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Hurricane General - Haiti is fucked

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Thread replies: 327
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Currently category 4 with max sustained winds of 135 MPH.

>Maps and Information (NOAA)
National Hurricane Center: http://www.nhc.noaa.gov/
Projected Path and Warnings Map: http://www.nhc.noaa.gov/storm_graphics/AT14/refresh/AL1416W5_NL+gif/153536W5_NL_sm.gif
Interactive Path and Warnings Map: http://www.nhc.noaa.gov/refresh/graphics_at4+shtml/153536.shtml?gm_track#contents
Wind Speed Map: http://www.nhc.noaa.gov/refresh/graphics_at4+shtml/153536.shtml?radii#contents
Storm Surge Map: http://www.nhc.noaa.gov/refresh/graphics_at4+shtml/153536.shtml?inundation#contents

>Hurricane Safety
NOAA: http://www.nws.noaa.gov/om/hurricane/
FEMA: https://www.fema.gov/disaster/4068/updates/hurricane-safety-tips-learn-what-do-during-and-after-hurricane
National Geographic: https://www.fema.gov/disaster/4068/updates/hurricane-safety-tips-learn-what-do-during-and-after-hurricane
Tropical Tidbits: http://www.tropicaltidbits.com/
Spaghetti Models: http://www.spaghettimodels.com/
Suggested Hurricane Supply Kit: https://www.uscg.mil/d7/airstaBorinquen/docs/HurricanePage/Suggested%20Hurricane%20Supply%20Kits%20.pdf

Is putting the shutters down a meme? First hurricane about to pop a cherry
Hurricane shutters are a real thing.


it might circle back and hit florida again.


No do it. If you have hurricane proof windows you don't but if you have them I assume you don't.
Where you located senpai

Holy shit, memes aside, what the fuck? That would be one for the history books.
this makes me laugh
He is always with us
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He is always with us. The question is... is he angry with us?
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In Miami. Wish me luck fellas
its their own fucking fault they cant take care of their land, if they had any basic land management there would be so much less flooding
Boynton beach
Hurricane Matthew is imbued with Kek's chaos magic. He gives no shits.

inb4 America has to accept tens of thousands of Haitian "Refugees"
Don't worry, the Clinton Foundation will be there to help rebuild!
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Praise him
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It happened before I think
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Out west or closer to 95?
Anyone else in space coast...you better start stocking up on non-perishable foods and water NOW if you haven't already. Also, went to Walmart today to get some canned goods. People are fucking stupid - sold out of all the bread and milk, but all the canned fish and veg and fruits were untouched. Like how fucking stupid are these people ><
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Dubs say yes.
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Who /not evacuating/ here?
How far is it supposed to go?
Staying in key largo hope it doesn't get me
If I pray, will it go away?
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If meme magic made this happen...
Only if you get quads
Closer to 95 I guess. Congress military
I hope atleast 100000 Fatso American tub of lards die in this hurricane

CAT 6!!!



I'm in Melbourne, actually going to stay with my dad for the night in a trailer park.
Fuck you leaf
are you fucking joking?
Were going to have to go back there and rebuild it again, aren't we?
Reports out of Haiti is that the city of Les Cayes has been completely wiped out.
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Not at all house is across the street from water too can see it from my balcony
>Cat 5 hurricane
>trailer park

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RIP. Though the Haitians probably won't see much of a difference.
A hurricane effecting haiti is like trying to burn a ant hill that has already been flooded with a water bottle
Hurricane Matthew swept away the coastal town of Les Cayes in Haiti.

Resident George Elie told CBS News correspondent Mark Strassmann that it was devastating.

“Whole houses. Everything is gone.... It’s like a bulldozer just passed by... I can tell you it’s a big disaster...” he said.
You really shouldn't stay in a trailer man.

One of the worst structures to be in in a Hurricane
0Z GFS has the storm riding the coast, then loops back around and hitting S FL as a cat 5
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>I really wish hurricanes would scare off all the snowbirds and yankeecucks
>people were stocking up on cereal and milk
>all of our ice cream was sold out
>the rice aisle was damn near untouched
>canned foods completely sold out, AFTER the fucking dairy(refrigerated) dept got wiped out

Would really rather not since two of them are managers. And I'm pretty sure several of our associates are /pol/
Euro model or bust
Very interesting track

But it didn't really hit the same places twice, and it came by much weaker on the second pass
>Not buying rice.
WTF, I know I am mormon so I do the food storage, but WTF.
I hope the Clinton sweatshops don't get damaged too badly.
you gotta be initiated if you wanna become a true FloridaMan
So it was exactly the same as it was before the hurricane?
Tampa fags we need to channel our energy if we want this happening to grace us with its chaos and destruction

who bags of rice here

feels comfy bros, literally got food for months if I am willing to survive on rice and eggs (which I am if its an emergen-c)
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>tfw you had to evacuate after Katrina and your family lost almost everything
>tfw you resettle in Tennessee and don't have that shit to worry about anymore
Stay safe coast bros.
Fuck Florida honestly not that nice would rather go back to Oklahoma where the redpill is the norm
rice and egg master race reporting
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>tfw no big bara husbando to snuggle with during the storm

i guess i'll just be in my room in the dark again
Haiti was fucked before the hurricane. That country is a cesspit

Kek wills nothing for insolent leafposters
Thank you for not moving to Texas, LA google.
Seriously! Fucking stupid people about to die!

Natural Selection so I don't give a shit!

Go to walmart to get canned fish and fruit

See all the bread and milk are gone

Run to canned goods aisle

See all fish and fruit and veg untouched

Fucking stupid people! I can't even....><
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I hope to god they don't let them come here
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>Living in a state with natural disasters
Good luck, anons
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>mfw something bad happens to those savages

They deserve so much more.
modern people are idiots, they buy comfort foods first in times of crisis.
That's what they get for killing the French that rules them.
Fuck those mud cookie eating shitskins
Dead serious, the rice looked as if it would on a regular fucking day, and everything else was in shambles.
If you evacuate, the hurricane wins
Friend is north of Tampa.
For hermine she was hiding in her closet.
Her tiny 98 pound frame isn't designed for 145 mph winds.

Kind of glad the track has shifted west- im in southe-east-ish Georgia and need rain.
Disaster is stressful, need comfort anon.
Are you not afraid of them coming here though?
Eggs, Rice, dried beans. Dirt cheap and easy to cook and will feed ya.
werent we hit by a category 5 hurricane with like 4 more behind it like 10 years ago and the power was back up in like a week or two?
As a cajun living in Louisiana, I'm glad at least someone remembers. Thought the same thing, fuck them.
There was no mass wave of refugees after the earthquake.
Although it would be funny if BLM took a spin on this.
I wonder what that number will say next census....
>all these faggots trying to meme magic the storm into me causing me to lose power.
>I miss livewatching the debate on 4chan because of this

Fuck you all
>live in Jacksonville on the river
>people are abandoning their apartments and homes saying "it's gonna flood like andrew!!"
> nah b I'm cool,I live on the 2nd floor
> do research,last.major hurricane knocked a building over
Am....am I fugged?

Got ghee too, i could be well fed for a while, coming out of the emergency healthier than before, kek wills it


lose weight

if 4 you'll die, dubs u get pregnant
There's like 2500 right now in tiajuanna trying to get asylum into the us with more coming every day
Livestream glorious death pls
Fuck off cuck, it's going to cut right through the middle of Florida and fuck your shit up
Omg more fucking refugees inbound!
Good thing I'm Indian and built myself a treehouse (pic related). I've got a live goat and five hundred lbs of curry packed in here, I'm all set.
>> do research,last.major hurricane knocked a building over
>live on the second floor of an apartment right next to the fucking bay.. in palm bay
>Just told room mate a hurricane party might be cool
What do you do when you just accidentally killed all your friends?

I've got some lentils if that counts.. never been a big fan of beans proper
im in miami. kinda hope it hits. kinda hope it dosent
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Me, been through one Cat 4 I can make it through another.
if it's going to hit you need to put shutters up. it's real easy for debris to kick up and smash windows.
Bullshit, that fucker is headed north.
How was the cat 4? How bad was it?
How easy does glass break in a cat 4?

Its the pressure differential that fucks everything up
they do. You just need to know how to cook them. spices and pork helps a lot.
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I hope the GA-FL game doesn't get affected because of this hurricane.

>UGA won't be favored to win regardless though
This is a bad thing, Obama will demand we take in more Haitian refugees
This, the nigs basically deforested their entire country because they still cook on charcoal stoves. Now they are gonna get washed out to sea because they have nothing to control soil erosion,
This is a Cat 5 hurricane, so you need to be on the 6th floor at least to be safe

I am already surrounded by niggers, so won't be much different for me if they did, assuming those ignorant fucks can make it across the water. I'm just happy to see Haitians get their shit pushed in.
>5'4 120 lbs

what next?

Bretty spooky, the wind is deafening, and you never know if a tornado is going to tear through.
Just shutter it up well, never had any windows break.
45 minutes

You'll be ok bro
It's a 4 now, and it's probably going to be weaker after it hits Cuba.
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Not really. Unlike tornados, the pressure change in hurricanes is fairly gradual, and at worst is only the equivalent of a few PSI.

The broken glass is the result of small, hard objects being lifted by the wind, gaining momentum until they impact the window.
euro showed the same thing at 12z

if it shows it again tonight there will be serious fucking panic down there
>tfw live in Jax Beach, 5 minute walk away from the ocean
1:30am for Euro model right?

Yep 45 minutes until we get a Euro update.
It barely crossed cuba.

It dropped from 140 to 130, and is expected to gain to 140 by morning. It didn't even drop 3mb of pressure over cuba.
Next update when?
man, i really hope this shit doesn't hit. i don't want to have to dismantle my greenhouses, pick up everything in the yard and move it in and board up. way too much work. on the bright side hurricanes are always comfy, especially if the power goes out.
Puss it is going on the opposite side of the state

good advice for sure.. my family makes em with lots of spices, i gotta learn what they use some time.


if ur gay, use grindr.. i thought gay people didn't have trouble with this stuff
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From last thread.

hopefully before 2am. Euro was delayed last time since it was such a "Florida is fucked"

I suspect it might change to "Orlando or Miami is fucked"
They are saying only 2-3 inches of rain on the news.
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Hmmm, then how come in the middle of a storm my doors slam shut all the time and opening a window leads to huge gusts etc
maybe the clintons will help them again
I really encourage all Anons in affected areas

Do not go to shelters

I saw what happened in the stadium

After Katrina.
No kek confirmed in the last thread its going in Miami and coming out Tampa

eat a dick, new updates in 40 mins
euro starts at 1:30 am
Can't tell if you're being sincere, or really want anons dead
>a fucking atlantic sea breeze
Wah wah. Try living in the pacific
wait whats going on

floridian here

sky couldnt be calmer
>Haha you guys think you have it bad
>try it spinning THE OTHER WAY
He's saying to stay away from niggers.
Try having shit worth not losing

dis nga literally never herd of calm b4 da stormz
that was in an area that was lower than sea level, and the levees broke and let it all flood in suddenly
stop building wooden shacks
very comfy vid anon, thank you for the share
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I work with a couple of haitians. Fuck them all, they are lazy and they expect the white man to give them free everything because they live on a shitty island that is always in the path of hurricanes. Even africans don't care about them anymore.
it will probably cause millions of dollars worth of improvements
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Weather models like the GFS get really loopy and unreliable after about five days. I wouldn't put much stock in it. Also, the other, more specific models like the GHM don't show that trajectory.

Ah, that's dynamic pressure, as opposed to atmospheric pressure. The atmospheric pressure is the thing quoted on weather maps and such. The force of the wind is dynamic pressure, and is dependent on the angle of the surface relative to the wind. Either way, it's not enough to break windows on its own.
ive been in the eye of a category 5 hurricane, and went outside when winds were reported as 60mph on the news
what happened? share some stories anon
>coming from (you)
please post stories
so much BS about what happened in there
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We should take the harbor and play pirates
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you guys get hit by the same cat 4/5 hurricane twice

pic not related
so are you saying the Euro model is best model?

whoa look out everyone we got a tough guy on our hands

I see, gonna pick up loose items in my yard tomorrow, better safe than sorry
I've definitely heard, on multiple occasions, that the euro model is the most reliable.


What parts you from? Tulsanon here.

This. I hope it washes those evil voodoo niggers back to Africa
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oh fug
>he doesn't know about the 500 year floods that just fucked Nashville and will probably happen again off schedule
It was terrible. You're still not safe comrade
Live stream , think they are taking a break right now

>whoa look out everyone we got a tough guy on our hands

fuck you faggot he was the one making a big deal out of it all

fucking malicious loser troll
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link the GHM,never heard of it

is it one of the tropical ensemble models?
Tulsa as well fucking hell man, grew up in Broken Arrow though
18.2 N spoky 73.8 W me
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We must send help immediately, however we can.
Do these niggers ever wonder why nobody lived there before?

kill yourself cuckold
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euro ain't what it used to be DESU
this would actually be extremely hot if not for the black guy
I mean do I have to say it...

It's Haiti... It's already fucked

Captain Kek, we now dub thee Florida Man.

hes having a sexual emergen-c bro
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story time. back in 92 i had hurricane andrew pass over my house. i was 8 at the time but still remember it well. the walls were pounding and vibrating, the best way to think about it is to imagine you were inside a washing machine. then suddenly it faded and everything was still. after a short time we heard a noise in the distance that grew closer, until finally we were impacted from the other side of the eye's wall. the aftermath was pretty severe. it had actually managed to flip a car or two, i remember there was a giant stump that got uprooted and was laying in the road, lots of trees were felled, a few roofs got partially ripped open including our own. the army had to be called in at one point and a curfew was enforced, mostly due to niggers nigging. overall it took more than a month for power to be restored. fun times.
I wish this hurricane could wipe Miami off the face of the earth

I'm a transplant from the north east. This place is great, reminds me of home before the Democrats ruined it.
Florida bros where you at?

Jacksonville here.
worry about your own coalburners down there in Cape Town
miami. i work in orlando 2 days of the week tho. I'm hoping i can just stay there this weekend
I always have a bag of emergancy rice along with some canned goods.

Fugg lad, must have been quite the experience
west boca here

What canned goods do you keep on hand?
Palm Beach/Jupiter here. I'm currently living in an old as fuck wood frame house, hopefully this shit passes by and doesn't make proper landfall or else I'll probably die.
doral here
Yeah man some sjws but mainly good people how long have you been in T town?
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>Tfw name is Matthew.
Truly I am blessed.
>West Boca

hello pleb
Jax Beach reporting
Katrina was a recipe of disaster waiting to happen. New O'leans is under sealevel, reliant on levees to exist. It'll happen again and again too until people smarten up and leave that area
Hialeah. I'm hoping it's just a bad storm that doesn't do much here.

10 years in May.
According to the director for Haiti for the NGO Heifer International, Les Cayes --troisième city country-- is "really damaged. Most of the roofs of houses, shops, gas stations are all gone. "

"Businesses near the ocean totally disappeared, washed away," said AFP Hervil Cherubin, noting that farms (plantain, rice, beans) "disappeared" and that of livestock died.

According to him, the most affected areas should be accessible only on Sunday.

The photos will be amazing
The ECMWF also has that problem. All long-range global forecast models do. Though the euro model does have a slightly better track record on some things.
Not a bad idea.
See http://mag.ncep.noaa.gov/tropical-guidance-model-storm.php
Daytona. I checked the storm surge maps and I'm clear so flooding isn't really worrying me, but the wind/debris is.
Don't even know if this house has hurricane resistant windows.

Power is the biggest worry, this fucking place has power outages as a norm already so I don't even want to think about how long power might be out if a hurricane wrecks this place.
West Palm Beach here

I sure hope everyone is going to be okay.

My prayers are with all of you in its path.

Tampa here

hoping a Cat 5 cuts across Florida and hits us
Delray beach reporting
Shove your prayers up your ass I want a hurricane
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Suck my balls you damn potato eater
He isnt fucking with you. Stay with friends, or family. shelters take away your power to protect yourself, and force you to starve like cattle. really...
go somewhere safe, but dont fucking go to those is it gets bad where you are.
I'm in Orlando, east side, closer to the beach. Am i fucked thursday-friday? Anything to worry about?
Tampa here. Shit's gonna be /comfy/
>Pro TIp:
Make sure if you live on the East Coast that you don't park beside a Callery Pear(flowers smell like jizz) or large Cersis Canadensis. The broad leaves and weak wood tend to cause the trees to break and fall over. I've seen Callery Pears lose sizeable branches in 40mph gusts.
I'm close to hialeah anon. I'm in the upper eastside
I lived through ivan about 20 miles east of where it made landfall on the coast. Super scary storm a tornado destroyed the house two houses down from the one we were bunkered in
thank u anon



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Is it hitting NY?


>mfw Livinng in a hurricane proof home and watching places around be being built with stick

Friend of the family watched the place I'm living in now being built, and they said if they could live anywhere in Florida it would be here.

My ass is ready for maximum comfy (until the power goes out and the heat/humidity sinks in)
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I can't believe I haven't heard this before
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Holy fuck I forgot the image
np anon, stay safe and don't drive over flooded roads.
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niggers pls go
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Louisiana anon here, gl floridafags :^)
Hopefully we have retards like this Florida Man removed in the storm.

15 mins to euro right
Soup (Chicken Noodle, Clam Chowder, Beef stew [which goes really well with rice]), Spam plus canned Tuna, and assorted canned fruits. Also a bag of rice and some bags of beans. It's not perfect but its better than nothing.
Those niggerrific comments
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I'm not a nig you filthy mong
as a kid i thought the destruction was the coolest thing i had ever seen. luckily my parents had insurance, so while the ordeal was extremely stressful for them we weren't ruined by it.

one thing i forgot to mention is that the roads, yards, etc. were littered with the shingles from everyone's roofs. seemed like everyone lost their shingles.
Who the fuck would be dumb enough to walk across that bridge?

Windermere here. I'm more worried about spontaneous tornadoes than looting. One thing at a time I suppose.

We'll go through it together.
spic pls go
Well shit. Had the roof replaced just this year.
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Someone mentioned Haiti?
>tfw your government spent millions on weather modification to split this hurricane into two and weaken it
>dindu's still got fucked up
Shingles will definitely be lost if it scrapes the coast.
ensemble members for the #American #GFS models loop as well
they had better not ruin my hurricane

Depends where you are. I don't remember much roof damage other than some top tiles from Wilma, and that was like a direct hit cat 2/3. Scraping the coast would be about the same intensity or less, depends on the wind field size.
>Callery Pear
TIL. I hope the hurricane takes down those abhorrent smelling trees.
t-4 minutes until euro model
I have always heard them called bradford pears.

I am so alergic to them I never smell them. Which appears to be a good thing.
Be safe Floridabro. My suggestion would be to not take any risks and make certain you are on high ground a few hours before it hits. Also move the majority of your firearms to a safer locale in case the government tries to pull the same shit they did after Katrina.
I'm not even worried about the hurricane, I'm more worried about the faggot National Guard and police breaking into my house and shooting my dog and me, fucking cocksuckers
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Kek will protect me I'm voting trump in a swing state
euro is go
Moved to the midwest a month ago. Frogs started appearing everywhere by my apartment days before I left. I just interpret Keks holy signs
Well I've heard them called bartlett pears. From what I learned when taking a dendrology course in college is that it's better just to know the scientific name for a tree e.g. pinus taeda, it's known as southern pine, loblolly pine, yellow pine etc. And btw fuck those pear trees, they fucking reek and everyone seems to think they make a good ornamental tree.
friendly reminder this is what happened last time Martial Law was called in the aftermath of a major hurricane


they went to wealthy communities at gunpoint and beat up little old ladies
where are euro results published?

Anyone who honestly believes the left's
propaganda that Florida is a "Swing State"
is a fucking idiot who deserves to die.
Florida is red bitch
What prestigious loot crews will enrich the area?

>Haitian infrastructure
Anybody in NC know what to expect?
i'm not worried about it. andrew was something special, and had just the right path and conditions to do what it did. matthew has already been banged up by haiti and cuba and looks like it will barely touch us.

Now you know how Iraqis felt
Nice man how's the gathering place coming along wanted to see that done looked like it was gonna be pretty nice
is everyone in Haiti going to die? They are over there eating fucking mud cakes, I have little hope for their ability to "weather" this
I hate them since my nose get stuffed up with snot within seconds if they are blooming and my eyes water.

but, i never smelled the "Semen" smell. And peopel do love them for some god forsaken reason.
link to Euro model?
too early to tell at the moment.
I'm new in Florida and I've seen nothing but shillary supporters where I'm at

Yeah, the worst that Matthew's gonna do is knock out power and make assholes forget how to 4-way stop, assuming it skirts the coast. Direct hit could be a lot worse, tornadoes are the biggest threat overall.
wheres the euro model
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Watched a show about the dictator doc duvalier last nite. That place is a hell hole no matter who is in charge
tropical tidbits
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don't even think that....

what if this hurricane was made to do that right before the election...

fuck. Was HAARP doing some crazy shit?

Then you must be in Key West or Miami
which is just an extension of New Jersey
That is not where real Florida men reside
Palm Bay here, don't really have a choice. Nobody to stay with unless my uncle in a fancy gated community in Suntree lets us come there. No plywood that we can find and no storm shutters. No money for a hotel in Orlando (everything's probably booked anyway). I guess I better hope that the dead oak tree in the back yard decides to fall north onto the nigger-tier white trash family next door.
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Broward standing by.
Key Largo hate it here son

Wind is gonna be from the east, then south, then west as the storm passes by.
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24 hour has been posted
yeah in miami I've seen a lot of hilary stickers and signs.

I mean east, north, west. Tree's likely not gonna fall north.
how could u hate living in key largo anon?
this thing isn't supposed to make landfall, right? I'm assuming it'll stay in the ocean near Florida.
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laughing mob.gif
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>Don't you know that Trailer Parks are magnets for Tornados and Hurricanes?
Yeah, genocides are expensive.
Next update by the NOAA is in 3 mins

I fucking knew it!
Get the fuck out of there while you still can
For the hurricane and your testosterone levels!

more or source?

i dont see anything like that on tropicaltidbits.com
If you go to the latest ECMWF model (00z) it has up the 0hour and 24hour frames of the model. Still waiting on the rest.
forecast models -> regions -> global -> ECWMF
48 is up
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Wow this 48z forecast is way far west from yesterdays.
oh shit

its gonna nail Miami

I'm predicting it will nail Miami and come out Tampa
more like Bye-ami
Just not my people culture shock coming from Oklahoma to shillaryville. Not a huge fan of the ocean I like the woods not a bunch of stuco houses and beaners. I feel like being a white guy here is borderline criminal
Nothing of value would be lost

Let's hope so. Miami is Clinton Country. The more of those spics and niggers disenfranchised or dead, the better.
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2AM NOAA track
Very slight shift to the west from the 11PM advisory
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Is this the laugh at Haiti thread?
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I'm thinking it's going to ride right across Florida and come out Gulf side

it keeps shifting West from their previous predictions
So far predicting slower and harder then before.
Coming in slow too...its hitting Miami isn't it.
nvm its the same lol
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72 hour
New York not getting hit confirmed
I'll be watching it though
RIP Florida East Coast.
It keeps shifting west so I'm guessing more it's going to wind up hitting around West Palm up to Vero Beach and go up the coast.
I fucking hope the great and mighty Meme God
smashes Miami into a million fucking pieces
For their traitorous support of that fucking cunt!
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Looks WAAAY worse for Jax than for Miami.
0Z GFS and Euro are identical with regards to Matthew's position at hr 72.
Yep. so far Space coast -> JAX is getting hit with a CAT 4
"Looking at the full rez weatherbell maps.

Western eyewall on shore over Melbourne at 60 hours and skirting the shore just south of Daytona at 66 hours."
954 Coral springs here. Looks like the eye is going over us.
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>tfw West Palm

I'm kind of excited to go through a hurricane though I loved watching storms back home. When the tornado sirens would go off every body would be outside looking for it haha
Euro has it as still a very strong storm.

Jacksonville is 30%+ Black.
I fucking hope it hits them hard.
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It still pushing west.
gif including 096

Looks more and more like its gonna make more of a C shape, make landfall somehwere south of daytona, and pretty much spare the carolinas.

If the track stays the same, we'll get weaker hurricane winds. Nothing we haven't gotten before.
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>live in Miami check maps every so often
>hurricane moves an asshair north
>trajectories go further west by miles every time

These retard meteorologists really get a kick out of ruining my day don't they
God protects the state that passed HB2
We need a team of professional raiders, we need a team of top notch scandinavians.
dude fuck living in haiti
EURO might be showing the loop of doom.
Yeah I bet 144 has it just north of the bahamas

















I hope so, my house is old and has a wood frame. Granted we have a fuckton of trees around and they kill the wind pretty hard. Still, shits got me on edge.

oh no its gonna blow all the trash around
Tampa Bay here, hoping this damn storm doesn't fuck with my flight Thursday night.
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