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Is it true that if you are guy that is 27 or older and single

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Is it true that if you are guy that is 27 or older and single you will have to date fat women, ugly women, or single mothers?

I mean that is all that is left
I'm 24 and dating a beautiful catholic girl because people like you don't leave their room. Thanks brah
How can you even date these days?

Online dating depresses the fuck out of me, especially OkCupid. Almost all of the girls somehow feel obliged to say that they are "intersectional feminists." Not only that, but there's a sex category, and almost all of them say that they enjoy having meaningless sex, getting their hair pulled, having sex in public, and regularly having night stands.

Is it really this bad, /pol/, or am I just looking in the wrong place?
Why not try dating men instead? None of the drama, none of the bullshit, at most half of the expense, all of the sex.
I'm 23 and dating a /pol/ dream girl.

Christian, white, blue eyes, not degenerate in the slightest; she doesn't even wear leggings to show the best part of her body, damn shame there.

Honestly, they are out there. A lot of them actually if I go off my anecdotal experience with my gf and her slew of church girlfriends.
no but it is true that if you have to ask, you probably will.

>Too many medical problems and other shit which cheated me out of doing decently in school and crushed my chances of going to university to hopefully get decent job

How screwed am I? I know women have some sort of sense like rats do where they know something is wrong with you for selective breeding but what is the likelihood I could become a househusband or something akin to that? Seems like my only choice.
and yes that is pretty much it unless you are attractive or rich or preferably both the days of lucking out with a horny girl are over.
>not degenerate in the slightest; she doesn't even wear leggings to show the best part of her body, damn shame there.

Sounds awful m8
27 yo kissless virgin here. at this point there's no coming back. i missed any chance i ever had to date or have sex with an attractive women, literally 0% chance of me ever being able to do so now.
>Online dating depresses the fuck out of me

There's your problem mate. You don't meet anyone online unless it's for a root and boot.
you won't be dating anyone you'd want or like to... if you're not married by 27 its over... only rejects are left for you ..better to just be single.
So do you think it's fair to say that most of the girls on online dating sites are there for a reason? I'd at least like to think that most women I see in everyday life aren't so abrasive.
Are you mad that she will be deported if trump wins?
Average age of marriage for men is 29.

You guys are such basket cases. How about living your life and not worrying about endless hypotheticals.

Y'all disgust me.
I'm 32 and still date college girls. Thanks op

They call me daddy
I'm 34. And yes if you want a moderately attractive woman. Female virgins in their 30s are virgins for a reason.
fat bitches sluts of the finest order.. just find some chubby gal with a cute face. no big deal.
No, you don't have to date anyone.
The risk increases my Burger-Friend.

Somehow I managed to find a decent, childless, white woman that owns a german shepherd.

Fuck me /pol/ I got lucky
Just practice talking to females. Don't try to flirt at first, just get used to asking questions and having fun conversations. Then start flirting.

Also, where clothes that are clean, fit, brush your teeth and groom your face. Don't sweat.

To meet girls, go to art classes, young adult networking events or join a coed sports team.
But it looks so much fun. Plus, getting to have sex on a regular basis sounds awesome. I'm 22 but feel that it will never happen. Look-wise, I think I'm OK, but my terribly shy personality basically makes me a lost cause. Not even therapy has helped it much.
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>I'm 42
>Married a smoking hot, white, conservative minded 24 year old.
>Our first kids almost 1.

There is hope anon.
protip: get money
not worth the effort desu, im too ugly to get anything other than fat single mothers even if i tried. i already groom myself and dress fine anyway, just ugly.
No. You can date 21 and 22 year old qts.
Unless you're really good looking or pretty rich, yes.
If you're neither, get used to c-section scars, cats and tripping over toys as you let yourself out of some single pig's house at 3:00AM to go home, because fuck if you can sleep with that ham planet draped over you snoring.
Bullshit you faggot. Go lift. Get fit. Practice on land whales. Then go bang decent looking retard women.
>So do you think it's fair to say that most of the girls on online dating sites are there for a reason? I'd at least like to think that most women I see in everyday life aren't so abrasive.

First thing you gotta remember is that men outnumber women on these platforms. By a lot. Last time I checked it was like 48:1.

Second you have to remember that she already knows loads of guys. Loads of single guys in her social circle, loads of single guys on facebook.

Are you rich? Are you a male model? Are you a politicians son? Probably not.

Chances are you're just some average bloke and she ALREADY KNOWS a bunch of average blokes. She is NOT online to find another one.

Finally are LARGE and I mean LARGE proportion of women use these sites SOLELY for validation and NOT to meet guys at all. I've discussed this with female friends and they confirm.

On the off chance she gets messaged by a genuinely impressive man, a 10/10, male model billionaire, she'll of course be all over him. But a decent looking, decent income normal bloke? No way, she already knows this guy, doesn't need another one.

Unless you're unusually handsome online dating won't get you anywhere and even if you were handsome enough for it to work, it wouldn't get you the kind of girls you'd want to date.

Dating the conventional, normal way is not like online dating at all. Night and day difference. I'd avoid online shit like the plague.
just stop worrying. you have billions of women who are just waiting to ride that cock of yours (big or small) and they range from ugly, fat, to pretty. you have a much better chance of fucking all sorts of women even if you are a fatass /pol/ack. hell id say that you even have it
better than most of the fat ugly chicks on planet earth because their easy picks for you.
just go out and stick your dick into things. at the end of the day all we really should think about is not the face but whats in between the legs.
the picture made me read it in abes voice lmao
Lost the battle before you even fought it.

In all honesty you might enjoy it and make friends. Plus, not all girls with a couple extra pounds are that bad. Once you interact with people they become more attractive (this counts for you too).
So you think that most guys are capable of getting laid? I'm convinced that only outgoing and muscular guys can get laid, and that shy/average guys are doomed to be celibate for life. It's all I think about and it's making me so depressed.
I'm broke 31fag, marrying a smoking hot blonde 30.

Have faith anon, get game.
You mad that you will be glassed when Trump wins?
clean up, get successful, go to church and wed young fair maiden
Completely false. Social people get laid. People who stay in their homes and don't interact don't get laid.

Also, people don't sleep around quite as much as you think.

No. You get ripe 20-24 girls

Women 27 years or older have to settle for less
>So you think that most guys are capable of getting laid?

Most guys are sexually active yes. lol
You sound like you REALLY need to loosen up and learn to enjoy fun, senpai.
No. You can date women younger than you. I'm in my early 20s and I don't know if its just experience or whatever but I have too many women to handle, all of them relationship quality with very short sexual histories and pure Aryan or East Asian blood. Feels good. Just get out there and don't be a basement dwelling neckbeard.
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No, travel abroad. Find young girl who will worship you. Stop being a cuck. Do not give me that "but I want someone I can talk to." Shut the fuck up. Women are there to fulfill you sexually and give you pretty kids. You wanna talk to someone? Pay a shrink, get some friends. Your wife should always look up to you. The smarter she is, the unhappier she will be since she will always feel like she settled for you.
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>Is it really this bad, /pol/, or am I just looking in the wrong place?
You're not really looking to date someone. It sounds like you want to find a woman to marry.
Go to church.
How so?
enjoy your autistic child
Yes, as a 43 year old that has done all of those things, it is generally true. But to be fair, I fancy the fatties and single moms.
>People who stay in their homes and don't interact don't get laid.

Every night when I come home from work I check my house for women, but haven't found any yet. Should I be checking outside on the back porch and yard too?
Men hit their prime in their late 20's - late 30's. You have, potentially, a decade or more of being highly sought-after.

Women in this age group are desperate. Very easy to start a family with, if that's what you want. Younger women have always been easy, so, with the confidence of being older, it shouldn't be too difficult to snag a couple youngin's for the notches on your bed.
If I am going to college how do I meet a grill like this

Christian clubs on campus?
How do you guys stomach church?

I hate the handshaking and hugs and shit that they want you to do with your multicultural church neighbors. Then they end up singing for like 2 hours the entire time. It's retarded.
I just went to Thailand and bought a wife that is 19. She cooks for me, would fuck at a drop of a hat and doesn't waste electricity while at home. She's like a robot its really neat.

I believe that's a proxy or you are talking to some warlord's son.

GDP 600$ M8
Retread what I wrote.

People who stay in their homes and DON'T interact DON'T get laid.

You have to actually be with another person for it to happen.
Apologies if you were being sarcastic, I couldn't tell.
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your wife doesn't count if she's an Asian nigger. not to mention you just forfeited your white genes, effectively killing your belonging to our tribe.

pic related
thats sort of pathetic
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>(((You sound like you REALLY need to loosen up and learn to enjoy fun, senpai.)))
>I mean that is all that is left
Every day there are 1000's of hotties that just turned 18.

Church is cancer.
don't go to a baptist church you retard.
report him, giving people std's knowingly is illegal.
Your problem may be you come across as desperate. Women don't like that.

Fat coworker probably has zero self awareness and thus is probably confident and a jerk.

Work on coming across as confident and unavailable.
How did he get laid if he's a fatass? I don't really understand this shit.
what's the alternative? Catholic Church? that's not even church, it's like a Satanic cult with hymns and rituals.
>killing yourself inability to find someone to let you touch their filthy gentials

It's your life buddy, but this is pathetic.
>Is it true that if you are guy that is 27 or older and single you will have to date fat women, ugly women, or single mothers?
No, he doesn't have to do that. You can date younger girls, traps, faggots, or not date at all.
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>24 years old
>out of college
>only real interaction with women is in the office
>same small set of women every day
>basically no chance to meet anyone new organically anymore
>totally squandered my chance to find a future wife during college

FFS, what am I supposed to do now? It was so much easier to meet girls when there's constantly harems of young women around like in college.
Lol. Take a red pill and forget what you were taught about it.

Try a Tridentine Catholic mass sometime. Don't have to touch anyone.
Step 1: strike up conversation and not be an autist
Step 2: invite her over
Step 3: fuck

not rocket science.
You should thank people like me for a chance to fuck an aging slut. An aspie like you would diddle alter boys or get lobotomized in the "more civil past". Now, in exchange for carrying a lifetime ofmy luggage, you can get your dick wet.
married college sweetheart, 26--just bought a house in TN, nothing more American, fuck ugly ppl desu lol
Why fight when the battle is already lost ? I m ugly as well so i know i have no chance of getting laid , i just do other stuff that keep me busy instead of thinking about it
>mfw raised Catholic in Massachusetts
I honestly thought Catholicism was how all of Christianity was, even the pope is catholic.

Then I found out most Christians don't even recognize the Pope as a holy person.
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>injecting your superior genes into the native mud races isn't the whitest thing in history
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I'm just about where you're at broski

>26.5 virgin
>6'2", fit, decent face, full head of hair, natural straight teeth
>own a nice rifle, motorcycle, car on 20" rims - not a pleb
>pretty good with tech stuff, so not entirely dumb
>have done a lot of traveling

I don't mean to sound like Elliot Rodgers in describing myself. But I've still never had a girlfriend.
But women do prefer men who are physically fit, yes? Very few are actually going to fuck a fatass, unless they're really desperate.

I hate people like this

fun is overrated as fuck
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>Be a fedora tipping conservative
>Not willing to lie about being a stickjew worshiper for pussy
>Not willing to lie pretending to be a leftist communist douchebag either to bang average college slags

I honestly don't see the point in bothering, considering its money and time I have to spend and internet porn exists. I don't have any particular social venues to meet women I wouldn't have to roleplay for to fuck.
I tried Catholic church once and it was as I described. The priest would say something. Everyone would repeat. It was like the ritual scene out of Eyes Wide Shut. You'd pray a couple times. Then you'd go eat some gross cracker.
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no. 30 is prime time bruh. lot of chicks like dudes older than them. ive had girls talk about how mature i am.

later i come on here and spout memes
Try being a fucking 5'2 Manlet. Then we'll talk.

It's basically playing on nightmare new game + mode.

Fucking noobs
this is how i know it's impossible for me. im 27, in poor shape, but even if i got into good shape im still heavily balding, bad teeth, probably not very good facial aesthetics (though i do at least have a good jaw). the number one thing i can do is get into good shape and even that wouldn't be enough.
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MFW I've been given the "It's time for you to man up" speech by an angry middle aged woman trying to set me up with a single mother after I told her why I wasn't interested. At a certain age, after women settle down, they start looking out for younger women who are helpless. They're like cats trying to find homes for their kittens.
are you retarded.
make friends with the females and have them find someone for you.
Good friend who is super hot, low number, likes to workout, cook and be active is dating the ugliest guy in the world who is fat. She likes his personality. He's not even funny.
Is this a serious problem for white males in the US?

I've been several times in Dallas, and I actually talked to women, and even got phone numbers. Do white women don't like whites anymore?
It takes a certain type of personality. A lot of people with girlfriends strike me as the opposite of cool; it's like they'd do anything for pussy.
i'm 28. a decade ago i was an awkward, insecure 18 year old. now i'm cool and confident and girls know it.

unfortunately, during that time, i redpilled myself into celibacy and prefer the single life.
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>tfw 26 yo virgin without a job or skill
im just waiting my hobo life
>what is bedroom
how the fuck do I meet grills in college
Do I just talk to them after class ? No one does that , I've never seen it happen
>But women do prefer men who are physically fit, yes?


>Very few are actually going to fuck a fatass, unless they're really desperate.

Nah, doesn't work like that mate. There are more than just muscular physiques that attract women.

Plus it's more about being there. If you've had had a fun day with her and she's crashing you're place you're 100% more likely to fuck her than the hot guy who's place she's not crashing at
Get in halfway decent shape, keep your hair super short, work hard to earn money to get your teeth fixed, consider getting glasses or lose the glasses, and generally work on finding a look that works for you. Remember there aren't a lot of ugly or beautiful people. Most people are somewhere on the diverse range of average. Some are 'high' average. Some are 'low' average. But putting in a little effort and having a good personality can take you from low average to high average.

It's never too late.
Nah, just go for a younger woman.

No time for fun when hunting for bananas?
Men are in their prime until 35-40, women start expiring at 25-30 and its much more rapid too
Fun is overrated, that guy is a fucking idiot.
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I don't know. I ask myself that. I've heard a few times now down the grapevine that in high school the white girls are mostly dating brown guys now.

And just about everytime I go somewhere all I see is white women with brown dudes.

I go on Tinder or whatever and get some girl's snapchat and she's hanging out with a nigger.

Almost everything said is taken straight from the bible... Tridentine mass would probably seem even more like a cult to you though.
You actually get more attractive to women assuming you arent some fat neet.
Reminder that women's ovaries are totally dried up by age 35, and fertility starts significantly decreasing by 30 or even younger.

Add to this the fact that you want to be ABOVE REPLACEMENT FERTILITY LEVELS. At least 3 kids. So factor that into the equation. Having a first child at age 30 and waiting 2 years between births would mean you're trying to shit out that last child at age 36. Not ideal, probably won't be able to have more than 2.

And then factor in time to meet the girl, date her, and marry her before having a child. So probably 3 or so years between starting to date her and having the first child.

Marrying young women isn't just a meme. If you marry them later on, you're risking letting your genetic lineage die out. And there's nothing sadder than those fucks with only 1 child. Imagine growing up in a family with no siblings. Or no cousins, for the next generation.
>your children are half subhuman mudshit

Good work
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You goys realize this is a slide thread right?


Look at that shit quality pepe, they keep using the same fucking low quality pepe


Quit wasting your time in shill slide threads, nothing good will come of it



pic related
Is having a job and your own place actually attractive?
>None of the drama, none of the bullshit

It's clear you've never dealt with fags before.
>Is this a serious problem for white males in the US?

It's not. Places like 4chan just attract the lowest of the low virginlord retards. I'm sure even Mexico has it's share.

i've literally never met a bloke in real life who had trouble getting laid.

I'm an ausflag though so who really knows
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If your rich then latinas
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>47 here

I've fucked thousands of women and had children with only two.

I raised all of the kids, and turned out fine citizens.

I still fuck at least 15 different women on a rotating basis, weekly, except now I have a vasecotmy and viagra.

What the fuck is your problem?
Yes, unless you want to hook up with a girl in her early 20s, but I cannot stand talking to them due to a maturity gap, so I could never date one over the long term. 30 year old here.
No. If someone stays in their home all day they don't meet females. If they go out they might meet someone.
There's probably 2 dozen other far less interesting threads in the catalog you could go do this for. Piss off
Well, if you come to Cancun or Vallarta, mexican girls are literally riding americans all over the beach... So I guess is a stupid women way to think.

Omg and gargling cum jn the back of your throught is so fun. Protip: nuke it in the microwave it some crushed garlic for extra flavor
Yep, I'm 28 and fine single. Fuck all that
On the bright side: peace, quiet, and money
Yeah difference is white women are the best of them all. Everyone wants a white woman. I'd be downgrading my genetics while you're upgrading yours.

timestamp gramps
Don´t get pussy then.
No, take care of your body, and have a decent carrier and you can score 20 ish pussy eternally.

That's it. Be financially stable and the top tier A1 pussy will come to you.

on the contrary, we have too much fun

look what a great country having too much fun makes for
wtf do you want for a timestamp?
my dick?

>born in '68.
>invented most of the shit you are using.
>this thread again
If youre attractive to women they will literally fuck anything these days
Just dont be ugly
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>used to date a qt grill
>we were both virgins
>we broke up and she started whoring around
>24 now
>just graduated uni
>no more chances to meet women
>work place is all men

You might be right, OP, because those women are all I see in online dating sites.

You date younger girls who were raised by single mothers or who had step dads. Which is like 60% of the female population

Degenerate sex all the way
Great post. I know you won't get a lot of love for this but I appreciate what you had to say
you get the rope
sorry faggot.

My dogs need feedin and its time for Tombsonte on DVR.

My old lady made nachos and the beer is cold.
Gotta go, but have fun with your fantasy.
quads of truth
Is that you, Ryan?
Calm down you knucklehead.

As long as you're honest and upfront about your lack of past relationships plenty of nice normal women will be happy to date you.
>owns a german shepherd

Very relevant.

We need to offer our single sisters to one another to create royal redpilled bloodlines.

Plus then she's under at least double the pressure to stay in line (husband + brother).

The fact that any of us are here proves that our sisters are carriers for high IQ redpilled genes.
It depends on your profession, your location, your interests, your flexibility, and your charisma.

Don't care about sex, just want an average or cute girl with similar intelligence, who isn't a disgusting normal fag.

Gotta have those smart children. I'm a 23 year old virgin though.Transferring out of community college this semester to an average college.

What are my shots? Most girls are retarded so let's say 120 IQ which is 15 below mine.


>Protip: nuke it in the microwave it some crushed garlic for extra flavor
>extra flavor

>The porno opens up in a kitchen.
>One twink stands there, cooking food, taking orders from a much larger bear.
>Eventually, the twink breaks down as said bear begins to fondle him.
>The sex scene starts off with the bear stripping himself and the twink.
>Suddenly, before he can even get started, a Gimp kicks the doors down."
>Making his way to the bear, they wrestle in olive oil while the the twink stares on in lust.
>Suddenly, the bear is placed in a sleeper hold, and is knocked out.
>Gimp gets up and starts cooking herbs and spices.
>"What are you doing..."
>The gimp takes off the mask, revealing the one and only-
>Guy "Guzzle the Fairy" Fieri.
>"I'm about to take your taste buds to FLAVOR TOWN!"
>Guy finishes the herb concoction, it smells so good.
>He jams it all into a plastic syringe and shoves the twink against the wall.
>Whipping out his crossaint cock, he pumps his dick full of Italy and proceeds to batter the twink 12 ways to tuesday.
>Even the chef in France felt a tingle in his pants.
>Meanwhile bear gets up and attempts to fuck Fieri from behind.
>"I don't think so big boy!"
>Fieri's ass opens up and one of his assistants pulls the bear deep down into the crevices of his crack.
>The camera crew stares on in abject horror, the director has already gouged his eyes out, the producer's head exploded, and the fucking tech guy won't stop screaming "BAZINGA"
>Needless to say, that's why Fieri does better in cooking shows...

I fuck 16-22 year olds exclusively and just turned 30. And I'm 5'8. And I'm not particularly rich.

Don't believe the /r9k/ lies. You do not have to be a shut in virgin just because you enjoy shitposting on malaysian tapestry forums

kek approves of this message
no. good lord. just go out and meet people. and don't even look or expect to meet people. just go. and they will be there. i have met plenty of nice young girls this way. one of the best girls i ever met was in the desert at joshua tree park. totally unexpected.
I just turned 27 and I have a beautiful 24 year old Russian wife
>make more guy friends
>guy friends have gfs
>gfs have friends who are grills
Start making more friends in general and it will come naturally
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I'm 24 and have a corvette, 2 motorcycles, and have VR porn

Czech m8

>my dad can beat up your dad

Where do you meet this age range as a 30 year old?
High School teacher?
>I hate the handshaking and hugs and shit that they want you to do with your multicultural church neighbors.

This right here! OMG keep your hands off me you fucking spergs!

And if, by chance, there's actually a halfway decent qt in the congregation you never get to talk to her because there's about 20 old farts trying to shake your hand and talk your fucking ear off.
Wait, what's wrong with liking getting your hair pulled? As a female, I mean.
>it's like a Satanic cult with hymns and rituals.

You make it sound way cooler than it actually is, anon
More like it's a Satanic cult where the sell you dreams and ask for your money
I wish this was more true. I know some really cool ugly chicks.

yes. well, maybe till 30. it's all downhill after that.

however you do have choices...

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>just turned 30
>tfw all these single moms want my johnson
Dated a 30yr old. Smart, hot, but still emotionally immature at times. Moods, bitchy at times, could tell why the relationships previously expired. I honestly just got tired, like it was sucking out my energy. When I broke it off, she was sad but it felt like a relief almost
>24 years old
>dating a beautiful 25 year old Catholic Polish girl that fell for me hard.

Feels good man
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>dating women your own age because stale, ugly cunts will give you mean looks if you don't

l m a o

The most important thing is to do the exact opposite of what the self-inflicted shutins at /r9k do.

The internet was NOT always the domain of shutin autist losers, I know this because I grew up on it from age 9.

You have to have a real life. Once you have an actual real life and social connections, these things fall into place.

It is actually incredibly easy, you just have to live outside and not online.
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I'm not asking how to meet girls, rather how you as a 30 year old find these younger girls in a social setting.
I just never approached women because low self esteem, which stemmed from my looks (jaw and teeth TCM). Same with friends, so I don't see a point since its too late
It is an awful lot of drama, money, and time invested just to get your rocks off. Oxytocin feels are nice, but they just set you up for disappointment when she goes back to Chad.

hes the head of all christians though
Go to a campus and meet up women. If you don't have wealth or fame, the older you get, the worse your potential mates are gonna be. Go out anon and meet young women.
You're going to be sixty when he's just about to first get into college. Wew lad lmao better start saving up for that casket ahead of time so that your kids wont have to thirty years from now
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Is it ok to have a 5 years difference with the girl (I'm 23, she's 18) ?
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I'm a 32yr Male ,former gutter punk
I Married 25yr Female slim Princeton Grad virgin
Bought me a Yamaha R-6 for a wedding gift.
Happily married 3yrs now :)
There is hope, don't listen to these trolls

If you actually have a life you can pick social situations where these girls will be. It's easy.
No, she is far too old. Try to find one 14 or younger.
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Roger. roger!!

Idk if I still have my ID, but I'm the OP of that post.

Dude, it's pretty simple, there's this place that Christians congregate too on Sundays for you to meet them...


I don't. I'm an Asian Buddhist. I occasionally go every now and then to make her happy, but I usually refrain from going.

I typically tease her a lot that I want to ironically go to a Black Church instead so it'd be more fun.

But tbqh senpai, as based as Christianity is, Church really does suck dick dude. When I go to my temple on Monk days and weekends, it's like a fucking potluck dude. Everyone brings food, all these nice, old asian people.

Then everyone sits down, prays, monk says a couple of things about the day, what outlook to have, etc. then we all sit down and mingle.

As far as religious practices go, Buddhism wins by a landslide. And the monks don't judge you at all, nor the people there, if you don't donate to the temple.

But yeah.

a leaf typed something not fucking retarded?
>None of the drama, none of the bullshi
what the fuck?
Faggots are drama-queens for a reason, dipshit

I'm almost 30. Been married 3 years and have a kid together. Women want what they can't have. They also have a ticking internal clock for babies. Only the most militant, bat-shit insane feminists can ignore the alarm. The rest *need* to get a hot load inside them and find a good father.

They'll throw themselves at you eventually. They make not-so-subtle attempts at reaching for my crotch in the office, despite the ring. Sure, some uggos and single moms try to seek attention, but you can really have your pick of whatever 30+ woman as long as you're not 300lbs and/or a fucking weirdo. Sometimes they just bit into the propaganda that men and women are equal, so they sought a career --- until their hormones really kick in and "scream" at them for not being pregnant.
>not 300lbs

wew, good thing im 400lbs

No problem. Just settle for the fatties that are 30+.
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