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Eastern Europe

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Is Eastern Europe poor because of Communism or it has always been that way?
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Comfy Commieblock General?
>before communism
>everybody is poor
>after communism
>only communists are poor
really make you think
>mexican intellectuals
Go read a book Pedro ffs
Can't say about all Eastern Europe, but we were poor for a thousand years in a row.
When you say Eastern Europe is poor do you mean third world tier poor or just not as rich as Western Europe?

>Baltic teachers
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This is now officially a Happy grey box general thread. Posting my best grey boxes.
this is art
I allways fail to see how these are any worse than the appartment buildings built today.
No one is going to go out and buy a book about whatever stupid country you are unless you suggest one, jackass.
Yeah, but look at you now!
We have grey brutalist boxes down the street from my place. I worry more about what the interior is like, desu.
Eastern Europe is heaven compared to shitholes in Africa and Middle East.
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Commieblocks are cozy.
look up austro hungarian empire
I can actually feel my soul being sucked out when I look at that
Now it's worse than ever in my life. The last doctor in my settlement quit his job the other week, so now we have to take two buses to get medical attention. Doctor's wage was 150-200$ for 10 hours work day, so I can't really blame him.
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who /commieblock/ here?
>Not living in a freedom block from 1920
fuggen gommie
My commie block back at home faces a beautiful river and it is the most comfy shit in the world. Just a few blocks from the subway too
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Hol up, are they poor?

Most poles or croats, for example, have appartments, cars, smartphones, computers, I do not see how they are poor?
Yes they are poorer than western Europe.
Yes, it's partly because of the communist jew and war
No they are not a third world african shithole
now THATS comfy as fuck
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I went to lithuania once and the taxi drove me through some commie looking allies and stopped to a seemingly dead end, in front of a building with the facade half crumbled away, it legitimately looked like it had been bombed during WW2, I thought I was a bout to mugged, when some random dudes started walking out from the building

turns out it was the hotel, the rooms were perfectly nice from the inside
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During evil soviets he stayed at place, I bet.
Slovakia was the 8the wealthiest country during the time between wars and even managed to somewhat keep its wealth during ww2(mostly because we were a german satellite). Now it's in shit.

So yes, communism is the reason most of eastern Europe is poor. On the other hand it delayed degeneracy a bit so I guess that's a plus.
where is this?
google gave no results
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I'm from Vancouver. most people in the UK don't want to live in apartment buildings and those who do are social-income bracket families. Maybe that's why, but in Vancouver and basically anywhere else in North America it's the exact opposite.
Which hotel?
Also Cozy AF!
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Holy shit well now I know what a piece of you dying feels like
Interesting fact, the living buildings in Eastern Europe, at least in my language, are called blocks. There is a theory that the blocks, were build with the intent to look depressing and demotivating, to keep spirits down.
holy fuck thats so bland
It's poor now because all of the ethnic Germans were kicked out after WW2.
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I shit you not that could easily be a Swedish apartment complex. Those are the types of buildings we built in the 70's and 80's
It actually looks ok with all that grass.
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Wew, looks like my hometown.
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>delayed degeneracy
Implying slovaks aren't nigger tier alcoholics outside the capital city and the hungarian parts.
I guess nowadays buildings are more colorful
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Idk I've always thought commie blocks look cumfey.

Just needs some art.
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Commieblocks of the future.
I can't remember, it was some really small one, seemingly owned by a single family living in the same building, it was in kaunas

the funny thing is that the other side of side of the building was fairly okay and was along this pretty long as fuck shopping street type of thing

like some sort of facade put up to make the place look nice while if you walk just a bit to the allies it looks fucking horrible, there was a burned down building next to the hotel too, which was seemingly abandoned, there were no indications that anything was about to be done about that
Poor mostly due to corruption, and being screwed by other countries. Slavs are not so bright when it comes to economy.
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During the monarchy, we were one of the most powerful economies. After that, it was even better - ours was in the ten top powerful economies in the world. Then came nazis, stole and break our shit (used it against France, good riddance you snotty fucks). But it was not Fritz who fucked it up good, it was Ivan later. Commies sucked our economy like a hungry whore sucks dicks. The last mercy shot was after the "revolution" when everything was privatized and ultimately sold, stolen or just disappeared.

Pic related, that's where I live.
That looks too weird... I think the buildings shouldn't stand out like towers like that, it just gives a creepy wibe

It's from the Dredd film.

Basically those are megacomplex buildings, 70k people living in one of them.
I'd rather live there than in some soulless suburb.
it's comfy af.
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No, it's Kola peninsula.
we wuz kangz and shieeet nigga we be powerful n shieet n then came the big bad hans n took our shieeet commies keepin poor czech man down

Eastern Europe was missing a very large industry (maybe except the Czech) but they were making great progress towards the 30s-40s.

Then the shitty Germans and Russians started WW2, and we lost all the technological progress for decades.

Now society is destroyed by rampant corruption and treachery. At last here, communism destroyed the traditional family by moving lots of people in those awfull dormitories with common expenses and people who'll turn you in.

But you can try it back home, I guess is better than the drug cartels cutting people with a chainsaw.
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Croatia and Poland have always been historically more affluent and <spoiler>more relevant</spoiler> than other eastern European countries. Hungary was pretty important too thanks to the Habsburgs, but like the Czech they are arguably "Central" more than Eastern. All the countries mentioned above also happened to be very catholic.

Orthodox, eastern European countries were rather poor throughout their history due to a plethora of different reasons, but we can see that communism only made it worse; eventually destroying every form of progress made culturally and economically.

Romania was in an infinitely better state as a monarchy, the Baltics were messed up hard by the USSR, and Eastern Germany for instance is filthy when compared to Bavaria or the West. Bulgaria managed to kick its own shit in before that.

Communism effectively dissolves any kind of long term prosperity and cultural flair, charm and virtue - leaving grey, depressed and cynical people in its wake.
Negro, look at this:
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I feel you man. I know butthur krauts will attack you with WE WUZ shit but theres a lot of truth in this
>tfw you will never dispense Justice on the degenerate medley of filthy spics, niggers and white trash of future multicultural America
>tfw I was born just in time to see it all go to waste instead
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it looks like a jewish nose
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I dont see how commieblocks are "comfy".

It's literally a box that the government shoves you in. The building itself symbolizes poverty.
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Yeah but the point is that as soon as they embrace western democracy and capitalism they start growing. They just need to find good industries that fits their people. Poles seem to like software and Russians get a lot of their money from oil.

I'm not saying they will catch up, just that it was a huge fucking disaster that set them back for several decades
I used to argue in that kind of threads, but now, like... Mexico, really?
It's not hard to google Commonwealth.
The truth has been spoken
I dunno, it's not like i'm 100+ years old.
It was alright ~200 years ago, sort of.
>tfw not living in commieblock
>Commieblocks are cozy.
I don't know exactly why but I love them.
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Even the hungarian parts are full of alcoholics and glue sniffing teens.
t. slovak living in hungarian part
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Fuck that looks freezing and brutal.
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Now this is just going too far.
This shit cant be real?

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That's in China, right? And those are all empty?
I would be scared of those toppling over. I don't know how anyone could live in that and not be deathly afraid of a fire or earthquake.
Oh yeah, I totally agree with you famalam.
I'm just sayin' communism just fucked their shit up beyond belief.
eastern europe is poor because it takes more then 25 years to swap your system from marxism to capitalism
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more like comfyblocks amirite?
Idk why is Mexico so poor?
Yeah, needs more public transport.
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And inside of each cell.

Don't bother with them.. they belong to Anatolia and you're at the west of Vienna....

I used a Skoda cannon while in the army, yes, this bad, they kept a cannon manufactured in 1930s (which we payed through the nose at that time due to our dear politicians)
That must be the epitomy of comfyness

Train right outside of your door
Eastern Europe is poor because it's full of eastern europeans. Communism did contribute a lot to it, of course, but at the end of the day the biggest fault lies with the locals.
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I hate these kinds of blocks.
Pic related are far superior.
>things burgers will never understand: the thread
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We are now painting them.
>Slavs blaming it on muh communism

Heh, subhumans can't do anything right and no political ideology will change this fact.
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>shitting where you cook
why, Ivan? for gods sakes why?
Except when you hear it go *SCREEEEEEEEEEECH* past your house several times a day. Good luck sleeping
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What the christ sort of zoming laws make it so that that's okay? WTF?

>Yeah, and so due to all the noise from the train, this space is being rented rent-free! Just fucking take it!

It's clearly shopped.
The floors keep repeating themselves.
These deserve to have planes flown into.
At least we have apartments to live in, instead of mudhuts, unlike you, Juan...
Eastern Europe is ugly as fuck and their bitches are unfuckable crack whores. EuroNigger Cities. Nobody wants to spend money on that.
It's an edited image
I've wondered how the fuck can people paint these really big things so well, like when you are close to wall you can't even see what you are doing too well
The thing is, at least here in Czech Rep., that those buildings are not that *bad* to live in themselves. But there is an awful lot of annoying details who make it difficult. I never lived in anything else than those - they are called "panelaky" here - so I think I can tell.

For example:
>Thin walls, so you hear your neighbor fucking all the time or arguing. Thus, great place to raise kids.
>Wacky thermal insulation so flats on the sides are fucking cold during winter and flats in the center don't even need to shut their warming on.
>Pants-on-head retarded plumbing so you can hear that fat brownie of your fat neighbor to swoosh above your head when you are trying to have a romantic moment with your gf.
>Central flats are fucking saunas during the summer.

And many many more. But I can't help myself, during the years I grow fond of them and I am actually proud.

>Cannon made by mighty Skoda

My man, that is a beautiful piece of history.
That actually looks like Queens NY

Well that's a shame.
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> train drives through your house
> the closest station however is 2 km away
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>deluding yourself into thinking commie blocks are /comfy/

I got me a nice little farm house
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But seriously Poland was.
Its called foresight and careful planning. Nobody could see the Nazca lines when they were making them, but they turned out okay.
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>Swede cucks blaming arabs and africans that they can't get a gf

Heh, subhuman cucks can't do anything right and no ideology will change this fact
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A lot of them are painted very bright colours these days to break it up, at least in central Europe
Eastern Europe is poor because slavs are incapable of building a prosperous society. I'm not saying that communism didn't play its part in this, but it's a simple fact that eastern whites could almost be considered non-white.

Pale skin, blonde hair and blue eyes on the outside, but a pitch black nigger on the inside.
not just jumping through Dimitri's window onto passing train.
yeah I assume most have like an a4 drawing with them but damn it must be confusing to paint it on the wall when you are looking at everything you've done from an extreme angle
Ayy lmao's printed that from their spaceship
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it was gommunism
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It's done by actual artists.
That looks like any non-costal western canadian city. Edmonton has vast tracks of buildings sorta like that
what the fuck
Eastern European here. It has always been that way.

Take a look at Belarus: the perfect example of fail. A completely stable country for 25 years, homogenous, not involved in wars, stable leadership throughout. Still a shithole poorer than eastern european EU countries. No efforts made to change that.
They build the building before they build the subway.
Apparently it was the only solution.

>due to all the noise from the train, this space is being rented rent-free!

And they also get to ride it for free.

The noise is a huge issue but also dust.
Still, the people living there seem OK with it.

One old man said he loved the fact that he could go shopping without going outside, since a few stops down the line was a station inside a supermarket.
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Sometimes I forget that germany was part of the gang
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this is the exact opposite of what its like in my country

maybe, but they have great scientists and sent the first man into space
I think you missed the fight that they got embargoed to death by the fucking jewsters.
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>government shoves you in
That was during the evil Soviet regime times that the government would shove you into a separate apartment from your comfy wooden barrack of 100 people. Now in glorious capitalist economy you have to work your ass off for many years to pay off the mortgage on a similar commie block apartment.
Russia did. No other slav country made any significant contribution.
The just use huge paint brushes
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Commie blocks that are higher than 4 stories are cancer.

They're only "cozy" during winter and when it rains, other than that, it's depressive to look at.

t. been living in a commieblock for 18 years now
No, there is a station inside the building.
The 1991-1995 war fucked us. We would have been Czech or Slovenia tier desu.
Sounds terrible. Ill take a cookie cutter house over that anyday.
Yeah, but Soviet was huge.

Also, Tesla was a "nigger on the inside" but was very successful under the right circumstances
Those buildings are all photoshopped. The lines aren't straight and the same small details keep repeating.
Notice how it isn't different either way. You work your ass off either way and you get a place to live either way.
The only difference is that you can buy more food, more clothes, a better car and a holiday every year under capitalism.
Isn't that just like soviet construction quality?
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OK, seriously though, one of the main reasons, that west is richer, than east is due to access to the oceans, that gave them ability to colonize and take all the riches of the rest of the world. while in eastern Europe, only continental countries existed and continental country cannot absorb wealth from it's regions, like naval ones, due to transportation and logistics problems+security issues.
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Goyim you've been poor for 70 years, no need to look further, you are worth less than shit.
Only look back if you're looking for reasons to pay the יהודי for the six goyillion.
Yes and no.

They were doing okay or better than some (see poland-lithuania) during the middle ages and then got wrecked by neighboring powers (Turks, Russkies) who were pretty anti-individualist and therefore couldn't enjoy the benefits and innovations of western capitalist nations. Following the loss of Ottoman control, Russia soon shoved shitty Leninist bullshit onto the East, leading to poor economic management for almost an entire or half a century. They haven't really recovered from that.
Not to mention if just one of your filthy neighbors has roaches, chances are they'll spread and find a way into your apartment.

I used to live in a commie block apartment when I was in college and the whole building was infested. I managed to eradicate the roaches in my apartment and keep them out for good, but it took a lot of calk, roach bait, sprays etc.
Firing of a firecracker at 3 am must be amazing.

How much does one of those go for?

I can't imagine it would be more than 5-10K usd... right?
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My personal faves are the earlier Khrushevki, 4 and 5 story units. Pic related is Akademgorodok, a college town built in the middle of a forest in Siberia. Super walkable, trees everywhere, playgrounds in every courtyard that is surrounded by a commieblock on each side. I really loved it these past two summers. Awesome to see so many kids actually playing outside, a ton of your moms with strollers. It was unironically more enjoyable than the vinyl village suburbs I used to live next to in Indianapolis.
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Sad times senpai :(
why the fuck is the table tiled??
It really depends on country, for example, Belarus and Bulgaria were very similar in terms of development, one took the democratic EU path, the other an authoritarian mixed-market path, same results.
probably worth less since Russia is going to have an oil crisis what with prices going down. not even opec ape shits can save them. woo wee
Except when it's winter time and that bored kid upstairs starts running from room to room and all you hear is BANGBANGBANGBANGBANGBANG over your head.
top kek It all makes sense now.
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Blame EU. Fucking EU is dragging us down too. You guys were our biggest trade partner and now the fuckers in brussels think its fine if we boycot you. Maybe for them living in the south but we finns are dependant on Russia. Fuck Eu
Probably doubles as a kitchen counter.
20k in nyc though if you pay your own utilities I think it can go down to 18 a month
>tfw grew up in one of those
>tfw playing with 100 other kids every day
>tfw my kids will never experience that.

Commieblocks are genius, and an actual solution to the housing crisis.

P.S. ex-communist countries are poor because the point of communism was reducing 98% of the population to wage slaves and eliminating the independent middle class. It should not be shocking that 2 generations later, you have a nation of peons.
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*young moms

And when you need a break from your commieblock, you can take a 20 minute stroll through the woods to your dacha, where a lot of people have huge gardens and grow a lot of their own produce and various berries and such.
ah, that makes sense, I've been outsmarted by russian engineering
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>that many people lived and died, their contributions to the world completely unknown and forgotten
>they had childhoods, friends, and love, and everything else you and I have, but now they're all dead, and one day we will be too
2 spoopy
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>happened to be very catholic

catholic, but not exclusively
for religious people, it's roughly >70% catholic vs. >25% protestant (85-15 calvinist-lutheran) here

during the 1500s about 80-90% of the population converted to calvinism, then the Habsburgs catholicizatied us back.

e.g. Orbán is a 'reformed protestant' (a calvinist branch)

pic shows ratio of religious people according to 2011 census
pink is catholic, green is reformed protestant (calvinists), blue is evangelical (lutherans), orange is 'other'
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You're right there. I was probably that kid
Vast majority of trade sanctions were imposed by Russia, not the EU.

EU mainly sanctioned money transfers and weapons exports.
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So spoopy it isn't spoopy. Or so non-spoopy it is. Or something.
How is Kazakhstan nowadays? Can someone become succesful even if he was born in the countryside?
Thats just wrong. Check this link:

You don't seriously mean 20k a month for a piece of shit like that, right?
I was talking about buying.

I bought my 650 sq ft. flat for 35k...
Reminds me of the cinematics from the game Planet of Death


Argh, why do they keep building these things!
Did you even read it?
Yep Communism.

Poland-Lithuania was the 4th major power until Germany and Russia and Austria fucked us over.

You're not alone.
The sanctions against Russia destroyed any brink of recovery that our economy was showing, and now we're basically back in a recession.

Just goes to show that the central brussels government has no idea what the fuck it's doing and is clearly unable to cather to the needs of all the EU countries.
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Yeah, nah, call it communism, capitalism or whatever you want, but the CCCP killed off/banished the few people with more than 2 brain cells, and installed corrupt and incompetent people in power. To this day the same ring of people rule Bulgaria. They control the media, so they control the masses, it's not hard.
what the fuck do they still burn jews over there??
That was like 18th century m8.
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state issued commie gfs when
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"Religious Divisions in Europe after the Reformation, 1590"
god damn i love commieblocks

oh yeah nothing like commieblocks in the winter
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Saw almost the same in Malaysia, yet a bit bit thicker but was some time ago, who knows how they are now.

Thousands of tiny apartments, make ours looks like huge palaces.
>back at home

Pretty comfy.
Always been that way. Slavs have never been on par with Germanics, Celts, Latins, or Japanese (1st world peoples)
The table can be used as a floor. For walking activities.
squatting table.
This is how I used to play Sims
was for 23 years
good times then the germs took our books away
Listen to me my dear friend from another side of our planet.

Ill tell you a story about lads who can in negotiations and who cant.

About 1100-1500 years ago in our forests were a lot of very very differenet tribes. Some of them tried to make unoions for fighting and trading. Now you know those people as russians. We are very very very different but russians.
Another idiots told that they are too proud and thier tribe is unik. This is all EE. They are stupid and full of shit. They are poor because they are idiots.
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Israeli government has a construction project where old houses get restored and made new for free.

Pic related
What's the before and what's the after?
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The main problem with commieblocks is that they are designed by people who look at how it will look from above, but don't think about how it's absolute crap at ground level, especially if they're in some distant suburb, where it takes ano hour or two to get to work.
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Moscow is probably the closest thing to depressing grim cyberpunk future we wil ever have.
that looks like finland.
Commieblock for 22 years. While I was growing up it was nice.
Then you realize that no work can be done because there is always that one asshole who won't throw in money - usually old people who no longer care for long term investment for obvious reasons. Then there was a guy who found a loophole so he doesn't have to pay bills, doesn't have to add to the funds and can't be legally evicted. Then you realize it's completely shit and you want to move away from commieblock.

Today I'm living in my own house, not sharing it with anybody. Have a nice big garden. Never been happier.
hebrew reads right to left
Left after just zoom in.
Each action has its' consequences, mate
>18th century
>Kings are buying their throne trough giving privileges, and are generally unable to do anything anymore. Serfdom is re-introduced, and with constant wars (that we are no longer able to win because economy is shit) make urbanisation much slower process (note: urbanisation is extremely important on civilisational level). Country gets annexed without too much of a fight
>19th century
>Shit urbanisation, systematic oppression and (obviously) underfunding of industry makes us a poor region, intellectuals are forced to migrate
>20th century
>Country gets independence, is growing really fast and then gets all-round destroyed by G/R, communism halts any real progress

This shit is really fascinating, literally a few generations can fuck up countless more. Also Spain and Portugal got similar treatment.
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forgot pic.
They were richer than the west before the eternal roach fucked it up.
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This is my comfy ass South London estate where I've lived my whole life. Everywhere I've ever been that wasn't home has just felt foreign to me. Sure, it's a shithole. It's my shithole.
My grandparents live in a commie block and its comfy. Been renovated a few years ago. Very warm and cozy in the winter... No real noise issues either...
It's poor not only because communism but communism is the main factor. See serfdom in eastern vs western europe. When French Revolutionaries outlawed it there were barely any serfs in France. When Russians did the same 70 years later, there were literal millions of serfs in Russia.

And commie blocks are actually pretty good solution for housing crisis, it's just that they don't allow for exploiting housing bubble since if you're gonna make one commie block, it won't be cost effective, if you'll build 20+ then it's extremely cost effective in terms of money/flat but at the same time you've increased supply of empty flats to the level where it's not as profitable as ordinary blocks built from non-prefab materials.

That's why there are (((people))) who hate them so much. Cheap, affordable flats for everybody? STOP THE PRESSES. Plebs should get mortgage to pay for 30 years, not for 5-10.
Nobody cares what you think, Shekelberg.
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who /housefrom14thcentury/ here?
mind you, we got ripped off over 2/3rd of our territories after WW1, lost the VAST majority of our mines, the industry relying on those natural resources in central hungary got pretty much entirely devestated, so we started from far below you in 1920.
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I like modern commieblocks.
They look like something from Mirror's Edge.
I like my suburb so much better
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Literally Moscow. I can't even tell the difference.
No wonder Russians like London so much.
Why does Eastern Europeann architecture look like American Section 8 housing? Coincidence?
I rent in Moscow, where it's pretty much the only option unless you want Stalin-era or pre-revolutionary housing, where everything is falling apart but for some reason very expensive. Pretty nice with the heating, +24 inside, +6 outside with balcony door open, but +28 all summer, even with AC. I'd fix the place up, but landlord doesn't want to pay for it, building is in decent condition, though I suspect the managing company is crooked. Pretty shitty area though, they were building the new circle line and the new freeway next to me for a while, now the circle is done and the freeway is almost done, so it no longer looks like Mordor outside my window.
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>My man, that is a beautiful piece of history.

It is -was used against Ruskies, too.

I also lived into those apartments all my life (except summers when I left for the countryside)

First one, was OK with very thick walls - no sounds whatsoever only if somebody really made a racket. But when Ceausescu was saving money to pay the debts and feed his arab friends....13 degrees inside.

Now few years ago insulation was applied outside them - big difference. Sadly I moved to a new one with shitty thin walls as you mentioned
reporting in
Me too. Had the pleasure of staying in one during a high school exchange with a czech class. The whole atmosphere,the interior, the 'commie art' paintings created a nice mood. You could feel history and a sense of time passing. Somehow, I could feel a spirit of collaboration, instead of a feeling of competition and isolation like in many other modern apartments.
I'm no communist at all,but this left a lasting impression on me.
There are quite a few of them in Toronto
they're roach filled, paki infested shitholes that only brown, muslim, and africans will live in
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unfortunately israeli commie blocks are shitty.
I could not stand living in a place like that. I like having a yard to mow and a place to bbq. And I can say howdy do to my neighbours as they get out of their car.
Basically I want Hank Hill's life
If the picture didn't have that blueish tinge, it would look less gloomy.
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These constant le grey blocks, Russia is so le poor threads remind me of leddit's /r/anormaldayinrussia

Why do you want to be like those faggots? What's your endgoal?
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My people lost their right to self governance during the crusades (in middle ages).
We regained it no earlier than February the 24th, 1918.

Here is 23 minutes of footage from the 30's. From a time before the devil of communism spread it's taint throughout eastern Europe.


As an anecdote, back then the Poles used to immigrate here to clean OUR toilets, instead of the Brits'
We have similar ones in Poland too. We have all sorts of commie blocks and these are also here. Just no AC but the climate here is lighter so... yeah
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It's been always that way, ever since the viking days
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>implying you had toilets
Pretty much any Western countries have way much and larger commieblock sites than we do.

Commieblocks are not even close to being the most common estate types, which are detached houses, while blocks make up about 20%.
Elevator quality is the only thing i can think of.
Hmmm. We will take Tallinn port its ours. Sorry.
"A person which is happy with his income is a rich person" ~Talmud
i agree
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Do these count as commie blocks? It's where all the dindus live.

err... that kind would be here inhabited only by the very poor of the poor..mostly gypsies but also some unfortunate Romanians. Looks like shit.
There are some people who have turrets in their houses here as well. Never understood why would anybody build something like that.
Depends on the nation - places like Russia? Definitely. It gets a bit more complex further in Central Europe, where a lot of the nations were pretty rich and got utterly trashed by planned economy, a minor post capitalism collapse in the 90s and issues that still mire them today.
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>tfw living in a pre WWI building
>look at old city photographs
>germans in local park with my apartment looking exactly like today
>mfw I could snipe germans from my bedroom if I was born in that period
lmao, get ur facts straight, some people live good yeah
most of them dont, avrg wage is 500-600 euro
if this country didnt have tourism it would croumble literally
also high chance we end up as greece
27 years and rolling. Born in People's Republic of Bulgaria. Proud of it, desu.
We can support you in Poland
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There's a million loyal americans between you and me, ready to give their lives for republican ideals and ethnic european supremacy.
Come and get it, pussy.
>using the elevator jew

>if this country didnt have tourism it would croumble literally
Should have given all your coast to Italy senpai.
To be precise commie blocks refer to prefab blocks and those don't look like they're prefabs, but who knows.
i can tell a burger king when i see one
That perfectly explains why my childhood home is worth $1.5 million dollars and I can't afford to buy a detached home with a family income of $180,000... Really fires up the ol' neurons.
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See the pic and judge for yourself.
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>a million loyal americans
Nice try but no
Not it is Obama. Stealing salaries from doctors, i tell you.
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>There's a million loyal americans between you and me, ready to give their lives for republican ideals and ethnic european supremacy.
That's exactly what hohols thought as well.
What described in the text was pretty normal in Russia in the 80's
Your Projects are built with bricks.
Reporting in
Could that be Cairo?

Otherwise OP I'd say Eastern Europe was always a bit more rural and slightly poorer than the urbanized Western centres and there was a larger wealth disparity with a smaller amount of 'middle class' burghers. But still, it's much much better to live in than most of Asia, South America or Africa, especially in countries with EU gibsmedats.
Im still shitting with my dog in the street. After it we are fighting for food. Today he win. I hate him.
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Mad genius.
If you live above the 5th floor getting groceries or bags after traveling, or god forbid a washing machine or a boiler, it's a pain in the ass.
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Goddammit, fight your own goddamn battles. We're sick of Europe's bullshit. If the Russkis conquer you, well, Deus Vult.
With 300000 tons of fertilizer your land would become then most fertile in Europe.
>western democracy

Western democracy is the most potent nation destroying weapon. One country's cure is another's poison.
Countries like Hungary, Czechia, Baltic States, were once as rich and as modern as the rest of Europe. After half a century of enslavement to the commies.... look what happened.
NATO is just a tool for the USA to project hard power.
honestly that doesn't look anywhere near as depressing
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what the fuck
No we dont want to feed this piece of shit again. Now its your problem bro.
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Before commie blocks could become a thing here, Pinochet came to power and slums/ghettos (a.k.a. Poblaciones) became the poor people way of habitation. And Suburbs were way more popular than apartments during the 70's-90's, only now they are building apartments everywhere in Santiago.
I feel somewhat jelly of the comfiness of European/Asian Commie apartments, but they must be small as fuck and probably they have space for 4 people max, but they must give a good ambiance in winter and cloudy days.

this is were I live and an average low-to-middle class neighborhood, and doggos are part of the landscape too
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Y'know, there was a scare article a couple of days ago about there supposedly being 5000 "little green men" in Estonia.

>mfw everyone of vaguely russo-whatever heritage suddenly started referring to themselves as Estonians not a week ago.

You're being turned into white people from the west and into muslims from the east.
No anon, just no.

Median wage in Poland is around 1000 euros. Prices can be excessive, quite a lot of relatively poor people have their own houses and shit but these are crumbling ruins from 1970's. You can easily spot them - rectangular, with asbestos roofs and often no elevation, just raw brick, very often visible in the countryside. The only reason why housing crisis isn't as visible as it is in Western World is because we are the immigrant nation, so many people just live and start their families elsewhere.

There are decent places, better parts of big cities like Warsaw, Kraków or Wrocław are very nice but there's also Moldovian level poverty in the eastern part of the country.

What the heck Bulgarians were doing? Poisoned umbrellas? Not a bad number seeing the circumstances (unless GDP suddenly increased in 1990 because xxx.xxx mudslimes left for Turkey)

BTW, they can easily replace elevators.
The old commie block shafts are massive enough to house any pansy ass new jew-box.

Went through 3 models during my childhood when I lived in one. Was not impressed.
>Should have given all your coast to Italy senpai.
than we would be serbia minus the genocide kek

Until the first 4.0 earthquake kicks in
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Such type blocks are too much. Too much people. Buildings are too large as landscape part and make it inhuman and unpleasant. Khrushchev era 5 stories were in the optimal spot.
my family is polish, and i can assure you that eastern europe was poor before communism, because of WW2

before ww2, eastern europe was slightly less wealthy than western europe, due to a lack of colonies

culturally, we were quite impressive

copernicus was polish, chopin was polish, eastern europeans fought off mongols and the ottomans, poland fought and conquered russia once, the common wealth was a huge super power, poland was immune to the black death (not kidding, look it up)

russia and germany are fucking googles who googled shit up for everyone, and TO THIS FUCKING DAY these googles are fucking shit up, making airplanes fall out of the sky and enabling waves of skittles into europa, fuck the germans and the russians
This is my city

A new road above the sea 46km about 19 above the water.
True commieblocks are build from prefab panels or blocks. Though your projects serve the same purpose.
Italy shouldn't have betrayed their allies in WW1, and everyone in Europe (and the world?) would be happier.
They're building a Skytrain less than a minute from my house. I can see the station from my porch. There's going to be a grocery store across the alley as well... I'll report back on the comfy level in December.
Nah - they're constructed from bricks. Which means they have much better noise and thermal insulation.

The thing about commie blocks is that everything and utterly everything can be heard.
>minus the genocide
The only problem with the commieblock that I have is the noise outside because it's built next to a highway. And the screamer two floors above, whoever is plowing her it must be intense.

Meanwhile when it comes to a house, there's rodents, insects, noise, neighbors, ukranians and gyppos casing the joint to steal something.
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So what does a capitalist bloc look like?
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I don't know why you faggots think these chicken cages are "comfy" but damn that must be a nuance of mental illness.

These grey blocks are actually linked with depression : a study was made on that. Very interesting, making links between architecture and mental health.

Anyway let me give you two tips :

1. Live in a cold country. Extremely, utterly important.

2. Don't live in a "block", or if you have to avoid these huge ass buildings, pick a small building, 5-6 floors grand maximum.
what do you mean, lad?
A McMansion or some California Condo type.
I live in Moscow and where the fuck is this
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that's literally like someone designed a city after playing cities skylines
Okay, it's in Volgograd, you liar.
We call them rabbitpens actually.
no, take poland too. it is ur clay.

What's with the fancy top overhang in the buildings?
Doesn't look very safe.
>shove you into a separate apartment from your comfy wooden barrack of 100 people.
Government shoved people into these barracks first though. Classic big government: creates problem then solves it and expects gratitude .
You forgetting Operation Storm as well? You celebrated it like 2 months ago?
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No you silly goy! All those countries were super wealthy and prosperous before communism!
It's just communism's fault that they're all poor shitholes today!
No we dont need poland. This is you territory. Respect your history!
i hope he grows chickens inside.
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just look up skyscrapercity threads really
what you have is basically the direction of urban projects in warsaw, filling in shitloads of empty space that still never really recovered from the war
it may look super packed but with some greenery added its much more city-making than commieblocks in diagonals
building from prefab concrete blocks is not cheap nor easy, you need lots of heavy trucks and cranes
and solid concrete is poor insulation
Hayчнo-иccлeдoвaтeльcкий цeнтp элeктpoннoй вычиcлитeльнoй тeхники нa вapшaвкe.
Yeah, it's not like the country was 90% peasants that lived in even worse dirt "houses" and the only decent buildings in the cities were destroyed in the latest Kraut nigger chimp out.
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Central Europe bitching is legit. Baltic, not so much.
I like brutalist architecture, especially in winter.

Anyone got comfy concrete?
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it is urs.

take it

And then Thomas the Tank Engine entered the wrong neighbourhood and and got fleeced for being a capitalist pig.
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My favorite building in Moscow is the "Ship", - Bolshaya Tulskaya, 2. 1000 apartments, 14 stories, 500 meters long. Imagine if the whole city was just behemoths like this and bigger.
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>mfw a westerner will never be capable to feel the comfines of eastern yurop

>These grey blocks are actually linked with depression : a study was made on that. Very interesting, making links between architecture and mental health.

Not a bad number compared with us and Poland, which overall was better during Communism. You're way down on GDP now by comparison, so if those numbers are correct - what did you manufactured back then? Some Ruskie stuff?
>brutalist architecture
This is it >>90302622

With special perch room
could say same for 100k croatians less in RS
da su tvoji prihvatili plan z4 imali bi 2 republike srpske danas
Most commie blocks have nothing to do with brutalist architecture.
This. Beyond my own understanding why mostly from Western flags they're saying comfy.
russian commieblocks are build in a way so that in time of wars it can be used as blockade.

it is all about functionality and central heating.
Its a communists fake. Please take it I ask you.
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Cabrini Green in Chicago was the worst of them all. There were literally battles between snipers every day.


Looking at how pollacks lived in there farmsteads after Germany rampaged their country would make soviet kolhosniks tremble with rage. Thanks CK KPSS, soviets had no chance to see that.

And you are poor because...?
Then what the fuck are commie blocks called, I thought it was brutalism.

I've never really be one for architecture though
damn we almost got only brutalism here in germany i didnt even know.
although it was renovated and now looks kind of silly




conquer it.
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I'm sure they did.
We are not poor now. Just beacause we stopped feeding all of you.
Šta je bilo bilo je, samo nemoj da se praviš da su tvoji nevini anđelčići. Svaka strana treba da prihvati krivicu svojih zločinaca.
Ok. We dont need poland and you too. We need a final solvation of poland problem
blok brte bruklin recognized
Then what are commie blocks called?
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Up until the 80s we were a "postcard" country for the CCCP. They came here for vacation and stuff. We never had a shortage of food, until 1996, when there was no CCCP anymore. But the problem is that the soviets had placed corrupt and incompetent people in power, that rule the country to this day. Also, the 2008 crisis hit us really hard, we lost 500k jobs, and we haven't recovered yet. Pic related, unemployment percentage in different oblasts.
dobro bogte jebem te malo, oladi jovane
nemoj da srbosjek radi hehehe zivio
Blocks don't have to be solid concrete(in fact they aren't solid concrete).

When it comes to economic things it's a matter of scale.

To build one block it's enormously expensive method. To build two dozens of them it's the most cost effective one.
Apparently it's called
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>you must construct additional pylons
I like coming home and not having to chop wood and wait 2 hours for the house to heat up so that I can take my coat off, am I doing something wrong?
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Brutalism = raw concrete.
Commieblock = concrete pre-fabricated panels.
278,004€ for one 4 room flat wawawewa!
>But the problem is that the soviets had placed corrupt and incompetent people in power, that rule the country to this day

Sounds like truth
Man you're missing something.

Chopping wood builds the character boy. And alternatively it's a good anti-depressant.
take it pl0x
You have office job.
>am I doing something wrong?
You sold all your gas to Germany.
Ok. We give you your personal pipeline and you take poland. Please.
Not as good as fighting packs of wolves and stray bears on your way home.
wat is this, and wat does it do ?
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Holy fuck, you could have a concert in the inner circle and everyone could watch from HOME!
Sure, You take your grandfathers axe and going to chop wood.
Better stay in banking,
>being this uppity
;_; take pls pland
Well, in many cases it's their sons and daughters now, but in the 80s the ones with power knew that the CCCP will eventually fall, so they funneled money out of the country, to secure their future dominion. Later, up until 2005-6? I think they were "inversting" that money back in Bulgaria, buying off bankrupted companies and land for cheap. That's why we had such a big GDP growth back in those years, that did not reflect on the plebs.
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