where Christian women will be, not places like clubs). Best of luck to you down under.

>settling down with a woman

good goys
Thanks for sharing, brother. That was a good laugh.

2D > 3D
>An Ivy League BOY WHO FOLDS HER clothes
Her refers to the liberal California girl. Poor syntax but technically correct.

>Redundant conjunction, redundant participle.
Not necessarily incorrect though, just poorly written.
"Beyond" is probably the wrongest thing in that sentence, it implies transcendence rather than comparison.

>He didn't justify; he explained. Wrong verb, stupid.
No need to be pedantic, Straya. From the grill's perspective he was justifying himself. We're receiving the piece from her point of view, after all.
Yeah, that is an insecurity. This day and age people have sexual partners and the something you're going to have to accept. The only virgins are young Christians and most have boyfriends that they'll Marry in a hurry because they both want to fuck. You're not going to find a virgin. I fucked three and they all ended up having some negative traits (one prime one being immaturity) and you soon realise chasing the unicorn is pointless. Find someone who works for you and as long as the sexual partners aren't in the double digits and she doesn't display the traits of flightyness, social climbing etc. then just enjoy
>I didn’t realize I was putting myself second tier
>I was putting myself second tier
>putting myself second tier
>second tier

Enjoy your divorce at 35. I hear the dating scene for middle-aged men is bangin'.
Good luck bud. My wife has only been with one other guy, so I consider that bretty gud in today's day and age
I always have felt nostalgic towards small American Christian towns
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Yeah, I'm pretty sure that was the norm just a bit ago.

If you want to deny reality and pretend it has absolutely no impact on pair-bonding or relationship stability have at it.
Thanks brother
I would say hopefully now she realizes it, but by the end of the article she had pretty throughly convinced herself that he was wrong and she is right
>sex negative shitlords
Implying that applies to all women with no outliers.

I've met plenty of outliers
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>This day and age people have sexual partners and the something you're going to have to accept.

Argumentum Ad Populum/Argumentum ad 2016 fallacy. Just because the majority of people have becomes degenerates doesn't mean we have to accept it as right or moral.

Gen Z is the most conservative in 3 generations, the youth are swinging back to the Right, degenerates won't survive the new order.
You think the guy in the comments section in the article is the guy she is writing about?
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>Slut Zone

Anon, I hope you realize that you've revolutionized counter roastieism this day.
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>my girlfriend told me she had three sexual encounters
>found out one of these encounters was a gangbang

at least she's never burned coal...?
desu women are incredibly desperate come 30-35, and it's a wonderful, beautiful thing

as a man if you half take care of yourself, you have no expiration date really

>The exception to the rule disproves the rule!

No, anon, it doesn't. You're also completely ignoring the role of dopamine and oxytocin in pair-bonding, and the diminishing returns which applies to neurochemicals.
Tell me honestly, if you had the choice would you rather your current GF to have had 0 or a few sexual partners?

In fairness, what kind of man wants to settle down with any of those desperate women?

Lol kk. I'm sure you guys will find your high status virgins soon enough. Meanwhile you'll feel safe with your sour grapes
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>What about the deep south in the US?

Brutal, absolutely brutal. Single men in their 20's and 30's are almost non-existent in the churches here in the South.

You will be sought out, pressured to enter relationships, and fought over... usually by single mothers and divorcees. It is both awful and glorious all at the same time.
post 'em you fag
Seems that way. I noticed that also
kek believing a girl whose been in a gang bang has only had three sexual encounters. Usually those girls are triple digit level skanks
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>How dares he have standards
She's mad as FUCK
I thought girls wanting to get gangbanged was only a porn thing.
You better deliver faggot.
This. Drop her

I mean night clubs when I say clubs. Just for clarification.
> settling down with them

You're supposed to use them as cum receptacles while dangling commitment on the end of the stick, but never truly giving it to them.

Repeat ad nauseam
idk, I try and bang them

not arsed about settling down with anyone
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This makes a lot of sense, considering the midwestern US is basically a 2nd world country with a history of concubines

>not arguments
>a leaf

wtf do any of you losers have to offer any of these women?
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>mfw scrolled to the third frame
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I still have a family and a God

Maybe if our nation crumbles we'll have an opportunity to fight for the future
Well, the gangbang happened organically.

>has 1 bf in highschool
>break up because he's a cheater
>she's the tomboy in a group
>starts fucking guy from group
>keep it casual
>dude talks her into helping their other friend lose virginity
>that spirals into her getting spitroasted
>her ex joins in
>4th dude who was asleep wakes and, without saying anything, shoves his dick down her throat

from what she said, she ended up getting fucked by all the guys multiple times throughout the night, swallowing so many loads that she had to make herself throw up

pretty disgusting desu

If she continues I hope at least OP anon shares it with us. Though the feminist bent (liberal use of cringey vagina references) make it difficult reading.
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Honestly, in today's shithole of a society, I'd take a woman who's only had sex with partners she thought were going to be long term.

Basically any random sexual encounter is a warning sign, and if she considers hookups normal, it's an automatic red flag.

Intention is what I care about. If you only have sex with long term boyfriends, then you're fine, but if you're a trashy slut who hooks up every weekend, you're garbage.
which corner of >>>reddit did you come from
I'm studying to become a doctor if that improves my odds. I don't want single moms and literally be able to say 'my wifes son'
I was official shitposter of the month May in 2014, chicks love stuff like that.
How can u even look at her?
It's always great to see roasties get mad. Hopefully she will settle down with a nice family of cats in her old age and die alone.

Dating one currently, it's working out well enough.

And again, that's not an argument. Either whores are defensible, or they're not.

>Muh exceptions
>muh anecdotes
>enjoy being virgins xdxdxd

don't constitute a defense.
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Why do you know this?
Oh look another one of those "others shouldn't judge women on the number of the fuckboys they had !!!"

And standard "people with different opinion than mine are ignorant !"

Good luck to her once she hits the wall and fuckboys will look for younger ones.
After I heard about it secondhand, I made the mistake of asking for the whole story from her.
For like 3 weeks after I learned, I refused to kiss her.
My current gf? She's twenty five and had three boyfriends. Through her experiences she's came to learn what to do and not to do in relationships and grown.

Tbh if she hadnt had those relationships shed potentially be a different person. If we were 17 and shed fucked a few guys at some underage parties or something it'd be a different story. Context is everything. Again, I don't have hangups about previous guys. The truth is a girl who has slept with many guys usually have personality traits (usually cluster b) that I can't stand. It's more the traits that I wouldn't be attracted to in terms of a girlfriend.

My girlfriend has had sex with a few guys but she is a high status, incredibly intelligent doctor with a fit body and great personality with no trace (touch wood) of the traits that I don't want in a wife.

Cost benefit nigga
Disregard this broad. What are you even doing anon.
Neither you, nor your whore gf are beautiful and unique snowflakes that are the exception rather than the rule.
This thread needs to be more educated on women's rights, or lack thereof.

Misogynistic assholes.

Waste of trips tbqh senpai. Can you defend whores or not?
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> the gangbang happened organically

Top cuck you've got to be kidding me. You'd earn a gold medal in mental gymnastics if you competed.

You're literally professing commitment and may one day fall in love/have children with a woman who had a train run on her.

Do you want that kind of woman kissing your kids?

He's butthurt because he has swallowed what his natural instinct has told him is disgusting as socially normal. He bought into the " everyone has a past " kike meme.

There's nothing wrong with fucking hoes ( as long as you use safety and that that point is it even worth it? ), it's committing to them that is disgusting.
larger labias have nothing to do with promiscuity for the most part, but some women actually intentionally stretch theirs (god knows why)

that said, discoloration can be part of chaffing, which is from taking tons of dick
Yeah she's totally fucking other guys behind your back. You don't agree to fuck four guys at once because you're a sweetheart.
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Oh look, it's another feminist complaining about "outdated gender roles".
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>Slut zone.

You just created a new meme.


This will spread to the vast reaches of the internet, and only you will know you created this meme.

Bless you anon.
>Finally, I want to emphasize that no woman really wants men to stop judging whores. The system obviously benefits non-whores. Why would they care? The truth is that whores don't respect men who respect them. It is pathetic. If your partner isn't bothered that you sucked off Tyrone in the bathroom, then he is a fucking loser, and that disgusts you and makes you fear that he doesn't truly love you. And do you know what? If he doesn't care you sucked off Tyrone, then he doesn't truly care about you, and you fucking know this.

>What’s worse, he justified valuing purity on the basis of “willpower” and “discipline,” as if I were a kid in the marshmallow experiment and failed to fight the urge to eat the candy later for a greater reward.

Yeah you kinda did Cindy. You fucked kiddo. You didn't have any self-control and now you're a whore.
>For like 3 weeks after I learned, I refused to kiss her.

But then you did. Cuck.
Well at least you know she's honest lol.

Seriously should keep an eye out for a better prospect. But get her to have a threesome with a girl or two
She was just being a good friend and then got caught up in the moment.
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I was wrong she's perfect for you anon.
>yugi gets a 5
Who let this slip by ? Be ashamed
show a tit
>tomboy heping a guy lose his virginity ends up in a gangabang
From which hentai did you stole this plot?
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>only had sex with partners she thought were going to be long term.

Do you do this?


Nice meme friendo.


Define whore.
You dodged my question, if given the option would you rather she had 0 partners? Its yes or no
you're a fucking cuck if you stay with this girl or believe that this was her only time getting fucking gang banged
Sure you are man
>She was just being a good friend and then got filled up in the moment

They see me Rollin, slut shaaamin.
this I'd fucking not be able to ever hide my disgust. I bet you kiss her on the mouth and hookers too

Any woman who has slept with a man other than her husband, or husband-to-be.

Thus far, all of the evidence leans one way.
>every single man has to grow up watching women his age ignore him

You're projecting your own life experiences m8
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I see this redpill shit is spreading like wildfire each day

>you were born just in time to witness women get absolutely BTFO
I am on the lookout for a better prospect.

Considering that eating pussy is very much a thing, yes, I would much rather have my mouth on something that hasn't had a million dicks dipped into it.
>not retarded
Thank goodness for 2D
Jeebus crisco anon I can hear her lying whore words being parroted through your mouth, please ditch the bitch
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>the gangbang happened organically.

2016, everyone

Well put.
Lol a Muslim woman wearing a hijab commented on the article 'Not everyone wants STDs. Is that so hard to understand?'

Roastie BTFO by moral Muslim girl. tbqh maybe Muslims will help save the west from degeneracy

Oh no, an Australian on the internet doesn't believe me.

Can you defend whores or not?
at least use the leverage you have of being disgusted by her to get the most depraved sex acts you can out of her. she will cave trust me and enjoy before you find a more wholesome girl
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>Your actions shouldn't have consequences

She is going after ivy league men and expects them not to have standards? I'm glad she threw the bit about guys not wanting a relationship with her because she's been with too many guys even if that guy fucked her. Her value is gone and she is probably only 24.
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Yeah the West will totally be saved by Muslims
>how can this cunt be so fucking dumb as to think our reproductive strategies will mirror each other when our reproductive dynamics are exact opposites?
Exactly. Femanon here. Learned in my cultural anthro class - sperm is cheap, eggs are expensive.

Really good post friend.
well even if its happens, we all know the leftists will be purged first
Nice ID, slut. Go back to plebbit.
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fuck off leb cunt
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tits or gtfo, there was no need to bring up being a female
The answer was heavily implied.

If she was twenty five and a virgin, I'd be seriously questioning why. Within this context, I'd prefer not a virgin. I've fucked Virgins and they've got insanely attached and I find clingy girls unattractive. I'm guessing if my gf was a virgin at this age it'd be because des religiously shamed into doing so and fuck having that for a partner.

So the answer is no to the zero and a few is perfectly fine. Again this is given that I went through a massive sex addict period couple years where I fucked two-three girls a week. Thank god she doesn't know about that lol. I mean that'd show her that I have an underlying trait of impulsivity which shed find undesirable.

Also believe me, I'm punching above in terms of social status. The number thing doesn't factor in. My last girlfriend was on zero (she had a Christian background) she was all kinds of clingy and had a shame complex when it came to sex due to religious indoctrination. Teaching underage girls that some being is watching you masturbating and fucking and judging you for it = issues
Lol "caught up in the moment". Are you gonna defend her if she keeps sucking off strangers daily being "caught up in the moment." ? If you have any self respect you will drop that human garbage.

And you not only fuck up your life but do this to other guys. Cause women will know they can suck and fuck miles of cocks and there will always be a guy like you "forgiving them everything".
Oh god, I don't give a fuck about this slut, but right on the same page there's an op-ed from their city councilmember talking about how rent controls and "affordable housing" programs are a better solution to the housing crisis rather than just fucking BUILDING MORE HOUSES, WHICH SHE CALLS "TRICKLE DOWN ECONOMICS" FUCKING REEEEEEEEE
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>roastie gets so toasted she writes a 6k word article about you
>Femanon here.
>I.d. spells 1 BBC

seems legit
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selfie fuck stick.jpg
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Holy shit this gets even better


Not having sex in a week and a half was enough to constitute a college dry spell for me, and I felt like I was revirginizing. I could not allow that to happen and had to get rid of those spider webs growing in my vagina ASAP. The “sure, I’ll come down right now!” reply was all it took for me to find my solace once again.
Lying fag just wanted a bunch of replies.
classic she literally spends her time penis shaming guys without big enough dicks. a biological factor completely beyond any choice or control of males makes her remove them from consideration of being worthy enough for her. Yet a man judging her based on her own choice to be a slut is a no no
>Nice ID
Gross. Did not even notice that.

>there was no need to bring up being a female
I thought there was considering the article is by a woman and most of the comments are bashing her and the way women think on things. I wanted to show that not all women think that way. Normally I never bring up I am a female.
Bro it sucks but you should probably cut the cord immediately

Takbir, also no drinking or freedom of expression
>>I.d. spells 1 BBC
you forgot it contains puqc at the end so it's 1BBCpuqu (fuck)
Same girl?

I smell personality disorder.
Are you a real gal or are you one of those weirdo nu-women who dyes the hair purple and hides the fact you still have a fucking dick.
Muslims would be bro tier without the violent proselytizing
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>Not having sex in a week and a half was enough to constitute a college dry spell for me
It's worse than I thought.
Roastie slut gets wrecked.

But really.

Practice what you preach. If you are a guy who thinks a girl having sex with a bunch of boyfriends is gross and bad, you should judge yourself by the same standard. A guy who has sex with a bunch of different girlfriends is just as gross. The girl that wrote the article is not marriage material - And I'm assuming that the guy isn't either, if hes had sex with several girls.

It takes two to tango, after all.

A man who gets lots of sex isn't a 'conqueror' or a 'hero'. Neither is a girl who does. They are just sluts, whores. The master key and shitty lock meme doesn't really apply here.

However, the top 80% of women going for the top 20% of men meme does. Its pretty shitty, desu. But why shouldn't they? If a 3/10 girl can get with an 8/10 man, why wouldn't she? Its the men at the top that are perpetuating this problem. 8/10+ men need to stop sexing below themselves.

And to those who say pussy gets 'beat out' with use... It really doesn't, unless you're shoving giga-dong dildos up it. The only woman I've had sex with is my wife, and we have a lot of sex. Her pussy is still super tight.
>For like 3 weeks after I learned, I refused to kiss her.
I wouldn't touch her for the rest of my life
whatever you say honey tits or gtfo, we're all anon her no reason ever to bring up being female unless it's for attention (yous)
how old is she?
>Are you a real gal
Yes, a real girl. Never died my hair. No tats.
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