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SWEDEN NO "Swedish man confronts immigrant previously

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Thread replies: 322
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"Swedish man confronts immigrant previously arrested for the rape of a wheelchair handicapped woman"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v-drCu5eI4c [Embed]
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>the rape of a wheelchair handicapped woman
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the video gave me cancer, btw.
Fucking Sweden strikes again, I guess...
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Sweden, why aren't you beating these saracens to death?
Should have beat them up at the very least desu senpai
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"Please leave."
Jesus, Sweden. Really?
Must go to Sweden for some wheelchair pussy...wheelchair girls need dick too.
Should have gotten rid of him themselves.
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wow, sven, you really showed them huh, you are like a viking or something, that was really savage
It's time to just start killing them. Don't tell anyone. Make it random so that there's little to trace back to you. But just start killing them.
>that music
pls stop
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why not gang rape them if you don't get locked up for years?
So, they were arrested and then released?

It must be culturally insensitive to the Muslims to jail them for rape.

You know she probably asked for it too, with those shiny aluminum spokes.
queered the prosecution of these guys (can't get a 'fair trial' now) to do literally nothing. what a faggot
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>you a poopie head
>leave please
>we hate u >:^(
I assume he expects they won't be found guilty or given serious punishment anyway. These guys will be known forever now.

Internet hate machine is probably more threatening than Captain Sweden PD these days.
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They didn't get what they deserve, but it's definitely a step in the right direction

>That voice
>tfw a big strong swedish man will never hold you in his arms after defending his country

He's doing 10 times more than the average Swede. At least give him that.
They should be killing their politicians as a main priority.
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"Can you please not rape out women? No? Okay then."

Really Sweden?
Why hasnt someone buried this sandniggers tortured corpse face down in a bog yet? That shit deserves brutal revenge.
So he just screamed at them?
It's what Germany does, too. Muslim rapists rarely get jailtime. Switzerland is most based here in Europe, by discussing sending that Turk who raped 10 children between 13-17 to jail for FOUR whopping years.
This, but to be fair so should Burgers and Bongs.
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>som våldtar våra kvinnor!
It really is transparent how much racialist nationalism is above all, before anything else, primarily a reproductive movement. I'd love to see some future scientists findings in picking apart the brain of the human animal, because you don't see this behavior in women. Women aren't going to loudly exclaim the injustice done upon "our men" as some men and boys are brutalized by these foreign savages in far greater rates than women ever have or ever will be. Humans are so weak, transhumanism through affordable genetic manipulation can't come soon enough.
Only that sex in Islam has nothing to do with reproduction. It's a means to show the women that she is merely human garbage, if you don't know that it may not make sense that they fuck their women in the ass all the time and burn them alive if they are sick of them.
Muslims wouldn't be a problem if you punished them when shit like this happens
God how are you released after the rape of a handicap woman?
And they gave them bodyguards too
Muslims rarely act up in the us and when they do they are out away like any other race and shit works. Maybe if sweeden stopped rewarding this behavior then it would fucking stop
Danes literally the worst of the scandinavians, Go choke on that potato you got lodged in your throat and learn to speak a real fucking language.
>Muslims wouldn't be a problem if you punished them when shit like this happens

Literally this. Their culture only understands and respects brutality. Demented pussyish whining only provokes contempt. Any value the liberals hold is simply a sign of weakness to them.
>sex in Islam has nothing to do with reproduction
Almost all social constructions are somewhat related to reproduction. Society itself needs to be designed around reproduction, it's falling apart now because of the immense damage technology and birth control has done to this reproductive process.

What the fuck are you getting angry at me for? I didn't fill your country with savages.
>viking blood

great meme
Islam is not a legit society but an inbred cancer that stemmed from nomads, a bunch of people the desert tribe didn't want to associate with because they were so brain damaged and left them to die there.

This cuck shit again.

Sven, you've taken harder poops after your girlfriend's bull bottomed out in your asshole.

Those kids were laughing at him. He fucked up and pussied out.
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They're swedes, they need to work up to killing all the moslems.

Its a baby step people, give them your love. Pretty soon videos of moslems being axed will show up online.

Good job sven, keep it up. We're behind you
>It's not a legit (whatever that means) society because the people in it are dumb and I don't wanna analyze beyond that
Not a very rational position. Austrians used to be smart.
>rape of a wheelchair handicapped woman

Yet Another Day In Sweden.
Lumping in all migrants with a tiny minority is a great way to turn public opinion against your dumb neo-nazi movement. But good luck.
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>yells something mean at them before fleeing from a security guard

>this is considering extreme to sweden
It's not Muslim culture but the culture of the places these people come from
Any third world person or someone from a war torn area would act like this. They see it growing up and nobody punishes it so when they come to the west they do the same and you can't punish it because that would be "racist" If you actually showed them that this isn't okay and it's not how things work in civilized places you wouldn't have this problem. I live in a town with a large Muslim population (mostly Bengali, turks, Albanians and Bosnians) and there has never been a problem with other communities and they aren't segregated either
>gangrape handicapped woman
>get government escort to protect you incase anyone is upset at you

Sweden YES
I pray for the day. Thats some gore I can agree with.
You got it Austrobro!
shut up you gay cunt

they should have blown up the security guards in their van for being traitorous cuckold antiracists
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kill yourself raheed
Why would anyone bother comparing nationality to species?

People are changing their nationalities literally every day. Nobody changes their species.
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You guys have that fighting spirit still inside of you all huh, damn vikings.
Seriously, not even my grandmother with Alzheimer's can be that savage.

Katawa Shoujo player detected.
Swedes have been friendly with Arabs for centuries. Who do you think supplied the Caliphates with white slaves? Fucking Vikings they pillaged and sold everything to the Byzantines and when they got weak they sold everything to the Caliphates
They were in North Africa, Al Andalus, and went as far as Baghdad
They still are the same as they were years ago. They do whatever they have no unity they just act for themselves, no country no nation just selfishness and violence

>only shouts randomly

thought he was going to beat them or some shit. i dont expect you to do this, but at least beat them or some shit

pipe down tayto nigger
I really think I died around 2005 and living in hell now.
That's *kin phobic
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this desu
t. morty silverstein
Remove this!
Yes leafbro. How's Dixon?
Thanks for the flag
>that music
>that Swede's fus roh dah accent

Should you date women that admit "traveling to Sweden" or is it probable she is a massive coal burner?
Good job Sven. Its more than any of the keyboard warriors in this thread talking shit would have done. Take back your country!
rarest flag of all time?
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Sven, let me start by saying I love Scandinavians and I am disgusted by what your government is doing to its people.

Going after those rapists is the right thing. If your government is failing you, you have to take matters into your own hands.


Stop being such a nigger about it. DON'T VIDEOTAPE YOUR OWN FUCKING FELONIES.

For fuck's sake you're White. Act it. Kill them on the sly. If you must record it to motivate your countrymen, do it on an old camcorder that you bought used off Svenslist and publish that shit through 90 proxies.
Don't shit on this guy, he is doing more than any of you keyboard commandos.
>str8 outa africa
>rape a handicaped woman in sweden
>out in 4 days
>state funded bodyguards

such is life in sweden
Where can I buy a battle ready flanged mace for the coming crusades?
Ay, tell your people to leave my state thx bye
Satirically speaking of course. Nobody here supports actually doing these things.
Mortar attack on deecee
That's it? Asking them to leave? The Jews really cucked the white male that bad in 70 years.
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The worst thing about this is the police protecting them. You'll have to fight against your own people in the future.
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It's the way a real man is supposed to be
Traitors are not "your own people". They are worse than the foreign hordes and must be eradicated just as mercilessly.
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Of course not, this board is all satire and all the posts are simply exaggerated mockeries of racist bigots.
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>Satirically speaking of course.


Of course. Satire.
I like to think that most of them have been brainshwashed because to desire the genocide of your own people is completely anti-natural. But yes, you're right, in the end if you can't around them you'll have to go through them
With that music, I assumed there was going to be a righteous ass-beating. What a let down.
Soon two cops will not be enough to deter the righteous anger and desire for violence all true Swedes surely hold in their hearts.

They will reach a boiling point, unquestionably. The question is whether or not they have the ability to win once enough have decided to fight.
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Seriously?! When is Sweden going to have a national revolution? What the fuck is wrong with your people, these fuckign moslems are raping and killing your women every single day. Fucking stand up for yourselves!
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Because they're cucks
We've covered this several times Canada
Hey buddy how yah been?
Haven't seen you post for a while now
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This nigga be rollin on them bitches so hard his bbc leaves tire tracks on white pussy.
>Selling conquered people you steal from weak pussies to not-weak pussies because all of Europe has become spineless and won't buy female slaves because they like boy rectums better makes them anything like modern Scandi's
Kill yourself
>confront rapist
>yell at him
>walk away
so beta lmao
baby steps
Are you a pirate?
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found the nigger
should have just stabbed them to death. a protest will achieve nothing
Why are Americans obsessed with over reaction?
Is this why they don't realize when Europeans are ridiculing them?
Why is it that they don't acknowledge anything as an accomplishment unless it involves some sort of extreme amount of collateral damage?
Are you at all aware of what the Swedish media would do if they found out that an ethnic Swede attacked refugees?
They'd completely ignore the fact that they were all rapists, treat them like victims, and use it to promote more marxism.
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>expect a beatdown like every slav vs muslim video
>just sweedes REEEEING at a muslim

I mean I appreciate the effort but come on dude.
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>Be Muslim in Sweden
>gang rape handicapped woman in wheelchair
>Gets released in two days
>Gets 24hr personal police protection

Welcome to Sweden
nah he should have been taken out into the woods and shot in the back of the head, the media would never need to know
that's what happens when you have pro-zionist liberals run the country.
>white knighting a coalburner

Just fucking end this country instead.
Wait, what went on before the rape exactly?
A date or something.

About 90% of all these rapes is the women going home to the muslims....
proper end
also checked
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Kek, I know of at least 3 such cases in Finland where the girls wanted to fuck the Mohammeds willingly only to later turn it around to shift the blame on them. I've stated many times here they are whores, but /pol/ always calls me a Muslim for not buying into it.
So when is Brevik getting released?
This. We are a board of peace.
> you are not welcome here
This passes for being a bad ass swede in 2016. No wonder all your women are getting boned by sand niggers.
Do she got Djibouti?

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This cripple in a wheelchair did a better job desu
Good shit.
Damn, not sure how I had the Somalia flag already
Now this is a flag I didn't have. Thanks
nice proxy for memes

Thats a funny way to spell "Abrahamic religions".

Sweden isn't going to stop it. The muslims will increase the size of the government and the police force.

Thats what the swedish government wants.

It is exactly what niggers do here in the US. Increase the size of the government and police state.

Its a fucking game. The elites in the government don't care about the social outcome at all. In fact they profit from it.
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I feel like there's a distinct lack of something..

I mean the guys even just walked off the insults.
>Visiting family in Greece
>Find out cousin got raped by refugee while I was staying there
>Find him
>Kidnap him
>Spend rest of vacation torturing him in my Albanian house(Im partly from WEEDLMAO Lazarat) torturing him
>Record it
>Also left him with an Ash Barrel shoved down his throat
>Say bye to family
>When in America send Aunt video
>Aunt skypes me
>crying saying thank you
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There's no excuse for this shit Sweden. Your cops are such pussies they don't patrol Muslim areas anymore. You could literally start chucking Somalians into mass graves and they'd be hiding in their cuck sheds. Grow a pair.
Post the video
if this isn't just another episode of "Things that Didn't Happen" i'd love to unironically see the video
Fuck off Fbi, maybe it was a dream
>Undercover cops acting as bodyguards for the rapist
dude... sorry for your country, Sven.
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>Confessing to a murder that happened in a country with an extradition country for internet tough guy points

Shit that never happened the post.
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>rape of a wheelchair handicapped woman


>epic music plays
>pls leave
>epic music continues
Baby steps I guess
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You fag Swedes and German's need to look at your other enemies as well when you go burn down the places these people are staying in.
Not just the refugee camps.
But where they're settling after that.
I'm going out on a limb here and thinking the people who own the places these invaders are staying in are getting a nice chunk of change from your governments for housing these animals.
If so they're part of the problem as well.
So fuck their properties because they're nothing more than enablers themselves.
They're in bed with the enemy.
Also why aren't your guys semi infiltrating these communities?
Just dress out like a hurka durka when you pull anything off instead of fucking around doing these marches and sporting your white pride worldwide jackets and ski masks.
Jesus fuck it's like you fuckers have never heard of Sun Tzu.
You faggots need to adapt to guerrilla tactics.
A little bit of lamp oil mixed with gasoline goes a long fucking way.
Also start destroying the bullshit security cams around your cities at random.
Your govt can't have those things replaced 24/7
If they're replaced just bust em up again.
>I'm going out on a limb here and thinking the people who own the places these invaders are staying in are getting a nice chunk of change from your governments for housing these animals.
Of course they are. There's a video of a couple of them admitting they make millions off the business (of destroying their own country).
Then they're just as guilty as the people importing them in.
I figured the property owners were pretty much getting the same sort of perks as lets say the HUD housing faggots in the states get.
They get a nice chunk of change from the govt and tax breaks on top of that.
In the end though they're destroying your countries as well.
So there should be no guilt and "but, but, but it'll hurt the property owner and their family possibly"
The family being fucked money wise would be nothing more than collateral damage.
Can't make an omelette without breaking a few eggs kinda thing.
You Odin brotherhood faggots need to seriously read up on "The Art of War"
Pass that shit around your little circlejerks
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somalia #1 shitposter
Sweden prepping the bull for over a 1000 years kek
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I just spilled my fucking coffee you hysterical coon.
Do people ever arrested for posts like this?
do nothing, and nothing will be done sven.
>1 post by this ID
Swedish confrontation.
post tits
Of course, and they will be dealt with accordingly.
Why are you pretending you'd act different when white Americans don't do a damn thing when niggers start looking an entire city because Tyrone was shit resisting arrest. This is a step in the right direction
>when a security guard shows up
>"Sir, please don't insult the rapists."
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NORTHERN white people are COMPLETELY different from SOUTHERN white people.

We might be "dumb rednecks" we might be fat, we might be a little too christian, but we ALWAYS protect a man who's only intention is taking care of his wife and home

We have plenty of Latina bitches too. Theyd slob over anything white

We have better food
No Jews
Blacks dont get "poor baby yalls wuz kangs" treatment
Look up successful looting and terrorism in Texas

Ill wait
>implying white Americans live in American cities
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Trayvon Martin?

Just because you see some videos of whites getting beat up or acting like cucks in NYC or LA doesn't mean this shit is tolerated in the rest of the country.

Ah fuck me. I meant for >>91699774
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>rapists get police escord whereever they go
>"lol swedes why don't you do something XDDD"

>Yell "You're not welcome here" is considered "SWEDEN NO"

Both sides are fucking retarded.
Fucking army fag based in Djibouti
>be Australian media
>let crippled Swede fighting off your attacker
>run away and leave him to his fate
Fucking pathetic display to be quite humbly honest.
that gif is gold
Good for him.
That's the joke sven
>he stalked them for two days for the chance to call them fucking scum
Whoa. Such a big deal, this was.

Okay I actually found your flag last night when looking through the database of the available flags

I had to look it up

What the fuck is it like in that god damn place? Are you one of the nobles? Are you Somalia's whitest man?
>defending his country
The fuck did he do? He yelled at them like a useless old man.
>rape of a wheelchair handicapped woman
unless he was castrated you dont get a sweden no
>Please leave.

Fucking kek
except the guy didnt tape any felony.
he screamed at multiple rape suspects, I can't imagine that being illegal
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dont rape our women eh buddy!?
This is unironically your sandnigger attitude showing
Turks are Middle Eastern shitskins, no European would do this in modern times, though
the mainstream media has never said if they were Swedish or immigrants.

but of course they immigrants.
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>some shitgolems rapes a handicapped woman
>gets police protection incase they get attacked by evil racists
It's nice swedes like this are sticking up for their people. But that music and shit is cringe as fuck
What is this? A man rapes a woman whom is disabled, gets away with it, and this is the response? A man yells at them that they are scum, tells them to go back to their country, and spits at them? Your country has become the rape capital of the West and you're going to compare yourselves to vikings because a man yelled some mean things at a guy who RAPED a disabled woman and got to walk away giggling with his friends. Your government has forsaken your people so where is the civil unrest? When will people start to come together, organize, and fight this? I guess i'm just being a faggot here but Jesus there must be something or someone over there willing to do it.
she was probably a virgin too
No it is a proxy fag whose Internet boyfriend is in some charity organisation
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>how long before this guy is declared Enemy of the State and the rapists given Sweden's highest civilian honour?
My fuckbuddy used to be in a wheelchair (now she is ok, walking and shit). Damn, wheel pussy, best pussy
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Because he will get 3 years probably for the attack and discrimination. And then he must pay the sandnigger around 30000 crows for the assault. Justice in sweden is whats keeping us back... The more we fight. The more the state gives to the sandniggers.

Its just suicide to commit such a "crime" when it comes to your private life and finding jobs.
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My nigga
No witnesses, no crime
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Good job Sweden, but you gotta step it up

Here is how its done

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those cops deserve first bullets desu senpai

this. 2bh.

It's almost impossible to catch a serial killer if you're not an idiot.
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At least were not there
I know they kind of deserve it because of their retarded culture but this still makes me feel bad
it's like watching an adult beating a child
lol not in USA (where we almost still have freedom of speech)
>jews dictate your laws and social policies
>beat a sandnigger anon, whats the worst that could happen

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>the rape of a wheelchair handicapped woman
Absolute cucks, at least coward punch the cunt
>w-w-wh why are you raping disabled women migrant senpai

in no country is incitement protected as free speech
>feeling bad for a gypsy

sure lad, you might feel bad now, but tomorrow when he inevitably steals your wallet you wont think like that

gypsies are worse than arabs/niggers/whatever minority you think is shit, i have zero tolerance for them after all that time
Kill them all

They're all scum even Arab children are perverted rapists and sadists.
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>"Swedish man confronts immigrant previously arrested for the rape of a wheelchair handicapped woman"

This cunt willingly went with an afghan man to his refuge shelter for sex and got five-fold dicking. I have no sympathy for her. This woman would spit at everyone on this board and the swede who confronted them.
Was it wheely good?
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This Swedes have the muscular anatomy superior than niggers, why don't they carry a pipe/bat/rod and let their genes flow? Sweden practiced eugenics for centuries, anyone there have natural talent for sword fighting.

Believe there is nothing more effective than terrorizing them everyday till they miss their war-zone / shit-hole again.
>ITT /pol/ retards believe anyone is going to throw their life away and permanently damage their family's reputation and livelihood by fighting/killing immigrants
I'd be embarrassed and only call when i'm legless
This entire week now, I have seen a single Mick claiming everything happening in Europe and America is a Russian ploy, and we're all Russian puppets.

One single potato nigger.

Any bets on what he really is?

>you raped my handicapped crippled sister you big meanie

>we can't be friends!

>we viking now

oh sweden, you're such a lost cause.
Shitposting at it's finest
loled hard
>>rapists get police escord whereever they go
fuck da cops
especially if they on rapefugees side
>following orders
like NKVD and SS
>I can't speak Swedish

this is what pisses me off the most Tbh
He sure showed them

Just flipped and started mumbling to himself, didn't even punch any of them kek
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>Islam is not a legit society but an inbred cancer that stemmed from nomads

Islam is superior to any (((Western))) (((Liberal))) (((Feminist))) society. They are winning and they know it

don't let your dreams be dreams
Sweden have no boarder with Russia. You seem to be confusing us with Norway or Finland
We're fucking scared, don't you get it?
That's why we try to "befriend" them
We're you scared when you were Vikings killing and raping anything you saw
Think of this as punishment for the actions of your ancestors
>He did not beat him
You gave me false hope Sven.
Those damn Russians, I knew they were behind this. How dare they tarnish the reputation of the religion of peace?

Enjoy your (you)s.
Amen brother.
>only three years
Don't you have a cargo ship to rob?
Sure thing Ahmed, the girl in the wheelchair was totally asking for it.
Not only that, they managed to get their hands on steel for their swords that was only available in the middle east.
>stand still
>lay down
>get up
>lay down
>get up
fuckin kek

but still
>not a bunch of gypsies
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Anyone one else notice what's going on in the background?
Why do we even care about sweeden
Just give them to the muslims
>Sweden has failed this hard
>All the men in Sweden are cucked by their own government
>None have risen up that haven't been squashed
>Swedish government condones the rape of their women

Holee shit, is this what we have to look forward to when Hillary is in power?
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I wouldn't necessarily say you are wrong.

White women are deviant whores.
This, If what you say is true then she should be raped again.
Rapefugees should be killed cartel style but guess it is impossible due to police guarding them.
>muh vikings
Youre always been snow jew faggots. Nothing has changed.
This faggot couldn't be further from a real viking. A real viking wouldn't even let this subhuman enter his country, let alone let them in and fuck thier woman
Just get a nice dark spray on tan, carry around a copy of the Koran, lose your actual ID and go to town on any white girl you see. Free pass.

Wtf I'm a #dildoforhildo now.
>a single swede confronts a rapefugee

Wow truly a miracle, worthy of international news coverage.
There's a bunch of foreign military bases on Djibouti
China has one
Should have mentioned that to the SS
Zimmerman is white now?
Yup, if we aren't safe, they aren't safe
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so why didn't he do anything?
couldn't have gotten long in prison if he bottled one of them
But that's a Swedish flag?
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noice one m8
what's ancap like? is it heaven on earth?
This, /pol/ means peace

You swedes keep on surprising me.

At the end of the video, the 'angry swede' spat on his own soil. Of his own country.
Didnt do jack shit. Not one kick or punch?

Ebin cuckery to present this video.Doesnt have anything to be proud of.
that would be a hatecrime, there's a big increase in time when "hate" is involved

These are the grounds for a "hate crime" in Sweden

xenophobic / racist
antiromska = Anti gypsy
Christology phobic
other anti-religious

Notice "Swede/white is not in there, when a nigger attacks a white person and should "kill this whitey" it's not a hate crime, but if the victim shouts "fucking nigger" when attacked he will be punished.

Much like the US and the rest of Europe I might add
>antiromska = Anti gypsy
kek, that's becoming a thing here too I think
you can't touch travellers/gypsies because they're suddenly an endangered species despite them all having families of 10 children

If everyone does it it will send a message.

In fact, maybe you should confront (read: kill) your politicians who are enabling all this sandniggery? That will certainly send a message.
The EU welcomes you, have our women. I'll be at work so you can live comfortably.

what the fuck? why not behead him? And I am not talking about the head on his shoulders...
From wich army are you from anon ? Also, is it true the somalians hate the djinoutis because of the prostituion ?
Wow! He sure intruded their safe space.
Keep up the "fight"
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>YOU WON'T BELIEVE THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Russians consistently bomb soft targets and non ISIS targets in Syria in an attempt to flood the EU with migrants and explout their weak policy towards multiculturalism and integration.

Russkies know how soft the west is on this shif and how easy it is to destabilize an economy and create discord. They basically demolished the shengen
He's a latvian migrant, kek
Latvian migrant kek
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Japan knows what's up. You cucks will never save your countries and peoples if you only think about yourselves all the time.
they didnt even beat him?
they just talked to him?
Stay cucked 60%er.
thats fucked cunt



Now that is a stern talking! He will think twice before raping another swede i bet!
I snorted laugh
>"Seven lives for my country. Long live His Imperial Majesty, the Emperor!"

Based Samurai.
This is good but
Protesting in masses is better. (people, not just natonalists)
Send us Connor McGregor, we need him
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>that soundtrack

somalia please
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Last night there has been protests in the area,
Hundreds of people gathered and protested outside the police-station demanding the rapefugees to be arrested.
The police stated that the protest were illegal but no criminal charges have been issued as of yet against the protest.

Apperently locals are not very pleased..
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1) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iFBU828ZzHE
2) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ynkn0RHPwU

literal translation:

Konung Olaf The Fuck Walrus went in camping!
On the leaky fucking boats in England he swam!
It's fucked up, it's fucked up, in England, bitch, he swam!
It's fucked up, it's fucked up, in England, bitch, he swam!

He seize a shitload of (a lot) fucking Swedish beers!
And drunk in ass Normans set askew sail!
It's fucked up, it's fucked up, set askew sail!
It's fucked up, it's fucked up, set askew sail!

Well and are came at such a pace in the North Caucasus.
Since the steersman was shoot the cat the entire trip and not taxiing, queer.
It's fucked up, it's fucked up, and not taxiing, queer!
He was lying in vomit and listened to the group "Carcass"!

They went to the mountains, fell into the gorge and fuck lost are way.
And the ass Vikings - these are not to find in the mountains!
It's fucked up, it's fucked up, not to find in the mountains!
It's fucked up, listen, ass - peach, not to find in the mountains!
Friend, buy watermelon!

They were ambushed by the Chechens, in the dark gorge.
Konung Olaf The Fuck Walrus almost lost his ass!
It's fucked up, it's fucked up, almost lost his ass!
It's fucked up, it's fucked up, almost lost his ass!

The moral is simple and she's says the following:
Be good prepared to hike!
For the exam, too, and someone will take you for ass!
It's fucked up, it's fucked up, take you for ass!
It's fucked up, it's fucked up, take you for ass!
Swedes are VERY non-confrontational, very civilized/calm, very structured/disciplined, very non-violent and huge SUCKERS for conformism (no one dares to go against the norms)

Shitskins have been terrorising us for decades; in school, at clubs, in the streets. And yet they never get what they deserve.

Confrontating them like this might be a Tiny thing in countries where people are more violent/extrovert/aggressive and where the society is more chaotic but its a very clear marking in Sweden, since we are so prone to avoiding confrontations until we are very angry.
Closer to burnt really.

you can be the Swede that makes a difference, anon. Lead by example. Gather your friends and family. So what if you go to jail? Your entire country is dying; jail is the least of your worries.

Go to the store, get a fucking screwdriver and start fixing this problem.
that sand nigger is so retarded he won't be able to remember their faces dude. literally just rip his ass a new one in like 25 seconds break his testicles with a stomp and walk off. literally subhumans don't speak any language besides force. don't feel bad.
>h-hey you raped my disabled sister, t-thats bad
>>fuck off kuffar

never change sweden
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>watching video
>Keep waiting to see a swede lose his shit all on these shitskin subhumans
>It's coming , it's coming
>He some up to 3 men that gang raped a Swedish disabled woman and then he .....

>says mean things to them and spits in their general direction while they casually walk away

The level of fucking faggotry is incomprehensible if this happened in serbia there would be kids playing jump rope with their intestines while the police laugh and watch you fucking incredible colossal faggots may Odin strike you all from this earth so you don't embarrass yourselves anymore


Yes, thats how it is. Most Swedes are brought up in loving and peaceful homes. I have never been in a fight myself, apart from some school yard brawling as a 11-yr old.

Before these apes came, it was peaceful. People were calm, everything was calmer. No aggressive apes pounding their chests everywhere.
It was a good society and its nice living in a society with non-violent people such as Swedes.

Why are swedes such such gigantic fucking pussies? You pretty much deserve to be conquered by goatfuckers.

You still don't understand that we are slowly catching up with cuckery ?
Oh you poor soul.
He couldn't really do anything else.
Police were shadowing them and if he as much as touched them he would have been arrested.
Remember the regime police will do anything to stop you from hurting these invadors.
In my swedish speaking school we used to fight every ''rast''. I guess we're a bit different in that way.
Mongol genes man. Must fight like Djingjis.
svensk vaginas aint handicap


not when your a muslim.
>protests are illegal
>rape isn't
You won't know unless you try , the police are people too , just like anyone else , don't you think that any sane swede or any normal human for that matter would not want to see those subhmans suffer , i say beat the shit out of them and trust your fellow swedes a bit (even if they are cops) and see what happens you might be surprised , and even if you get arrested and paraded around as some kind of a hitler you guys are at a point where that is a risk worth taking
Mate whe was the last time you hit someone in public?
why does serbia have the palaiologos thing on their flag?
He could have indeed at least asked the police why they protect a rapist, who has not even been punished. How they justify being a glorified bodyguard to a criminal allowed to victimize the people they belong to and swore to protect and how they feel that all their hard work is only to protect criminals and politicians and not the plebs, to which group they belong themselves.
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Fucking saw this last night, the police are fucking using all their resources to protect these fuckers.


What the police whould have done then was to say, oy vey such good fickifickis, you go no
>look the other way, go inside station turn off scanner and watch skiing for some time
Let the men fix this problem

You need to learn to trick the police away, and be more sneaky to track them, look like you're just standing there taking a smoke speaking to someone.

You're were actually not as assholes as ours, doubt they are as corrupt either
Ikr, Nuke the cucks now.
You can take me down aswell, Worth the sacrifice.
Most sane Swedes if not all would praise us killing the rapefugees.
But the problem is that the regime has tight control over the police.
The officers in this video would not applause you attacking them, They would do what they were told and arrest/shoot you if you did any harm to them.
Such is life in cuckistan my kebab removing friend.
>Pretty soon videos of moslems being axed will show up online.

How culturally insensitive.
Swedes are traditionally into blood eagle executions.
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is that a puukko?
I'd rather see the image of pagans and vikings come to life again as fair faggots with blond braids occupy government buildings and roam the streets to execute rapists.
Esoteric Jahans.
So is there any evidence that they actually did the raping?
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Agreed but lets face it.
Likelihood of that happening? Low i would say.
>"Swedish man confronts immigrant previously arrested for the rape of a wheelchair handicapped woman"
This calls for murder or beating to a degree where the rapist become mentally/physically retarded not a fucking confrontation wtf is that supposed to do
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samiball knife, we just call them that if you think the lower one there. It's old I got it inherited, it's actually been through a drunk pekka's tie.

>You know pekkas, koskenkorva and knyfus.
>He didn't even want to go to the doctor.
>Just give me dat kosenkorva and some pressures, mandages and thin fiskingline.
>Gun be just fine, just normal
and it's not a fucking joke either.....

I don't think I was even born, not sure
I guess so https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9BGAHItVtz0
To truly kill cartel style would mean that the police would turn a blind eye out of corruption which they already are but for the other side.
I thought you guys had to do a year in the army? What do they teach you other than the correct way to take it up the arse from pajeets?
>being this Samolian
Dont fall for the pupy face....
As soon as you turn your back you WILL get fucked!
i think the swedes abolished conscription few years ago
Do you guys still have it?
>We're you scared when you were Vikings killing and raping anything you saw
They Vikings spread their genes from the British Isles to the Middle East. The ones who stayed behind to create the Swede were the weaklings who wouldn't leave their mothers.
we will have it as long as russia exists
Too much trauma about Russia to stop mandatory conscription.
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>I wonder who is behind this post....

we sold trælls everywhere but not so much all the way down there, what is trælleborg, what is dublin etc....

We caught some all the way in India though, as there were some excelent goldsmiths there.

You are talking against your self here so much, we killed whatever we felt like. The Varangians ended up as mercenaries the best warriors for the emperor in Miklagarð. When he died, they had plundering rights. They removed kebab all over the place. Removed whatever needed removal.

But yes we had a friendly relationship with the serks too, it all depended. Sigurd Jorsalsfarne he sacked just about every shitskin occupied island - mallorca and burned 100 towns in northe rn africa on his way to jorsalaborg....

Nothing wrong with having a couple of trælls anyways. Arbeit Macht Frei actually.

You are thinking about the jews here.
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Also if you are good træll, you can be the fehird, you get your own house and are responsible for the finances on the farm. Basically the farm jew.
I see nothing wrong in this.
Is that a no?
Do you need evidence in talking down these invaders?
No, but the edgelords here are demanding blood. Some evidence would be nice to have before it gets to that, I think.
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