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tfw there are stil some remaining fedoras posting anti-Christian

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Thread replies: 339
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>you dont believe in my imaginary friend, that obviously means you're some kind of mouth breathing basement dweller.


>you have a differing opinion from my own, therefore you are obviously not a true functioning member of society

Consider suicide cuckstian
>creates the world
this is atheist logic
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just the influx of new reddit faggots from /r/the_donald who think atheism and homosexuality are cool

what's it like being born without a spiritual antenna?

is it more like being born deaf, blind, or impotent?
everybody knows that spaghetti monster is the true god XD
What religion is it when you don't give a fuck wether God exists or not?
omg "Flying Spaghetti Monster" -- are you autists trapped in 2005..? that was barely funny back then..
I've noticed this, say you think homos are sick and being a homo needs to be illegal again you get called a Muslim (even though faggotism was legal in the Ottoman Empire 100 years before in Canada)
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Just sage them, they're worthless degenerates and they feed off of your (you's).

I'm an atheist, but I'll side with the Christians anyday over the leftist scum.
>just the influx of new reddit faggots from /r/the_donald who think atheism and homosexuality are cool

Atheism, because even having the thought that God might potentially not exist means you're an atheist. God exists, there's no question about it. It's literally impossible to deny he exists when you and I exist, when the world and the universe exists.
>I'm an atheist, but I'll side with the Christians anyday over the leftist scum.

You are not wanted or needed. Hope you wake up.
I have seen far more Christians on this board acting autistic and trying to pin everything that is wrong with society to atheism, even in a random unrelated topic like a Muslim attack in Belgium. There are far more Christianity generals, crusader generals, "99% of atheists can't understand this comic" and cryinggirl posts than atheist posts. Not to mention the absolute cancer that is hatjoke posts, relegating this board of peaceful discussion into a shitflinging contest straight out of reddit.

I guess it is a way for Christians to release their fury at the world for why less and less people are believing in their way of life in reality. Everybody needs to vent at some point. I don't blame them. So-called SJW "atheists" in real life are nauseating but most of us don't have the time or patience to go up to them and argue it out because they argue entirely by emotion.

I wish Christians talked more about the ongoing religious persecution of Egyptian Copts, Yazidi Christians and Assyrian Christians in the middle east, that seems like a worthwhile discussion. There are very few Muslims on this board so they can't exactly argue with them either. I think the majority of Christian posts on this board (maybe 60-75%) is devoted to bashing atheists. Shame, because both of those groups have a common enemy that is the anti-civilization ideal called Islam.
honestly, I love people like you more than some Christians.. because you pragmatically came to the conclusion that Christianity has social and cultural merit, you're a jewel among men
>he fell for the religion meme
embarrassing desu lad
I don't give a shit if you're christian, jewish, muslim, or whatever, just don't infringe on my rights and I won't infringe on yours

t. agnostic

No prime mover. No God. Mainly bullshit mysticism ad conscience killing brainwashing long surpassed by US interrogation techniques..
Religion is a meme yeah, because it can include mumbo jumbo like Hindu, Buddhist or Shinto. There is only Christianity
>everything that is wrong with society to atheism

A lot of it is. And the rest is evil at work. See atheism as a symptom.
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That is false. Islam is the only true religion. It is said by Allah himself through the prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
Are you jewish?
existentialism, it's more of a philosophy but meh. works for me senpai
>That is false. Islam is the only true religion. It is said by Allah himself through the prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

It is a brand of satanism.
Not an argument.
>don't be a jew

o vey!
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Nod an argumend :DDD
Islam is a satanic cult
It's just common sense
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> Jesus is love, Jesus is life
More or less the same.

I don't throw it in people's faces or go on a atheistic crusade on others beliefs telling them they're wrong for believing what they believe. Well, besides Islamic people. But even then I can't stand them due to being from NYC and being a block away from the wtc when I was a kid. Pretty much seen that as an attack on Americans/The west. Idc what the news says about muslims after 9/11 not cheering in the streets, but that shit happened in their communitites and businesses. Being a kid at the time of it happening essentially made me hate those people for life.

tl;dr: I'm an atheist and I don't mind other religions besides Islam. Hate them.
>no link
>screenshots an article from 2011
sage christcuck :^))))
it's not meant be an argument, we're not arguing, I'm venting about the cringe you fedoras refuse to move on from.. religion will never disappear from this world, and God will have the last word, please repent
Posting sick homo images like these needs to be a crime. That's also not Jesus, Jesus didn't have long hair. The bible is very very clear when it says it's shameful for a man to have long hair
If your post is any indication, atheists aren't the only autists.
Christianity is the work of Satan. Allah has proclaimed that all other religious writing is merely the work of satan to twist the word of Allah. Islam was the first religion and is the only religion. There is no way into heaven except through Allah the one and only.
>MY deity is the only real one!
>No, MINE!
>[bombing intensifies]


Even as an atheist I admit I don't like the kind of atheist that makes it his identity and goes out of their way to "debate" Christians. It's a phase one should grow out of. But that's why /pol/ started the fedora meme, thinking it was attacking THOSE atheists, but the normies and actual Christfags can't see the difference between the two and then /pol/ started being called "fedora" for everything else it says so it stopped spreading the meme.
>God exists, there's no question about it.

And if he does he's either weak as fuck or an asshole, neither of which I want to get down on my knees for.

That's why being indifferent to the whole thing is master race.
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Well, I am not an atheist. Also, your post was cringe.
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all religions are just meme-sets that prey upon human psychology
satan = addiction
god = the perfect and flawless version of you
and so on and so forth
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>ad hominem
>"heh, god isn't that cool because I'm an atheist liberal; just like I expect my government to fix all my problems, I expect God to fix all my problems... IF HE EXISTED. heh."

You're trapped in 1995 watching Veggie Tales anon.
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>all religions are just meme-sets that prey upon human psychology
>satan = addiction
>god = the perfect and flawless version of you
>and so on and so forth

Who do milennials think everything is about themselves?
>atheism linked to high intelligence
>autism linked to high intelligence
>therefore atheism linked to autism

This is what not understanding statistics and correlations gets you.
Why did Jesus have a beard?

The same reason we have pubes.

To catch the cum with.
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>create the entire universe
>lol dude he's so weak I can do that
>worship a kike on a stick
>worship baal who smites sand niggers with lightning for desecrating his temple

Apex Kek
Look at it this way: when there are stormfriend threads, noone bothers them. It's relevant, they deserve a place to interact and there may be some good in it for all of us. There us no need for butthurt or fedora whiteknighting our Christian friends. Unless you are edgelords in between b/faps (you are)
>my imaginary friend says he created the world therefore he is irrefutable

are you legit retarded?
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I laughed
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So are you saying the Founding Fathers were autistic?
You know that Christians are the original Jews? Modern judaism is not the same as it was back then. We called ourselves Christians to differentiate from those who didn't embrace Jesus Christ as our Lord and Saviour. That's it, I don't know why you guys are trying to pull this Jew card, yeah he was Jewish everyone was but then the Jews today aren't the same Jews from back then.
>spiritual antenna

wtf is a spiritual antenna? wtf is that?

i think you need to see a doctor about that, guy.
>Islam was the first religion and is the only religion

Well I would not say it is the first satanic cult founded by a demon possessed warlord. It is not even the only one. So no.

Again the word religion in western civilization refers to God. Not satan or a moon cult representation of satan called allah..
im fairly lucky when its come to athiests. alot of my friends are atheists and none of them get up in arms about others beliefs.

i think most people dont care what others believe, its really only e-atheists who go on a rampage over nothing
>my (((scientists))) said a big ass explosion made the universe and it took a trillion years for us to evolve from a single cell organism. Yup, that's right an explosion created that cell.
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>Being this uneducated

Jesus was not a kike, a kike is a shekel loving jew like pic related, Jesus wasnt even the same race as these kikes
As oppossed to some sky giant going "Bippity boppity zap" and a man spontaneously forming?
The big bang and evolution are completely unrelated concepts. I thought our country was supposed to have a good education system. Are you fucking amish?
Christianity is a cuck religion for weak faggots
That's why it's going extinct
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yeeeeeeeeees, good. very good, goy
You do realize the only people who post the trader meme are jews attention whoring?
There are 1.2 billion Roman Catholics alone.

You were saying?
That's actually embarrassing you guys seriously fell for the atheism meme, it's 2016 come on, grow up and get out of your basement and embrace the world God created.
We learnt the Big Bang created the universe in school, I don't think we talked about evolution I can't remember but it's a load of bologna anyway so I don't care about it.
if matter can neither be created nor destroyed, then what created the universe?
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>trader meme
>when plebbit reveals himself
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Those fat fucks wouldn't be so intolerable if they didn't capitulate to Islam all the time because their politics are just "fuck you dad" at the end of the day.
Jesus opposed the corrupt Jewry of the time and they killed him for it. Anyone who thinks that Christianity supports ((( them ))) hasn't read scripture.
>Mfw I see an atheist
It's because we make up dumb rules like "oh uh we don't have to do that because reasons XD"
It's embarrassing and I think this is a huge problem with Christians, priests need to actually encourage following the bible literally instead of teaching that it's fake and not meant to be taken seriously.
I hate jews, im a orthodox christian (the only true christianity), you dont understand because youve never read the new testament jews became cursed into the evil kikes we see today, faithful jews became orthodox christianity
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>still christian
convert to islam, their idea of god makes more sense than christianity's 3 in 1, "I am god, the spirit and my son, I killed myself who is my son and also the holy spirit for your sins do whatever you want lol" shit.
>inb4 degeneracy
if you think a general with multiple wives leading a ragtag bunch of desert people to conquer the world is degenerate you are def a cuck
I don't think your lord and saviour Yeshua wouldwant you doing that, anon. Violence is not the way of god.
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if you hate jews then why would you worship one?
But if God created the Universe, then who created niggers? Because I know god didn't create niggers.
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Autism doesn't exist. What you call an autist is a crystal child.

The Crystal children began to appear on the planet from about 1990-2010, although a few scouts came earlier. Their main purpose is to take us to the next level in our evolution and reveal to us our inner and higher power. They function as a group consciousness rather than as individuals, and they live by the “Law of One” or global oneness. They are also advocates for love and peace on this planet.

They are mostly born into the Gold Ray of Incarnation and Evolution, which means they have access to gifts of clairvoyance and healing. They are born on the sixth dimension of consciousness, with the potential to open up rapidly to the ninth dimensional level of full Christ consciousness, and then from there to the thirteenth dimension, which represents universal consciousness.

Crystal children’s auras aren’t specifically opalescent, but are octarine, which is a color that isn’t in the normal visual range of human eyes, but is the manifest color of high magic, and on another color octave entirely. They have beautiful pastel hues to them. To the untrained eye, it appears to be without color at all, therefore Crystal, but the extremely high frequency of the energy field is what gives it away.

The first thing you will recognize about Crystal children is their forgiving nature. They are very sensitive, warm, and caring. Don’t mistake these characteristics as a sign of weakness as Crystal children are also very powerful.


I believe in Satan I see him everywhere I go these days in these crazy times, so I guess it logical to believe in God aswell but his salvation needs to come now this world is spiraling downhill faster than I expected.
Not all Christians believe in 3 Gods there is only one God, I get attacked for this CONSTANTLY but there is NO mention of the trinity in the bible, it makes no sense Jesus didn't create the universe, and Jesus didn't call himself father. Makes no sense. Also I agree, it's only through Christ we can go to heaven but it's absolutely essential we follow the laws that he set out for us and this includes the old laws which jesus himself said he had come to fulfil not abolish
You're a retard. The universe wasn't "created", we do not have a model of the universe before the Big Bang but we live in the universe in the state of post Big Bang. And evolution is true, you are a retard.

what a loaded question. You are assuming it was created.
well shit, you sound like a muslim
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quiet potato-nigger

Thanks brother.

>have some complimentary feels

I used to be "neutral" as well, but i've been becoming more and more pro-Christianity over the past few years.

Christianity is a necessary bulwark against the evils of the world.
>Islam, Communism, etc.
>Revelations 2:9
Hahaha yes goy! Jesus was a jew! Trust the jews we are chosen! Don't look into the bible goy just trust me you goy!
Canadian posters should actually be banned from posting on this site. That would also solve the bandwidth issue by the way.
>Pascal's wager
>not completely retarded
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>tfw too intelligent to believe in a creator
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Learn to read you inbred fedora faggot, my first comment answers this. Jesus is not a kike the modern jew is a kike aka talmudist, jesus was a faithful jew and all faithful jews are not kikes they are christians
>trying to educate someone this far gone down the stupid trail
You are nothing but a atheist puppet for jews who attacks the jews mortal enemy, Jesus Christ and his christian followers
>Too intelligent
Doesn't seem the shit the repeats again and again and doesn't believe there's higher powers at work.
5 But the Lord came down to see the city and the tower the people were building. 6 The Lord said, “If as one people speaking the same language they have begun to do this, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them. 7 Come, let us go down and confuse their language so they will not understand each other.”

8 So the Lord scattered them from there over all the earth, and they stopped building the city. 9 That is why it was called Babel[c]—because there the Lord confused the language of the whole world. From there the Lord scattered them over the face of the whole earth.

When God scattered the people to every part of the earth he created each language and each race
You sure showed us. Damn...
"We shall make man in OUR image"
Who do you think he God was talking to? He was talking to Jesus
>what a loaded question

thats my point. trying to figure out how the universe was made, or if god is real or not is just dumb and has no answer. its all just loaded questions that lead to even more questions with no answer until you get to the point where the answers required is shit the human mind cant even comprehend
I used to be on the "pro-christianity" side, but I mad the mistake of signing up for a bible study, which turned out to be a recruitment drive for a cult.
I am now neutral.
It's actually embarrassing that this is what your average Canadian is like
Never fails, every single thread has someone calling me a Muslim because they believe in 3 Gods instead of 1, here's a news flash God told us to worship only him and not other Gods.
Every time someone types "Muhammad (pbuh)" I imagine the "pbuh" is a spit sound effect.
Read that out loud and realize how stupid you sound.
wew lad
doesn't sound very Christian of you
you should probably let me into your house and fuck your wife as an apology
Does look a bit like pu-tew from Astrix or something.
>I don't have anything more to say so I'm just going to be smug about my severe lack of education

I'm really glad the average leaf isn't like you. I'm amazed that you can actually operate a computer.
If you believe in the 'Christian' God as the one true god then you have to believe in Allah and Muhammed cause its the same fucking God and Jesus is the false prophet.
Oh jesus christ
No true Scotsman argument. Weak!
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>atheism linked to autism
>autism causes atheism
>god created autism
>god wants people to be atheists
>there is nothing wrong with being an atheist, because it was god's decision not yours
the narrative is tumbling down
lmao leafs
just convert to islam already
trinity has been christian doctrine since 300AD
Well new zealand, is a british colony so you any christianity you have on your island is most likely angelical or protestant right? Both heretical only orthodoxy is true
Nice refutation bro, really ballsy of you to post your entire doctoral dissertation on 4chan like that.
>the single most inspirational and arguably most important man in history
It's amazing how many people (especially on this board) just blatantly deny solid fact and history.
Read some medieval history.
Most of those are South American shitskins

Like all Abrahamic religions, Christianity is a desert philosophy that emphasizes submission and subservience. It's also a big-tent ideology that tries to get numerous disparate people's under one banner, so we all race mix in a giant melting pot.

These values work well with desert herdsmen, but are totally opposed to European tradition. Because Europeans developed as an agrarian people, their society is tied deeply to the land. Borders, racial and cultural distinctions are extremely important to European people. And this is what Christianity seeks to erase.

The original Christianity didn't even make sense, and was an unworkable hippie-tier belief system. It was only after the Council of Rome paganized it that made it somewhat workable

Christianity fits Europeans like a glove fits a foot
>There is either MY Christian God or no God.
>I ignore any other possible God.
No point in even replying to you, how can you even question someone's intelligence when you don't believe in God? Do you think people can change their gender too?
Why? I'm not a Muslim, I believe Jesus as our lord and saviour. Also where did the trinity come from? It's not in the bible, it's made up there is only one God
>Jesus said to them, “If God were your Father, you would love me, for I came from God and I am here. I came not of my own accord, but he sent me.
Jesus is very clearly referring to someone that's not him
Fuck off CTR
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I used to be Roman Catholic until I realized the church literally created the Jew by being economically retarded.
New Zealand is a place where religion goes to die. Not even the muzzies here believe in God.
>needing a dissertation to refute obvious bullshit
let me give you a hint: do you think a god who's so retarded he can't tell the difference between a sincere believer and someone who's just hedging his bets on heaven is worth worshiping?
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Haha haha hahHahaha atheshits btfo
thats exactly what muslims believe
jesus like muhammad was a prophet, who in turn was the way to god
the prophets are our lords and saviors
whom is a dead kike on a stick.

NZ is the most secular country on the planet. I'd love to visit.
Agreed, Jesus is the reason why we in the west aren't having homo orgies (like the Greeks, Romans and Vikings did)
Or Why we aren't sacrificing babies to false gods (like the Greeks did)
I would say that a link between autism and atheism is very obvious.
Autists tend to have very literal minds, so when you go around telling them that "the seed" really means "the word of god" and so on, they don't understand. What's more, because they tend to lack social skills, they don't continue attending church as cultural Christians because they don't give a shit.
Fucking Hitler perished after 12 years.
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>we in the west aren't having homo orgies
Hitler was a great man, the only one to seriously challenge the globalist machine
>bunch of cave dweller in ancient arabia wrote a book one time therefore god exists
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>people don't accept my fallacious claims so I'm just going to call them retards and assume them not accepting my fallacious claims is false and retarded because they don't accept my fallacious

How is someone this retarded? Do you live in Alberta? Fuck off, man. You are a minority and that is a great thing for Canada and all canucks out there.
I don't believe in Muhammed and I don't believe in the horrible sick things he advocated such as raping non believers. Sexual intercourse and any sexual activity is forbidden unless it's between a man and his wife.
I just believe in only one God other Christians seem to have an issue with that and tell me to become a Muslim.
I don't know what's going on in the real world honestly, I live in en extremely religious orthodox Jewish community. Seeing a woman even wear pants or a skirt above the knee is extremely unusual for me, I only ever see it on the internet or TV.
And failed, so that my beautiful country is now filled with shitskins and niggers. He literally destroyed nationalism. (Cui bono?)
I live in ontario I am a minority, I'm Hungarian :)
Thanks for letting my family come here as refugees
All he had to do was NOT start a two front war and crush the allies before he turned on russia.

Thats the impression ive always been under.
Am I mistaken or would this have won the germans the war?
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He only failed because jews and the eternal anglo, things would be better if he won probably
That's the problem, you live in an echo chamber. This shit has probably been irreversibly drilled in to your head since childhood, you kike.
Hard to say. If he had closed the Western Front before turning on Russia, the Red Army would have been much stronger from the get-go.
>I don't believe in Muhammed and I don't believe in the horrible sick things he advocated such as raping non believers.
he didnt ADVOCATE raping non believers he allowed men to have sex with their slave girls
nothing new from old scripture
Even Abraham had a female slave who gave him a child, no difference
But instead burned a bunch of women and had guys like pic related as kings.

Pagan gods are superior! Nemesis wills it!
No it hasn't, my entire family are atheists raised in communist Hungary who hate religion. They stopped talking to me because I started reading the bible.
Rape is a crime, it says in the bible rapists should be put to death
>this /b/ thread has 100+ replies

everyone in here should be banned
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>extremely religious orthodox Jewish community
like a fucking clockwork

This long hair is forbidden in the bible so he didn't do a very good job reading it.
Americans were funding and supplying the red army

In those days whoever was on the attack had a huge advantage. Defensive technology was lagging way behind offensive technology. That's why they decided to attack Russia first
I suppose. But my understanding is that it was his inability to commit forces to the russian front, coupled with the russian winter that lead to him being unable to apply the appropriate pressure, and just running out of gas.
Plus at the very least he would have been able to use pillaged supplies from the allies to refuel his own forces.
I kinda want a start a thread about this but im sure its been done to death on this board. Ive never been part of the discussions however.
I'm not Jewish!
We would tolerate your kind a lot more if y'all didn't go out of your way splurging, "Hurr Hurr, I'm so much more better than you because I don't believe in a imaginary fairy in the sky!".
>Rape is a crime, it says in the bible rapists should be put to death
adulterous should be put to death, same in quran

having sex with your slave girls is not rape
having sex with your wife is not rape
even if they dont want to
I bet this guy slays pussy
Okay Abdullah whatever you say
>God grants man the gift of free will
>well documented instances in both the old and new testament of man abusing free will and defying god's wishes
>posts modern example of man subverting the will of god and giving into the temptation of heathenism
>moving the goal posts
OP's thread is about theism vs atheism
Are you really so arrogant as to project your own morals and values onto an omnipotent being?

Why do you think that worshiping the Lord is supposed to be easy? If you actually read the scripture you'd realize that man is fallible and that god is willing to forgive if only you open your heart and mind to the idea, even if it's initially under false pretenses.
He gave you life. So if He's weak, what does that make you?
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likely story, kike
the only thing keeping you from eternal paradise and the favor of your lord is semantics
you believe everything a muslim believes just take the plunge
You have no idea what theism is, based on your comment.
As opposed to "Hurr hurr, I'm so much more better than you because I believe in an imaginary fairy in the sky!"
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of course not, doה't worry bro, i belive you
I didn't say anything about it being easy you dumb broad. If you spend your whole life pretending to believe in god because you think you're going to hell anyway then what the fuck kind of dumbass would god be to let you into heaven? Even the carnival sideshow autists on /pol/ can probably figure out when someone is only pretending to like them to get something out of it and respond accordingly.
I think the USA would have faked an incident like Pearl Harbor to go at war with Germany. Roosevelt's New Deal was failing and he needed war anyway.

Also the leading groups in the Western world would have never accepted a German victory. The only option would have been an alliance with Stalin, but Hitler didn't want it because he thought communism is a Jewish tool (which is true, but not for Stalinism).

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i'm not an atheist though. try scrolling up. i'm just not a good goy christcuck
I believe what the bible says
I wish I had a religious family so I wouldn't have to have Christmas and Easter alone but okay whatever you say.
Whatever I'm not even going to argue, every single time in every single Christian thread I get called a Jew or a Muslim.
So what if you guess wrong for Pascal's wager? What if you should have been killing people for Thor?

His argument is against strict naturism, and doesn't prove God
>theism is only what I think
What if YOU have no idea what theism is?

Really? Because that guy was a devout christian.

Religion would be tolerable if you didnt go around on missionary missions.
World is fed up with islam.

90% of europeans are atheist.

The bible is a collectiion of Jewish Fairytales.

If you cannot explain to me the fallacies found in each holy book, by proxy that meansreligion is man made.
Your LARPing is quite annoying now.

plunges are for fags
You get called a Jew because you ARE a fucking Jew. Your entire family is probably Jews, you're not getting pity here. You will never be taken seriously outside of Christcuck/Jew echo chambers because you are intellectually crippled.
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OP btfo forever
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Anyone else think the religious people on this board are just atheists trying to play devils advocate to test their debating skills?
Ive always thought about this, but ive never done it myself
It's note fairy tales
If he's devout why did he ignore the rule that's a ya it's shameful for men to have long hair? Seems strange to me
I'm not but whatever
There are no Jews in Hungary first of all
Hitler believed that after winning Moscow Russia would be defeated, like in WW1. He underestimated Stalin's will to waste millions of Russian soldiers (Russia has the highest body count in WW2) just to win the war.

>Bullying people of opposing viewpoints to you by labeling them with negative words without presenting a legitimate counter argument.

You sound liberal.
I don't. It's Poe's law in action.
We used to have this great meme "4chan is a christian imageboard", but some retards took it literally (which is ironic since you're not supposed to take anything in the bible literally), so now we have been flooded by retards who think they're in good company.
Idk how you can believe a specific god exists. I especially don't get believing in that god but defying him every fucking day in 100 different ways. If you're overweight you deserve hell.
>he doesn't have a 3 foot growth kept wrapped around the inner thigh
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Kikely story. I'll have you know I'm not a very good goy so you'll have trouble convincing me of your claims or religion.

Because some kike said it was true, retard, HAVE FAITH, IT IS THE CURRENT YEAR.
a lot of autists are atheist, but not a lot of atheists are autists

All squares are rectangles but rectangles can't be squares? :)

>retards who think they're in good company

This should be the slogan of 4chan.
Well my idea is that if he had not drawn the ire of the russians so soon he might have had a chance to re-mobilize after defeating the allies and get the fuel and supplies he needed to actually combat the russian military.
I was just always so perplexed that hitler decided to launch a two front war.

Hmm. Didnt know that. Very interesting.
I agree. I think deism is the most reasonable position any theist could have, and if you're at the point of deism you might as well just stop believe, because a deist god is indistinguishable from one that doesnt exist.
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t. György Schwartz
The attributes of autism make it very easy to try to belong to something like atheism. Female autism (which is heavily under diagnosed due to people thinking they're just "strong womyn" or quirky) enables them to become extreme feminists.
>you're not supposed to take anything in the bible literally

Where does it say that in the bible?
Its the only way you can home to reconcile whats in the bible. There is no clear way to distinguish whats to be taken literally from what is metaphorical, so its basically take it all literally or toss it
Religion is most importantly tradition and heritage something you Sweden cucks wouldn't know shit about, letting Arabs rape and beat your women
Gyorgy is actually my last name
I don't think it says that anywhere, but at this point if you did take it literally you would look like the biggest retard so it's changed to being metaphorical, yet somehow the parts about God and Jesus are totally literal.
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>There are no Jews in Hungary
>-0.10 shekels for that, it was a really pathetic lie shlomo, you need to try harded
m8ie pot8ie are you seriously going to be watching out for a 3 headed beast with a woman riding atop it so that you can catch a plane to Israel, climb Mt. Zion and find a sheep?

>muh American Christian heritage

The founding fathers were deists you cuck.

But yeah rather have christcucks infesting my country than sandniggers.
The scientific cumunity must have alot of autists...
Nowhere, we have to take everything in it literally because everything in it is true. When you say things like Genesis is a metaphor you're denying Gods greatness
You sick fuck. I would really wish I could know where you live
>living a life of sin and openly denying the existence of god
>being open to the idea of the existence of god and living morally

Who would you be more merciful to, since you love projecting your own desires and morals onto God so much?
>"For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities – his eternal power and divine nature – have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse" (Romans 1:20)

>"the requirements of the law are written on their hearts" (Romans 2:15)

>"The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance." (2 Peter 3:9)


Do you think God will punish Anglo Christians for referring to him in the tongue that we were taught to speak as children, rather than the language of the original scripture? Of course not, God has many names and takes many forms, though surely even you must concede that referring to him as Allah or as whatever else is less heretical than denying his existence altogether?

It was ironic.

I'm an atheist btw.


If God says I should, then yes.
If God says it's some kind of metaphor then that's what it is, but if he hasn't indicated whats metaphor and what isn't, then you have to either take all of it as metaphor (atheism) or all of it literally (Christian).
You can't pick and choose because you're not God and you aren't allowed to rewrite his word.
Judging by what you've said in this thread (if it's true, which it is not), maybe your family hates you because you are an anti intellectual, hateful, gullible retard

So you can go to his house and have a gay threesome with Jesus?
Absolutely true. A two front war, especially when both enemies are backed by the same groups, can't be won. See Napoléon and WW1.

And a two front war was nearly inevitable because Hitler knew Stalin would attack at a certain point in the near future. The war was lost as he lost the Battle of Britain. After that, he went on full suicide mode.
>You can't pick and choose because you're not God and you aren't allowed to rewrite his word.
isnt that what the people who wrote the bible did when they wrote the bible
>intentional typo

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>If God says it's some kind of metaphor then that's what it is, but if he hasn't indicated whats metaphor and what isn't, then you have to either take all of it as metaphor (atheism) or all of it literally (Christian).
what if it's all literally true except for 1 line?

Will god send u to hell for believing in the wrong deity?

1. Even if a God does exist, fuck him.
2. Allah is not the same character as God from the Bible, neither is Jesus, a guy who was considerably less of a dick than old testament God.

Back to Sunday school with you, Christcuck.
So you have the same facial structure?
What have I said that's hateful? Gullible because I DENIED that an explosion created apes that turned into humans? Anti intellectual because I think it's important to study the bible and follow it fully? Okay
There is nothing edgy about atheism. Its the religious people that are not normal. Atleast in Nordic countries.
As the guy in your picture? No definitely not I've got a big nose though so who knows but seriously I know I'm a Christian this is a 100% true undeniable fact
So when Jesus said "Let the dead bury the dead", he quite literally meant that zombies should be in charge of digging graves for everyone?

OP got BTDOd many times, don't think they understand the difference between nihilists and atheists.
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c'mon, is noone going to check those digits
You gullible because your obviously a dumb fuck who hasn't the slightest idea on basic scientific theories. Read a book that isn't 2000 year old fables please.
>Allah is not the same character as God from the Bible
Yes he is.
The Koran is literally the muslim's "new testament".
Its the same God, just bastardized by bunch of warmongering camel rapists.
That is not how evolution or the big bang works, so yes that makes you anti intellectual and gullible.

in this thread you've hated on gays, trannies, since you're a very good Jew you probably hate just about everyone. I'm having a hard time believing you're real, admit it, you're an undercover fedora.

The leaf you're talking to thinks the Big Bang was actually an explosion.

Stop wasting your time.
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George Soros and Bernie Sanders both say they are atheists, yet their mothers were Jewish and so they are. The same goes for you. Look in your family's house, maybe you will find this.
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>about my severe lack of education
Thank you for admitting that that you conflate """education"""" with being an atheist. You've definitely not been programmed by jewish media and whatever marxist indoctrination center you were """"educated"""" in.
I would argue that the three depictions of God, though the same entity, are given different enough characteristics and ideals such that they can be distinguished between.
i.e. Yahweh will send you to hell for eating pork (so will Allah), but God won't.
>1. Even if a God does exist, fuck him.
Why? He has nothing but love for you, you only stand to lose your eternal soul and whatever fleeting moments of hedonistic pleasure you're experiencing here on Earth by shutting him out like that.

In Muslim Canon, yes, Allah is God from the Bible.


One is clearly a warmongering monster whole the other is just an asshole.
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Say something that actually holds water.
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Fedora Athiest memes aside, I find it hilarious how many "redpilled" /pol/acks are aware of all the shit the globalists are using to try and control us but are also religious.

Religion was the original system built to control the masses. I question how many of you were raised in a religious household, I wager it would be the majority.
>Literally no proof of religion besides a book written 2000 years ago and 200 years after Jesus died
>The only evidence you do have is absolutely torn apart by scientific evidence
>Discourages any critical thinking or questioning of "god"
A cup.
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Why bother, you'll just say it's "loaded" again like you did here >>91674376 .
The old testament is basically the first Jewish book ever written, so reading the Bible is the true Jewish education.
That's exactly what evolution is a theory and one that was debunked the very second it was thought up.
You can't be intellectual and believe something as dumb as the Big Bang or evolution. Also nobody cares about faggots or trannies (which are just faggots who cut their dick off) it's impossible to be hateful towards them because they're sick degenerate people. Would you be mad if I hated a rapist or a murderer too?
My grandparents are Christians my parents aren't
Fuck you

Because he supposedly has absolute power but lets people die, starve, thirst, grief.

Those are natural things that I accept, but something as silly as a God with absolute power that doesn't do anything simply because Christians can't explain it, so they'll just say I can't comprehend his will or some bullshit.

There's nothing a human brain can't comprehend, except arguably death.
Because it is a loaded statement. You are assuming the conclusion you want and going off of that. Try harder.
Never met a person who uses the words "Jewish media" or "marxist" thar is actually an intelligent person. That streak still continues I see
/pol/was never pro religion
You do know the term "kike" was created to name Jews who hated Jesus and Christianity so much they would draw circles instead of crosses right? Yeah man, Christianity sure is Jewish right?
I hope it's mostly just LARPing. But in the growth of the /pol/ user base there is a possibility that they actually (((believe))).
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Please, you're killing me. I'm dyin
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Doesn't matter to me, the only way your faggot ass would view anyone as """"intelligent"""" is if they're some faggy militant atheist degenerate like the r/atheism subreddit you crawled out of.
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Go be a faggot somewhere else then if you're mad I don't like fags
"red pilled" /pol/acks and conspiracy theorists constantly need to feel special or enlightened. Their conspiracy theories give them a sense of privileged knowledge over most people. Religion helps them achieve this feeling too. They are like 3rd graders
Ok, this is just plain bait. But what do I expect from a leaf in a bait thread?

Not an argument. You can't deny that the mass media is controlled by the elites.

Also not an argument against my post. The Jews were thrown out of Israel thousands of years before Jesus was born.
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Potato nog logic
God would not want you to harbor ill will against your fellow man. He created us in his image and forgiveness is one of his key virtues.
It's not our duty to explain the actions and intentions of god, you have to just accept that he's working in your best interest. Your worldly struggles become seemingly inconsequential once you stop trying to find somebody to lay the blame on rather than just accepting as facts of life that may or may not be solved in a manner that appeases the worldly senses.
Tab back into your armored skeptic video you parroting faggot. I've heard him say the exact same thing. This is your average atheist pseudo intellectual, gets his fucking arguments from a youtuber.
I've already realized you're hopeless, getting mad at you would be like getting mad at a baby for crying, or a wild animal looking for food. What's really troubling here is how the education system has failed us.
Whoa there, you almost changed my whole perspective on life but only called me a fag twice, should have called me a fag more. Now you just look foolish
>evolution is a theory

wew, lad.

might want to look up what a scientific theory is, sperg-o. this is pretty much dunning-kruger 101
I'm not baiting, I'm actually tired of this. I get called a Jew, a Muslim, or told I'm baiting all the time it's annoying. I don't shitpost.
You can forgive that homo when he lures your son in the bathroom
I rather they be locked up in prison where they'll only sodomise each other.
The education system in Canada is an abomination I agree, prayer needs to be necessary and religion needs to be mandatory from JK to grade 12.
There needs to be a chapel within a 5 minute walk from every school in this country
Don't worry, I called you what you are again in this post >>91681173

>now you just look foolish
And another *tip* my good sir

I just told you I accept those facts of life.

Damn, you can't read.

I don't need a God to help me sleep at night, I don't need to try and sugar coat death as it it's something great.

Don't project your fear of the unknown on me, Christcuck, don't need skydaddy to be happy.
It's also completely false
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Shouldnt you be helping refugees or something? this is anti semitic board.

You cannot be an Abrahamic and right-wing. It's just that simple.

You cannot believe in hierarchy and meritocracy if you believe in egalitarianism, which is the foundational quality of Abrahamic ideology.

Wew, lad, dystopian fascism comin' right up on your leaf ass!
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do tell this goy more

Your isolated environment growing up is really showing
Oh yup, there it is! Lots of words but nothing of substance. I bet your mom tells you how special you are everyday
I'll check them for you, anon.

>but nothing of substance
Do tell which of your posts have contained any substance. All I can see is you stating that everyone is unintelligent.

You want children to be FORCED to believe religion, you scum fuck!

There are private schools for a reason, so you can move most of the autistic kids into one place.
What do you wanna know?
So do you think it's bad when you teach kids to use the toilet? Or how to swim? They need to learn this
Okay let me pay 10 thousand dollars to put my kid in a religious school where girls wear mini skirts. Okay! Sounds great

Wiping your ass is a much needed skill unless you want to smell like shit and smear poo all over your clothes retard, you don't need religion to function.

This has to be lowest tier shitposting.
I never said everyone was unintelligent. Just the people who base their foundation of reality and critical thinking on a 2000 year old book written by uneducated sheep fuckers
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t-thank you anon
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Yeah man, fucking retards.
Yes you do, you need the bible. If you don't learn what's in it and what to follow how can you go to heaven!? I never shitpost


Did I just play myself?

Poe's Law?

Or retard?

This isn't real.

I refuse to read.
It's because atheists are edgy quasi intellectuals who are mad at the world and feel wronged so they want to pin it all on a non existent God. I can pretty much debunk any atheist argument and have often debated many atheists at the collegiate level in open forums. They're the smuggest group of losers I've met, and it's funny to me how similar they all are. Most Christians are radically different because when you give up this perceived "self" you are imagining for yourself and give your heart to God, you become your true self unlike any other human on the planet. It's really quite beautiful being a Christian and having true Christian friends, but they're hard to come by. Most "Christians" are worshipping a false god, even the pope of my Catholic denomination is not really a good representation of Christianity
Refuse to read, then refuse to go to heaven. I mean I guess you can, but you need to read it to know what's right and wrong and how to live your life
>posts pic about atheists claiming they are intellectually superior
>says christians are better for the same reason
not an arguement
Answers in Genesis? Always the go to source for Christian confirmation bias


Pick one.
Nice deflection you little cucklet.


Q. Who created God?

A. The turtle, of course, and the turtle below it, and just, well fuck, it's just turtles all the way down.

Kek. Nothing personal, kiddo.
Yes yes. You could have just said "my religion makes me better than everyone who thinks differently" and saved me all the time I spent reading your nonsense
Leaf God.
The irony and projection here is hilarious.
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>sure thing, goy!
I wonder who edited the happy merchant out of your picture.

Yep. I'll enjoy hell, me, Hitler, and Jeffrey Dahmer will have orgies with kawaii lolis while we scorch on flames.

You actually believe hell is real, don't you?
Are you posting that comic unironically? are you aware that more than 90% of the national academy of science of your country is atheist despite your population being 100% christian/wicca/muslim/jew/shill4hill ? of course scientists from times where we didnt even know shit about the human brain were theists, they are basically barbarians for modern standars.
all lolis go to heaven idiot
Oh, you called me a cuck! Now all that's left is calling me a shill or jew and I win alt-right bingo
>Its a jewish conspiracy!1
Check what the little boy is holding.
Dumb kraut cuck.

Fuck, your right. What kind of game am I going to get in Hell, anyhow?
Projection? I literally was just paraphrasing what the guy said.
>are you aware that more than 90% of the national academy of science of your country is atheist
[citation needed]

>still deflecting
Absolutely, see >>91682155
Every single one of your posts with the exception of the one where you just cried about being called a "cuck" has been
>my (lack of) religion makes me better than everyone who thinks differently
You literally just call everyone Christian stupid over and over again. Obvious projection.
>everyone Christian
everyone who is Christian*
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Can't handle the bantz, Shlomo?
I'm not going to do your googling for you besides Christians don't believe in evidence nor burden of proof anyway.
Go watch your neighbors get raped Hans.

Nah. I call christcucks stupid because it comforts me to know I'll never be that retarded, no matter how unintelligent I may be.

The Internet is also where religions come to die, we're just doing our job.
This is why people reply to your posts with the hat meme. Your views and ego stroking via mental masturbation are garbage.
>engaging autistic fedora atheists

Take 500mg of benadryl and explain the basis of skepticism after you come down


Base degenerate who indulges retards to feel superior, that's me.

Hey, masturbation is natural!

Rather do shrooms and write a book about some sky-kike.

Just my preference.
It's also sad that you're samefagging from your phone as RCTAk7dm. Then again you atheists don't adhere to any kind of code or morals anyway.
The Bible isn't a historical document, there was no great flood, the earth is more than 10,000 years old, nothing written in the bible proofs the existence of god, there is no way jesus could walk on water or come back from the dead, there is zero scientific evidence for life after death, astronauts have gone to space and seen there is no heaven, no geologists have discovered a "hell" underneath and finally there is likely life on other planets disproving that life on earth is "special"
What exactly am I deflecting? You never made that clear. Maybe you should go consult your 2000 year old fairy tales or get on your knees and pray to yourself, then get back on here with some sort of plan. You haven't said much of anything other than calling atheists marxist jews or whatever. I know a special snowflake like yourself rarely gets called on the bullshit you spew. Maybe go find a nice safe space in your church.

I'm not that other ID, but okay.

I've been on my phone this whole time m8.
It doesn't say it anywhere, up until the enlightenment era people believed everything in the bible was 100% true, this new age belief that the bible is a metaphorical morality for dummies is some revisionistic bullshit that orthodox jews and christians reject and is obviously just religion attempting to survive in the face of atheistic facts we now know about Earth and the Universe
>What exactly am I deflecting?
You're deflection from this reply >>91682727
They're all Christian so you believe they're retarded right?
Haha, Jesus Christ man, you must be new here
>two people think I'm a retard, they must be the same guy!
>You're deflection
You're deflecting*

inb4 typos mean you've lost the argument
Both of your overuse of exclamation marks made it obvious. Only newfaggots and redditors overuse exclamation marks and ellipsis. Deny all you want I don't care.

Hey man! You're responding to my second ID!

I'm really RCTAk7dm, believe it.

Spoilers, you're a retard.
I don't critique the intelligence of people who've been dead over a hundred years. It makes sense they were Christians. You remember what the Christians did to scientists like Galileo? Christianity and scientific study have been adversaries for most of history. You don't seem to understand history.

Overuse? What makes you say that?

ex dee space colon three

Oh no! I'm using exclamation marks! Sue me!
When all else fails, call them a redditor. You're so smart.
To the fadora wearing faggot at suncreek, Ya you faggot, with the half nigger baby. You look like a little bitch.
Depends on the conclusion of the scientific study, really. A lot of the time it was "What do you have to tell me about the world God has created, Mr. Scientist."

I just have a sudden drive to downvote him.

Egeheuejeheje so mad GRRRRR
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>people saying Jesus isn't real
If Jesus isn't real then who the fuck sharked me at Pockets last weekend?!
Yeah, then a scramble from clergy on figuring out how to fit scientific findings in with theology. Either deny the findings or change the ideology


But shouldn't you be shitposting, Aussie?

>upon further inspection, not an Aussie

You are free to go now.
>being this desperate for attention
Here's the (You)s for you

>Christianity and scientific study have been adversaries for most of history. You don't seem to understand history.

Only for the creature who has hands
This triggers MEEEEEE!
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