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/cfg/ Clinton Foundation General: hand signals edition

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 308
Thread images: 194

Clinton Foundation General is about:
1) Investigating the corruption of Hillary Clinton, the Clinton Foundation, and related entities.
2) Creating memes and infographics on the above mentioned topics.

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You can also find us here
Comey in Congress today.
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bamp, how are you today?

https://judiciary.house.gov/hearing/oversight-federal-bureau-investigation/ Comey hearing
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What's up, my boys?
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Sup boys. U guys should see this. #NeverHillary communicated with Holt using hand signals. Fucking rigged! FUCK THESE PEOPLE!! >>90713631

Very interesting.
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Dat missing shoe.
hey pham, how's it going?

Yeah, saw that. This is YUUUUUUUUUUGE
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lol that headline
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Northern Territory News-like
Thanks for the Link.
Is it just me or does Jordan lurks /pol/
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yeah, he seems so, or at least /r/the_Donald
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what a traitor that faggot is

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Probably, was the way how he talked about clicking through a hell of archives links
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Diversion to slide thread


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Doctor testing her grip, Hillary is a mess and can barely stay alive at this point. Shills are on suicide watch
comey has no patience for being called out for the FBI failure by growdy. triggered!
haha chaffetz btfo of comey on reddit post combetta
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It was all done to trigger trump to get him on the defensive. They knew the right words to use and had the timing down, too. It was all choreography ...
holy fuck. Chaffetz totally pwned him
aye it was awesome, comey just pulls a Clinton half the time, oh I cant remember
Isn't that the same fat ugly jew female who checked Shillarys pulse on 9/11 on the way to her car.
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it's a photo from 9/11
Fuck! Wish I could have seen that! Who the fuck has the power to arrest the head of the fbi? Congress?
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Seth Rich bump. God bless.
meme material

The Intercept confirms that two of Clinton’s top campaign donors biggest private prison contractors in the world.

>Darling of the Drug War: Hillary Clinton Campaign Funded by Private Prison Lobby

Can you imagine if she was healthy, she would literally mop the flor with your boy trump.
Congrats, /cfg/. Your work has made it into the new Comedy hearing.

You are having a real impact on this case and this election. I'm impressed.
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have no idea man. I dunno how FBI exactly works
Nice find!
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can't stop, won't stop
I fucking missed it! Baaaaaaah! What specifically?
The reddit posts about that guy that Bleach-bit'd Clinton's E-mail servers
not sure be he should resign to keep the FBI's integrity, doubt he would be prosecuted. he basing everything on the evidence not being there so couldn't prosecute. but its obvious the intent was there and obstruction of justice with it being disposed of.
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Hey post more Comey memes I need them for normies.

My threads


gotta go, will be back later
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Can I request Comey shaming graphics? Like this one, but that actually look good.
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contributing. found on Twatter
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Good day.
How is it going?
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Good to see you back.
How is it going down South?
Meme material..

If Hillary is elected, in her first 100 days, she will effectively erase American borders.
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nice! is this your OC?
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It was my second one.
Hey. I know you have not too much time to spare, but as you have once mentioned, October is nearing on us and it'd be great to have details of our plan already set so we can start preparing properly. If you could write a word or two to us, it'd be good. Of course, if the time allows you.
primary school shooting in South Carolina

Atlantic Council and CNN pushing MH17 stuff to support war vs Russia
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Sup Googles and Facebook fucks!

Had a good rest, and I'm ready to run.

Working on some good shit, and hopefully I will be able to produce some more material today.

How are all these fuckin' Skypes doing today?

CTR, you already know what da fuck I'm going to say, but I'm going to say it any fuckin' way. Where da fuck is Hillary's bitch ass today? When is her next scheduled event?

Eat a dick CTR, you fuckin' Googs

MH17 is set for a full media and social blitz ...

Press the angle : dangerous hillary is leading US into to war with Russia?
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Open season on weasles boys!
guys, i am wondering if these memes are having any effect. clinton sheep just dont seem to care
sounds like a concern troll shill

if you are genuinely concerned, no, memes are effective, not going to put the data in your lap for you though

anyway this may be the final push before the false flag election hacking in nov

The memes are most effective on ex-Bernie supporters, and provide the power the pro-Trumpers need.

We offer the best material to bring down that cunt bitch. We know we won't convince brainwashed Liberals that do ass-to-mouth, but we will have an effect on those that can swing the votes.

We will divide and conquer. Don't forget, Hillary had to cheat just to get the Democrat nomination.

Never underestimate the hate for Hillary coming from an ex-Bernie bro. She represents big money. They hate big money. We fuck big money!

afternoon all, we got Ddossed the fuck out last night, for hours... Shills amirite
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that's a good one!

ok guys, just wondering. i'll keep tweeting
I didn't know that happened, but it wouldn't surprise me.

CTR, JDIF, and others are afraid of the high energy!

Even though the debate didn't go 100% for Trump, we aren't faded. We are actually more high energy than ever!

We are going for the win! We will work harder, we will destroy the fuckin' Googles and Skypes!

Big money can't fight the real power of the masses!

We all know that Hillary is a lying bitch! Look at the video below where Obama calls that cunt out on many things!

Bitch got rekted by a junior Senator!

Tensions Flare Between Obama and Clinton at SC Debate - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MD9F1t9GQzA

>Even though the debate didn't go 100% for Trump, we aren't faded. We are actually more high energy than ever!

imo he had to play nice to undermine the pepe alt right trump is hitler narrative dems were pushing, for the sake of those not familiar with him and who dont watch or read his stuff themselves

bernie bros even pointing out his rising polls post debate
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how the heck do i get this rectangle into the hillary picture?
>photofiltre 7
that's my boy

Layer>Open as Layer>Blue-rectangle.png
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>mfw I literally work for CTR
sup leaf. Damn, they are escalating like whoa! They fear us which means we are winning!

U see this >>90723647?


I think he did very well during the first 20 minutes of the debate.

It looks like he was thrown some really bad questions (bait) that he fell hard for. Like the birther issue, the tax returns, etc.

Trump was definitely at a disadvantage because he was playing against a loaded deck. Hillary didn't have those hard questions.

Trump could have shitted all over her, but he didn't. He did hold back. However, he could have been more articulate and not used so many generalities.

To me, the biggest difference is that Hillary is a lying cunt bitch and you can't trust anything she says. She may talk a good game, but she is full of shit.

She is just playing people to vote for her. She will pass the TPP. To me, that's the biggest issue. At least Trump knows the TPP is bad for most citizens, and he will not pass that toxic trade agreement.

The moderator was easy on Hillary and threw her easy questions, while the moderator was hard on Trump with fact checking and throwing him curve balls.

Trump could have done better, but the deck was stacked against him. It was rigged in Hillary's favor, just like so many other things have been. The Democrat primaries, the FBI investigations, etc.

She represents the establishment that we need to overthrow. She represents big money that influences politics in the US, and it needs to go away!

We have to go all out. FULL STEAM AHEAD!!!

yeah site was unusable from 5;20AM on... Not for lack of trying.
I did see that hand signal thing. I'm pretty convinced yeah.
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thanks, i learned from you.
can anybody improve on this?
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You guys know Ben Garrison is satire right?
It's almost perfect. The one suggestion I would make it keep the first sentence on top, and move the second sentence towards the bottom. It's like a joke punch line. It delivers better with some separation, like timing.

Good fuckin' work though!

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use the Hillary font
>pic related

You can grab SharpUnity fonts

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Bernie Sanders DESTROYS Hillary Clinton With Closing Statement - www.youtube.com/watch?v=5bXdZlusde4

Divide and conquer. Find Obama and Bernie videos where they are destroying Hillary.

>given immunity
>plead the 5th
If he was given immunity, he can't plead the 5th. If he can plead the 5th, he didn't have (full) immunity.
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>Pop goes the weiner
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thanks guys! this is my best OC so far
except, i have never figured out how to use the hillary fonts
using photofiltre7
Welcome back. Let's make the traitorous scum at CTR sorry they took the shekels.
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>dl fonts
>right click font + selectd 'install'
>select appropriate font is PF7
have you installed these fonts? Maybe you need to reboot Photofiltre. These fonts are named "DZIMKW+SharpUnity-Extrabold Bold" and "WEUBTQ+SharpUnity-Semibold Semi-Bold". Look under these names.

Also, are these lines on the top blue rectangle on purpose?
*top red, fuck
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>She is just playing people to vote for her.
Do you think Trump isn't playing people to vote for him?

Do you think Obama wasn't playing people to vote for him?

Do you think Bush wasn't playing people to vote for him?

Do you think Reagan wasn't playing people to vote for him?

Do you think Nixon wasn't playing people to vote for him?

Do you think Kennedy wasn't playing people to vote for him?

Do you think Lincoln wasn't playing people to vote for him?

That's literally politics.

also, REEEcaptcha is now a #shillforhill
>the kerning on "WRONGER TOGETHER"
Thanks mane! I'm looking forward to crushing CTR today!

Hillary, Release Your Wallstreet Speech (Democratic Debate 8 Moment) - www.youtube.com/watch?v=0vJ_k8Z38ok

Bernie Destroys Hillary, Goldman Sachs - www.youtube.com/watch?v=eDMejZgDI5g

I'm not voting for Trump. I'm voting for Jill Stein. I was an ex-Bernie bro. Now, I am NEVERHILLARY

She rigged the wrong elections, and she will pay!

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almost there. i switched red on top and blue on bottom similiar to "Im with Her" logo. also used the dark blue:


I installed the fonts but can't find them in PF7.
I'm pro-choice for this reason, although more for the fact that it reduces crime than kills blacks, specifically.
Bernie Sanders criticizes Hillary Clinton for Wall Street speeches - www.youtube.com/watch?v=gNVok-nK8js

We're doing just fine, for now, thanks for asking. I have been a bit overwhelmed by my other projects so I wasn't able to return sooner. If my services are still needed, I'll gladly write something up.

It's good to be back.
the font is listed (for me at least) as
>DZMKW+ Sharp unitiy extrabold
Liberals See Hillary Clinton’s Focus on Big Donors as Bafflingly Dated - archive.is/2LEhy#selection-2001.0-2001.70

"Markos Moulitsas, the founder of the blog Daily Kos.

He continued: “Sanders certainly proved that if you focus all of your energy on the voting public, that core supporters will reward that love with real money. Instead, Clinton’s campaign still seems stuck on the old model of never-ending high-dollar fund-raisers. As a result, she looks secluded and out of reach, further reinforcing the notion that she cares more about the wealthy than regular folks.” "

Bernie Sanders vs Hillary Clinton - PEOPLE vs ELITE - Big Money Interests - www.youtube.com/watch?v=_YmonuYLYYY

Does anyone have the list of suspicious deaths?
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death list.jpg
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Naturally. You are right.
By Saturday night CET my e-mail will be sent.

In fact you came back at the best time possible.
We need you.
Create a ProtonMail account and I will share you what I thought of.
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Obama DESTROYS Hillary Clinton, Clinton's Exposed By Obama! - www.youtube.com/watch?v=o9jnF1x7RUk

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DocAnon, please put this in the document - something minor at the moment, but it might prove to be important later.

Chaffetz: "The FBI interviewed David Kendall's (Clintons' lawyer) partner, but did not interview David Kendall"

President Obama Destroys Hillary Clinton at White House correspondents' dinner 4/30/16 - April 30 - www.youtube.com/watch?v=FUohBnSSdxI

Obama rekt'd Hillary!

>>90761423 good start here mane. Can't take credit for it, but it's EXTENSIVE
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>THis video is no longer available
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saved, delete pls quick
sick bruv
got it, delete
What about MagyarBro?
danke senpai
if we have it, you can safely assume he has it too
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The Guardian and Cosmo did profiles on Machado BEFORE THE DEBATES. THEY KNEW SHE WAS GOING TO BRING HER UP.
What the fuck!!!

It was available less than 3 hours ago!

Holy fuckin' shit! They shook!

Time to fire off more rounds:

Benie says "Yuge" - Bernie Sanders HUMILIATES Hillary Clinton on CNN! - www.youtube.com/watch?v=O7Gdmbapr-Y

-Bernie Sanders PERMANENTLY SHUTDOWN Hillary Clinton - https://youtu.be/5JUeqtwRWGw?t=2m30s

-Sanders: Clinton's 'Friends' Destroyed Economy - www.youtube.com/watch?v=i349bDHQxjQ

Anonymous - Hillary Clinton : The Hillary Files Full Documentary - www.youtube.com/watch?v=dBMV_lLsA6s

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BUMP ffs
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Hillary Marionet.jpg
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top kek
I have sent you an e-mail.
Obama's Best Comebacks and Rebuttal Moments - www.youtube.com/watch?v=2oGMV7H7z4I

Bernie Sanders: Hillary Clinton Not Qualified to be President - www.youtube.com/watch?v=CmTvgD8luaw

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I am out.
Keep up the good work.
those gun fingers tho
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Good shit! Thanks!

Bernie Sanders: I Question Her Judgment (Democratic Debate 10 Highlight) - www.youtube.com/watch?v=HblzGhv-piw

Take care.

The video is back up here:
thx dl-ed it. The fact that it's being removed is a plausible anough argument for there being something there. Can spin.

Going to the store, back in 15-20
yep, did the same and put it on some other vid sites just in case.
thanks, saved it too
Sanders on Campaign Finance - www.nytimes.com/video/us/100000004115607/sanders-on-campaign-finance.html

Buttons for Bernie, Not Billionaires - www.nytimes.com/video/us/politics/100000003922903/buttons-for-bernie-not-billionaires.html

The Age of Super PACs - www.nytimes.com/video/us/politics/100000003778583/the-age-of-super-pacs.html

Sanders Supporters Throw Convention Into Disarray | The New York Times - www.youtube.com/watch?v=tiS5CgjWuN0

Sanders Delegates Revolt After Roll Call | Democratic Convention | The New York Times - www.youtube.com/watch?v=WAedc2wonDM


thanks all! had to restart computer for fonts to show up.

>feels good

Hillary Clinton vs. James Comey: Email Scandal Supercut - www.youtube.com/watch?v=wbkS26PX4rc


Hillary Clinton vs. James Comey: Email Scandal Supercut - www.youtube.com/watch?v=wbkS26PX4rc


Hillary Clinton vs. James Comey: Email Scandal Supercut - www.youtube.com/watch?v=wbkS26PX4rc


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Shit is legit!

Keep up the great work!

Full steam ahead!

Bernie Sanders On Money In Politics - www.youtube.com/watch?v=vZ_yZOTdxgk

(Soros brought up!) Sanders VS. Clinton: Campaign Finance Reform Battle - www.youtube.com/watch?v=XTkICyw6kwk

nice. Ideal to redpill normies
great job mang, keep it up
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I agree. It is a great example to show how much she lies.

That bitch doesn't have an honest bone in her decrepit body.

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fresh bread! took all but 5 minutes!
not sure if i should use the dark blue
nice, keep going
I like it the way it is. I'm not an expert, but the Clinton Campaign blue makes a good point.

Susan Sarandon: Hillary Clinton Will Be Indicted - www.youtube.com/watch?v=Smf5jhlE-i8

Susan Sarandon: Clinton scarier than Trump - www.youtube.com/watch?v=DdvAfsNImWU

Former Secret Service agent exposes Hillary Clinton - www.youtube.com/watch?v=Az33CK79b_Q

Former Secret Service agent: Why video of Clinton scares me - www.youtube.com/watch?v=lBVYJcyCnmg

Chaffetz grilling Comey
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Good stuff! Thanks!

He mentions Paul Combetta AKA StoneTear!


Leaked DNC Document Reveals Clinton Foundation Scandal ‘Vulnerabilities’ for Hillary Clinton - www.youtube.com/watch?v=PHtHjQWssQU

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Whats todays work look like guys, I have been shilling out the pics across threads for a good while today.

I wish i could get involved in the investigation somehow, i have no idea how this shit works.
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This is fucking hillarious
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cfg research tips.png
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me neither, but I'm doing it for a good while.

Just pick a topic that interests you, look up our googledoc if we have anything regarding it and then go ahead on the Web and report what you can find.
made a 2:17 edit for social media that focuses on the combetta part

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Done for today lads. I'm tired. Been around here for my 12 hr shift. Got to get some rest. Love you all.
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yeah, Comey was burned alive

but why not sendvid?

see ya m8
Thanks for this, ill take a look. The doc has been haunting me for a while because of its size but the best way to learn to swim is to dive right in i suppose
probably that other people can crowd source it.
>but why not sendvid?
>probably that other people can crowd source it.
Right now, I the most effective way to get votes away from Hillary is to provide YouTube videos and memes to ex-Bernie supporters and pro-Trump supporters.

Remind Bernie supporters why they hated Hillary so much to begin with, and provide good information for Trump supporters to use.

We can not let Hillary get into the White House. If she gets into the White House, then we lose. CFG won't be able to be as effective, and deal the blows to the Clinton Foundation that we need.

The Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) has already shut down. Let's shut them all down.

Topics of importance are:
-Rigged Elections (e.g. Democratic Primaries, Current Poll numbers vs. Online Poll numbers, Statistical Analysis showing Trump favored by a wide margin, etc)
-Bernie blasting Hillary, and describing her as "Wall Street's Candidate" and her being the candidate of big money. She never released her Wall Street speeches. DWS being Hillary's 2008 campaign manager. DNC leak proved rigged election. Super PAC, CTR, Fighting 3rd Party voters,etc.
-Obama vs Hillary during the 2008 debates."She will saying anything, and do nothing."
-The Clinton Foundation, and its ties to Saudi Arabia and how Saudi Arabia supports terrorists. Also, the Clinton Foundation fucked over Haiti majorly.
-Hillary arming and supporting terrorist groups inside of Libya (Benghazi) and Syria (ISIS).
-Hillary on Trade Agreements (she supported NAFTA and it destroyed the mid-West's manufacturing jobs [Flint & Detroit, Michigan], calling the TPP the gold standard)
-Hillary lying like a motha fucker about a lot of things (emails, gay marriage, corporate donors, oil industry ties, Clinton Foundation and Secretary of State mixed business)
-The Clintons in Arkansas. The kill list, the blood scandal, Vincent Foster's death, Whitewater (Water Gate)

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kk, just got used to Based putting his videos there
there's fucking bomb thread on fullch with like 40 webms of the hearing; goint thru them and gonna edit bite size versions & ul
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Great fuckin' idea, homie!

That will be very useful!

Fuckin' Killin' it, F-A-M!

What striked me the most, was that they brought up Trump having said that he supported the war in Iraq once - which is pretty fair (it does not mean that he did support it, for saying it in a non-serious setting, not as a politician.) - but that Holt then didn't ask Hillary why she supported the war in Iraq/Libya is not fair at all.

And what about Syria? Is that a later debate?
Obama destroys Hillary Clinton and himself in 1 minute - www.youtube.com/watch?v=YCc-wshX8ag

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Cheat Sheet of Hillary Scandals - archive.is/6GhQ2#selection-331.0-331.31

I would also recommend reading the last AMA from FBI_Anon. That's a good place to get caught up to speed.

That whole debate was a mess and the moderation was so bad I have never seen something like that before and I've seen some terrible shit.

Holt decided to do it the way he did, it was a terrible shithow and here we are. I hope the other 2 debates will be better and might bring up some real pressing talking points.
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I'm out, see y'all tomorrow. Keep up the Kek's work
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I'm going to be working on something, hopefully, find some really good leads.

Please keep bumping. I will try to check-in.

Take care, and thanks for everything mane!

Love the way trump stuck to his guns. That was beautiful and looks very strong to the people watching. IMO trump won by a small margin verbally. But energetically and posture wise he was a clear victor and appealed to common sense more than anything else.

His handling of Holt was great too and got that much better as the debate progressed.

Night man

Thanks for this, i need a few memes on her health.
Nice anon! Keep crushing it!
Don't worry about the size of the doc. There is a table of contents that you can use. Also just search for key words that might be of interest.
Later huss. Have a goodun
You know, one thing I've yet to see anyone talk about here or anywhere really is the possibility that Hillary was on diazepam during the debate. I thought it was pretty obvious given her lack of mini head bobbing seizures and her eyes, but I've yet to hear anyone mention it. I'm 99% sure of it too
Got a ton on her health. Commencing dump
later famiglia. Deus Vult

Edited 2:17 version of Jim Jordan's interrogation of Comey.

>Since Cheryl mills directed Combetta to alter federal records AFTER they were subpaenaed, are you going to reopen the investigation?
>Comey: "I don't understand the question.


burgers got 99 problems with mexico but dead heroin addicts ain't one
yo i gotta vacate the premises for a bit, back in 30-40
Cool. Laters. We'll hold it down
You're welcome.

Everything Christopher Hitchens ever said about Hillary Clinton - www.youtube.com/watch?v=UrzyVt1lbpo

Hillary Clinton's Emails are 'Really A Concern,' 'Also a Felony,' According to a Memo Addressed to President Obama from Senior Intelligence Officials - www.inquisitr.com/3131237/hillary-clintons-emails-are-really-a-concern-also-a-felony-according-to-a-memo-addressed-to-president-obama-from-senior-intelligence-officials/

US Intelligence Veterans Urge Fast Report on Hillary Clinton’s Emails: “NSA, FBI Have Enough Evidence” - www.globalresearch.ca/us-intelligence-veterans-urge-fast-report-on-hillary-clintons-emails-nsa-fbi-have-enough-evidence/5526858

EXCLUSIVE: Slush funds to pay 'personal consultant' Huma Abedin, a $34,000 a night Caribbean holiday for daughter Chelsea and payoffs to silence Bill's sex accusers - How Hillary has used donations to the Clinton Foundation as her ‘personal piggy bank’ - www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3659123/Slush-funds-pay-personal-consultant-Huma-Abedin-luxe-Caribbean-holiday-daughter-Chelsea-payoffs-silence-Bill-s-sex-accusers-Hillary-used-donations-Clinton-Foundation-personal-piggy-bank.html

Psyops Reading List and Statement - archived.moe/pol/thread/79883536

dont forget:
>She slipped on Icy stairs
at 55-72°F
according to Media Matters
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Meh I'm retarded today and have to organize my files better. This is the one
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Donor to Clinton Foundation, McAuliffe caught up in Chinese cash-for-votes scandal - www.washingtonpost.com/local/virginia-politics/clinton-foundation-mcauliffe-donor-caught-up-in-chinese-cash-for-votes-scandal/2016/09/16/bfb3b8fc-7c13-11e6-ac8e-cf8e0dd91dc7_story.html

Virginia governor Terry McAuliffe signed a controversial order into law which restored voting rights to more than 200,000 convicted felons in Virginia. At the time we noted McAuliffe’s close relationship with Hillary, and opposition comments that his action “doesn’t speak of mercy. Rather, it speaks of political opportunism,” and African American support in the state. All of which is by way of background as CNN reports today that McAuliffe is now being probed over questionable donations made to his campaign (from a Chinese businessman, Wang Wenliang) during his time as a board member of The Clinton Global Initiative. We have three simple words: quid pro quo?

Wang also has been a donor to the Clinton foundation, pledging $2 million.

LAWSUIT FILED BY JUDICIAL WATCH https://twitter.com/JudicialWatch/status/755567958768746498

BREAKING NEWS0 BREAKING: Group Releases Emails Hillary REFUSED to Turn Over, Look What They Contain - www.consmovement.com/2016/08/11/breaking-group-releases-emails-hillary-refused-turn-look-contain/


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Nice! Any chance you got sources for those? It'll help with the more skeptical crowd
Looks good buddy. Try to include a source and they're good to go.

Keep them coming and also think about ways to distribute them like twitter or IG. Just create a account, make it look legit and start spaming the memes.
aww crap! my tag changed.
i am him >>90774807
I like it!

The Hash Tag might want to be #TooBigToFail because of the ties to Wall Street and how she represents what is wrong with the US government/politics.



"But none of this has reassured Haftar's opponents, who see the one-time Gaddafi ally, freshly promoted by the parliament based in the east to the rank of marshal from general, as a new military autocrat in the making.

His history in Libyan politics worries critics. A one-time ally of Gaddafi, he fell out with the dictator when he was sent to lead a war in Chad, only to be captured and end up in exile in the United States. He spent decades living in Virginia.

Haftar returned to help in the uprising against Gaddafi, then reappeared again in 2014 on television in uniform to present what he said was a plan to save the country. Later, he launched an operation against Islamist militants and others in Benghazi."

Check - >>90763567

'Liberals See Hillary Clinton’s Focus on Big Donors as Bafflingly Dated' - archive.is/2LEhy#selection-2001.0-2001.70

Which Presidential Candidates Are Winning the Money Race - www.nytimes.com/interactive/2016/us/elections/election-2016-campaign-money-race.html?_r=0

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Going to take a shower, and get back to my research.

I won't be able to contribute for the next 20 minutes or so.

Keep up the good work! FULL MOTHA FUCKIN' SPEED AHEAD!!!

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Bernie Sanders: Hillary Clinton's Wall Street Answer "Not Good Enough" - www.youtube.com/watch?v=jHxe8xQbe2I

Trump now repeating #FollowTheMoney at his rally.
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Shit todays trump rally is pretty much /cfg/ posting. Every single meme we put out is getting mentioned.
Thx mane. Epic info dump! Haven't seen temp in a while. U hear from him?
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Look at this 1 post FAGGOT.

CTR, thanks for the bump and keeping this bread going.

Keeping sucking cocks, you fuckin' Googles.

Also, when is Hillary's next scheduled event?

/cfg/ you do good work here. Trumps rally is pretty much using information from here. Great work everyone.
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That's gotta hurt
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You're welcome, anytime mane.

Yeah, I've seen Temp recently; can't remember the last time, but I'm pretty sure it's been recently.

It just depends on the time of day. Also, school is going on for some of the OGs.

My schedule has been pretty sporadic too, but I'm trying to lock-in solid time to contribute.

We're still here. We just have other things going on outside of the bread.

I think a lot of people were around for FBI_Anon's latest AMA.

I'm going to be bouncing in the next hour. I'll try to return.

What did I miss? Did Trump mention our memes?
Setting up a wordpress. Good idea or bad idea? Anyone know of any issues for people using them?
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donald trump what.jpg
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So wait guys

is the CEO of Reddit actually going to JAIL?
Oh cool. Yea I remember those crazy days of school. Fucking insane hours


Ruh roh, #NeverHillary is losing the black vote. Wonder why?!
He's bringing up almost anything we digged up and put on social media. Repeating #FollowTheMoney, brought up the Comey hearing of today, CF big money interest and many more.
The whole speech is /cfg/ posting.
1. Find a task
2. Do a thing
3. Post results

See OP for our current website

Would refrain from mentioning 4chan as the source for the info, but if it'll get the word out, do it up. I've tried out a lot of different things on here. Some fail. Some work

Let us know how it goes and if you need help.
This ninja is killing it. He's well spoken during this event. Where da fuck was this level of articulation at the debates?

Still two more rounds left. We're just going to go harder!

Probably because they realize they are being pimped by the Democrats. Look how well Obama turned out for them.

Fuck yea! I seem to remember the campaign is aware of what we are doing
Hand signal video got removed. Anyone have?
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Just keep it simple. CFG has a pretty good WordPress site - https://memedump.wordpress.com

It's easy to get overwhelmed by the wealth of information. Just keep it simple, and perfect that one simple thing you are trying to do.

One guy worked on a report for over two months, and it was huge - http://www.thecitizensaudit.com/2016/09/19/money-laundering-david-brock/

Quality over quantity. One step at a time. Consistency. We will prevail.

Here is a simple meme I made, see uploaded file.

in question here it is
Well now he got some days to prepare to hit her hard as the consensus was "light her up for fucks sake"
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Yo temp. How's it going
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Yeah, he should knock her da fuck out! With words that is.

Hillary Clinton lying for 13 minutes straight. - www.youtube.com/watch?v=-dY77j6uBHI

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dead inside,posting memes, gonna make some frog pictures
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I should probably send you a plane ticket to hop over to europe and we go partying for a fortnight buddy.
2:14 edited version of Gowdy's interrogation of Comey.
>Hillary lying about her actions is the best evidence that he knew she was doing something wrong
>Comey: "that is very good evidence

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hahah ok but no matter how drunk we get, don't let my fly any planes
>dead inside,posting memes, gonna make some frog pictures
are you me? Uncanny....
Main concerns are censorhip/privacy.

need a spot to host nice lookin reader friendly artikles. negative is that people see "wordpress" and don't think legit reporting. but it's better than trying to cram info into tweets or selfposts on reddit
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house crooked.png
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gonna eat dinner in about 5 hours and upload a vid that gets 2.5k retweets, you know, leaf stuff
Trump did the right thing, I mean he could've done better but it was pretty good desu.

No worries, I fly them. Got a pilot license.
What you don't realise is that Trump's life if he loses becomes alot easier then if he wins

It never was his maingoal to become president, but he has stepped up and offered his head for the good of all americans.
>gonna eat dinner in about 5 hours and upload a vid that gets 2.5k retweets, you know, leaf stuff
It's like you're reading my mind bro damn

Have a pick me up mane
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i love how in that pic there is a black veteran whp fought for the country and is standing up. all halfbreed kaepernick does is bitch about "muh oppression" even though he was raised by whites and is mixed.. not 100% black. even if he was 100% white itd still be fucking retarded. all he does is throw a ball around and he can barely do that because hes benched for sucking so bad. he gets paid millions and millions and yet here is a black war vet who faught for "da racis" america and he has come back to the U.S. to find no job for him or anything else.. and yet he stands... and yet he stands...

it really makes me sad desu famalam
Dope track.

Here's one of my favorite Nas' songs - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fXFCCIm0Pig

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righteous shit mane, good lyrics
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top fucking kek!
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Thanks mane! Nas has some real good shit.

I'm out. I'll try to return.


>tfw we've ascended to a state beyond egos and self-doubt, to a plateau of pure memetic energy
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i never knew about pic related. i heard something about hillary giving bad blood to africans or something a while back but holy shit this is messed up. i mean it makes you think.. who has done this to us?

this is a good rapper. never heard of him. its straight red pill too.. i heard him sneak in a skull n bone reference.
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I've had ego death on Salvia.

Shit was scary and violent... to let go.

Then, all was good... evil, bad, did not exist.
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bernie loves us.png
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>Never heard of Nas

ffs CTR......
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So why aren't we pushing the latest video portraying Hillary signaling Lester to interrupt trump effectively double teaming him?


I know it's not Clinton Foundation but if we put the work to push it out we can probably force a moderatorless debate and we can have Trump push Clinton Foundation in debates.
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reddit post 35 minutes ago:

"HOLY SHIT!! I just found out that Platte River faxes may all be ONLINE!!!"

And it appears from the post that they are online, but the account would need to be hacked, which would probably be ill-advised, I gather from people warning about hacking when /pol/ was tracking down stonetear?
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fuck off CTR we don't do anything illegal here
not ctr, just 911.

over & out.
Not sure if this has been posted in this thread.

In the "Hand Signals" video, start watching at 5:40.

Trump talks about Hillary's lack of CONTROL and bad TEMPERAMENT, thereby intentionally triggering a mini seizure in Hillary.

After the seizure, Trump grins, makes eye-contact with someone in the audience, and mouths the word 'seizure.'

Then he takes a sip of water, as if trying to trigger a cough.
>evil, bad, did not exist.
Pretty jewy conclusion there bud. We all know that's not true. Fuccin dope amirite
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nono, there were no jews. I had no body, no "me" all was one.

But not in the kike racemixing way

There weren't even humans...

just infinity.....

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The Sting

Hillary Con Job
What the fuck happened with the Bonner Group?

Didn't that get proven absolutely correct?
When i smoked salvia i thought all dimensions were pages of a book and i could turn the pages with my mind and teleport into any dimension, also thought there were portals to Oblivion inside bushes so i was trying to be one with the bush. Good times!
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dxm is surprisingly powerful.... just gotta be extremely degenerate to ingest a bottle of cough syrup

wild ride tho
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Salvia is evil... A demon forced me to relive my entire life (after convincing me to fly into a wormhole) and then told me I would be stripped of all my freedoms, a tearing sound encroached upon me as my wings were torn from my back... I came back to in the garage with a bunch of my friends trying to tell me it's alright but I couldn't listen... Salvia is evil
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This is good;

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I ingested not one but two.

Be prepared to throw up
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Why isn't this talked about more?
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lol had a similar experience but on lsd. i was floating in space and all was well and good. there were these orbs floating around communicating with me. one tricked me into going into a wormhole and I got shot back into existence and had to relive my life... i kinda think this is what happens when you die.


thats the best you got? (((Trump))) is a corpulent orthodox jew whose platform is to eliminate inheritance tax and all you got is she knows a suicide.
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they must have just gotten the green light to use brackets... playing hardball now...


makes me sad.... top kek ADL
Have you guys considered that MAYBE, just MAYBE (and hear me out on this one), MAYBE Shillary actually came prepared to the debate. MAYBE she actually did her research on basic debate questions such as
>how do you plan on making more jobs
>what is your tax plan
>how do you plan on fixing race relations
>how will you fight terrorism
It's not like the questions he asked were anything outlandish, like "if you are sending a mission to mars and the price of gold plumits due to chinese companies stealing american jobs and it's raining chocolate milk, how do you prevent 9/11 from happening again?"
MAYBE Trump is an insecure mysoginist who has always been surrounded by yes-men and finally melted down when put up against a woman who is better than him in many ways.
Maybe I am a faggot shill, working for CTR. But MAYBE you guys are just refusing to accept that Trump might not be so perfect after all.
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2:18 Edited version of Ron DeSantis questioning Comey on StoneTear

>Comey literally says that Combetta the furfag's claim that he altered federal records and used bleachbit WITHOUT orders from Hillary's inner circle is credible

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Chaffetz wanted to get up and bitch slap him the whole time
if they get in trouble now obama can pardon ... we will see what happens
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>MAYBE Trump is an insecure mysoginist who finally melted down when put up against a woman who is better than him in many ways.
>Maybe I am a faggot shill

The Chaffetz and Gowdy interrogations were the most damaging for COmey yeah; they got nuff knowledge of the law and other things i know nothing about. You could tell they have personal contempt for that fucking honorary kike
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bodies will start dropping soon enough
You don't decide what I get to see.

I get to see it all.
>bodies will start dropping soon enough
which we could decide, by a strawpoll or something, WHICH bodies that would be. Can you imagine the shoah? Just got went from 6 to midnight thinking about it
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new bread you pandronygeous fucks
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we should make a reality show called meme wars. each week they compete for the most hits

other possible name "Viral"
Laters homie. Great fucking job today!
Yea he crushed it. It got huge play everywhere!
Thread posts: 308
Thread images: 194

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