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Hillary killed peace deal

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Thread replies: 117
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Looks like Hillary killed a peace deal with Gadaffi. She fucked him over even worse than previously thought.

she celebrated and laughed at the fact he was sodomised by knives during an interview
"Like, okay I knooow I said bush going into Iraq to stop saddam was bad foreign policy, and I still believe that, but like, clinton did the right thing Gaddafi was bad lol fuck drumpf"
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I fucking hate her so much.

I have heard that argument almost verbatim. Kept saying that it was necessary for "democracy".
This is the enemy we have to deal with, just party lines, hillary can literally be caught on tape running over a group of black toddlers screaming die niggers and they'd find a way to make trump worse.
I feel like this should be huge. We know about the lies surrounding the media at that time that pushed support for the no-fly zone. We also know about Saudi support, the gold he held trying to get off western control, and now we have this.
All according to plan, you kids need to catch up. Literally years behind aren't cha?
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Doing the will of the kike

We are now the bad guys, anon
That realization when you figure out it was all part of some sick, twisted, sinister plan
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Literally NO ONE CARES.

The big orange babydick is dead and there is nothing you can do to bring him back to life.

Nothing you can do to make him win.

Nothing you can ever do to stop the hideous, incredible, awesome inevitability of HILLARY R. CLINTON.

Better warm up your tongue, far right pantshitters. Her clit will be smothering your face for the next eight years, and you are powerless to stop it.

how is hillary qualified to lead this country? what has she done?
Why do I feel like I read this like months ago though.
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Got my seal of approval
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This is what awaits you
Why the fuck is this the only thread about this?
Kind of a big deal, isn't it?
ya bros cus Gaddafi was SUCH a great guy? right?
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Kept Europe from being invaded so yeah. Fuck what he did to the shitskins.
This will be the end of Hillary's campaign.
I'm not sure actually. If it was the only information available on how Libya was handled I guess I could see it getting slid but this is like a huge piece of the puzzle. The results of this failure have fucked over Europe.
I don't think you understand the middle east or the history of Libya. Look two countries over, Mauritania. Up to 17% of country are still slaves. Think US did this for democracy? It was a secular state. May want to read up on the Arab Spring good goy.
good article
He was a stable leader that kept worse elements from gaining a foothold.
Hillary is a psychopath who ruined a nation on a powertrip.
You think she won't fuck things up worse as president? You must be insane.
If they can come up with some proof this will be huge, but right now it's nothing but he said she said.
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>Hillary killed a peace deal with Gadaffi
That's not all she killed.

Ctrl + f "evidence"
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Infowars, Lol...

The problem with stupid mother fuckers is that stupid mother fuckers stay stupid because they don't know how to source info, perpetuating the stupidity.

It's like a giant gay gangbang of stupid, where the gangbangee is actually a tranny, but none of the participants realize this.


You are stupid beyond belief. Stay down the South Pacific please, with all the deplorables, criminals and unwanteds.
It goes from no confirmation to full on propaganda.



Also keep in mind who took over. Islamist groups funded by US and Brits. Sunnis...
>He was a stable leader that kept worse elements from gaining a foothold.
>Hillary is a psychopath who ruined a nation on a powertrip.

Oh geez... you seem to truly have a strong grasp on reality. Breitbart, much?

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Talking about the source without looking at the information is laughable. People know NYT and CNN and the like are run by the Skypes/government yet people like you trust them. Not everything from Infowars is good but if you know the history and the surrounding facts it makes complete sense. See >>91375160 and >>91375751 and there's much more.
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Guys! Look at this, I've never seen a CTR shill before, this is magnificent.

Never in CNN/MSNBC or any other lefty media confirmed. Nodoby will know beside us.
Maybe you should pull your head out of Hillary's ass.
It's sad how brainwashed you Hillshills are.
Go back to kikebook with your fellow brainwashed plebs. Hillary is a Sunni puppet at the very least. Obviously bush and others were too but her fuckups had further reaching consequences.
And I thought ctr being real was a meme
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Dearest Cock-nobbler,

Yeah, NO... it's not the same thing at all. Infowars is a grade above all else when it comes to verifiable bullshit designed and created to fool the 'tards.

Right wingers believe a right-wing driven conspiracy that 100s of institutions, left, right and center, are all "in on it for liberals". They believe this *only because* of the CTs driven by political party-owned fake news sites like Breittard, Fox, et al.

Left wingers call out the SAME FUCKING BULLSHIT CONSPIRACY SOURCES (Breitard, Fox, etc) that cause the right wingers to believe that the media is liberal... and we say, correctly, IT IS NOT A FUCKING SOURCE… because it is OWNED by a political party, the exact party that has an interest in telling lies about liberals.

Or, no really.. the 5-6 "news" sources started by Republican Media strategists are all "telling the truth".


***Don't ever post a link to Infowars again.***

And learn how to vet information, and where to get information, you gullible dullard...

But being sodomized with knives is her biggest fetish. Huma took good care to create the biggest, leakiest, bloodiest goatiest ever known to inhumanity
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Why is this even news?
If anyone bothered to read the emails released by wikileaks between her and Sarkozy they would know that France and USA quite literally got gadaffi fucked up the ass with a jagged steal pipe despite his attempts to capitulate.
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You wrote so much text that no one will read. You dont know even know basic shit like sunni v shia. Get out.
Will it get worse? Was this even the Wednesday release?


Yeah, I'm totally paid to b here...

I'm not just some middle-aged man who is not stupid enough to believe Trump and his endless lies... a dude who hates Trump supporters in the same way he hates neo-nazis and confederate supporters.

It's just a schtick I have, and Trump is going to win in a Landslide. A landslide, I tell ya!

Just even more proof. Already known to those that followed the trails but i thought was still interesting.
Its all the tards visiting here after the media exposure. They have literally zero comprehension about world politics past what John Oliver tells them.
Gaddaffi was probably up to all sorts of nasty shit with prisoners and female sex slaves, and Hillary saw killing him as justified.

Pretty sure it wouldn't be worth ruining an entire country and region over, however-- but Hillary would.
>You dont know even know basic shit like sunni v shia.

Claims Hillary is supporting Sunnis.

Posts decapitated heads of Mexicans...
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If you arent paid you really are pathetic then.
If you think the USA gives a shit about killing violent dictators just because they are violent dictators you are brain dead.
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Oh you picked up on that at least.
Pay-for-play is in effect dumbass.
What happened to that, what was it? $5 billion that the state department "misplaced" under Hillary?
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>But let me just tell you, Syria, he’s saying that I was in favor of Syria. He said I was in favor of Libya? I never discussed that subject. I was in favor of Libya? We would be so much better off if Gadhafi were in charge right now.

>I can’t believe what our country is doing. Gadhafi, in Libya, is killing thousands of people. Nobody knows how bad it is and we’re sitting around. We have soliders all over the Middle East and we’re not bringing them in to stop this horrible carnage. And that’s what it is, a carnage. … Now we should go in. We should stop this guy which would be very easy and very quick. We could do it surgically, stop him from doing it and save these lives. This is absolute nuts. We don’t want to get involved and you’re going to end up with something like you’ve never seen before. Now, ultimately the people will appreciate it and they’re going to end up taking over the country eventually. But the people will appreciate it and they should pay us back. But we have to go in to save these lives. These people are being slaughtered like animals. … We should do it on a humanitarian basis. Immediately go into Libya, knock this guy out very quickly, very surgically, very effectively and save the lives.

What did he mean by this?
Those dirty fucking savages.
I would put them down quicker than I would a rabid dog.
how would believing in a successful businessman over a lying thieving cunt make one stupid?
He bought the propaganda that all of us were fed. Hes not perfect. Hillary had the intel though.

Do you doubters also think the white helmets are great people too?
>>I can’t believe what our country is doing. Gadhafi, in Libya, is killing thousands of people. Nobody knows how bad it is and we’re sitting around. We have soliders all over the Middle East and we’re not bringing them in to stop this horrible carnage. And that’s what it is, a carnage. … Now we should go in. We should stop this guy which would be very easy and very quick. We could do it surgically, stop him from doing it and save these lives. This is absolute nuts. We don’t want to get involved and you’re going to end up with something like you’ve never seen before. Now, ultimately the people will appreciate it and they’re going to end up taking over the country eventually. But the people will appreciate it and they should pay us back. But we have to go in to save these lives. These people are being slaughtered like animals. … We should do it on a humanitarian basis. Immediately go into Libya, knock this guy out very quickly, very surgically, very effectively and save the lives.

Except that he didn't have access to all of the Top Secret documents related to it, or the reasons as to why Clinton wanted him out. He was just a pleb being force fed the same propaganda as the rest of us. So he was wrong? So was everyone else not in the know.
>But let me just tell you, Syria, he’s saying that I was in favor of Syria. He said I was in favor of Libya? I never discussed that subject.
>because Shillary never lies or "forgets" things.
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Wtf i hate everyone now

What exactly do you have against that fine gentlemen enriching himself with the essence of other tribe culture?

Not mentioning the elimination of yet another methane producer?

Are you racist or hater of Gaia, or maybe both?
Correct my record some more daddy
This is quite possibly the most shit-tier damage control I've ever seen.
>Everyone else is doing it
Are you a child?
She kills everything she touches pretty much.
So he lied about supporting the Libyan intervention: Hillary lied about the reasons for going in. I think her's is the bigger offense tbqph.

>He lied about believing propaganda.
>She helped push the propaganda and was actually responsible for the fall of Libya

Hmm i wonder which one's worse
I hope one day ill have the honor of someone using this argument seriously.

You're thinking of Cheney under Bush 2...


NOBODY is supporting Hillary... No one. Trump is going to win in a landslide because I heard from Breittard that Hillary killed Vince Foster with her bare hands, and Bill has 12 illegitimate babies. It was on Inforwars/PatriotNews/RightWingNews... so it must be true.

It's the liberal media's fault Trump keeps saying these inept, disqualifying, horrifically unAmerican things!


Yeah, but no. Try to be accurate. Try not to be a gullible dipshit repeating lies of political operatives. If you can...
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Hillary is litterally fighting to save not only her life but countless others in the Clinton machine. The entirty of the governemnt media apuratus is a stake. She has 0 support beyond fake polls (media), hardcore leftists (5% of population) and ultra rich persons and corporations. Just like Bush in 2000 she will have to steal the election. Trump should have taken the original architect of that, Karl Rove, and placed him in his campaign. Still can. Hacking election boxes is obsurdly easy. Meet an election official and you'll know why.
No, Hillary lost it. It was actually $6 billion.
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Snopes said it wasn't true. They just had no accounting or receipts of the $6b but that of course means they didnt technically lose it right goys?

re: "Poor people have been voting Democrat for 50 years.. and they're still poor."

Yeah, but during that time, Republicans got elected and things got worse for them... worse job market, worse crime, worse quality of life.

Let's just set aside the fact that poor whites have been voting Republican since the 60s.

>She has 0 support beyond fake polls (media), hardcore leftists (5% of population) and ultra rich persons and corporations.

What flavor Kool-aid is that?
>Republican vs Democrats on issues like this
>Doesnt mention globalists
>Deflects with Koolaid
>OK Alex..... Take your meds n go to bed
>paranoid fagatron
Orwellian much...

>scared paranoid fagatrons are the dumbest sheep
Orwel is proud of you breitdrudge Jones...

It's the Grobalist Jews that are behind all this!!

And Hillary hates Israel!

And back from 95
It's one breitdrudge Jones fagatron posting in this thread on different proxies...
Jesus the ctr fags are really out in full force. So easy to spot with your dumbass names that literally no one uses.
Threads like these remind me that outside of /sg/ people on 4chan can't into geopolitics.
Oh wow
CIA standard practice
They should make a commercial with her laughing over scenes of murder

Would be very effective



I may actually do that later. Good idea.
Lol go back to tumblr faggot
Republicans don't promise to make everyone rich, they promise everyone who wants to work hard a chance for a better life. democrats promise handouts for slobs, leeches, and degenerates.
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Well duh. We've known this for a while.
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I just saw that Syria image before and after in another thread just now as Libya in 2007
I was looking for that earlier. Todays story is kind of icing on the cake.
You see >>91375160
Taking a peek now, but after that email, Gaddafi starts to sound reasonable in how he described the consequences of his destabilization.

Basically, no evidence of airstrikes on his own people, from their own mouths, which was the main reason for the no fly zone that crippled and destabilized the nation.

Where's the gold though?
Just had a fantastic idea.

So, Gaddafi was taken out and his nation destabilized for monetary gain via Clintons emails, along with putting an end to his gold backed pan african currency (which would help african economies.)

Clinton hates blacks so much, and wants them to fail, while stealing all their resources.

Start the meme engines.

Hillary killed a peace deal with a murderous Dictator! Oh noez how will she ever recover!
Don't be naive.

Q: Do you see any evidence that he actually has fired on his own people from the air? There were reports of it, but do you have independent confirmation? If so, to what extent?
SEC. GATES: We’ve seen the press reports, but we have no confirmation of that.
ADM. MULLEN: That’s correct. We’ve seen no confirmation whatsoever.

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>murderous dictator
Another stupid American who eats this shit up https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sGm492qVEzA
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Where have you been?
I thought everyone already knew this
It could be worked into the we wuz kangs stuff, but actually be serious about it. Spread it to talcomx and others.
Guys screaming allahu akbar as they were killing him. News pushes the propaganda. What a buch of fucking retards. Islamist takeover is right in their faces and they didnt even realize it.

Can we migrate this libya idea to the cfg threads? Do we still have cfg threads?
The great lie is that the Islamists are our attack dogs against national sovereignty in ME-NA. The people using them feel so insulated that they don't mind the sea of immigration and terrorist attacks in our countries, if it makes capital and people flow freely across national borders.
>horrifically unAmerican things!

Do you mean things like "you should pay taxes that aren't owed?"
Pretty sure they are still around. Havent moved a thread before though
I posted the idea in the current one.

No traction yet. I'm only an amateur memer.
Cool. Yeah im a somewhat long term lurker but new to posting.
Feel free to copy my other posts or link that thread here or whatever
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that's what I'm talking about, anon

good fucking job
Thanks, but credit goes to


That anon posted the original transcript.
Fucking witch created an immense economic loss to my country, we had huge investments in Libyan infrastructure, we had deals to stop migrants from crossing the sea, good relationships.
Ghaddafi's death and the war in Libya resulted in a financial crisis here because of all that and it caused our center-right Prime Minister Berlusconi who was against europe to lose influence and we had globalist european banker influenced leaders forced on us against the constitution.

All thanks to #Her.
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