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Risk thread

Dolmio's Pasta Empire
The Netherlands
The Netherlands, start coastal idk
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Hello yes I am gay, gay retard
Eastern Roman Empire
Fuck off, my name is gay, my color is gay, and my location is gay.
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Hello Ted, be careful with the autistic delegates (mods), try to open the 2° or 3° mupdate in /tg/
To create a connection >>>/tg/numbers of the op post
Light green
Start sbein in asturias
Are you sure about that?→>>91145731
Please don't allow ceding, OP. Makes countries incredibly overpowered and throws off game balance.
you still here Ted
I'm here and we're good to go once I find out if >>91146368 wants to keep their starting location.
I know most people aren't for it but can I get in on the fun? I'll do my rolls after the mupdates to make it fair.
as long as you faction can be taken by lurkers and you engage in no diplomacy
otherwise im out
Toss me in north africa. With other color.
Trader State of Haven
what's up
any color
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First turn

ERE is rude and won't let OP join
Nice quads
Take Hamburg and Hannover
someone has to put a foot down. i'll gladly be the dick.
fill nederlands, spill coastal belgium

also dont tell isis but imma fight em 1v1
Take Tel Aviv and Haifa
Allahu akbar we will make holy jihad against the infidels
Push to and take Beirut
Sevilla> Gibraltar> Valencia> fill south Spain> if any point left go for barcelona
Go to fes.
Bonus updated.
Double, hooooo go for wheat in France too, fill the gaps
Fill Italy
>British Empire

roll to fill England.
invade turkroach
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>Not having the trips on the right message
>Start in Egypt

hello gay retard
Roll to fill Egypt
Grand Duchy of Muscovy
Any color
Hello, who are you?
I love risk games even they are almost all the same maps
Let's have peace, I'll let you have Israel.

So NAP for now?
Updated name
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Dark Blue
Judeo-Orthodox Abrahamic Union of Slavic Peoples (JOAUSP)
Ted, don't forget this→>>91146214
I'm played with you in every other risk game for a week

I am Sri Lanka meme man
Whoops, trip failed.
No, wage war against the Jews with me, Jamal. We must crush the infidels.
You are literally who?
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Cheers to the game, lads
Yes, friend.
I am the true holder of the Holy Land, I fight for Christ
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Really?! I remember you now, were you the yellow guy in a map similar to this?
Yes my friend
Nah, don't feel like stealing my best friend Shlomo. He gibsme everything.

Your friend, Trayvon Martin.
Glorious, we shall form a great bloc my Judaized ally.
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New players started with first post counting as a roll. Good rolls this turn to Yellow and Isis, ERE is still a dick and should be killed first.
Take Hannover then Prauge, then fill Germany.
Fill Egypt to the East.

But ya, do you still want that NAP, Israel?
Conquer the rival Slavic tribes towards the potato farms and St Petersburg
Conquer the Holy Land for ALLAH
Take Kharkiv and keep filling Ukraine, please. I want da wheet
Attack Isis kick them out of Israel, then head to Beirut
keep filling Italy
Fill England and Wales, then sail to Dublin.
invade towards bagdad without interfering with ISIS
OP is slow as fuck, and a faggot for wanting to play in a game he is hosting.
Principality of Wallachia
Toulouse> Malta> tripoli> almarj in libia too>
irakleio island in south greece>north Atlantic oils and fish near> if any points left fill spain
>Islamic State of Iraq and Syria
>doesn't have Iraq or Syria
Take oil sheep then go to fez.
My Hebraic friend if you stay west of Russya we can be glorious allies
I do not plan on entering your Russia. Crimea may be another matter, though.
You may subdue the Crimean Tatars friend

Let us make this alliance official
Allies? You take Southern Europe and I take the north.
It is official
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>Italians and Germans
>teaming up

Hmm, this reminds me of a little empire called
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Third turn
Take Crimea, then head towards Lviv.

Bonus: +5
Fill Scotalnd, then take the North Sea Oil.
Spill into filling Ireland.
Fill Romania, spill Moldova.
Sail to corsica and sardinia, spills to northern italy
Attack Isis, reclaim Israel. Spill to Beirut
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Oils and fish in north Atlantic ocean> stokolm in Sweden> Åland> fill sweden
Take sheep oil then go to fes.
Take St Petersburg and Yaroslav

Move east if any points left over
Annex Prague and Wroclaw, then fill Germany
Fill in Egypt some more
Can I join? If so
Any color
Also, are there any rules for Vassals?
Take Tel Aviv then pour into Israel/Southern Syria and prevent gaps from forming.
so close
takes forever and forgets my roll, add please.

Orders for this turn after correcting map:
ERE>sail from Cyprus and invade ISIS
Off by one, goatfucker
Forgot to actualise bonus
I didn't realize this was the shitty version with infinite sea travel so I've just been working it so every other sea tile counts as one because infinite sea travel is 100% bull shit.
If you count as 1 sea travel in this turn then it is better to cancel.
If you let it happen can you fill France please?
Only if you count as 1 per sea movement in this exactly turn
You can take over for ERE if you want, I think he's afk.
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>Byzantine Cucks
He literally posted right here >>91152038
OP stop being a dick plox
Every other sea tile you hop over will count as a point as to 2 points counted for everyonelses sea travel. Sorry about that.
his avatar is Rato, what do you expect?
and please dont downgrade dicks. he is just an asshole
Basic rundown for first time scrub?
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Sorry guys but if I include ERE's turn I might be too slow for his standards. Since he's the one with the problem for speed I'm sure he's willing to give up his turn so the rest of us can cruz along.
Finish Romania, fill Moldova, spill Budapest.
Fill Czech Republic, and annex Wroclaw, then fill Germany.
continue attacking ISIS
>typical faggot OP
Like how do you place units n shit, or does op do that for us and we take what we get?
Take Tel Aviv and Haifa, kick Isis out of Israel
Fill in Egypt
Take Calais and Paris, then sail from NSO to Norway and fill there.
Continue taking Crimea, then push towards Lviv
Finish Italy, spill Slovenia
Fill Jerusalem and the gap
Okay, but I want Budjak
culi marci
Defend if attacked> Go for Bilbao, wheat in France> Marseilles> lyon
Take saint Pepe and Yaro

Move east and take more
Take fes spill to alger
you have +9 not +12
This might not work to well, on second thought.
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Charge forth men of Moscow and unite the lands of Rus!
ignore me I'm wrong.
What do you want for this?
Good digits, friend.
take bagdad
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Hello, alliance?
By the way I love pasta, who doesn't?
Here in Portugal we call it esparguete
doesnt matter if OP keeps being a faggot and ignoring my rolls. i think this is literally Ted Cruz... just like a whiny baby
You can take Odesa, I just want the 3 tiles south of there.
We have a deal.
sorry I already have an ally
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Hello hispaña, (España or Hispania?)
If we ally with each other you will not have problems in expanding into east bro
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>TV is on
>some kid show on
>funky black dude at a museum
>kids say that this Egyptian king looks like him
>black guy says no way
>turns around
>king has same face as black guy
>the Marxists are at it again

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Annex Vienna, Frankfurt, and Nuremburg. Fill Germany with remaining points.
Finish the 2 tiles of Romania, then take Budjak(the 3 tiles south of Odesa).
Spill Hungary
add rolls and keep attacking isis
>OP never ceases to be a faggot
Take the two cities and oil to the east

Take the oil to the north if any power left over
Retake the cities, kick Isis out
Set out the fishing vessels in the Black Sea.

Take Odessa but NOTHING south of Odessa.

Remainders push towards Lviv.

Also, OP, just give ERE his rolls, dude. Selectively punishing players isn't cool.
Take Oslo, Goterberg and the fish, then spill into filling Sweden.
Finish Italy, take Slovenia, Reinforce border with Gay Retard
Fill in Egypt
>can't progress because some Isis larper won't get off my ass
Take alger then sill fes
>cant progress bc OP wont add the rolls for the one person that tried to help
Defend if attacked> Nantes> lyon> fill portugal
Forgot to add: Bonus is now +6
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true, but there is a reason for the rule that states
>OP is God
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>Republic of the North
>Northeast Russia
Can I still get in
lol no
Post comfy tunes from your lands
No u fag
2 minutes before update for ISil
Fuck, are there any AFK nations I can take?
>act like a bitch
>treated like a bitch

Who could have seen that coming?
ERE or Isis
you ask if anyone was fine with you playing. i replied and you did not like my answer so you began telling people to kill me.
im here faggot
ISIS then
Roll to defend
>Internet Stagnation of Iraq and Syria
Forgot name
If I can still roll just defend or if there's nobody attacking then fortify
Stop being a faggot.
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Jews never had a chance.
im fine with being a faggot. do you have a problem with it? if so thats you problem, not mine
>never had a chance
>didn't even roll
>makes gains
Wtf OP?
Reclaim Jerusalem
Annex Frankfurt, Stutgart, and Koln.
Stop being a faggot.
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OP: Here's one -- nine pence.
ERE: I'm not dead!
GAME: What?
OP: Nothing -- here's your nine pence.
ERE: I'm not dead!
GAME: Here -- he says he's not dead!
OP: Yes, he is.
ERE: I'm not!
GAME: He isn't.
OP: Well, he will be soon, he's very ill.
ERE: I'm getting better!
OP: No, you're not -- you'll be stone dead in a moment.
GAME: Oh, I can't take him like that -- it's against regulations.
ERE: I don't want to go in the cart!
OP: Oh, don't be such a baby.
GAME: I can't take him...
OP: I feel fine!
ERE: Oh, do us a favor...
Fill Western Ukraine, then push into Poland

New bonus: +8
He took over for ISIS
Take Copenhagen, Fish in the north sea, Aland, and Lumber. Spill fills Norway and Finland.
Spread east out of Egypt.
Fill Hungary, spill Bulgaria.
Take tunis

C нaми Бoг!
He still never ordered any attacks on me, and og Isis was afk so there's no way he could make any gains
Sorry, cancel that, meant to say spread west out of Egypt.
Take the oil to the north

Move east
Reinforce border with Gay Retard, reinforce cities
spill to taking fish next to me
Glorious offensive my ally!
Bonus btw
if extra spills just reinforce my shit up
The Sovereign State of Iceland
take ERE
conquer sofia and then greece
Defend if attacked> reinforce frontier with British empire and pasta> fill that peninsula at north west France> fill Portugal> fill switzerland
In what world does defend not mean retaliate? This is the kind of shit if you were on the other side of the stick of you'd bitch at me for not taking down your enemy with spill. The generic term defend has always included retaliation.
Shiet man I've already got you all set up are you good with east?
The delegates, Dahnald
Take dot directly east

Is there anybody warring me?
Would you like to form a NAP?
I suppose.
Proxy better ERE
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Who wants to Ally with me? I'm just here out of boredom, so I'll accept anybody
It depends, where do you plan to expand to?
The entire world you mong
No it's not. Counter is retaliation.
Me. Leave Israel
Alright allied with you two
OP can you take me out of Jerusalem?
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Ooga booga, prepare to get eaten up by us shitskins, Jew.

>tfw I betrayed the jew
Any Colour.
What's your roll?
Right here
I was intending to take the North oil, go through the north most sections of Norway and Finland. Into Russia
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>positioning yourself in the middle of two already powerful neighbors
>thinking he'll get away with it

Not on my watch, spic.
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Try me icenigger
Ted pls
Annex Munchen and Koln, then fill Germany.
Are we agreed that you stay in those borders? We will ally with you, but I'm not gonna let you have more of my clay
Reinforce bonuses, spill to reinforce everything else

make Fortress Dolmio great again
Fill morocco then reinforce
Head for that niggerr city on Sinai
Take that neutral city south of me
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Conquer Gay Retard's North African cities and continue west.
Take oil to the north, and the two cities and potato farms to the south

Gram helenski if possible after all that
Take Abu Kamal, and any Ancapistan clay with the rest
Dark Green
Fill Bulgaria, spill Serbia.
Continue filling Poland, do NOT attack the Germans. Any potential spills into Belarus, please.

New bonus: +12

Forgot to reply you
Israel was my rightfully conquered clay. Haifa is my city. Would it be too much to relieve your forces?
Fill Sweden, then take Aland, and the Finish cities.
I'm in Iceland? Alright take that city, and the north sea oil.

Fill Scandinavia with spill.
If you move into Haifa, I will murder you to death, and so will Niggers probably
>>91159223 resist (reconquest) if attacked> destroy those niggers
add rolls and keep filling middle east
We had an NAP you fucking nigger
Fuck you for not adding me
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Wait, I'm allied with Shlomo?


Meh, I guess I can do that.

We're the Big 3 nao.
well I've got to go all.Cede my land give it to JOAUSP
Don't cede. Fucks up game balance.

Can't ignore those, OP, 2bh
It was just a suggestion, don't get your kebabs in a twist.
Don't fuck with me pls, I was going to fuck with you but ISIS wants to be friends with you, and so therefore I will honor that relationship.

do not enter Russia anglo
Trip update to reflect new NAP
>outright betrays me
>now that we have mutual friends, wants to make peace
I'm a small state. The Sinai is large enough land to compensate for my wasted time fighting Isis
Dude, why the fuck you would betray your allies AND not catch fish and city on the south?!?!
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You're not going to win this skirmish, Jew, I have actually 4 times as much land then you do.

Do you really think you're going to win?
Niggah u dumb, you attacked me now at least for one turn I attacked you.
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I grabbed the wrong yellow but you get the idea. I'll fix it next time.
Fine, I'll relieve my forces out of the Sinai next mupdate. We don't cross each other's borders. Deal?
I'm going to outright tell you my plans, that would be stupid.
Take baghdad and the oil to the East, if spell head to Kirkuk
>5 new posts
Fill Germany, Annex Koln, and invade The Netherlands.
Take the cities and potato farms to the east
Take that nuetral city. Start conquering Saudi Arabian cities
Back my forces out of the Sinai
add rolls and continue to fill middle east
Fill Belarus. Any spills cross the Black Sea and land at Trabzon.

New bonus: +14
ye alright.

TAKE ALAND, Turku and Helsinki then fill Finland and Norway.
Spill towards Brussels and Amsterdam.

Stfu faggot, I didn't see your turn, and now I'm pretty pissed off.

Attack Gay Retard and capture that North African city I wanted to capture.
Fill norocco spill reinforce.
Dark Green
WHY? What the fuck? We were never allies
They weren't allies yet tho?
Good doubles!
I got you confused for a second, good to go now.
So many palis by one person
It's all luck I swear.
Reconquest if attacked> sisi> Alexandria by sea> fish near Alexandria> fill Spain and the empty regions between me and red and British empire without attacking them
>he's still here

That's too much.

Spill into south Greece.
+13 OP
Filthy sea power, you won't have your ports for long.
>jewing intensifies
Just for that, I should be compensated with +5 bonus for three turns!!!
Gooks empire of the North
Northernest part of map
Forgot name
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Italy afk?
>jew wants reparations
Of course you would
If you stop attacking me then you can take care of the guy that you betrayed...
If you attack me again you get fucked by your """"" friend""""".
Now choose
Take the Oil to the South and Kirkuk
Invade netherlands and annex Amsterdam
Fill unoccupied Israel, start conquering medina and Mecca and fill Saudi Arabia
Back out of the Sinai
Take Volgagrad and the city to the south then move north
Cross the Black Sea and land at Trebzon in Northern Turkey. Head towards and Fill Georgia and Armenia from there.

New bonus: +15
Take Brussels and Amsterdam
Spill into filling neutral France.
I had dubs you fucking cuck, what happened?

Also kill Retard for opposing me and spread West.

I wanna kill u, they made an agreement to not attack me and I'm pretty sure ISIS would conquer him some more if he attacked more of my territory...

So he's in a pretty delicate situation here. But you're not. So, pls die.
continue filling middle east
yes you were taking too long and he left
Dark Green
Resist if attacked> Alexandria by sea> destroy brown niggahs
New bread wehn?
Kosovo/south greece
Hey ally, wanna expand, what about killing brown?!
Would you mind fucking off?
Dude, I'm the one being attacked bro, your ally is retarded.
>betrayed one ally
>in the same turn attacked me.
Roflmao, you won't fucking win this, it'll turn out to be a 3v2, b/c Israel would be more inclined to ally with us since he's allied with ISIS

Just give me your territories now and we don't have to shed anymore bloodshed
because there are a lot of players in the game that i know, plus i'm enjoying that you aren't playing and as bad as this game is its still better than if you had OPlayed. Carry on Rato
>I'm retarded
>implying I was simply looking out for the best interests of my nation at the time

You were going to be a threat anyways, I attacked Israel b/c I thought ISIS was going to do so as well.
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PEACE GG all, Britain would have won first place.
>OP suicides out of nowhere
u gay nigga
Fucking retard ky.
new game when
>being more gay and more retarded than GAY RETARD.
And he's a fucking monkey.
Any games?

I will host in 20 minutes if interested
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Use a new map bls

Like this
I know I'm interested
Might be, depends on a few things.
Based anon. Gotta wait all night might as well play risk.
I think /tg/ is trying to crackdown on risk
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