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Hurricane General - Took You Long Enough Obama Edition

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 353
Thread images: 59

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AM I FUCKED?" or "WILL I BE OKAY?" anons, please check your area's warnings using this link:

>Weather Channel Live
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Riz1vKLhqI [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]

>Maps and Information (NOAA, updates automatically now.)
Path and Warnings: http://www.nhc.noaa.gov/graphics_at4.shtml?5-daynl#contents
Wind Probabilities: http://www.nhc.noaa.gov/refresh/graphics_at4+shtml/213945.shtml?tswind120#contents
Storm Surges: http://www.nhc.noaa.gov/refresh/graphics_at4+shtml/213945.shtml?wsurge#contents

>Maps and Information (other sources)
Tidbits: http://www.tropicaltidbits.com/
SpaghettiModels: http://www.spaghettimodels.com/
Navy NRL: http://www.nrlmry.navy.mil/TC.html

>Hurricane Safety
NOAA: http://www.nws.noaa.gov/om/hurricane/
FEMA: https://www.fema.gov/disaster/4068/updates/hurricane-safety-tips-learn-what-do-during-and-after-hurricane
Coast Guard Hurricane Supply Kit: https://www.uscg.mil/d7/airstaBorinquen/docs/HurricanePage/Suggested%20Hurricane%20Supply%20Kits%20.pdf

-Greater than 95% chance of making landfall somewhere between Boca Raton and Brevard County.
-Currently a cat 4, going to hit Florida as a a cat 4.
-Reminder that hotels are getting sold out all across Tampa and St. Pete. It'd be wise to check hotels more north of Tampa for the best possibility of securing a room if you're evacuating. Traffic along I-4 and other highways moving west are getting clogged, and thus detours will be needed to get out safely in as little time as possible.

>Live Cams (NEW)
Florida Beach Cams: http://www.mybeachcams.com/florida/southeast-keys/
Public Highway Cams: http://www.sigalert.com/Map.asp?lat=28.52839&lon=-81.2033&z=0

>Twitters to Check


>inb4 "LOL DIS AIN GUN BE BAD DIS AINT DO NUFFIN!!!" from New Englanders / Euros
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who /naturalgas/ here? gonna be nice and comfcomf when the power goes out
next time say EVACUATE instead of migrate you fuck
If kek blesses me with repeating digits I'll fight the pussy hurricane 1v1.
>just make a fire

All the wood will be wet
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>inb4 "LOL DIS AIN GUN BE BAD DIS AINT DO NUFFIN!!!" from New Englanders
I agree on this coming from NH
hi matty, why didnt you directly hit miami? im very upset about this.
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good idea anon, sounds like a kek.
no please
Hit Miami please, I'm bored
The golden age of hurricane coverage was the 90s and early 2000s. Everyone cares too much about "safety" now to do interesting coverage.
>tfw have to go to sleep soon
>the hurri will hit while I am sleeping
goddamn yankees, your happenings always happen while we euros gotta sleep
OP always forgets:


Cool little thing to watch.
This guy here. Also should mention that I'm in southern Seminole county if that makes any difference.
RIP murica
Anyone from titusville here? How fucked are we?

Also stop fucking moving so fast /pol/
I just had some natural gas fire out of my asshole hahaha!!!


Matthew 10:7-15
7 As you go, proclaim this message: ‘The kingdom of heaven has come near.’
8 Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those who have leprosy, drive out demons. Freely you have received; freely give.

9 “Do not get any gold or silver or copper to take with you in your belts—
10 no bag for the journey or extra shirt or sandals or a staff, for the worker is worth his keep.
11 Whatever town or village you enter, search there for some worthy person and stay at their house until you leave.
12 As you enter the home, give it your greeting. 13 If the home is deserving, let your peace rest on it; if it is not, let your peace return to you.
14 If anyone will not welcome you or listen to your words, leave that home or town and shake the dust off your feet.

>15 Truly I tell you, it will be more bearable for Sodom and Gomorrah on the day of judgment than for that town.
>OP from original Hurricane Genera
kys for this name
Fuck you bitch I'm rerolling to kick your ass.
I have a meeting and I would miss it if i visited Miami
radar is showing speeds of 150 mph.
>60-70 mph

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Time for bed

stay strong floridafriends

when I wake up I want to see each and everyone of you safe and sound
There's like 6-8 hours before shit hits the fan, just wake your neet ass up.
That tree looks like a little bitch. Even if it falls any house worth its shit will be fine.

I wouldn't sleep in that part of the house though..
landfall at what catagory?
They won't
Nice, cheers mate.

You make fun of Leaf? Now it is time for Leaf to make fun of you!
We recently got the entire roof redone so that should help.
>asking for another shreking
I bought some powdered water but I don't know what to add
I'm too lazy to change it, it's grown on me.
remember when jeff got robbed?
Southside jax. We fucked?
You got shit on last thread pal
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King nigger is governor of Florida now?
You can make fire from wet wood, holy shit, did your father never take you camping?
Should be good then, mate. How thick is that tree? Looks not even a foot thick, so if it is healthy it will sway A LOT instead of breaking.

It is the unhealthy or aging trees you need to worry about.
convert that into kph and you will shit yourself, ahmed
Be right back turning into a cat 5.
Are you and Nicole going to hook up? A litte Fujiwara action?
sorry kid.
keep us comfy, senpai
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No we watched tv
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Wrong folder to shitposts from leaf
These trees have been here for ages. They worry me because one of our neighbor's trees recently fell in our yard.
I'm thinking about it any tips?
why is the fucking leaf posting ape porn in my glorious Hurricane General thread?
Daily reminder that this board is full of underage retards who've never been in hurricanes before. It honestly makes me upset you faggots cling to shit tier news like it's an actual happening
so when do we people start dying?
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18 dead already.
stop trying to get people killed
>tfw many guns will be permanently destroyed
Who /no prep/ here?
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These threads suck and the hurricane aint gonna be shit.

Cap it nigger.
>These trees have been here for ages

That is usually a good thing. Like I said if the tree looks healthy it will do fine.
10 hours from now
nobody's going to die because it's not hitting the haitian shantytowns in south florida
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all of them.
My friend and her family live in west palm Beach and didn't evacuate and is riding it out in their house. Are they going to be safeM
idk senpai the weather man said something about tropical moistness though
Hi Mathew! Would you aim your anger at the most democrat dense areas? No mercy plz
if people ever though /pol/ was normal

1 person pretending to be a hurricane
many people talking to hurricane who is a man pretending to be a hurricane
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Kek what a fucking tard.

Niggers grow up. Global warming is a hoax and "bigger" storms every year is hype.
is that from the hurricane or the negros
There's some tropical moisture in your mom's pants
She's pretty sexy but she's only a tropical storm.
Nope going to be 100mph winds tonight
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>reminding me of Katrina confiscation
great now I'm rustled and bored
You are a liar and a fraud bc you are mathew not the proper CHRISTIAN MATTHEW

What are you working on today? Looks interesting.
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Are there any beach streams that are actually streams and not just still shots every few minutes?
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Don't die ameribros
God damn senpai I don't remember that big...thing on the right in your last pic.

Is there really nothing to do in Montana?
Clearwater here but put in new Port richey with my girl. Are we safe guys ?
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At least florida isn't completely filled with nignogs so they wont be completely assrapped.

God damn im off today so bored been trolling info on Haiti.

What a fucking shithole. We need to just completely stop aid to them and let natural selection take over.

Democracy there dosn't work. Forign aid simply exaserbates the problem. But unlike africa they have fertile land.

Its like fuck em.
don't worry I will spare no one.

Does she ever actually open the jumpsuit
Darwin is smiling down on them.
I'm in Michigan, will I be OK???
Here's Wilma for reference on what hurricanes are like.
Florida has romeo and Juliet law though

If they ain't stupid, yes.

Lots of sandbags, generators, food supply, etc.
No you fucking idiot
Any reason why you have just a fairly basic wooden chair instead of one with wheels? Stand a lot or is it just comfy as fuck? I've had some wooden chairs that are comfier than most computer chairs so I can understand there.
Miamibro here. Nothing but some rain and wind.

Boring as hell I might go out for a walk.
Today I learned people actually eat cold soup out of the can.
Anyone been wondering how this could effect the campaign? Shits looking pretty bad, and Trump is probably loading up trucks right now like he did last time. Do you think that if there was massive destruction people could be swayed to vote Trump given his backgroud?

Florida is an important state.
Just wait till she dissipates a little. Then you will get to see her good parts.

You won't be able to resist.
See you on the other side cowboy
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check again, she's a Cat 1 now.
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Frogs though. Frogs.

Georgia and south Carolina are literally filled with niggers. Hopefully most of them drown
Kent here. Bit windy but no happening yet.
Hurricane Matthew is a false weather flag. Geo engineering weather to "prove" climate change as a political point against Trump.
>Katrina confiscation

That didn't go over too well IIRC.
What if she's a virgin? I don't want blood on my dick.
Today I learned people have incredibly weak and useless father figures.
>surrounded by fire fuel
>b-but it's wet!
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wood is superior.

is that like a ketchup pie or some shit, anon?

We have a law against it in Georgia, but I'd be a son of a bitch if I ever disarmed period.

What's the point in having the motherfuckers if you give them up at the first sign of weekend warriors?

Niggers can't swim, but they'll put on some fucking swimmies and look if they gotta.
Hurricane Matthew is a false weather flag. Geo engineering weather to "prove" climate change as a political point against Trump.
oh i'm gonna try to hook up now.
I'm thinking about going out to the Gables and get drunk. Shits weak.
I live in Orlando, how bad is it looking?
Will that destroy houses?
They have shutters and food. Is that enough?
Today I learned anon has never faced real life.
Crashing florida with no survivors.
Won't matter at that point. Just remember to go fuck her over warm water to raise your power levels a bit before making your return.
Hurricane Mickey is going to plow your anus.

Yes nigger, ain't nothing wrong with it. Shit, all you need is soup and weiner sausages in the can. can do mre's but if you eat too many, your asshole will thank you.
yes probably
I'm near LaGrange & Old Dixie Highway and fearful. All i hear are the winds are going to tear everything apart
Kek is a pretty cool dude to be honest.
>Florida isn't completely filled with nignogs

M8 have you been to South Florida?
I'm hoping North Charleston will turn into the badlands. It honestly wouldn't take much.
My last post on this thread
Just wanted to say that I wish many many many American will die in terrible pain.
It happened, and there was nothing people could do but shoot back at cops and nasty girls, which they didn't. Then their guns rusted away in some warehouse

Florida also passed one recently, basically saying that if you're evacuated you can evacuate with your guns.
To be fair real life for most doesn't involve anything more taxing than pumping their own gas
How long until it hits land?
k achmed.

Good luck in tomorrow's terrorist attack!
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Alright bros. Got my snack ready for today. It's going to be a long night.
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What was your favorite hurricane /pol/?

Mine was Katrina because of the memes.
Electricity, but filled up a couple tanks to grill food while the power is out.
Alright, I hope it goes well.
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Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee !!!!!!!!!!!!!
tfw no qt nicole gf
But it isn't completely filled, back when I lived in Port St John it was 95% white, nowadays that's dropped to 90% though which is starting to scare me.

Don't worry French Fry, the next truck is on it's way.
Literally nothing
>SE will get hit not once but TWICE
I hope Floridaman has insurance coverage.

not politically, but most of the idiots gave their guns up without a fight.

only people still armed were niggers. oh, and us.

>was a young electrical apprentice that went down to katrina because company was paid to get power back on.

We got shot at on several different occasions. Nobody down there but us and jigaboos. Like little fucking Iraq.

that's not a human anymore
tfw gonna get a qt nicole gf
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great value donut cheeseburger you couldnt make up something more american

Currently on the west coast, all the eat coast niggers are using the schools as shelters

Probably, except women are stupid. No offense.
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Why do people say Sandy was such a bad storm? Are northerners just not used to storms?
How many do you plan on killing?
ignore >>91759062

you'll be seeing tropical storm force winds and heavy rain so just be careful, shouldn't be too bad over there though.

Normal hard hurricane weather for our gallery if it retains its course (like 50-60 mph winds when you're sleeping); only concern is power outages which we are in the moderate warning area of and considering how long it took in 2004 to fix (two weeks if I'm remembering right) can be a real son of a bitch.
>which they didn't

I thought they did and they eventually gave up the confiscation efforts because of it. Niggas were being too confrontational because authorities were asking about weapons. It caused a massive clusterfuck so eventually authorities gave up.

My memory is kind of fuzzy though. I left the city ofc so I wasn't there.
weak shit both times. central east coast is going to get the real deal.
No one does that in a normal situation, but you can if you have, to survive. That's the point.

Just south of you. It's cloudy and drizzling outside, with little wind.

Shit won't get bad until later
Miamifag here. This place is overrun with niggers and spics with the occasional kike thrown in.

I can taste the neurotoxins.
Southside checking in...where?

Wal-Mart sells those now? Sheeeeeeeeeeeeet, I'ma have to go next time I'm in the area and grab me one or two.
As many as possible.
>Are northerners just not used to storms?
basically. i was laughing my ass off at the "superstorm sandy" nickname. bitches please.
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>when I lived in Port St John it was 95% white

which is more closer to central florida

south florida might as well be africa or veanezuala
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I'm sleeping in the bathroom hugging my computer tonight.
>can't spell Matthew
>can't spell gorilla

how do you think you're going to destroy a city when you can't spell your name?
Oh no I know. I've been telling them to evacuate for days and they haven't listened to me. Now they're starting to think about evacuating since it started to rain and look bad outside.
AlaskaFag reporting in. Nothing but sunshine and clear blue skies up here bros. Hope you floridafags stay safe.

gonna get /comfy/ after work in hopes of seeing looting by googles.
>Hurricane Matthew is a false weather flag. Geo engineering weather to "prove" climate change as a political point against Trump.

They don't have the infrastructure to deal with storms in the same way as we don't have the same to deal with blizzards, such as with snow fucking Atlanta up for that time.
Same famalam, I've been working on loosing weight, but I might have to get some this weekend. Might even shart in mart just for the novelty of it
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post /comfy/ music for florida bros
>>Are northerners just not used to storms?
>basically. i was laughing my ass off at the "superstorm sandy"

I am triggered
>It's going to be a long night
for your intestines
nah...she'll be good
SW Florida here. I am lmaoing @ you're lifes.
More like Haiti and Cuba, but that's roughly the same.
That sounds about right.

I think I remember them giving up the effort because it was causing conflict and harming the search and rescue process.

Overall, 2/10 for effectiveness. The guns didn't leave the city.
Florida is stand your ground. Just start shooting at it
oh he meant SOUTH Florida, yeah fuck that place desu.
Living near Miami, how likely is it that I'll lose power?
And I was laughing when it took 1/4 of an inch of snow to shut down the south. Should have named it 'Snowstorm Sherman'
No one said a hurricane had to be smart senpai
No. Here in New York, things are not typically built to Hurricane standards like they are in the South. There were a lot of fires, power outages, and flooding (Especially in the subways).
it was a comfy storm, not damaging
you were not OK even before this storm
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Double eye wall
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>mfw this hurrican will swing Florida blue

we're fucked... this is Hurrican Sandy 2.0... and Obongo will seem like a hero.

What a ((((coincidence)))) that we have another huge hurrican in an election year...
Pretty likely.
that's cause the south is gay. north and south are faggots. florida is the only state that matters.
Please don't speak for the Hurricane. I'm sure he's working hard to prepare his landfall right now.
It was a pretty bitch as storm, it just exposed how shit the power grid is.
Do you plan on heading north after Florida?
>that snow storm fucking Atlanta

Many keks were had. Watching yanks deal with hurricanes is just as funny as watching southern fucks deal with snow.
Florida will be red.
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>Be West Palm Beach
>neighbor who every morning kicks down my Trump sign comes and asks to borrow one of my pistols
>I told him to fuck off and I'm not going to protect hm from niggers either
>guy tried to go buy a last minute gun but all of the fun stores are now closed
Fuck I am feeling kinda guilty, should I lend him one of my Glocks now?
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>tfw my birthday is tomorrow
>mfw i live in broward county
What did he mean by this?
>Winds will be high in high rise structures in Downtown Florida
>Downtown Florida
was this a typo or is this a fake?
>tfw jacksonville bros will never meet up to ride out the storm

feels bad man
Yes, I plan on stopping at DC to get some pictures of the white house.
>tropical storm wind and heavy rain

Literally nothing.
same desu
OP here, gonna have to go on break after this thread, someone else mind taking over and posting the next one at bump limit?
I was talking more about the people who didn't want to cause trouble and were in the better part of town. I can imagine going into waste deep water to collect tyrone's problem solver was dropped fairly quickly.
Make him learn his lesson, anon.
It's supposed to get stronger until landfall and stay pretty consistent up the coast. Miami is well south of where the eye will meet land, though. It could loop back

>Catastrophic damage will occur. Large amounts of windborne debris will be lofted into the air. There is a high risk of injury or death to people and animals due to flying and falling debris. Older mobile homes and a high percentage of newer mobile homes will be destroyed. Well-built homes can also sustain severe damage with significant losses to roof structures and/or some exterior walls. Extensive damage to roof coverings, windows, and doors will occur. Top floors of apartment buildings will sustain structural damage, steel frames in older industrial buildings and older unreinforced masonry buildings can collapse. Most windows will be blown out of high-rise buildings- falling and broken glass will pose a significant danger. Commercial signage and fences will be destroyed, most trees will be snapped or uprooted and power poles down. Power outages will last for weeks to possibly months, long-term water shortages can be expected, and most of the area will be uninhabitable for weeks or months.

the real question is doing anybody care who the OP is? I don't
happy birthday from brevard, floridabro

i raise my drink to you!
prolly retards typing too fast cause local forecast office is shitting their pants
murrkans dying is funny to me
lol the apes are going to eat him alive. oh well, one less vote for hillary.
Let him borrow a gun with no bullets, he won't check. If a Google tries to loot him he'll act cocky and try to shoot at him, but he'll get culturally enriched instead
No. Wait until he's in trouble and swim over to his house telling him he shoulda voted Red.
serves you fuckers right for banning the sale of nasty as they wanna be
Shoot his hillary sign
i'm coming for you fuck face.
shits strong yo and will likely go cat 5 when the second eye wall swallows the first
>obongo will seem like a hero
lmao no
People fucking hate him here
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gee thanks anon
Stop being a pussy
We are getting a fucking weak wind gust
>not wanting comfy cleanup without electric distractions
It was top comfy tier when Sandy knocked out power for two weeks on my birthday
No. Not at all. Let the Hillary voter die.

If you lend that gun consider yourself a permacuck.


He doesn't have a Hillary sign, he had his old Bernie sign up on his yard/window/car however.

Southerner here who lives in Georgia.

What you saw in Atlanta was combination of niggers (who can't do anything right) and transplants from Florida/Yankee States/California. That's pretty much Atlanta's population nowadays.

Any native Georgian worth their shit moved out of the shithole years ago.


Tell him you need to do a background check because Hillary said so.
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The only supplies I have is some bread, peanutbutter and strawberry jelly. SOMEONE SEND HEEEELP

Oh and I barely have any fucking gas due to the stations running out.
Hey OP I'm about to leave work and go food shopping. If a genny isn't up when I get home I'll make one and keep it going. I should be home around 5:30
You should save his ass and then he'll vote Trump
Clearwater here, staying in New Port Shitty. Think I fucked up by not evacuating ?
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guys look for a clown somewhere in southwest ranches he was wearing pajamas and a rainbow wig holding an umbrella
Jeff is so fucking annoying
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watching live destruction.... super comfy
Nah. He doesn't even support the 2nd amendment anyway.

Let's make a /pol/ broward meet up.
north central FL here
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fool... blissfully unaware of what happened in 2012...

in 2012, hurrican sandy swept across the atlantic
before it hit, Romney was a fewpoints ahead of obama. and was certainly going to win the election,

but after it hit, public opinion of obama shot up after he worked hard to rebuild the affected communities and give them aid.

obama's poll numbers rose significantly fter hurrican sandy

it's sad... but i thnk trump is going to lose bigly
i got the next one senpai.
I'm in Broward too
Wanna celebrate your birthday after the hurricane? We can get drinks or something
Come over we got lots of potato chips and popcorn
Floridians riding to Valhalla shiney and chrome. What a day. What a lovely day.
I take it back, show him compassion. Maybe he'll switch over to Trump if you show him some kindness.
Thanks bruv
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>He doesn't have a Hillary sign, he had his old Bernie sign up on his yard/window/car however.
Take a shit on his porch.
Quit trying, DiANE
Senpai, I just farted a hurricane. The squalls are deadly.
I live in west palm, I'm doing the same.

If her home was built post 1990 she is 100% safe. Homes down here are basically concrete squares with a roof on top. Realistically, if she has shutters up on the windows and a supply of food/water to last a week or so they will be safe. Only if something truly catastrophic happens like her roof coming off entirely or a large tree falling directly onto the home will she be in danger.

I've lived down here my whole life, through Andrew, Wilma, Katrina, Irene, and many other smaller storms. Never evacuated once.
Romney was an idiot cuck who disappeared.

Trump will do the same thing he did in Louisiana.

get some canned food, but what you really need are jugs of clean drinking water and toilet paper.

You always want a weeks worth of drinking water, a weeks worth of nonperishable food and a basic first aid kit. always.

Sounds like you fucked yourself.

1. You should always keep spare paneling in your house. Metal is better than wood BTW. Sheet metal isn't that fucking expensive. Wood isn't either.

2. Generators are not expensive nowadays. Even a slant nigger-tier Harbor Freight one is better than nothing. http://www.harborfreight.com/engines-generators/gas-engine-generators.html

3. You can make those supplies last, but seriously invest in some canned goods. Buy that shit on sale at grocery store throughout the year. Canned fish, noodles, soups, dried milk, etc.
Florida LSU Saturday in Gainesville just cancelled

Fucking pussies
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Any dumb faggot who's still in this hurricane's warpath deserves to die.
Peak winds of only 90 mph from 8 PM to 7 AM where I am. How are you other fine Floridians doing?
fug, that's one of the only good games this weekend, too
Yeah I know that much. I guess it's just wait and see, hope I get a bit of luck and keep it for the night.
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Will be fun to watch the live feeds tonight

Don't want the nigger athletes to drown.

FSU Miami probably going to get canceled too.
fill your bathtub and sinks with water.
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kek smiles upon thee
>implying Romney ever had a chance

Just like Trump, except Trump will lose states that have been red for decades.
How do you comment?
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Hurricane Mathew Devil Face Rev 18 Millstone Illuminati Freemason Symbolism

I'm already fucking her.
Boston here, we gonna get anything after it's eaten Florida up? Would love a good storm here.
It's Remy lacroix bro...
Jesus how new are you?

You're welcome
I'm hoping the USC v. UGA doesn't get cancelled.
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>2. Generators are not expensive nowadays. Even a slant nigger-tier Harbor Freight one is better than nothing

Just remember to not be a dumb nigger and LET THE GENERATOR EXHAUST GO OUTSIDE.

I remember some dumb nigger killed his family by putting his generator inside the house.

>pic related, little girl seen some shit
>captcha: drive safely
Ok google!
water spouts!
You're retarded
I will try.
Is Shepard Smith having a stroke? He keeps slurring words or not using the proper ones.

Disney World is also closing at 5 today and staying closed tomorrow.

Disney doesn't completely close that often.

> Shits on trump signs
> Probably a rabid Anti-Gun any other day of the year
> Suddenly wants a gun when shit is getting real.

I'd tell him to ask Hillary for one, desu.

At the same time I'd like to believe you can convert people once they realize that the state isn't going to be there to protect you 24/7.


He's just lost, teach him the way of funz and you'll have another GOP friend in no time.
"Poor planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on mine."
—Army saying
Yes, only. Peak projections show the strongest winds getting up to 150 mph with gusts.

What, you've never gone through a Cat 4 or 5 hurricane before?
You think that is S. Fl?

That's central FL.

Come down here to Hialeah, to Deerfield Beach, to Cooper city.

10% white. not the other way around
No fellow MAfag.

It seems like it's going to do a u-turn and rape 'em again. By the time anything gets up here it'll be a pussy fart.
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>not recognizing some slut makes you a newfag
>he fell for blue texas meme
How soon until cat 5?
Is this gonna be like that one storm that was supposed to destroy Mexico?
KEK please save florida, they were going to vote trump
Feels bad man.
About 10 MPH
>satanic trips

Boston confirmed next victim
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You dumb nigger, for people who actually know what those winds are it's not a big deal. The most we have to worry about is flooding and faggot new Yorkers who don't know how to drive in rain.
Every cat5 I've been through has been pussy shit compared to a stalled cat3.

Speed of the storm matters more than the wind, IMO.
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I know
A lot of liberals fled, my conservative friend. With any luck they'll stay back in their cucked states and stay away forever.
calling bullshit on this storm. you can see the eye is disintegrating on the fucking radar. There will certainly be damage, but not "uninhabitable for weeks."
Look at radar, storm is falling apart.
WoB Coconut Creek, Brass Tap Coral Springs, or Tap 42 in Boca?
Then my gf Nicole will clean up the survivors
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Shep was a huge asshole this entire broadcast

I don't know what his deal is

t. someone whose parents in daytona refuse to leave
It's going to be something at the very least. I will laugh if it actually does loop around and double dip on the southern coast. Hopefully wipe Little Cuba off of the map.

Sandy was a catastrophic hurricane mostly because of its very large storm surge
it would need stay in the water longer to become that.
new bread, migrate when ready:

His, anderson cooper was almost killed in Dennis

Wrll yeah but they aint haiti level. At least whites still control shit and law exists
This guy nailed it. Tell him you can't sell him the gun without a background check because he opposes the "gun show loophole".
Don't. Give. Him. A. Fucking. Gun.


He already resents you. He more than likely doesn't know how to properly use it and there is a very real possibility that he will never give your gun back.

Also, why do you let him fuck with your sign every day?
who 904 here?

He's trying to be "intense" to get people to evacuate that are being stubborn or already know they're gonna be fine because they're vets of the storms.
Northeast Georgia here. Can confirm.
you're not going to be as bad as you think. And yes, have been through bob, katrina, and sandy (lost house to a 15 foot of water, washed right off foundation and into shit).

This is not as bad as they are making it out. look at the recent radar and what the eye is doing.
I would truly start believing in Kek if it loops, eats Nicole, scrapes by south FL again and heads straight into the Gulf to build up strength for the inevitable push towards the Gulf coast.

Truly a storm worthy of 2016.
What about 10ft storm surges?
>Newscasters all sperging out begging people to leave
>No one leaving
>People literally hanging out at the beach
I'm starting to think that this is all just some big false flag attempt to scare the shit out of people. Locals seem to be ignoring the storm entirely
Is that a HAAS? What are ya drillin?

anybody got tea candles? I'm trying to make some but I don't have any wax to melt :(
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It can be quite nice really. The more creamy soups work better, but the liquid soups will give you salt and liquid.

You can also eat baked beans out of the can.
Post tits and I'll send you some this weekend.
anderson cooper knows how to deal with blowing like a champ.
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Unless you're trolling, please castrate yourself immediately.
Nice Haas
561 here as well
Use your ear wax, or if you survive take candles from your dead neighbors
i'm a mail tho
I will be watching the hurricane 20 floors below sea level, in a bunker.
>matty is taking on dry air
>turning north

The dream is dead, nothing is going to happen

I really miss moments like that
Post feet and I'll send you my condolences for your lack of candles.

This guy has it right.

Don't talk thay way about my Remy
I like how they are freaking the fuck out.

That shit is the funnest part of a hurricane. Going out and seeing what all gets fucked up.
She's a coal burner who is shit at porn, fuck her.
I live ~5 miles inland.
If the storm surge hits me I've got bigger problems than just the storm.
Because I asked him and he denies it, and I am not going to jail for a fucking sign. I just put it back up.
Melbournefag here, who else is /fuckedbymatthew/?
Not just shooting him...

Stand your ground.
who /brevard/ here? I'm amped this is my first 'cane
Alright I need to go, still have a lot of shit to do wish me luck.
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Good luck, man.

And remember, please don't lend him a gun.
or lend him a super shitty .22 rifle that has no value to you

dont even need to give him ammo

to a nignog a rifle is scarier than a pistol

good luck on your journey, good luck on my journey. lol
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look at this asshole strolling down jax beach
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S A N D Y 2.0
S A N D Y 2.0
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>tfw never experienced a hurricane before
Shit's comfy and scary
you will have to travel 100 of miles of hostile territory, day and night till you reach the comfy hoilday inn.
if they have a bar/resturant it's epic win! lol
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