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What do you think of reparations, /pol/?

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>We demand reparations for past and continuing harms. The government, responsible corporations and other institutions that have profited off of the harm they have inflicted on Black people — from colonialism to slavery through food and housing redlining, mass incarceration, and surveillance — must repair the harm done. This includes:

> full and free access for all Black people (including undocumented and currently and formerly incarcerated people) to lifetime education including

>guaranteed minimum livable income for all Black people, with clearly articulated corporate regulations.

>Reparations for the wealth extracted from our communities through environmental racism, slavery, food apartheid, housing discrimination and racialized capitalism in the form of corporate and government reparations focused on healing ongoing physical and mental trauma, and ensuring our access and control of food sources, housing and land.

>mandated public school curriculums that critically examine the political, economic, and social impacts of colonialism and slavery, and funding to support, build, preserve, and restore cultural assets and sacred sites to ensure the recognition and honoring of our collective struggles and triumphs.

>Legislation at the federal and state level that requires the United States to acknowledge the lasting impacts of slavery, establish and execute a plan to address those impacts. This includes the immediate passage of H.R.40, the “Commission to Study Reparation Proposals for African-Americans Act” or subsequent versions which call for reparations remedies.


Are you going to gib reparations? Do you think President Hillary will be amenable?
So they want to be slaves on better terms.
Blacks should pay reparations for their crimes against white people.
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It's called affirmative action?
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How will white America react? I think they will apologize for their privilege.
The sun is setting on the white man's era. Now it's our turn, cumskins
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Black Lives Matter.
You must be one of the loneliest hikikomoris in Italy.
How do they define "Black" again? What if I'm 10% black? What if i identify as a black person like shaun king? What if i'm 100% black but my parents came from sudan and had no generational ties to slavery?

Do i still get free shit?
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Ever hear of Rachel Dolezal?

I guess they would use some sort of nigga scoring system.
Can't ask for reparations if we gencodie them all.
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"Them all" baing whites?
I wouldn't qualify for them since my family is West Indian. I'm physically indistinguishable from any other nog but unfortunately America doesn't owe anything.

Affirmative Action has primarily helped white women more than any other group desu. The feminists hijacked it in the late 1960's and therefore over 80% of AA hires have been white women. In addition industries where Black men would have gotten jobs (ex. Manufacturing) have been shipped overseas since the 1970's. AA isn't a perfect policy but it was supposed to be for Black men. Not white bitches, Mexicans, Arabs, Asians, Africans or even Black women. The idea was to put Black men on a closer footing with White men employment wise.

Tdlr: Don't run your mouth when you don't know something mate.
spam white feminists with pic related. would be golden to see them defend this
Just how Black is Europe anyways? I swear Africans are fucking the dogshit out "your women."
>The idea was to put Black men on a closer footing with White men employment wise.
Why would you hire a black man when black woman is twice the diversity and tenth the trouble?
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Germany, giev me reperations for my slavery. 10k euro wire transfer now, plox.
White women are just as racist as you are. The thing is women will side with what man or men is most beneficial to them. If "your women" ain't loyal you're fucking up as men.

The reason why they wanted to increase Black male employment is because that was (and still is) the primary difference between White and Black America, Economics. If Black men had a higher employment rate and made more money would the Black community be as fucked up as it is? I think we both know the answer to that. Now here's where racism comes in. If Black Americans, on the whole, had their shit together and were economically competitive with whites would you guys like that? I think we know the answer to that too! Therefore, you guys have kept Black America fucked up but well off enough that you can squeeze profits from those off us who are productive but keep the entire race to fucked up to organize and compete against you.
Blacks should pay for their crimes against evolution.
I will never pay a cent and if my money is stolen from me I will take it back with lethal force
Nah. Ideally though there would be enough budgeted to educating and elevating the lives of black people. Hear me out. With how most of you people feel about the entire black race, the only realistic solution to fixing our issues is for them to change. There's always gonna be thugs if there's no improvement. Black 'issues' are largely effected by conditioning. A long term solution needs to happen.

No extermination would not ever happen and whatever the first post is proposing is unrealistic, too.
I support, as reparations, moving them back to West Africa where they came from. Leave only the blacks who want to be here who don't hate da whitey.

I sure am , when will these noble kangz pay us for the slavery they imposed my people when the carthagenians came to iberia?

I'm certain they could one of their majestic pyramids to pay us for the work of our forefathers.

If we start thinking about reparations for slavery then Russia and muslims are going to go bankrupt. Fuck that. Fuck OP.
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The worst part of that is they're serious.
How fucking pitiful and shameless must you be to actually portray yourself like that ?

I think this is hilarious. EVERYWHERE there are black people their majority lives in squalor relative to other groups.

They are Native to the most resource rich continent on the planet and still live in grass huts. According to black power advocates and most science, that's even where man originated. That means they've had a several thousand year head start on other populations. Yet everything they touch turns to Shit.

But it's the white man's fault every time. Lol.
The time has come
To say fair's fair
To pay the rent
To pay our share

The time has come
A fact's a fact
It belongs to them
Let's give it back
I agree. For generations, Feminists have focused on black women and all we get are black male thugs and single mother welfare queens. Had we helped the black man over the black woman, maybe the black community would have been better off.
I doubt the next president will give a fuck though.
Hillary will give them just enough to continue being welfare slaves.
Donald will just give the UN the finger.

Blacks should have supported Bernie if they wanted reparations in the first place.
The Time Has Come
To Say Fair's Fair
To Pay Their Rent
To Pay Their Share

The Time Has Come
A Fact's A Fact
They Belonged to Us
Let's Send them Back
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You realize you can't send indigenous people back? That's the whole point.
>You wuz kangz? I want reparations for how you enslaved my people, Goy!
I still remember when the Vikings invaded the East Coast of the UK
My great, great, great, great,great, great, great, great, great Grandfather stubbed a toe
Where's my reparations Scandicunts
We have not done a thing anon, we just sit around all day and masturbate to anime women. we're political non-agents.

I seriously question this. You made the decision to emancipate them, now you want them to pay reparations to the slave owners? Most of the people that lost out when their slaves were freed died hundreds of years ago, so you're just rewarding their descendents who never even owned any slaves themselves.

More than that, most blacks alive today were not born slaves and their being free is depriving no-one of slave labor, so it seems unfair to make them pay.
best girl desu
My Sicilian family came to america on a boat in 1965.
The native american parts of my family passed away a long time ago, and my african american ancestors also didnt arrive in the country until the 1940s.

Id like to see someone make a case as to why i should have to contribute to reparations.
Is it because I have white skin?
Is it because i enjoy the 'fruits of black mans labors'?
You don't solve problems by throwing money at them
Reparations are a splendid idea. When we tally the deferred labor costs and redirected dividends due the black community, and then factor in the costs involved in freeing/supporting them, as well as the ongoing costs of dealing with their rampant criminality, it appears that blacks owe us about $84,093.23 each (that's each per negro, not per human recipient).

Let's get the ball rolling!
>Id like to see someone make a case as to why i should have to contribute to reparations.

I think this depends on exactly how black you are. If you're like 1/8th or something maybe you shouldn't have to pay reparations (if the decision is made to force reparations), but I still think its generally a bad idea.
All blacks who complain about reparations should be charged a substantial fee for the privilege of having been born in USA instead of in some shithole jungle in West Africa. Those who refuse to pay should be exiled to some shithole jungle in West Africa.
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>The federal government (via the National Parks Service) should erect markers on every site where a Black person was lynched, where a massacre of Black people was committed

What about this? Lynching memorials all over. This would surely improve race relations.

What if they live in Baltimore? Sending them from there to Liberia isn't much of a threat.
Gib them reparations. Then move them back to Africa and pretend that all that slave-trade incident didn't happen.
Since blacks usually aren't the smart ones, they eventually will lost all their reparations money to whites anyway, so no harm done to economy.
>Sending them from there to Liberia isn't much of a threat.
But it reduces their threat to US citizens and reduces government expenses.
(shipping them back is one-time cost - gibs me dats is forever)
>ID: B/aoOwT/
gotta go to work now, sorry
The fact that blacks in the US wants reperations and "justice" for slavery and colonialism is a really bad sign. Just think what it will look like, when they are they majority.
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I think they'd achieve more by lighting all that money on fire.
Did you take into account attorney fees and cost of due process?
We've paid reparations a few thousand times over with welfare, social services, and the literally tens of billions of dollars spent on foreign aid to Africa every year.

No. FUCK. I always forget something. Those lawyers and associated functionaries/support staff do have to be paid, after all.
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It's just like /pol/ to save an image they see on this board without doing a single background check. Keep perpetuating false information because it's in line with your insane political stance, that's really smart.

Most of it's true, though. By all means, keep perpetuating false information because it's in line with your insane racial stances, that's really smart.
It was not part of their blood,
It came to them very late,
With long arrears to make good,
When the Saxon began to hate.

They were not easily moved,
They were icy -- willing to wait
Till every count should be proved,
Ere the Saxon began to hate.

Their voices were even and low.
Their eyes were level and straight.
There was neither sign nor show
When the Saxon began to hate.

It was not preached to the crowd.
It was not taught by the state.
No man spoke it aloud
When the Saxon began to hate.

It was not suddently bred.
It will not swiftly abate.
Through the chilled years ahead,
When Time shall count from the date
That the Saxon began to hate
It's like maybe 2-3% black in western Europe, and that's a really generous guess. The muzzies are way more prominent in the European image desu

Reparations have already been paid, and the money squandered.

Blacks are now screaming "give us more money because we wasted all the other money you gave us."
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>reparations added to federal tax
>rich people continue to not pay federal taxes
>poor people continue to not pay federal tax
>law-abiding, irs-fearing middle class who had nothing to do with slavery stuck footing the bill
>middle class becomes yet one step closer to being eliminated
Again, how do reparations make sense?

Pay back the welfare and we'll get you reparations.

>we want equality
>so give us loads of free shit that whitey don't get

Basically I can't walk into any major city without seeing a nigger every 9.6 seconds on average while moving around the city center during a random workday. I've timed this in numerous cities over the course of years and this number varies very little.
Illogical. First off we shouldn't have to give out condolences for something that turned out good, ie: getting them out of Africa. Second off if we're gonna play the gimme money because I've been harmed by someone in the past game- every country in the world would have to do transactions to make up for every injustice since the beggining of time. Completely moronic.
the west should just start gassing all the blacks and immigrants. this would solve everything.

We let them live in a civilized society
We let them have jobs
We let them sent their children to school
We let them date outside their own race
We let them have government assistance

Is that not reparation enough?

Woah, woah, WOAH! Calm the fuck down son! You can't do that, that wouldn't be humanitarian. Think of all the gas you're putting into the atmosphere. ISIS has it right, decapitation is much more eco-friendly.
We already have welfare, is that communism not enough?
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Relax Jamal

" More Africans Enter U.S. Than in Days of Slavery"
" more have migrated here from Africa since 1990 than in nearly the entire preceding two centuries."
" The steady decline in the percentage of African-Americans with ancestors who suffered directly through the middle passage and Jim Crow is also shaping the debate over affirmative action, diversity programs and other initiatives intended to redress the legacy of slavery."

Our "reparations" have already been paid. Tyrone and his nigger friends don't know when to stop
Ireland don't need no famine reperations white boi. We are strong independent queens who dont need no gibsmedats.
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genocide > reparations

they need us we don't need them
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