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Pit Bulls Banned

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Thread replies: 328
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Din bit no 1


Lots of butthurt on fb
Only retards can't train a pit bull though.
Dirty google and bean dog
Literally the niggers of the dog species.
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The salty tears
They should just ban them for anyone not smart enough. Make it so someone has to have had experience successfully raising at least one dog before they're allowed a pit bull.
It isn't even something specific to pitbulls. If one can't or won't put time into properly training a dog they own, they shouldn't own any in the first place.
>If one can't or won't put time into properly training a dog they own, they shouldn't own any in the first place.
How do you plan to implement such a system to control this? At what cost?
what the fuck?
that retarded soccer mom panic came and went like ten years ago. They should be moving on to some other retarded panic to legislate about
Remember when it was dobermans? And then it was rottweilers?
what's going to be the next arbitrary animal to hate?
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Ofc no pit bull attack pics in the thread
>Any animal identified as a pit bull
When are we banning blacks?
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Good. Pitbulls are shitty dogs.
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fuck dogs
>new ownership
Who cares? Doggos are doggos, just get a different one.

Id say the was majority of people cant train a dog. Like 99% of people with dogs dont properly train them. And while i dont give a shit if you have a lightweight dog if you can train him or not, but if you have a dog that can cause damage, you better have some proof you are capable of handling him.
I think that last comment is on to something.
We could sterilize 90% of the googles in a year or so.
With the number that resists, we might get more like 99% as the net gets cast wider.
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What's their reasoning? Disproportional violence? Does this mean they'll be banning niggers too now?
hopefully blacks
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Every pit owner has been a poor Mexican who doesn't' bother training it then acts surprised when it mauls his mom.
Pit bulls account for an overwhelming majority of attacks on humans by dogs.

There is literally no reason why they shouldnt be banned.
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No, fuck YOU.
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>what's going to be the next arbitrary animal to hate?

Get the fuck out of here computers are for people not for cats.
Shit breeds anyway, get a sighthound or some form of working dog and you have best doggo pal for 14+ years
>I don't know how statistics work

>Hurr Durr I want the govt to ban things because i'm a pussy fag.
do tell

>want to save lives that are needlessly lost
>pussy fag


Why would anyone want a pit bull anyway? Ugliest dogs on the planet.
>I don't like it so nobody else should like it

pitbulls are only dangerous because of niggers

banning pitbulls helps solve the nigger problem
Pit Bulls are the niggers of the dog world, but it shouldnt be banned.

By another hand, if a Pit Bull kill someone, his owner should be judged as homicide
Nigger dogs btfo, i hope all those pits get sent straight to the gas chambers
While the majority of dog attacks on humans are pit bulls, the vast, vast majority of pit bulls are not violent. Something like 99%.
Female pitbull owners are on the same tier as vegans and crossfitters.
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>Pit Bulls Banned

Good, long overdue already banned here along with everything else

Literally as many people are killed by DOGS annually as sharks. Grow up you pussy fag.
Men who have cats should be castrated

These little niggers are evil, though.
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>owning a dog that looks, acts, smells, and has the intelligence of a rat
Again, they fucking attack people and kill them. Just also doesn't help that theyre ugly as sin.
>While the majority of terrorist attacks on humans are from muslims, the vast, vast majority of muslims are not violent. Something like 99%.

Pitbulls are the dog of peace?
I bet a lot of these stupid women who supports pit bulls also support fucking niggers.

Anyone have that Facebook pic of that pro-pitbull cunt that was later eaten by her pitbull?
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>but my Buttons would never hurt a fly! He's a good dog, dindu nuffin!
>x is a problem
>well Y is ALSO a problem, so we shouldnt do anything about x

So do niggers, when are we banning them?
>t. Omar
So do MANY other breeds of dog you fucking imbecile.

Rottweilers and Chows kill just as many people as Pitbulls.

I have a lab that identifies as pitbull.
Im saying neither X nor Y is a problem.

You all are looking to a govt to solve a NON EXISTENT problem.
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The archetype of bad pitbull owner that they've created in their mind is probably a mean white man though.
So are pitbulls statistically more likely to attack because they're most often owned and trained by niggers/spics/drug dealers or just in general the breed is much more aggressive than other breeds?
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>Pitbulls are deemed dangerous just because they are pitbulls and not due to terrible irresponsable owners
>Meanwhile niggers roam free despite being scientifically and statistically proven to be a super violent breed of human
pit bulls actually aren't even the biggest biter among dogs
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Pit Bull holocaust now
Studies have shown the breeds are slightly more aggressive than average but that is it.

However, is a dog that is trained for fighting other dogs gonna want to give clear warnings and signals before it bites? That would be a disadvantage for it. Really makes you think.
common sense dog control
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Purveyors of this myth also cannot account for the many instances in which pit bull owners and their family members are victimized by their pet dogs. From 2005 to 2015, pit bulls killed 232 Americans, about one citizen every 17 days. Of these deaths, 51% involved a family member and a household pit bull
They're naturally more agressive.

They're also a stupid breed, so you need some experience when training them.
Go thank your local nigger for the ban, don't forget to hand shake with the nigga with a baton or several .45 fireworks to really make the spectacle.
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Niggers of the animal kingdom. A good dog will loyally stay by its owner no matter how abusive the shitty owner is. These stupid fuckers can be raised in a loving environment from puppyhood and still freak out and kill their masters. They make shitty target practice to as they tend to run straight at you instead zigzagging. Source: I killed quite a few when I lived near the suburbs.
How fucking sheltered are you?
Burgers should be banned, they lead to obesity and thus death, ban burgers NOW.

>GUNS kill people BAN GUNS NOW.
>CARS kill people BAN CARS NOW.

End yourself
I would if we could

Show me the stats. If they kill just as many (per population of the dog) as pit bulls then ban them too, by all means

>Non existent

So all those attacks and deaths, they were just figments of peoples imagination?
pitbull? what's that? this dog is a dogo argentino
pitbull? what's that? my dog is a terrier mix
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About fucking time.

You can't browse /pol/ and hate niggers for the fact that they're disproportionately violent in regards to their population size, and yet accept pitbulls when it's exactly the same thing.

Like 50% of all dog related attacks stem from Pitbulls.

Pitbulls are literally the niggers of dogs.

Protip: This is what a real dog looks like.
>Be burger
>Can own assault rifles
>But not assault doggos
Hopefully soon.
>specific breeds of dog that are statistically proven to be far more violent than other dogs can be banned
>can't do the same thing with humans

more liberal doublethink
>how about we apply the same backward think to humans
Holy fuck, yes please. Ban niggers already. They're a major safety issue - even worse than the pit bulls! And, of course, a much worse financial burden to everyone in the country, not just their owners.
>wolf hybrid

what the fuck. I'm glad Arizona is not fucking retarded and banned those. We literally bred dogs for 10,000 years to love us and they even understand pointing instinctively.
>The outdated debate, "It's the culture, not the race," has caused the nigger problem to grow into a 30-year old problem.

Sounds familiar.

>household pit bull

What's the definition of a household pit bull? One who is trained properly and obedient and just snaps, or does that include spooks/hilljacks who buy them off craigslist and treat them like shit and suffer the consequences?
don't you realize that niggers choose pitbulls because they look badass
we should ban niggers
>GUNS kill people BAN GUNS NOW

Guns are necessary to defend the constitution, especially the 1st


Knives are necessary cooking tools. There is no adequate substitute

>CARS kill people BAN CARS NOW

Even more necessary than knives.

Got any more false equivalencies?

There is literally no need for pit bulls. By another breed that's less dangerous. Problem solved.
Anyone who agrees with this ban is an uninformed ignorant bozo

You cannot be white and dislike dogs. That's an arab thing.

A lot of people need to be erased
this desu, cats are the only choice for the redpilled man.
lol, nice try
staff owner here
some common behaviors can be noted
if playful, will approach fast while waggling tail
if playful but unsure about mood, will approach around normal speed waggling tail while keeping head low
if curious or on guard will approach with tail pointed and head high, might attack if stranger does something bad in his eyes, like taking something thats owned by them family, raises hand at someone or sometimes just tresspasses.
if approaches you slowly with tail pointed but head low, will check, might bite, sometimes dogs bite strangers because they dont want to play with them, happened to me once, absolute trash behavior but happens sometimes.
dont be a cunt about raising your dog and its gonna be friendly and scare melanin enriched individuals.

Most breeds of dogs are far more recent than the different human races.
Assault rifles don't randomly decide to shoot because they feel like it.
3/10 stale
Truth is: People like pitbulls because they look aggressive and act aggressively. And that's exactly why they're being banned.

You can cry me rivers of maple syrup, leaf.
We gotta get rid of common core, folks.
>burgers should be banned

LOL. Comparing a fucking inanimate object to something that run off and kill random people walking by.

wtf, Sven.
Please America, annex the fuck out of us and kill the libtards.
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I saw a group of women with a kid walking a pitbull today and it was making the weirdest noises I've ever heard from a living thing, like slobbering and breathing all over the place. Could hear it from a mile away. Looked ugly af too. Don't see the appeal 2bh.

>pitbulls are illegal
>half-wolf hybrids are fine

See, that's the thing, all those leftard faggots crying about it are all for the complete ban of gun ownership. You can tell them guns are nothing but a tool, and the one wielding it is responsible for what actions it is going to be used for.
Funny how they use the same argument with pits, even though dogs are living beings and so, fundamentally unpredictable, and I don't see "right to own dogs" anywhere in the bill of rights.
Fuck them, fuck their dogs. This is divine retribution.
Guns, knives and cars arent living beings though.

It does not have a behaviour by their own
Yeah, well this time the breed they are against is actually killing innocent people at an alarming rate. I dont give a shit about the owners or their families but these stupid fucking things get loose and actually hunt random people down. These dogs actually break into peoples houses looking for something to maul. If the breed isnt going to be banned at least let us continue to fight them....its really all they were created for and all they are good at.
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try this one
>guns get banned
>kill people with illegal guns
>can't find illegal guns
>get a knife
>knives get banned
>use a pipe

pitbulls get banned
use a dogo argentino
dogo argentinos get banned
use a rottweiler
ad nauseum

it's a slippery slope, my freedom should not be restricted because people are idiots who can't take down a 50 lb dog
Niggers of the animal kingdoms are niggers. A pitbull is just a canine it attacks you because it thinks you are food or you are threatening it, you cannot blame the animal as it has no self control unlike a human, but you should remove it from humans to prevent violence.
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Because they are good boi's
Sweet. We can use this to ban niggers. They have higher crime statistics and are inherently more dangerous. Ban all niggers. Send them back to Africa.

Here's the problem,

A pitbull is a STRONG dog extreme jaw strength. You don't have to teach it to be aggressive. You have to teach it to NOT be aggressive.

Yet, no one wants to say it that way because it increases the negative image of them. Fact is, the dog can be no different than a child playing with a gun. It doesn't matter if they mean to do it or if they were angry. If you don't teach them not to do something then they're a threat.

Pits are great dogs, but they should really require a special license.
I hope they get banned here as well. It's all rainbows and sunshine until one of those nigger dogs bites the owner or a family member because they smelled funny to them one day. They are literally bred to kill. They were used to grab fucking bulls from the snout, hence the name.

They should also ban deformed, useless dogs like Pugs. Those poor doggos are just basically anatomical disasters brought to this world to suffer.

Most doggos are great, but people have to realize they're still animals. If people do stupid shit on impulse and instinct all the time, what makes you think animals won't do the same? People think animals act like they do on fucking disney movies and cartoons.
Deaths with guns, knives, and cars can be prevented, and all of those things actually have a use. Your pitbull attacking some kid on the street while you're walking it cannot be prevented.
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well that are cut as fuck
>if you leave a gun on a table, it is doubtful that it will get up and shoot people on it's own
guess what, an untrained dog from an agressive breed left to it's own devices is very capable of getting up and killing someone. even more so if it is little kids or elderly people it doesn't know.
deadly and unpredictable stuff should be regulated.
Don't be a wog
Bin that dog
then you look at crime rates by race
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Praise be unto democracy for its wisdom! There are plenty of breeds of big dogs that are not sociopaths, fuck the nigger dog and its owners!
Learn to fucking read spic
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>because people are idiots who can't take down a 50 lb dog

Those kids walking home should really have their pistols always primed in case a four-legged animal rushes them.

Really makes you think.

>ad nauseum

Really looking forward to the attack chihuahuas
Nice little story you have concocted. Too many assumed premises for me to handle 2bh famalam
>proceeds to post the most dangerous breed
I think dogs are a smaller problem than constant beheadings Pedro
>dogs can attack without their owners present
>dogs can escape confines and attack people not on owners private property
>gun can't
>false equivalence
>red herring
>next you'll bring up why not ban cars because they kill more people then pit bulls

Fucking hate how people argue now a days.
Calling them retarded is too kind.
Good kill them all and kill every last pittnigger owner and defender whilst at it.
Pit bulls arent dogs, they are statements.
Nothing like owning a dog who will one day challenge you for leadership of the pack.
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Oh shit pitbull thread!!!

Post coal burners getting btfo by nigger dogs!
Every family I know of who has had a pit bull has had a family member mauled by it. They make excuses for the pit bull and put the blame solely on the person who was mauled.

Kind of like niggers.
Please spin this to a human race issue. Or a twist on the genderfluid bullshit. say your dog identifies as a labradoodle
Do you think those doing beheadings don't want pit bulls? Then if you shoot/stab their pit bull because it was running at you you got an angry cholo.
>Ban a cute dog because it has a hard life and I think it's ugly

I understand banning pitbulls or at least stricter control on who can own them, but banning certain breeds due to health defects is on par with not letting people have dogs that aren't built for the enviroment IE a husky in Arizona.
fucking /pol/ advocating for pitbulls like libtards advocating for niggers LMAO
This, easy ass dog to train.

It's Canada though, they don't have freedom
i don't think its cool to take someones dog away. thats pretty mean. banning breeding/sale? fine. but taking the dog? nah.
You're on a board that wants our govt to ban sexuality, drugs, etc.
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My "dog" dares you to take her away from me
How is that a story? It's a logical conclusion.
Appealing to emotion, really makes you feel.
Attack chihuahuas isn't unreasonable. Breed them for size and aggression.

>should require a special license

I'm actually ok with this. You should prove that you're able to properly train and control one in order to own one.

I would argue the breed isn't any more prone to biting someone in a given situation (assuming training is the same between breed A and breed B), but when they do bite they do much more damage than your average dachshund (look up statistics for most aggressive dog breeds).

In the event that the dog does get aggressive the person has to be able to control them. Being as powerful as they are, you should be able to prove your ability to handle one on a leash when it's trying to get at something/someone.
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In Defense of Pugs
by anon

you can't ban pugs

they have a use

they are very pugnacious

and the breed lends itself easily

to pugmanteaus and pug life jokes.

Beyond this, I know this simple fact:

pugs deserve to live because they are good-natured, and always appear

as if they just arrived at a party, but are not entirely sure

If it is the right one.

You're a fag.
I hope they find all existing pitbull dogs and shear their heads off.
It's the only way to be sure.
If we can ban animals, can we finally ban black people?
Same, especially white folks dogs. Whites actually raise their dogs well.

Rottweilers are better anyway.
This, niggers are more dangerous than any animal if we are honest.
Wow, I actually hate Canadians now
TIL /pol/ supports gun control, but only when the guns are dogs.

'Won't someone think of the dead children!'
Chihuahuas are actually the devil in dog form.

Violent as fuck and always angry. If the breed was bigger they would kill much more people than Pitt Bulls.
Nigger those little fuckers are vicious
I know one family with a pit, he became our shop dog after he bit the neighbor but he's the nicest dog on the planet if he knows you, very well disciplined and obedient. Mad fucking racist though, that dog HATES black people for some unknown reason.

He bit the neighbor because the neighbor was in his yard in case anyone was wondering.
>the dog that the majority of low life nigs and beans use to attack people, or walk around intimidating people, and dog fight with
>wahhhhh dont ban them!

fuck up spic

cmon that was just natural selection
That's not really what I meant. (I've owned Huskies and live in the border state with AZ)

Breeds like pugs can't ever, ever breathe properly in their entire lives. They're always getting sick and are always weezing and sneezing and are kind of dumb compared to other dogs.

Imagine if the same thing happened with people. "Oh lets breed downies because they look cute!" No, it doesn't happen. People want some pure breeds and with all the genetic fuckups they have the poor dogs only suffer because their owners use them for attention whoring on instagram and think that their deformed skulls look cute.
>Appealing to emotion, really makes you feel.

Pointing out that kids won't be able to take on 50 pound 4 legged animal running at them is too emotionally compelling to be a good point

Really makes you not think.
They already are.
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>mfw people who support gun control love pit bulls
>dog HATES black people for some unknown reason
In my experience most dogs, especially pits, hate niggers.
Explain why dogs are should be banned while violent rapist niggers aren't...
crackers have no problem hitting their dogs

I see those low life trailer trash treat their dogs bad all the time

Fuck the whites
So it's the primitive creature's fault that it wasn't properly trained and kept on a leash? It is. Niggers need to take classes before getting dogs.
Those people also love niggers too.
guns cant attack anyone though?

it takes a human to use a gun, a tool, to kill people

a dog is just a dog, with its own mentality, it just so happen Pits are the ones that usually attack (and kill) humans.

I know you're a leaf, but try not being so retarded next time.
Any dog a under a woman's supervision is the one I'm most wary of. If they can't train a rat dog properly god knows how fucked up they raise normal sized dogs

>tards don't know how to control a massive hulk of muscle that they walk around with to look cool
>people get torn to pieces when these tards fuck up/intentionally let their get aggressive
>dogs get euthanized, people go to hospitals, tards go to jail

Or you could just ban them in your city and never have to worry about them again.
Wow, Canada did something sane for once?

The main problem with Pit Bulls is that niggers and white trash methheads buy them because they've heard that Pit Bulls are tough. Any dogs raised by these idiots will have a higher chance of biting people.

A license is the best compromise. Anyone with a brain will be able to get it, and in 20 years it can be repealed when drug dealers have switched to a new breed they prefer to fail to train.
If dogs are banned niggers should be banned too. You are more likely to be killed by niggers than any animal
wtf I hate retards now?
>violent rapist niggers

Pretty sure violent crimes and rape are banned.

The nigger part, I totally advocate for those being banned too. I think the pit bull think is more attainable because they won't riot when they are all neutered and sterilize.
Canadian geese attack humans a thousand times most often than pit bulls. BAN CANADIAN GEESE
>Chows kill just as many people as Pitbulls.
This fucking denial
You think we aren't for a nigger ban too?

Do you know where you are?
Pit bull mixes actually turn out pretty good. It takes all the ugliness out of their face, but still leaves some positive pit bull looks in. Like how (sometimes) a mixed person looks pretty good with dark skin because they don't have an ape nose and big lips any more.

Fuck off, anyone who owns a pitbull = nigger. Trash dogs for trash people.

Pit Bulls are extremely loyal to their owners. He probably hates black people because he was raised by whites, and recognizes them as outsiders.

I'm really confused as to why /pol/ doesn't like Pits, they're the Nationalists of dogs.
Fuck these laws. My dogs look bully as fuck but are mixed between lab retriever and char pei.

Down here they fit pit bull profile but neither of their parents do.
>Only retards can't train a pit bull though.

I'd wager that majority of pit bull owners are retards.
Kek, true. I'm just tired of people banning dogs when all the murders in my area are committed by blacks.

3 children executed by bullets to the head by niggers this month in my city, 1 single dog attack in the last 6 months. Seems like we can save a lot of loves by banning a certain group of people over dogs.
honesty Pits are one of the easiest breeds of dogs to train. You'll have more nuisance with toy dogs.

If you can't control a pit don't have one.
Fking kill me when I see some white trash/dindu couple with pit yelling at theirr pit instead of actually correcting it.

Same thing with beating them, most breeds are the same in this aspect but pits have demonstrated violent tendencies to Humans when beat by one.

I don't care for pits, but an entire ban on a breed to negligence of idiots is kinda lame That being said, before you get a dog know the breed. Don't just see and go "Ooooo I want it!"
You can't be a lazy fuck who looks at 2d waifus and plays video games all day and wonder why a GSD (Working/herding breed) is tearing your shit up and going bonkers.
You're an idiot
Nigger dogs

Nothing of value, etc.
Only retards buy pit bulls tho
Stiffer fines on dog attacks. Don't put the dog down. Instead move it to someone else and fine the shit out of the previous owner.
idgaf about who's fault it is. I just want less vicious dogs on the streets. Idgaf if the pitbull's never knew his mother and his dad died in the war and that is why he is bitter is vicious. An aggressive breed is an aggressive breed.
The assault rifle meme strikes again.
This is true. Especially those that love treating dogs like little children. A female friend of mine owns this weird dog that looks like big chihuahua that's kind of annoying and it's always pissing and even shitting inside her house. All she does is "scold" the dog but never have I seen her take the time to actually train the thing. I've seen the same thing happen with other people, including my mother or cousins.

It's a dog, not a kid. People don't realize this.
Because very few whites own Pit Bulls.

You know, why have a dog that is stupid, agressive and useless?
I'm a dog owner. There's literally no reason for anyone to own a dog which is prone to aggressive behaviour.
>inb4 it's the master and dog training that breeds the behaviour
Just no. And most of the owners are trash anyway.

Just pick another of the thousands of dog breeds. They are fucking ugly anyway. babies bitten to death > your feels
> He probably hates black people because he was raised by whites, and recognizes them as outsiders

He was raised by a spic but the dog never bothers white people.
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>tfw literally yesterday i was mauled by a cat with no collar and now will probably have cat scratch fever and maybe die

changed me from a cat guy to a dog guy in about 3 seconds
You're a faggot.
they're shitty dogs and for a board who is all le niggers are animals

so are these dogs

ask yourselves why don't they fight great danes or other big dogs, why pitbulls?

like the dogs were bred to be aggressive, so why is everyone always so fucking upset about it?

also, a lot of pitbull owners are dirt bags and wannabe tough guys who've only contributed to the problem
Dogs have masters. The reality of this issue is always going to be human error. No matter what breed of dog I own, it's going to listen to me. Regardless, they're on a leash, controlled.
Some people can't handle basic tasks, training a dog is one of those.
I have two pitbull/lab mixes. The lab in them makes them a little goofier than average but they were BY FAR easier to train than my dachshund. I've never met a single pitbull that was as stubborn as a dachshund.

They make great hunting dogs, I use the dachshund to track and the mutts to hold down game and retrieve.
Why is Canada so against freedom?
[citation needed]
Good. Literally the only people I've ever known that owned pit bulls were googles and trashy white people.
My friend's dad lost his left arm to their 2y old pitbull.
She was friendly even to strangers, i could pat her 10 minutes after visiting.
A month later one night they were watching a movie and she fucking destroyed the left arm of the very person that fed her without any hint.

Pitbulls are fucking unstable.
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show me double-digit death tolls for Dalmatian and Beagle attacks. I'll wait here for your science and sources.
you realise youre basically the dog equivalent of #notallmuslims right

kill yourself

pit bulls are the niggers of the dog world. just like niggers are more violent because of their genetics, so are pits.
>buys dog breed that is stupid as fuck and can turn into a killing machine with an unstoppable bite in an instant.
>dog kills person

You have to be the biggest fucking retard if you own a pitbull. You might as well own a pet lion.
Seriously, we need to hunt them into extinction. They're such cunts.
You don't understand dog training. From 8 weeks and on you're telling your dog what is and what is not acceptable. A dog that isn't properly socialized with other animals is going to fear or be aggressive towards animals. A dog that isn't properly socialized towards humans is going to fearful or aggressive towards humans. If you want less vicious dogs on the streets, you better ban them all. Any dog can kill you. Every dog has the ability to become aggressive.
There's a reason you train dogs.
muh dogs

women are retarded lol
>t. A pussy that can't train a dog
>without any hint
>without any hint
>without any hint
>without any hint
Pit Bulls were literally bred to be aggressive and stupid. Banning them seems like a no brainer.

All dog breeds inherit temperaments. Just stop breeding for serial killer animals.
decent-enough post

hope one rips your child's jugular out ya cuck
why did they have to make the little girl fat? this just proves that only ugly people -- both inside and out -- like pitbulls

Retards can't train animals in general and yet Pitbulls still chimp out.
Nice argument achmed. Totally not because dogs are haram or anything.
Pit bulls are dog niggers. Prove me wrong.

No, no, no, no they wuz a good pupper who dindu nuffin the media gotta ruin everything maaaaaaaaaaaaan. >:(
>any dog can kill you
anybody can commit violent crime too yet niggers commit way more.

dey gud dogs, din bite no 1, dey provoked 'im, 'E A GUD BOI
they are our national symbol. how would like like it if the bald eagle was hunted to extinction?
Pit bulls are ugly and anyone who likes these shitty sub-dogs are subhuman themselves
>training a spontaneously violent animal that isn't even as good for protection as other dogs
they should be genocided, worthless experiment of a breed.
Canadians are niggers anyways
Niggers commit crime because they're raised by single mothers who are incompetent retards with low IQs.

Do I need to spell this out or are you going to continue proving my point for me?
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>Any dog can kill you. Every dog has the ability to become aggressive.
>any dog can kill you

I will gladly take 50 bites from a toy terrier on my wrist over 1 pit bite on any limb. Show me the news stories of Inu Shibas and Weimariners savagely rampaging across the country, devouring children and adults alike.
>nigger dog
>pits out no matter how well trained
It actually almost is extinct IIRC.

But, the bald eagle doesn't attack people like a cunt.

Spoken like a limp wristed faggot.
>There's a reason you train dogs.
missing the point 2k16

that's actually this entire thread
Now they're going to find another breed to fuckup

well done
Pitbulls are the masterrace
niggers are raised by single mothers with low iq's... because niggers have low iq's. groups of people don't spontaneously start raising children with single mothers for no reason dumbass. iq is an inherited trait you stupid fucking nigger lover. niggers are shit everywhere they go, it's their nature to be violent subhumans.
go ahead and train a bear and keep it in your backyard then, come on don't be such a pussy. pitbulls serve literally no purpose, not even worth the time to train them, and not worth the fucking money to feed them.
10% of the dog population, 82% of the fatal attacks

That's the point though. People who clearly shouldn't be in charge of animals are raising them. Little yappy dogs can get away with murder and dumb bitches just let them. 1 bite from a dog means it's exhibiting unacceptable behavior, the size is irrelevant
Next are GSDs, Pinschers, Rottweilers, etc.
It's a slippery slope and you pro-ban faggots are choking it down and begging for more
Small breed dogs are really insecure and actually are more aggressive meaning you are more likely to be bit by one. It sounds ridiculous but Ive seen where people have been bitten in the eye or nose for getting too close to small dogs and had to end up with surgery.
Pit bulls can snap even with training
I am not for killing them but not keeping them on a leash and treating them as pets is retarded
An intelligent retort of an intelligent person.
>he thinks the majority of pitbull owners aren't retards

Every male pitbull owner I've seen is an aggressive wannabe tough guy and every female is a bluepilled coal burning libtard.
AHAHA you do know there are people with pet bears, and the bears never attacked anyone, right?

You're talking like a woman now, anon. All emotion, no logic. You even misuse literally like a woman. Even if their only purpose is to make retards like you buttmad.
Stick to sheep. You dont know shit about dogs.

>all these butthurt liberal roastie cunts

These are the people defending that nigger breed here.
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>all women
common filth was right again
>You even misuse literally
But that is the correct usage of the word literally, you dumb nigger.

This is the mind of an authoritarian liberal retard. Train a WILD animal because it's cool.
Pitbulls are a domesticated breed of dog. They're great for hunting and guarding the home via deterrence.
Dogs don't attack without reason nor warning.
Should I explain why your anecdote doesn't matter without all the facts present?
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>missing the point 2k16
not at all. Statistically peaceful breeds like Inu Shiba are less common and generally more expensive to get. Pit Bulls are literally given away, although you can buy licensed pure-breds if you're some sort of cholo with a few good years of drug money that warrants showing off.

Inu don't tear off owner's extremities or kill kids.
Pit Bulls do tear off extremities and kill kids. There are hundreds of news stories.

Obviously there's a correlation between income and societal standing, dog breeds, training(or lack thereof) and violent attacks. Since you can't FORCE Pit owners to be good upstanding dog trainers, it's easier to just ban the breed. You want to dispel the Pit stigma? Get all Pit owners to drive the attack rates down. But you can't, because statistically they're poor blacks that want a guard dog that'll kill in the hood. White people who like Pits are just going to have to suffer and get a different breed. I suggest a nicer breed without the nigger association attached to it, because I can guarantee you won't see any Beagle or Saint Bernard breed-specific bans in your lifetime.
>You even misuse literally like a woman.

What did he mean by this?
>pitbulls serve literally no purpose

I can think of a couple right off the top of my head

scaring niggers
making numales like you mad
decent guard dog

So, no. You literally used it incorrectly.
I own an 8yr old put boxer and a 2yr old pit mastiff.

They're giant fucking babies.
It's called yappy dog syndrome. People let small dogs do stupid shit like nip at their ankles or bark because they think it's cute, but none of those behaviors would fly with normal sized dogs
Yeah but there's no way for people to know whether or not someone else's pitt bull is properly trained.

If its first time attacking someone is going to be the difference between whether my kid lives or dies then I would much rather choose to have a neighbour who owns an untrained vicious chihuahua or dachshund than a neighbour who owns a pitbull.
be serious
>Dogs don't attack without reason nor warning.
That's like your opinion man.
Kill yourself you stupid lottle fucking asshole.
Your flag has another country's flag on it, and is also identical to ANOTHER country's flag save different colored stars.
>"come on you pussy, bears don't fucking kill people"
Spoken like a true fucking idiot. What were these bears not trained right? They were good boiz who dindu nuffin? I bet you'd call me emotional for not wanting to live in a NIGGER neighborhood too.
Good fucking riddance. Next step pitbull owners.

t.Cop who was randomly bit in the knee by these mutant rats.

Couldn't even shoot it because the shit bag owner's kids were behind it.
>the size is irrelevant
the size is everything. If the ghetto dog of choice was the dachshund, people would just wear full length jean or high cut boots and not be up in arms about weiner dog attacks, and there sure as fuck wouldn't be any deaths over the age of two. With pits, it's in your best interest to cross the street and avoid walking by one, lest you lose a fucking limb or die outright due to a dangerous breed tweaking out for no good reason.
Good, pitbulls music is fucking shit and I'm tired of hearing him on the radio.

Surprised frog-kites were the only ones with enough taste to do what needed to be done
Can you even read IDs? Further proof pitbull owners are all dumb fucking niggers.

>randomly bit
>owner's kids were behind it

Are you autistic?

protip: most dog owners don't train their dogs and keep them as comfort pets
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t. stupid roastie cunt

Seems at least in part from the breed it self. I'm sure the training accounts for some but not all breeds are created equal. Just look a human breeds
Time and time again, admitting it's the fault of degenerate niggers. If you want a ban, ban them in Chicago, Detroit, East St. Louis. Better yet, institute licenses in these shit holes so niggers would have to pay and go to a class to own one. Cops would be getting more arrests on stupid niggers. It's a win, and normal human beings don't have to worry about a stigma created by niggers.

Local government, CAN force pit owners to get a license, it won't make them good owners, but it will deter them from getting a pitbull from a backyard breeder when they realize cops are going to pull them over to check their dog license.

Also 5 seconds with google.
>With pits, it's in your best interest to cross the street and avoid walking by one

Stop anon, you're giving me vietnam flashbacks.

God I fucking hate pits and their fucking owners.
>t. white guy with animal ken

congrats. I hope your personal anecdote doesn't cloud you on the statistics of how they would have ended up under another person's care and training.
>I'm a liberal for wanting to ethnically cleanse a nigger breed of dog
really makes you think...
If you don't like dogs then you aren't white.
Except for pitbulls, of course.
Yeah, they obviously weren't trained, or the retards that got eaten had no business being around them.
But yeah, I'd call you emotional because youre a fag thats afraid of conflict. Cry more faggot.

>jumps into an autistm fest of an argument
>expects people to check IDs

Please stop, anon.

I blame the rise of the toy breeds. When owning a dog meant taking care of a large animal, people learned how to train them, or dealt with shit and piss all over their house and destroyed property.

Now dingbats can own a chihuahua or some faggot animal and then think they're properly equipped to handle a large breed.

Ban small dogs, they only appeal to women and nu-males anyway.
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What a bunch of shit. I like guns and dogs. Big dogs are the best. I've only met one mean pit. Anyway, I hate little dogs. Let's ban little dogs, but legalize all manner of big dogs. And let's ban cats. I've met a larger percentage of tame wolfdogs over cats, no joke. Now, a cat usually doesn't have the capacity to seriously harm someone, but it literally of its own accord goes around and destroys things. Guns don't. Dogs don't unless trained to be mean. Cats by nature however are inherently evil.
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My mom once got bitten in the face... by golden retriever.
She was drunk, and tried to cuddle by grabbing his face and giving him kisses.

Don't blame people's stupidity on animals. Every dog can be aggressive, and it's our responsibility to take that in account.
>ran over 20 metres to bite me at an unrelated residence delivering a summons.

He a good boi tho.
Notice the trends here?
>pitbull escapes
These are neglected dogs that were likely never socialized around humans. I can almost guarantee their owners just left them outside all day in the yard.
Escaping the yard to attack what they perceive as an invader does not equate to "no reason". I'm not justifying it so don't get asshurt like the rest of these leftists idiots, but the fact of the matter is that the dogs were not TRAINED.
can't we ban all dogs?
You're literally the same as pit bull lovers
Let's ban humans too
Wait, let's just ban harm so everything will be alright
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>expects people to know how to read
I'm sorry, is that a microaggression? I apologize for expecting you to know how to read, you illiterate nigger.

I think you might be autistic. You need to tell the whole story if you want people to understand what you're talking about.

In that case you should have gone back and baited it off the property again, then shot it.
waste of trips. Why are you so mad? This is MONTREAL. Fucking LEAF town.

Whatever. Even if you had every Pit in a good household, they can still snap, with no good warning, and the damage is far higher than most breeds.

Pitbulls are the niggers of dogs.
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>we can classify different breeds of dogs and determine which temperaments they're likely to have

>but doing the same thing to black people is 'racist'
well we got ethics n shit
like we eradicate a lot of animals anyways so why not add dogs too
same thing
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You're a liberal because you want Big Brother to step in.

Time and time again, this thread goes into a cyclical conversation.

Every single argument in this thread has concluded that retarded owners result in retarded dogs.

You've grown soft to let niggers influence your freedom.
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Boy oh boy... What an absurd thing for them to do!
Pitbulls are literally gay as fuck I don't see why anyone would like them my roommate has two they throw up all over the carpet and piss everywhere one has a crooked tail from sitting on its fatass so goddamn much they are dumb as goldfish

>literally dirty google and bean dog

Can't tell if human is male or female, that's what we should be banning IMO
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I wish they banned fighting dogs in Russia. And strictly licensed the ownership of guard dogs.

Russian dog owners are 99% shit, they buy fucking walking jaws and then never bother to train them. Their fucking rotweilers are running and shitting at a kids' playground, and these fucktards are standing 20 meters away, discussing shit with each other and paying no mind.

Thanks god those tiny floorwipes are popular these days, instead of attack dogs like in the 90-s. I really don't understand what must be going on in the head of a person who buys a dog the only purpose of which is to attack someone and bite a huge chunk out of them.

(caption for the picrelated: "Whatdafuck!" "Man taking Whatdafuck for a walk.")
>Every dog can be aggressive
It's about how much damage they can do, retard. If that dog was a pitbull your mom would be dead or horribly mutilated. There is no reason for a dog that can deal so much damage so easily to be owned as a pet. And that's ignoring their increased level of aggression.
Im going to start selling Rhodesian Ridgebacks
Yeah let's appropriate Chinese culture and eat them
Most dogs are worthless anyway, just let rescue and cop doggos live
You should need a license to own any one of the dogs that fall under the "bully" breed. The nanny dog shit has convinced parents to buy them and NOT train them. Shame on them, and shame on the googs who abuse them. I hate dogs, but that's just common sense - it's like owning a weapon.
I guess wanting to kill niggers is liberal too. Removing violent redskins is also totally liberal, Andrew Jackson was a liberal. We just need to be good conservatives, and show these lesser races how to act!
I LOVE pittnigger threads, pittnigger owners get so fucking triggered and defensive over thier 4 legged negroes.
Cats are a pet for women.
>it's like owning a weapon.
No, it fucking isn't. A weapon does not have instincts. A weapon cannot act on its own. A dog's actions cannot be predicted or controlled no matter how well trained. Stop using unequivocal arguments.
Blacks/Africans didnt breed or domesticate dogs. Try again.

>/pol/ is the place for lengthy stories.

>nobody else had your level of difficulty understanding (or shares your passion for defending shit breeds)

I'm not a burger who shoots (and misses) everything. Just got a destruction order instead of shooting my gun unnecessarily.
People who do that, people who get tattoos, people who listen to rap are all feeling the same emotion as a toddler walking around in public with sunglasses and light up sneakers.
Survivorship bias
I didn't know there were so many pussies that were afraid of dogs on /pol/
Coons are fucking cunts, You should be trying to kill them already.
The same applies for banning guns vs people using them in a bad way but I bet you won't see these faggots stand up for gun owners.

>I'm not a burger who shoots (and misses) everything.
>It's dead, but I'm still mad I didn't get to shoot it.
>Owning a large dog
>Not training it


How are you going to be based alpha of your family if you can't even train an animal properly

It's like you don't even want to give your guard dog commands in German
you mean catstrated?
Good, I'm sick of the niggerdog meme. If you own a niggerdog, you are a degenerate.
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>sister dropped out of college to become girlfriend of "rapper" 10 years her senior
>3-4 years later he wanted nothing to do with her anymore and kept calling my father to take her back because she was insane
>she forces him to impregnate her
>has half black baby
>not married
>he has 3 or 4 other children by other women who my sister gets along with
>they bred pitbulls together
>muh pibble
>look at dis baby

She brought a young pitbull over to my parents' house one day when she was seeking asylum from her baby donor. My parents' cat lashed out and fucked its nose up. Dog had to be kept in the backyard whimpering the whole weekend while the cat stood guard.

She's 32 and lives with my parents now.
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I approve of this ban, all untermensch dog breeds must be purged.

t. Shitposting Schaferhund
being afraid of dogs is common sense
Kill them. If i have a 1/5 chance of dying from a pitbull attack, every single one of their breed deserves to die.

Fucking nigger dogs. Literally who needs them. Get a german shepherd for defence, not this random child face chewer

I don't like dogs, but I've been saddled with taking care of my brothers dog and his GF's dog because they couldn't find an appartment that would let them take the dogs.

The GF's dog is a 7 year old pit bull that still has its balls. After a few weeks of work on him, he follows at my feet and never glances at other people or dogs we cross unless I specifically tug his leash towards them.

I've also worked on making sure he isn't "jumpy" or easily surprised by sudden loud sounds.

After this, I would say that the problem with Pitbulls is the owners. Dogs are more like tools than creatures. Properly trained and led, their actions are entirely controllable and predictable.

Still can't wait to get rid of the dogs. Fucking annoying things to take care off.
2nd place by attacks
you should start with yourself you know
>how about we apply the same backward think to humans
Great idea, when can we start?
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Now you listen here you piece of shit nigger. As a white man, all manner of dog bow to my presence, except for the crazy little spazzy ones. And a few deranged ones. Pit bulls are nice dogs, like most big dogs.
Nice b8 you fucking know-nothing cunt
That distinction goes to rottweilers, G. sheppards have to be trained to be attack and guard dogs
>Not knowing about positive reinforcement and negative punishment
>Not learning principles of behaviorism
>Not spending time training your animal
>Not enforcing militaristic training standards on your large dog

You failed autistically as a brother
>not just banning all large dogs
any of them can kill humans; you can't know what goes in mind of a human, let alone a dog
Dog owners should be bluntly killed.
You need to die soon.
yeah i bet roleplaying as a strong white man is how you rationalize raising your wife's black son
That's stupid. Pitbulls are not for casual owners. Period. Your average casual dog owner will do fine with your average casual dog. They can even be shitty and probably be fine with some run of the mill corgie mutt or whatever.

If you get a corgie and dont train or walk it, it'll just get diabetes and die a miserable death. Worst case scenario someone gets stitches. Do the same with a pit and it will get so bored and pent up that someone's face will come off. Because a pit can clear a six foot fence and tear out a throat while being beat in the face. A corgie cannot.

Pitbulls are a higher liability and require higher commitment, stop putting out a stupid meme that "hurr durr they are the same" for the sake of your stupid pride. They are breed for a different purpose and so they behave differently. They are more aggressive because that is one of the traits that is useful in the breeds intended purpose. Idiot.

>Dogs are haram!

I'm sorry this is a website for white people.
You can't fight the drive for black cock. Too much MTV and BET in her highschool years corrupted her. She's 7 years older than me.

She's thinking of having another child with that guy.
> Still can't wait to get rid of the dogs. Fucking annoying things to take care off.

Ironic isn't it? By not treating them like a cuddly toy, you got yourself a loyal companion. Most people buy dogs like accessories now.
And people pick pits because they are agressive little shits
I refuse to accept that anyone can find a pit beautiful
Well, dogs are okay to eat
>let's ban things that are dangerous

only retard here is you
Not dangerous, violent. There is a distinction between the two. Guns can be dangerous, that doesn't mean you ban them. Niggers are violent, that means you get rid of them.
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I just remembered that this is a thing
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