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Thread replies: 337
Thread images: 105

Text TRUMP to 88022 or get the Official "AMERICA FIRST" app for important campaign updates
>Volunteer to be a Trump election observer
>Trump Playlist

>Trump Rally in Reno NV 10/5/16
>Trump at ICLV 10/5/16
>Trump Rally in Henderson NV 10/5/16
>Pence Rally in Harrisburg VA 10/5/16
>VP Debate 10/4/16
>Eric Trump vs CNN 10/4/16
>Nigel: Dont Take Abuse from a Clinton

>Trump Rally in Prescott Valley AZ 10/4/16
>Trump Rally in Loveland CO 10/3/16
>Pence Rally in Ashland VA 10/3/16
>Trump Rally in Pueblo CO 10/3/16
>Trump speaks at RAW PAC 10/3/16

>Trump deposition in Old Post Office case 6/16/16 (released 9/30/16)
https://youtu.be/PRpj2nvQkhs (1/2)
https://youtu.be/i-KeJ3e8smU (2/2)
>Trump on CNN 9/29/16
>Trump on ORLY 9/28/16

>America Will Win Again
>The Lion
>Trump Ad: Movement
>Deplorables Unite
>Trump Triumphant
>American Hero

I'm an American Air Force Ranger Army Sargent in the 101st Naval Division and am currently stationed in Fort Knox, Texas, which is in the USA.

I am absolutely appalled by Mr. Drumpf's comments and I will NOT be voting for him anymore. Besides, it's time for a woman to President, am I not right fellow Americans?
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Rosie O'Donnell and Ivanka had a face-to-face meeting
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You cannot stop us now
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Ryan uncucked?

Low energy clinton rallies

Trump numbers up

No ground game in PA?

How Howard Stern owned Donald Trump

Voter fraud in Indiana?

Trump dwarfed by Clinton's campaign in Ohio

Pence's reaction on Fox
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I can't believe we won the culture war. Only 32 days until God Emperor ascends to his throne!
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Paul Ryan will campaign for Trump this weekend for the first time
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>tfw too intelligent to be American.
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tfw no Amish Trump voting qt to have 8 kids with
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ivanka in ohio
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>mfw I somehow hate Hillary more than 100% now that a couple anons in the last thread alerted me to her real reasons for killing Gadaffi
wtf, they all have sneakers
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Is all of your family voting for Trump? Do you even discuss politics with them?
Wew lad she's tall.
Literally not a single cutie in pic
Those genes man.
How tall is ivanka?

the one on the far left is smoking hot
Daily reminder, green tea and mint are for cucks
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The Trump genes.
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>listening to pence rally while at work.

What's the story behind Trump hating this woman so much anyway

its called high heels, u stupid drumpflets.

>I can't believe it.
>This morning I woke up to my phone blowing up from tons of my vet friends texting me about trumps comments.
>I had to defend him, and I couldn't.
>I just can't defend this man anymore.
>I'm dying of cancer and my favorite cat passed away.
>#ImWithHer now
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Really makes me think....

Rosie Odonnell endorsement when?
why aren't there more people who admit to using both sites? I post on reddit as much, if not more than, as I do on 4chan.
Mostly. My wife's stupid sister and mother aren't. But what do you expect from 2 lifelong single idiots? It's TX so I could give 2 shits about their vote
Amish are allowed to use technology that does not interfere in their daily life, let them slack on work, or impede devotion to God.

So, while the costume is humble, the sneakers allow them to work harder in the fields and save money on shoes.

It's a weird religion.
>Ft. Knox, Texas, Canada district
Hating Rosie is just the default position.
Rosie O'Donnell is basically a disaster
Who gives a flying fuck what that dike pig thinks.
It's fun watching people get redpilled in real time.
>Trump Supporter Paul Ryan

That's being generous.
Every country that wanted to sell oil for something other than dollars after WWII has been invaded or bombed
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180 cm, pretty impressive.
That would be the shrewdest move the Clinton campaign has pulled in weeks.
Then it's time to stay there.
everyone here does its just a meme
Mike Pence Disavows Donald Trump's Earlier Proposal Banning Muslims

The Trump campaign appeared to disavow one of its most provocative policy proposals on Thursday, as Gov. Mike Pence of Indiana said explicitly that Donald J. Trump no longer wants to impose a temporary ban on Muslim immigration to the United States.



That's a bad idea, fellas....
No fuck you strong nippon green tea lowers estrogen.
Nope, turbo autists report every awoopost hoping to catch new mods/janitors
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>Rosie O'Donnell endorses trump
>sits front row next debate
>Hillary loses half of her talking points

Please kek make this happen
Is Trump winning?
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George Soros writes an Op Ed in a German Newspaper saying 'Mass Immigration is Great'
They're modern when it makes them "work" better. Saw a quasi-documentary on it. Like for example they make tons and tons of money selling their baked goods and shit at farmers markets to white liberal women and during business hours at those farmer's markets they use cell phones and digital scales and cash registers because without it they wouldn't be able to do business in the 21st Century.
fuck off CNN
>How Howard Stern owned Donald Trump

They same Howard Stern that just got down defending Trump as one of the best guests he's ever had and said the media is full of shit? That Howard Stern?


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Speak for yourself faggot

Could she be bending knee?

>Rosie Odonnell endorsement when?
I cannot comprehend a timeline in which this would happen.

Why would she do that after all the shit her and Trump have gone through?

Yes, see LA Times tracking poll which was one of the most accurate in 2012.
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>trying this hard to force fake shit on /pol/
>CTR so desperate they're dropping their memos all over the floor and accidentally picking up one from months ago
what a fuckin NERD
They will lift the restriction after a little while. The embargo usually don't last that long. Only way to know if it's lifted is to try.
Might as well keep going. Any further redpills on this subject? I was already a fiat, plz go guy in principle.
That's the happiest I've seen Soros in a picture. What kind of evil shit is he watching?
ironic shitposting is still shitposting anon

pretty much
The reality of the horrors of a Hillary presidency are finally sinking in with everyone.
He did?
Kaine: I may have sparked fighting between Trump and Pence

what a fucking weasel.
I don't even have an account there. Our mods may be cucks sometimes but they are as hands off as possible.

Reddit is a circlejerk that censors even a sniff of dissent creating this gigantic collection of small bubbles of blind people leading each other in circles until they all fall into a hole.
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They never hates each other. It was a publicity stunt to get attention for both of them. A "faux war". Trump called her and sent her flowers when she was in the hospital. It's just fucking banter.
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I knew they could use some technology, but I always thought they had to wear clothes they made
She's a big girl.
>Flordians are facing a deadly storm and could have their properties destroyed
>Trump has been quiet on Twitter with the last tweet about prayers for them
>Hillary is still talking shit about Trump while everyone is worried
Please Trump point this out. I hope he sends out relief immediately.
Kek, he's like the little shit nobody likes.
For you
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anons, pls
Trump hates anime

are you retarded?

WSJ faggot


Can you imagine how fun it would be just to shoot the shit with Trump, without people scrutinizing every single syllable? That would be a blast.
His face looks strangely ok.
Has he transcended his Rat vessel?
Rosie is a mess. Very sad!

She bought out ads for the weather channel yesterday for DURING the hurricane and pulled them when everyone lambasted her campaign.
Is it true that Trump wants to cut NASA's budget?
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Here you go
Bury the hatchet. She did start it, it's not like they didn't fling shit both ways.
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Witnessed and re raised
It's worse than that.
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>Kaine thinks he's hot shit for something that never happened
It isn't normal. I only post there for some vidya, but I make a new account every time. The format here is just so much better in my opinion.
He does that at rallies in between reading the teleprompter.
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Is Pence the attack dog VP that Trump wanted?
NASA needs privatized already
>Matt Furie
>creator of Pepe; vehicle for KEK
>tries to stump the trump by voting for Hillary

>Category 4 Hurricane about to hit Florida
>Specifically Miami which is very pro Hillary
>Hurricane is named Matthew

wew lads
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False dubs of CTR, Trump will make Anime Real!
ted cruz looks like this perpetual drunk dude i occasionally see at 7-11 buying a 6pack of hurricane beer. whenever i get beer i get it at 7-11 and i never even saw this hurricane beer. now that i think of it i still dont even know where they keep it cause i've never seen it in the cooler.
> Iowa
> Blue

Just for starters
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>shills STILL using this picture

>look, you're misrepresenting, we've evolved the-

Media needs to hang.
So since when did Texas secede and joined Canada?
If Trump stops illegal immigration how will he stop mass immigration ?

>Hi, I'm Ted Cruz, I'd like to talk to you about my friend Dahnald today
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This is old news.

Trump changed the policy from "Muslim ban" to "ban on immigration from any country that is a source of terrorism" months ago.

It's even wider ranging than the "Muslim ban."
>Momiji is from a video game
>Penny (right? I haven't watched it since S1) is from a western show

No anime there.
The two main pillars of the dollar's value are its use as a reserve currency and its use as the oil currency. The US economy's strength is not what makes the dollar valuable unfortunately.

If either of those two stop happening, the western economies are fucked.

This is why everyone was going crazy when China was thinking of selling all of it's dollars and stop using it as a reserve currency.
Austin is a blueberry in a tomato soup.

Also that's bait.
Wew. Based Stern. Haven't watched him in years but nice to see he sticks by his guys.

Although I still think Sal & Richard were the backbone of the show. Funniest motherfuckers in that whole thing.
>(((wallstreet jewnal)))

We've known since around the convention months ago that the new policy was to ban muslims from certain problem countries rather than ban muslims outright.
Watch obongo be the first one down there this time
>Hurricane is named Matthew
also Furie - Fury
hurricanes have fury
not really considering the hundreds of millions muslims in indonesia alone

its an absolute betrayal of Alt Right that got him nominated but they dont care they will suck his cock no matter what
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Fucking Sven just get back in the cuckshed
He would, wouldn't he.
he sure schooled that bitch Kaine

Well, not neat so much as scary. But thanks anyway.
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Nigga I ain't clicking that.
This is a meme.

The overwhelming majority of dollars exchanged have nothing to do with currency reserves or oil purchases.
What's about this thing? http://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/2016-election-forecast/

Can Nate (((Silver))) be trusted? If no, why and where can I find accurate stats?
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You guys should just give up.
Every. Single. Time.
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Alicia Machado will not speak again about Trump, no more interviews


Confirmed for CTR.
> when China was thinking of selling all of it's dollar

This afaik never happened. Those C closest I've seen was when BRIC countries decided to do their internal trade in their own currency and even that I'm not sure went forward
Jesus pence is a moron

Kaine was lifting direct quotes from trump and pence and pence denied it and then tried to fuck the camera. I was actually voting republican till that shit.

Pence is a pussy and a liar. He didn't even try to walk them down or explain l. He just flat out lied and looked smug. Either he's a moron or he thinks you are a moron.
I'm waiting for the weather channel to headline on Friday, "Matthew's Fury".

I'll sing shadilay for the next hour.
>Alt Right
This is weak concern shilling. CTR's been hitting us with better all fucking week.
Wish someone had video clips to back this up
Nate's molecules are highly unstable, you never know what he's going to be next
He's extremely trustworthy. He leans democratic, but the model doesn't have anything to do with his politics.
The old 538 meme.and the old gay as fuck Linkin Park reference.
Since when did Texas take over Tennessee?
Nate silver is such a weasel.
He knocked Florida, Ohio, Nevada, and North Carolina simply because he adjusted literally every poll where trump is leading there to lean Clinton for apparently no reason.

He just assumed Trump was going down in polls thanks to the debate, when every tracking poll showed the opposite.

It's infuriating.

What an ass.
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Enjoying anime is comparable to being a brony. There is not place for your cringey children's cartoons/masturbation fantasies in a conservative, Christian country.
He won't come close. He canceled an event yesterday in fucking Tampa, which is perfectly fine in terms of weather.

Goldstein and his buddy Silverstein
Give it up. Focus group numbers went down every time Kaine opened his mouth.

They even correctly assumed what he claimed Trump said was out of context by default.
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Democrat funded lies
We had a super discussion about this in September.

But yea not only Ghadaffi, they killed Sadam because he wanted to sell his oil in Euros in 2000 and used 9/11 to invade through Afghanistan.

Take a guess why we want to desperately take out Iran and Syria?
Ordinarily, I wouldn't respond to a >1 post, but what the fuck do you mean by "tried to fuck the camera"?
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Mother of fuck, is /pol/ ever wrong?
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How is Humpty Drumpfty that tiny hands racist beating the shit out of Hillary so badly? I'm with her but if she can't win fucking Michigan and New Hampshire by landslide she's finished.

That fucking Islamophobic cheeto bandito is going to destroy the progressives and there's nothing we can do about it.
Its not going to effect the election one iota but Fatty flip flopped on every core issue of the Alt Right platform especially immigration (hes pro amnesty now that he got nominated) and hes pro muslim now too.

Dollars go to China for their shitty manufactured goods, China then sits on them because there are no us exports to buy. Thus they become reserves.
>poverty is sexist may may
>calling them bronies and not horsefuckers
>wants us to hate the only large entertainment medium NOT controlled by (((hollywood)))
>Trump going to Haiti and then to Florida to help with relief
He's won.
It's done.
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he gave the camera a "how about we go back to my place" look
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This fucker just can't stop himself

Billionaire hedge fund manager and political donor (((George Soros))) has said Europe must welcome huge numbers of asylum seekers and economic migrants, claiming they will benefit the economy.
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wtf I hate still images played in sequence to give the illusion of animation now...
Hillary is +8 in Michigan right now

Fatty Bankrupt is almost eliminated from having any chance. One more swing state.
Reminds me of the article I saw that read HILLARY GAINS ON TRUMP IN TEXAS! Then, on the first line in much, much smaller font, it say even their ((polls)) put her at 38-45
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Because they prefer gold or euros over paper?
>hes pro amnesty

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Awoos were/are very comfy. I look forward to them in these threads. Fuck the morons who bitched about this.
He wishes he could meme reality but that's our territory.
Wow, this election has really made me aware of the Jewish Question.

They are they the worst enemy of America and expect almost everyone of them to vote for Hillary.
It's too bad the Amish are all inbred, they would be pretty based otherwise.
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Literally every time. No exceptions. It's always the eternal Jew.
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thats actually one of my favorite memes on pol
Except this exchange is horrible for the dollar and US economy. Money sitting out of circulation is bad.
avatar fagging is explicitly against the rules here and rebbid banned memes so maybe try AOL chatrooms or something

That was last week's narrative, they don't need it anymore

Yes, and this is the first time that everyone in the house is voting for the same candidate.
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I've been away for a while. Are we still winning?
Liberal jews votes for Hillary.
Conservative jews votes for Trump.
Shills Resort to talking to themselves cause no one buys their bullshit
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Better than Jews. At least Asian pedos are nationalists.

In general yes, unless you print fucktons of money, then foreign reserves of your dollars become an artificial pressure valve for inflation
it was close at one time
anyone else notice how hillary supporters and her campaign spam this image of her to make her seem innocent? it's really fucking weird. who the hell makes their childhood photos a part of their campaign? trump isnt using pics from his childhood. so weird.
Iran was being helped by Russia to bypass US Bank restrictions so they could sell in Euros.

Assad planned to build an oil pipeline with the help of Iraq and Iran east to cut off Qatar and Saudi Arabia's planned pipeline that would run through Syria
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Alt-Righters are paying for Pepe billboards in Pennsylvania
You will have no use for nationalism when you are an eternal manchild

>more pics to put into a collage and laugh at when Trump beats Hillary

I want all the parasites who write opinion pieces like this to line up for a photo shoot with signs saying "I was a fucking dumbass" and sob as their world and careers implode around them.
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Upvote if this really makes you think...
Wasn't Ricky blocked?
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Give it up Svenmhed. I haven't had cable for several years now. The little time I do sit down to use my TV is to watch cute 2D girls do cute 2D things.
>(((conservative))) Jews
I'm not denying Trump has a lot of Jew votes, but they ain't from the Bill Kristol's of the world.
Fatty bankrupt the tiny hands racist is up in PA and VA according to the most recent polling and is way in his favour in all non skewed polls. The pollsters are trying to protect us proressives from reality but in reality drumpfster is winning by a landslide.

How could you progressives down there let this happen? How could you let an orange islamophobic sexist beat the first woman president?
>I was voting republican despite them having said all of those things, but now that his running mate brushed those things they said that I brushed off myself well...

Not that I think the trade deficit is good, mind you, this system is unsustainable
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You are destroying your mind with an equally non-white agenda that wants to turn you into a braindead pedo.
The fact that you love being brainwashed does not make it okay
kek, real life pepeposting.

What a timeline.
A bit of inflation would be preferable if it was a result of increased economic activity at home.

He's destroying his own career in the process. How many copies of his next book will anyone buy when he's another Bill Kristol type who's eternally wrong?

He'll be on a street corner trying to pawn his blown out rectum for 5 bucks in order to put food on the table.
Ivanka at a small business
Is anyone else feeling good about The Atlantic endorsing Hillary?

The only other two Presidents they endorsed were LBJ and Lincoln. One freed the nogs and one created their gimmedats.
Some shills tried to make a HRC general thread but it died out quickly. Nobody cares about her.
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I like it but I still have to point out the fact that YOU'RE A FUCKING LEAF
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You don't know that much about the Amish, then. They are totally based, and they are solidly on the Trump Train.

>Tfw the cuckoldry has spread to my country
really the best of all possible
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At least they'll get out to vote, the ungrateful shits
And we like Assad, right? He's the baseball bat flag guy?
Does this count as a rare Pepe that I actually can't download?

Under Trump’s immigration plan, almost all of the 11 million illegal aliens (save for a small minority with criminal records) will get permanent legal status to stay here in America.
I saw a Gary Johnson billboard on the way home from work today.
It's his and Weld's faces above the word INTEGRITY in huge font
what an awful billboard
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Well it turns out, if you refuse to acknowledge any of the horrible things that Donald Trump has actually said, then it's pretty easy to defend him.

This was the main takeaway from the vice presidential debate. Over and over again, Democratic VP nominee Tim Kaine tried valiantly to hold Republican Mike Pence accountable for the misogynistic, xenophobic, anti-Muslim, pro-Putin things that his running mate Donald Trump has said. And over and over again, Pence acted like Kaine was not only making these things up but, in so doing, actually perpetrating a campaign of insults simply by repeating the things that Donald Trump had said yet Mike Pence refused to acknowledge. I'm pretty impressed that Kaine's head didn't explode. Mine certainly came close.

I don't know how you debate someone who seems to have encamped himself on a different planet. Yet to his credit, Mike Pence dished out his flurry of lies with calm confidence -- while Tim Kaine, the truth-teller, came off as ruffled.

In a moment in American media and political history where the very existence let alone definition of "facts" seems worryingly debatable, I pray that the American people can still tell the difference. Or else I pray that not that many people were watching — and that the morning-after media will do its job of fact checking Pence for his downright lies and thus the impression most voters will walk away will be one closer to -- well, fact.

Donald Trump has praised Putin. Donald Trump has said it might not be a bad thing if more countries get nuclear weapons. Donald Trump has said we should institute a temporary ban to prevent Muslims from entering the United States. And Donald Trump has said Mexico was sending immigrants who are "rapists" and called women "fat pigs" and "dogs." No amount of vigorous head shaking on the part of his running mate changes this. Donald Trump has said he would round up and deport every single undocumented immigrant in the country using a "deportation force."
What shit show have you been watching before it got cancelled?
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>Ivanka will never visit you at work
Damn look at all those manlets
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Jewish reporters complaining about rise in Anti-Semitism

And here's the new narrative to replace the fat she-spic
>p-pence won his debate!
>this will be the end of Trump's campaign!

Cognitive dissonance

Ivanka is a giantess
That's not a white woman, that's a cartoon, manchild
How can Trump win the next debate?

All Hillary has to do is saying "TRUMP IS MEAN, HE CALLED A GIRL FAT, HE DOESN'T PAY TAXES" And the media will do the rest for her
>but the model doesn't have anything to do with his politics.

He's literally not adding pro-trump polls in for the sake of them being pro trump.
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We haven't won the war. But we are about to win our first battle. The worst is yet to come.
As long as they're voting for Trump, I don't give a shit what they say.

This script was obsolete a month ago when he did the phoenix speech. Apply yourself.
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Look at how pathetic these people are. No energy at all.
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>tfw manlet
>tfw doggystyle with ivanka would be impossible
thats what everybody said about Romney and it wasnt even close
LBJ was a murderer who started this entire descent into mass corruption in the executive.
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pepe billboard 2.jpg
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Preview of Pepe billboard
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the only people who are passionately against it are JIDF who don't want our nazi memes spreading to reddit. Reddit is very close to the mainstream.

Of course some people might dislike reddit but there's no logical reason for them to dissuade others from going there.
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Whatever helps you sleep at night. I haven't seen a Muslim once in my life and there's almost no blacks in my town either.

Not necessarily in that order
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>And the media will do the rest for her
How many times must it be said?

Americans by and large do not trust what the media says.

Nothing they've done has moved the needle.

and there goes Pennsylvania
looks like a elementary class

also her logo looks like the twin towers
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Do not use vote.org.png
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OP: Don't use vote.org!


Mozilla Firefox is pushing people to register to vote through Vote.org, but the data stored is controlled by Targetsmart. "Data driven political, marketing, and communication solutions" for the democratic party, also a Clinton donor.
sorry no that is a direct quote from his website retard

>that fucking MoonMan

>that's what Karl Rove said about Romney and it wasn't even close

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I'm not even sure what to feel about this.


presumably Soros funded this because it makes alt right look REALLY bad
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Who said romney would win in a landslide? Oh right the same people now saying that Clinton will win in a landslide. Idiot.
Shitstorm incoming
pls b real
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LOL, No way this actually gets allowed b
Alt Right should be wordfiltered to I'M A HUGE FAGGOT PLEASE RAPE MY FACE
not good
Except all the tracking polls showed Romney losing.

All of the tracking polls showed Trump winning. USC, PPD, UPI.

The mainstream pollsters are stacked with progressives like me who just don't want to have to show the horror story that is the election.

That orange, bankrupt racist is going to destroy Hillary so badly she might kill herself.
Simple. He doesn't rise to the bait and talks about what he wants to talk about. Politely tell the media to fuck off on live TV, and he wins.

>giving anyone advice on being pro-white
A thousand years of white culture and you et them flush it all down the drain.

Fucking Asians are more Swedish than you.
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Autists like you should be sent to the gulags
What is Trumps "Campaign Event" tonight?
On a certain subject, or a town hall?
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Hey guys, CTR here. I just got back from a HIGH ENERGY Clinton rally. I got a great photo of me and my friends. We're so enthusiastic for the FIRST WOMAN PRESIDENT.
>ive never been out of the house
and yet you are stock piling niggersticks beside you alt right approved MGTOW "bride" out of fear of both blacks and mussies
yup there goes Pennsylvania
This whole thing is important for americans to understand.

When Trump takes office he will be briefed by hordes of advisors and intelligence agencies about why the bush/obama/clinton foreign policy is necessary for the economy.

Without strong public pressure he will be powerless to oppose these policies. The last president that tried was JFK.
What poll is that?

Moonman is there to scare blacks. This is a manufactured controversy.

Someone fucking burn it down.
How is she so tall?

(((Alt Right fans)))
is the one in purple on his rumspringa?
>1 post by this ID
I don't blame him. Ever been to inner city DC?
found something, backs up a few of these claims.
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memes...on billboards..in real life
holy shit how come we have never thought of this?
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democrat marshmallow roast.png
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Fixed a small glitch in the hair near the eyes.
Because it's fucking Soros-funded to make us look bad, genius.
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Moonman AK.png
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Welp, this is Controlled OPs for sure
no thats what every post neo conservative right wing (this was before they rebranded alt right) was saying

pol was predicting literally every white adult would vote for Willard Romney
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>he doesn't live in a small very rural town
>he doesn't own guns because they're fun as fuck
Because we don't want to draw attention to ourselves.

Someone in PA should go paint over that moonman when/if this gets put up.

The rest isn't a big deal.
You can't Mossad the Assad

But yea Obama and Clinton created ISIS to topple Assad.

If you look past the ANONYMOOS WE ARE LOLGION this is a big fat truth pill leading up to the USAF/Soros Black Ops air strike of Syria.
I found something on NYT that substantiates some of it:

she's 5'11 iirc and add on the height gained from her high heels and she's easily above 6ft tall
>what is youtube
>what is search field
>what is entering "trump rosie feud" into search field
>what is ?
but the billboard is great
Imagine Rosie gets her shit together gets a trainer and becomes one with the light.
we'll have gone full anime with android 18 and vegeta.
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Rosie is a mess.
need to get ID on who is doing this so they can be schooled or exposed
real clear politics

its an aggregate of all the significant polls


>hillary tweets moonman song
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what a fucking time to be alive

Nice copy-paste, here's what everyone itt wanted to yell at that fat homosexual sitting opposite Pence
>Donald Trump has praised Putin.

No he hasn't. Putin is objectively a strong leader on the world stage. Obabo is objectively q weak leader at home and abroad. That is not praise of Putin, that is condemnation of Obabo

>Donald Trump has said it might not be a bad thing if more countries get nuclear weapons.

Specifically our allies who are at risk of war with our enemies. You know, like India whom we gave nuclear weapons about ten years ago because they were worried about China and Pakistan

>Donald Trump has said we should institute a temporary ban to prevent Muslims from entering the United States.

The policy is now simply to halt immigration and asylum-seeking from countries with a history of terrorism I.e the entire Muslim world. Kaine said this was unconstitutional. It isn't
Obama has actually halted immigration and asylum-seeking for the same reason before in his presidency, it is something that can easily and legally be done by executive order

>And Donald Trump has said Mexico was sending immigrants

Illegal aliens
> who are "rapists"

And some, I presume, are good people

>and called women

Only rosie o'donnel

>"fat pigs" and "dogs."

>No amount of vigorous head shaking on the part of his running mate changes this. Donald Trump has said he would round up and deport every single undocumented immigrant in the country using a "deportation force."

We already have a deportation force, it's called ICE

Consider yourself Truth-Teamed, Finnshill

He didn't say those things he said
Rush just said a luntz focus group just released people dying give a Fuck about trumps taxes, they're more pissed about shillarys emails
Wew lad.
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>penis mod
little redundant isn't it?
RCP average
>white trash
>i need niggersticks for entertainment
top degeneracy
in a normal election, most of the comments made by Trump on Stern show would be terminatory. Describing avoiding STDs as 'one's personal vietnam' is fun, but gross.

looks like they area going all-out for the autistic permavirgin vote
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Its the jews every time, no exceptions
anime masturbators lives matter... who the fuck am I kidding of course they dont!
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>he doesn't like guns
she's a degenerate
>Charles Johnson, a controversial blogger and CEO of WeSearchr
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>nate ruthefordium

Not surprising. Every american hates paying taxes, they can sympathize with Trump gaming the system to lessen his load, because it's what THEY would do themselves. They DON'T sympathize with Shillarite and her subversion of security protocols due to stupidity and her desire for more absolute control
>the best you can do is blustering calling the former president ad hominim nonsense

wtf? now Im a #GoodNiteAltRite
nooo Trump stop rallying you need to prepare to destroy crooked hillary this week!!!!!
How's it going, CTR? Prefixing something with nigger doesn't universally make things undesirable. Good luck in your shilling efforts!
this is why
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i agree about the moonman part
but memes on billboards?..fucking kek
every normie I know is talking about the Casino scandals of which there are two:

Trumps dad bailed him out for 5mil which was fraud when he bought up all the casino chips and never cashed any in order to defraud the board which didnt know Fatty had ruined their casinos. You can go to prison for this.

Also I guess 2 executives died in a plane crash and Trump used them as scapegoats and slandered them pretty hard in the media.
Trump curse
good luck with your CTR SJW alphabet soup comebacks whenever someone catches you in one of those bluster moments where you loose your cool.
Consider the record CORRECTED.
That "clock" event was useful for figuring out who possesses any kind of critical thinking, and who just blindly follows the party line.
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impossible is nothing.
Dream Bigly
all my female relatives are for hillary. go figure.
>Hillary was on this episode.

My mom is the most solidly pro-Trump in my family, oddly. Dad and brother are tinfoil-pilled and basically just like saying "they're both bad" despite being unable to explain why Trump is bad (neither of them vote), second brother agrees that Trump must be voted for but also says he's bad for no real reason

So that's three votes for Trump and two staying home, could be worse
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Nice share, friend
>the best you can do is blustering calling the former president ad hominim nonsense

China is more of a problem than under Bush
Russia is on the brink of war
Syria is a hellscape sending millions of rapefugees into Europe
ISIS exists
Iran is laughing all the way to the bank
Our allies don't trust us, and our enemies don't fear us

This can all be laid at the door of Obabo the Great, Mother of Abominations
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