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Thread replies: 352
Thread images: 127

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Let's get one going.
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I already lost, time to go back to /c/
How did this incident not start a race war? Fair enough if was your average day man or Vietnam vet, but ww2 takes it to another level desu.

If this happened in the uk, and it actually made headline news (there was a sucker punch on a few years back but it was a white guy) shit would go down. Ie a ww2 vet gets beheaded b/c Allah. They would all be hung by our mid morning cup of tea
Why would the SWAT teams do that? They have their own androids.
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>Tyrone Davidson

You cant make this shit up, anyways its what he gets for being tolerant of google.
It never made it to the media.
>teenager kill wwtwo veteran
>Me:teenager is a nigger right?
>Scroll down

Didn't a nigger muslim chop off a soldiers head in the middle of the street?
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People like this should be castrated with a cheese grater.
How does this graph make sense?
Is this an overlay of the same time?
That little nigger bitch is about to get fucked in his boi pussy.

The only thing that sucks about prison is that you cant walk up and blow the nigger's fucking brains out
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Farewell western civilization. Adios. It was a good run.
Please tell me this isn't real...
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Just to play devil's advocate here could it be there's 2 sides to this story?

Yet again, proof of how retarded Americans are.

I said fair enough if it was any other soldier/vet, but ww2 vet is another level

>Lying in a trench at night worrying if a bomb or gas attack is going to take you in the night, watching your friends get gunned down while you hold your older brother as he lays their choking on gas

>Walking to Walmart 70 years later and some niggas having a bad day
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I bet this shit happens all the time in western countries and is covered up by police/government as it isn't "helpful" to quashing the growing anti-foreigner (anti-terrorism, Islam and 3rd world scum) sentiment. Doesn't work. A lot of people are gonna die.


How didn't this hit the news?????????
This actually legit made me feel sad, not rage, just depressing.
No you fucking leaf.

My brave Black friend just won the war for us #BF1

Literally didn't even have to look. It's always fucking dindu scum. Incapable of empathy.
probably because offender was black/brown/muslim
My heart rate is sky fucking high at this point, I lost
Old white man and a young prince. Why the fuck do you think?
So kill all white veterans, except the one who went to war to murder Europe and end the empire?
Great logic you fucking moron.
White victim. Who gives a fuck? He probably deserved it for being raci- I mean, harboring implicit bias.
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The only story I read about this one, and the two white guys they tried to set on fire during the Charlotte riots, were in British newspapers.
We really should send them all to mars.

My rage-o-meter is reaching near critical levels.
>How did this incident not start a race war?

Bc u damn anglos are cucks, that old man is better than 5 actual anglo guys, you guys has no balls, u can't even fight a war like your ancesters did.

Please someone nuke that shitty island.
Had a laugh. Who gives a fuck about /lit/
I'm pretty sure this one's deliberate satire.
I'm just trying to ask if the money had already been squandered before she left. I'm just asking.

Besides, you can't really expect 2 people to stay together forever if one doesn't love the other?
It is totally real. She told the psychologist that she was afraid of black people now, and the judge felt that since she was racist, the perps should get the minimum. Look the story up, it was just last year.
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My top Google result gives me this pic.

I guess (((they're))) still covering up the evidence. Tbhf, when I first opened the (((snopes))) I thought for a second they would be honest.
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Doesn't stop it being a disgusting waste of perfectly good paper and ink.

I figured it would all rapidly go downhill when tweets started being reported as news.
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got so many moreee
Already lost, this man fought in war so this nog could have freedom and how does he repay the favor? By setting him on fire good one there just another example why ferals need to be exterminated.
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this an obvious bait "(((newspaper)))"

Bruh are you like fucking retarded? Do you even have any people skills? For a start, your country actually did fuck all apart from clear out a few jap islands with no more than 50 on each, and send like 40k soldiers to Australia to protect it. Our navy defended your coast.

Second,when did I say kill all white veterans? Now I hate shitskins as much as a the next, but anyone who dies protecting their countries and family's is based in my eyes. When did I say kill any veterans, in fact? I clearly said some veteran deaths should stark more outrage than others. Ie of a nigger shot a afghan vet who's 20-30, nobody would give a fuck (because your country has no history, and at this point is pretty much a non country on par with Belgium).

If we literally removed your entire continent, all world problems would be solved

The only job you had to do was stream roll ussr and you didn't have the balls desu
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>using wikipedia as a source

Christ, my blood pressure is skyrocketing.

Ps: censorship is pretty fucking disgusting isn't it.
Shit dad. You had kids, no reasonto steal you sons happiness.
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Can we just become Isis now?

Fuck this gay world. Fuck everything about every western government.
(I'm actually running for office and I've lost all hope since I won my primary. Dems will destroy this nation, it will happen)
If this is true, then you should kill that judge, as long as it is legal to kill judges.
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>Brutally kill an elderly man and light him on fire

and lost

I'm still having a hard time getting over this shit

You know this kid is going to be a fucking king in jail cuz he burned some whitey he probably has some cool nickname that has something to do with fire and is working his way to become the major dope distributor inside because he has no plans of ever getting out.

The family of the dead veteran should all be asked if they want to torture this guy and how, only then justice has been achieved
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Are you running as republican anon?

This can be fixed with one term of Trump. Government (mainly dems and high ranking DOJ/FBI) needs to be fucking purged. Media needs ALL gov funding cut and for it to be made easier to sue for libel and slander.
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I have literally hundreds of these, but this one gets me every time. It may not be the worst outcome, but it's the epitome of the casual injustice of society these days.
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As an Yorkshireman go to hell bitch.
about that.. maybe we should be doing something too http://www.t13.cl/noticia/nacional/llegada-haitianos-chile-crece-731-ultimos-tres-anos
That got me very upset. Fuck you.
>the only job America had in WW2 was to stream roll the USSR

wew, attack allies during the war? This is why everyone hates the UK. You ruined Europe, killed more whites across the world then you killed any other race (y'all created concentration camps to kill boer families) and you're arrogant for no reason at all.
Your world War vets were only 10% of any force. What did y'all gain? Muslims and street shitters replacing your natural people.
post some more, anon
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Why are we puting ourselves through this lads.
This has more to do with the state not wanting to pay for the child support. States will go to any length to not pay.
Im having lunch between classes but yeah I don't know
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no kek 'tho, why did he do it?

why did he killed a 91 year old man and set him on fire? And I won't accept "cuz he's a nigger" for an answer, I want the causes belli of this shit.
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>and you're arrogant for no reason at all.

Awww sheeeet, I lost already
Why do people like you have a chip on your shoulder all the time? You attack everyone as being 'pussies' and then it always devolves into more people thinking American people are stupid and arrogant. Especially when you write like a hick. Seriously. You can't address any points, just throw meaningless insults and statements.

t. Muhammad
That's great actually, Shakespeare is boring as shit anyway and a completely talentless hack meme writer.
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another good one

and by good one I mean reason to burn this whole planet to a radioactive cinder

She should straight-up kill herself. It would make no difference to her genetic legacy and stop the poison of leftism infecting impressionable young minds.
If I'm mad at least it's something. Outrage porn is pretty popular these days (if not always).
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lost immediately
Holy shit bongs, why is this newspaper pure cancer?
I would kill her. Absolutely.
>That moment when your dad is the one cuck u.
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Lost right out of the gate.
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Your entire comment just made me die inside.
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Didn't you see his family testimony? They clearly said that he dindedunoffin
>Public servant

i'm fine with this decision, it's immoral to reject responsibility for putting another child on this earth. that said, that poor kids' parents are most likely unfit and i dread for its future.
I'm fearful that her children might end up like her. This is good.
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Already lost
Good, now kill yourself.
I'm a republican in Texas.
My own party is supporting the fucking anchor baby Mexican baby boomer.

No, libs, dems, jews have the entire government. They have everything.
After the primary I would have to go on conference calls to get the gop weekly narrative. ......they were jews in the phones. All the people setting the replacing agenda in Maryland and Virginia are jews, anon.
>I've cried many times now because I have to hold in so many scary truths I've learned about my government that I can't say in the open.

America is gone, not even a senator, congressman, or president can fix this. Only a dictator could help us.
kek, classic modern grauniad, reminds me of the "Thomas the Tank is racist!" article a few years ago - grauniad just loves trolling, scary thing is some of them may actually believe it too.

>rape and murder a young girl
>kick a pen in a guys head through his ear
>make multiple people drink DRANO and tape their mouths shut

NAACP tried to get them off cause YALL RAYCISSSS

Literally couldn't even read it. The Guardian is pure cancer. Luckily it's failing horribly. Losing money year-on-year and bleeding readers daily. Kek.
>chose not to procreate

I'm sure she's convinced herself she's choosing not to have kids for that reason, but that's not really the reason.
.... it is an income source to one of our previous colonies.
We even bought sugar at above the going rate for a long time to help sustain the degenerate daggerers (Jamaica)

Fuck Joel Golby and fuck Guardianistas.
That made me cry not rage.. My grandpa is a 91 year old WWII vet. He was a d-day medic.

If any nigger laid a finger on my gramps I would kill all niggers.
Id gladly covert back to Christianity to just start up The Inquisition again.
>This is what British soliders fought for, to have their country ruined by the very jews they defended
Fuck the election, can we just do the civil war now instead
I would for sure want to scalp him. He's practically asking for it

I'm so glad her sons see straight through her shit. She deserves misery for pushing this guilt shit. It's almost like a happy ending!
Fuck I remember that one! Disgusting bitch!
>Source: Professor Michael Patterson

>The University took away all my managerial duties and refused my promotion to professor.

very understandable, triggered me hard aswell. hope you're taking good care of gramps
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>could breed kids who will inevitably be just as much of an r-selected, genetically weak, brainwashed leftist as their mother.

how based can you get?
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Well, I'm a hick.
Tr'ips for truth.
(Note: T r i p s is now spam)

If you are a rich man or rich celebrity... isn't it easier just to fuck whores and be done with it?

Marrying someone when you have a significant amount of money seems like economic suicide.
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>Getting cucked by your Dad
>That Alpha as fuck response he did to his son

Thought this was YRYL not YLYL

Wow you're an insightful guy. Smart too. It must be so hard being so right all the time.
>there is only one university in the entire world
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That or because no man would fuck her, and if she is married... Pic related
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sadly some men still believe in love
This bitch looks like idups with make-up
>he forgave is whoring ex and went to the wedding of her and his father.

WTF, the only reason I would go to their wedding was to kill them and made sure Jesus and God was my witness.
She even could have had non-white kids by breeding with some nigger but I guess she didn't want to because she wasn't black. Or maybe even crazy SJWs like her don't find nogs attractive
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Guy got slammed hard for it, might not even be a judge anymore

This one was taken care of, though the nigs he assisted still got their lighter sentence IIRC
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>scary truths

Have you ever posted about it on here? ... should we worry?

I want America and it's people to succeed so much but the corruption at it's core seems impossible to eradicate. Jews and liberals seem determined to ruin everything the country is and stands for...
Id just shoot her at that point, nothing left to lose. Wonder what prison is like for dudes in wheelchairs
That article is super old and the OP was in like January 2016
Professor is a title you can use as a teacher after you have obtained a Master's degree. I am a PhD student but I teach courses so I can call myself professor.

One thing. At least you're in an independent thinking red state with good gun laws.
Taurus Raging Judge would be better
Thats what you get for fighting for israel
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would have killed my dad on a pentagram and sacrificed him to kek
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Maybe, but the guy earned and needed that money considering the state he was left in.
How about finding a job instead of leeching off your disabled husband ?
You either put up with his disability and live a pampered life or give him up and lose the benefits, she shouldn't be entitled to both.
>your mom writes about your suicidal thoughts publicly

holy shit what a sociopath
>You will never get to fight to the death as an old man with a pack of feral niggers
>Your death will be dishonorable and unnoticeable, most likely the result of cancer or a car accident
>Our flying pyramids obliterated the german trenches
The worst thing is that her already suicidal son probably read those articles and tweets

It's all bait, m8. Just ignore him.
Just going to drink myself to death. They've taken my job, ruined my reputation, and I'll probably have to move far away to work again after I lose this election. I can't even sue all the slanders because muh 1st amendment for these propaganda press.

Don't try and make a difference unless you are going to destroy the media and courts. There is no legal way to do this.

(Using 4chan on my phone so excuse all my typo retardation)
What the fuck, guys. Why do I feel like I lose a bit of my soul with every pic I read?
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Np, Achmed.
What the fuck happened to him?
I have seen the future and we have all died for nothing. Our children will be slaves #trenchfoot #shellshock #takemelord
>admit you had sex with my dad
>once but not really

I'm supposed to get mad about a wall of text written by some bitter Jewish cuck?

Aren't they the ones who are trying to convince white men not to pursue white women?
Can't someone dox the Sista and burn her to death in revenge?
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Well holy shit, I do not wanna return to the UK now.
Just burn the West.
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Kek. Like the Rotterham nigger rape right?
Ey, that's preeetty good
Looks like a burn victim
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>I do not wanna return to the UK now.
most of those are American
>Just burn the anglocucks/germanicucks

Honestly, if I were this guy, I'd sue for partial custody just to get back at them.
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>this whole thread
Quoting the best response I saw to this

"If only there were a device that shot... tiny cans... at high speed, neutralizing intruders"
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>13 years old
>"lied about rape so her boyfriend would not find out she was having sex with someone else"
I wanted to rage but this mostly just makes me weep for our world
dont understand the hatred here
looks funny and could be a good gift, maybe for some english students
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I never know whether to rage or just be extremely sad at this one.

Because it's true. Our lives mean nothing to them.
>not wanting to whiten some colored cutie
>not BLEACHING nigresses

And this is why the white race is losing.
This would make a good movie, I think.
Delusional muritards.
> fighting so freedom!
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Still the same people, mate. Fuck 'em, really.
Even this shithole has no feminism, is mostly white, pays good and is somewhat comfortable to live in, once you get through the language barrier.

You're no better.
He forgot to pack his RadAway
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Dindu in OP looks about 75% white so if his behavior was genetically motivated then it mostly likely was caused by the genes that he received from his white ancestors.
when will the hunt finally start ? I never lost that fast fucking shit man
Couldn't hear you with Erdogan's dick so far down your throat, cuck.
Is all memes.
I was thinking about public suicide during my inevitable concession speech (if Trump doesn't win). They're sending thousands of foreign refugee scum into Texas this year, 10s of 1000s in my district. The jews on federal courts called my governor a racist for trying to stop muslims. Btw,all those xenos are on the dole and they will vote because they're technically bit illegals.

Tr'ips I name the jew and kill myself on TV when I lose.
Yeah! Pretty much the reason why I don't want to babysit my nieces. Funnily enough my sister made it a point that I'm not on the list of trusted names of people that are allowed to pick them up from school.

I know one of these days my sister will be so desperate for someone to pick them up that she will call me "sorry, bitch no time" and I will just hang-up.
>Valentine's Day
Jesus Christ
This is pretty clever tbqh
Lmao I don't think I had read the full story before. Why wouldn't you just set the house on fire with them in it?
I am about to kill myself here have some sweet things.
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>tfw they will chose a "diverse" crew to colonise mars
>tfw humanity will never be white again and will fail at conquering the stars, then regress to type 0 forever
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I remember that one strong independent Belgian woman that got shot by the German army for helping the entente. Think she got a fucking memorial and what not while men where dying all the time
Thank you for not wanting to breed
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>Those hips
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its worth it. you will rage
Don't forget

>Department of Immigration

It's the left eating itself again.
what a cuck
how can he have any respect for himself
acting like a woman like that
To remind us of the world we live in, and what needs to be done to change it for the better.
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You might be thinking of Edith Cavill, a British nurse working in German-occupied Belgium, who got shot for helping British POWs escape. The incident became a major propaganda campaign both in Britain and internationally. Like, it made a real measurable difference in recruitment numbers and international public opinion on Germany.

Literally millions of men dying and nobody bats an eye. One woman gets shot and everyone loses their minds.

One of the main reasons a lot of women didn't want the vote was because they assumed that it would leave them liable to conscription. The suffragettes weren't different from ordinary women in that they wanted enfranchisement, they were different because they didn't think getting the vote should mean they had to make the same sacrifices.
Why are these military guys always with these fat greasy whales?
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and do you know the best thing about the suffragettes?

They led the white feather campaign.
Reminder that she shoved him first.
I swear to everything that is holy in this shit world if something similar would happen to me that would drive me to suicide i would go absolutely crazy and kill the people and their families i feel are responsible for pushing it to suicide. Suicide without revenge on the people that pushed you.. FUCK THAT.
Yeah Detroit that amazing county in England.
Gj Slav
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The point is that she got a prenup and then signed a $72 million contract a few months later. If a guy had done that, the judge would have thrown the prenup out and forced him to pay a portion of that in alimony.
Maybe I've just been on the internet to long but none of this phases me anymore. At some point you realize there is only so much time and energy you can devote to emotions. If you let every single thing make you angry, you're just going to be a bitter person yourself.

Don't get mad at things you can't control, but remember it for when you do have a say. Don't let bullshit be pushed on others if you can help it.
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That shouldn't be in this thread. Anon did a good thing.
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This is overwhelming. I have two feelings: one to put up a fight, second to just quit.
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I renember this, I voted :)
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Is there any hope left on this planet? I genuinely feel like the world is dead just seeing these.
Oh you newfag. He isn't jewish.
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This was actually sold at University of Maryland's bookstore when I went there...come to think of it, that actually kind of looks like their bookstore below the student union.
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This one started pretty nightmarish but the ending ain't so bad. Thanks.
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>Black person commits a crime
>Goes to jail for decades
>Policeman commits a crime
>2 week suspension

That really stimulated my brain cells
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wtf that guy should have killed both of them
it's one thing to charge people, but dangling a fucking carrot in front of them and forcing them to tuck their dick between their legs and apologize for acting on their instinct when slutty mcwhore drops her pants and beckons
>dying for jews
Deserves it tbqh
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and the tradition of the suffragettes really does live on to this day.

Look at this pic and really think about it. Donald Trump says a Miss Universe contestant has put on a little weight, and everyone loses their shit, and says he insulted all women. Meanwhile, Hillary can literally say that the main issue with men dying horribly in combat is the emotional trauma women suffer as a result. And no one cares. No one even mentions it.

I think this is the single most important thing that every male has to learn: MEN'S LIVES DON'T MATTER TO WOMEN

or society in general.
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Watch bladerunner
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>bring 15 year old boy to suicide
>indirectly kill millions of other men
>get mad when one woman has to deal with the consquences of her actions
>demand privileges but don't want responsibility for your actions
>get praised by all women 100 years later
I am starting to believe women aren't even human
the look on her face gets me

>a man hit me, i can ride this gravy train for life!
>wait what do you mean there's not actual gravy
>it was the whiteys, das rite nigga
>photo shows nigger rioting

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I need blood pressure medication after this thread
Anyone have the one where a guy's gf dies and his step mother was a total cunt?
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ok now i am mad
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>white feather campaign
>I have no idea what this is
>mfw after I did a quick search
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I would die protecting my android wife
I had an experience very similar to this. Fuck feminism.
1400 literal kids and the police let it happen willingly, let me repeat, they knew it was happening and they thought it was 100% ok and they supported it. The police.

And that royal drummer guy did get killed right on the street for no reason as well, at least that one was in the news.

Isn't London also the capital in Europe with the most violent crime? Not to mention that article where the British veterans were disappointed in what the UK has become.

Hand over your illegal butter knives, Albert Butterscotch III Jr., it's over. Your government, media and civil protection institutions genuinely want you to die.

Don't actually give up though, burn them all to the ground.
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this one's a suicide note
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I'm already dead. You can stop guys.
>commits arson to murder a 91-year-old
>gets second-degree charge
Must have had a pretty good lawyer or a pretty spineless prosecutor. He literally did everything in his power that could have bumped him up to first degree murder.
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greentext required
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>15 year olds
>paying child support

I guess he's gonna need a bigger allowance.
I strongly urge you to consider suicide, autistic shitlord
It's times like this when I can see why people opt for the school shooting route
someone will handle him in prison

prisoners dont treat others with crimes against the elderly or against children well
He was not fighting for freedom, he was fighting for the Jews and the destruction of the White race. He got exactly what he fought for, there could not be any better form of karma. Pure and divine justice.
This didn't upset me at all. In fact I laughed at how pathetic this loser is to forgive them and to show up at their wedding no less. He deserved it.
Lynch the nigger. Wtf Faggot ass Country.
well hold on now, read that again "france suppressed info.... to avoid upsetting muslims." that IS false. it was suppressed to protect muslims.
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this is actually being adjusted gradually so that by 2018 it will be equal.

In the meantime I get to listen to women in their 50s (my own mother among them) bitching about their pension age being raised.
>implying a man didn't write this
Wtf I hate America now
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his smile and optimism gone.jpg
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This thread has finished me. I'd drop the nukes now if I had the power.
>pic related
>there's no pic
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really? That's what you took away from that?
You seem upset, what's up? You didn't drink enough muslim semen for today, you retarded mongoloid?
Are we really going to sit here and let this retard get away with not knowing the difference between WW1 and WW2?
This is when people are going to start taking the law into their own hands because their government has failed them. Forget WWIII with Russia, we're going to have a civil war in our backyard.
Please don't tell me this is real.
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I remember this guy. Never got around to reading the suicide note, though. Jesus Christ.
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It's the lack of self-awareness that gets me. Not only do women do all kinds of shit to men, they do it without it ever occurring to them that it might be wrong. They just don't think of men as people.
this one always terrifies me because it's my fucking province
I remember this, it looked to me that the were posinv for pics
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>this entire thread
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>Hitler's world may not be so far away
well at least there's still some hope
no it's mentally retarded memetics that havent been updated because its so hard to make OC
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honestly, Canada is the absolute worst for this kind of shit. All the psychosis of the American liberal without any kind of far-right like America's christian fundies to balance it out. Even Sweden isn't as bad when it comes to male-female relationships (even if they do go further on things like immigration)
a rage a day keeps the blue pill away
Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope
That's it I'm moving back to Russia.
Thank you West, I had a good time here and it's been fun but I just cant be a part of this. I feel like I need to go help my country prevent this from ever happening.
I know the country has its own unique brand of degeneracy and prolific corruption but I much prefer our own shit to this. I NEED to help them.
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>I woke from a dreamless sleep. The boy beside me, no older than 15, died during the night. I could not weep for him as my senses had already been raped by endless days and nights of shelling. The stench of death claimed him as he began to sink in the mud, another corpse among to fill these trenches, these elongated graves. #TRENCH FOOT!
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> Canada is the absolute worst for this kind of shit
not that any first world country is really safe
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This is just too fucking surreal. Is it seriously real?

Even if it is, I don't believe the little snippet in the bottom right is the same guy for a moment -- the dates don't add up.
Are you stupid? It was written by a man obviously. He was describing a modern western women. Not pretending to be one.
damn. Was scrolling and the auto popup came up on this one. Pants are shat.
>single mothers
That's a 71/29 mom. They can't even equal equally. The single mother problem is out of control.
He got trapped in a tank, or an overturned Humvee/armoured car, and something flammable kept burning while he couldn't get out.
Those things are deathtraps.

Better to travel light, particularly in "low-intensity conflict".

American laws are retarded.

>far-right like America's christian fundies
The fundies/Presbyterian-types (most are actually very very mellow because a lot of big, cucked, churches get paid with (((foundation))) money) aren't actually that effective at checking the left's influence. They buy wholesale into feminism of the 2nd-wave variety because they've figured out a way to sell it in pseudo-traditional language, the language of "man up".

Read the blog "Dalrock", which talks about this, it's really quite eye-opening, and a great blog from a redpill perspective too. Not particularly depressing either.
FrenchAnons will love.
The article is from 2011 and has nothing to do with OP's story. Someone just added it to the pic for more rage fuel.
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women in the workplace. what could possibly go wrong?
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rage pics outside of my 'women' folder aren't as well organised, but I still have a couple
France is ground zero for all this.
They've been ruled by godless sex perverts for nearly two and a half centuries.

At least bring the scum down first. Make them all burn. You have inside info. Why not leak it?
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I'm not very impressed by stories that are most likely made up
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Funny, I have a folder I initially named "SJW", but in my mind I call it the "women" folder, as I have an entire subfolder of YRYL pics called "women behaving degenerately". I see the SJW memes outside it, and they are 95% relating to this ideology that supports female degeneracy, and most of them are women.

Learning how shit Israel was didn't make me sympathetic to the Muslims, but this type of thread did.
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This is Detroit we're talking about. The closest thing in America to Africa. It's a place at constant war with itself. The country would literally be better off if the entire City was cordoned off, or if they just pulled a Roger Duterte and got rid of the drug addicts/dealers/criminals. Then again, that's at least 95% of the place.
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really makes you fucking think duh
No, you imbecile.

He cannot work, he is completely crippled. That money is how he is supposed to survive. Now he cannot take care of himself and has fucking nothing left.

And also, what kind of a monster would just leave someone and take everything when they are needed most instead of standing by them?
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a monkey stole my husband.jpg
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Why the fuck do you only have half the story?

This ended pretty good.
holy shit kill this woman
>1/4 Too depressing! Over the 120 word limit! This is social studies, not a place for disturbing fiction! See me!
Please tell me this isn't real.
*Canadian, not that I am disagreeing with what you said.

They don't fill diversity quota's for important shit. They fill "What do we need in reality" quotas to get those jobs done. If you don't make the cut, then you don't make the fucking cut, and there isn't a branch of the baby society to help you cry about it.

Fret not, we are not going to send women and niggers to Mars simply because they are women and niggers. If their merits do not hold up, they won't even make it basic training.
I hope she killed herself
i believe this i work temp in an office its like 80% female and the women there dont know how to work a spreadsheet even basic formulas and are constantly fucking up the computers yet they have a permanent position at the company and i know how to use macros and make everything a tonne more efficient and dont get one. then again i am an autist so thats probably 90% of the reason but still the female manager cant use a sum function and they do everything manually
>stories that are most likely made up
that occurred to me at the time, so I googled the details.

The blow up over the 'rape-frat' at Edinburgh university is real. And reading between the lines, >>91749394 is exactly how it went down.
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resized for better hover over reading
(on smaller resolutions)
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Don't bitch put, bitch bong.

You voted leave. You have are Nige ffs.


I know you have a tough time getting guns. So join the royal Marines and get ready for the civil war.

Nut. Up.
Tis actually made me fucking cry with rage, NUKE EVERYTHING, there is nothing worth saving.
maybe that is the the reason we do not see other galactic civilizations. Some may have fallen to nuclear winter, or starvation/ climate change etc. How many do you think fell to the regression of their society and civilisation as a whole?
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you maybe thinking of one of the many, many other times this has happened

Well he played for the wrong team then
Not even the worst case.
Another WWII vet they beat after making him watch his wife get raped.

God bless America.
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thank god we've hit the bump limit.

I don't know why I make myself suffer like this. I just stop, like picking at an open wound.
this cant be true.

post yfw a white utopia will never be built on the ashes of detroit.
There's a hell of a lot more degenerates and culturally enriched guests moving around nowadays.
I've also used to wander around all day until dark but those were other times, but I wouldn't trust my kids alone.
He didn't activate his almonds
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last but definitely not least
Because it's all they can get. They are all nobodies.

what good is suicide without revenge?
Jesus Christ
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Revenge is even better IRL than in the movies.
Fuck you guys.
You've all ruined my day.
I'm so full of rage I'm shaking.

I might beat my gf when she gets home.
Fundies aren't redpilled or far-right.

Independent Baptist Churches are just an abusive "boys club" for adult men who think they are important.

Other churches (mainly of the reformed and baptist camps) are right wing, but hardly "far-right", except on social policy maybe.

Not all fundamentalist are Westboro Baptist level of trolls.
I have actually been recording most of my conversing now. But, after finding out about the justice department, the FBI, and BLM bussing in terrorists in our tax dollars then murdering Texas cops, and on and on, etc. ......
(Some good citizens have also tipped me off to my opponent taking Mexican cartel money, so that's scary as fuck to learn he's buddies with decapitators)

None of my true evidence will ever get into the media. Most likely my wife would die by accident and my extended family would pay dearly as well.

To sum up, the crimes and corruptionwill never get into the main stream, I would be partially responsible for the deaths of family members and all for nothing.

Sucks. I'm actually a veteran too.

Go to >>>/wsg/1306585 and watch some bumps. They usually;y help me relax after a day of rage.
I'd make a hat of all the feathers and wear it around like an injun chief.

If anyone gives me another, I'd stick it in the hat in front of them.
Keep you chin up
Maybe he meant tenure
>says shakespere was a hack
>calls me a mongoloid
Kek. Fuck off shitskin subhuman
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This thread is destroying me, yet I can't stop reading.
I'm sure there was a joke in Blackadder about almost having enough for a pillow
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