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So what's the government going to do when 100% of these

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So what's the government going to do when 100% of these are vandalized in circulation?
Trump will overturn the decission to put niggers on our money.
in the name of combating muh oppression on bills they will change all bills to be exclusively black people
So, when was this negress president?
Cuz I don't remember her.
Around the same time Benjamin Franklin and Susan B. Anthony were
Gotta work hard for them niggers
i dont get it is that washington carver? didnt he just invent peanut butter? thought only presidents could be on bills
I'm glad they're honoring Harambe somehow
Ban white people since it'll be all their fault the gorilla bucks will have actual apes and racial slurs drawn on it. Whites will be hunted down in the streets and have their wealth taken from them since they will clearly not be able to handle the responsibility of it.

Trump will stop the google bucks
This 100% will happen to every damn one of these that crosses many people's hands.
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Here is a more realistic picture of what the new 20 will look like
Ban cash.
And then tax from everyone's electronic bank savings accounts.
lol i thought this was a joke.


blm have really got to you guys
leading the world in multiculturalism
Is this how crypto currency becomes the main tender in the US?
Write HuffPo articles titled "Seriously, America?"
i doubt it
reminder hillary is currently beating trump

I look forward to the new 12 dollar bills
I intend to kick it old school
imma firin mah lazer reference?
>only presidents
Alexander Hamilton, Benjamin Franklin, Salmon P. Chase, Martha Washington have all been on notes.

On coins, the list is a whole lot longer. Sacajeweya, Susan B. Anthony, Booker T. Washington, even Queen Isabella of Spain have been on US coins.
========IMPORTANT REMINDER========

defacing a bill is NOT illegal unless you attempt to change the value of the bill (drawing an extra 0 to make it look like it's wroth $200 instead of $20)

========IMPORTANT REMINDER========
lets just write NIGGER on every single one we see.

(((they))) will never mess with us currency again.
niggers will start hoarding them. they will be known as the good $20 bills. non-white currency will be the new gold-standard
Im a chargin my account!
More likely anyone that tries that would be killed by white men with their guns and nothing to lose

that's illegal
>yfw Pepe will be the new face of the twenty in order to appease alt right extremist money defacing terrorists
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I don't know, but I am going to exchange at least ~10 units a week, mutilate it and send it back to you. Enjoy faggots with your faggotry.
Question: could you actually get in trouble or have your money refused at stores if there was offensive vandalism on it, for example someone writing the word "nigger" on it in big letters with a sharpie?
why dont we start acting like muslims and just blow shit up?

seriously guys it works GREAT for them, i dont see why we have to uphold a moral highground when morals are a thing of the fucking past.
only if the cashier is a nigger
>yfw they know you did it but they can't prove it
You can fuck a bill up pretty bad and a self-service kiosk or vending machine will still accept it.
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>a few people vandalize harambe on $20
>a bunch of SJWs spread it like wildfire on social media, in some cases vandalizing it themselves to help push narrative
>the story gains traction on national news outlets
>bills with white presidents are vandalized in retaliation
>banks and the government set up specific locations where vandalized money must be turned in and exchanged, as well as document where the money was last acquired
>it turns into the day of the rope

This has all been verified by KEK
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>mfw wallets become Dead Nigger Storage
>this shitstorm leads to cash being officially declared racist, obsolete, and no longer accepted anywhere
>I mean come on, it's the year 2018, only technophobe trailer trash hicks don't already use credit cards to pay for everything anyway! -President Hillary
I just had a great idea

They could assign joint accounts between working class whites and black welfare recipients! That way each payday Tyrone could collect his reparations directly from his cultural oppressor instead of having to filter it through a complex system of taxation and redistribution

Don't forget pocahontas
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I'm going to turn all of mine into Sherriff Clarke
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The worst thing you can give a large group of angry white males with guns is nothing to lose.
I welcome our pro gun republican black woman 2nd amendment Trump card replacing a democrat on the 20$ bill.

The 2nd amendment is vastly more important than art on a bill.

what do you think faggot? they will print more, you dumb cuck
What about when those get vandalized too?
you fucking imbecile
Really fucking good idea.

>Implying niggers have any impulse control and could save
who the fuck is that?
Make a stamp. Do thousands. Circulate them through slot video poker machines. I'll help. Doesn't cost a thing to feed them in, then cash out your ticket. Make sure the stamp has a banner with his name.
>that'll be two tub girls
Is the implication that that funny looking piece of paper was worth anything to begin with?
Michelle Obama without her weave
Fucking disgusting jesus christ.
Why is everyone so adamant about Jackson being on the 20? he fucking hated the central bank, having his face on fed currency is literally defacing and an inside joke to (((them))). Let them put a fucking coon on it.

you realize the printing press literally never stops right?
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Find a last printing of the Jackson $20 and keep it as a collector's item
is it okay for me to write "nigger" on each 20 dollar bill i get?
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S-so powerful. So brave.
T-this fixes everything, right?
>hand over vandalized bill
>cashier doesn't accept it, you just vandalized your own fucking cash
Conservative victory!!!
No, but nigga is okie doke.
how about "haha it's a niggy wiggy"
Using the same techniques the FBI uses to track down counterfeiters it should be quite easy to track down money vandalizers.
No proof it came out of ATM like that, just some random guy not me :^)
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This should eat anything as long as it still has a serial number and hologram
Just draw a noose around the niggers neck on every one..
>Using the same techniques the FBI uses to track down counterfeiters it should be quite easy to track down money vandalizers.

You can't really be this retarded, r-right?
I think you guys should, it would be the perfect tool to see just how racist americans are.

if there's only a small portion then media gets blamed, if it becomes an epidemic then it shows everyone was right all along.
It's not against the law to vandalize money unless you render it unusable/shred it or cross out the serial number. Don't be a dumb toothpaste fuck. The fucking Dutch are idiots.
Milwaukee Fag here, will do LOL! Clarke is the only man in Town who stands up for anything. But that's cause he's a Google. Everyone else is a racist nazi scum fag the moment we suggest we arrest and lock up criminals.
It's illegal not to accept legal tender. You're fucking stupid.
Fucking idiot
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I'll be drawing a noose on every $20 I get.
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>decide to put nigger on $20 bill for much diversity
>decide to put a criminal to represent blacks

Not bad... but I think giant nigger lips will be the most common tampering. Much easier as well.
>Whoever mutilates, cuts, defaces, disfigures, or perforates, or unites or cements together, or does any other thing to any bank bill, draft, note, or other evidence of debt issued by any national banking association, or Federal Reserve bank, or the Federal Reserve System, with intent to render such bank bill, draft, note, or other evidence of debt unfit to be reissued, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than six months, or both. - See more at: http://codes.lp.findlaw.com/uscode/18/I/17/333#sthash.oJtgTGOh.dpuf


I just want to let you know everyone got it but its old and you need to freshen it to be funny again.
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GOOGLE been googling.
>with intent to render such bank bill, draft, note, or other evidence of debt unfit to be reissued
But the whole point is we want it to be reissued.

They're talking about burning or shredding money to "remove it from the economy"
do one that says

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Ask to talk to the manager. Tell them their cashier isn't accepting your LEGAL TENDER FOR ALL DEBTS PUBLIC OR PRIVATE. Turning it down is illegal.
freed slaves
legacy tainted by modern nigger rap presentation
literally a black person
union general

are all somehow racially charged now
It looks like a slightly dirty version of that crazy poacher guy from the hit movie "Anaconda"
best answer possible.
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>Ay yo bruh how much foh sum dat crack?
>Gunna be a Silverback cuh
Ah. Mid-1800s then.
i refuse to accept or use $20 bills when/if this happens.
The best plan is to print these stickers and put them over every niggerdollar turning every $20 bill into a Wyatt Mann comic.
Sell muh a rok fuh a Tubman, muh bruddah?

I will use them. I will just segregate them into the other fold in my wallet.
Clearly the reign of Aunt Jemima lasted decades. Who doesn't like pancakes?
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Just make an ink stamp senpai
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I'll put a drop of Liquid Ass on each one before I put it back in circulation
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£0.04 'as bein added to your account, cheerio for correcting tha auld record
Underrated post
they're going to use the racist defacing of money as an excuse to initiate hatespeech laws. anyone caught defacing money or saying bad things about golliwogs will be sentenced to 20 years hard labor for hatespeech.
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Don't listen to this obvious "agent provocateur"

Fucking skunk scent.

I personally can't wait to get my first batch of silverbacks. I'm going to draw Uncle Ruckus on every one of them.
As if you cumskins got the balls. I'm sure you got this month's dose of that rare tiny testosterone boost from typing that post.
PIL writing that adds next level of irony, well done.
I like it
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You fucking faggot nu-/pol/ cucks don't even have a daily banking thread
it was done by a Jew
What were the names for these bills again?

Google cash?

What's to stop people from just writing "nigger" on every 20 they deposit?
I like it, electrode.

Dindu dough?
Slave wages? Alternatively, slave shekels if alliteration is your thing.
Shoop da whoop!
Simpler, more innocent times
Yes it will be TrumpCoin

Fun fact:

Ben Franklin was an influential physicist who was the first to propose the positive and negative convention for electric charge.

One night, an Irishman got so drunk that he kissed his wife and beat the pope's foot to a pulp with a coal shovel.
>Whites will be hunted down in the streets and have their wealth taken from them

Don't googles already do this?
My man Benji deserves to be on the hundad. He may no be prez, but he OG NIGGA.

you retards do realize all this would do is demonize white people more?

More division in the US and easier for (((them))) to fuck us all over.

why are some of you so stupid?

seriously, it's like alot of you came from reddit or something and had really weak views. You let a fucking knitting enthusiast club brainwash you because your a weak limpwristed cuck and do dumb shit like this.


if you're gunna vandalize it do this at least


or do even this>>90752582

Just putting "nigger" is literally going to get white people shoa'd later down the line.
It's not actually that turning it down is illegal, it's that the debt is no longer valid if they will not accept your payment. If they won't accept it, leave with your debt-free groceries.

Then how will governments make black payments?
>that pic
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