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Mexico needs a President like this

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Mexico needs a President like this
I was just telling my friend the same thing -- he'd have to get a lot of the army on his side though
Isn't it too late for Mexico?

I think you're in an evil spiral of drug lords and corrupts politicians which just constantly strengthens itself.
To bad, your government doesn't have the balls

Maybe Trump after he gets elected, will do something at respect,
sending US forces to help
I think it would help by building that wall, cut off the money trail between Mexican cartels and USA,

When the cartels are weakened, only then can the Mexicans slowly solve the problems one by one from the bottom.
i think we can only do that if your government asks ours to
Yes we do, but we wont get one like that.

Next president will be based in haircut again or a tan.
And more supermarket points.
no, it really doesn't. mexico needs a brave man like obama or bernie.
We could become close friends if that happenned
A president like him would be dead in a week in Mexico
>I think it would help by building that wall, cut off the money trail between Mexican cartels and USA,

This. exactly like you said. Cut off the money and the cartels fall. The only concern is the Cartels won't go down without a fight.
I believe that most 3rd world countries need strong authoritarian leaders like Duterte. Most peoples are not capable of handling democracy. Most peoples are not capable of handling liberty and all that bullshit. You try to set up egalitarian democracies in 3rd world shitholes, and they'll just end up collapsing on themselves. These sorts of places need strong enforcement to keep everything together.

Places like Mexico and the Phillipines will never be as successful as white nations, but they can do better under this style of rule. Someone to come in, put their foot down, say "enough with this bullshit" and just do what needs to be done.
No, Mexico needs a Stalin or Hitler to wipe out all the degenerates.
>Most peoples are not capable of handling democracy
We can't either.
We fail at democracy as well. It's like we're not even white.
Why can't you annex Europe already, America?
We were able to handle it back when voting rights were only given to land-owning white males. The failings of universal suffrage just go back to the point I originally made: most people are not capable of handling democracy.

If the wall was built there would be a huge drop in income in the cartels and a lot of in-fighting, good opportunity to clean things up.

Yeah, they make billions from Americans, I doubt it'll stop
>Mexico needs a President who is hostile to America and kisses China's ass

If Mexico wants him, you can take him as a gift.

We don't want or need a dictator like him in here.
It's never too late. No people, no problem.
I quite agree
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Its not the leaders in your nation that need to change, its the people.
>Even though he was democratically elected, he's a dictator because I don't like him!!!
You are going to vote Robredo next election are you? Country needs to go more right wing before it can go left wing again. You are unaware the Sinoloa Cartel operates in the country.
The drug problem in Philippines isn't even that bad. It's about the same as any country. Mexico is in a league of its own.
This, the left is a mental disease and should be eradicated.
>land owning white males

You know that you're not one, right? In fact, I can almost guarantee that 99,99 percent of poll do not own land lol
I own land. 3 pieces, averaging 8000 sq ft. All within 15mins of the ocean.

>INB4 enjoy your tsunami
Honestly, is anyone else scared that Duterte is going to get Mossad'd? Bad goyim on the international stage don't tend to last long. Just look at Gaddafi and Saddam. Hell, it's a miracle that Assad is able to hold on.

He officially got put on an IDF hit list as soon as he misspoke and said 3 million instead of the SACRED ETERNAL NUMBER OF SIX MILLION JEWS
You're correct. I don't care. If that was the voting constituency, things would be much better. No more pandering to dumb negroes and promising people gibsmedats for votes.
If he did, he'd become a martyr.
And the Philippines would see riots for weeks.
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Is that a Filipino?
I hope he dies. He's ruining this country.
>clearing out drug lords
>cutting off drug supply to addicts
And you want him to die?
t. methhead
You don't have the balls to elect one OP
Ducks but it's the truth
Imo you could find a good Equiforian ex-general become your president and have him pull a Duterte
All you would have to do is give him a nice villa once he's finished purging you
This guy is actively courting the military just in case (((they))) try to take him out.

He even said that he left some documents in the hands of the military and expects them to finish his job in the event that he wont last the 6 years of his presidency.
>ruining the country
If anything, there's shit load of improvements and changes happening since he's been in the office. It's not even 6 months even.
Its not really a bad idea honestly.
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pretty muuuch
Yeah that's dandy and all but running a country isn't just clearing out drugs.

The peso is on its seven year low, sickman of asia levels of low.

Sorry ya wankers I'm an analyst and I apologize that your eyes can't see shit
>implying the cartels don't elect the president
I voted for Mememiriam and Trillanes
Why would we want to annex a place with tonnes of muslims?
Lol, that guy is still butthurt because the guy he voted for did not won, the guy who stole all the Haiyan relief funds to pay for his campaign.
Thats normal since EDSA equally pulls us on a low. No matter you swing the pendulum; it will always break. You are given the choice of a narco-state or a police state in the near future.
Mexico is too far gone. The Mexican president doesn't have the resources to wage an all out war with the Cartels. They'd need American assistance for sure.
We need a leader, and people who are willing to learn what personal responsibility entails, and stop babysitting people's feefees, it's none of your business to have a say in what people can put in their bodies.

Fucking coca-cola, cigarettes, alcohol and shitty foods kill more people than actual illegal drugs, bootlicking jizzguzzler.
I can't believe this guy is over 70
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Russia needs a President like this. Just imagine hunting down alcoholics, druggies, mudslimes, illegal immigrants and corrupt politicians under such a rule.
>try to bribe the military by doubling their salaries and giving out pistols
>never visit business leaders and scared investors

He had visited 60~ something military camps and nobody on the business sector

In fact he only speaks at military camps or in Davao where he feels the safest
What if every place had a president like that?
How so? Explain.
No fucking way. Dude looks early 40s.
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I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you’re referring to as Mexico, is in fact, seized cartel assets/Mexico, or as I’ve recently taken to calling it, seized cartel assets plus Mexico. Mexico is not a contributor to the wall unto itself, but rather a means of distributing seized cartel assets. Many WALLS are built using a modified version of the seized cartel assets every day, without the public realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of seized cartel assets which is widely used today is often called Mexican tax revenue, and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the seized cartel assets, acquired through government intervention. There really is a Mexican tax revenue, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use.
Mexico is the distributor: the program in the system that allocates the state's resources to the other programs that you run. The distributor is an essential part of an state, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of seized assets. Mexican tax revenue is normally used in combination with the seized cartel assets: the whole system is basically seized cartel assets with Mexico added, or Seized cartel assets/Mexico. All the so-called “Mexican government budgets" are really made possible through the interaction of of seized cartel assets/Mexico.
wow, I was literally just thinking this yesterday
Yes and no.

If Putin could get away with it he'd do it I'm sure, but the world is watching Russia.

Duterte gets a "pass" because of how much of a non-player The Philipines is on a global scale.
I unfortunately have to agree. I have nothing but good will for Southeast Asians, including Filipinos, but to pretend these people can have a First-World government in a Third-World country with a developing economy is just infeasible. China demonstrates that a more ruthless control of the people is required for society to function. Compare it to India, which is democratic, attempting to represent over a billion people, and it's further evidence that developing economies cannot flourish with a egalitarian approach.

The destitute, illiterate, lower classes just shouldn't have a voice in the affairs of their country. They're just too easily persuaded, irrational, and incapable of preparing for the future. The Philippines is a perfect example of how a corrupt democracy leads to oligarchy. They even still have the direct descendants of a notorious dictator running for office. How is that acceptable to Filipinos? Marcos lead their country into ruin.

>The peso is on its seven year low,

If you had any education you would know that's a good thing
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Ahahhahahahahaha. Putin doesn't care about anything, but money and power. That's why he sells the land to China and floods Russia with the Chinese more than New Zealand and Canada could ever imagine
>The Chinese are invading Russia — not with tanks, but with suitcases.

>Alexander Shaikin, in charge of controlling the Russian-Chinese border, said on June 29 that 1.5 million people from China have illegally entered the Russian Far East over the past 18 months.

>It’s impossible(!!!) to know the exact level of Chinese migration into the Russian Far East; Russia has not run a census in over a decade. But by all indications, a significant river of people is surging across the border.

>The Moscow Carnegie Center, the only organization to launch an independent study, claimed that there were about 250,000 Chinese in Russia in 1997. The Interior Ministry has claimed that there are 2 million. Other estimates place the Chinese population at 5 million.

>Regardless, the Federal Migration Service fears a flood. The service has repeatedly warned that the Chinese could become the DOMINANT ETHNIC group in the Russian Far East in 20 to 30 years. Such an occurrence would require an annual influx of about 250,000 to 300,000 Chinese, LESS than one-third the rate that Shaikin currently claims.
fuck off
It's just like my trails of cold steels!
>Isn't it too late for Mexico?

About a century ago.
This President wants to bury Marcos in a heroes' cemetery

The younger Marcos almost won the Vice Presidency
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Yup he should just follow the previous president's steps. Sending military and police to their deaths. Then instead of attending their wakes just go the an innaguaration of a car company.
We should have done something in the 80-90s, we didint.
You can't call them riots.

People will fucking overthrow the government if Duterte dies. An outright civil war would be more likely.
This. Mexico is a shithole because it is full of Mexicans. Switch all the Scandis and Mexicans and in one generation Mexico would be the greatest country on earth, while Nordic countries would be a shithole.
Kill yourself, we still want him here
But the beheadings instill way more fear, terror, and hesitation to create opposing views. Also, Mexicans will never learn or take responsibility for anything. If they did they would cease being Mexicans.
100 times THIS
>People will fucking overthrow the government if Duterte dies. An outright civil war would be more likely.

More like the people will overthrow his government once the peso hits rock bottom and people lose their jewbs and have to overpay for basic food

This isn't the first time a populist President here will be removed

His supporters will chimp out sure but civil war? Lolnope
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Since you are part of the elite class.
>muh elite

Elites don't post in a Mongolian cave drawing board
Keep telling yourself that anon. Duterte has been hit with the most black propagandas that I have ever imagined even durinf the campaign period and he still won witg an overwhelming margin.

And whats with your obsession with peso and dollar ratio its as if the only thing you know.
>hit with the most black propaganda

Coming from himself, the videos never lie
Yes exactly thats my point, to counter your argument saying that people will outhrow him when evidently he has the peoples support.

Wow you are a dumbass.
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This the Philippine's UN Ambassador
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>asking help of other countries
We can do it ourselves my mexican friend, dont you think there arent angry powerfull mexicans out there?
it's probably the same faggot who also thinks that borrowing money from other countries = bad idea

other countries do this all the time
>even getting a president like duterte to last more than a year
The economy was doing fine when he was spewing shit during campaign period

Other countries borrow and pay up their debts

A third world shithole like us can't pay up Marcos debts

Even GMA barely borrowed money
Sweden needs a president like that
I wonder what 2018 elections will look like.
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Very unlikely that Americans are going to stop buying drugs and even more unlikely that they'll spend all this money to prevent drugs from entering the border. I think americas plan all along was to guarantee that the Sinaloa cartel wins because they're the most stable, arrest their leader (el cheapo) but allow the organization to continue and have the newly elected corrupt president hide all of Mexico's problems under the rug so everything returns to the way it is. Drugs will continue to pass through but the violence will not be mainstream like it was a few years back.
Yes and there were more druggies then and lesser now, the people who voted for him got exactly what he promised.

Fucking hell. CTR found a Flip proxy
I was thinking the same thing, he'll just get assassinated though

t.drug dealer
well first he would need to kill all his fellow politicians, then he should go after the remaining degenerates.
Why would anyone give a shit about Mexico instead of Mexican?

Beaners have to solve their own problem. Corruption is easy to curb if you have great leaders.
No you don't, it would only bring more death, also the dude doesn't know Hitler used to take drugs... what a joke.
What, a commie funded by soros who kills anyone not on board with the socialist agenda by accusing them of being a drug seller?

Don't get me wrong, his ideas are great but look who funds him cunts
>implying a decent right wing party exist here

and no, Nacionalista party isnt even winning anymore. All parties in this shithole are just varying degrees of leftists from centre left liberals to far left communists, islamists and activists
Its not other countries. Its the IMF. Money you can borrow but would be impossible to pay back.
GW Bush offered to send in the marines to clear out the cartels back when he was in office. Senor Presidente said no.

I'm sure presidents like Arroyo and Noynoy are great for the fucking shithole of your nation.

If I can trade Duterte with Najib I would in a heartbeat

Fuck off liberal pinoy scum.
To be fairly honest, Its been a long time before we have actual nationalist running the country. Quirino might be the last one. Marcos is communist and the Aquino's are bleeding liberals.
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pretty much every latin country could use a cultural cleanser tbqfhwyfamfambigelow

AMLO is the mexican Duterte?
What is it with a pint of Spanish blood that makes violent people? If the trend continues, Cortez The Killer would be ressurected.
Arroyo and Noynoy were decent Presidents even though each of them had their fair share of criticisms

Duterte is a disaster

You will eat your own words and take Najib back, no matter how incompetent you view him

>Marcos is communist

Marcos had communists, political dissenters and opponents purged, spirited away and killed

Marcos is by definition, an extreme-right nationalist
nop, its aztec blood what make mexican violent
They don't want to do a census because western Russia has also been Islamised at an incredible rate

The white population is dying while Chechens and the like have millions of children

Chinks will actually make your country better
>chinks will actually make your country better
Said no sane Australian, Canadian, West Coaster or Russian ever. Chinese = corruption, barbarity, pollution, low wages, no technological advancement. We'd rather give away our Asian possession to Japan.
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>illegal immigrants
>corrupt politicans
Implying there'd be any people left in Russia after you killed all these
I have to agree on being lead by Japan as opposed to China. Both are unpredictable since Japan and China want their expansionism again. Would rather watch them fight and stay in the background with South Koreans.
I tend to agree on with his views Pre-Martial Law. It just sucks that the national debt greatly increase when he was around and the exchange rate became a disaster when Martial Law was enacted killing off any potential investment.
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>tfw three months in and realize he wasn't kidding about what he said it was going to be bloody..
Well fuck
I'm honestly surprised there isn't more lefty pearl clutching about this guy.

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duterte was in the army, they were 100% behind him, so hopefully mexico nuts up soon so we don't have to send a contingent of 40 tejano soldiers to kick their fucking ass again. god native mexicans suck dick so hard.
Fuck yes op. You need to make Mexico Great Again. Give em hell ese
first the wall, then you can pay for your new dictator
>It's about the same as any country
its not just the drugs
its the all the crime that comes with
with any luck the sex tourism will come to an end
wtf rifle is that? some kind of M14 bastardization?
>not that bad
IT IS BAD when at the start of his term we started unveiling mega shabu labs.
when will the west stop bullying this man and let him do his thing?
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Reminder that if you haven't already, go watch Breaking Bad. It's the best TV series in the last 20 years and it's about drugs and meth.

>52% white
>white kids are already a minority in their age group
>media/education/banks all run by the jews
>fight wars for the jews on the other side of the planet
>mutilate their sons genitals cause mr rosenberg said so
>white guilt over slavery worse than nazi guilt
>worships niggers one month every year
>elected nigger twice over white guilt
>normalized coalburning
>normalized homosexuality
>in the process of normalizing trans shit
>home of radical feminism
>ground zero for all modern degenerate anti-white propaganda
>at the front of pushing the islamophobia shit
>clockboy gets a free scholarship to top universities and white house for bringing a old clock to school despite the family being on record for race baiting
>biggest shooting ever gets ignored because the shooter was a mudslim
>tolerates a black domestic terrorist group
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Now let's take Russian population.
>164 people lives in Russia
>144 citizens - 96 million White, 48 million non-white
>20 million immigrant
Kicked out immigrants - 144 million people left, let's go
Stats for citizens
>non-whites are kicked out - 96 million left
>10 million drunks(7 million are White), 5 million drug addicts(2,4 million are White)
>no more non-whites, drunks or druggies - 86,6 million left
>top officials - 40 thousand (all corrupt) - all hanged, not a demographic loss; police 1 million(70-90% is corrupt and is fired to regular work force) not a demographic loss
86 million of Whites seems like a good demographic to me
You need to be put down by Duterte and die.
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Is he really killing only criminals and not abusing his powers?
He's doing it within laws, so yes. He's got so much trust rating (over 90%). No one else would ever do it because they don't have the balls and they kept being bribed by the druggies

Honestly what he is being doing right now is aligned to the Philippines constitution so far which he is handling very well...well considering he was a former prosecutor and judge. He knows the loopholes so well that the lawyers cannot complain other than 'muh human rights! and its not the right way!' even though they know he is using presidential powers to the fullest to fuck over the criminals

I mean in his three months he ordered a purge and annihilation of an ISIL affiliated group. And so far no lawyer can get to correct him.

Though what we really look forward to is how he will use the 2017 budget for his administration that hasn't been handed yet because so far he is been scraping the 2016 budget for arms and equipment for the police and military. We just don't know if he abuse it or not.

Maybe he would start massive purge next year or raise an alsa masa group but who really knows at this point.
HCAR, modernized BAR.
i actually agree.
get your shit together pants-merica
you dumbshits think a wall will stop drug cartels? ever heard of a fucking ladder? a plane? a fucking tunnel? fucking cuck morons.
how come everything philipinos touch is shit?
if a guy like him were to appear, i would fucking die for him, this shithole can't go on like this, i mean cholos running amok in some places, and shooting outs happening more often because those degenerates have to get their toxic drugs into burgerland no matter what (if they could euthanize their addicts it would help a lot by the way)

you're mistaken, the wall won't make any difference. So long as US hordes of addicts want more it will never stopped.

>hurr durr it will stop them from using illegals to get it to the other side of the border
it'll certainly stop them, but the amount those guys carry with them isn't that much. They're wealthy and can bought out anyone. The government itself support them because it is a win-win: we sell you guns and our ciminals get the drugs to turn foolish people into addicts.
If trump, that is starting to look like the americans messiah, doesn't get rid of the corruption, nothing will change and the wall won't stop the drugs from coming. If the addicts suddenly drop dead those guys would be in serious shit though.
Walls can be manned with patrols.

You can equip them with advanced sensors, and even underground activity sensors.
>american assistance
the assitance coming from them, the government at least, not the average burger, would be killing this duterte-like guy and ensure "democracy and liberty" prevails in tacoland (despite most people supporting the guy).
no, he's just another socialist idiot who will just make things even worse if he gets in.
(not saying i suppot the other parties, they're cancerous shit too).
We are just starting to learn about what makes us tick in our culture. Go watch Lav Diaz films if you want to know more.
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Surprisingly, yes.
Yes. Everything is so legal that the only thing the left can do is cry "muh human rights" all day everyday.
Based Teddy
>Lav Diaz
Shit's so overrated muh Satantango wannabe fagget.
>Gee i'm gonna do a long cut movie so it can be considered art house film but in reality I can direct it shorter!
He would probably get killed in Mexico.
the gringos would never allow it
they need drugs
He definitely seems principled, does he stick to it and is he not insane?
IMO he's just a loose cannon + a country with a sensationalist media = disaster. Killings has been the flavour of the month for this guy, last president was about being incompetent. Before you peenoise calling me for being dutertard, I didn't vote for him
t. muslim drug dealer/addict
>Breaking New president of mexico Rodrigo Duñerte of mexico elected 2018
>Fuck you obama
>Fuck you America
>Fuck you human rights
>Heil hitler
>Breaking new president of mexico Godo goyes has been elected by the people of mexico who rebelled against the former tyrant Rodrigo Duñerte
>trade Najib
We all do
Damn Teddyboii
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