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Miss Piggy's baby daddy is Mexican druglord "El Indio"

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Thread replies: 253
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>Alicia Machado, former Miss Universe, accuses Trump of calling her "Miss Piggy" and "Miss Housekeeping"

>Receives her american passport 2 days ago and posts a selfie on twitter "I am now an american citizen and I am voting for Hillary, for women workers!"

>Tells Anderson Cooper in broken english: "I am an American, I am an American United States citizen, my daughter is an american, she was born here"

Turns out Alicia Machado's daughter, the one who was born in the US, is also the daughter of
José Gerardo Álvarez Vázquez, a Mexican druglord known as "El Indio". They were together while Alicia Machado lived in Mexico:


"El Indio" was a drug trafficker who worked for the Betran Leyva cartel and a criminal organization known as "Los Negros". The US government offered a bounty of $2 million reward for "El Indio"s capture:


Arturo Bertrán Leyva, the leader of the Mexican Bertran Leyva cartel, was a guest of Alicia Machado's daughter baptism
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Bump for proxy op
4-D Chess, folks
Is this the same narco-chick who admitted to being the getaway driver for a murder back in Venezuela?

Perfect Hillary Clinton voter-- A dangerous murderess who gets away with her crimes scot-free and laughs about it.
He called her Miss Piggy decades ago because he knew this would happen.
She said it happened in the past you fucking racist!!!
It was 20 years ago!
Well, Miss Piggy's daughter can now ask for her father to get an american citizenship too, as well as her aunts and uncles :)
lmao what is his face even
he looks like one of those small monkeys
just proves that if you have money you can fuck anyone
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>he looks like one of those small monkeys

Nice reflective vest paco...Have a sage.
fucking pottery
Let's spread this shit on Twitter boys
Ay chihuahua.


Trump must be laughing his ass off right now.

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We were all over this last night.

I got the Wikipedia screen shot before they scrubbed it.

This lady should have never recieved citizenship status.
Kek she is a piece of shit, but Clinton WANTS us to bring her up. Ignore this bitch.
she looks like a skinny rosie O'donnell
look at this monster trump insulting a woman infront of all the cameras on national tv https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1&v=PpXsAoXZIMg
This is the exact reason we need immigration control wtf. I hope this is brought up by an actual media outlet if it's actually true.
And she left Mexico to give up her former flame, come to the USA, learn English, complete a legal path towards citizenship, and is proud to be voting in her first election.

Sounds like a good American to me.

>B-b-but my candidate was in the wrong so I think this should smear her!
Only to people who were actively looking for a reason to dislike her, so are attempting to spin nonsense into a story.
and now she is an American fucking citizen? Fuck Obama to hell
I wish I had a head of hair like that drug lord.
It's just embarrassing for Hillary. The real story is how our immigration policies have failed us

As my grandmammy once said: "if it aint white, it aint right"
How progressive for hillary to let her in!
You can't prove she intended to be a getaway driver!
>A person in position of power being a complete asshole.

Reminds me of an ORANGE odd looking fella that wanted a pass from a certain Judge a few months ago, some of you may have heard about him.
t. El Indio
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If Team Clinton cant even vet her big character witness, how can she be trusted to vet all the syrian refugees she wants to dump on us?

>Accomplice to murder
>Threatening to kill a judge
>Major drug lord ties
>Shits out Drug lords anchor baby
>looks good guys, let her in.
>better name drop her in front of 80 million people, no one will notice.
They're not sending their "best" over. Believe me..
No, you want it to be.

But again: that's because you're trying to spin something. And only the people who already agree with you give a shit. Which is why it backfires and makes Trump look like even more of a misogynist.
Hmm, really makes you think.
Send it to Drudge

You're disgusting.
The media got her back, this shit will only be on corners like 4chan and unpopular websites
I don't recall Trump driving the getaway car after Hilary got Ambassador Stevens killed.

I also don't remember Trump threatening to kill Judge Judy.

I'm also pretty sure Trump never had major drug lord ties.

>forget about actual criminals, why is Trump being a meenie
Rupert Murdoch is in Trumps corner now. So maybe not. It might "come out" on the same day as the next debate.
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>tfw I'll never be an only child loli with druglord father who has tons of armed cronies
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the baby daddy looks like little richard
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yea except she admitted to being an accessory to murder and all that on CNN in an interview with Anderson Cooper.
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All I need is an picture of HomoFaggotman's fully triggered face to complete this infografic. Help a brother out.....
I fucking love this place.

Today and yesterday, I was matter-of-factly telling normie colleagues and friends (who don't actually bother watching the debates of course) "the only new thing from Clinton was that she said Trump called a Latina Miss Universe 'Miss Housekeeping'". They were laughing a bit in spite of themselves because it's fucking funny.

But I didn't really have a plan if one of them had got all serious in an attempt to reject the subtle daily grinded up redpill I sprinkle in to their coffees. Now anyone who gets self-righteous will hear me calmly point out that this woman had a drug lord's anchor baby in the US... and now she's a citizen too. Just days after agreeing to become a central part of a major political attack from HRC on a rival. How convenient and fortunate for everyone involved!

Thanks boys. Kek is mighty and we're going to win.

TRUMP 2016
So she got knocked up in Mexico by a drug lord who was wanted by the US government, but had the anchor baby here and somehow got citizenship? How did this happen? This is exactly the type of woman we don't want to be a citizen.

>El Indio

holy fuck, the memes write themselves.

Can an artfag make a pepe of this guy. His expression is perfect.
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Can't wait for President Trump to deport her.
Fuck off shrill
Plenty of mexican drug lords have been here in the US Jeremy.
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> Trump's Kill List Just Got 100 Pixels Longer

Did you actually read my post or you are just acting like a fucking feral nigger. Go to El Cajon and steal some fucking Jordans.
>Shuttered her Twitter account in 2010 after wishing for 'peace between the Chinas' - mistaking China for North and South Korea
Top kek, what a winner
While I suspect you may be correct regarding blowback, the fact remains that this specific woman has terrible judgement, is a suspected felon and has a kid with an actual honest to god Mexican cartel goon. If the media weren't so co-opted, all the major networks would be running with this. Imagine the reaction if Trump trotted someone with a similarly checkered history out to endorse him.
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Shut up, Paco.

spic anon here, most spics don't know shit about geography. They are incredibly racist and consider all east asians "chinitos" or chinks. Not surprised at all by her dumb ass tweet tbqh.
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They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime.
>they are incredibly racist
LOL no, they/we don't care so much because we have an actual backbone, call me a beaner or wetback for all I care. Why do you think political correctness is hardly a thing here? You are just faggots
Pretty sure they will spin this into a "change" and "getting her life back on track" narrative
It seems Clinton finally upped her game
>They are incredibly racist and consider all east asians "chinitos" or chinks
This is the same as calling any asian a gook or chink, pretty much anyone in the western world does this
>spic anon here, most spics don't know shit about geography
I guess you never actually went to school, or had american education
Everyone laughed at Alicia Machado when she made that tweet, it was even broadcasted on national news networks

We are "racist" by Anglo-Euro standards. I don't give a fuck personally, but I wont deny all the shit my senpai use to say about niggers, chinks and indios. Maybe that's just Cubans/Spaniards idk.
Keep this shit bumped
this is so fitting it feels wrong...
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Anyone have the link to interview? That's hilarious
>I guess you never actually went to school, or had american education
>Everyone laughed at Alicia Machado when she made that tweet, it was even broadcasted on national news networks

Lets be real here, in most Hispanic countries the literacy rate is pretty fucking low. I'm not talking about upper class or the lucky few educated indios. I'm talking about the majority of the "latinos" we get here in the U.S. Most of which are mestizos but I digress. Point being, they are ignorant of things that aren't relevant to their every day lives.

>All of those comments

CTR really are full of the most depraved and pathetic people.
That artwork is based as all hell.
El Indo looks like he could be my dad too. No lie.

lol and he found the person bringing them!


kek, it's one of my favs. Love those three guys in the background begging God to save their brown asses.

They wanted to be edgy Aztec warriors, now they are going to be receiving the greatest honor bestowed to Aztec warriors.
May kek bless you anon.
>the majority of Latinos we get here in the US
I unironically agree with Trump there
>They don't send their best
US mostly gets rejects or people who have very low opportunities. People who are actually valuable stay here because they find it easy to make a living
this is fucking hilarious Alicia Machado is nothing but trash

There has to be Trump moles in Shillarys' campaign, no doubt about it
Is there any proof that he ever called her any of these names.

Also sauce on her porn.
How easy would it be for a nerdy Canadian with a STEM degree to immigrate? No habla but I could learn.
fuck it I bet this was payback for Hillarys mole that wrote Mellanias speech
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Re posting for visibility.

We watched the interview live last night on CNN here as we ran a thread. In real time they scrubbed the wiki and added their own entry. Wish I had a video of it.

Of course. Nobody likes Hillary.

Trump surrogates were ready within minutes with this stuff.

If they don't have a mole then Bannon is an even more magnificent bastard than I thought.

I know the deal. I grew up all over. Lived in Mexico City and Buenos Aires for a few years. I know there are a lot of educated competent people in L.A.

Yet, even in those places they are outnumbered by uneducated indios, or how you guys call them nacos. Plus, a lot of your successful people wont leave because they are part of the oligarchy that owns the country. They live like kinds in their country; why would they want to downgrade to rub shoulders with 'commoners' in U.S.
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Honestly could this be any better for Trump? A fucking spic drug cartel anchor baby
She also got in trouble for threatening to assassinate a judge.

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>I'm talking about the majority of the "latinos" we get here in the U.S
You're literally talking of the people who left Mexico without any schooling to pick strawberries for little less than minimum wage, that's not the average mexican and much less hispanic
Literacy rate in pretty much all the hispanic countries is above the world's average, though the world's average is pretty low thanks to the absolute shithole that's Africa
this guy knows whats up

better to rule in hell then serve in heaven and what not
>El indio

Isn't it a negative to be more native blooded in mexico?
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i love that i have no erectile response to fucking "Latin Womans" like this cunt.
I really fucking hate Mexico, I am ashamed to be a fucking spic after that disgusting gore I just watched. What the fuck is wrong with you ape monkeys, I don't even think Muslims would have the guts to stomach that. Fuck you. Fuck you all you disgusting savages, I want a tsar bomb dropped right on Sinaloa, Veracruz, Mexico City, Chihuahua, Juarez, if not the entire fucking shithole you "40% White" faggots call (((home))). Fuck you disgusting savage barbarians. Worse than fucking muzzies holy shit.
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holy shit

Criminal Underworld has its own rules.

I mean there's a drug lord called "La Barbie".

Organized crime is weird.
Hillary Clinton never wins elections because her campaigns are so horribly managed. People inside her campaign don't want her to win. She has only won one election in her entire career.
Nicknames are usually offensive, it's mostly banter, just like "La Barbie" or "El Negro" (the Barbie as in Barbie dolls and Negro as in nigger)
It's what happens when you send a bunch of specops to get trained by Mossad on torturing and then let druglords poach them

They were probably nicknamed by their former bosses and uppers, it's not like they have a saying in those matters and once they become the boses they don't really give a shit and is not like their underlings is going to insult them.
>Implying Trump isn't omnipresent
If I had a much lower IQ and fewer chances in life I would join the zetas. The Zetas are unfortunately having a major civil war - a group of zetas splintered and formed El Cartel Del Noroeste. This new cartel controls very important plazas and is aligned with the Trevino Morales clan. Basically Z40 is the worst thing to happen to the Zetas. He snitched on so many people in his own cartel just so that he could rise to the top. And then the stupid motherfucker only lasted 9 months as the cartel leader. But in that time he put his own people in very important positions, and by the time he and his brother Z42 were arrested, they splintered off from the zetas to form their own cartel. Kiko Trevino now leads el cartel del noroeste, and they've put banners around threatening to kill civilians if Z40 and Z42 are extradited.

Shit is getting worse than we thought possible in Tamaulipas. CDN seriously needs to be taken down. The Trevino morales clan are fucking psychopathic terrorists.

>spic cartel anchor baby

What a mouthfu-

>john kasich

10/10 post
Plastic surgery
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I remember she tweeted once that there were two chinas (I know she just got confused) and after it she became a laughing stock over here.
it doesn't work in that way
isn't that much of a secret that "our" actress and singers have links with the cartels and the goverment
And that election was basically handed to her by being a democrat in (((New York)))

desu, I use to be bluepilled as fuck about the monopolies in Mexico and the "evil oligarchs." After living 2 years in D.F. I realize why the people with power and money in Mexico behave the way they do. Fucking indios in D.F. are literal retards. It's not even a matter of education, most of them look like they have downs from all the inbreeding. 99% of the time they can't do a simple task without you having to scold them like fucking children. Then there's the fucking ass kissing. People always talk about hispanics as being a people with strong ties to family. My fucking balls; some of the indios I knew in D.F. would sell their mother if it made them a couple of pesos.

So yeah, if someone wants to criticize the way Mexicans run their country they should live there a few months first and not as tourists. Trying to run a Latin American country is like trying to pilot a 747 with a chimp as your co-pilot.
Fix your shit pablo or I'll activate the fucking codes and turn chichen itza to chicken shitza and barbecue all you spics into carne asada


This could also be read as an IQ map
>Daughter was born here thereby anchorbabby

The election of God Emperor will see the end of this shit.
reminds me of that documentary by vice where the African generals gave themselves retarted names like General mosquito and general mosquito spray. Kek
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Good stuff my man

Will the Trump campaign address this?
She hires too many women.

Nah, he gets the media to do it for him.

He's been doing it this way for the entire cycle, and somehow they still haven't caught on.
>she admitted
Not really. She just didn't deny it. The bitch is guilty of course.
I hope so

A right granted to hard working European immigrants has become something gained by sneaky middle class Asians and the Latino criminal underclass.
If you motherfuckers can't spell "baby" properly you're all a bunch of liberal faggot shitlord spergmaster dickbeating conserviturds.

>Not knowing about how babby is formed

Newfag, I think its best for all of us if you just go.

Try any of these alternatives

Lurk more faggot
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Do you even babby?
hey bro, not worth it, living here its a joke unless yo enjoy working 8 to 9 with some over hours (not paid of course) while dodging criminals and police alike, because trust me, no power figure in Mexico is there to help you, they are there to help themselves and find a way to fuck you if you dare to look a them funny.

>inb4 uneducated spic who works at a farm hand or some shit

I'm an accountant and an audit and i work from one of the branches of the SHCP which is kinda like the IRS, so i can tell you just how fucked up this country is, taking as much as they can from the poor and not even touching the big fucking bastards that steal and are lazy faggots, I'm actually trying to leave to Canada, if you still wanna come then ill switch places with you bro
If he was from somethingawful he would know how babby is formed.

>babby's first shitpost
>Point being, they are ignorant of things that aren't relevant to their every day lives.

Unfortunately, you just described most of the normie voters in this country who get their political news from kikebook and twatter.
He called her miss piggy because she kept putting weight on for a job that revolves around physical appesrance
>viva zetas
>posting from USA
Fuck you nigger, if you support one of those shitty groups why dont you come down here and die like the fucking nigger dog you are, instead you bail and still support one of those nigger groups while us, the civilians, have to stay here and deal with constant murders, shootouts, hold ups, kidnappings, quotas, torture and endless amount of bullshit from all the cartels.

Fuck you
Said anchor baby.
Based Japan coming through for the senpai. You shall be remember in the halls of history friend.
On second thought, no thanks.

Also, we're fucking full. Sorry.
Should I Facebook message this article to CNN or FOX?
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That's a first, niggers passing up perfectly good chicken for bug burgers.
Why not both?

hello little babby.

This must be your first time shilling. Good luck in the future.
Good deal!
>doesnt know babby
gtfo you gigantic hillfaggot
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>Mexican intellectuals
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Trump is a Traveler. He has seen every future, and has come to save this one.
Hard shell tacos are an american thing

How do you threaten a federal judge and then get U.S. citizenship? How does that even happen? How does someone like that not get scooped up by ICE and deported immediately?
omg this is literally victim blaming
So they didn't even invent that? Why does Mexico exist?
omg this is literally a nice get but an aweful post
They invented donkey fucking shows
Beauty queens really tend not to be bright eh?
Sir I believe those originated in Guatemala, lets give credit where its due.
I think the judge she threatened was Venezuelan.
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tfw when one of the biggest teabagger blogs is claiming she did an ass-to-mouth pr0n

5 sec of reverse image search shows it was Angel Dark, but that's none of my business

Trumptards are the fucking worst
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>tfw when one of the biggest teabagger blogs is claiming she did an ass-to-mouth pr0n 5 sec of reverse image search shows it was Angel Dark, but that's none of my business Trumptards are the fucking worst

As if being a getaway driver for a murder isn't enough to damage her credibility.
ai gf
>before they scrubbed it.
>checks to see if they actually scrubbed it
general butt naked best general
Daily reminder guys like THIS are fucking hot as fuck women because they're drug dealing sociopaths

Fuck this gay earth
Keep it live
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Hasn't your mother ever told you to jus b urself you little piece of shit?
It still irks you that rich and powerful men get to fuck attractive girls?

Should have gotten used to that by now, bruv.
That's from colombia retards
Aight I just wrote something up and sent the article to FOX news tips maybe they'll say something
Don't fucking reply to me if you're not American
>Accomplice to Murder

>Fucking Quints

I am an American you United Statian!

Not actually japanese. Here on a trip.
I agree; he does look quite Brazilian.
>that flag

Your women suck by the way, bunch of gold digging whores that bring nothing of value to the table. Then they wonder why their own men treat them like trash
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Damn Trump really did a number on Miss Piggy. I guess I'm a HillShill now.
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And do do you think that I disagree with you my friend?
I don't really give a shit but I just wanted to point that out. They really should go the fuck back to that dump you call a country
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Suck dick fuck pig
>saw a hex only a few hours earlier
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It's funny how every spic that came out against Trump has made a fool of themselves. Fucking mongrels.
Oink! Sleep tight oinker.
Literally bursting out loud with laughter at work. You made my day, anon.

>Select all store fronts
>Obviously shithole mexican stores
Oh god my sides can't take it!
>Los Negros
>I just arrived here yesterday

Filthy dumb normie scum.

Nobody puts babby in the corner.
Habeeb it.
Did he bang her in the butt?
This is what CtR is kvetching about?
hes kinda beautiful thou
>cross the border
>automatically able to vote

Why burguers so pathetic
>yuge amount of pressure
I'd eat one to try it.
So is Trump winning on this issue? Only Fox abd conservative news sites seem to be reporting the bad stories.
The Clintons are a trash magnet. Maybe that should be trashbait.
Christ... just kill that chicana wetback dont even try to send her back
me too. Bugs is good source of proteins
>was in that thread
>started as what sounded like joke
>ended like wtf
yeah but very few people's past includes being an accessory to murder, ntimidating judges, or being an assfucked prostitute
She's Venezuelan.
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Season it right and it probably comes out tasty. Only thing that might be hard to overcome could be texture though I am a pretty indescriminate eater.
I've eaten bugs for eagle scouts. Shit is fucking nasty, I would give you 100 dollars to eat entire bug burger.
pretty sure they go all the way back to rome...if it existed, some roman fucked it and some other roman paid to see it
I'll eat a dick for 100 dollars, bug burger is nothing.
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>mexican cartels


The wall needs to go into the stratosphere and completely surround the entire shit country. Those things are animals down there.

Don't watch video if you have weak constitution. Absolutely the worst video ever uploaded to the internet by a large margin. It is however very illustrative of the subhuman barbarism going on daily down there.
I'd smash that burger, take your money, and have seconds depending on how the first one went. Then I'd get a half gallon of vodka, make a vat of punch, invite some friends to my apartment, and get drunk.

>tfw you're being tortured and mutilated while having to hear Sweet Child of Mine and Funkytown in your final moments

I bet more than anything, he wished he still had hands left so he could have tried to turn the music off.

did you save the sources?
>El Indio
You have to be a taco bender to understand how fucking funny this guy's nickname is.

It's like if a white crime boss called himself "Mister Nigger."
LITERALLY genetic. It's the fucking Aztec blood man. It makes them do things. You know Mexico has like six times the occurrence of animal-torturing children of any other country? I remember my father talking about this. It has to be some sort of genetic psychosis that just infects the entire tribe.
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You and your broodling HAVE to go back.
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i said this before and i say it again

one of the worst things i saw along with that vid of a mother holding a carcass that was once his child
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Why do all Mexican drug lords have cool nicknames?
Not really, although calling someone an Indian implies he's a backwards dumb uneducated shitskin, it can also be used to imply someone's touch with the savage ways, included violence and lack of remorse for anyone outside of his "tribe".
stupid nuked nip
Dammit it's not true fuck I thought this was legit
>The Indian

Literally ice cube tier
i thought it was more like "The Injun"
>illustrative of the subhuman barbarism going on daily down there.

illustrative of the subhuman barbarism going on daily down there, as a result of the U.S' unquenchable thirst for blow and meth.

Fixed that for you.
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Damn. I can't stand Trump and think his opinions on immigration are distusting... but Hillary just has disappeared up her own ass. The Dems seem to ignore the dangers of immigration just like Trumptards ignore all the good can come from it. The system is broken and neither side has real answers.
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based as fuck mexibro!
>Implying the Aztecs were quenching the U.S' unquenchable thirst for blow and meth.

Pretty retarded even by Australian standards.
It's a distraction
Focus on the Clinton Foundation, Economy, and Benghazi
I never said shit about aztecs you fucking retard.

But of course nobody knows what the aztecs were up to quite like some seppo /pol/tard. kys retard
Victim blaming would be more like saying it's her fault for getting fat.
Isn't this a little hypocritical of her talking about Donald's past as an issue while dismissing hers?
Damn, she even has el indios nose.
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>El Indio
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t. Barack Hussein Obama
Donkey value(.less) binomials confirm.
implying they're different kinds of monkeys
>>90790287 kek
You suck. Nothing a like

Miss Piggy was pretty fuggin hot.
Holy shit, look at this level of sliding.
Nope. She just have a nice rack.
well "el indio" means "the indian" in english so is pretty accurate.
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take that back about my new piggy waifu
what I don't get is how she thinks her involvement in a murder doesn't matter because it happened 20 years ago, but it's a big deal that somebody was kinda sexist towards her 20 years ago

I mean I know she can barely speak English but holy fuck what how can you even say this, did I miss something?
shes a women whos career is on look. Most of the time they have no brains.
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holy shit i read her wiki yesterday and just checked it and they wiped off her cheating on bobby abreau on a reality show, her driving a getaway car, judge assassination and having a kid with a drug lord
but who cares?
Just post her porn already.
>Take my word, Trump called me a fat house keeper 20 years ago and gave me a eating disorder
>I might of lied about the eating disorder and Trump may or may not have said it but he's still a horrible person TRUST me.

It was hilarious when this dumb whore got busted lying by Megan Kelly.
>She was literally crowned as the most beautiful woman in the world in 1995
>Still not up this anon standards.

I can't blame you anon, after all, I know how true beauty looks like.
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Is this pottery?
Jesus when are you white boys going to finally put the leash on your women? They keep getting scooped up by foreign men while you homos simply allow your women to do this.

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