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Have you ever had a culture shock when you went to other

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Have you ever had a culture shock when you went to other peoples houses?
>That nigger image
what did he mean by this?
That's her Chamberlain she adopted from Africa.

Why did she take a picture of them?
vegan = be gettin'
Nigger looks like 25 years old still asking his ma "hey ma we're hungry"

We're on 4chan, we've never gone to someone else's house.
>visiting dad
>visit a friend of his
>their entire family eating spaghetti with their hands
>be like wtf
>they pass me a plate of sketti
>do as romans do, eat sketti with hands
>they stop and stare at me like im a weirdo
>the mom gives me a fork
Oh but I do, almost every weekend. There are only 1% minorities in my city though
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>visit italian relatives
>eat dinner with them
>everybody's yelling at each other while munching their weird italian tomato meat things
>I'm scared
When I was a kid, one of my best friends invited to his house, much to my surprise, they didn't eat any salt or sugar, shit was so weird.
about probably 7 ears ago i went to my friends house and he had pictures of obama i was like lolwut
Diabetes / Kidney Failure parents? Or were they perfectly healthy?
Wait what?
Did that really happened?
I went to an Indian friend's house in high school and used the bathroom. There was toilet paper with shit on it in the trash can next to the toilet.
Yeah but it was like 10 years ago.
Some people do this in the US because they are afraid the toilet will get clogged. One place I lived in the landlord told us that we have to use light tp and nothing that is too thick.
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fucking cuckstralian hid a blacked cuck post in there

sneaky cunt
l had a vietnamese friend in middle school, his mom said she was going to get us some snacks; l expected chips or something but she came back with huge plate of shit l'd never seen
Lived with a German family for a month, the most disturbing for me was their eating habits: ham, cheese, bread and cheese and ham and bread, and cheese, all day long.
That sounds amazing
Kind of similar thing happened to me. Went to an Indian friend's house and asked to use the bathroom, they mom said second door on the left. So I opened the door and it just led me to the driveway.
Naw, I'm poor and almost all of my friends are poor. Even the niggers I'm friends with really aren't much different.

Shit, even my muslim buddies family isn't that different than other families. The Trailer park unites.
You're not the first person I've heard tell this story. I was also friends in high school with some guy who hung out with some Indian kid. He said to get laughs the Indian kid went into his bathroom and reached under the sink and dragged out the shitty towel his grandmother used to wipe her ass with.
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>One place I lived in the landlord told us that we have to use light tp and nothing that is too thick.

Yeah, my old place was like this because it was on a septic system. instead of city plumbing. Couldn't flush any toilet paper that was too thick, no wet wipes, and couldn't use bleach to clean toilet because it fucks up the bacteria in the system.
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i had an indian friend once in elementary school. I had to use the bathroom and my mom said the door was straight down the hall and through the dining room. It led straight into the alley way

Illegal beaners do this all the time as well
Yeah sounds good but it was shitty Aldi (cheapest supermarket in Europe) plastic cheese, white bread and shitty ham.

For a Frenchman it's kind of a disgusting.
they have aldi in yuourope?

i thought it was only a southern u.s. chain for niggers.
im not even gonna lie. this is me

sometimes all ill eat in a day is a ham sandwich at lunch and a ham sandwich at night. my grandma was a hitler youth so maybe this is biological
Aldi is in the midwest too. They're not bad desu.
Don't Italian men live with their parents until their 30?
You guys are lucky I've never met an Indian in America who didn't smell like a mix of feces and curry powder. The Indian kid in our school also had a habit of shitting his pants. Looking back I think it's because he didn't know how toilets worked.
hes irish lol
>Step father is Irish Italian.
>Everyone busts everyone balls.
>In my family them would be fighting words.
>they have aldi in yuourope?
Please be joking.
>Dating Italian girl
>Her grandma finds out and comes to visit
>She spends two hours slapping my face and calling me a lovely boy
>Everything has butter and oil in it
I Keked
my father worked with some chinese people and it was just...
i couldn't even believe how bad they smelled
they didn't take a single shower for days
is it a thing in China?
Spaghetti + poor people is always fucking disgusting.

Roaches all over the wall, a fat dad wearing no shirt to the table, and a stained plate with watery spaghetti all over. Had more fun exploring the abandoned mobile homes near the house than staying inside.

Not everyone looks up the history of the stores they go to though anon.
Shit is this true, what happened after dinner does it only happen during munching and why
In 3rd world shitholes, you only have toilets if you're rich, but the plumbing is usually so bad that toilet paper easily clogs it. If you have modern plumbing, you're a big enough baller to require armed guards and shit.
I was once in a McDonalds to taste some american "food" and was shocked that it all tasted like plastic and cardboard.
>near anyone else's house
Hey, at least those were house broken.

yup, they take a shower like once a week if you are lucky. fucking filthy
Don't shoot
"mah we're hungry"

Starve to death if you're a bearded man and need your mah to do anything for you, filhty human being.
>Dating Turkish girl couple years back
>Refugee crisis hadn't really started yet
>Go to stay with her at her dads house in Istanbul for a while
>As soon as I arrive at her neighbourhood, big group of beggars by the side of the road
>Got told they were Syrians
>Only ever saw the refugees on tv at this point
>Suddenly struck me how close I was to the whole problem

Not so bad now, but at the time the idea of seeing the refugees/migrants was quite shocking. Some were total shits though trying to scam you out of money.
Aldi started in Europe. The ones we have over in Bongland are aimed at families on a budget. Imagine the smallest Walmart in existence. Cheap shitty food and mass produced Chinese tools and utensils. Tbf though, the £45 arc welder I got from there was actually pretty good for the price.
Someone screen cap it, this is hilarious
I went to my Turkish friends house and was force fed tea and cookies.
Are you implying social relations are based on class and not on race? Don't tell the /pol/acks they are going to call you a cultural marxist
Sounds great.
>Some were total shits though trying to scam you out of money.
There are people like that everywhere though. Most beggars in my city probably aren't even poor.
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No, I go into at least 3 strangers' houses every day and I've seen it all.

>Old fat white guy with literally 16 dogs that gets upsets and sleeps with them
>Old cracked out white lady who says "I only like big dogs because I need to feel their girth
>Every nigger ever because they never have a job but and no one in the household is ever employed but they somehow live in 200 thousand dollar houses
>spics who just yell at you until you start laughing because you stop repairing their shit and just leave
>gays who will hit on you 100% of the time
>anyone who has visible drugs when they know they're having a contractor over
I'm not even getting into the nitty gritty but people as a whole are fucking scumbags. The only people that tend to remotely resemble what is projected as actually normal are employed whites that are either: pretty religious, have a great job (honestly their all just alpha in their own way here), or have a former military background (though their dependents are always fucking insane)
>Some people do this in the US because they are afraid the toilet will get clogged.
they are called beaners and they do it because they are used to third world plumbing.
Dear burgerbro, Aldi was founded in Germany

Ayess, but the-a pseudosexual relationships that we Eetaliano men share with our mamma mias makes eet somehow a-cooler and more a-normal, eh?
Really was, only bad thing was I went to his house to help explain to his family that he doesn't have his phone because a bunch of niggers robbed us.
screencapped for ameri spurdo
> That guy's reflection in the tap

Don't know why I'm laughing, just looks silly.
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That's actually the only reason I saved that picture.
Yep, by some autist recluse brothers who hoard old typewriters.
Sounds like a cool hobby.
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>gays who will hit on you 100% of the time
Accurate as fuck
>visit cousins twice removed
>they are my grandpas age
>he's red pilled and cool as fuck
>his unaware catchphrase was "Yeah, think about that." as he dropped red pills

Guy was a riot. Looks like an overweight Doonesbury in a Hawaiian shirt and he lives in dt Tacoma

kek 10/10
You better be on mobile you lazy fucking leaf.
>go to mexican friend of friend's trailer
>they don't even have plumbing
>they piss behind the trailer and shit in bags that they throw in the trash
>they wash their hands like once a day at a store a couple blocks away
>they don't bathe, they just swim in a river or lake every week or so
>the entire trailer park smells like shit
>this was in 2008 and they didn't have any kind of computer
>they had an old TV and a PS1 with a few shitty scratched game discs laying on the floor not in their cases
>they had like a dozen bongs and pipes laying around
>they admitted they were illegal immigrants

they all have to go back.
Can confirm, had to manage them after all the white people were let go. Disgusting slobs those south americans were.
topkek they were definitely fucking with you.

That's a great idea I need to steal that.
You just jewed into free labor by a leaf.

Classic burger. Leafs truly are superior.
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>visit Romanian cousin's house
>drunk grandfather on porch yelling profanities
>no working plumbing
>drunk uncle that sleeps 90% of the time
>farm worker was attacked by a bear last week
>game discs laying on the floor not in their cases
I don't go to other people's houses.

It's the smells
I guess that's why so many people support Nestle and it's subsidiaries.
I had a friend from Bosnia I went with him over to his cousin's house because he had to pick up something. They must have been doing something because there were a couple of families there and I remember they had it really hot and were all talking super loud and over each other. I couldn't understand a word.
>grow up in one of the most rural isolated places in America
>never meet a black person in my entire life
>turn 18
>move 5 hours away to the big city
>meet black people on campus
>they look like exotic animals
>befriend a few of them
>they all really like me for some reason
>they want to bring me down to "da hood" to show me what it's like
>lol okay!
>one of them brings me over to his family's home in the ghetto
>"yo anon, my hood has da highest death rate in the midwest"
>we get there
>it looks like an dystopian apocalyptic wasteland
>every google staring at me like I'm an alien
>we get out of car and walk down street
>pack of feral googles comes up to us
"yo Burns, who dis white boy?? haha nigga wutchoo doin wit dis white boy? why dis white boy here? haa maaaaan is dis nigga cool"
>start getting mild anxiety
>almost every google I meet has been shot/stabbed multiple times
>walk to the laundry mat
>google purchases mary-jane from fellow google in the laundry mat
>every single google giving me the stink eye
>after a few hours I continue to get more nervous
>say I gotta get back to campus
>go home squeezing my steering wheel with mild panic

Couldn't fucking believe it. Some of the guys were actually pretty nice, but you could tell how extremely violent and angry the place was.
Right? It's fucking insane. Why are you interrupting me during an estimate to tell me how hot I am? Did you call us out here because you were praying for some trades dick or do you want your shit fixed? Meanwhile only once have I ever smashed a female client and that was only because she was a hot young female teacher and we really just hit it off, women don't call to get blue collar dick (scratch that, some 60+ year olds do) but gays are just retarded about it.
Went a Filipinos house once. They will make food and try to continually feed you. The house is very clean and there are always like 5 old people
>>farm worker was attacked by a bear last week
Killed me
>Have you ever had a culture shock when you went to other peoples houses?
No. I did not grow up among niggers.
I dated a flip for awhile and this is pretty true, also chicken balls. Pretty good people though, generally employed, hard working, amd religious. The new generation of males are all beta male wiggers though which is sad.

I've dated 5 asian girls, all different parts of Asia. China, west China, vietnam, south korea and Philipino.

it's weird how different flips are. The women are usually pretty confident, curvier, athletic, and have higher emotional intelligence.

The other asians were all exactly the same. Bad sense of humor, very academicly minded, a little nerdy, a little awkward ect.
>come from italian family
>wasps room mates are freaked out by the way I talk
>they tell me I need to quiet down constantly
Yeah anon all this shit on /pol/ about niggers isn't make believe.

The sad thing is people usually figure it out through violent means though.
as a Greek i can relate to this.
yeah, something happens to the males of first and second gen Filipinos. Their women are surprisingly hot, pretty damn loyal and do make good friends.

Im not big on asian chicks, but i wouldn't have a problem with a flip
Yeah I went to an immigrant friends house when I was kid, the mom kept shouting at me if I ate pig.
Yeah, Koreans are like that, chinks too. Can't speak for the rest though, the flip girl was pretty awesome with her great ass and submissiveness. I know a lot of viet and sk dudes who are pretty normal dudes but 90% of the girls with that background are socially retarded.
>visit parents after being gone a couple of years
>house smells weird
>it always smelled that way, but I was just used to it
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Going into a council house.
>Piles of mouldy, wet laundry.
>Ashtrays overflowing
>threadbare carpets covered in filth
>chip pan with congealed lard on the hob
>sink and draining board covered and overflowing with filthy, mouldy plates
One time i was in a tinkers house and he was flicking ash onto the floor, i asked him why he didn't use an ashtray, he shrugged and said, 'why bother, it's not my house'. That was a subtle redpill for me when i realised that social provision is fucked. I now can walk through a council estate and tell which houses are privately owned and which are council owned on account of how much they're cared for.
You leafs really are shitheads, but I'll concede that your antics can be funny.
Have you ever had culture shock in your own country? That you were born in?
Haven't interacted with many korean women, but from my school experience Chinese women are fucked in the head. Had 3 fighting for my dick, non of which had common sense humor hobbies or anything. Literally shells of people
Can you translate this to english please?
>be me, 12
>go to light-skinned black friend's house
>she was a gril and actually grew up to be pretty hot in highschool
>family is pretty cool, not very nigger at all actually
>would go over to their house to play vidya and shit
>also would do stupid little kid stuff
>one day I'm over till like 5 o'clock
>"hey anon do you want to stay over for dinner"
>it's the first time that I've had anything but a snack over there so it was a momentous occasion
>the first time I ever eat at a black family's house, and I shit you not...
>motherfucking KFC
>god damnit
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>council house
>council estate
>draining board
r u wimbly fours m8?
I have no idea what any of those words mean.
Yeah this was like 6 years ago. It was totally mind blowing. From my experience, African Americans suck, and their situation kinda sucks. They're in a cycle of destruction. Businesses won't invest in ghettos because googles rob the businesses, but then there aren't any jobs or wealth because there aren't any businesses. It just goes around and around.

I really like North African migrants though. Every time I meet one they are pretty redpilled, intelligent, and really hard working.
You're not supposed to eat the wrapper, Europoor.
Which part don't you understand?
>Im not big on asian chicks, but i wouldn't have a problem with a flip
The flip was the best damn girl I ever had, the rest of asians are iffy.
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these parts

I moved to South Florida.

Might as well have moved to Caracas.
>Black neighbors growing up
>Befriend a kid my age
>Spend lots of time in their house
>Always smelt of hair product like pomade
>Never, ever ate pork
>Pretty clean and tidy

>Years later visit a different black household
>unboxed shit everywhere
>6 people living in one government apartment (3 bedroom, 1 bath) 4 of them children under the age of 12
>giant crt tv sitting on a wobbly tv tray
>couches that are about 20 years old with lawn furniture chairs
>see the literal oil from their hair on the walls

Both pretty religious and have various crosses and Biblical pictures on the wall
Yeah but their situation sucks because they suck. It's just genetics m8.

I've never met any north africans but there's some sudanese here who work at a packing plant and they're violent and very rapey.
>go to my white friends house
>starts shouting at his parents, slams the door, they do nothing

couldn't believe it
Yeah if you don't take your shoes off at your front door your're a fucking mongloid
>council house
Public housing
>council estate
Cooking top
>draining board
'drainboard [North American]. a sloping grooved board or surface on which washed dishes are left to drain into an adjacent sink'
I have a bunch of Nigerians and people from Bostwana in my college program.

They are not fucking around. They want to learn and understand every single piece of material in the textbooks. They are terrified of going back to North Africa so they work like 5 jobs and want to be extremely educated so they can stay here.

The nigerians were telling me that they lived in Boko Haram territory, and that liberal Americans are naive morons. They said bringing in Islamic refugees is the worst thing that could happen to America, one of them used to work at a church and it got bombed like 5 times by Islamists.
We just have two "bowls" of the sink. One dry one wet.
>go to friends house
>take off my shoes when we get there
>he looks at me like he's almost offended at what i did, kind of a confused/what the fuck are you doing look
>he just turns around and continues walking and i follow
>Watch program ages ago about people who collect odd things
>Some Italian guy on who's like 35, living with his dad and collects hoovers
>"I have done this for a long time, it's a real passion! It feels so great to hold a world record I am very proud!"
>"What do you think of your son's hobby?"
>"I think it's ridiculous! Why doesn't he move out get married and give me a grandchild? He's a joke!"

I didn't think Italians were so forward desu senpai.
What's the difference between "public housing" and "project"? Here in the USA, we use the terms interchangeably: ie, government-subsidized housing blocks.
Move back whitey reeeeee

Never seen a drain board before. Usually people just have a basket to put in the other sink to drain the dishes.

This would be some culture shock if I ever went over to England. Also I hear you have TWO faucets for hot and for cold in your bathrooms.
How did you know the taste of plastic and cardboard?
In u.k

No housing, taken to council estate wait for public housing get job back to shit posting.

U.k has 0 homeless.
> watch british reality TV
> clothes washer in the kitchen

what the hell is this
I'm black and grew up in eastern seaboard suburbs.

My ex had deep south rednecks in her roots that I visited for one Thanksgiving. A fifth of them were carnies. One particular carnie cousin tried to steal my watch by convincing me it was a fake that he could get "appraised". I passed. Most of them were decent.

Also, first time I had a thanksgiving outdoors.
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Every time as a kid that I chilled with a friend whose parents were there.

I had a contractor come over to repair a broken door frame in a former tenant's room recently. He felt the need to comment on how disgusting the room was and he felt sick when he walked in.

>room was totally bare except for a bed frame and mattress
>dog hair had accumulated in the corners of the room because the door didn't latch so the dogs were sleeping in there
>tenant was a filthy shut-in

Took me 5 minutes to sweep up the dog hair, but I didn't do it until he had finished the work, because fuck him. He didn't bother to tell me how nice the public areas of the house were.
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One thing the mexican kids at my school liked eating was Dr Pepper with peanuts in it. They'd buy a bag of salted peanuts, and pour it into a bottle of Dr Pepper. It doesn't taste but is kind of weird

I mean this in the nicest way but if they were legit "deep south rednecks" how did she walk out of there alive
You just got social experimented bro
A housing block would be called council flats over here.
A housing estate is typically like this with terraced housing.
Who are the weird fucks with those wash-dryer combos were the dryer is above the washer?
Good one Seamus.
No, but when I went over to my Jewish "friends" house as a teenager, I always remember how they put narcotics in their cookie jar. 10 years later, I'm finally clean.
I work as an exterminator and have to go into disgusting welfare-ridden shitholes to kill (most often) bed bugs.

The way some people live is unbelievable. And the icing on the shit cake is that the service is paid for by stealing from me.
>Housing estate
Meant to write Council estate..
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I worked at a doorshop that used illegal labor. In the bathroom someone wrote on the wall in front of the toilet

>Flush your shitty toilet paper

I was puzzled that the author didn't consider that they probably can't read English.
>date a Jew
>go to a going away party for her cousin and his wife, they were moving to a farm in Israel
>whole Jewish family there
>everyone talking about their therapist, one had their therapy session bumped because Jeff Goldblum had "an emergency"
>everyone's laughing talking about an Uncle whos a doctor in New Jersey who's running a medicare scam
>everyone is complaining for 5 hours
It was the weirdest party I've ever been to.
Not this shit again.
I didn't get any racist vibes at all. I think it's likely because in a lot of places in the South the racial communities overlap more.

I'd expect a place like like Vermont or New Hampshire to actually be more bigoted.

Or shit, maybe I just didn't pick up on it because it was such a surreal experience.
so is this not normal?
My buddies worked for a matress company they dealt with many cultures. The worst are the indians and pakis they say. Way too many adults per house

Best is Eastern Europeans and Filipinos they said
I have been in a murican gym 3-4 times and in the shower room there are some dudes that will try and suck your dick
>tfw had amazing flip gf for a while
>i ended relationship because my life wasnt going anywhere and didnt wanna drag her down
2 years later, i day made tge right choice seeing how im still shit
Agreed. People who leave discs around like that will never amount to anything.
Something similar happened to me at a Filipino friend's house when I was younger. Also, it's apparently appropriate to shit with door wide open with company over. His Dad was full on FOB, his mom wasn't though and started yelling at him in Tagalog.
I think the two taps thing is true of all council housing but in private housing it's a mixed bag. I've just got the one tap in all my sinks.
>everyone is complaining for 5 hours
I'm familiar with this experience
but I'm not sure if it's because Jews or New Jersey or both.
>about their therapist

Fucking this. I started dating a rich bratty Filipino girl. Her, and her entire social circle all went to therapy for "depression". Where I'm from, there aren't any therapists. If you have "depression", then you're just a big whiny faggot who needs to be made fun of until you get over it.

Shit was hilarious and really weird.
usually Filipinos
But being with someone makes you try harder if you care about them. you fucked up imo
What's wrong with ham?
my dad has that in his townhouse
That's absolutely mental. I don't think I could survive this level of culture shock.
Funny how many stories about Filipinos are on this board. I fucking love Filipino women. So hot and sexy
All my white friends had cottages and summer homes. It fucking amazed me and still does. My family worked so hard to get a shitty bungalow and they have a entirely separate house in the country that they use 2 weeks a year. They weren't even upper class.
You're hot and sexy.

No, it is you that should move back.

I did say something a little off color the other day at work. A coworker showed me a picture of an empty rowboat that her husband had found adrift south of the Keys while out fishing, and I replied something along the lines of "Good, that's 4 less". Stupid thing to say really, but at least she is Puerto Rican, and wasn't too terribly offended.
You can't just post something like that without source
I mean you can but still
source plz?
where do their families come from? Very few whites i know have cottages and shit. Most of them/us save our money
I think it's both. I live in LA and most of this Jew family were born here with the older members being from New Jersey and they all complained a lot. I did live in Vegas for 5 years and knew a lot of people from New York and New Jersey (jews, italians, irish, etc) and they complained more than any group of people I've ever met. They were also the funniest.
>be kid
>go to turkish friends
>apartment is pretty filthy and has a strange stench over it
>family is loud as fuck but apparently that's considered polite

Kinda freaked me out.
South Florida is a trip, we have $1000000+ dollar homes in a neighborhood right next to ghettos and townhouses.
why do you take dishes out of the dishwasher to dry them?
This is actually really interesting. You should post more stories and give us a deeper analysis of who is crazy and who isn't.

I have long suspected that the only normal functioning households are White Christians. Not even White Secular households, but only White Christian households
South florida is cuban, go back to rebecca and betty in missouri reeeeeeeeeeee
cause the ones who immigrate to our countries are good people, unlike the rest of the filth from brown countries.

Shit, something like 90% of them work in sweden, while only 15% of somalians work. They are the only ones who really earn their keep
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I swear this thread is making me crack up over and over again

We have an aldi here in grand rapids

but yes it is for the poor, not just niggers though mostly poor whites
Acknowledge my compliment reeeeeeeee.
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Oh, wait, wait, going over to other kids' houses made playing doctor really difficult, right guys?
These god damn white people immigrate here, go back to north florida.
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What the fuck did they mean by this
Alot of people don't have dishwashers.

Relative who is a cop told me their black "culture shock" was that in the thousands of homes he's been to on calls in Milwaukee, he's noticed that black homes have zero books in any of them (with the exception of a bible that goes unread). He said that he'd fall over dead if he actually went to a call at a black home and saw one single novel on a shelf or table anywhere.
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reminds me of the chicken dinner scene in Eraserhead
How did you know that was me?
Why do Americans take banter so personally? I realise that you have no sense of humour, but wanting to fight over banter is childish.
Dade County is Cuban, Palm Beach is the 6th borough. Or Tropical Israel, weird how every Jewish holiday was a "teacher work day" in school.
I find it hard to believe that a nigger actually asked his mother for fucking anything. Let alone let some white girl in there which is even more ridiculous. What I don't get is how these people force there relationships. I know for a fact that blacks are raised extremely different than white people are and to have a white female somehow relate to a black male? How?

I saw a old ass white women who was pretty meek and enjoying herself (talking whatever) with this nigger who was obviously dicking her. He didn't give a flying fuck or reciprocate in anyway.
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>draining board
that's 'drying rack' in 'Murican
I have Filipino friends and their parents never offered me food, but I've never over around dinner time though. However, their houses always smell like rice and they have 50 pound bags of white rice under the sink all the time. House is very clean and I can never understand their accents, but apparently they're speaking English.
Banter in Australia is on another level than the rest of the world, you need to understand this.

I had some Australians at my university. Banter is 80% of all communication with these people. I seriously admire it

Yep, driving down Sunrise Blvd in Ft. Lauderdale from I95 to the beach is lulzy.

You're in the hood for about half of it, and then suddenly you come right up on a Bentley Dealership, 1 block from the fucking ghetto.

When we finally normalize relations with Cuba, I'm hoping that the Feds will revoke all of the "refugee" stuff with Cuban migrants and deport them.

Do you ever worry about that?
Shut the fuck up faggot. Say that to my face not online sea what happens.

>Portuguese gf in college
>after we graduate, go to visit her family in Portugal
>dad is very hard working, mom is too but complains about it non-stop
>whenever dad is not around, gf and mom shittalk about dad, even while he's just out of the room
>realize they probably shit talk me behind my back
>look at the mom who constantly shit talks this poor guy who works his ass off to provide for her
>look at gf and realize that's my future

Dunno if that is a Portuguese thing or just a woman thing.
>12yo me
>had a sudanese friend
>invites me to watch tv n play vidya after school
>my mom knows his mom so its cool
>as we approach his house, it smells like mad african incense
>the house is a mess even though there isn't much furniture
thank god im white
Paulie, what the fuck.
>drying rack
But thats your mums tits
lets be honest italian food is master race and im not even italian
My black friend always asks who that man is that lives with my mother
Ha, cubans average 50k income, south florida becomes desolate and depopulated rip production tax dollars.
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Western Europeans don't know how to eat. That's a fact
Big Indian houses in developments in New Jersey with barely any furniture. I've been in my fair share of those
Good one senpai
nigger please, it's Korean. Korea a shit but their food is awesome. Thai food outside of Thailand is a close second
Cuban american tax dollars pays for all this shit, south florida would be the swamps of the north without cuban americans.
Jesus, that's rough. I can relate because of my own Dad.
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>slept over at my friends house whose family were hardline italian catholics
>the kids all seemed shit scared of their dad
>they served up left over cold tomato spaghetti for dinner
>I asked if I could heat mine in the microwave because I can't eat cold spaghetti
>his dad was fucking shell shocked, they all looked at me as if I just took a shit in their kitchen
Sounds like top tier troll to me.
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This is a drying rack.
All through central jersey. The places I'm thinking of specifically were in West Windsor and Montgomery.
Can confirm. But damn, German ham, bread, and cheese is the best I've ever had tbqh.
Stick to black women, Tyrone

Housing prices will finally drop. My $430k house here wouldn't cost more than $250k back home.

The the port will still be there, even if the "refugees" are not.
We have it here in the North as well

That's a bitches-that-watch-too-much-television thing.
>be 9 years old
>indian family moves in down the street
>get invited to house
>instantly smells like perma curry
>go to living room
>literally nothing in the entire room but one couch and maybe a table, no tv, no shelves
>dining room is empty except for maybe one piece of furniture
>basement has a pool table though, but pretty much nothing else
god damn that was the most barren house ever
cmon bro
>cuban american tax dollars

Were very gracious for the 50 dollars, Fidel
>Go to friend's house
>he doesn't store ketchup in the fridge but in a cupboard
He's probably muslim
There's a Chris Rock joke that says if you want to protect your valuables in the hood, hide them in books. I usually hide my wallet in a book when I'm coming from work in case I get mugged
Congratulations you have a larger north florida.
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>Banter in Australia is on another level than the rest of the world, you need to understand this.

We had an American student when I was studying here and he was using pic related.

He was lying on his side on it and I jokingly said "Any room for 1 more?" and he went apeshit.
The half flip, half white ones are the best. Sometimes the full on Filipino women can look a little gookish, but the mixed ones usually seem to have the best of both worlds
only when i was trying not to step on the swarm of cockroaches
They were all either wealthy cleanfreaks or their houses were riddled with filth. Very little in between.
>I find it hard to believe that a nigger actually asked his mother for fucking anything.

They are extremely childish.

>Let alone let some white girl in there which is even more ridiculous.

She's pissing off daddy
neither do restaurants
I remember that as well going through Turkey last year. Seemed worst in Istanbul despite how far west it is; didn't see anything in comparison through Konya/Kayseri/Ankara
>Go over to friends house for the first time in middle school
>Family serves milk with everything
>We have Tacos
>Everyone only drinks milk
>"Hey you boys want a snack?"
>Gives us celery and milk
>Wake up
>Cereal and a seperate glass of milk
>Open his fridge
>Entire bottom row is filled with milk jubs
>Recycling bin outside is filled with milk jugs and a few empty cans
Fucking what
>fuck yeah cunt, get the jelly

Would you accept me?
Live forever like dat man.
South florida was nothing before cuban americans we built its culture economy and healthcare, leave us alone and go north cletus.
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A flag with a fucking pokeball, nice.
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Hey Lyle, com'mere
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>Be suburbs white kid growing up
>Make friends with a red neck named Slade in school
>He invites me over to ride his dirt bike
>After school we walk over to his house
>He takes his shirt off about halfway their
>It was kinda hot so I didn't think too much of it
>I go in and see trash everywhere but didn't want to offend them so I didn't say anything
>He said he needs to do some things first
>He calls his mom who I suspect was in the kitchen
>She comes out COMPLETELY NAKED and he introduces me to her
>That was the first time I had ever seen a naked woman besides my mother by accident

But it didn't stop there

>After being wierded out and riding his bike we go inside again and his sister is wearing nothing but shoes laying on the couch eating cheetos and watching shitty tv
>We pretty much just talked in his room about games until it got late and I started walking home

I didn't know what to think of it at the time but I guess they were just REALLY laid back white trash. We were still friends in school and he invited me over a few more times but I always told him I was busy.

>Pic related
This was how I remembered it.
He's speaking English you DUMB FUCK
Dated a spic once. One time when I was over at her house she decided to make cookies for us. So we went to the kitchen and she grabbed all of the ingredients and whatnot and started putting them in a bowl. Then she took out this dinky little thing with whisks on it and plugged it into the wall.
The exchange went sort of like this.
"what the hell is that?"
"It's to mix the dough silly"
"Where the hell is your Kitchen-Aid?"
She looked at me like I was retarded and explained that they weren't rich enough to own a Kitchen-Aid.
>Visit girlfriends family during the winter
>I'm very polite and well spoken, so their christian values shouldn't be too harmed by my presence
>The father is a 6ft 7 fucking giant and the mother was almost angelic in appearance, standing a mere 5ft 8 with soft blond hair
>Girlfriend tells me not to ever go into the woods with them if they ask me
>Very 1800s looking house, it finally dawned on me,after my girlfriends previous comment, that the entire house was powered by solar panels on the roof
>Very startling, nothing here connected to the outside world besides the two phones between me and my girlfriend
>Three days after arriving I find myself waking to an empty house
>Hear the squealing of a frightened animal from the nearby woods
>Sneak off to investigate, knowing that it'd surely be the family doing some sort of batshit insane ritual amongst the trees
>Find all four family members huddled together under an old hibiscus tree, standing atop the remains of a decapitated pig
>Run back to the house
>Girlfriend comes back, not shaken at all, to tell me we can leave that day
>Never ask her about it
This was 3 years ago in SA. Despite trying, I still have never uncovered what part of Christianity they fall under.
Is it just me, or are clean and orderly houses a rarity in America?

>dirty floors
>fridges jampacked with expired shit
>animal piss and shit
>clutter everywhere

That's all I can recall from my friends' houses.
>Congratulations you have a larger north florida.

You can't even articulate what you're trying to say
I would've let you on bro.
Haha, I wonder what he would do if you lay down behind him and started spooning?
just as a joke, haha
and just press yourself close and feel him, I wonder what it would smell like haha
just a bit of banter

>Get Mexican girlfriend
>Takes me back to her "place"
>Cooks me dinner
>This is the best girlfriend ever
>All of a sudden her sister comes home
>Her brother
>Her cousins
>Her mom
>Her nieces
>Thought this was her place (she pays for it)
>Dad comes homes
>Hey who is this fucking guy? looking at me
>Thats my boyfriend
>No daughter of mine will date a white man
>Goes outside
>Calls the police on me and has me removed

I never dated a Mexican girl again.
>south florida was nothing
>its still nothing but now it's filled with zika
Don't worry, I'll never set foot in that hellhole
Oh, Uncle Paul, you rascal!
fugg :DD
>wearing nothing but shoes
for what purpose
I work as a land surveyor for a company out on military trail. I've worked on Star Island and I've worked in the shitiest ghettos in Hialeah. Every time we go to little Haiti or Miami Lakes my boss tells me to chamber a round in my Makarov. Last week a crew got held up at gunpoint in liberty city and had 25,000 worth of equipment stolen. You guys can't even begin to imagine how bad some of these communities are.
Was the sister a qt?
What north florida is, the south becomes indistinguishable from it.
You had 7 ears in your life anon?
Sounds hot desu
She used an egg beater? What's wrong with using an egg beater?
Good stay out.
this is the only I need to hear more about. what happened next? did you get hot spaghetti? were you ever invited back? did the kid ever say anything to you about why they'd eat nasty cold pasta?
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Culture shock from an electric whisk?

Fuck you thats not wierd, we do it all the time here in Texas.
no u
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>tfw didn't go and see lil yimmy when he came to melbourne last month
>tfw gay and have enough social grace not to hit on tradesmen

Sorry for the faggots. We hate them too.
I like this thread, thanks for the reads

Jeez, that's rough, bro. If it's any consolation, they're all going to be deported on Nov. 9.
Fucking whitey reeeeeee you have all of florida why do you care about the cuban tip?
choo choo
looks like a deep fryer to me
I'm 30 and have lived in Alaska, the Midwest, and the south and I've never even seen one of these.
>Be ten years old
>Parents let me go camping with a friend from school, super excited because it's my first overnight trip
>Big day arrives, and my friends trashy mom and her boyfriend drives us up to mountains
>They spend their time drinking and smoking
>Friends mom and meth head boyfriend get in a bad fight while we are driving on a mountain cliff
>moms boy friend is driving and meths out saying he's going to drive us off the cliff
>Oh shit he starts doing it, car is going over
>Friend starts crying
>His mom is screaming begging boyfriend not to kill us
>I'm going to die this is happening
>Car is going over
>Boyfriend un-meths realizing what he is doing
>Friend still crying
>Never told my parents what happened because I thought they wouldn't let me ever go out again
you had to ask a question over a hand mixer??
I missed him here in CA too. Royally pissed.

I bake so rarely that a Kitchen Aid is a waste of counter space. I gave mine away a few years ago.

From what I can tell, it depends entirely on if the family has a stay-at-home mom or not.
Mexicans shove 3 generations and all second and third cousins in a single household. And there's always 9 cars, usually poorly maintained pieces of shit, on the front lawn assuming it's a house and not an apartment.
>illegal mex gets mad a foreign person is on his property and calls authorities
are you me?

sometimes sriracha and/or kewpie mayo, lots of pepper.

I can eat that shit for days on end.
>visit white friends house to play vidya gaems
>house is freakishly clean
>i mean like it looked like i walked in to a catalog display house
>except for the kitchen
>it was still freakishly clean, but the table and counterspace was overflowing with baked goods and his mom was going nuts in the kitchen between cleaning and baking
>cookies, cakes, nut bread, cinammon rolls, brownies, cobbler, all there
>ricky and i grab a handfull of cookies and i think nothing of it, assume mom is working for bakery or something
>stay for dinner, its cornbread and pie
>his dad comes home late, has ricky help him" clean up"
>he just got a bit plastic drum out with a bag and shoved all the food his mom had been baking right in to the garbage.
>was raised in a family where wasting food was worthy of a beating
>ricky and his dad act like its no deal

I found out later that his mum had been mugged and stabbed earlier that year, and she had basically become a shut in who stays home and bakes and cleans all day for a while.

Last i saw her, she was doing a lot better.
>just the tip
no u
>found the muslim.
Today i learned Americans are sheltered, untraveled, ignorant dipshits.
Subtle, but Kek worthy

We can only hope
I grew up in the US, in SoCal, and I had Mexican friends who were pretty brotier. Anyway, when I visited them (they lived with the rents cause we were teenagers lol), their houses were messy and cluttered and filled with old ass furnitures and random clutter and the bathrooms weren't very clean lol
they were probably having it because you were their guest and wanted you to enjoy some KFC, why are you splerging out.
Everyone please ignore this poster. >>91163994 He is not a representative of all Americans.
>Culture shock
>Other people's houses
>In fucking Nova Scotia

Christ son, you'm havin a good laugh aint ye?
>lunch at friend's house
>they don't keep their mouth closed while chewing
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>go to buddy's house for dinner
>the meal is a single small pork souvlaki and a bowl of corn chips with some raw onions and shredded cheese in it
>while chatting I say 'hey' to buddy
>his dad flips and tell me to keep that word for my horse
You mean a frying basket?
>'why bother, it's not my house'

What an ungrateful cunt.
I can only hope you rednecks stay out we need a wall.

Council house is a house provided by the council (local government)

Council estate is a housing estate consisting of council houses

For a definition of housing estate see pic


Two taps are the most common but yes single taps are increasingly common these days

In my house the upstairs bath and sink both have two taps. Then the downstairs sink in the loo (toilet) has one tap, as does the kitchen sink


The drying rack is this thing - >>91162645 - and it sits on top of the draining board.
A few weeks ago I went to a concert in the city with a few friends. We all crashed in a friends apartment. There were 3 of us on a pullout and in the middle of the night one of my buds started spooning me in his sleep. It woke me up and I was gonna push him off but it felt so comfy and warm that I just went back to sleep.

Is that gay?
they have aldis in the north too, ohio here

I got another one about my Serbian friend in high school.

>Be about 17-18 at the time
>Get drunk very drunk
>Go over to my Serbian friends house
>His dad answers the door
>"Hhahaha you guys are drunk?"
>Uh nooo..
>"Yes you are dont lie hahaha"
>"Anon our friends and here and they are drunk! hahahahahaa"
>"Anon why dont you at like a man like your friends they drink why dont you?"
>"Dad its illegal and I dont want to get in trouble"
>"Hahahaha nonsense in Serbia we drink you are a bitch"
>"Come on in let us drink more hahahaha"
>Drink with my Serbians friends dad and mom laughing having a good time while he sits there with his hand on his chin looking depressed.

Was a great time.


>be five year old me
>immigrate to Germany from the Great Land of Freedom
>go to Kindergarten
>go to gym class
>teachers tell all the children to strip down to their underwear
>whole class plays and does gym class in nothing but undies
>because can't get clothes dirty


>go to German ladies house with parents
>"We're going to eat!"
>brings out bloodwurst and brochen
>stomach flipflops because blood jelly and shitty bread
>"Auslander go home."


>be 14
>visit uncle and aunt in Paris by myself for first time
>"Want something to drink?" (en francais)
>go to grab large coke bottle with both hands
>don't realize large coke bottles are skinnier in Europe than they are in Murica
>overcompensate and spill entire bottle all over floor
>go to take shower
>only option is lava death from satan hot or antarctic cold
>two seconds of hot water run out
>jump out of shower soaking wet
>realize there's no towels in bathroom
>butt naked and relatives don't speak english
>never taught us word for towel in shitty high school French II
>dry myself off with dirty underwear
I can't tell if this is bait or not. It's just so coincidental that the first time I ever eat over at a nigger's house it's KFC.
Gum flappers are the worst
Why did someone photoshop a face onto that pizza?
Sounds like your friend's a bitch

4chan Pass user since October 2016.
but on the plus side, i gotta say, the rents were always super nice. the moms always let me eat a bunch of delicious food, and when i was a little older, the dad's always drank beer with me
hey ive seen u posting about your italian gf on another thread and yes im part italian i can confirm we use oil and butter in everything it gives it a good taste
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>frien take of shoes and leaves socks on
haha yeah
>friend takes off socks
what the fuck, no.
Balls didnt touch so no
>go for the cheapest contractor
>wonder why he's a faggot
Wow, shocking.

I've done landlord/tenant too much, tenants don't give a fuck about the house and landlords hate the tenant and refuse to pay untill the threat of lawsuits is real

I'm a success so I made the wrong choice, she said it was okay if I fucked other girls and in reality it wasn't and should have never been. Worst part is I did damage to that girl, she's all fucked up now, it's kind of fucked up if I'm being real.

It would take too much to go in depth but it's like this:
>Christians in and of themselves aren't the best but white employed christians are so fucking normal and reasonable it's mind blowing.
>White white collar guys are generally low to middle class faggots who are afraid to spend a dime but can't use their hands to save their life so they eventually get fucked by the heavy bids because everyone sees them and refuses to bid low on them because their threats are fruitless
>Blue collar guys will buy from you no matter what if they like you and will make you drink with them because they also are alcoholics who get commission, as a service guy who just some times does sales I close the shit out of these fucks because they are literally all of my friends
>Blacks no matter what are awful, always, it's a meme in my industry. They will be 2 hours late and not have money even if they have an AA job unless they're the unicorn of blacks and from Europe in which case they'll yell about how refugees need to go back
>Indians and muslims are fucking jews and ultimately fuck themselves by getting 3/4th priced bids because they don't understand trades take skills and the guy bidding that low isn't a professional. They always have 10 million people living in their homes too
>spics really are either very wealthy hard working trades guys and will buy from what they believe the most professional contractor is or just fuckbags that don't buy anything because they don't own
No shit, where would you put the oil?
>that liquid metal cawk
>Dependants are insane

I take exception to that. I keep a clean and tidy house, same as my parents

The fuck is this sorcery? Never seen this in my life
Spooky as fuck, nigga.
nice one Padraic
You have to understand there are two tiers of people who live in council housing:the working class who over-compensate for their dire lot in life by cleaning obsessively and the underclass scum who never work, never will and live like animals in squalor.
>>never taught us word for towel in shitty high school French II
>>dry myself off with dirty underwear

If only there were a place where Cubans could all live together without any Anglos around. Perhaps a country to call their own. What a wonderful place that would be!

Also to clarify, housing estates aren't always council estates.

You can have housing estates with nice, proper, privately owned houses.

E.g. my mate lives in an estate, but it's a nice estate.
Anglo saying 'serviette' oughta be interesting
See you are getting the hang of it

>Nothing but shoes

My guess is that they only took off their clothes because it was hot af out their and their air conditioner didn't work and they were too poor to get a new one.

And his sister was more appealing than his mother, I went home that night and humped my pillow. At the time I didn't know what jacking off was.
Miami now shoo immigrant.
Newfag detected
I don't get it, I was taught to do this so that the toilet doesn't clog and we don't waste water.
I thought you were proud of your heritage
>be 13 y.o.
>Have really good black friend.
>He convinces me to go to a family reunion with him.
>it's in some national park
>There's a bunch of cottages, of which they rented 6.
>get there late at night
>bunch of his family outside watching football and grilling. The "yard" of the cottage they were in front of looks like a movie theater with chairs and couches...
>lol, OK
>get out
>massive greeting, everyone is drunk or working on it
>some huge black guy, "I didn't know we had any mulattoes in the family!" starts laughin, "since you here you a honorary Smith (we'll say his last name is Smith)"
>wake up the next morning and they're frying fish outside and drinking at like 10:00
>get given moon shine
>gangster ass cousins/uncles gives us weed whenever we ask
>get called bad ass little kids by everyone
>made to eat strange food because "honorary Smith"
>everyone calls each other auntie/uncle/cuz/pops/pa/ma etc. name.

Overall it was really fun
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>go to friends house
>the dad asks the family to not use the front door
>ask why
>friend tells me never to question father

Trust me, I definitely learned that word forever solely because of that experience.
It's a weird southern thing. i only ever heard about it from a friend in college
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I think you Aussies are missing a business opportunity - should all get together and put out a "Shitposting and Douchebaggery 101" book. Could make millions off your bantz.
>selling out your own countrymen just like that
you deserve everything that's coming your way

>Woman stays home and does her job.

>Men freak out because a house is clean and their is a woman in the kitchen baking food for the family.

Oh how the mighty have fallen.
Because it's rude if you don't know the person. Even then, many people take that shit to heart.
How old was the sister?

Shumeyko sisters.

I've been on 4chan since 2008, I know what a fucking 4chan pass is, but I've never seen it displayed on a person's post before in my life
My heritage is south florida, you are a foreign immigrant who hates south floridians yet immigrates to there ficking reeeeeee

>thats a word for a horse


Same, been posting here for years, this is the first i've seen it as well.
That doesn't sound bad desu. I always wish I had a good black friend so I could eat black BBQ.
Dude change your colors.
What the fuck is this
So everyone went in through the side/back doors?
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I'm from an upper-middle class German family (first gen immigrant) and I only started learning how many people went to therapists when I went to college, and holy shit, what a bunch of insecure faggots there are in today's culture.
>be 13
>move to new inner city HS from the suburbs
>make new friend, Vietnamese guy. Amazing guitarist and skateboarder.
>says come over after school to play SNES
>Shopfront on mainstreet, walk in and see 20+ old viet women sewing clothes
>legit sweatshop.avi
>mum makes us vietnamese food
>flavour explosions to my whitebread arse.
>play snes for hours.

I miss you Mark (based gook got on the smack and killed himself when we were 19) R.I.P in Pieces.
Ser vee eht
t. kittypeople
Does anyone have the special, untouched living room only for special guests?
Went to a couple houses where the main living room was off limits. That was weird.
Why do you sound like a disgruntled dad and then a 18th century aristocrat

I don't fucking know, I was too young and beta to walk up to a naked chick eating cheetos on the couch.

Didn't realize I was speaking to a Seminole.
>assuming anyone wants to move there
Your culture is not even original
>what is Spain
>R.I.P in Pieces

If you aren't poor you have at LEAST a living room and a family room and an informal and formal dining room.
Yea man it was fun, the bantz were 110% too. It was a completely comedy show when they'd go at it and start talking shit to each other.

A few of the guys that were like 18-20, the guys who were giving us weed, almost started fighting a few times. Besides that it was all fun though.
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>studying abroad in France
>live with a family with a son and daughter that was a bit older than me
>the daughter would walk around with her tits out if it was a hot day
>one time she came out the shower completley naked and asked if she could borrow one of my towels
It was kinda cool
Tbh I'd be a beta too but i would at least sneak a peek.

>tfw one time friend opened sisters door while she was changing to show me her tits

I'll never forget it. She was only 14 too

>what happened next?
>did you get hot spaghetti?

I got my hot spaghetti but they gave me some speech about taking what you are given and being grateful for having food.

>were you ever invited back?

Yeah I did go back but I was always treated like that fucking rude kid who didn't accept their dinner. Their parents hated me and made me leave first thing in the morning.

>did the kid ever say anything to you about why they'd eat nasty cold pasta?

My friend couldn't believe I questioned his dad and thought I was rude, his siblings all thought I was rude too. He told everyone at school that I was rude because I didn't eat their food but after I told them what happened everyone sided with me.
jesus, really?

Nique ta mere, putain. Am I saying it right? :P :D
This is a upper middle class thing?
>tfw nostalgia
I mean, I have faggot friends but the people that contract us just take it so far. No one really gives a fuck if you like dick or not desu.

Take exception all you want, I deal with this everyday and was in the military, I already know the deal.
I went to cuban american community not a seminole one, why do cubans bother you we are only in cuban areas, deport all non cubans from south florida.
I'd definitely forget the word for towel then.
>Be me
>German immigrant in Minneapolis with other European/half European friends
>Grow up eating lots of bread, meat, butter, and root vegetables
>Be tall for my age
>Go to half Dutch friends house
>His mom is ultra liberal who feeds her children salad for dinner
>Not surprised that this same friend is still a manlet.
Blacks are always funny, even the niggers. They'd start "stingin" each other and everybody who isn't stingin is watching and hyping shit up. And desu they're pretty creative when they start ripping on someone
Yeah, but depends on the area
Housing is dirty cheap in the south so an extra room would cost much less than where I am (Northeast)
I've got living, dining, kitchen, utility, office, 3 bathrooms( one en-suite) 4 bedrooms. Am i poor?

>He doesn't have a living room
>He doesn't have a formal dining room
>He doesn't have a family room

What the fuck, where do you hang out to watch TV?

Where do you eat dinner on Sundays?
yeah, never found out why, it was fucking weird how autistic they were about it as well, like the entire front door area was off limits even though nobody not even work friends went through.

wasn't nice considering they had a cat litter box in the side door that was never fucking clean.
Well that was a good post with a someone happy ending

Thank you anon.
>other parents trying to parent other kids

That shit triggers the fuck out of me. Sorry ausfriend
>Be Cable guy
>Dispatched to install cable out in the boonies
>Told to go in through the back door
>First step in the house I crash my boot through the floor board
>My foot is now in the crawl space
>"Shit we forgot to mention that spot sry anon lol"
>The floor has mud tracks everywhere, black mold in the corner of every wall
>"Come this way anon"
>Walk through the kitchen, this time keenly aware of my surroundings and footing
>Notice a Runescape poster over the kitchen table, with 3 windows 98 Hewlett Packards in a semi circle around the table
>I can see the dust and tar accumulated on the exhaust fan of each computer from years of smoking in the house
>Each bit of dust coming out of the individual holes of the exhaust was like a tendril creeping out of the device
>"Just a little bit further this way anon"
>I find myself following the home owner into what seems like a girls room
>Cloths line the floor, they were covered in muddy shoeprints going in both directions
>Leads into the attic were the router is located
>Racoon nests everywhere, feces everywhere
>Stockpiles of guns and ammo just strewn about the entire attic
>Had some really nice gear, if only it had been properly stored
>Felt a headache coming on, grabbed my shit and gtfo
I should have made a 180 and just walked out as soon as I went into the crawlspace.
they were clearly on gomad, leaving humanity behind
Leaf is right>>91160806

None of that means anything unless you tell us which part of the country you live. Housing in Britain has a HUGE price range.

In Boston I was trying to be cool so I didn't care but gays were always asking to blow me and shit

It makes sense, dudes always want to fuck. Getting laid as a gay must be easy as hell
>>be me 15 years old
>>friend invites me over
>>jump on my roo
>>there in only a couple of hours
>>after a hard day of shitposting we retire to the kitchen
>>his dad was munching on a burger
>>we all munch of burgers
>>notice skippy isn't outside anymore
>>he gave me a stubby for the road
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The only time I had a culture shock was when I went traveling around SEA to which I realized that these people were indeed subhumans who should not be allowed out of their containment zones, contrary to what the liberal gaijin assholes say.
>grow up in the South
>not just the South, grow up in a city
>get bussed into the inner city from the 'burbs because integrated bussing laws are still in effect
>threat of getting shot/stabbed/beaten/murdered by niggers a regular possibility
>move out West
>everyone is white and friendly and banter and shit
>don't know how to react because this kind of thing usually led to serious altercations back home
Going from a straight ghetto school where you can walk a block and see crips standing on the corner to a 99% white area is a serious fucking culture shock.
This, so much this. The combination of volume and speaking style scare the living shit out of my friends whenever they visit my family.

When I was a liberal I went to a "Dean House Party" fundraiser for Howard Dean and saw all these rich liberals who could be new-age and flakey whenever they wanted to because money didn't seem an object. There was a girl there with some name that she pronounced differently than common people and this other woman who would talk about how different experiences were good for her feelings or whatever, including working at a large corporation. They had a large townhouse in an urban area with more than one story and I had no idea how they'd afford such a thing (the wife was about 40 - I'm 41 now and am nowhere near being able to afford a condo in the city much less a townhouse). I left feeling like it was so weird, but I didn't feel inferior because of it - I just thought it was some far-out lifestyle some people happened upon by chance.
I've been to zone 6 in Atlanta and everyone was nice as fuck cuz I was someone friend but I could tell if I was alone I would've been on been robbed immediately
Falkirk. Own the land, built the house ourselves. Mortgage paid off. I've always considered myself middle-class. Not Dr, Lawyer level of respectability which i consider upper middle class.
hahaha that's awesome. i believe it
How good was their english? i didnt know you call electric mixers kitchen aid. I would think you're talking about a personal chef / maid that also cooks and bakes.
>Dr Pepper with peanuts in it

What is wrong with your mexicans, here in cali the only thing we put in peanuts are lime and chili powder
Yea, that experience help me to understand why black comedians always make jokes about white people being generic and the lack of seasoning on food.
Could be a heating or cooling issue. A front door that opens to a living room can alter the temp every time it is opened as opposed to a side door that opens to a laundry room.
I dont know seems a bit poor taste to make money selling your culture
"we're not in Straya any more Skippy"
meant to reply to
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Oh yeah, you're good. To be honest you're better off than even some middle class Americans who are still paying off their house.
I bet they faired well when the power cut ey?
I always tell my mom to stop speaking lowdly but she ends up discussing with me and making me higher my voice
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That's strange af. What would happen if they ordered pizza? Would they tell the pizza man to go to the side door?
Ihave a friend who doesn't use his front door, but it's only because the driveway is closer to the side door than the front door, and he doesn't have a walkway from the street (town doesn't have sidewalks) to his front door through his grass, it comes out of the driveway along the from the the house. I've never used the front door, but I can't imagine that it would be off limits.

>elementary school
>mom starts talking to another mom while waiting to pick me and brother up
>she's the mom of some weird girl
>mom tries to get me to be friends with the girl because she and the mom hit it off
>we go to their house
>are told that were not allowed inside
>okay whatever it's a nice day and they have a swing set and other shit in the backyard
>eventually find out the dad is a convicted sex offender and that's why we weren't allowed inside
>apparently his son with the same name fucked an underage girl a few years ago

It was the only time i was ever told not to go inside someone's house, but at least I found out why. Pic related
>Go to England
>Bongs and claps

this fucking place...
Cheapest you'll get a 4bed detached is offers over $233613, most expensive is offers over $487991.
We're not in the city or London or anything so your money goes further up here. What does this get you in suburban America?

Being around Italians is toxic, they will make you speak louder. Its like British people and their contagious accents.
>council estate
>council house
House or apartment in the projects
you mean built with all the coke money in the 80's? or you mean back when it was swamps and shit?
I feel like Nova Scotia would be very different from where I live. (Vancouver Island)
Yea. Every McMansion around here has them.
I have:
An office,
Living room (where we sit with guests),
Family room (where the TV is),
(Informal) dining room (where we eat dinner),
Formal dining room (where you eat Thanksgiving dinner with extended family, etc.),
Game room (self explanatory, we have a billiards, foosball, ping pong, and shuffleboard tables in ours),
Wine cellar,
5 bedrooms and 6 bathrooms

I don't think the butler's pantry counts as a room.
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>told him i was busy
>not taking the opportunity to see naked girls

are you a faggot?
It's not a Mexican thing, it's a southern thing. I knew a guy from the Carolinas who told me about it.

Just to be sure you are speaking of USD and not pounds?

But either way, a quarter million here in the US will get you a comfy suburb house enough to start a family and then some.

Half a million will get you "rich people houses" when in reality they are just upper middle class.

Rich people in America, TRULY rich people live in certain zip codes and not living near other rich people will make you an outcast.
>go to girls house in high school
>just there to "hang out" and watch a movie
>huge stack of DVDs to choose from, most I've never seen/just released
>"pick whatever you want anon"
>open There Will Be Blood case
>disc is actually American Pie
>wtf? put it back in shelf
>open Step Brothers case
>disc is Barber Shop
>what the fuck is going on
>open 20 other movies, all of the discs don't match the case
>stack of dusty raw discs sitting near the back
>find Bourne Ultimatum disc
>turn disc around to see it scratched all to hell
>disgusted with her families lack of dvd case morals
>just watch tv and make out

god damn, it's like they kept shitty comedies from late 90s/early 00s and just threw anyway anything that was good

Its easy to see why you would think that way, but it was REALLY hot in their and kinda stank because all the trash.
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