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"I have a son. He's 10 years old. He has computers."

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Thread replies: 314
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What could he possibly mean by this? He was asked about cyber security.
the dude is a fucking meme.
he meant precisely what i said
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He thinks the cyber is where you pick all squares with storefronts

>mfw baron made all his passwords "trump" so dad could play bubble blast
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Trump came off as an egotistical retard in the debate. No wonder he lost.
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No, you're a meme.
He was referencing a sam hyde video
Fourteen words?
Is this your job or something? You've been spamming that old image on every thread since yesterday.
He meant to show that he knows fuckall about computers and that he wanted to score points with being a parent of a 10 yo.
Cause he's a weird, detached old man.
Hillary is more incompetent than a 10 year old.
no one knows because this snow ape went full fucking retard
He literally sounded like an old man with dementia trying to talk about computers during that bit. That should have been a slam dunk and could have pivotted right into Hillarys cybersecurity fuckups.
Barron hacked the DNC.
His 10 year old son has Hillary's deleted emails. It was that well protected
It means kid are skilled with computers nowadays. What a surprise. Dumbshits are trying to spin this.
Smart money flocked to remain before the brexit vote too.
Funny that. :^)

Have the odds changed on the election? I'm trying to put some money on Trump but I'm waiting for the odds to go back up.
He's saying our cyber security needs to be improved and that anyone can hack anything.

>NAFTA was awful

Fuck off shills. Trump hammered her and it was satisfying to see her wide eyes full of fear and arrogance.
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Actually on this topic Hilary failed by stating that she would go to Cyber warfare to show that USA is competent in the field.

Trump the other hand states that he doesn't even think it's completely doable to 100% safeguard data as a country.

As a security professional I can tell you that Trump is the only one that at least had a clue of what he was talking about. Internet security it's just an expensive superstition. And the best way to not get hacked is to not make yourself a target. I think Hilary watched one too many CSI episodes
Also please keep falling for the cyber security meme. It pays well and affords me a pretty sweet lifestyle.
Trump phrased his answer poorly, and showed a bit of his eltism but I'm surprised there's problems figuring out what he was trying to say.

Cyber-threats come in all shapes, not just foreign governments. A 400 pound hacker or ten year old computer whiz can do just as much damage as the Russains.

There are multiple threats to Americas cyber security, and they take many different forms, often what you wouldn't expect which makes defense difficult.

He was also trying to damage Hilary's "hacked by evil Russia card" if there is another hack, the memsters will immediately spam "400 pound hackers" and shift the conversation away from the idea that Trump is supported by Russain elements.
What this dude said.

Also, I think it may have been designed as a burn against Hillary's computer incompetence, but didn't really come out that way.
Completely agree. Trump actually sounded reasonable on this one. Cyber-security is extremely difficult thing, there is no way to built bulletproof system, but I suppose we should try.
>tfw studying networking and cyber security

Will I be okay anon?

baron has been doing the trump general thread a and has been shadow running the entire camapign.
>there is no way to built bulletproof system
Yes there is, keep your sensitive information physically disconnected.
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He means a 10 year old could have hacked into the DNC's computers or Hillary's server because their security was shit.

How could you not know this?
dubs of truth
You'll be fine. Not many companies give two fucks about security though. More often than not is a lot cheaper two just not give a fuck and take the breach than beef up security and they know this.

Make sure you're top tier and you'll be aight.
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>10 year old hacker detected
You'll be just fine. We are at a point where the product sells itself and companies will pay whatever you ask just to have their false peace of mind.
This was probably the most off topic he got last night, but as a parent i ramble about my kids too.
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Took Guccifer 20 minutes to hack Syndney "obama is a kenyan nigger" Blumenthal so a 10 year old probably could have.
Can we see the 400-pound person. Could this person be described as "bigly"?
That his son is here in /pol/, making memes.
NAFTA was neutrally beneficial at worst
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He meant that his son must have hacked into the DNC considering how lax DNC's security was. It was child's play.
So, you know how Obama has sons who are all thugs and get shot by cops? Well, Trump apparently has a son with a computer. So...there's that.
Tell me more about what Trump meant but didn't say

NAFTA helped out big corporations, that's it. Manufacturering companies got the benefit of cheap Mexican labor and big farming corporations got the benefit of Mexican agriculture bring decimated.
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Consider the following anon:
>working in a huge team
>different timezones
>services need to run 24/7
therefore you need to have your access credentials to various stuff online, or at least available to others. Sure, you won't put it up for everyone, but if it's in a repo somewhere or something like that, it's not impossible to get into that. The best thing we have right now(imo) is security through obscurity - make shit so weird only people on your team understand it.
Burger speaks the truth, but to most people, this won't matter
But he didn't say that

Security through obscurity is objectively the worst form of security. Strong encryption protocols and implementation is the best we have. Unfortunately, the NSA has put a larger priority on breaking these systems than implementing them here. We spend more on cyber Warfare than every other country combined, but a majority of that is spent on offensive capabilities and metadata collection (which is notoriously ineffective against terrorism).
He was probably going to talk about how important it is to keep the internet safe since its a very big part of children's lives nowadays and realized he wouldn't have time to go on that tangent then get back on topic in just 2 minutes
He's saying any idiot with a computer can get into the kind of hacking they're talking about. Pretty much no way to be perfectly safe on the cyber front, but we should at least be trying.
He mean that the best cyber security is to not be cyber. Like Putin who doesn't trust computers.
Oh, of course, i meant stuff beyond that(think customizing your stuff, working on bugs beyond the public source for opensource shit and generally being aware of what you are using and how it can be exploited)
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He admitted that Barron is the mastermind behind the hack.
Why didn't this fucking retard put in the time to prepare.

Jesus Christ, that would be an automatic f in any speech class on any level.
He sounded like a confused grampa.

Which he is.

He fucking flubbed this harder than anything else- rambling, incoherent, missed his transitions... he fucked up hard here, exposing himself as a person who simply doesn't have the mental acuity and recall to debate Clinton on stage.

HE was blustering and repeating himself, and on every question Hillary seemed like she could have gone on for twice as long in greater detail.

It's a fucking disaster for grampf.
>Hillary knows all about cyber security what with her 33,000 missing state department emails on personal devices. Isn't that right Secretary Clinton? *looks at her*

He would have had that in the fucking bag.
>Secretary of State plays fast and loose with secret information
>My fucking 10 year old even knows better than that

Should I do, like, a Venn Diagram with fucking crayons or something? BTW, how does it feel to be a whore exchanging her time trolling adults on the internet in exchange for your "valuable" time?
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Post yfw you realize Barron is taller than Hillary
This. It was pretty obvious.
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so what does that have to do with the question that was asked

Been laughing at this since he said it, what an outrageous thing to say
is barron the leader of the alt-right?
>trying this hard to justify legitimate stupidity and ignorance

Trump has no fucking idea what he's saying half the time. Just fucking admit it, you fucking sheep tourist.

Go back to le epin safe spayce /r/the_donald where you won't face these meanies saying baaad things about your candidate.
Maybe he means that, but he said basically nothing
>Fuck off shills. Trump hammered her and it was satisfying to see her wide eyes full of fear and arrogance

I wish I could see your lying face while you say that. It'd be so painfully obvious- she annihilated him. He's lucky he didn't go after bill, she was waitinf for that just like everything else he fucking stuttered out.
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>melania's face
The only people who argue his meaning on it, are faggots who aren't going to vote for him anyway.
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This whole thread, wow

Is Hillary and the pussy whipped cucks she has doing her internet shitposting for her really this scared? You guys don't have to be scared.

You should be terrified.
It's the people with high IQs that don't understand why it was relevant or the way he transitioned to it
It was also a complete non sequitur
Funny how that works huh. When they teach you about sarcasm you'll learn how I can make "You're a very smart person, I'm sure" actually mean you're a dumb retarded piece of shit who makes me wonder how your brain manages to breathe AND pump your heart for you. At the same time no less!
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Pic related. I'm now on the topic of fat shaming.
>cyber attacks are a recent phenomenon
>people are getting into computers at a young age
Barron is John Connor. Somehow it's related to Donald being a time traveller.
If my kids can do it our military has no fucking excuse.
This board is a hotbed of delusion, confusing scriptbabby-vulnerable online polls with real data, pretending, somehow, that donald didn't look like a cross between a confused grampa and a cokehead.

I'm not scared in the slightest. I'm expecting an election day victory. Only sad part is the senate won't flip at the same time.
Seriously though, I think it's just that he talks very fast, often faster than he thinks which causes him to go off on these weird disconnected tangents. Then ofcourse we have Hillary who talks at a snail's pace because she's trying to recall which part of the script she's supposed to be reciting.

Not to mention Trump was (rightfully) flustered since he had to debate both Hillary and the moderator.
Smart cunning linguist at work over here.
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Is his son 400 lbs?
>Trump did so good that shills are literally going after a statement about his son
His son is a the hacker known as 4chan

I'm still scared although I am decreasingly nervous following yesterday's debate.
>misinterpreting an ad that badly

You fucking double nigger, are you dense? The ad implies that women have gotten bigger, did the plus-size model not give that away? Holy fuck, you are legit retarded.
Trump utterly destroyed her.

He talked about real plans and policy and Clinton just talked about Trump.

He had her on the ropes the whole times. All she could do was arrogantly smirk while she was losing. It was embarrassing for her and for the Democratic party.

Almost all the online polls except for LOL (((CNN))) agree.

Trump dominated
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Holy shit.
Jesus christ, who let grandpa out of the looney bin?

Even Nate Dirt is predicting the Senate will flip.
Wait, he seriously has a 10 year old son? How old is Trump?

69 years old.

This was exactly what I thought off
The mans first debate he managed to stay afloat. Hillary has been bullshitting the public for years, shes had practice, the fact that Trump managed to hold his ground in a presidential debate against a life long politician is absolutely embarrassing for Hillary.

Friendly reminder there are two more debates :^)
Ew, I wonder how much he had to pay Melania to do that.
he tries to insert keywords about his family because women like that. but he's bad at it
already has j.o. urges what a DEGENERATE
he's 70.

but yeah he's still giving supermodels the steel to this day
>it's another trump isn't a total retard here's what he actually meant to say but didn't episode

This. Depreciation is a god-send in real estate. My mom writes off half of her income because of depreciation. The key is to do a 1031 when you sell so that you don't have to pay capital gains.
Whiteness is obsolete.

put down the glass of fermented cum, shill, your orange faggot king got exposed as a 100% verified retard. there is no escape

Melania is already a millionaire in her own right. I'd you don't see Trumps charisma, then I'm not sure what to tell you.

Your argument really only works on an Anna Nicole Smith type of relationship where the guy is slobbering on himself in a wheelchair.
It's like having an elderly grandpa talk about computers.

On the other hand, that does mean that he will leave stuff like that to competent workers, instead of getting an unsecured server like a certain other candidate did.
Nah not really. We shouldn't have a president where memers have to justify and explain the meanings behind his hyperbole and verbal diarrhea episodes
Every damn time, too. "This is what he MEANT to say!" Then why didn't he say what he MEANT to say? My own grandmother says she likes Trump because he 'always says whats on his mind' and if you have to make out what he's saying then he clearly isn't.

>making fun of someone based on the color of their skin is acceptable if you disagree with them

kys liberal hypocrites
He's 100% right though. Prove him wrong.
Nobody like jersey shore looking faggots, on either side.
They were both shit and talked nonsense. They are bad debaters.
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Underrated post.
He's saying that if elected he will appoint Barron as head of cyber security.

>hurr durr every non-sequitur must make sense

What did Clinton mean when she said blacks were superpredators?
But remember guys, 4D chess! He's a genius and every word that comes out of his mouth is perfectly calculated!
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Thanks for your great cyber efforts, really thanks you're great isnt he great really The Donald has donated 20 rubles into the vetted fund of your choice.
When I was 12 I was using mspaint like a retard and my grandpa called me a 'computer genius'. Shows what he knew if I'm here right now.
He was obviously trying to express the fact that technology is accessible to everybody (like his son) and you never know who could be behind cyberattacks because there are many who could be competent at cyberwarfare, for instance that hacker named 4chan who weighs 400 lbs.
my fucking sides

not wrong though
The moral of the story is that women really have let themselves go. Shame on you, women
His 10 year old is more competent with computers than the secretary of state.
No one cares about your retarded dead grandfather, faggot.
I put on my robe and wizard hat.
He meant that his son could do a better job then our "counter" cyber warfare
He's saying that the new generation is going to be even more tech savy and that government is failing to keep ahead with regards to cyber security.
>literally quoting him word for word
>adding commas, stops and full stops to make him look illiterate
Keep shilling Hillarybots, otherwise these dank forums'd be boring

>the guy who just came back from an 11 point deficit in 3 weeks while being outspent 50:1 is sooo stoopid
I bet Baron has SLI 1080 GTXs on an octocore i7.
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He obviously meant he understands young people are better with computers, and if he were president he would have a team of good people, the best, handling cyber security.
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Baron Trump is the DNC hacker OP.

Read between the lines, are you retarded?
Thanks for your great cyber efforts, really thanks you're great isnt he great really The Donald has donated 20 rubles into the vetted fund of your choice.
>He was obviously trying to express

stopped reading right there. if he was trying that why didnt he just fucking do it. SNIFFFF
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Oh my, that post has reeks of anger and contempt.

Orange faggot king? Please CTR, surely you have better than that.

The people have not been fooled. Watching the debate you see Hillary look down at her notes almost every 10 seconds while Trump rarely did every 5-10+ minutes. A man that speaks on the spot while still contending with a long time politician reading off a paper is absolutely fucking hilarious, and what makes it even more funny is you don't even realize it.
say cyber again motherfucker cringe.

on a tax note we are all required to pay as little in taxes as legally possible. so fuck you hillary and your tax fraud foundation that pockets 90% of the kick backs bribes and payoffs into it. lets see those accounting records BITCH!
Trump won in the eyes of the people. Make of that what you will but that was kind of a crazy rambling answer. I have faith that Trump would hire the best Cyber security guys though, the best.
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Look he wasn't the smoothest talker and didn't memorize many lines but it's his ACTIONS that make him a better candidate than the fucking murderous despicable Hillary.

Is it too late to put Richard Spencer on the ticket?
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>ctrl+f "meant"

lol trumpfags getting rekt right and left this is glorious
The same shit as
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Man, you really have to be drinking the trump kool aid not to look at that and go
>"what the hell are you talking about?"

I was really excited for trump to btfo killary, but that was just awful
First pic, can she lick her own pussy?
He got lucky in that his anti immigrant and anti pc rhetoric came about at just the right time public mood went in that direction. That's the ONLY reason he's got anywhere.
>Relevant opinion

That's cute.
>never seen a debate

the notes write are reminders about what the other debater just said so they can refute or address the points made. you knew that and are being a faggot or you didnt know that and are coming off as a faggot. either way get rekd trumpfag

And I think Secretary Clinton and myself would agree very much, when you look at what ISIS is doing with the internet, they're beating us at our own game. ISIS. So we have to get very, very tough on cyber and cyber warfare. It is a, it is a huge problem. I have a son.

He's 10 years old. He has computers. He is so good with these computers, it's unbelievable. The security aspect of cyber is very, very tough. And maybe it's hardly doable. But I will say, we are not doing the job we should be doing, but that's true throughout our whole governmental society. We have so many things that we have to do better, Lester and certainly cyber is one of them.

>g-guys Trump is just getting lucky
>t-the public mood just rapidly shifted in the last 3 weeks, that's why he's gaining on Clinton
good they were both retards
clinton went all >but check muh hillary approved fact checker
>the notes write are reminders about what the other debater just said so they can refute or address the points made

Do you realize this statement makes absolutely no sense or are you actually that dense? How can you have notes in preparation to what the other debater "just said"?
>hold his own

Hahaahahahahahaha boy howdy I can't wait for the rest. He demonstrated very clearly he doesn't have the mental stamina to keep up with a prepared opponent. You want to send this man into negotiations with Putin? With China?
He's going to get eaten alive, and then brag about it.
That's not refuting what he said ctr cunt.
He really is 70 years old, isn't he
her father was a degenerate gambler and drunk just for the record.
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Why didn't he say that then?
Can we get the part where Hilary spent a solid 30 minutes detailing how to layout and squeegee fabric like her daddy used to do?
Maybe he just poped his son in there referencing that computers play huge part in lives of our youth and theyre exposed to all kinds of shit.
Yeah he didnt word it right but its still a good point and computers and internet played main role in this degenaracy we have nowdays ( look at kids ~10-25 years old and tell me that most of them arent retarded and forgot priorities in life ). Thats just my opinion tho.

Reminded me of this:
Did you even see the debate? That quote is fucking verbatim
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>this man is going to get nuclear launch codes
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This was the worst part of the whole debate. He fucking blew it. Please don't Clinton.
>Didn't word it right but it's still a good point

The speech you wish he made isn't the speech he actually made, retard. He could have made a hundred different good points, instead he fumbled his transition and looked like a confused grampa.
>no you're a towel

"prepared opponent"

You guys need to stop using the same phrases, its very easy to point you out.

You talk about going into negotiations with other nations. The first of which you mention is Russia. How awkward is it that the Hillary campaign accused Russia of hacking the DNC without the care that it may lead to an international incident while at the same time providing no evidence?

Pathetic and foolish. I almost feel bad for you.
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>computers and internet played main role in this degenaracy we have nowdays
>Thats just my opinion tho.

Thats not an opinion, Ivan. Thats just a fact.
no you stupid fuck, she was writing her notes down as he spoke? did you not watch the debate?

its common practice in a debate to write down notes. bro, whatever it takes to make the assfucking trump got last night seem like a romantic dinner then be my guest but he got rekt to the 10th power

And I think Secretary Clinton and myself would agree very much, when you look at what ISIS is doing with the internet, they're beating us at our own game. ISIS. So we have to get very, very tough on cyber and cyber warfare. It is a, it is a huge problem. I have a son.

He's 10 years old. He has computers. He is so good with these computers, it's unbelievable. The security aspect of cyber is very, very tough. And maybe it's hardly doable. But I will say, we are not doing the job we should be doing, but that's true throughout our whole governmental society. We have so many things that we have to do better, Lester and certainly cyber is one of them.
Well, we created it.

Donald Trump didn't even exist before late 2015. We created him condensing our memetic energy. Every past memory of Trump is just part of the spell.
Thanks for your great cyber efforts, really thanks you're great isnt he great really The Donald has donated 20 rubles into the vetted fund of your choice.
trump has made huge strides in his campaign speeches from the first ones and now he is crushing in in massive venues, expect the same level of improvement in the up coming debates, i'm not even sweating it, when he relaxes is when she is going to get fucked. he needs to stop agreeing and hit her at ever dirth low spot the clintons have and there are plenty. he needs to realized what an arch criminal she is and stop playing nice. we got him to the 10 yard line he has to get in the endzone.
Jesus you can feel the autistic frustration just steaming off of this image.
Trump implies that ISIS makes online propaganda, and needs to be stopped.
With the comment about his kid, he's implying that kids will have access to this propaganda.

You'd have to have a pretty low IQ to not get those implications.
fuck proof read much? sorry bout that.
Slide it! We gotta close-up the internet.
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his sons computer is more secure than hillarys server
Got something else to answer with other than trolling? You're doing yourself no justice. The majority of us here are able to acknowledge meme shitposting or its poor attempts by CTR. It's very identical to the way we operate (we aren't bought though), and I applaud you for being able to mold to our tactics. Despite how weak they are.
are you really this stupid ?

he said his 10year old son is completely fit in computer stuff and he meant that this new generation will be the future in this area because they are already as good as the normie adult or better at it and also understanding and keeping up with memes and trends which sites are used etc etc..
i know it's hard for low iq people to keep up when intelligent people think because their conversations are different and you need to already know how to read the sentences but damn this shit is so fucking easy to understand that your mother would be embarrassed if she would know what kind of shit you post

>this man is neo-pol incarnate

no wonder this board went to shit. this is pure autism
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Check'd and kek'd
His son does a better job at the age of ten than Hillary and her state department staff on a good day with fair wind.
>he meant..

>two sniffs have been deposited into your account
What makes you think it's smart money? Hint: it's not.

Smart money places bets at the last minute. See horse racing and Vegas football.

Source: I'm a bookie.


We're not even playing the same game. Go away, shill. Take Hillary's limp body with you.
He was explaining how easy it is for little kids to become hackers.
t. CtR cuck
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oh my god
>Trump has gone "next level" and encrypted his general election debate responses to sound like word-salad.

This, bigly. We trump-supporters are truly high-class, übermensch.
So you're telling me his 10 year old son is definitely a computer genius?
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> he doesn't even own a computer
>Barron hacked the DNC.
I totally thought he implied that for a minute.
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He talks about it alot in his books too. He doesn't have an intercom system either. He has employees yell at each other if they want to communicate. He says it increases the energy in the office.
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Goodness, settle down, senpai ;)
None of this "CYBER" shit matters!!! ISIS won't be defeated on the internet they'll be defeated on the ground. The internet is irrelevant!

This has to be handled the old fashioned way. The internet shit is an afterthought and a distraction. Even asking questions about cyber security is an incredible waste of debate time.

Seems to be working great. Look at the polls. Meme magic has worked better than Hillary's $200m ad campaign.
Thank you for correcting the record
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>We have so many things that we have to do better, Lester and certainly cyber is one of them

What did he mean by this?

Daily Reminder: Trump doesn't use computers, please cut him some slack. http://gizmodo.com/has-donald-trump-ever-used-a-computer-1762376695
Everything that actually matters happens in real life. The internet is irrelevant. You guys are all just so young that you don't remember life before the internet so you think it is more important than it actually is. It has been ingrained in you so much that you can barely tell reality from the internet.
yeah i got a first hand look at your "magic" last night. thread after thread all night spamming links to the polls begging /pol/tards to proxy the shit out of them...i was here i saw it happen. you fucking fags are all crybabies cus you know deep down trump is a fucking sperglord supreme who couldnt give a shit about america and youre all doing it for the keks. either way get rekt SNIFF
Trump's the only candidate talking about meme warfare against ISIS. This is a serious issue and the media is too busy focusing on his wording rather than the actual issue because they are bought over by Saudis and are enabling ISIS to outmeme the West.

This is part of their tactic. The media is bought over by muzzies it's so fucking obvious. Shills will hang from the trees on the day of the rope.
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Jesus fucking Christ. People are actually voting for this moron?
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>volunteers voting is more pathetic than CTR spending millions to have shills vote and attack normies online

OK bud. How long have you been here?

Neither candidate really knows shit about cyber security in detail, and neither does anyone who isn't in the field.

They can't really truthfully to a question regarding cyber security, because neither have a concrete plan to improving it other than funneling money into it.

It's up the organizations like the NSA to deal with cyber security first hand.
And dropped
He means liberals are ignorant macfags who dont know shit about technology and his ten year old could hack their shit they are so stupid.
Fucking hilarious and you burgers better not fuck up, meme this guy into presidency.
He just rants like a madman
>ctrl+f "meant"

holy fucking shit
Barron posts on /pol/
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>volunteers from all over the world using proxies to spam online polls
>getting actual voters registered and ready to actually vote for the election

do you even know how elections work?
That made me cringe so hard. Cmon Donald
yes Barron is a genius and a skilled elite hacker
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>pol confused legit retardation with 4D Chess
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I know who you are.
>I have a son. He's 10 years old. He has computers. He is so good with these computers, it's unbelievable. The security aspect of cyber is very, very tough. And maybe it's hardly doable. But I will say, we are not doing the job we should be doing. But that's true throughout our whole governmental society. We have so many things that we have to do better, Lester, and certainly cyber is one of them.

Trump is a towering intellectual figure.
Don't think he was rambling...
I'm sure there is some deep, profound meaning between the lines.
We just haven't interpreted it correctly yet.
This is sound.
electing angela merkel
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>The cyber, Lester. We have to do the cyber better
nice try memefag
your shitposting days are over after november
>The speech you wish he made isn't speech he actually made, retard.
If you haven't noticed im not from USA so i didn't really wish for anything, im just a spectator answering ops question. No need to call me a retard just cause youre threatened by opinions different than yours aswell.
Meant as that was my opinion on his words, should of put that after first paragraph. Shameful!


Where's the context? I heard him say this but he cleaned a bit off our clocks, laughing about the 400 lb hacker in the bed. God, that ''debate'' was a shitshow. Lester Holt hasn't lost his (asshole) touch.
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>yfw you get your pink slip on the 9th.

>They can't really truthfully

can't really ANSWER truthfully.
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you still can give me the delegates dahnald
What this fundamentally means is......

Hi, Barron. Welcome to /pol/, stay a while.
Trump speaks like a normal resident of New York. Record your conversations for a day, transcribe them with a shitload of periods, and then try to riff on Trump with a straight face.

No, this doesn't flow when it's written out. It wasn't meant to.

Stress ISIS relative to the occurrence in the previous sentence and follow with a *dead stop*. Rush the next sentences until "huge problem". Point out that even though ISIS may be a bunch of goatfuckers halfway across the globe, our own kids are able to adopt a lot of these technologies and best practices that older people have no idea exist, and that we can't underestimate them. The stress on the lone ISIS clarifies that it's something that a world power should be beating them on, but are not.

Everybody who riffs on a transcription of Trump speaking is either grasping at straws or has severe autism and actually thinks speaking like you're reading out of a book is normal.

None of that is to say that I necessarily think he's qualified or should win, but this desperate nitpicking of things that make sense to anybody with healthy social exposure will clinch him the win whether or not you want it to.
How is it Lester's fault that Trump decides to talk about his autismo son when it comes to the topic of ISIS
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can't argue with that
>Everything that actually matters happens in cyber. The governmental society is irrelevant. You 10 year olds are all just so good with these computers that you don't remember ISIS so you think it is more important than it actually is. It has been ingrained in you so much that you can barely tell getting tough from being beat at our own cyber.
I don't care about the elction outcome much, I think the world is more laughing at him than scared.

It's the same as the "Series of Tubes" gaffe everyone made fun of years ago.
Barron is the hacker known as 4chan.
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every one in this thread trying hard to interpret what trump actually meant...wew lads

>ctrl+f "meant"
it means his son is browsing /pol/
Thank you.
Completely agree, politicians think they are too "smart" when in fact they find it hard to resonate with ordinary people unlike trump who speaks the common tongue.

Don't Interview me or my son's computer ever again.
Why did you screencap yourself?
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Can someone tell me what this anon meant by this?
>"Meme magic isn't real! We used dubs to make her cough on stage, still failed! Trump is going to lose now :((( time to give up on Making America Great Again"

YOU FUCKIGN PUSSY COWARDS you think you can just spam "praise kek" and your stupid FUCKIGN rhymie "lol she'll shit on stage " chants, posting copy pastas, getting dubs, trips, maybe even quads a few times on an image-board to get a political candidate to win. Oh the DAMAGE you've FUCKING done, did you fucking see the debate? DID YOU FUKIGN SEE IT? YOOOOUU made this happen, YOOOOU, because you tried to TWIST MEME MAGIC to YOUR WILL, OMFG im crying so HARD rIGHT NOW sII CANT EFVEN FUCKIGN SEE IM SO FUCKIGN ANGRY AT YOUR FUCKIDHbashgS.agb... a few individuals understood, they got the idea, they WORSHIPPED kek, not FORCED THEIR WILL DOWN KEK'S THROAT, AND YOU FUCKING DEMENTED HIM YOU SHITFUCKSTUPIDDUMBFUCKS... HOW WILL HE FUCKING FORGIVE US FOR WHAT YOU FUCKS FUCKING DID..

Hopefully this recent debate made you learn, our SAVIOR, our PROPHET, SENT BY KEK HIMSELF failed on stage BECAUSE OF YOU FUCKLESS FUCKS.
>printed huff po articles
The point is to illustrate that today's youth are absolutely fantastic with computers and that the government underestimates the potential consequences of being unprepared for cyber warfare, which is something that will be fought by children.
Unrehearsed speech always looks retarded when you full-on transcribe it.

In fact, the more retarded speech seems when trancribed, the more it actually resonates with audiences. That's because in between there will be constant interjections, references, acknowledgements, ... pertaining to interlocutors; and these are precisely the things that establish a connection between speaker and public.

Talking in a way that looks good in writing almost always comes across as forced and inauthentic, even robotic.

t. professional simultaneous interpreter.
He was obviously talking about us, dipshit.

the shitposters spammed our dear kek so kek used it against them to show them the arrogance of their ways. praise kek
Lester Holt is an asshole now, has been one in the past, and will eventually die as one. Separate from Trump- except that his smirking face was chosen to be ''moderator'' but he let his asshole ego get in the way.
The 400 part was about us.
I saw that pol, it was on CNN, and even CNN explained how most of those polled were Democrats.

Having said that, have to watch what the "the smart money" is doing, but when it's wrong, it's really wrong.

Fuck off.
He could have drooled and shit himself on stage, and he'd still have my vote.

The plain reality is HRC is a criminal, and belongs in a cell, not in the oval office. While I don't like Trump, I will not reward a criminal, murderous cunt with my vote.
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>/pol/ will actually vote for this tard
>this is /pol/'s candidate of choice
People often bet on losers because the payout is greater.
>/pol/ will defend this
More relatable than the DNC screeching about how its the Soviet Union err Russia.
Wait did donald have a son at 60 years old? His swimmers are winners!
>the orange bouffon
>Smart money flocked to remain before the brexit vote too.
>Funny that. :^)
tht's what i'm talking about
Literally anything is better then Hillary.
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Maybe it's his wife's son.

>HuffPo articles

stop shilling. he clearly won.
Trump's 10 year old son is the one who hacked the DNC, not Russia.
I guess that kind of reasoning is what compels one to vote for an orange turd.
For a guy who shitposts on twitter all day this is fucking pathetic

There's no way this is real
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Who the fuck is paying these people
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this is a personal layer to the topic
another meme issue, will he be questioned on this for 20 minutes at the second debate?

Don't ever get into gambling, you fucking idiot

Really makes you wonder why Huffington Post is so hard on him.

More about printing out the interweb for reading purposes.
>70 year old
>Has a 10 year old child
Atleast the kid won't know how retarded his dad was :^)
>some one doesnt sound like me
>must be a paid shill cus no one has a different opinion than me

get rekt trumpfag, just like trump did last night fucking praise kek for filling his nostrils with mucus. meme magic worked too hard
>we gave up Rubio for this
Honestly I've only been on /pol/ like a year now and I'm never gonna let you faggots meme me again. I fucking registered Republican so I could vote for Trump in the primary. We literally could have nominated anyone else. And we chose the guy having "a very, very tough job" with "cyber."
I want the "has sons with computers" vote

Here's a pic
Well he knows how to use a toilet
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Enjoy the $0.03
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>I've only been on /pol/ for like a year now
Good, get out newfag
> implying conversational colloquy should be translated into inspirational quotes

go kill yourself shill scum


Better start looking for jobs now, you guys are getting the boot on November 9th regardless.

>(politico) sage
>there are many people who have grown up with the internet, and can be very good with computers on a level that our government is not prepared to deal with. even 10 year olds!
>isis has a powerful presence on the internet
>our children are on it, my son has a huge interest in computers. its very dangerous out there
>this makes defending american technological interests extremely difficult
>look at hillary, the DNC can't even defend their own corruption from whatever attacked them
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I can't wait to see you people get thrown into concentration camps
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Do you all shill posters which replied to this post are in the same room? Or are you all from different places just getting paid, post by post in your homes? I'm really curious, ctr.

Thanks OP. Trump is New York incarnate as far as his cadence goes.
How the fuck are you proud of what you've done with your literal Satan trips?

He was a one man spaghetti buffet out there and we still have (((two more))) debates to go.

Try to fucking picture Cruz or Kasich or even Little Marco bumbling through that word salad. It's pathetic. Shillary is such a weak candidate she can't even stay conscious and we found the one actual retard who's going to lose to her.

You are the cancer.
Until he releases a sample I'm not convinced his son is his. A lot of smart people say he was cucked and I know for a fact that his wife stole the Ms. Obama speech and attempted to pass it off as her own. So it's clear that she's a slut and doesn't have the respect or wherewithal to marshal her creativity for her husband's sake. So I care about Trump and his son, and because I care about Trump and his son I'm demanding a DNA test. Now, I'm not saying Trump is a geriatric without stamina. Trump showed he's high tes on Dr. Oz. I'm saying, let's help him finish this and show the world he's not a cuck.
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>I want to get off Mr Trumps wild ride
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Don't forget to check your mail.
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Maximum kek
Want a something fun? Send flowers. All mail to the senate office buildings are radiated somewhere in PG county MD.

I learned this the hard way when dating a senate staffer and sent her flowers for valentine day. They didn't arrive on the day, and when they did they were fried.

Fuck, you can just send anything that's alive to the senate offices for fun!
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Every time I try to imagine Cruz or Kasich or Marco winning anything I just can't. Because they didn't. You still don't get what makes Trump work, and you never did, you never will.

Now go, newfag, you were never wanted here no matter who you supported.
Why is this even a thread? >He has a 10 year old son who has computers and could pull a DNC hack with the best of them, much less like any youngster could.

If the man can communicate the message above using the quote you posted then he doesn't *need* to spend the thought and time articulating for you plebfags. That's what he has his supporters do for him. You know, for free.

Get rekt.
When someone says something really stupid, it gets a lot of replies

This is one of those times. Best advice is to just try to weather the banter
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