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Brit/pol/ - Thomas Tallis edition

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 360
Thread images: 92

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>Thread theme

>Diane James quits as Ukip leader after just 18 days as Nigel Farage rules out a comeback

>Theresa May to attack politicians who sneer at 'patriotic' working class voters concerned about migration

>Westminster 'could slash Scotland’s devolved laws following Brexit'

>Ruth Davidson to tell Tories May has 'helped women at every turn'

>IMF crowns UK world's fastest growing major economy, but hard Brexit fears push pound to 31-year low

>Amber Rudd vows to stop migrants 'taking jobs British people could do' and force companies to reveal number of foreigners they employ
1st for:

Fuck May and fuck British people.
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>Ebola nurse back in hospital

Fucking hells just burn her.
>inb4 he has to move to Britain to escape black apartheid

fuck off zulu
t. #RhodesMustFall campaign
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wtf I'm a MayMissile now
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>This triggers the Boer
Stop replying to bait you fucking tards
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TFW going on chaturbate and rping as Enoch.

Pretty fun. A lot of the girls laugh
>Left on Twitter enraged again by government allowing fracking

Ah another good day again lads.
>Anglican church and Vatican thinking of reunification

What do you guys think of this? Personally don't want it to happen
Post more
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muslim men crave white women, especially social media virtue signalling liberal white women

thankfully the islam/liberal New Labour alliance from the 2000s is ending, but they can still prey on naive white liberal women on twatter, how do we stop it?
>how do we stop it?
You can't do shit. And trying is futile.

The best you can do is try and redpill any gfs you have and focus on yourself
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Watching /r/Scotland and /r/Unitedkingdom go into meltdown is fucking glorious, I hate these fucks.
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Morning lads.

Currently on spicyoctopus33, come watch. Much better if you can hear them.
>before noon
Well done lad, getting there
This is some elaborate shilling.
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дoбpe дeнь
trolled XD
Say something Enoch
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Lads, how do you we about getting society to view homosexuality as completely disgusting?
: ) Damn you can only chat if you have tokens. Continue posting tho
I'm fine with gay people who keep it to themselves, which is most of them. Am I wrong to feel this way? I don't like the ones who are flaming and openly degenerate.
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Do these cucks actually pay real money to watch slags?
Move somewhere else this bitch is too dumb to read what you are posting
I don't like it at all, so I think you're wrong. It's not kept private though, there's adverts on TV that glorify it, it's in every fucking programme and film. They parade around the cities once a year acting like complete degenerates, looking like a preamble to a fucked up porn storyline. They've infected the fucking church man. They're normalising it for little children, as they're told to just accept it as normal and NEVER EVER EVER question it lest you reveal yourself as an evil monster. Homosexuality gives not one positive to society but it gaves lits of negatives, including sky-high HIV rates.

It really rustles my jimmies.
Too far gone I think lad, we are stuck with them...for the time being anyway.
I'm fine with the ones who keep to themselves but they don't exist.
On the way to the dentist lads
Hopefully they'll want to remove my wisdom teeth so I get get +1 aesthetics and painkillers
I had one out a while back. It's local anaesthetic and weak painkillers, it's hardly worth getting excited for.
No, just went to watch Enoch post. I signed up as Peter Hitchens and was going to post but you can only post if you have tokens

Moved to "tattooeed_kat". She's more talkative.
Some of them are even saying that Britain is becoming Nazi Germany and that Amber Rudd loves Hitler

Thank you 2016 and thank you kek
It's basically advertised at this point lad, hardly anyone keeps it to themselves.
I suppose so. Most of what you're saying also applies to mixed relationships. How many ads do we see a black ad and a white mum in then? I think that's worse than homosexuality.

I think transgenderism is the most harmful thing being shovelled onto kids currently though, because it's a state-endorsed mental illness, leading to kids actually thinking they are the wrong gender and getting reassignment when they're still just kids.
Just been invited to be an black minority ethnic officer at my uni because I'm part Polish. How's best to mess with them lads?
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>tfw only half british
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Kek she got really confused by your post
Transgenderism is disgusting but it's not that big of a problem. It's still a very small minority and likely always will be.
Considering that British is a legal state and not a biological one

You're not half British you mong
>being British is the same as being some mongrel Yank

Fuck off
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What's the other half lad?
Moved to English_Rose
>Most of what you're saying also applies to mixed relationships
I agree, that is filthy too. As much as I hate it though at least that's not a mental illness, it's just a rather objectionable natural human behaviour. Still fucking eww.

>because it's a state-endorsed mental illness
So is homosexuality. It was officially classed as a mental illness until yesteryear's SJWs cried and whined so much it got removed. Transgenderism and all the other trans bollocks is absolutely vile, but it's roots are in the acceptance of homosexuality. The more normalised something becomes the more extreme it gets. We normalised one mental illness, homosexuality, and as a result that section of society, in fact society at large with all the media attention and promotion it gets, then became more extreme and are now rapidly moving in to trans shit.

From 2014 to 2015 the number of LGB(no T) people grew by 0.5%, in one fucking year. That's 325000 people in a year. If it was natural it wouldn't grow at such a rate as that would, without doubt, secure the demise of our species.

Normalising shit like this gives people an excuse to buckle under their mental health and just indulge in it.

Also, the rate of depression, self harm and suicide is higher among gays, which leads the rational mind to believe that homosexuality is borne out of mental health issues that are, in some way, connected with depressive symptoms.
Thanks, I'm Peter_Hitchens

Stupid slag didn't know who Wagner is.
Except it is you stupid cunt
You're either English/Welsh/Scottish

Only non whites and mongrels call themselves British

Myfreecams is better

ouch, good luck. I've got an appointment with a urologist later for the old phimosis. Won't be getting the snip snip though, would rather be castrated
Nice post tbqh
Whereabouts in West Yorkshire, I went to school up there

>Fracking gets go ahead, greens on suicide watch
she looks bored

I like girls that enjoy it, laugh and chat
mandatory rebuttal saying that there are more trans people now because they now have confidence to admit, and that more homosexuals commit suicide because of discrimination and rejection by those close to them
"no enoch sorry, think you're talking to the wrong person"

brit/pol/ BTFO
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>UKIP MEP Steven Woolfe taken ill at European Parliament - no news yet on his condition

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who else here /hayfeverandmedsdon'twork/?
Never had hayfever lad

Who else /superior genetics/ here?
That's a well-argued post. I don't really have a retort to it, I just don't mind gay people on a personal level. I do notice how it's crowbarred into TV shows and the like though so you do have a good point.
In Leeds laddy, right next to Bradistan.
Find someone who everyone without tokens can chat to
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>tfw will never be as cultured and sophisticated as this man

Also I just got a super hot conservative Ethiopian gf. Weird feel, but good.
Give me your fucking genes I hate this shit so much
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>the absolute state of UKIP
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Has anyone seen this?


American WWII veteran has called every Brit arrogant and nasty and using typical burger logic that they did all the fighting in WWII.

I know he's a veteran, but what a fucking arsehole when relatives died in the 8th Army.
>actually being northern
You should get one of his audiobooks, they're very good. I can upload his Monarchy one if you're interested.
wew gotta get to the dentist by 12:00
my bus comes in 5 mins and takes 7 mins to get there
my appointment was at 11:45 but they gave me some extra time so I hope they don't mind me being late
kek, my mum used to teach at a behavioural difficulties school in islamabrad
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Anglican Church is dead.
I've never had hayfever but my genetics probably suck

>Ethiopian gf
pics or gtfo, you know the rules regarding gf talk on here
thanks for new Pepe Billy
Yeah that would be awesome. I listened to his one on music and it was great.
>"Afghanistan and middle east a mess because of British cutting it up so badly"

He's not wrong regarding Sykes-Picot but it's the US that's been fucking everything up for the last 40 years there
>implying I'm northern
>implying that if I was, there's anything wrong with being northern
Spent 7 years in my teens there then came back to Wales

Starkey is fucking based

>hot conservative Ethiopian gf
Not sure how to feel about this

The thing is what else we're we supposed to do? People always bring that and Israel up but what would they have us do?

As you say, Yanks have killed millions in Vietnam, Afghanistan etc.

If it was the fucking Norwegians criticising our foreign policy maybe I could handle it.

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Morning lads.
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aesthetic flag
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tasty update for ya
im gonna end up there at 12:10 i reckon and get turned away for being 30 mins late
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>Morning lads.
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Greek. At least I can pull the minority card on lefties, they can't stand it.
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He makes a good point about national dress and music.

As much as I love the kilt and bagpipes, if they're your only defining qualities then you have a problem.
Especially when neither of those things, at least in their current form, are really yours.
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I'm 1/4 Welsh 1/4 English so usually say British senpai, complete mongrel I guess. Sorry.
Just open it in a new tab, put your browser in full screen, then look at it for 30 seconds

Then tell me it's disgusting
>actually being welsh

I can count the number of times I've heard people rant about foreigners and be blatantly racist in my life on one hand. Dunno what planet these people live on.
she's very pretty
>hay fever
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yeah alright Timothy
What's the other half?
Our culture has so much more to offer than that. Problem is our so called nationalists know nothing about the country they try to represent.
>not being Welsh
aka Turk
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New submarine lads
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I don't even like rugby but fucking kek
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New Infantry vehicles lads.
Well, according to an extremely gay magazine which published a survey of gay men they found that;

>27% of gay man suffered homphobic abuse
>22% struggled to come out
>21% said that familial rejection was an issue

Those numbers are not massive, they're actually pretty low. It's indicative of a high tolerance for homosexuality.

According to this;
More than half of all newly diagnosed male HIV cases in 2014 were gay.

Then back in that super gay magazine source it says
>The survey also found that gay men who are diagnosed with HIV experience high rates of depression and suicidal thoughts
And that is in part because of
>“HIV remains one of the most stigmatised of all health conditions,” said Matthew Hodson, Chief Executive of GMFA – the gay men’s health charity who conducted the study.
It also says;
>He also said that men without HIV increase their risks of catching the virus, as their mood can influence the precautions they take before sex.

We can't remove the stigma around HIV, that's fucking mental. In summary, gay men don't suffer terribly at the hands of discrimination and rejection. They suffer mental health issues after being diagnosed with HIV but they also are more likely to get HIV because of their depressive state. So they're depressed even with a significant lack of bullying. This indicates a link between depressive illnesses and homosexuality.
Aesthetic as fuck.
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Shit, forgot the magazine source.
>first Royal Navy submarine to be built with separate female crew quarters, toilets and washing facilities
Oh for fucks sake
> Classroom
> Gym
> Seperate quarters

What a fucking waste, this is a nuclear submarine not a goddamn cruise liner.

>male and female quarters

>No ramp
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>all those tampons stored on board for months
>thankfully the islam/liberal New Labour alliance from the 2000s is ending
seems stronger than ever these days

Unfortunately lad we have a shortage of able bodied seamen and seawomen so this is something we have to live with or cut the RN.
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>They're actually the torpedo tubes

>Not getting a cheeky blowie from a Royal Navy wench slag before you launch Her Majesty's nuclear missiles on the Middle East
WOW my friend (dental nurse) texted me the wrong adress
Wonder how long it'll take the locals to figure out how to nick one
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is kebab degenerate?
It has to operate for 6 months at a time, you may as well make it somewhat liveable since it'll probably be at sea for 30 years and never get used.
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>starting to see more and more of these in the wild

is tumblr going mainstream
>south africa
>not part of the anglosphere

>female crew quarters

What a waste
rugbys for women and gays
How will we keep the squaddies going without kebabs and cheap lager?
> Not asking for barbicue instead

maximum pleb
>made by pakis
>mystery meat
>only tasty when you're fucking smashed
Yes, yes it is. It's also indicative of a degenerate lifestyle
What do they have to do with Tumblr? Explain please.
same here. what does it mean?

tried it once, never again.
>about to get in shower
>hear bathroom door lock
>bath being run
Well guess I'm not washing today.
God save our gracious meme is the only page worth following on Facebook.
Nah they go in cycles, they were popular when I was in primary school and now they're coming back around
I expect to see little kids with those scoubidou keyrings and sticky rubber aliens in putty soon too

Haven't they been around for years, I remember goths wearing them like 10 years ago.
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Get the fuck out PADDY FILTH
That's the problem with most western nations. The only defining current features are their food and language. All the distinctive architecture is only the result of past national achievements, never modern developments and distinct clothing is generally only worn in ceremony or as a kitschy throwback.

It seems euros in particular don't really understand what makes a culture, at least not entirely It's attitude and belief in how a society should function. ie believing in a fundamental right and wrong, what is "justice" and how the land should be governed etc. If you do have this then you wouldn't even consider multiculturalism.

eg, if you are against pedophilia culturally, then why the fuck would you tolerate other cultures who support it. If you believe it is fundamentally wrong, then those cultures are fundamentally wrong too.
t. gomo exbert
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>bastard black nigerian cunts

These people either
a) all happen to live in the scummiest places
b) are making most of this shit up

I have never in my life heard people talk like this
i think they started on tumblr or are at least synonymous with it like the rainbow hair trend
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i love them, it's basically a sign that says 'don't date me i have mental issues' that they wear voluntarily, one of mans greatest inventions.
posting some daily /r/unitedkingdom

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The This Week intro skit is looking good lads.
we did it r.eddit!!!!
>A student teacher has warned kinky couples to be careful in the bedroom after her steamy misadventure turned into a serious visit to A&E.

>Mum-of-one Emma Phillips was feeling amorous with partner Lee Miller during the early hours of Saturday morning when a 7 inch sex toy 'disappeared'.

>Minutes later the 24-year-old said when she leaned forward she could feel it vibrating inside her bottom wedged behind her hip.


The absolute fucking state of our teachers.
I actually wouldn't mind her gobbling my kebab.
>tfw 1/8 Spanish (read Spaniard, not American)
>tell lefties I'm "Hispanic"
>don't know what to say as they stare into my bright blue eyes.
They are fucking idiots and I love using their own idiotic racism against them.

Literally sack this woman
my mum has lots of teacher friends, they're all braindead
these people are responsible for raising and tutoring the youth of this nation
Morning, lads.
How are all you literally hitlers doing today, still bathing in yesterday's lib meltdown tears?

>Mum-of-one Emma Phillips was feeling amorous with partner Lee Miller
>not married

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>I mainly asked this because of a polish immigrant being killed in my town last month, the anti immigrant vibe where I live is strong with the older generation.

And yet he was far far more likely to have been killed by another immigrant than a white Brit.

These are the sorts to have been triggered by May saying that Britons must be put first by employers.
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What did she mean by this?

>Flustered Emma and 29-year-old Lee tried to extract the toy, bought for ÂŁ28 as part of a couple's sex aid pack, with a fork handle and then later BBQ prongs before calling for an ambulance.

What the fuck lads she must have an arse hole the size of a diamond mine.
>Cut along line
The same retarded shit she always means.
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Oh what a shame

I guess I have to be UKIP leader now :^)
This woman is legit crazy, at this point nobody takes her seriously.
Who is this bint?
I love his wrist action when he's delivering the devastating blow to that feminist.
Shes gone senile
>still voting for UKIP after their main goal was accomplished
The surest sign of a runt
[–]GestaltJungleMiddlesex/London 11 points an hour ago

You have that as well? I've got to continually correct my mother who refers to her coworkers in the nursing home as 'The Blacks'. Not black people, THE blacks. They apparently only deserve a group article.

I've started to bin every copy of the Daily Mail I see in the house. If there were some way to sue them for corrupting my parents who used to be rational people, I'd be all over them.

why are redditors parents red pilled
>if you don't view this woman as female Hitler then you're literally asking for it

Or something? Cute the way lefties want everyone to think the same way, beep boop
>voting Tory when they haven't done anything yet

>I've started to bin every copy of the Daily Mail I see in the house.
Isn't that just textbook autism?
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She always appears on BBC Dateline ranting about how racist British people are.

She is also deluding herself if she thinks Sikhs are held in the same regard as Muslims.
this isnt your safe space, faggot
>why are redditors parents red pilled
Because redditors are your standard contrarian
>implying UKIP isn't the only viable option to hold the Tories to account
The worst part about this isn't that it happened, it's that her reaction was to go to the press
>be a teacher
>get sex toy stuck up your arse
>'gee, I wonder what to do in this situation'
>'I know, I'll have my name and photograph published in a national paper so that all my friends, family, colleagues, students and their parents know about it'
Teachers are fucking mongs

Please explain how this isn't racist
She seems reasonable.

>South Africa
>A real country

Literally Belgium tier
Just another reason why I'll be home schooling my future kids.
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She is a racist. But she only says it about white people so it's a-ok and the BBC get to keep paying her.
silly season is over
At least we still have based private schools
Meme magic is killing the opposition so are Raheem can take the leadership
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You know what's good about what she said in that picture though? She openly admitted that white people are a different species to brown people. Finally, we get the acknowledgement.
>27% of gay man suffered homphobic abuse
>22% struggled to come out
>21% said that familial rejection was an issue
That still seems quite high to me.
Haven't run the numbers but you could fairly make the conclusion that if 20% of a population suffered familial rejection, 27% abuse etc. then suicide numbers would increase accordingly. What factor by - I don't know. I don't know if it is enough to explain the difference between gay/nongay suicides. I doubt it.

>The race of actors doesn't matter
>Unless it's white people
He refused to do any press today due to Woolfe's collapse. But I don't think Raheem is a serious candidate, I think he's splitting the votes to take away from any rival to Woolfe (and good on him).
Stop shitting up the thread with your thirsty beta antics you degenerate

>"B-but I'm just trolling"
No one cares
>1500 more places in medical school from September 2018
wtf I love Jeremy Hunt now
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google 'most famous white woman in south africa'

It's hard being a parent. You try to be a good parent, provide for your children, educate them, instill them with decent values.

You were raised to say blacks. Not niggers, not coons. A decent word for your black friends. Winston and Mary never seemed to mind. Then your own kids shit all over you and start forcing on you what you can and can't read. It's really sad how we treat our elders in this country. Even the blacks do it better IMHO.
>why are redditors parents red pilled
Because redditors see their political inclinations as an act of rebellion and when you're a 15-24 full time student who's never had a job or paid taxes, the closest thing to 'the man' you've encountered is your parents
Therefore that's who they 'rebel' against, and the more sensible the parent the more batshit the child becomes
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My favourite Raheem tweet.
They're going to explode from outrage soon. What a glorious time to be alive.
I'll have to remember in future that 12pm is when all the Russians go live

The people who are more likely to respond to a survey from a homo magazine and the ones who think someone calling something "gay" counts as homophobic abuse
she's cute
Carswell is behind this somehow.

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I really want to know what the fug is going on inside ukip

It gets worse.

>Nigel Farage says Ukip MEP Steven Woolfe is in a 'serious' condition in hospital after an 'altercation' at a meeting in Strasbourg.


Yeah Sky are reporting this as well, who the fuck would punch him? He's a top lad.
How fucking stupid are they, if she's here to build a business how does any of the "We'll deport criminals" style rhetoric remotely apply to her? Attention seeking cunt.
The Duffy-Evans-Carswell-Hamilton axis is behind this somehow I fucking swear it

Jesus fuck

Who in the UKIP MEP delegation would have enough strength to knock him out with one punch, they're all women or fat blokes

Rodger Helmer maybe?
>Thick of It intensifies

She's fucking dutch too

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>to knock him out with one punch
Where did you get this from?
>literally Hitler
>critiquing mass immigration is equal to the holocaust

Well he collapsed after being punched. I'm assuming that the UKIP MEP who punched him didn't keep punching him over and over as they're all over the age of 50.

Apparently the punch was earlier this morning and he collapsed on a walkway several hours later.

>liderlly gidler :DDD

On the topic of the Holohoax, is the Leuchter report a load of shit or what?
>MEP Steven Woolfe in serious condition in hospital after "altercation" at UKIP meeting in Strasbourg - Nigel Farage

>Hugo Boss what? Is that sexual harassment?

I'll admit that made me laugh.





That suggest a bleed on the brain

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Paul Nuttal
That sounds bad.

Got a feeling he won't make it. Pretty much the end of UKIP if he dies, no longer credible with members killing each other.
Shit lads. UKIP is done for. Good thing we told the EU to fuck off in time eh?
>taking meds for hayfever

No wonder, you fucking mong
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that's really bad man

Jesus christ, UKIP are fucking finished now. Just when we thought they were gaining momentum and starting to be taken seriously.

Everything seems to have gone to shit after Farage resigned. Guess they are going to fade away into obscurity now.
>Nigel Farage, the Ukip leader, says Steven Woolfe was taken ill after an “altercation” at a meeting of Ukip MEPs. Here is is statement in full.

".. I deeply regret that following an altercation that took place at a meeting of Ukip MEPs this morning that Steven Woolfe subsequently collapsed and was taken to hospital. His condition is serious..."

'condition = serious' - srsly? - from 1 punch ?!
If he ded, so is UKIP, IMO.
And hiw many cameras in that fucking building anyway, srsly..
Fucking MI5 infiltrator probably karate chopped his carotid artery to prevent a half black leader giving credibility to anti immigration sentiments
and most of their policies have transferred over to the Tories.
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>Roger Helmer maybe?

Woolfe tried to take his Little Laurie.
>UKIP is done for.
>If he ded, so is UKIP, IMO.

This is why we need Raheem

I hope she realises that she's probably gonna lose her job over broadcasting it in a national paper. Why the fuck did she decide it would be a good idea to broadcast it? LOL YOLO XDDDD

Bleed in the brain most likely from the punch, would explain the delayed onset.

Would be really bad if so, easily fatal.
1 punch can kill people easily you can literally die by just falling over if you land badly on your head
Starkey is fucking great, especially with all the shite he went through as a kid
The slightest bump to the head can kill you desu

That it resulted from a lunch isn't surprising, just rare.

Shit luck
BBC reporting it now

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>Woolfe leaving the room after the meeting
>Juncker is walking past
>he's drunk
>Woolfe smiles politely
>Juncker says "What's your problem you fucking Tom Jones-looking poof?"
>hits him
>he falls back into the room and bangs his head on a table

Just what I'm hearing, lads. Don't shoot the mesesnger.
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>"Have mixed race kids, they're healthier and stronger!"

>one punch sends the Woolfeman into a fucking coma
Taking his rivals out one by one.
If Woolfe is kill, Nuttall needs to come back for a joint ticket with Raheem
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Well, at least we have something to talk about now.
>Woolfe literally BTFO

Kippers are UKIP's worst enemy.
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In all seriousness though, this is bad. He has a family
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It's his 49th birthday today as well.
What happened to Woolfe, lads? Was he in a fight?
Good job, bastard.
Oh fug

That would be reeeeeeaally fucking funny.

Woolfe has intention to stand, against Farage's wishes. The FarageFreikorps comes out of retirement and administers Brexit justice to the Woolfe. Farage sails back in as leader, as planned.

Oh shit

He got lunched, collapsed hours later.

Likely blood on the brain.

Got taken to hospital, just now pronounced dead

YOU almost got me there you cheeky fucking git
Has meme magic once again, gone too far?
doubles say woolfe is engulfed
Oh jesus christ ukip.
Woolfe has a touch of gangster swagger when he walks and always looks ready to square off, I'm not surprised he had an 'altercation'. Not good though.
Has the UKIP party bantz gone too far?
Fuck you.
We can sensibly assume that many of these numbers overlap, due to the nature of the issue. It's safe to say that lots of people who struggled to come out did so because of fear of familial rejection. So let's settle with what seems to me like a fair number and say that around 40% of homosexual people have suffered from at least one of those three things.

If, as you say, suicide rates should increase accordingly then gay people should be around 1.4 times more likely to neck themselves than straight people, but this isn't the case. According to;


It says that gay youth attempted suicide 3 times more often that straight youth. But then you have a Canadian study which estimates that gay youth are around 14 times more likely to attempt suicide that their straight counterparts.

Then you have this article write-up of a study that says gay teens are 5 times more likely to try and neck themselves that straight teens.

And this;
Which says "Based on the findings of an
Austrian study, if 10% of the overall population identified as homosexual then 47% of suicide
attempts would
be committed by sexual minority individuals".

These four sources place the rate of attempted suicide among gay people at anywhere between 300% and 1400% the rate of heterosexual attempted suicide. This is far higher than it should be if the suicide rates increased according to the levels of non-acceptance they suffer.
You are emblematic of why this board needs to be flushed down the fucking toilet.
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RIP Woolfe

You were the leader we needed, but not the one we deserved.
Think I'm a Tory lads.

UKIP is in shambles any May is nailing it.

Also I'm a faggot because I believed a fake tweet

He's NOT dead
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Roger Helmer was sickened by Woolfe's intention to go for leader and couldn't stand the sight of his filthy mud-race face poisoning UKIP any longer and crushed his skull in like Oberyn Martell
And not the person who faked the image, okay 'lad'.
>Carswell punched Woolfe
>he'll be arrested and charged under some cucked Belgian law which will triple his sentence for punching an ethnic minority
>Carswell will spend 20 years in a Brussels jail getting raped by Muslims whilst wondering why they don't accept civic nationalism
Is Woofle dead or not?
According to some Times reporter he was 'punched in the face repeatedly' following a 'charged' meeting because he was considering defecting to the tories
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He's not dead but it sounds serious. It's his birthday today and all.
>We need to make society more equal and diverse and also 10% of the military should be non-white.

Yeah m8 nailing it for sure.
I wonder who the fuck did it.
Kek, nobody will buy your book, Gideon.

You're a fucking dolt.
Michael Garage

Who the fuck in UKIP MEP's is psycho enough to do that
the army should be scrapped and replaced by a workers and peasants militia

Carswell will come out of jail like the Joker, a new demented crazed lunatic bent on promoting civic nationalism at all costs
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I was the one who called him out for it being fake first you absolute goon, go neck yourself.
Now that Farage is interim leader why doesn't he kick out Evans and the Hamilton's.
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>reading all the lefties laughing about it on twitter
Such a tolerant bunch of people.
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NEC won't let him, they're literally a 'purple lib dem' circlejerk
>This is far higher than it should be if the suicide rates increased according to the levels of non-acceptance they suffer.
t. Proffessora of Minority Studies, Shitham City University.

Why all the study into this? You seem quite the expert.

Agreed. She is considerably better than Cameron and UKIP have gone to shit.
If he actually does anything people will jump on it saying it shows he's lied yet again about leaving UKIP
new thread name? "can't engulfe the woolfe"?
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Eye witnesses have said that Woolfe's attacker shouted 'Britain First'.
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Report them to the police, there's a form you can fill out on most of the constabularies' websites. List it as a hate crime.
Bleeding on the brain does not mean automatic death.
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Thread theme
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yNAFeCLDSgE [Embed]

>Woolfe is in a bad state

>Diane James quits as Ukip leader after just 18 days as Nigel Farage rules out a comeback

>Theresa May to attack politicians who sneer at 'patriotic' working class voters concerned about migration

>Westminster 'could slash Scotland’s devolved laws following Brexit'

>Ruth Davidson to tell Tories May has 'helped women at every turn'

>IMF crowns UK world's fastest growing major economy, but hard Brexit fears push pound to 31-year low

>Amber Rudd vows to stop migrants 'taking jobs British people could do' and force companies to reveal number of foreigners they employ
the left wing have gone full David Icke conspiracy theory, I see them claiming stuff like nobody in the UK voted for the Tories and EU referendum doesn't count because it was only 70% of the electorate
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>soon all of UKIP will be sucking on MY granny nipples and no mixed race racist nationalist bastard will stop me

What did she mean in this utterance to Woolfe?
It's called debate lad, and you don't debate without being armed with sources to cite. If you do debate without any evidence to support your claims, well then you're a bloody tool. Wouldn't wanna be a tool lad.
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Hourly reminder

>Both his parents were born in Manchester, his mother to an Irish mother and his English father to a British Jewish mother and a Black American father.[6]
>implying the police do shit unless you are insulting black people or muslims

Sorry I didn't make a new thread kek

Just use this for the next thread
u did it
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This is his dissertation

He is clearly some scum lefty obsessed with "muh far right"
Okay fair enough.

Now do the same numbers for fat girls.
Get your shit together, lad.
bumps got out of hand
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Woolfe is a quadroon

Do it, it's fun, then send them a DM with a screenshot that you reported them
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place your bets!

Bill Etheridge

Jonathan Arnott
You can't make this shit up

The media will have a field day. And even people on the right already think UKIP is a joke.
they're saying it was Mike Hookem
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You don't think you can get away do you

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fellow empire builders pls reply to my thred
>Plumly Stale

Please shitbin.
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>mfw it was Nige to send a message
>"Nigel, I'm thinking about defecting to the Tories"
>"Interesting choice of last words"
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>Now do the same numbers for fat girls.
That's quite an intriguing topic actually, I might actually try to look in to this and see if there's any funny business.

Good talk laddo.
have none of you benders ever been in a fight?
>Reported him/her for targeted abuse

Time to play the game
Arnott is a massive autist, wouldn't be surprised if it was a tard attack
>There is an MEP running around Strasbourg on the lam right now
What a time to be alive.
>I'm fine with gay people who keep it to themselves

And this is how we went from prohibition to gay pride marches. If you want to keep faggots in the closet, it needs to be seen as perverse and morally wrong by the general population.
Where all the teachers are nonces? Great.

Wow, you're so hard m8
I think he's serious. He has a fairly big following of twitter circlejerkers to encourage him. Other than the obvious, and his tendency to Libertarianism and Americanism, I don't mind him. People are probably right that securing the northern labour vote with woolfe is their only real hope though.
dont act like your any better mr moral man
You mean, do I lack the self control of a nigger, willing to destroy my career, and possibly kill someone over a disagreement in a professional setting? No m8, I guess that makes me a poof, good one.
Maybe he just had a bad case of vertigo....
What's your answer for those who are high earners, high levels of contribution to the economy, keep their private life separate from their public life - like everyone should - and have no personality disorders, traits or suicidal ideations?
Thread posts: 360
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