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A matriarchy is coming.

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Thread replies: 356
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It's undeniable that men are on their way out as the dominant sex.

>White working-class men increasingly falling behind as college becomes the norm

Even white men, with both their male and white privilege, who have been historically in control of society, are in decline.


>Women outnumber men on college campuses.
>Women earning more degrees than men.
>Women earning more graduate degrees than men.
>Women earning more doctoral degrees than men.
>Wives are now more educated than their husbands.
>More women are actually having to marry down.
>Women majority of family breadwinners now.
>Next president will be female.

I think it's pretty clear that a matriarchy is coming. It's been coming for a while now, but it will officially start when Hillary takes office and stacks the supreme court with liberal female justices.

Thread Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PIb6AZdTr-A
i dont fight the matriarchy

i welcome it

its gonna go as quickly as it came
Your sociology degree is worthless
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Wow, great question OP! I was wondering, can you help me out with something? I've been pondering Hillary Clinton's motives for personally ordering the murder of Seth Rich. Any thoughts?
>this thread again
can you just hurry up and dump the gifs so i can fap. i gotta go soon.

Men are still dominant in the only thing that truly matters: Technology and science.

The rest is basically daycare for grownups.
That women is mentally ill and was once a sweet girl. Think about that.

The ewige kike destroys our people and you faggots bitch about the symptoms.

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Apparently men are abandoning their societal obligations to watch porn and play video games instead of starting a career, getting married, buying a house, and supporting a wife and a family.

>The Lost Boys – young men opt for virtual life of pornography and gaming

>Study finds young men are playing video games instead of getting jobs
Will this happen before the male dominated fields create robots that make humans in general obsolete?
Maybe, I give it 5 years until it implodes on itself, mean while I'll be comfy in the country watching and laughing.
So the rise of China is coming? Ok.
Islam will put a stop to that
Non-STEM degrees are bullshit anyway, honestly all those guys who just skip college and start working somewhere are probably better off than the libarts majors, at least they won't be $20k in debt to start off.
>look, mom, I posted it again!
at least you used a different webm this time
Boo fucking who! The people who fucked over, oppressed, genocided, raped and enslaved everyone else might not have as many priviledges anymore!
White men deserve this. They've turned into ethno-masochistic degenerates and frankly their very existence is offensive to me. Don't expect me to cry about this.
College is literally for women and beta men. Real working class men will never be seen at a college.
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>Maybe, I give it 5 years until it implodes on itself

This attitude is why men are in decline. You underestimated women, thinking that men were just automatically better. But now women have dethrone you in many arenas. You think society will implode, but they'll probably do an even better job at running society than men.


its already here for some of us man.
Meanwhile as women earn success in education, the work places and in society as a whole they are becoming demonstrably less happy.

The Paradox of declining female happiness

Men earn enough money to support a single lifestyle without women, if you don't have a family then living expenses are next to nothing, even the basic craftsman can do a days work get home and drink beer and play Xbox and be happy.

The average woman has been told by feminism and modern society that the thing they really want to do which is raise and support a family, is a worthless job and they go into high powered careers and they're generally miserable.

The only people suffering here are women, that suits me fine.
kek! This. Matriarchy is a tumblr meme. No such thing. Also, given that whites will be a minority soon, so will the dominant roles of women since only whites ever give their women emancipation. That turned out really well didn't it goys.
A matriarchal society is not coming. Its never going to happen. Either white males are going to rise up against the immigrant scum and take thier countries back, or females will get 30 seconds of fame until the muslim wave rolls in and rapes them all into submission and we will all be more oppressed than ever before.
I'm okay with this. Fuck wasting my time working.
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Post more of this, my man
Honestly the world is in a poor state of affairs under the control of men.

People need to do their duty and elect more female leaders.
>women will take over and run society

They said, while importing millions of third worlders from majority muslim countries.
excellent cant wait for easy mode. i welcome the matriarchy
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>your fetish is becoming reality

Feels good man. All I gotta do now is keep exercising, end the crippling social anxiety and wait for an assertive female to claim me.
Does this mean I get to play the victim and bitch about some gender wage gap or something?
Women cannot do men's jobs. If we don't do them-and i'm speaking of the important jobs critical for civilization- we will be the next Sweden, ie the next first world country turned third world nation.
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>Real working class men will never be seen at a college.

They won't be seen at college, but they'll be definitely seen struggling for work.

Meanwhile, men with degrees:

>Badly educated men in rich countries have not adapted well to trade, technology or feminism
>>White working-class men increasingly falling behind as college becomes the norm
this isn't even true, at least not in Germany
There are still certain very technical blue collar jobs that outearn any liberal arts/ social sciences major and even overcrowded white collar jobs like law and business
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This. Nobody cares about your shitpost. Just dump the fucking gifs.


Faggot. Pic related
>women still taking on 50k of debt to learn history and gender studies, "find themselves" in college, so they can flip burgers or greet at walmart for a living and be single cat ladies by age 30

Really made me think.
I mean it's either this or men we are going to start going the direction of being literal slaves. Being the submissive sex has its benefits. You can't say men will be submissive and women will be dominant, but women will get all the perks that men had, and none of the downsides, and men will get all the downsides and no perks of being a woman
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>le feminist thinks there is a matriarchy coming
>thinks all races are equal
>gets spic/nigger bf
>gets beat everyday/killed respectively
>Y-yeah we totes killed the patriarchy!!!
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>Women earned majority of doctoral degrees in 2012 for 4th straight year, and outnumber men in grad school 141 to 100

>Women have earned almost 10 million more college degrees than men since 1982

>On College Campuses, a Shortage of Men

>The Disappearing Male on College Campuses

If this was a boxing match between man and woman, the referee would have stopped the match because man would be a bloody mess.
>all women take gender studies meme

/pol/ grossly overstates the number of people taking that degree and you know it, it's 2% of degrees at most.
Yeah like lifting heavy objects, policing and military, and keeping general order.

Things are going to get chaotic and world powers will fall. Then in 2000 years we'll empower women again.
Nigger or kike?
>Women earning more degrees than men

A stem degree or some technical education is worth a million women's studies degrees. Pipe down.
Why would anyone think that matriarchy is a bad thing
In the future I will just find myself a high paying mommy that can provide for me while I play with the children, do basic household tasks, play video games and meet with my friends to bitch my hard life
Glorious. Can't wait to be completely apathetic towards women and have them chase and support me just because I have a penis. Justice is finally getting served lads. I'm tearing up. Matriarchy can't come soon enough.

I want to stab her in her face and watch that smirk disappear
Feminism is a luxury that will be killed the minute shtf
Hyperbole to make a point, nerd. Pick any useless sociology or arts degree you like to take its place.
Women run on emotion and not logic. If they do what you are saying our society will collapse.
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What exactly do you expect when colleges get more federal gibs for taking in more women? I don't understand how people don't realize that this is social engineering. If you incentivize colleges to take more women and minorities, they're going to have more women and minorities.
Matriarchy and all the bullshit will collapse the moment shit will go down and men need to once again step up and fix everything. Not to worried.
The problem with your line of reasoning is you are operating under the assumption that college is a good or worthwhile thing.

You are doing so because you have not yet realized that the military industrial academia complex has made college a joke since the GI bill
>but muh fiat money
gonna mean shit when the currency is fists.

The decline of men in academia is a sign that academia is becoming a mockery.
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>Women in geoscience get worse recommendation letters than men

Men are still trying to hold women back in subtle petty ways, but it's a tactic that won't work for very long.
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>Women outnumber men on college campuses.
Well I don't know where you are going to use gender studies, but I prefer to be an engineer.

Also women can't use agression in favor of profit. This is only a male privelege. Thanks God for the T we have.

One man can impregnate many women. They'll all just line up for chad thundercock.
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Men are only useful for jobs that need braun, physical jobs.

Women bring the brains. Now, I'm not saying one is better than the other, but braun is being replaced by technology much faster than brain is.

t. femanon
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>This attitude is why men are in decline. You underestimated women, thinking that men were just automatically better. But now women have dethrone you in many arenas.
It is futile for men to compete when they are up against a state. Men should unite and vote en masse, but given the nature of men as competitors, it won't happen. Women are the safe bet, so all propaganda is mostly aimed at them.
Women already got sexbots illegal in UK, admitting that their only actual value is not even the womb, it's the vagina.
Damn I actually thought you weren't b8ing until this post. Now I'm kind of sad
It'll never happen. Things will get too hard, women will cry and men will have to clean up the mess. Just like every fucking time in history.
>Feminism kills the European white patriarchy
>Feminisim imports millions of right wing patriarchical Muslims
>Feminsm is killed off and replaced by Muslim patriarchy

"But male privilege!!!!"
>Women take over education
>Education is more worthless than ever

Really tickles the neurons.





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Matriarchy only lasts until Patriarchy (Islam) comes over and fucks it into submission.

The end result will be Jew/New World Order.
Men are interested in power, women are only interested in the trappings of power.

If there were any real power in being 100k under for a college education or in being a wageslave men would be there.

In short, women are doing better than men in college and in wageslave jobs because of the appearance of having power, not because there's any real power in them.
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Well, women (and minorities in general) have been oppressed for years by men (most white men). Why shouldn't women be given more grants/funding/scholarships to correct those historical biases?
Except they won't because they've already checked out of society. We're looking at a complete breakdown scenario here at some point.
doctors are less accurate than computers at making diagnosis.
Everyone will be redundant one day and we can live in socialist utopia
I'm not sure what jobs these college educated women are going to do. Automation and globalization will end American jobs in the next decade or so.
It's as if women didn't think, and only reacted according to the propaganda given to them. I know it sounds crazy, but I think that women benefited from the patriarchy and the controlled society...
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we are just having a funny anon
Women bring the brains. Now, I'm not saying one is better than the other, but braun is being replaced by technology much faster than brain is.

Yes look at all these technological leaps thanks to women.

nice shitpost though, made me reply.
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The patriarchy should give it a shot 2bh.
Imagine all the govs of the world being occupied by women from top to bottom.
Presidents, PMs(no pun intended), soldiers, cops etc..
Just imagine.
It's scientifically proven that men have larger, more logical brains. Your only purpose on this earth is to beat my children.

Also, post your tits you stupid bitch.
Oh shit.

What is really going to happen is that a lot of men will revert to a more brutal existence as the welfare checks (and other wealth redistribution programs) become impossible to fund.

They will force the women to do whatever they want unless she is well protected by other males. So unless you are the next Widow Cliquot you will not be anywhere close to the power structure.

In the rose colored glasses version, the money will just keep flowing (because magic) and a lot of folks will devolve into Leisure Classers and general Hedonists.

Hotties will still get plowed on a regular basis and Ooglies will still be hella jelly.

In such a scenario, you as a man should get involved with infrastructure building (if you want to feel like a man) or some form of artistry.
>many areas
>gender theory
>pop psychology
>diversity studies
>liberally enforced anthropology
>meme tier jobs
once I see a majority woman physical labor force (aside from babbycare and birfing) then I'll worry about the emasculation of le current year man

in the meantime I will be:
>becoming physically stronger than you
>becoming a better mathematician than you
>acquiring practical leadership experience through engagement in the workforce
>raising a better family than yours
>becoming more self sufficient than you

so, you know, things that men are better at.
Honestly, most of the 'brain' jobs are just moving papers around, and they are being replaced as quickly or quicker than many manual labor jobs.
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First post . . . truly is . . . best post . . .
Whales have larger brains, does that make them more intelligent?
Women are only better at details than men. They are also less logical.

Men's brains process 3D and "big picture" stuff far, far better than women.
>The decline of men in academia is a sign that academia is becoming a mockery.

Absolutely, these last few years we've seen professors from some of the top unis hang their head in shame as they're shouted at and bellittled by SJWs about how campus is not a safe space.

The reign of these institutions only lasts as long as they produce good results and value, most young men can go online and learn programming and be coding website or apps in their spare time and make a good living.

Men are also walking away from family, you do not need a degree and a high paid job to live as a bachelor, you need a modest and low stress income, and you can live in a nice flat very comfortably with almost no responsibility and all the luxuries of modern life.

Women only shame this behaviour because they want a supply of high earning males they can latch onto to be providers for them.

Men built society, now we get to put our feet up and chillaxe.
First of all post tits or gtfo.

Second, you know that's bullshit because technological and scientific progress has been 95% men.

Women are good at getting men to do what they want because vagina. That is your one true skill.
eh. men can live without women. aside from kids, there's nothing we really -need- them for.

women can't really live without men in any sense.
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>implying they won't go after the now in demand submissive skinny twink masterrace
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Individuals, yes, but as a group? No.
Fuck it, let them take over.
We can sit at home drinking wine with male friends or go out to coffee shops, play with the kids, make shitty dinners and have affairs.
how can yo ucall that cancer in that webm the "dominant sex"
that's shit bait but you made it work

and you should cherish that fact I think. well done
>supporting a wife and a family.
no thanks
and I don't play videogames also. I have ambitions and I want a career. I am smart as fuck too. But I won't support any whore in my future
>implying a women's studies degree is worth anything in the long-term.
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Women are just as good at STEM fields as men. It's just that they receive a lot of discrimination and bias.

>Even With Hard Evidence Of Gender Bias In STEM Fields, Men Don’t Believe It’s Real

>'Elephant In The Valley' Survey Reveals Sexual Harassment In The Tech Industry Is Even More Common Than We Thought

>Mind the Gender Pay Gap: Female Computer Programmers Earn 72 Cents on the Dollar, Study Says

All this harassment and discrimination from men, plus the wage gap just for having a vagina, makes them less likely to choose technology and engineering career fields.

Who wants to put up with a bunch of asshole men?
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>Women bring the brains

Post vag

>Women are only better at details than men.

If you mean frivolous details like remembering birthdays or noticing dust on a jacket, then sure.

In any other sense that is just pure and utter nonsense.
Tbh senpai that sounds pretty comfy.
>posts some pseudoscientific mgtow meme
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>white men convert to Islam
>get a wife or two at the local mosque
>Hitler is smiling shoulder to shoulder with Muhammed in Paradise
>the white race bleaches Arab "whites" to become even more white
>genocide spics, niggers, and liberals
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Men suck at not getting cucked by their own government. Single mother whores will tax you into slavery at gunpoint.

Checkmate dick-haver
Any power that you may have is only because men allow you to have it.
If men were so inclined, we could relegate you back to the kitchen and there would be absolutely fucking nothing you could do about it.

Every law created by men to protect you are also upheld and enforced by men.

The only think keeping men from oppressing the fuck out of you are other men, just think about that for a moment.

Dude, what the fuck?!

Where are the normal webms of that curvy beautiful lady you always post?!
The sources are right there. Have you ever interacted with women in an intellectual way?

Men primarily think, women primarily feel. IF WOMEN DIDNT FEEL THE SPECIES WOULDNT SURVIVE
If you are engaging in casual sex, you are still enabling whore behavior and actively contributing to the downfall of western civilization, slowly but surely.
>Men claim to be more intelligent
>Yet somehow also getting manipulated into giving women everything

pick one
The difference in measurable brain power from man to woman is 3 million neurotransmitters, from woman to Labrador retriever is 6 million.

Basically you're a really smart Labrador retriever. Stay sassy, sugertits, You're intellectually disadvantaged to compete with men.
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>Men with children earn 21% ‘wage bonus’ (but not women with kids)

Men with children earn a wage bonus, but apparently this doesn't extend to women with kids. Just another way men shit on single mothers.
All of that is a paper bullshit facade built on female vampirism.

Males still do all the essential work. They're just being paid less and less for it.
10/10 would cuddle and hold hands with
Men, while they might be the rational gender, are still animals at the core.
Blame nature, fampai.
Women are permanent ungrateful children, men have become sick of them and have had their powers of discipline taken away.

If you can't slap a cunt until she shuts the fuck up, no way to train it.

When ww3, at least we can find solace that the cunts will die within days,,and the men can live for a few decades in peace before the last human stops breathing.
Whoever believes this has never actually worked with women in an actual business environment of any kind.
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>American """"women""""
Until you stick your dick in crazy with a probable Lorena Bobbit, but hey, enjoy yourself
>>as college becomes the norm

The 60's? If anything college is becoming less of a norm these days.
Western University was never good. It was a tradition adopted from the scholastic traditions of middle-ages Arabia, and twisted by the value of the dollar into the largely fraternal & sports-oriented thing it is today.

While one can get a good education at most Universities if they know what professors to look for, that's not the point. The point was originally so the wealthy of Britain (later America) had somewhere to send their kids for 4-8 years, having already been "educated" growing up, to play sports and otherwise distract them until their (typically inherited) business position came up.

The wealthy have always known this is its purpose. It's why we care about Alma Mater. In recent decades the poor have begun to take out loans to attend the same places, believing it to truly be a source of an education and a future job. In doing so they drag each other down and continuously devalue the education whose value was never intrinsic in the first place.

Poor people are funny and also stupid.
>women are smart dogs
>yet somehow outperform boys all through education against the odds
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>Just another way men shit on single mothers.

You're complaining that a human cumdumpster has been shit on, rather than ejaculated on, lol
>sitting Indian style on a chair.
no one cares phagit
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>New study finds 1 in 4 college women victims of sexual misconduct

>Sexism Is Stressing Women Out At Work, Says Unsurprising Study

Neither in education or work can women find refuge from male harassment.

And then they want to complain when campuses have safe spaces for women.
Matriarchy existed for 200000 years. Males only became more influental after advent of government, 8 or 6 thousand years ago.
Payback time is still on.
Does any other race besides white men fall for this cuckoldry?
Why is your weight relevant?
right? I'm a skinny faggot but even I am able to attract lonely mature women that let me fuck them and basically live in their luxurious apartments
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>implying I care if the cunts suffer
>implying they didn't declare war on males
>implying they didn't somehow warp and twist millenia of special treatment into "I'm oppressed :("
>implying I don't want to see them destroyed
To hell with them. Their "dominance" is one giant, disgusting, endlessly repeated lie. Enough will never be enough for them.
wtf is the context of this webm? some guy paid them to look like khuntz and film for a fetish? kyle the cuck filming his friend zoned peers to have a wank later?
Makes ubthink uh
This literally does nothing to me, low IQ nigger.
19 pls
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Friendly reminder feministical meme degrees as POLITICAL SCIENCE and WOMENS HISTORY or whatever are shit and will literally not help you do anyhting other than writing shitty blogposts that appeal to the same feministical Indoctrination that's been going on for the last years on college and on the liberal side.

>Feminist women somehow got all these shit subjects approved to be taught at Universities
Fucking sad and whatever board approved those subjects should be hanged.

Why does this women disgust me so much?
>Le technology will replace all muscle work very quickly meme
No it won't you stupid shit, there's several reasons why.
>Work that requires a more delicate/Human hand

Right now there's housing you can buy room by room from and they'll send the rooms to your plot/land and all there is to do is place them near eachother and they'll fite. Even these contstructions require men to be on the site and oversee the the construction and hammer out flaws or put it together.

What you're talking about is a future where technology has come a long way. A future that won't ever happen while the """"MATRIARCH"""" is in power.

>women getting more degrees means we're smarter
Yes ofcourse, how could someone that's got massive knowledge in nuclear power and physics ever compete with a Feminist that got a degree in political science. Gee better pack our shit up and get the fuck out. Do take care of those reactors so they won't blow and cut power to entire cities

Yes I took the bait FUCK YOU
>taking your shoes off in a restaurant or cafe

Fucking disgusting I would had complained with the manager, what about the ''no shirt, no shoes, no service'' rule??
fug, am muslim now

gibe 48 virgins pls :D :D :D
Htf do you figure that?
When the fittest and strongest ruled the tribe, it was ruled by women?

Give me a fucking break..
>trying to provoke men into competing with an inferior species in a rigged game.
They are fuckups, take a look at the female 'leaders'.
They've brought Europe to destruction.

Fuck them, I just wait for ww3. It can't come fast enough
Yeah, without a doubt the white men were indoctrinated like hell by feminism and cultural marxism which made way for all this cuckoldry at such a large scale.
The benefits of western civilization are a bless and a curse at the same time.
I am very sorry comrade but most westerners dropped the matriarchy theory in the 80's
that's because college education and whoring on twitch is the only way to make money as a woman.

guys can do trade so its natural woman will eclipse men
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>Study Finds Female Squirrels Do All the Work While the Men Lie Around, Which Might Sound Familiar

Even female animals are starting to outdo men.
I know someone who is a skinny fag and is damn great with women.
Do I know you by any chance? kek
Brown people are our Samson option. Women can enjoy their sharia after we're gone.
you get to live in Berlin tho.
You do know the white man who's in control decided to rig the system so that whatever minority is in control next will run the country into the ground so the white man can laugh and say, I told you so! And live off his gold and silver investments for the rest of his life while the minorities starve to death, right?
>my office is mostly women
>only conversations I overhear involve talking about other people, babies, and shoes

Everyday I want to kill myself. Luckily this is only an internship and I'll be going into another industry.
>sexbots illegal in UK

whoa, this is the first i'm hearing about this

got a source? i should start learning a language for a country i can move where i won't be banned from having a robot waifu if this is true
It only continues until the first war and then women are put into their rightful place in the kitchen.
This whore just reminds me of the microcephalic man in a dress in Freaks.

Mind of a two year old.

Punch it off the chair and kick it if it starts crying.
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>Why does this women disgust me so much?

Because you're probably a misogynist who hates women and hates seeing women happy, free, independent, and having fun. Women no longer have to get married. Modern women can go to college, start careers, travel the world, and have fun without men. This fact is very upsetting to a lot men.
Still waiting for a fappable webm.

Deliver you fucking fag
Unless they're in a STEM field. STEM fields are based.
>repeating information someone else told you well
>this is the same as being smart

Women, everyone
>OP starts thread and never comes back
"1 post by this ID" slide thread!!!

>OP starts thread and sticks around to reply
omg slide thread!!!

is anything not on the topics you prefer a slide thread?
Fucking degenerate behavior
what a dumb fucking cunt.
you will be enjoying it too faggot. Deus Vult now!
Women force they way in domains by qotas not because they earn there place.
No wonder they have more usles degrees if they clog up studieng places that belong to men.
>sitting still in a classroom learning factoids completely uninteresting to them

>sitting in a classroom remembering factoids to prove they're better than the girl sitting next to them
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>Study: Women better at paying off mortgages than men

>Women Are in the New Sweet Spot of the U.S. Economy, Study Finds

I guess we know who all the future homeowners are going to be.
There is some truth to that for sure, in many cases they're a haven for the rich kids to be essentially babysat while they get the education they need to help take on their wealthy parents business.

But for the STEM fields quite often they are bastions of advancement especially in the field of science. If you're poor and you study the right subject and can apply yourself it can be a good start in life.

You're right when you say lots of people are taking loans to go and study subjects that will never give them a good enough career to pay back the loan, those people are idiots. And quite frankly most of these people are the young liberal women doing arts degrees and sociology and alike.

I don't have any sympathy, modern women get what they deserve for spoiling it for all of us.
No, anything not about politics and news is.

Now fill in that Options field next time.
Nonono this wont 404 b4 iv had a real wank
i expected no underware...
>creepy sex robots
So it won't mean innocent ones, just the male looking ones?
Can I transition into the top caste, then?
>but they'll be definitely seen struggling for work.

Depends where you live really. Most physical working class men here become steelworkers and are set for life.

Stick to your degree little girl.
does this mean there will be lots of forced snu snu? if so i am down with that.
Starting with what?

Coalburners, whores,bitches,femenazis.
Once the field is salten nothing will grow.
Based swede? Based swede.
I'm not THAT great with women actually
But I still manage to score
Can u skip 2 the end where she reveals her bum or smth?? dying 4 a Peek desu
>Tell you what
>We'll make quotas
>Effectively eliminating competition in colleges and give college spots to these people even though there's thousands of more eligable and worthy candidates.
>Won't that be unfair to everyone else that worked hard to get accepted in here and won't it be kind of discriminating to deny applicants on their gender and race.

Fuck you, only reason Women/blacks and the lots even get into colleges is because they need a handicap. You're so fucking bad at everything you need help to move forward no matter what. Hell I'm suprised you can breathe on your own. A miracle.
thread theme is on point, good job.
So you're back to making this thread every day again? Kill yourself my friend
She isn't hot
As if there is any difference between Islamic state of UK and Roachstan.

>Dumb feminist tells men what they're upset about.

Straw man any harder?
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>Women write better code, study suggests

>Study Shows More Women And Minorities Are Signing Up For Coding Schools

Women are coming for your precious coding jobs that you men covet so much.

And when they do..

>The gratuitous sexualization of women in video games is declining, but women are still rarely the main character

We'll get more female protagonists. Not everyone wants to play as a 30-something while male with a buzzcut.
The only reason that you are free and independent is because white men allowed it. The only reason you no longer have to get married is because white men built civilization up to such a level that even the weakest and dumbest can survive with ease.
The only reason you can go to college and have a career is because men created colleges and careers and allowed you to partake in it.
The only reason you can travel the world is because white men built cars and planes and civilized the rest of the world for u to enjoy.
>Women better at shopping with credit cards than men

>Women better at putting on make up than men
Who's the chick in all these webms and why are there so many of her?
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The slavic sub-human is trying to speak English, how cute.
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Been there since WW2, when most of the male population was murdered. The only thing it done - more clients for Psychotherapist.

>Education, degrees
Piece of shit. Show almost nothing.

Female has biological advantage, cause economy now more "service" than any other.
Their brain is great, when need to do "routine work", and more stable in that sense.
Male brain is more about creativity, science, riot and shit. So in modern society - majority will suck balls.
this is what most "feminists" 5-10 years ago believed as well and no look at them. They spent their 20s fucking random guys and now no one wants anything to do with them and they're miserable
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Am I the only one here who goes to college and when I feel that something in my courses is complicated the first time I look at it and my confidence starts plunging, I look around at the class and watch the women, the niggers, and the shitskins and tell myself
>if these cunts can do it why can't you!?
Sometimes it's even the professors who are the shitskins/women/niggers.
>if they can teach this shit why wouldn't you be able to learn it!?

I feed off my "racism" to stay ambitious. I know that statistically I am the better than them. Even compared to whites and asians I am smarter.

yesterday I did a test in algebra and I say the shitskins on my left stuggling and I am pretty sure I will have 100% or very close to that without any struggle whatsoever.
hahaha even the things men THOUGHT they were better at with their "logical" brains, like coding, turns out WOMEN are better,! the irony...
Cmon u fucking eunuch, enouf of this creepy voyeur shit & show privates
>hurr more women graduate
because they study easy worthless shit
>The team found that 78.6% of pull requests made by women were accepted compared with 74.6% of those by men.

This proves lots... doesn't it?
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>Plunging Neckline May Help Women Land More Job Interviews

>Study Finds Women Who Wear Makeup Earn More Money

How about men stop thinking with their penises all the time?

Its time to ban abortion and end the matriarchy
what the fuck am i looking at
>The only people suffering here are women
and children.
Where's the women? Tell me?
Funny thing, I had a women in my college preparement class. She quit because she couldn't understand the math being shown. It was basic high school math. And she suposedly got a A+ in high school. Women get prefermential treatment because of their vagina and muh feminism. You'd be as worthless as a rock without them .
Omg this looks promising, fap-tap soon i go
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Women can't do anything without men, you retarded cunt enabler.

Read this:

If women could function independently without men, they'd have done it centuries ago. Instead they whine and drain male enterprises like the bloodfat cunt leeches they are. I want to smash their fat writhing insectoid guts into jelly.
So all you idiots have to do is throw on some make up and show some boob, and you're almost guaranteed to make money?

And you still complain? lol
Well I dunno. Those who end up teaching it, plus the Uni that provides the stupid "service" is making a killing. So, it's worth "something" for a few people.
Neurons of different kinds.
Frop top
1. Worker
2. Neuroscientist

1. Male
2. Female

1. Normie
2. Mathematician
3. Psycho
Exactly these same women are getting themselves $80,000 in student land debt and wasteing their fertile years earning gender study degree's

i would still bang...how pathetic am i.
>women r more educated gaiz

yeah, so? They still won't be the one's fighting.
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>Men Hate TV Shows Aimed at Women, Study Says

I wonder why...

>Female nudity almost three times as likely as male in Hollywood films

Oh, right. Because the female characters on these shows are women who are covered up, intelligent, and independent.
somehow WOMEN built all the weapons and bullets for MEN to use in ww2

once again, women behind the scenes being the unsung heroines of society.!
somewhere clear of feminists
I think the point is that few people get STEM degrees and very, very few of those few have a pussy.
How about women get actual employable skills instead of landing jobs by flashing their cleavage and caking make-up on their disgusting bulldog faces like geisha?

oh yeah, the women and children first rule was so fucking oppressive lol

"ill always love you leo"
>10 weeks later shes gagging on some NY stockbroker cock
Women take bullshit courses that are worthless and end up at the supermarket or, at the very best, go the "educated black woman" route and get hired at the DMV.

Also, doesn't this kind of contradict with the "Muh wage gap" hoax? If they're the biggest "breadwinners" and have more degrees etc., how are they still on the losing side with cash? You'd have to be an actual retard to believe any of this stupid leftist propaganda. They literally go "WOMEN R DA BEST" then say "b-b-but we get paid less for da same work" in the same sentence.
perhaps because society is telling women they can't be engineers or scientists right from childhood

the evidence is girls outperform boys in EVERY subject at school apart from mathematics where boys are slightly ahead.

coincidence? us women think not.
What's retarded is that all of this shit you're posting is still just women whining at men because women are parasites.

It's not enough that women have their own shows. They have to destroy men's shows. Why?

Because CUNTS CAN'T DO ANYTHING. They are dullwitted, subhuman squawking retards. Everything they create is fucking dreadful.
>We'll get more female protagonists.
We'll get more Sims and Android clickbait "games".
They still needed a male boss to get them to shut up and start riveting.
I work on industrial elevators, escalators and moving walkways in a major US NE seaboard city. I can weld, wire, plumb, troubleshoot and lift really heavy stuff. I make good mone $80k a year straight time with over time I average $120k+ I've been doing it for 10 years. I have never met nor even heard of a woman in my industry. The maintence of civilization requires a lot of hard, dirty, skilled trades work that women shun.
This is my fetish

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Go ahead. Continue underestimating women and soon they'll be running the majority of the Fortune 500 companies.

>Study Shows Male Students Underestimate Their Female Peers in Early STEM Courses
WomenWomen that are high money earners want men that earn more money then them.
A female doctor won't marry a male hospital janitor.
A male doctor is willing to marry a low pay younger female receptionist.
>It's undeniable that men are on their way out as the dominant sex.

hello severely uneducated person,

we already live in a matriarchy, the top figure across the globe are women, the woman is biologically superior as she is able to create a new life, men could be exterminated and their sperm easily reproduced in a lab, or by a small handful of ideal donors, or an even smaller group of donors who are milked and their sperm frozen

women were always in control, just look how much control your average woman has in a family court. and now consider the difference of labor, and exposure to deadly force

women were always superior, the small balances that favor men are still not enough to produce life without women
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women are the cancer on earth, they should have no rights and only serve as cumdumpsters to produce the next generation of men and cumdumpsters
Americans need to ban abortion end the matriarchy
Pregnant women can't earn worthless degree's
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>muh society
>muh culture
Yeah you're being held back by mysterious invisible forces, you dumb lazy cunt. Read the story of any historical great male and you'll see he had to a million times more.

Even today with all the resources and freedo m and special treatment, women are weak inferior bleeders.

But, as I mentioned earlier, they can't collaborate, so it doesn't matter.

I'm completely comfortable. They've had all of recorded history to not be worthless fuckups, and they failed.

On the off chance that they can evolve to work independently of males, males would be FUCKING ECSTATIC!!! HOLY SHIT!!! Keep the cunts out of our workplaces!

It's not going to happen, though. Women have weak minds and bodies. They can only function with beta male cucks running interference.

Here is my challenge for you:
Get a group of women--NO MEN--in isolation, and watch what they produce. It's fucking pathetic. You feel terribly sorry for them. They're not even human.
Women can't be scientists or engineers because they're fucking stupid and take gender studies for their major. Women are horrible at prioritizing, that's one of the many problems with women. Mathematics is the hardest subject in school, so boys are naturally ahead. Women focus on subjects that wont land them a career because, "hehe I can just live off a man for the rest of my life like most women do."
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>Science Confirms Men Are PETRIFIED Of Smart Women

>Study: The closer they get, smart women look less attractive

Fear is probably behind a lot of these responses since men are naturally afraid of smart women.
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Oh buddy-o. I fucking love you guys. Never change.
>oh my God wine lol xD
>Jason said he loves me but he cheated on me with Martha but I'm staying with him cuz I have his baby xD
>OMG gurrrlll it's makeover time
>let's go to da club and get fuckin wasted gguuuurrrlll xDDD
>idk if I'm ready to be a single mother
>some extremely attractive, tall, rich man swoops in and helps retarded drunk single mom bimbo get her life together and pampers her
Yeah I can't imagine why most men would find female-oriented programs unappealing.

A huge majority of women actually like male-oriented shows but not the other way around. Why? Because male-oriented shows are simply better at being universally appealing. Suck a big long cock.
>in a public place
>completely unaware of such liberal flaunting of her underwear
women disgust me
Thx brews, busted my nut. All better now. Have a nice thread.
As a reluctant lifelong femdom enthusiast I've masturbated many times to fantasies involving matriarchies/gynarchies, but I don't think it would be quite so appealing in real life desu.
Women are for baby making not earning college degrees
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All this cunt desperation.

The fact is males are becoming more and more indifferent to cunts, which is bad news for cunts, because cunts are parasites.

Keep screaming and stamping your feet, little cunty. Manipulating males is your only talent. That's why you hate porn and "objectification"--it robs you of the one asset you have, your hole.
Men can be strangely naive when it comes to women and easily manipulated, as you said. Men place a highly irrational degree of faith in them. Men want to love women.
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Most women don't want working class men. They want someone who's on their level in terms of education. That's another reason men should go to college.

>Men Who Are 'Husband Material' Are Getting Harder to Find, Study Says

>Sorry, ladies, there really is a man shortage

>There is a shortage of educated men — husband hunters beware!

They don't consider working class men marriageable, which is why they perceive that there's a husband shortage.
Unmarried childless women because me suicidal when they hit menopause.
Is Islam the true Red Pill? I dont think i can swallow...
God drunks disgust me
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Shhhh . . .

That's supposed to be a surprise!
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You're probably one of those MGTOW guys who thinks by not approaching women for dates, you're depriving them of "attention" and "punishing" them for having sex with multiple partners before getting married.
Okay... And?
No because muslims and Islam wins every time a white man converts to Islam and marrys a Muslim woman.
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I'm going to die alone
I've accepted that fate.


This is a nice thing to believe if it gives you a sense of self-esteem... but is it really accurate?

Women aren't involved in those trades because it's hard work, requires technical knowledge, and can be unpleasant\risky, not because they can't do it.

You're basically saying "I enjoy being on bottom", while those elevators and escalators and walkways are used for or by women primarily to make their lives easier as they mill about looking for Chads to fuck.
>implying the patriarchy wasn't always better for women than men

am i supposed to be mad about this?
I like nice submissive qts if you're not then you're not worth my time, effort, money, looks and genetics.

Upptity middle class white girls who had everything handed to them on a silver plate are the worst.
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daily reminder that there you are a flaming cuck and that there are still a large number of dominant white males like me out there for your worthless race to depend on. I'm going to fuck a 19 year old latina tonight and cum inside her just you upset your dumb faggot beta ass.

This is not a troll post fyi, you're all just huge basement dwelling faggots that never get pussy. Sucks to suck.
I welcome it..

After 30 years of social justice, you have no idea how much shit is coming your way when you're finally on top...

You're going to beg to be June Cleaver
I'd love to be the stay at home husband taking care of the kids and the house, thing is, these crazy bitches can't be trusted to be faithfull.
You misspelled "brawn."


So it couldn't be a typo, you literally can't spell and can't spellcheck either.

If those are the kind of brains you're talking about, good gravy.
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Oh. And I know how you MGTOWs believe women will his "The Wall" in their 30s and end up wrinkled and alone when they could of married that "nice guy" in their 20s.

>Mid-thirties marks 'sexiest' and most attractive age for British women, new study shows

Sorry. The wall doesn't exist.
>Women earning more degrees than men
Women studies don't count faggot.
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You have no idea how furious you've made males.

You're going to be destroyed, and sooner rather than later. Meet your replacements.


Whatever, bitch. Males will just keep tuning you out. You'll probably start dumping period blood on cats or something for attention, but no one cares anymore. You're done, and good riddance.
this is how it used to be yes
but now women made it to the top. They will be forced to marry down, because their equally successful male counterparts will surely not marry some old career woman
I'm college educated (in a real, legitimate field unlike 90% of female graduates) but don't perceive whores who slept with 100 random dudes in college while picking up a few STDs and possibly a child or two wife material.

Only women with few past sexual partners, no STDs, no bastard spawn, and a conservative mindset are marriage material. That automatically excludes almost every single woman on campus, though there are a few who fit the bill. That is the reason we don't like gender studies whores with femifucktard leftist ideas dicked into their brains. They're garbage.

Last reply you dumb bitch/cuckold.

Who is this girl?
Men only started to abandon their social obligations when it became obvious that women abandoned their's.
Coincidentally, a college degree is as worthless as its ever gonna be.
>Just another way men shit on single mothers.

Who made them single?

Not the men.
Women have a natural instinct for needing men. They desire men for protection, provision, comfort, etc. Feminism is a lie that says that female dependence on men is forced on women by men—The Patriarchy™—and that if they rebel they will be free. Feminism constructs strawman arguments to falsely accuse men and fuel female rage.
But no matter how many men are subjugated under the heel of feminist agendas, no matter how many men are divorce-raped, no matter how much women slut it up, it’s never enough, because they are not rebelling against men. They are rebelling against their inner nature. And that will never change.
Women need men. That’s in their nature. Understand this and treat them as though they need you. It’s in their nature to respond.
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You guys will be a lot better off if you'd just adjust to this new reality. Women are never going back into the kitchens to be the obedient housewives you think they were before the invention of feminism and the birth control pill. Get over yourselves and to shape yourself into a guy that women that women want to be with. You'll be a lot happier.
>she thinks women can build or invent anything
Go recruit some girlfriends and build some software. I'm waiting.

It won't happen. Your sex is mentally defective, sweety.
It will not last. You can't have a vast majority of woman working and keep your population well established. The reality will settle in when all those immigrants you were bringing in to supplement your low birth rate start pushing out your matriarchy society and culture because intagration is considered racist.
Some ugly drunk slut with cottage cheese ass depite having no ass?

I guess she's a 9/10 in uggo bongland though.
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>Piss dripping down her foot
Do you listen to nothing but feminist dribble from the globalist MSM? You need to get out more. The amount of women that still live at and take care of the home while their men go to work is growing.
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>get back on the plantation, men
You don't define masculinity, cunt, and more men are awake to the cunt parasite than ever before.

There are seriously vast armies of men with a life mission to just engineer your entire disgusting, mucous weeping, whiny, manipulative, lying whore sex out of existence--forever.

We put a man on the moon and built the Internet. You think we can't replace you holes?

You're fucking dead. You picked the wrong fight, you pushed your luck too far, and now you're going to be annihilated, you loathsome goddamn parasites.
>college = educated
this meme needs to die. Somebody post the graph of the yearly earnings of "educated liberals" vs. "non-educated conservatives". Sorry ladies, but a Genderfluid Studies degree does not make you educated.

Please be America
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ai waifus can't come soon enough
We also invented the flesh light, which was the single greatest leap towards replacing women forever. China has the right idea too, abort the female babies.

>trannies, traps and games

>Fuck them, I just wait for ww3. It can't come fast enough

so you can die on a battlefield because of some incopetent cunts
>said the basement dweller, unbeknownst to his mother or imaginary girlfriend

What would the women in your life think of you, posting this?
Webm Sauce please
>They want someone who's on their level in terms of education.

They can go fuck themselves desu. Men married down so why can't they.
LOL who cares what they think? They're women!
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degenerate scum, submit to islam already.
Wish on a wish.
You do know the threat to your way of life isn't men from the western world right? It's like you're telling you alpha wolf's to stand down when other packs of wolf's are moving in on our territory.
Pyramid schemes are profitable to a few lucky people who got in early as well
No. They did not. They just bolsterd the work force.

Once again fee fees rule over facts.

Man where in the mines man where in the steel mills men plan and man die.

As always women where assisting not working.
>What would the women in your life think of you, posting this?

Not him, but my fiance dislikes the majority of women as well.

We're not all beta cucks like you, lad.
STEM is not a field that one can just jump into and out of at will...this isn't discrimination, it's just facts.

Multi-year studies, demanding timelines and development cycles that don't have anything to do with, or concern for reproductive cycles. Industry doesn't stop simply because you got knocked up and neither does the grind of technological development that goes on inside of industry.

As someone who has worked for women in many of these fields, I think it's going to be delicious irony for women to discover that the people who are the least sympathetic to these arguments, are other women, particularly those who you are inconveniencing.

The sooner you're on top, the sooner you turn on each other over this crap, and the sooner we can all just go the fuck back to work, which is what we all want.
Men are naturally stronger, faster, smarter, etc etc. than women. If there is any semblance of a matriarchy on the way it won't last long .
I'm a woman, stupid
>I'm a stupid woman

Fixed that for you, lol.

But nah, as much as you girls like to say "as a woman" when you speak, you don't speak for your entire gender. You need to get that through your thick head.
well you act like and probably look like a man so we're calling you lad.
>I'm a stupid woman
You're awesome !

I hope you contribute more to /pol/

(not being ironic)
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bongs and leafs should be banned from /pol/
But can women ever escape the fact that might makes right, and that men are simply stronger than women? Women hold the places they do in society because men allow it.
Wow, no one could tell, given that you offered the only argument women ever offer when they're confronted with their uselessness--"what would women think? you will always be a virgin! lol"

You know you don't have a soul, right?
Yeah rats too, if given the option,become heroine junkies if they're unhappy. When they have a healthy environment however, they do fine. It's the same really.

Men are not fulfilling society expectations because society is not offering much in return. I do alright for myself, but I do get the NEETs and MGTOWs to some degree. If you want to fix that you have to listen to them, because you haven't really yet. Talking and repeating what they've heard a million times makes no difference.
>having a gender studies major with an afro-american studies minor
pick one
Great. Let the vaginas do all the boring shit and let us men live off them. They have a lot to repay for millenias of leeching.
She's on acid and her friend is trip sitting her. Ive been in that situation enough times to recognize it by the second webm
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Says the Yank, fresh out of wallmart after a shart.
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>>Women outnumber men on college campuses.
>he believes the college degree may may
Yes, all those liberal arts degrees mean men = BTFO
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Yes , Québec should be allowed tho, Just less mad anglos
your fiance is garbage
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how many of those degrees were in engineering?
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wew lad
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>A matriarchy is coming.



Fucking retarded breeding machines, your subjugation is just ABOUT TO BEGIN
>Women outnumber men on college campuses.

1) obama set up government subsidized programs for women/single mothers to go to college

2) related to 1

3) related to 1

4) related to 1

5) related to 1

6) related to 1

7) related to 1

8) isnt happening . also merkel is on her way out and afd wont replace simply because they tried to put a woman in place. back to spd and a man leading in germany
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OP how does it feel like being completely BTFO with only 2 pics?
This. Also, isn't the world or at least our country populated enough? Why bring more shitheads into the world?
What, not leftist and progressive enough for you?
>more male plumbers, welders, carpenters, engineers, concrete layers, road maintenance crews, electricians, mechanics, gun smiths, ect than females

Yeah get fucked cunt, we run the world, even if from the shadows. Let's see a house be designed, built, wired, plumbed, and maintained by women only.
Your pathetic tiny, little "empire" wishes it had anything like a wal-mart.
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>wishes it had anything like a wal-mart.

and as an added bonus, as we're not a shitter country that's only 59% white (glorious 85% white) you can visit the shop with absolutely no niggers.
>Implying I don't want to chill out all the day with the kids while mother is breaking her back to trade her health against bread.
I call it a win-win.
>wishes it had anything like a wal-mart.

AHahahhaha america think race to the bottom is something people ought to want to partake in..
I grow out of edgy cum for brains teenage angst phase ages ago shes got to be retarded to be your fiance

haha it's nothing

some anti-fembot feminist landwhale started a petition or some shit, so what


when we see a bill to ban sexbots being debated before parliament, then i'll worry
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As much as I love my wife and female family members, women will steer society into the rocks and create societal beeakdown into a world in which men have the advantage. It's like a self limiting enzyme
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>shes got to be retarded to be your fiance

Upset and resorting to insults on only the second retort?

You disappoint me. I had such high hopes for you.
i think this thread is about the political aspects for robot waifus, and their social/legal consequences

if you don't think that's politics then fuck off
This post bears repeating!

I have used a version of this argument to shut down some Progressives in my local area.

They get all proud of themselves until I remind them that without armed white male cops, they would not last beyond their first challenge by rival white males.

Then they get all weird and quiet because they realize how true that fact is.
I have fucked off a few times but some bonger keeps replying to me so my thread watcher lights up and I ha e to see what someone said when replying to me.

We're past bump limit but I'm going to put something in the Options field anyway.
It's not the anglo race that's the problem. It's the fucking brainwashed sjws across the pond. An American WASP is much more than a smelly crooked-tooth britbong will ever be.
You're capital city is overrun with Mud slimes, which is worse than any minority we have here.
don't forget DC is literally 99% nigger
The USA is the epicenter of SJWs, degeneracy etc. This is a verifiable fact.

You are deluded.
>which is worse than any minority we have here.


Also, nigger president, and good possibility of a female president.

We have a female leader, sure. But we voted for her party, not her. Entirely different before you attempt to bantz it up.
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Yeah, nah, fuck off roach.
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Okay mister secret thought police on the bus.
>implying 94% of turkish households even have running water
So now she has a kid and doesn't know who the father is or an STD? She doesn't want to be a normal human and do house chores and live in a filthy house? She's going to run around naked in the middle of no where but it won't be her fault if she gets kidnapped?
Enjoy your patriot act and people who expose Clinton mysteriously dropping dead
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Feminism will tear Islam a new asshole.

It will punch in with its privilege stinger, lay its subversive eggs, and its intellectual larvae will devour Allah from the inside.
i don't understand the plot here

she runs away at the altar, then what? is this real or a hallucination?

You stupid fucking dyke.

The harder you think you are winning the harder you are actually losing.

If it ever came to that all these freedoms and comforts you take for granted will disappear along with white men's power.

You will become nothing more than an incubator or property when other men unaffected by the delusion of equality rule over you in our place.
The patriot act is for going after mud slimes. Enjoy the GCHQ and getting arrested for posting on 4chan when they start cracking down on hate speech.
>this brainwashed by propanda he thinks the patriot act doesn't allow spying on all US citizens
>implying your government doesn't have recording of every phone/skype call you've ever made stored in NSA data bunker
Thread posts: 356
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