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Brit/pol - Chucklevision Edition

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 411
Thread images: 143

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>Diane James quits as Ukip leader after just 18 days as Nigel Farage rules out a comeback

>Theresa May to attack politicians who sneer at 'patriotic' working class voters concerned about migration

>Westminster 'could slash Scotland’s devolved laws following Brexit'

>Ruth Davidson to tell Tories May has 'helped women at every turn'

>IMF crowns UK world's fastest growing major economy, but hard Brexit fears push pound to 31-year low

>Amber Rudd vows to stop migrants 'taking jobs British people could do' and force companies to reveal number of foreigners they employ
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Death to Karen
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All these lefty tears over Theresa May's recent antics are glorious
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Post yfw comfy Fortress Britain
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It's Brit/pol/ you numpty.
>tfw all these literally hitler/mein kampf comments on (((social))) media

Lads, I quite like the reality we're in thanks to Brexit.
It's weird how common it is, in all cultures and species, to find a mate with relative ease.

Yet we're stuck in the abyss without gfs seemingly forever.

Must definitely start to loosen some screws over time.

Who /never had a gf/ here?
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yeah the boys
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Who /substitutiarylocomotion/ here?

The funny thing is that lefties should be agreeing with most of what she's been saying.
God bless the Japs.
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>tfw milk and cookies
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>Literally none of the suggested editions made it
Me. Kissless handholdless virgin at 22. Last time I touched a girl was back in 2009
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Pol-pot is a cute A CUUUTE
lads take a moment just to sit back and think about what a beautiful flag the british flag is. there is really no other flag like it. totally original, extremely classy and iconic. proud to have it on my flag.
>tfw I live in the land of scotcucks instead of based right-wing england
pull my dick you gay cunt
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Post more cute dictators.
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>watching May's keynote speech
>camera pans to audience
>only one brown person
>it's my based honourary aryan pritifu
When did everything go so right?
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St George for Merry England.jpg
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Prefer St George's Cross desu
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What's this?
Is Tommy Robinson /ourguy/? Is he having any luck getting Pegida UK off the ground?
mate i like CoE flag too, it's great, but it still doesn't really compare to the british flag imo. the union jack is just like pure power
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>yo dawg i heard you like crosses so i put a cross on your cross so you can cross while you cross
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>Southern Rail going on strike again next week
Hope the bastards get fired and replaced with Poles and Romanians.
anime, retard
>managed to kill one quarter of his population in about five years
Lads, I'm paid in dollarydoos (obviously) so what should I buy from Britain now that my leave vote has worked out nicely?
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>To be a citizen of the world is to be a citizen of nowhere

Twitter is not happy, therefore I am happy.
>Oy vey the goyim want higher shekelwages
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Buy a Rolls Royce jet engine
Waitrose mince pies
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>the bagpipers

Hard to say.

I don't believe the Joe Owens theory of "he's a government shill" or whatever. Probably got involved in local demos, got groomed by various Zionists etc for his likability appeal, but ultimately I think he bit off more than he could chew and now he's dealing with an awkward life as "the EDL guy" with a wife and children.

Do feel bad for him.
I find it quite disconcerting how many of you hint that the only thing keeping your beliefs the way they are is that you are single ronery men - and some gash is all it would take to drop them all and become facebook.
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Are we the comfiest union in the world?
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So this is now trending on Twitter...
>waifu, anime, karen - all unoriginal 0/10 shit tier editions
I just want a gf desu

I'm 100% committed to my beliefs but having never seen a pussy/had a gf by your mid 20s is a pretty heavy feel.
For what purpose...

Haven't been there in ages. Is it still a middle-class supermarket?
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Buy more BAE railguns to put on your naval vessels.

>literally takes the most boring centrist stance possible to try and calm everyone down
>lefties still fall around weeping about how they've never been more ashamed to be British and they're going to emigrate/kill themselves

I'm convinced most of them are just addicted to drama and don't give a fuck about what actually happens


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Impressive but he aint got nothing on mao
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Because twitter cucks have been such a driving force for political change so far, haven't they?
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We`re finally on the right side of history.
Jesus Christ lads, Question Time is gonna be an absolute shower


>Spear Chukka
>Andy 'Daily Mail' Parsons
>some Plaid Cymru slut
>an economist who'll tell us how mass immigration is good for GDP
>one Remainiac Tory MP
They don't call it the Right wing for nothing.
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triggered a ledditor lads
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>4k tweets
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Is little anime girl Mao as smelly and disgusting as real life Mao?
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>you'll never shag Pirit

Life is suffering 2bh
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If you say so.

Very much so
Hasn't it already happened? I mean, it's not even 7pm here, but you guys are usually a few hours ahead of me.
Why can't dogs savour the food you give them lads?

It's annoying to see these tasty hot dogs get swallowed whole.
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>Not being a third worldist

Get this bourgeois kiddo outta here
>State issued girlfriends
>But they all look like Diane Abbott

This is the future you chose, nogf Anons.
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>tfw UKIP is utterly fucked leadership wise

Without them to hold the Tories' feet to the fire over Brexit we're going to get fucked over.
QT airs on Thursdays
So it does. Fuck, I'm forgetting what day of the week it is.
Just another outlet for remoaners to remoan.
Literally no party is as based as the Tories. We will be fine.

Put me in the screenshot.
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i for one am grateful that this madman is gaining momentum
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Don't be silly - Brexit is happening.
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Mao-sama fucked China up so hard they had to use simplified Chinese as the official language.

Red Don is just a bit obsessed with the blairite menace, he`s a funny guy.
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They have until next spring to sort their shit out. Don't panic just yet.

>Put this on
>Full screen



>Britain’s next generation of nuclear submarines will be built using French steel in a move that has outraged union chiefs, who branded the decision a “betrayal” of the UK’s struggling steel industry.
The steel is likely to be sourced from the French firm Industeel. Defence Secretary Michael Fallon is expected to give the ÂŁ41 billion ($52 billion) Successor program the green light on Thursday.
Good old Jezza

As long as she isn't a fat single mother...
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What are some good ways to make money lads? I've got my army wage and nothing to spend it on. I was thinking about buying some shares kn bae systems or boeing, dont really know if thats any good or how to even buy them.

By your logic the GOPe is based.
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what kind of dogs do you lads have? rate my dog
May finishing what Thatcher started.
>Took a trip over to r/ukpolitics to bathe in tears
>Someone posted this there
>They actually liked it

Mogg brings people together
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>free white womens to all labour voters
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i'm trying to meme this image into reality, pls spraed
>tfw your grandfather who fought in the war is now half blind, half deaf, and barely able to walk
you in the british army?
Polish rent boys
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National socialist party when! put british workers first you (((tory))) cunts
>army wage
which bit you in lad?
Was reading that. Apparently no British companies tendered for the contract.
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s o v e r e i g n t y
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Aren`t they all behind Trump now?
It`s their last chance to have a Republican President before the demographics are forever changed.
>Literally no party is as based as the Tories
Burger anon said the above and he is correct.
What's the problem?
3 scots

absolutely ambient.
great pic
They are behind Trump as much as Labour is behind Corbyn
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Cute dog lad.
What about atheists
wtf I love Corbyn now
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I have a Greyhound. Looks like pic related.
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To save their own careers yes they're behind Trump however if they have the excuse to knife Trump in the back they will take it

Same with the Tory party, if the EU gives them a chance to cuck out on immigration they'll take it since the majority of Tory MPs (May included) didn't want Brexit to happen.
>Religious affiliation
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So the vast majority?
,>retail investor
I don't, but I'd like one. I'm probably too useless to care for one anyway. Maybe a comfy cat instead
Get a job
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I'm in a relationship with an Afro-Caribbean girl who looks a little like pic related. We met via mutual friends and I couldn't look past the fact that I found her attractive and also developed strong feelings for her.

Her Mum is Jamaican and her dad is half Jamaican, half English.

However, she's pro immigration control and she really adores me. She thinks my foot fetish is cute too.

Am I a degenerate?
May was sabotaging Remain just as hard as Corbychev.
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Got entire folders of the stuff.
Just curious how they compare to theists
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>Am I a degenerate?
>foot fetish
What do you think
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>Better be driving a Honda C I V I C


How new are you to British politics? Remind me how May tried to get immigration down during her time as Home secretaries
Why are leftist memes so bad?
I think it's cause they have their own academic definitions of things that need to be explained to people in order for them to make sense other then the cheap, bland "Obressive gabidalists".
>to me to you to me to you
gotta love some chuckle brothers
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>foot fetish
>(May included) didn't want Brexit to happen.
Do you have any proof of this?
Despite following the party line, her actions said otherwise.

Why are you constantly concern shilling?
She better be able to cook and clean
dont get a cat lad, they are like overgrown rats

caring for a dog is easy, all you've gotta do is feed it and take it for a walk once a day
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Morality Official, Mugabe and Master Brew are pretty based.
Post your best pic
Nothing wrong with it. Most patrician fetish.
could you post some of your fave ones?

i'm a heroin addict, however I volunteer at a soup kitchen

am I doing anything wrong?
She's an amazing cook and cleans without being asked. Asks for less financial help than white girls too.
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It's almost as if she was working in a completely different government who had a different idea of what the public wanted.

She was working for a guy who was naive enough to think we would remain for certain.

An idiot, in other words.
They probably vote majority Labour because non-religious people have left-wing leanings.
Found some more mogg for you lads
>How new are you to British politics?
I've been voting before you were born kid.

> how May tried to get immigration down during her time as Home secretaries
The same old line . . .it's the only argument you lot have.

Enjoy your Corbyn rally, comrade.
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Nice dog 2bh.

To answer your question a Staffordshire Bull Terrier, she was my older brothers originally but he moved out so she's pretty much mine/the family dog at this point. I wouldn't personally buy this particular breed but she is pretty nice natured as far as Staffs go.
Just gotta convince my parents.

Got a hospital appointment today lads. Bricking it.
>First it was an Indian.
>Then it was a Paki.
>Now it's a Jamaican.
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She made a speech supporting the EU here


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do any of you Brits (the real posters, not the post-Brexit bandwagon cuckolds) know if there was a major management change at the Daily Mail Online?
you can say it's always been a shit tabloid, maybe, put they always had positive coverage of Brexit and politics in general. Look and it's 10 different articles on the fucking kardashians.
Every American news site is pozzed (CNN literally runs a new attack piece on Trump every day). My one "good" new sources is kill it seems.
Any ideas? Is the Express readable?
Some more
The quality isnt great, but I love the idea of US and British submarine crews playing cricket at the North Pole.
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Remember the words of Jo Cox
Got one, currently on the train home
The wall of shame on the sidebar has been a thing for ages m8
>Look and it's 10 different articles on the fucking kardashians.
The Daily Mail has a women's section called the Femail which always had that shit.

I'm more concerned that their comments section is flooded with obvious bots who support left wing lunacy.
some of the socialist ones are alright senpai
You didn't understand my post did you?

Who is the mong now?

>b-b-but I'm concern shilling, don't be factual.
A well trained and raised Staffy is fine. Like with most dogs it's the owners that give them a bad name.

I have a Labrador and a Jack Russell
Also try this instead

Try the Telegraph.

And the Mail has always had that shit on it's site, for a good few years at least. It is a tabloid after all.

The papers are always much less retarded in the flesh, the online versions are just ran for clicks.

Jess is a "proud citizen of the world"

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>i've been voting before you were born
>enjoy your corbyn rally, comrade

Lol you're a fucking idiot if you trust the pro-multicultrual, pro-multiracial, and pro English replacement. Tories end of.
beautiful little dog mate

fuck mate whats wrong?
Brian Cox's sister I think.
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>tfw can be a far right fascist and liberals will still have to say they have more in common with me
haha didnt know yanks played cricket

the guardian is the best place to follow brexit news

they have good columnists, matthew d'ancona, marina hyde

it isnt really left wing either more centrist
>I'm more concerned that their comments section is flooded with obvious bots who support left wing lunacy.
What have ye been reading? Every single comment is literally brit/pol/ lite.

I did notice that a lot of the comments on the latest white south african poverty article were against whites, but they were heavily downvoted.

Every news source is shit. In the UK the only publication I don't hate is the Spectator.
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>Her constituency still voted leave
pics of ships with the british landscape in the background are truly amazing
If you read his book it's about how the government tries to use him and fuck him over. He comes off as not too terrible a bloke, but it's his own words obviously.
>fuck mate whats wrong?

Phimosis. Just a consultation though
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>I'm in a relationship with an Afro-Caribbean girl who looks a little like pic related

Sure you are m8
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>the guardian isn't left wing
I have a lot in common with the bullet that divided her from the living :^)
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Why does this man have such a bizzare obsession with carving things out of bananas?
A few weeks ago it was like this. Lots of obvious bots SMASHING DAT UPVOTE BUTTON for pro-leftist garbage.

>the guardian is the best place to follow brexit news
>they have good columnists
We need more white babies mate. It's that simple.
I've even seen "oy vey it's annudah shoah" type comments there.
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UK's favourite mode of transport.jpg
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>The proportion of UK young people who identify as lesbian, gay or bisexual has increased, figures show.

>Some 3.3% of 16 to 24-year-olds - about 242,000 people - identified as LGB in 2015, up from 2.8% in 2014.

>The rise was mainly due to more people identifying as bisexual, the Office for National Statistics said, up from 1.3% in 2014 to 1.8% last year.
Fake surely
I know you're taking the piss, but the Guardian CIF comments literally have people stating that the BBC News is hard right.
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(S31) HMS Vengeance.jpg
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Id post a better pic with less shadows but theres a 4MB file limit.
>my wifes 'mixed race' son
Which ones are they?
>tfw my sister calls herself pansexual
>Mail has always had that shit on it's site
I know this, have been reading it daily for 5+ years now, but now it seems all the political stuff has been shud down.

They are only major news site with more female than male readers, so you expect a lot of bullshit but for about past month it's become intolerable.
Spectator has always been a bit too neo-cohen for me (though they did back Brexit of course).
Kikebart is useless despite all the hype with helping Trump. BBC is, as always, "the big black cock" propaganda site." South Africa used to have decent news but the kaffirs have ruined it with censorship.
Maybe try Aussie sites at this point?
DM is full of fake top comments that are always violently left wing and have 12k upvotes.
Have you tried Standpoint magazine?
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>libtards are breeding themselves out of existence
>not supporting Theresa "Sharia would be a good law system for Britian" May makes me a concern

You're a mong, enjoy voting Tory in 2020 and getting shafted by their pro open borders policy.
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Yeah, but can it kill polar bears?
Isn't that vote brigading from the same people who comment on the graun?
Like I said, Telegraph is about it. You have a weekly article limit though.
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Is that a melanin chap in the front?
Penguins is our speciality.
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The memes are writing themselves.
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>British Teen Boys Just Can't Stop Kissing Each Other
Don't have anything done unless you absolutely HAVE to.

t. cutphag

i had phimosis until i was like 16, but never realised it because i just thought it was normal for my foreskin to be like that. but yeah around 16 i realised something was up because my little brother had it too and he told my dad and he had to get circumcised. i was shit scared of getting circumcised so i just fixed it myself by stretching it in the shower. the warm water makes it easier. you just pull it back as far as it can go and try hold it there for about 10 seconds. do that about like 10 times every time you go in the shower. you'll start being able to pull it further and further back and there'll be a shitload of dickcheese under there that you kinda have to get rid of, also your penis head will be sensitive as fuck, but yeah it only took me like 3-4 months to be able to fully retract my foreskin and fuck i am glad i did it that way because getting circumcised would be fucked

dont worry mate, you're gonna be alright. trust me
Oh please let this be a real thing.
>Sharia would be a good law system for Britian
She NEVER said that.
And before you link another stupid article, I suggest you read it first kiddo.
I don't just mean the headline either.
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dunno why but i like pics of british and american ships together
I won't get circumcision. It's not that bad. Just want it fixed in case I ever have sex (lel)
I cant quite tell. I didnt know the RN submarine service had any black people in it.
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RT can be decent

Found the newfag.
>conservatives now so prepared to slash migration they will happily defy their donors and stop being the "pro-business" party by leaving the single market
>they have an open borders policy

kek what. Time to move on. UKIP is dead. We're leaving the EU and migration will be slashed. The only reason we had open borders with the Tories was because of the EU and George Cuckborne who's economic policy was completely shit.
>only leftys are gay
You what friend?
Does your brother regret it?
'de-classcucking memes for commie proles' on fb or some shit

pretty funny
>uh I'm what you would call a WORLD citizen, shitlord
>what do you mean give up all my money and belongings and move to africa so that some african family has food for a year
>we shouldn't have to do that when we can just tax the rich
Is it you, m8?
will try telegraph and see if I can avoid article limit with VPN and clearing cache.
Guardian is too leftist, the NYT lost any credibility for me for even basic news when they ran a "Girls are funny, Ghostbusters rules. Deal with it."
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>the guardian is the best place to follow brexit news
>it isnt really left wing either
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We already nuked them.

>tfw you get drunk after work with the lads and go on about gassing the vegans and gays
Luckily I think they think I`m joking.
Does anyone have that picture of the conservative conference of like 50 young white males in suits?
Do I detect a poofter?
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top kek

Even better in Wales lad.
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Next OP pic coming through
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No more Soggy biscuits at Eton.
That's what's surprising.
I've never seen a sundodger darker than alabaster.
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No I have this qt though
'the australian' is okay
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Why don't you take the plunge, lads?
thanks desu
The loudest lefties are the craziest ones. Kinda like right-wingers 2bh
Bonjour Ni Hao Konichiwa Shalom my fellow world citizens.
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>We already nuked them.
Clearly we didn't do it enough. Haig was a shit though, he deserves to be turned into a cartoon girls.
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>The only reason we had open borders with the Tories was because of the EU and George Cuckborne who's economic policy was completely shit.

Or maybe they just genuinely don't see the problem with immigration from their posh houses in white majority suburbs. Something tells me you're all going to get disappointed just like anyone else who believed the Tories when they said they'll cut immigration.
not sure mate, never asked him about it. but ive seen fuckloads of americans on here angry about being mutilated by jews so it cant be that good
>Experience 22% less of a class divide

How the fuck do you even measure that?
>one off

I've been.
Everything is eye-wateringly expensive.
A train from the airport to the centre of Oslo return was ÂŁ60 (20 mins either way).
Because I don't want to play greencard lottery or marry a Mexican
I'll never know, and I don't want to know. Glad I dodged that bullet.
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>Snow niggers
>borders with Sweden
I hope you aren't buying into that lions led by lambs WWI bullshit. Haig wasn't great but his reputation has been fucked.
Oh I saw the flag and assumed it was US before reading. Shit
thanks will look at it. does anyone read "Independent?" I know they are small but had at least some coverage of ongoing kaffir revolution in south africa (which every Western media is ignoring as it gets worse and worse).
>greencard lottery or marry a Mexican
I wasn't comparing the UK to the US, lad.

Things are more expensive but you'd be earning more.

Besides, isn't rail travel in the UK among the most expensive in Europe anyway?
Or maybe they had a committment to stop our deficit and realised without arbitrary GDP growth they couldn't ever do it.
It was the tactic of Dave & George. Run public services in to the ground by not increasing funding but import 600k niggers every year for someone else to deal with later on when they get old.
>Haig was a shit though

Well I get a train 20 mins every day return for ÂŁ6.20 so no.
>Besides, isn't rail travel in the UK among the most expensive in Europe anyway?
It's fucking ridiculous. A first class ticket costs well over ÂŁ100 unless you book in advance.
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Hello my fellow globalists
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>first class ticket
There's your problem
It's autistic goon tier
Gonna need a consistent answer here, lads. I think you'd better arrange a duel.
>A train from the airport to the centre of Oslo return was ÂŁ60 (20 mins either way).
kek thats awful. I live 40 minutes ish away from Chichester and a return ticket is only 13 quid.
>traveling in economy
No thank you, Xir.
Why are you buying first class tickets?
Have you been to Norway? You will feel like a subhuman surrounded by ubermensch

Oslo kinda suffers from "European capital" syndrome, everything is (a) overpriced and (b) shit

All of Norway is expensive but Oslo is worst
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>be 10% less likely to be murdered
>be 50% less likely to have HIV/AIDS
Because I want a comfy seat away from everything annoying but close enough to the buffet car.
>Have you been to Norway? You will feel like a subhuman surrounded by ubermensch
Yes, to Oslo and Bergen. I felt pretty average in both places.
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First on the day of the rope.png
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Post liberal tears about #CitizenOfTheWorld
2bh if the train costs more than petrol and parking then I say it's a shit deal.
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No...this can't be...no.
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How is that a QT?

Come on lad just because she's a tory doesn't stop her from looking like a schoolboy with an orange wig.
"We have far more in common with each other than the things that divide us. Now help me throw bricks through that Walgreens window."
It's like that line was calculated to create left wing butthurt.
Parking isn't always possible.

Try parking when your office is in Manhattan or Mayfair.
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No wait I'm wrong, the Tories are completely committed to cutting immigration and we can all forget about how the majority of the party supports open borders and the rest only want "some control" over immigration

The only reason we had this referendum was because of UKIP threatening previously safe Tory seats (not in that they'll take them but actually reduce their vote so much that Labour might get in) They shitted themselves so they offered a referendum. That's the power UKIP has and if we give up on it now we'll be beholden to a bunch of out of touch Tories who say conservative things but actually govern like libtards.

If UKIP collapse now there's a danger that dissaffected Labour vote that tipped the balance in the referendum for Brexit won't bother voting at all in the GE or worse they'll choose the Tories and we have a one party Tory state with absolutely no opposition.
>be 50% less likely to have aids
I don't think it works like that

>50% less likely to be unemployed
>have 18.5% more free time
Idk man. Surrounded by 10/10 women and everyone is blonde. This is what it must feel like to be pajeet
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I don't pay anything for parking and it cuts me a 40 minute drive.
Why must they constantly try to ruin Europe?
>1st class
>buffet car

Jesus christ do you want to get fleeced in every trip?
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waa waa racism.png
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I know, it's perfect, not even sure why people are mad desu
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>>50% less likely to be unemployed
>>have 18.5% more free time
Perfectly possible if the average working Norwegian works fewer hours than the average working Brit.
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filthy scot.png
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Aryan genes, they cant help it
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Whats this about?
I'll have you know that my ÂŁ6 reheated """cheese""" """beef""" """burger""" and sausage roll is a highlight of my day.
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deutsch bros.jpg
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no bully
Except the majority of the Tories aren't economically libtards.
A pretty good analogy I read about Cameron was that he was the CEO of the UK and not the PM. He had no interest in conservatism socially and instead was a dogmatic freemarketeer who idolised blair and thatcher for her freemarket stance. His legalisation of gay marriage is a prime example of this. He was a liberal.
Because he was so dogmatic about his economics he didn't care. The Tories entire platform is about economic security and how you cannot trust Labour with our economy because they borrow too much. If he had caused a bigger deficit he wouldn't have won 2015.
I want a TV program where these people get sent to Somalia.
>False patriotism wrapped up in nationalism
And Remain voters are supposed to be the clever ones?
But I'm unemployed, how can I have more free time by getting a job?
Every time I took a train in the UK there was one of those annoying little carts with food in it that came through and got in everyone's way. Does anyone ever buy anything from them? They're irritating as hell, especially when you're trying to get back to your seat and some asshole has decided to order tea from it.
I constantly post this in other threads.

Well driving is cheaper for me. Which I think is pretty shit considering I could fit 4 more people in the car.
I'm now addicted to these Pedofinder General videos, ta for that brit/pol/
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I hate this fucker so much. He was a part of shows I loved, but his tweets give me cancer.

And plus he has a super injunction, which is fucking retarded as well.
This is harrowingly similar to me except mine was 2012 and not 2009
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>False patriotism wrapped up in nationalism
>Scottish flag
Some people buy beer from it in economy class.
Well, it doesn't know that you're unemployed.
>Scots used to genocide the irish side-by-side with us
what happened
Some people shouldn't be allowed on trains, as far as I'm concerned.
I mean honestly, how is that controversial, immigrants who are leeches should not be welcome? I thank god people are only this liberal on twitter and not in the real world.

Holy shit, I just realised May didn't even pay lip service to the media narrative of "hate crime brexit backlashes"
What the fuck is this shit?
That's why I buy first class tickets.
Chavs always buy overpriced lager and people buy food/drinks, so yes.
I always laugh at the spergs who do that day in day out all day/
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Just glad I'm not a Scotsman desu, can't imagine being surrounded by constant butthurt and liberal tears 24/7
So does she regret the breakup of the British empire?

>youtube comments

This one really triggered me, it's not even liberalism, this is just full on globalism
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B-because fascism.
When was the last time you took a train in the UK grandpa? They have the shop in one cart now and you walk to it and can chill at the bar and have pint.
almost as bad as grauniad comments
By what subjective criteria are the rights of people she doesn't like to be judged?

>not buying a can of warm stella and some crisps for ÂŁ8.50

fucking tourists
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absolute delusion.png
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This one certainly made me think

>anything I don't like is fascism meme
I saw one of these today. When did you last leave the house anon?
>Not everybody can or should have a national identity

What the fuck? Why should someone not be allowed to identify with the place they're born, where there ancestors are born?
We're the only species that are really self-aware, and our culture has become so "advanced" that extremely unnatural behaviour emerges

It's worst in Japan, where almost half of 18-30 year olds are virgins. Half.
Only party members have rights anon.
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muh dick can only get so hard
Because it's the current year.
On what service?
Just curious but amongst say victorian people would this actually not be pretty normal? (Discounting whore houses and the lower classes)
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It's certainly getting a lot of use from David.

>can't mither the Schneider
When did I mention economics? And the conservative party's economic policy is the same neo-liberal nonsense we've seen under Blair. Our debt hasn't been reduced, only the rate that we spend money has. We're still borrowing millions of pounds each year.

So you have a party that is half libtard economically libtard socially as well.

Now why should I vote Tory in 2020?
>questioning liberals
Jesus, want to go to prison?
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>labour literally genocides cockneys
literal fedora tipper
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York to Glasgow.

Additionally I hate Glasgow.
yanks need to get out

>Now why should I vote Tory in 2020?

You shouldn't. You're clearly a cuck and should end yourself immediately to prevent pollution of the anglo gene pool.
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This is the future I chose.
Everyone hates Glasgow.

More of this please.
Which tower did they fall off?

Anyway, one thing that particularly bothers me in liberal thought is the nazi and rayciss buttons which they hammer often with very little historical accuracy.
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uk politics summary.jpg
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The rise of this "managerial class" replacing actual leaders has been written about for decades, but the books aren't as well known as they should be :

Most people would be married in their 20s. Forever alones were rare
I think she is one of them Brits that is in love with America, her bio says 'crisps', so I assume she is a brit. Whoever she is, she seems based. Would bang/10
This is true. Especially glaswegians. Every time I go there I always seem to bump into my witch of an ex from a few years ago. At least I got /fit/
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Please tell me more of this.
I guess you're right, just sick of these people who think we should all just be blank slates
So if I sex a Nip during my trip to Japan next year, I've got a pretty good chance of bagging a virgin?
You shouldn't, Tories are moving more and more left every day.
You'd think so but the only ones who would have sex with foreigners are not going to be virgins. They're actually pretty racist in Japan.
>Cable Street
>Victory over Fascism

>Tories are moving more and more left every day
>saying that after that conference
>They're actually pretty racist in Japan.

Only against non-whites I thought
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You seem fed up lad, here, have a nice Mosley. These people wont make a difference only, BritshBakeOff has more tweets than what May said, the only people upset seem to be the same types of people who have never left their house.
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JEB 2016.gif
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Tell that to these fucking shills then


If anyone here is seriously considering voting for the Tories then you're blue pilled as fuck.
>implying that's necessarily a bad thing
>that awkward hand gesture at the end
Fucks sake Oswald get your shit together.
I hate Schneider so much. He is like a parody of a sneering liberal on Twitter. Infuriating.
Prithee why not anon?
They're virgins because they don't go outside enough to meet people.
You're going to have self-selection sampling issues.
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A majority of Victorians would be married before 30, and this is an extremely religious environment where chastity is considered a virtue.

And married couples all had children, which is one thing we're not having.
>Only against non-whites I thought
They're very two-faced. You will of course have no problem fucking some of their girls. Don't expect a virgin though unless it's some desperate 30 year old.
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It's hard to tell, but you can if you try. He is very subtle about it though.
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top doggo.jpg
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Pretty fucking good doggo/10

r8 pls lads
New thread?
>A former Tory councillor in his late 70s is full of youthful vigour: a svelte chap with striking angular features, he approaches me to say that I’m lovely and he wants to put his arms around me. He has been in the party for 60 years, saying the Tories “are the party that serves the people, the party that serves the country”. He tries to reach across the political divide. “I love some of your ideas! That’s part of the Conservative cause: to stand up for people who are poor and need their support. I think the lefty concept is just completely ridiculous!” How does slashing tax credits for supermarket workers and cleaners fit with that, exactly? “That is an anxiety,” he says, acknowledging that despite an increased minimum wage and raised tax threshold, “there is still a gap. I’d like it addressed in the autumn statement.” At the end of the conversation, I shake his hand to say thanks, and he leans in to whisper: “I wish your hand was on something else!”
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Rees mogg vapourwave.jpg
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New thread to be Reesmoggwave thread lads
>fundamentalist Protestantism
>individual liberty

Why were the Victorians so based?

Interesting graphic. Thank you anon.

If old english sheep dog, 10/10
top qt mate would kiss on nose
>Don't expect a virgin though unless it's some desperate 30 year old.

I'm ok with Christmas Cakes
I'm thinking of getting a Rhodie

It really is weird seeing all these historical figures smiling and acting weird as fuck, but I love it
>unless it's some desperate 30 year old

Christmas cakes are the best kind, lad.
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the doggo.jpg
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more recent pic, thanks for the rate lads
>It's hard to tell
His upper lip is 100% jewish, Nose 90% jewish, chin and jaw 75% jewish and eye sockets 85% jewish, not hard to tell at all
Against everyone who isn't Japanese, we should take a leaf out of their manga.
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Happy autistic wave.webm
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what do you call that kind of dog in britain? over here we'd call it a 'cattle dog'
When I say how the two world wars destroyed Britain, you can almost see how from the graphic alone.
There's long essays on the subject at those links. It's part of a larger theory that civilisations degrade, and eventually collapse, due to excessive complexity and "scale" : you get ever more layers of management and useless bureaucracy, with steadily diminishing returns in terms of ability to manage that complexity, until the system collapses under its own weight.

"The Collapse of Complex Societies" by Joseph Tainter is the best modern book on the scale phenomenon, he uses it to explain the collapse of the Roman empire and many other civilisations in a very convincing manner. Be warned that it's a no bullshit archaeology textbook though, it's not written to be accessible and fun to normies, so you should only buy it if you're autistic enough to find this interesting like me.
Economic rightism benefits the globalist elite at the expense of ordinary English folk. We need a sensible level of collectivism.
It's a cross between a Cattle Dog and a Border Collie m8
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Such an autist.
hmmm so it is true hitler was on the pingas
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what the fuck is he doing?
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That looks like it must've been a very exciting day for him.
Purchasing now. Thank you anon. I find this topic fascinating.

A fair point. However, parochial collectivism first requires some separation of those who receive gibs and who do not.

On a more facetious note, I was discussing immigration earlier with a friend and he suggested that we pay Ireland to take all our immigrants and then wall off the ROI. I was amused and while I appreciate it would never work, the idea of little Somalia off our coast isn't one I like.
>If anyone here is seriously considering voting for the Tories then you're blue pilled as fuck.
t.edgy little boy
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perfectly calm.gif
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To paraphrase what I heard someone argue today: "we need more down syndrome sufferers because diversity".
I think it's a tense moment at the olympics
It's like when you see football managers trying to kick the ball in the goal from the touchline.
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lel. Only the best pet from the best colony

What is he watching in the second one?
Pervitin is one hell of a drug.
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Down syndrome isn't a good thing, but its inexcusable that we are killing children on a mass scale in the womb because they happen to be disabled.
New thread required
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