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The Best State in the Union

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Ok /pol/, which state objectively and without question, the best one in our Country?

What a stupid question.
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All the ones with open carry
OK here
God bless anon
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>falling for the texas meme
Honestly, Texas, California, or Montana.

Despite all the shitty drivers, Mexicans, crime, and horrible politicians, California still comes out in the top three.
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>best state
I mean, they're up there near the top don't get me wrong.
Ohio is a pretty comfy place. Super normal, but not a barren fly-over meme state either.
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What does /pol/ think of Arizona? I live in downtown Phoenix and it's pretty nice here.
We can agree that the Midwest is the Eastern Europe of Amerika right
They are near the bottom bud lol
New York

Depends what you're looking for.
Iowa is okay. Ames guy reporting in.

but you will never admit it
boone reporting in
I agree. Yall still drive like assholes though.

t. Okie

Texas. Unless you're an autismal racist who can't handle ethnics, even if they're well-behaved and the wetback monkeys are kept to a few sanctuary cities.
MOfag here

Glad we could join you
You can't debate me
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Jesse for the win

>drive like assholes

Are we talking about the same state?

Texas is a state where you're expected to wave or nod to every single person you pass by, or you're an asshole.
Nice try, Chaim
whats the fucking point of open carry? just to make other people feel uncomfortable and to look like an asshole?
Washington. All the shitty people I can't stand are concentrated into one area I never go to.
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Ohio wins every time

>Not too hot
>Not too cold
>Absolutely NO natural disasters
>Biggest swing state with (((rigged polls))) STILL going to Trump
>picked the winning president 28/30 elections
>Passionate about our football team (Ohio State)
>NBA champions
>Home to 8 (EIGHT) U.S. Presidents


Its pretty segragated tbqh, so if you work a decent job you wont see niggers

>swing states


Nice case "Oh hey, we're ignorant, wishy-washy retards who only fall for brainwashing SOMETIMES!"
t. cali fag
Texas has it's own army
it has it's own stack pile of nukes
it has it's own powergrid
it GIVES more money then it gets from the goverment
New hampshire is based.
What's the point of being a pussy? Just to whine and make people faggots like you?

A lot better than being cucked West Coast states or deep south nigger holes that will automatically vote GOP even if they're a devious Neo-Con scum


Pick one and only one.
>cleveland browns
Nevada. Trust me, I know it's Nevada.
New York.

All the men there are just alpha as fuck (besides the nu males in Brooklyn) and it's the center of capitalism in the entire world.

There are cases to be made for open carry.

For instance, some people might interpret "will not be infringed" to its most literal extent, and say that forbidding someone from arming up because their weapon doesn't fit beneath their clothes is unconstitutional.

Also, it was kind of a big thing when hunting still occurred within areas close to residential areas, because you might take your quarry in one hand, rifle over your shoulder, and go through town to get back home.

Lots of old laws that made common sense back then aren't changed because there's no reason to patch them.
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north carolina. dixie ftw.

south carolina can come too
Indiana Governor is the next VP. So I mean, that's cool right?

>inb4 corn
Alaska. Literally the only correct answer.

Grew up in West Phoenix in the Glendale area. Was regularly beaten up by Mexicans and there were regular drive by shootings in my neighborhood.

Phoenix is nice if you're wealthy. Other than that, it's a shithole.

Arizona is a pretty based state aside from being overrun by illegals, though.
>shittiest state in the Midwest

Literally every hates you, fucking buckeye'd faggot. Even Michigan is better.
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your state voted for Obama you are out of Dixie
The one with the least amount of headlines regarding stupid liberal bullshit.
Pennsylvania, hands down man
>went to high school and grew up partly in NC
>blacks were literally rolling their 100 year old disabled grandmothers in to vote for King Obongo

Obama only won by 20k votes, NC is a solid red state. NC is a pretty good state.
nope montana sucks

trust me it's fucked
NY fag here, dude shut the fuck up. NY is the NOT the best state at all. It fucking sucks
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The answer is obvious...
Montana seems like an extremely cozy yet barren and boring state.

How is it fucked?
>How is it fucked?

we're full
Florida's weather is shit. The heat is un-fucking-bearable. Too many brown people as well.
North Carolina
>everyone votes their state
Maryland by the way NSA.
Is Maine any good?
It seems comfy.
so you can operate all day every day
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>t. jew yorker
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>state that won't exist in a matter of hours

Goodbye and good riddance, citrus nigger.
idaho and utah as well. mormons don't care what you do as long as you stay out of their mormon shit and respect them. super comfy state.
7.1/sq mi

How? Seems to me like the state has the potential to grow a lot if it grew with the right people.
The state of emergency.
Best universities, hospitals, highways. Based Massachusetts reporting
This and missoula is becoming full of commie fags and Bozeman full of dumb mountain yuppies
Yes. Awful here. Don't come.
Never had the chance to get up there, though my aunt on my father's side owns a brewery in Montana. It sounds like a comfy place, especially Idaho which is the most beautiful state (aside from Alaska) from pictures I've seen
Try the other side of the country. For being blue (fuck you Seattle) it's a great state. Gun wise we have just about everything. Ordering a suppressor and a sbr soon.
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>Excellent gun laws
>4 beautiful seasons
>Lots of history and heritage
>Lots of excellent sports teams
>All kinds of food
>Pitt and Philly on the borders with lots of open farm land in the middle
>Pitt is way better than Philly btw
wtf i hate montana now :^)
>tfw washintonian
>tfw it gets ungodly hot in the summer
why can't it just stay under 70 the whole year?
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Easy as piss to get whatever guns ya want
$20 CCW (every 5 years)
outside of Phildelphia it's nearly google-free
Variable climate, gorgeous scenery for every season
Win Super Bowls
Win Stanley Cups
buy top-tier butter on the side of the highway from Amish people
the list goes on.

pic related

we;re full

too many asians trying to come here

and this
All the spics will be wiped out of Miami by Matthew. The unaffected parts of the state are the most white. Matthew was sent by Kek to purify the swamp.
Damn right
Didn't step foot in Pitt, but Philadelphia was cucked as all hell in certain places. Other parts were pretty nice. I had a good time there, though.

Central Pennsylvania is comfy as fuck, though, met so many amazing people through the many times I've been through there. Beautiful country.

Pennsylvania is a pretty good state I think.
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fuck yeah fellow pghbro
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The one that didn't let Obango win a single county

Tejano here.

You're probably right.

Hispanics don't evacuate during storms, no matter how big.

They just stock up on jugs of water, tape some tinfoil to their windows, and attempt to wait it out.
Can't believe no one has said eastern Tennessee.

Far up in the hills away from niggers and it's great to have all 4 seasons.
Texas is pretty good, we probably don't have the best government but we still give some advantages to white voters in a contemporary fashion. Our government is extremely weak and so are our political parties.
>that govenor
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My fucking nigger
I agree see >>91787816 dat hive mind

>Central Pennsylvania is comfy as fuck

>but Philadelphia was cucked as all hell in certain places
Yes, philly is still recovering desu from the crack and drug epidemic and is on hard times but getting better. Its a tough city with tough people.
Pitt is different. Huge medical community and Art scene. The city is growing in size and wealth.

Also i been to Hong Kong when i was in the Navy, was a good time.

PA showing a strong presence
What are /pol/'s opinions on Alaska? Planning to go there in winter, if its a bad one, what other state should I go?
>too many asians trying to come here
>Asian population was 0.5% in 1990
>0.6% in 2010
What are you talking about?

Regardless, I'm not Asian lad, I'm white. I'm in Hong Kong studying abroad. Montana seems like a cozy place to live, I might consider moving there.
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>Planning to go there in winter,
What's the consensus on Hawaii?

Might have a chance to move there
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id say california just on the fact that everything is here, every ammenity and also nature still exsist here you can go skiing go to the desert
>every ammenity

except the 2nd.
Grew up as a kid in Alaska, it's a super cozy and very free state. Lots of hunting, lots of guns, lots of wildlife shit to do. You make your own fun.

If you're going in the winter, invest in a good snowsuit, facemask, and get yourself a solid pair of bunny boots. You WILL need it, temperatures regularly go down to -40. Don't get cabin fever senpai, it can get depressing with the darkness. Go watch the auroras and enjoy the beauty of the state.

I recommend Fairbanks because I lived there and because I feel like it's a more authentic experience than Anchorage which is very tourist-y.
>not Appalachia
im not saying you, im saying that we have no asians in montana right now and it's perfect.

asians make everything shit
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Born and raised in PA, I really enjoy it here. I just hope to God we go red for once this election
South Carolina
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>Nevada. Trust me, I know it's Nevada.
>89% desert
>80% of the population lives in LV

What exactly is great about it?
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Those sinkholes haven't swallowed your trailer yet cletus?
California. Best companies, weather, economy, human capital, etc.
Literally the only wrong answer in the entire thread
t. Michigan
Vermont - open AND conceal carry, no permit required

Some good breweries, too.

And the race is a big deal.

>idaho and utah
No, trust me, you don't wanna be here either.
We're full.
>comfy cities like Henderson, Reno
>literally nothing wrong with desert
>strong, conservative values outside of LV
>LV serves as a containment city for degeneracy

Seems like a pretty okay state to me.

The thing is, winter in the USA is summer in Chile, so I want to use my holidays to travel somewhere, if its bad there where should I go?
Is Fairbanks populated enough? Or its just like a little town? I lived my whole lfe here in Santiago so I have never experienced -40 grades, should I go to Juneau or Anchorage instead?
Fairbanks is reasonably populated, at least for an American city, it's hovering around 100,000 right now. It's a relatively small-ish town, but it's the true, authetic Alaskan experience (near Denali, we also have the Tanana river and best wildlife).

It'll be a huge jump from Santiago, though, both in population and in temperature (Fairbanks is coldest city in the US).

Anchorage is around ~500,000 IIRC, but it's extremely touristy. Doesn't get as cold, though. Juneau is even further south down on the Alaskan panhandle. I've never been there, but it's VERY small (~30,000 IIRC) and is extremely hard to get to, there are no roads to it.
Even summer in Alaska is pretty frigid and unpleasant.
Visit a park-state like Montana or Idaho or even Arizona, they're basically giant state forests and parks full of cool shit and beautiful scenery.
Fucking amazing for camping. Just make sure to take bear mace
Reno here.
Nevada is the best. The worst thing that happens here is running into Californians.
>Fairbanks is the coldest city in the US
Jesus, I guess I'll go to Anchorage then, can I buy weapons there, right?
>Even summer in Alaska is pretty frigid and unpleasant.
What are you talking about lad? Even in Fairbanks, it's a cool 50-70 F (10-22 C) in the summer. It's very livable. Worst thing about the summers are the mosquito hordes which aren't even as bad in Anchorage.
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Delaware is the best state. Everyone knows that.
Alright, Anchorage it is. Yes, you should be able to buy weapons in Anchorage. I don't have much experience with it, though, so I can't say from firsthand experience. Go to a gun show, you can get almost any gun you want.
It could also, presumably, serve as a further deterrent for crime, especially violent crime, since a potential criminal will be very aware you have a gun on you easily accessible.
Thanks, Hong Kong anon, I hope I go there, if not, at least I learned something from this
Is Alaska full of dindus? Or just cities with high crime?
its less regulated in the desert communities
once in a while we go shoot guns on dry river beds
Get there some day, it's 100% comfy. I loved it as a kid, it's so much better as an adult, I imagine. I'm getting back eventually.

Fairbanks is actually a very violent city. Very high homicide and rape rate, primarily due to cabin fever and shit. Less severe in Alaska, but still bad. Always carry a weapon and be on alert in cities. I'd say Fairbanks was around 6-7% dindu but most are civilized.
NH here. Pretty comfy if you can handle snow.
the one with the lowest population density.
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Is this even a question?
Redpill me on Wyoming!
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Fuck off desert scum
Good ol rocky top
Go vols.
Fucking oakies can't drive for SHIT

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>Orange on Red
You fucked up badly. I'd recommend your whole state suicide.
More reasons to go to Anchorage, what's cabin fever though?
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Kansas has constitutional carry.
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Updated map for accurancy.
><1 person/sq mi
Sounds comfy as fuck.
I'm a long island fag/Manhattan worker fag. New York people > rest of world tbqh

Alpha walk, talk, and swagger.
I'm looking at Utah for relocation. Within driving range of like 6 national parks, mostly white (fucking islanders though), open and concealed carry. Only bad thing I can see is the crime rate in west Salt Lake City and the city's liberal voting tendencies.

Can any anons with experience chime in about Utah? I'm a heavily armed white Texan nationalist/traditionalist, so fuck off with the "we're full" comments. I'm someone any /pol/ack would want in their state.
definitely Missouri
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It could also make you the prime target for any killer. Just walk up to a fatfag operator and shank him in the neck then take the rifle. Most people who own a gun in the USA are hopelessly out of shape and overweight. They aren't open carrying, they are walking gun dispenseners. Just walk them on the head and hey, free gun!
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Death be to traitors. If you leave the union, you're never allowed back in.
Enjoy your bankruptcy, enjoy Texas seceding from YOU because your economy and industrial bases aren't strong enough.
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Bend, OR Here

This and Montana are the only right answers. I vacationed in Wyoming once and that state is pristine. I didn't see a single black person and the white people are so friendly.
Nebraska isn't too bad. Boring but safe if you ignore Omaha.
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>can buy any gun you want from gun show
>not US resident

nigga what

the gun show loophole isn't real
>State the will become blue in our lifetimes thanks to spics

I don't think so faggots
Idaho, Montana and Wyoming are good states. There's no objective best...it all depends on what you want in a state
Anything other than California is wrong
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....remember that nig that got the shit beaten out of him at the gas station?

"I'm out cccchereee by muh-self, I'm from NEW YOWK"

My vote goes to NH, second place goes to Texas.

Alaska gets an honorable mention.
Alaska best state
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Nice try Taxachusetts

Our superiority cannot be questioned
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>tfw you live 15 minutes away from the first Primanti Bros in Maryland
You guys are alright in my book
For land, beauty, and weather.....California in a landslide. But, the people .....complete shit.

I live in NJ and my answer is Maine.
You can blame it on illegals all you want, but Its a piece of shit, always has been.
being a faggot doesn't make you greater than other people, stupid idiot
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>not flyover
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Well, most Eastern European immigrants that came to America in the early 1900's settled in the Midwest. Also Indiana best state
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Bend isn't in Oregon, it's in California
Cleveland and Cincinnati don't count as cities.
>cabin fever
>not the native savages
I don't know about that one.
Worst thing about Wyoming is the wind. Other than that it's a great state.

McMinnville. how's the weather, bud?


you abominably stupid fucking human being
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Kentucky here, our cities (all two of them) laugh at you, we practically own Cincinnati and WE DO OWN your precious river. Your college sports status is kekworthy too, probably jelly that we have the best college basketball team in the country. You'd be the joke of the region if Indiana didn’t exist. Ohio and the people that live there are weak bluepills that can't stop being a swing state for attention. Civilized Kentucky is a kickass place to live, Lexington and Louisville are based. We have all the amenities of big cities but we only need to drive ten minutes to experiwnce beautiful nature. We also open carry wherever the fuck we want. The eastern half of the state sucks donkey dick though, fuck Appalachia, so we'll never be number one. Appalachia grows amazing cheap weed at least. By the way, we're the home of Lincoln, we only need one president to blow out your eight. Get fucked Ohio, you only exist for strange fetishists and ghost voters.
Ohiofag here. Its super comfy in the fall. Especially if you live in one of the more hilly areas. So many good parks to walk in.
But you can't carry an automatic knife. Otherwise best state

Guns everywhere. Everyone hates Obama and socialism. No black people. Too many Mexicans down south though
>le south was traitors meme

The south left because the kike north betrayed them
Virginia is at least top tier
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Alabama obviously
Northeast IA reporting in. Good lord the flooding never stops.
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>just got the freedom to carry your own private property openly around your waist a mere 9 months ago
Except there's a few problems with that argument.

First, if the crook has a knife and the victim has a gun, no matter if he's good with it or quick witted or anything, he still has a better shot at retaliating than otherwise, and the knife wielder still puts himself at a much greater risk.

Secondly, you are assuming that in an open carry state only one person uses that law. The point is that some, a good portion even, openly carry guns, in which case only a suicidal maniac would try something like that since he'd just get shot up by everyone in the viccinity once he knifed the first guy.
not going to lie.....from St. Louis and I have driven thorugh KY, OH, TN. The radio stations there were very good.

Particularly KY. People seem nice, it was cozy, and there were several good rock radio stations. Pretty fucking based.
I thought it was ultra cucked state?
NY certainly isn't the best but its not nearly as bad as people make it out to be
At least we got ours, faggot
>a fucking leaf knows nevada
New York fags will BTFO any other state in the union

>Whitest state
>Second lowest crime
>Very redpilled north of Portland (Pretty much the whole state)
>Great gun laws
>Great governor
>Very very low population densities

Maine is obviously the best
yes central/ southern VA is nice. NOVA is trash
fuck that. I don't need to go to court every time I get stopped going 80+
Had ours for years, nigger.
Hell yeah, we keep it comfy in Kentucky. Rock radio is important too, not just dadrock either, we have stations that still fly the flag for underground and alternative rock groups that don't really get airplay. TN likes to go overvoard with country so we try to avoid that (aside from Bluegrass, gotta respect Bluegrass) and play the real shit. Hell, one of the dudes from Television lives in my city, two from Apples in Stereo live here. We get a lot of indie bands rolling through here to play at our downtown bars too, surprisingly.
> caught
you say that like it is a bad that...

Live free or die all the way, NH is top tier.
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You smell like rats and trash, go home Big Applegoogle
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What state you from? I wanna beat your ass.
NY ftw
The love of my life went to school at Bates and turned into such a liberal open minded slut. She'd boast about all the perverted things they do in Maine like get naked and jump into a frozen pond during the middle of winter. In high school she was a conservative good girl then she went to Maine and came out as a sex-crazed liberal.
>get naked and jump into a frozen pond during the middle of winter.

Polar bear plunges are fun and refreshing, you should try it
South Dakota.

Beat our rights. I dare you to try.

No. Although props to your local governments for telling the state level shit to fuck off.
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Montana and Alaska are tied when it comes to natural beauty
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>small, irrelevant state tries and shits on texas
Violent dindus, violent Indians, and bears
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pick on someone your own size!!
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>large, relevant state that constantly gets overrun with spics, niggers, and commiefornia transplants that is less free than me
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Vermont ....a state with no black people, cucked.
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Montana is the objective best stare. As stated earlier though we are full so fuck off.
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Iowa and it aint even fucking close.

Iowa is literally the most forgotten about state in the union. Whenever someone is asked to rattle off all 50 states, Iowa is the one that makes people squint and think for a second. It is the definition of a flyover state and doesn't bring anything to the USA party.

Iowa and Indiana should be fenced off and turned into an "escape from new york" esque prison. I assume they border each other, but really who gives a shit?
You heard it here folks.
Tennessee. No income tax, ever.
Exactly this. Texas could have no whites and it would still be a great state.
>no blacks north of Milwaukee
>winters suck but again no blacks
>beautiful scenery
>some of the nicest people you'll ever meet
And guess what, were still red.

A shitty small state like yours would submit to calicucks immeadiately

You are the bitch's bitch
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I'm moving to Missoula or Whitefish area within the next 6 years and there's nothing you can do about it. I have liberal views too; I'm pro fag/lesbo marriage, pro weed, and I'm a fedora tipping atheist.
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How are there so many Iowa fags ITT?

Nebraska fag reporting in here. Eastern part of the state is basically the exact same as Iowa.
>t. Somali nigger
This is exactly the same area I was thinking to be the best.

Oh hell no, you're one of the worst!

You're out of your mind! Rising dindu population coinciding with rising crime rate? Not a chance!
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Brother, Texas is fucked in 10 years time. You're deluding yourself if you don't think this problem is getting worse.

But anon kun, SD is a depopulated wasteland. You have freedoms only so far in that there is no one there to take them/ stop doing meth long enough to care.
New York gets a lot of flak, but hear me out:

-Upstate New York is one of the most surprisingly (and overlooked) beautiful parts of America.

Manhattan is literally the capital of the fucking Earth. It's untouchable.

Too many Dindus in Bronx, Harlem. (Unfortunately)

The Hamptons would be heaven on earth (incredible beaches/ houses/ restaurants) if not for the people.

A ton of redpilled and based Irish and Italians that would make Tony Soprano blush.

So, I say 7/10. best city, best beaches, home of Trump (too many people....not enough whites are having kids)
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yep. I really wish NOVA and central maryland just joined up with DC to become a state and stop fucking us over every 4 years. They do pay a lot of taxes though.
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We have Forrest Gump.....
>And guess what, were still red.
Good. I won't talk shit or pretend we aren't enemies here. Stay red. Nuke Austin. Fuck the faggots.

>A shitty small state like yours would submit to calicucks immeadiately
>You are the bitch's bitch
Rude, desu.

>But anon kun, SD is a depopulated wasteland.
Exactly. Stay out. Fuck off. This place is a dystopian shithole. Move some place like the paradise that is California.
WI used to be an awesome state. With so many whites, there are waaaaay too many blue counties..the people have gone nuts up there.

t. Hoosier
Can confirm Maine is pretty good.

I was surprised in Augusta though, drove down the main street and at the end there were a bunch arabs in front of a building with arabic. They started yelling at me for staring.
2nd for the Bay State
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>But anon kun, SD is a depopulated wasteland. You have freedoms only so far in that there is no one there to take them
That's what makes it good retard
They're not cucked. They just have no experience with blacks. Give them 5 years around Dindu's and they'll go 90% for Trump.
While it's true that we whites are going to be a much smaller part of the future Texas, we can still teach our values, and I think mexicans will preserve our ways.
Iowa once we get the Yankees out.
Southerners have experience with blacks and are probably the least racist.

Lot of Southerners have black family members now. In Texas, practically all of us whites have a Mexican cousin.
Fuck you and burn in Hell.
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Iowa, this is not even a fucking question. Former NW area and Bettendorf fag reporting

Also I think this is the most Iowanons I've ever seen in one thread, nice
Just curious why Vermont is so liberal while
Montana, the Dakotas, Idaho etc are red pilled despite a lack of niggers?
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Certainly not Indiana, so please do not come here. We are full and have enough spill over from Chicago as it is
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Objectively East Tennessee and most of the Appalachia area
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Then get out of your little tiny flappy-headed unfailingly polite Canadian car and go over in kick them in their fuckling shins.

Augusta, Portland, and Auburn/Lewiston are not that great, rest of the state is 10/10
>Least racist

on what planet do you live on?
Fair assessment however I do believe New Yorkers are arguably the most Alpha humans on Earth.

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>No Wall
6 iowa fags ITT, impressive guys. I think we got the entire Iowa-4chan population here
I actually liked Augusta, that just surprised me though, I hope some redneck shoots them.
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The least racist?

Lmfao get outta here you fuckin yank, white power!
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>Northeast IA
Which county?
>and doesn't bring anything to the USA party.
Except that's untrue. Pic related.

Its the main population source in the north. Once taken over, the Yanks will be extinct in a couple generations.
Sorry, no, great idealistic daydream though. Mexicans aren't Tejanos. I live in San Antonio, and seeing the "mexican cowboy" is rare as fuck compared to a decade ago. The people pouring in don't give a fuck about Texan nationalism.
You need to come down here and visit Canada. Race relations down South are probably the best. Only thing we are opposed to is Yanks and liberals.
They produce goods while the shitfest cities like LA and NY consume the stuff FROM Montana, Dakota etc.
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>least racist
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>using our old flag
Come on man, get with the times.
Pennsylvania is Ohio with (non-shitty) cities/sports and more jobs.
Well the cities are naturally a bit more liberal. But you visit the burbs and the small towns and you'll see plenty of Mexican cowboys.

What made Texas great wasn't racial realism or whatever, it was our ideas of freedom, that can be applied to anyone. Let's not forget that Greg Abbott won 50% of Hispanic men down here. It can be done.
I have fond memories of Iowa, even though I was only there for 4 years while I went to college at the tree hugger college in the middle of the state (you know the one).
lol is this a joke? I am from Indiana and it is clearly the worst state by far. Its flat as shit, no mountains, every town is exactly the same, culture is non-existent, and the people are blue-pilled obese consumerists. It is literally the most mundane and useless region of the entire continent.
Have you ever been down South? We get along man.
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>t. Pacificuck
Texas, haven't we been over this shit?
I've actually never even been there. it's my dream though
Fuck off my board druggie degenerate
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The Georgia southern cross is the flag everyone flies in GA, that is if you arent itp in cucklanta.
That's actually a GOOD thing considering you're stuck with them IF it's true of course
I have lived here in Louisiana my whole life man.
Hmm, makes total sense, god bless farmers
I don't do drugs
>comfy cities
Fucking die urbanfag
fuck off
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Speak for yourself you nigger loving faggot.
actual texan logic
Then you know damn well we get along pretty good as long as you act right.

Like it or not, we're always gonna have diversity. In many Southern states, whites will be a minority in a couple generations. Might as well make it work and get good guys like Trump elected.
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Fuck you
>Delaware is the best state. Everyone knows that.
You have the highest abortion rate in the country. Clearly your state is shit if you kill off your children at such high rates.
Texas is horrible please don't move here.
Texas, the America of America obviously.
Well it's true man. Texas is 45% white and solid red. Vermont is 95% white and solid blue.

I want conservative governance and a Trump presidency. That means we need to work with and get along well with others rather than running from politics.
Indiana used to be a good state until Pence happened.

You're stuck indoors for 6 months out of the year, most people prefer to stay inside rather than deal with darkness and sub-zero temps and treacherous driving conditions. Lots of alcoholism. Source: I spent a winter in Sand Point, AK.
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Do us a favor and don't come back. Tell your friends that it's such a terrible place so that they don't shit it up either
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>everyone that lives in the Urbs are druggies
t. Cletus
Its not a liberal/conservative thing beyond their voting habits, it's their mindset. My mother lives in a small town/suburb and I visit her monthly. Exact same situation there. Mate you're either delusional, havent been in Texas long, or live in north or east texas. In 10 years the southern half of Texas will be equivalent to southern California.
outside of the fucking illegals it's nice in the phoenix area, worst part is the fucking califags moving here
>I'm looking at Utah for relocation. Within driving range of like 6 national parks, mostly white (fucking islanders though), open and concealed carry. Only bad thing I can see is the crime rate in west Salt Lake City and the city's liberal voting tendencies.
Then don't move to an urban area you fuck. If you want freedom, then stay the fuck out of cities.
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>tree hugger college

Honestly I only lived there for seven years before my family got stationed at Selfridge ANG, Michigan. Now we live in the 313 (Detroit) area and I chose Michigan State for college because I was too fucking stupid to explore colleges outside the state.
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Because they're full of hardworking industrial workers, cowboys, farmers, ranchers, oil field workers, military men, outdoorsmen and mountain man types. A mostly rugged area composed of mostly rugged men.
>Most people who own a gun in the USA are hopelessly out of shape and overweight.

>every ammenity
>barely any clean water
I'll admit that Southern Texans tend to be a bit more blue, but a lot of that is old time voters who haven't realized the problems of the modern Democrat party. Texas used to be blue when the Democrats represented the working man.

I'm in Lubbock, which is a bit north, but we've got a fair share of diversity, only 55% white, yet a very conservative city.
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The fuck you just say west coast numale faggot?
1) You tried to start a race war in the South.
2) You basically pushed through a bunch of legislation that made the succession permanent since there was no way for the South to come back peacefully.
I'm happy that Southern Diaspora is making sure that you Yankee faggots are out-breed and pushed out. You fags have resorted to bringing in Mexican slaves just to make up for all the regulations/laws you put in place to prevent competition. You should just surrender before Paco turns on you.
The entire state of Michigan has fewer blacks than the city of Atlanta.
this helps point out the fact border states will turn blue PURELY because of the amount of fucking illegals flood the state and vote (with out the need for state ID's) and turn it blue and just continuously do this til america is as cucked as germany
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This man does not represent the state of Iowa. Inbred southern hicks stay the fuck out, long live the Union
Were wicked good up here in Mass
New York
>I have fond memories of Iowa, even though I was only there for 4 years while I went to college at the tree hugger college in the middle of the state (you know the one).
You went to a city, not to Iowa. There's a difference.
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Gotta say, it's rather shameful knowing one of the worst tripfags on /pol/ resides in my ancestral and home state
NY sucks. WA is pretty good other than liberal cities that try to fuck the whole state in the ass. Open carry and shall issue CC. CA is shit, horrible gun laws, mandatory vaccination in schools.

HI is ultimate faggot island.

I'm curious about NV, KY, AZ. These seem promising. High white, good gun laws, apparently lower cultural marxism?
Fuck Off stop coming here you fucking faggots. Too many people ruining this once great state
>This man does not represent the state of Iowa. Inbred southern hicks stay the fuck out, long live the Union
1) Born here
2) The invasion is multi-generational
3) We're taking over your population source. I wanna do everything i can to bring as many Southerers to rural Iowa as possible.
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The fuck you say?

Never talk about the most based man in America again, or else,...wait what state are you from?
You sound like an urbanfag so you shouldn't be acting like Iowa belongs to you. Grinell(i.e. Newton's hippy sister) is basically Des Moine's bitch and you know it.
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>confederate flag

Stop. This post is full of non-argument. Do you even understand what the Confederate flag represents, Burger?
>a bit north
Make sure you wrap it up Raiderbro.

Majority of the older folks I talk to aren't voting Dem (I'm an electrician so I see a huge variety of people), and older people tend to be more conservative as a whole, so you can't blame the blue on them. You enjoy Lubbock's conservative nature because you don't have nearly as many of the illegal "Mexico first" brand of spics up there, and it's also a college town so you have naturally more conservative whites there (this holds true for any big college city in Texas except Austin). Visit someplace like Corpus or Galveston for awhile and you'll see an entirely different brand of brown people. It's been flowing into SA for the past decade, and the flood isn't stopping, they're pushing through the rest of the state. By the time these wetbacks reach Austin and Houston, Texas will be completely done, and we'll never have another Republican president.

>one of the worst
Too bad I'm not #1. Wonder who he/she is. Probably that fag(pipebomb) who moved to Iran and then either disappeared or became a terrorist.
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