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What does $1,000,000 USD buy you in your city?

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Thread replies: 126
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Comtinue >>90383579
If you're in US this is easy
>google "1000000USD to <your currency>
>Post 1-3 properties that reflect what $1m USD is worth internationally

I'll start: 2 br, 2 bath, 2 garage apartment. Nice view I guess? Good neighbourhood. Close to beaches and universities. But its an apartment so no backyrd cricket.

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Where I live, $1,000,000 can get you a 6,000 square foot house and 1 acre along the river or a house of similar size and five acres of yard.
Pls respond
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>5 room government housing in prime "near city" area ( 1475 sq, ft, 2 baths, 4 bedrooms, no garage)
$630,000 usd

>private apartment in upscale neighbourghood, (1000 sq ft, 1 bath, 2 bedrooms,no garage)
$1,100,000 usd

an actual house with a lawn and pool will set you back ~4 m usd. And in many cases your house will be sharing a wall with your neighbour (sem-detached)
>tfw I live in an over 1 million dollar house

And I live in it for free too! Feels good having a successful older brother.
8 Bedrooms
20K square feet of living space
Historic Downtown Mansion
Price $997,770
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Okay don't respond. Have fun when the chinese takes over

you can live very very comfortable until you die via interests
>another NSA datamining thread
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Some old apartment with two bedrooms. Pretty much on the spot 1,000,000 USD.
That's absolute not true!
With $1,000,000 you can easily buy a 1 room apartment in a neighborhood full of refugee!

But if you have an residential house in Switzerland, you are part of the 1% of the richest people in the world who possess more than 50% of world "resources".
My dad is part of 1%! He was a teacher in high school...
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Or, this.
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I live there and it's quite comfy, mostly white, highly educated mexicans
Looks comfy and spooky all at once. Would live in.
Does this not belong in >>>/int/ ?
Plenty of foreigners also live there too, not just Americans, the neighbors right next to me are german, and Ronaldinho used to live there as well
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http://m.city24.lv/lv/objekts/8120879 this mediocre apartment is so expensive because its in one of these posh art nouveau houses

pic related

A one bedroom apartment. Can't be bothered looking for pics.
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Something like this.
>posh art nouveau houses
That's not art nouveau, but rather your generic fin de siécle German ecclecticism.
>Art Nouveau architecture was popular in Riga, the capital of Latvia, during the late 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century – about 40% of the buildings from this time were built in this style.[48] Several substyles formed during this period. Early elements of the new style were added to Eclectic architecture forming "Eclectic" Art Nouveau. "Decorative" Art Nouveau refers to style using only decorative elements of the Art Nouveau; the first such building was built in 1899, however by 1906 decorative styles had become unfashionable.[49] Therefore, the decorative style is not very widespread in Riga.[48] The most popular style in Riga is known as "Romantic" Art Nouveau. Simplistic and modern in form, these buildings were decorated with elements from other historic styles and constitute about one-third of all buildings in central Riga. From 1905 to 1911, Latvian National Romantism peaked. While being a substyle of Art Nouveau, it copied forms of traditional architecture and incorporated traditional decorative elements.[50] As Art Nouveau matured, emphasis on vertical lines became more popular, known as "Vertical" Art Nouveau, this style was most popular shortly before World War I.[49] The center of Riga is now designated as a UNESCO World Heritage site in part for its Art Nouveau architecture.[51]

mate the biggest concentration of art nouveau in Europe is in Riga

That picture is of a house in Alberta street, a street where every house is art nouveau
In the suburbs you can buy a small mansion for that amount. 5-6 bedrooms, 4-5 baths, 2 kitchens if you want, 4 car garage, a pool, and plenty of land

In the downtown area, that's a condo

All really depends on location, there is a hige amount of price variance
Stoke-on-Trent? Probably every property within half a square mile and the first-born sons of all my neighbours.
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>tfw this will never be yours
6 beds 8 baths 5,772 sqft in South Western Montana sitting on 42 acres at the comfy cost of 1,095,00 dollaroos.
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All yours for 1,250,000.
One fucking million, two fucking hundred and fifty fucking thousand pounds for this shit.

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Don't trust Wikipedia on anything. You'll find ten times more "Art Nouveau" ( aka a bunch new architectural styles that emerged in Europe between the late 1800s and the early 1900s) in Vienna, Budapest or Prague (and by this definition even in Berlin). By the way back then 30% of the population in Riga was German.
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I can't find a house that expensive.

Want to buy a lighthouse on Lake Superior???

This is $875,000
7 beds 8 baths 3,800 sqft

Lot: 3.65 acres
A shitty farmhouse that has peeling paint and all.
Plus 50 acres of vineyard.

For the low low price of 1.2M€
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Quite a nice house in a good location. Lots of Demographics provided 'Self Identified First Languages'.
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A million where I live gets you a beautiful home (3000-5000sf) on an acre or more by a golf course with an indoor pool to swim naked in or a fabulous condo (2000-4000sf) with ocean views.
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>literally nothing

kek, I love my cuntry
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Not much.
das nice mane, actually feel sad that this is a drop in the bucket for most wealthy folk :(
>30% pop german wew

ive been to the musuem and wiki isnt the only place that states this including UNESCO

just google Riga art nouveau

fact is, Riga is full of it and that picture i posted is on of the houses
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This is the most expensive house I could find
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comes with a heavy duty boat dock
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I can also buy pic related for 500k€.
I'd rather go with the farmhouse with peeling paint.
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>there are only 8 jews who would sell at 5 Mio. dollaroos in your city
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or this is a bit more pricey and you get a lighthouse, also enjoy the fucking trek to the shops, still nice for Dublin tho
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You can buy this lighthouse in Wales for just a little more.


Only thing with this shit though, it's in the middle of nowhere and I think lighthouses make a noise every hour or so?
Yup. This is a "lets go up to my dad's cabin" type of home which really fucking bugs me. It seems like it'd be perfect for a good traditional huwhite man to live with his wife and a gaggle of kids that you would homeschool while working from home/online. FUCK me I'll never have that and it makes me upset.
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Apparently you get a 450m2 house with a restaurant that you can use to get that money back due to its location in the heart of one of the most prolific tourist towns
One gallon of gas
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For that price you can get this thing up in Aberdeenshire area close to Stonehaven which is a beautiful coast side town.

>5 Bedrooms
>5 bathrooms
>Detached double garage
>Private drive with electric gates

The thing is, once you go into Aberdeen itself, you get 1 bedroom terraced housing for the same price.

my friend up the road selling their home, nearly 10m+.... all i want is to be cosy, why cant it be..
Holy shit, thats what i call comfy, would definitely live there
I live in northern England. With 1 million I could buy several towns in this region.

>fellow jaxfag

how long have you been here? How the fuck do you get used to the humidity?
It gets cold and windy up here, but you would have an awesome view.
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You'll get a house which is either small, in bad shape or in absolute nowhere.
1,150,000 $ gets you a four bedroom at about 100 square meters

Did i ever tell you about the jews?
>absolute nowhere
>in Switzerland
so, about 20 minutes from the nearest city center?
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Something like this in Amsterdam. 1420 square feet.

Around 1 035 000 USD
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How is this even possible?
There are some amazing places dirt cheap in Florida.

Too many to post, but just google it and look for yourself.
Can I live with you too
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Lower-tier mansion, remember that for $2mil you can get a 13,000sqft celebrity-tier mansion
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"I'm talking big shit nigga"

>1m dollar cardboard house

4 room apartment, 1180sqft/110M2 by a heavily trafficated road in a posh area in central Stockholm
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Not to bad, cosy little cabin.
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>you will never blast Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald from the top of a lighthouse on Lake Superior during the fiercest of gales.

Why even live?


It's not like there's tornadoes here or anything
~700k USD

~500k USD
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895 000 euros for a lux penthouse. It looked very modern inside with a large cozy balcony. Apparently still being developed or something. 164m2. Lovely view of Tallinn tho.
A comfy-tier house built in 1908
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Apparently a giant hunting lodge or a 7 bedroom 6 bath mansion with a giant pool its own mini golf course and a party deck the size of NZ
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Or a big 9 332 sqft/867m2 mansion
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Why not land?


$575,000 - 240 Acres - Pasture, 6 ponds, large home sitting back in the woods that has over 2400 sq ft and with a finished basement, it will be well over 3500. 3 bedroom, 2 bath with a large living room and brick fireplace, dining room, breakfast bar, kitchen with numerous cabinets, a main level that is handicap accessible, a bonus room/bedroom in basement, new deck, new washer/dryer, new water heater (2015), freezer, tornado shelter, fenced front yard, and overhead storage in the 2 car attached carport.


$745,000 - 483 Acres - rustic lodge built in 2016 that has been well constructed and has breathtaking views of the Ozark Mountains. This three-bedroom, two bathroom lodge, with an open floor plan, has been decorated in all rustic finishes from the barn wood walls to the pine ceilings. No expense was spared in the construction and design of this home. The property also has a log sided guest cabin with a loft, ranch manager's house, historic 1870's cabin from Dexter, Tennessee, large barn and shop.


$899,950 - 771 Acres - Hunting Retreat in Southern Missouri. Hunt Mature Woods, and Open Hayfields. 15 miles of trails throughout the property. Hunting camp complete with Bunkhouse, Large Cook Shack for processing. The Sighting Range has its own comfortable building up on the hillside. Road grader conveys with the property and assures you can maintain the nice wide level roads into all the facilities. At the very back of the property overlooking a live water stream, beautiful bottom ground hayfield, and beyond to the tree covered hills sets your gorgeous two bedroom cabin with all the modern conveniences.
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>look through real estate
>found this for 995.000

is Switzerland even real? lol what the fuck
loaf of bread, milk, maybe some cheese if you buy the cheap one
Hes looking for HOUSES in the worlds most expensive CITY, there are few to begin with.
>you are part of the 1% of the richest people in the world who possess more than 50% of world "resources".

gnomes of Zurich
1 mil buys a 2-3br on the ocean here
A 4br on the lake
A 7br w 50 Acres in the mountains w no neighbors
Or a 8br farm house w barn and 300 Acres in the woods.
Cheap as fuck here
My Uncle has something like that in Idaho. Very comfy.
what up pv bro
McMansions though, man.
Most expensive house I found in my city
That looks really comfy tbqh
Really depends on the location.
Do you want to live near downtown or the water, in a more central location that has everything within a sq mile, or in an area that hasn't been heavily developed yet...

These are all houses, not condos.

3 Bedrooms
3 full Bathrooms
1,854 sqft on 6,534 sqft lot
pool + patio

3 Bedrooms
2 full Bathrooms
1,794 sqft on 0.15 acre
pool + patio
5 Bedrooms
3 full bathrooms
3,178 sqft on 0.19 acre
pool + patio
4 Bedrooms
5 full, 1 partial Bathrooms
4,533 sqft on 1.07 acres
pool + patio
gated community
4 Bedrooms
3 full, 2 partial Bathrooms
5,599 sqft on 5 acres with additional 4,396 garage/workshop/guesthouse
Where is it located?
4 Bedrooms 2 Bathrooms

1 Bedroom has en-suite
Underfloor heating
Decent sized garden
Inside pics look nice though.

Decent schools nearby.
Close to the town centre.
Okay neighbourhood but not the nicest.
what state?
today that amount of money would buy me a Germany Bank
Location is absolutely key though.
My grandparents live in an incredibly comfy cottage in the Herefordshire countryside that they bought for only £110,000

It has 3 bedrooms 2 bathrooms, a nice garden, a cellar, a well, a 2 car garage, a nice driveway and it's a tudor period house so it's about 500 years old.

To be fair though it was the late 90s when they got it and before the housing bubble.
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$600k. I think I've won. This isn't even near the tippy top for houses here either. Look up Adler Hoff meridian ID. That house is pretty nice.
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This, and still have enough left over to buy 3 Haitian slaves
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this is the first thing i found close to where i live for around a million euros (950k) on the largest real estate website in belgium

18th century square farm, 4 bedrooms, stable, barn, pool, 5 ha (12 acres)
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More $600k houses
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One more $600k street. I know there are million dollar plus homes here, they're just not on the market. Also they all come with 50+ acres.
whats up with the "Unit 1415E"
You sure its not a condo within the building?
Thats a million? Looks like New Zealand government housing like that move Once Were Warriors
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This. It's in a nice location though, close to the city's lake and the city center is 15-20 minutes away by bicyle.
i have a house in Fribourg. It was passed down from my great grandmother though. i cant even fathom what it costs.

>tfw when your cow-farming grandma hands you down land worth tens of millions

top kek
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Pretty nice.
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Not to self: Never live in Austin.
In sweden it buys you 3 big somali cocks.

Dude... ruining my day with those feels senpai
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2nd floor in that ugly ass brown building, but you're in the absolute downtown. Might be nice for a law office or a dentist or something

236 m2 4 br
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A million buys you a stone Mcmansion in NJ
Holy shit I gotta move to Kansas.

Pic related is 8 beds, 6 baths, 4,815 sqft
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Boomers decided to invest 90% of their shekels in real estate. So even getting a tiny 1-bedroom apartment 20 minutes outside the city costs you 5 times the average national salary.

I have a 600 sqft apartment with 1 bedroom. Cost me $437,000. And it's so fucking remote that I have to have a car. Walking to the closest store would take me 20 fucking minutes.

Can't wait for this bubble to burst so that all the boomers with 6-7 apartments loses their savings.
What a million will get in you in Montreal.

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Couldn't find anything selling for 1,000,000 so I found the next most expensive thing this cosy home sells for 85,000 USD or the Canadian equivalent of 497 trillion Canadian rupees
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>living in west island
>laughing animegirls.png
This message is brought to you by some crack head in Hochelaga.
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just under a million

>Spectacular two storey home on a one acre lot with 100' of frontage on the shores of Lake Nipissing. Main floor master bedroom and laundry with access to the covered deck and garage. Chef's kitchen features professional appliance package, granite counters and quality cabinetry with a stunning view of the lake. Boat house includes 2 lifts a lots of decking.


video of the house

also, looks like something from Scooby Doo
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