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Thread replies: 375
Thread images: 118

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>Trump Rally in Everett WA 8/30/16
>Trump on Dori Monson 8/26/16
>Farage on Infowars 8/30/16

Text TRUMP to 88022 or get the Official "AMERICA FIRST" app for important campaign updates
>Volunteer to be a Trump election observer
>Trump Playlist


>Trump at Ride&Roast in IA 8/27/16
>Trump on On the Record 8/26/16
>Trump Rally in Manchester, NH 8/25/16
>Trump Rally in Jackson, MS 8/24/16
>Farage speaks at Trump Rally in MS 8/24/16
>Farage backstage 8/24/16
>Trump TH on Hannity #2 8/24/16

>Trump on CNN 8/25/16
>Trump on Charisma Podcast 8/24/16
>Trump on WFLA 8/24/16
>Trump on WPEC 8/24/16
>Trump on WWSB 8/24/16

>TrumpTrain: Louisiana
>The 45th President
>Trump Ad #2 - shillary's america
>Trump Ad #1 - Two Americas
>Trump in 5 minutes or less
>Trump Triumphant
>American Hero
>Trump cares about YOU

Prev >>87213921
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>Leaked Soros Document Calls For Regulating Internet To Favor 'Open Society' Supporters

>Soros Leaks is back

>Leaked Memo Exposes George Soros' Plan To Overthrow Putin & Destabilise Russia

>Wikileaks about to release 'significant' and 'unexpected' from Clinton's election campaign

>Soros was directly instructing Clinton on what to do as Secretary State

>DNC Clinton Campaign Accepting ‘Pay for Play’ Cash

>Leak: George Soros' foundation tried to influence the Supreme Court justices on immigration case

>Leak: George Soros Lobbied Obama To Accept 100,000 Refugees Per Year — and Succeeded

>Top DNC Official Wanted to Use Bernie Sanders’s Religious Beliefs Against Him

>Clinton's State Dept advisors contacted NFL chief to ask for help over her "cracked head"

>Rockefellers own the Zika Virus patent

>Pro-Hillary PAC Spending $1 Million to Hire Online Trolls
>$6 Million now

>Soros, Alarmed by Trump, Pours Money into 2016 Race

>Moveon.Org raising funds from Trump protests, warns more disruptions to come

>Soros Open Society Seeks to Reshape Census, Electoral Districts

>More about George Soros, what he does besides control Hillary

>See more of Clintons, Soros, and the World Elites' global money laundering operation:
>/cfg/ - Clinton Foundation General thread
Will Hillary meet with President Nieto, or will she just ignore his invitation?

Nieto sent invites to both Trump and Clinton last week.
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She's ignoring it
trump is gonna beat the shit out of hillary and make her suck his dick live on television and she will lick his cum off the floor like the degenerate bimbo whore she really is.
Even if she accepts, it'll look horrible. She's so BTFO on policy that she's planning on trying to derail Trump at the debate with tiny hand and Drumpf jokes.
Today is make or break for Trump.

He either cucks on immigration, and loses his support. Or he stays hardlined.

Which will win?
Anime for Trump
>implying the God-Emperor would allow Hillary to suck his based cock
No way.
Why do you people watch Morning Cuck? Fox & Friends is comfy as hell.
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>He's not an AnCap

Explain yourself
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When is Trump going to tone down the inflammatory rhetoric and pivot towards binding this nation's wounds?
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Can some anon please post that gif of shilldog sucking a cock?
No one wants to fucking watch that.
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She has accepted
doubt it, their argument is because she is campaigning.

we all know why she won't meet him. she wouldn't survive the trip.
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How many burritos until he meets with El Presidente?
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Im with her
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what did they mean by this?
getting your dick sucked is never a bad thing you closet homo fag.
Please be real
Retarded decision. She is now literally running around following Trump.
maybe fags like you don't.
Oh, great, the faggot who's trying to blend in is back.
>First question: how many neps would a nep nep nep if a nep nep could nep neps?
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Never a bad thing?
>no events until the debates
unforeseen consequences
oh great the socialist kike shill is back
does it say noscope on the side?
(it's not)
(I think)
>Trump makes major campaign speech on immigration
>then goes to Mexico the following day for preliminary talks

fake and not quite gay because that will happen tho Huffpo would either ignore it or misrepresent it
Latter guaranteed. he misspoke

letting the hated Hildebeest suck his cock instead of one of his devoted female fans would be both disgusting and inconsiderate
You got it backwards

>Half of non-governmental visits donated to her private foundation.

>Out of the governments that visited at least 16 foreign governments that donated as much as $170 million to the Clinton charity,
>And, the leaks only covered the first half of her tenure in office.

Crooked Hillary.

Why did ABC/WaPo release favorability numbers but not an update of the presidential preference poll? Will they release the poll today?
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>According to Dr. David Scheiner, who was President Obama’s personal physician from 1987 to 2008, Hillary Clinton should undergo a neurological examination to prove that she is fit for office.

He actually said this while on CNN
are you retarded or something? or are you just a feminist shill? whores like her need to be put back in their place as home makers and cock suckers.
Trump is Trump. He will get the best deal possible. Because he's Trump he will get the best deal in the world.
Why won't DRUMPF disavow the Alt Right?
Is he TRYING to tie?
Is this how the party of McKinney dies?
bad phrasing, I should have said """"""""""""""""campaigning""""""""""""""""""""
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Pretty good bait, well done
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I'm convinced that libs who come here and try to fit in get derailed by cursing so much because they've never been anywhere where they could do it before, so they co overboard and betray their newfaggotry.

Why not lurk a bit and stay a while? You might learn something.
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how many bongs until the immigrationspeech?
What's the over under for how long before he's shot by two different guns tripping out of a helicopter?
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RIP Good doctor

I hope we don't find you with 2 self inflicted gunshot wounds to the backmof the head to orrow
i'm convinced you're a fucking faggot.
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This is the most autistic thing I've seen on /pol/ all week
>when a liberal tries to fit in on /pol/
It's funny how the people trying to say we're all full of hate are more spiteful and nasty when given anonymity than regulars on a fucking Nazi board.
9, I think.
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If I were President of Mexico I would welcome the building of the wall, I would look at it like a jobs program for mexicans.

"We love the idea of the wall, can you hire our day workers to build it?"

jobs program for mexico.
lol that Maronite is about to take flight from the thought of removing kebab.
that's too much, I can't stay up that late. I need my nap nap time
Obama wants her to lose doesn't he? She threatened his life in 2008 and they hate each other. This also protects his legacy as Trump would inherit all of his mess.
>when a feminist kike is found out and tries to fit in

back to tumblr, libcuck.
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There will be compromise, and both sides will be happy.

The wall WILL be built.
The illegals WILL go back.
Lots of trade deals to benefit both the US and Mexico will be drawn up.
Lots of discussion about green cards/work visas for only the best Mexicans and Americans.
damn. I bet he'll commit suicide by multiple stab wounds soon
Solid argument desu senpai
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>Mike pence isn't your uncle
>Mike Pence will never go ATVing with you
He will slip and fall down the stairs 6 times.
He's trying out his newfound free speech. Give him some space.
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>YUGE rally yesterday
>accepts meeting with president of mexico today
>immigration speech today

Does Trump ever rest?
as long as they build on their side.
arguing is for jews and liberals. I know i'm right and arguing with you would only show weakness and the idea that I could be wrong. it's better to just insult libtards like you because you're mentally gay brain can't process facts and logic anyway.
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3 bongs until comfy pence rally if I'm not mistaken
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True. I suppose it's like the first time you said "fuck" and nothing bad happened, and you were amazed.
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Any new insider anon?
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Just found one of these in the drawer downstairs.

How long has he hidden away until I realised my faith in him, lads?

>Per transcript of Trump's speech, he WILL grant amnesty to "the good ones" who "have families" and promises asylum in Sanctuary Cities for "low level offenders"

Source: AP twitter

it's like only 3 hrs of sleep a night, right? We should harness his energy.
That's the one thing that worries me about Trump

He literally doesn't seem to take a break, which could be unhealthy.

I guess he just sleeps during the flights, unless it's 3am and he has shitposts to retweet
Nah, it's more like CTR and (((others))) are attempting to drag the conversation down and make /pol/ look like ebil racist nazi frog-worshipping lunatics.

That's all correct except the ebil part. And the lunatic part.

This is how they think we actually communicate. That gives them away instantly though because it isn't.
If you're gonna keep responding to shit, we should at least dump redpills at you, but they're all on my other machine.

Can some anon dump redpill images to our guest from Salon/HuffPo?
>AP twitter

>ivankas twitter
>people spam anti Trump stuff

>source: my ass
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Epic one there, my dude.
the only red pill is anarcho capitalism.
Pence gets lots of the weirdos at the rallies. Maybe it's because they get to ask questions. But it's a good way to get them away from trump. Pence is the kid of guy I wouldn't like if trump wasn't running with him. But with trump being the brains I find t okay to have pence be there to rally Jesus people
of course its not because you're a libtard socialist
Holy fuck I still can't believe the madman is actually goin to Mexico. He's making Shillary and Obongo look like assholes.
How many burritos until the meeting?
>anarcho capitalism

Anarcho-anything is teenager tier retardation.
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Good point. However, there is no way that Trump will allow Mexicans to build it because he's all about jobs for Americans. BUT, Mexico already has a border fence on their Southern border so a wall n the Northern one shouldn't be a big deal, and will maybe help them to crack down on their cartel problem.
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I like Pence rallies but the audio quality hasn't been great as of late
The Donald 420 blaze it faggot lol
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I'm assuming they will keep the time and place somewhat secret? Idk really though
>he took the ancap memes seriously
Oh, I'm so sorry. Those are JOKES. They're supposed to be FUNNY. I get that it's difficult for libs to recognize humor because they're used to being told what's funny, but at least make an effort.
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No time to rest.

He has a country to make great again.
As long as the wall gets built (on our side) it's all good.
wow, you're just afraid that without laws and jews you would invetiably be turned into a slave because you are weak.
y boner
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Go Chiefs
Go America
Trump has said he hates breaks.
He also stumped all fucking day in Phoenix and Tucson, while wearing body armor and a heavy ass suit.

His endurance is incredible, but I worry for him.

I worry for Hillary more.
What does Trump mean by going to Mexico?

Can he gain anything from this? Do mexican-americans even like the leader in Mexico?
He sleeps 4 hours/nite.
nothing funny about the only true alpha male system of economics ever invented. and you're the libtard if you don't support it.
>implying Jews would go away under AnCap
He looks more presidential negotiating it.
Laura Ingraham just said they'd be taking questions from the press.

The satirical and non satirical culture of /pol/ is so complex it literally takes years of heavy use to understand.

This is /pol/s strength. The shills have absolutely know idea on how to blend in with what is quite literally one of the most diverse and free places on the internet.
mass genocide
It makes him look presidential if he's already traveling to foreign countries to meet their leaders.
He either has the greatest plan ever

The greatest cuckening ever

Or the greatest gamble ever

You decide for now until we get more info
He will look like a president.
If he gets a wall deal today, he wins
Vicente Fox trying to stay relevent.
He is already acting like he is president and he's reinforcing this image in the mind of the voters.
Dude when you know you have the power to change the world and establish world peace and you have the entire planet backing you save for ISIS, liberals, and BLM the hype is more energetic than being on coke while winning the Super Bowl and beating Jad in runescape at the same time.

Everyday is a better day for Donald the closer he gets to the presidency.
Who will be Trump's Chief of Staff?
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It shows leadership. He's negotiating solutions before he's even in power.
Perpetuated by who?

The best he can gain is nothing but kind things to say about Trump and perhaps a, "I would be more than happy to speak further with him if he were to become president."

The worst that can happen is if the president says fuck off about the wall and shit for his own personal approval rating (he's in the 20% of approval).

Mexican-Americans don't care about the leader in Mexico.
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>le provocateur here trying to stir up the discourse

Take your edge somewhere else shill.
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High risk high reward. Whatever happens, his campaign changes on the backside of this.
Isn't Enrique Pena Nieto a globalist? Do you really think he's ok with a wall?
[spoiler] hulk hogan [/spoiler]

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true alpha males like trump and myself.
You had one job jeb
How quickly would the mainstream media contradict themselves and start praising him the moment he wins the elections?
take your shilling back to synogogue rabbi
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he's Chief of Guac
This is the best part. Her having a non scripted press conference would mean

>she will say she won't answer questions regarding the emails
>she will say again that there were no classified emails on the server
>she will say that she did send and receive classified information on her private emailserver unknowingly (makes her look dumb)
>she will say that she did send and receive classified information on her private email server

she has nothing to gain from a press conference, it would only end shitty for her so I'm not surprised that she hides.
I hope they arrest him the second he steps off the plane. He's been in real estate for years, he's probably done at least a few things that are illegal in Mexico.
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Guys, nothing is going to happen to donald, right?
So true alpha males like you are going to kill the Jews, in a system where they have all the money and can do whatever they like, bound by no laws.

How the fuck is that gonna work?
Once they realize he'll win they'll start shilling for him. My guess is a couple weeks before the election.
Never. It will be 8 years of hitler memes
FOX would kinda fall in line-ish. That's... pretty much it, right?
Never. They'll hate and screech about him right until the FCC revokes their spectrum rights and gives them to other outlets like RSB.
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Media is in such a state right now they have to double down on their stupidity just to retain viewers.

If they turn around on them at all it's over.
Warspite a qt
SS >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Cartels
Being somewhat of a newfag myself, coming from Straya that is an enormous compliment. I did lurk for a while but I'm a quick study and realized that this is the home I've always wanted and I'm never fucking leaving ever.
because libtard socialists like you wouldnt be around to give them all your shekels
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1 nep

because there's only 1 nep alive who did nothing wrong like Hillary
So today we find out that Trump isn't going to deport 11 million people?

I don't think they ever would. Remember that night on Fox in 2012 (the video is out there) where everyone was projecting a Romney win, but Obama won and everyone in the studio suddenly became depressed?

Well imagine that, but 10x more on 4 or 5 different channels. I can imagine only Fox perhaps being a little happy.
Did anyone see Fareed zakaria's 'why they hate us'?

That was the biggest crock of shit ever broadcasted on TV.

"All of terrorism leads back to a pop song from the 50s".
They already have the shekels, that argument makes no sense.
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>sorry late
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They will just form an army and kill you. Because lolanarchy.

Anarcho-anything is teenager tier retardation.
Anyone else really miss the ol' jebbie?
Media reacts only to money. The current CNN blackout is sure to shift their bias, though maybe only marginally. I've seen hillbots complain about CNN coverage lately.
We be full of shills. I can't wait for the immigration speech.
they have fiat currency thats backed by nothing.
CNN, MSNBC, ABC, etc. will be fighting each other for interviews, inside-info.

Trump will be talking to Fox Business and Fox News constantly.

OANN will be given some office space inside the White House.
When is the Trump law and order speech?

Is it too late for us Europeans?
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Is there any shop that (re)sells official Trump gear?
Trump in Mexico will end up like Caesar with Mediterranean pirates:

>WhenSulladied in 78 BC,Julius Caesarreturned to Rome as a lawyer, prosecuted Sulla's supporters, and headed to the Greek city ofRhodesto study oratory. Pirates seized the vessel in 75 BC, kidnapped Caesar, and held him forransom. Caesar was insulted at the ransom demand, which he saw as too low, and promised tocrucifythe pirates after he was free. At his insistence, the pirates raised the ransom demand to a level in accordance with his station; his friends quickly raised the sum. After his freedom was purchased, he assembled a small army, which captured the pirates and crucified them.
I miss th e memes
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He took the bait every time.



only weak beta males would follow a kike into battle. the true warriors would follow trump and myself.
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How long would it take for the wall to be completed after Trump gets into office?
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Every day. The gift that kept on giving.
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Eye will NOT be off by 1!
No, they don't. They control massive production and media resources.
Trump will win in a landslide
digits confirm

worst case is SS ventilate a few dozen beaners

god that would be glorious for so many reasons and would give trump a massive boost.
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Where will Trump be on election night? Trump Tower in NYC was my assumption.
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Checked for Kek!

Also wasted, idiot.
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Why are Mexicans terrified of Mexico?

Don't deport them - send them home!

Mexico is Wonderful - Don't be Afraid to Go Home

nice of you to save the thumbnail and not the pic

also not nine's
too bad its a waste
>i wish i could leave
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woah hey guys.png
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>he's probably done at least a few things that are illegal in Mexico.
>Arresting a millionaire in Mexico
>Arresting a politician in Mexico

Even if they arrest him, a 1K bribe to each policemen or 10K to the judge and he will be free
an image for ants
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They'll react the same way they did with Brexit.
"Donald Trump wins via fear lying and hatred"
"Look at all these minority groups that didn't vote for him"
"The young and women hated him"
I year
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>Hosts on popular youtube channel commit suicide on live stream.

I just want to see this.
Fake but thats how the taquito with crumble
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oh nice digits senpai
Or how the burrito will unfold
which will mean nothing in an ancap society.
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>Kayla awoo
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They mean EVERYTHING in ancap society, you twit.
Fucking based.
This. They'll go around looking for people who "regret" voting for him and have stupid college kids demanding a thousand recounts.
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hilldog shills are old people so ofc they would be on early
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Everyone better be recording their live stream that night
I could actually see that happening. A guy I knew in highschool got kidnapped in Mexico and bought his freedom with a case of T shirts.
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>citizenship for all!
>gib me money.
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When is the Mexico president meet planned at?
How many hours? Is there any official schedule?


I need to know to prepare in time to get photos from it.

Also uploaded all photos from yesterday (even ones I haven't posted here) to my MEGA: https://mega.nz/#F!CAYkjZxT!O3Q6IkFaZvmVppdsts8uIg

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You know this ride never ends, faggot ;^)
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nice dude NICE
Early afternoon and late at night are the comfiest times.
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thems some fine digits you have there son
when is the immigration speech?
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Anyone have more of time travrling Barron?
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>tfw crooked Nepgear deleted emails in regard to Nepghazi before murdering her own sister and the other goddesses
I am feeling Neglected. Is CTR out of action?
>Clinton directly undermining the "softening" meme CNN is pushing
>This whole election

American should pray to God thanking him for bring Trump down to this earth.
He, by just running, exposes the pathetic example of American politic ever since the end of the cold war.
All the sudden, the liberals love all the wars in middle east started by Bush. The conservatives now love all the muh diversity and equal result demanded by liberal for years.
And for (((reasons))) both of them should be against giant corporate interest for different ideals all started to embrace the same corporate which tearing down US piece by piece because of muh economy.

Thank god you guys are start to wise up.

Come back after the immigration speech.
Get ready for 2000 retweets.
This afternoon.

Yes, but thread quality is so absolute shit today that they might as well not be.
Will you please stop trying to derail shit.
That's one thing anarchists, socialists and libertarians completely fail to plan for: the means of production, the wealth and the media are currently controlled by whoever controls them right now.

How on earth will the current owners be persuaded to relinquish the control so their plans can be achieved?

Any ideological, political or economical current that fail to answer this question is teenager tier intellectual masturbation
/pol/ has made strayans grow on me in a way that makes me feel as if ive known the lot of them for years like old friends.

God i fucking love strayans
looks presidential. a presidential candidate who is already meeting with heads of state

thing is, i did not even know hillary was also invited

he has taken the spotlight off hillary as people seem to think only trump was invited. now she is shitting her pants because if she agrees and goes, it looks like she is simply following trump, same as obama in louisinia
its all so secretive right now.
theres talk of a press conference though.
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Make North America Great Again
Trump is gonna hold a joint press conference with El Presidente?
What are they going to talk about?
>Attempting to arrest a US presidential candidate
>or, how to get shot by the SS 101
Brilliant plan. I hope they try it.
A shootout between the SS, Trump's PMC body guards and the Mexican police would be a hilarious headline to read about.
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could be meeting with him now. he has a speech at 6pm MST in pheonix, so any time between now and then.
Can anyone please photoshop a MAGA hat on this girl whose picture I am using for a fake twitter account? And no I don't know the source.
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How quickly they turn on their own.
what do you mean? Are you implying that Trump currently manages to push her further to the left so he can gobble up the center left independents?
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At least 3 Jews will publish articles saying that maybe we need to rethink democracy
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Democrats should just go back to typewriters and snail mail at this rate.
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>pic related
Gibs that glorious bill of rights you seppo
They don't fucking get it. They do not understand high energy because they're stuck in a low energy frequency. Check out any of hills merchandise and it's the cringiest low energy shit around
>I might live long enough to experience the American dream my grandpa had of going to war, being a patriot, coming home to work decades in a factory getting lung cancer while raising a family in a house with a dog
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Obama making 4D chess moves
No one takes anarchists serious, but sadly socialists and libertarians aren't looked down upon the same way. Both socialism and libertarianism could work on a small scale, but actually believing it could work at a national level is ludicrous.
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The media was pushing a narrative last week that Trump was softening on immigration, and it was really shaking the confidence of his base.

Along comes fucking Clinton who reassures us that he will be incredibly tough on immigration. Nice job, Hillary.
I refuse to believe that this is real.
will start monitoring photos now, hopefully it's not too late. But if anything, I would expect some news to leak AFTER them meeting happened, so it's probably still not too late.
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Well done
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>Grillary Clinton
>Along comes fucking Clinton who reassures us that he will be incredibly tough on immigration.
Damn, should we start considering... maybe, she doesn't to be President? Maybe we can get the Increasingly Nervous Britbong on TV to just ask her to drop out.
Check them
>if you can't take the heat, back away from the grill
Evidently the undercover Trump supporter who writes her Tweets is writing her gift shop descriptions, too.
Hillarys Health is the single greatest moment of this campaign. We're winning bros
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what did they mean by this?
Most sane people would agree with Trump's plan. Why would she post this?
pretty much practically copying trump. that's all the things he plans on doing beyond the wall. The stupid cunt just can't stop lying.
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>mfw imagining Alton Brown dedicating an entire episode of Good Eats to what I assume is his undying hatred of her
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Might take a few. Her head is cocked funny. Stick around.
>Along comes fucking Clinton who reassures us that he will be incredibly tough on immigration. Nice job, Hillary.
We've suspected for months that her twitter is being run by undercover Trump supporters. We just didn't expect that she'd go so deeply into hiding that it would become the primary face of her campaign.
That guy looks like his wife hates his guts
It worked so well. This is just like that episode of Doctor Who where the Doctor got a prime minister sacked just by saying she "looked tire."
Trump actually has the genetic condition that only allows his body to sleep for around 4 hours and make it feel like an 8 hour sleep. I really don't know if this is a good thing or not but apparently a lot of successful people have this condition

One of my old teacher has it too and it's literally impossible for him to sleep beyond 6 hour without medication, it's nothing serious but he'll wake up like a machine after 4-5 hours regardless of how many hours he's worked beforehand .
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We do senpai, we do
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Those better be tofu burgers.
Now this picture is just fucking racist. WHERE'S THE DIVERSITY?
Thanks senpai

I'll follow you on twitter if you have an account and retweet your stuff
How does he do it?
>Clinton's popularity numbers
Is it Russia's fault?
/pol/ has certainly done that, but it has also lowered my opinion of leafs forever too
It's always Russia's fault
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Send them a complaint email and see if we can get it changed to a black husband
It's always Russia's fault.
I don't think they started off as Trump supporters.
I would bet money that because Grillary is so widely hated, he social media accounts and probably a good chunk of staff were just there to fuck her shit up subtly. And when Trump became the nominee, they became Trump supporters.
I just like to think they would have sabotaged her no matter what.
that cuck looks like hes never given a woman an orgasm in his life
I could see that. People who have been here for years. But they would have to transition to being legal and pay back pay taxes
Everything is a Russian right wing conspiracy anon
It's heavily implied that either there are more than one Donald Trumps or that he's some kind of a time agent.
It's always Russia's fault
Well, they started really plummeting after her crazy cat lady speech about Russia and Putin being s Machiavellian mastermind behind everything, so in a roundabout way, yes.
On it
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>You destroyed this

What have you got to say for yourself, /pol/?
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Very Nice
This picture would be 10/10 if the little kid was multiracial
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Post screenshots if you can, friend
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Like the other anon said, this is directly contradicting the narrative pushed by CNN that Trump is "softening" his stance on the wall. The narrative was making the base scared and was working slightly. Then here comes Hilary.

Who ever handles her tweets is either a closet Trump supporter or a fucking moron.
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He's eternally manic, like many of the greatest men of our world

Nikola Tesla did the same I think

So did Albert (((Einstein))) but I don't know how great that idea stealing Jew really was
I'd buy both his daughters off him for 1 delegate.
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Or maybe not smoking or drinking your entire life leads to high stamina in old age
Anon, everything is Russia's fault. Even the Jews are merely pawns of Vladimir Putin.
Actually, most Americans would probably vote for Trump if he moved towards the center. Most Americans are independent.

He did what he needed to do in order to win the primaries. Now he's throwing the match. Because he's a Clinton plant. If you don't see this, you are not paying attention.

If you know Warren Buffett, you know he is not sure about anything. He's actually quite humble in respect to things that he doesn't know. But look how assured he is that Hillary will be president in this video:


>Is HIllary going to win?
>Hillary's going to win

>I will bet money on it

Warren does not make investments he is not sure about. He was sure in this video. And he's sure because he knew what Trump was going to do.

Trump is throwing the race. Everybody can see that if Trump just moved a little bit towards the center he would win. Trump himself was perfectly rational when he won the Republican primaries. You don't get to 42% of the Republican party vote without hardcore, objective analysis.

And now, I'm supposed to believe that Trump doesn't do what he needs to do in order to court independent voters? (Most Americans are independent and do not belong to a political party). I'm supposed to believe that the Trump who did everything exactly as he needed to do it to win the primaries won't do what he needs to do in order to win the general election?

What horseshit. Trump is clearly throwing the race. Every time he rises in the polls above HIllary, he makes a catastrophic fuck up of some kind. Which is on purpose.

Trump is controlled opposition. There is no other explanation for his perfectly rational behavior during the primaries contrasted with his total incompetence in the general election.

He gets eternal fame - something he can leverage for years to make more money. Hillary gets the presidency. It was over before it started.
He's a faggot

He never had a chance, he was only propped up at the end because they thought they could divide the right wing base and put someone like Jeb in at the convention

In the end he agreed to play that game now he is dead as a politician
Someone should shop it
Fox would still run stuff about how he isn't religious enough or some shit. Gotta appeal to them Bible thumpers. If the GOP didn't alienate women and gays with abortion and marriage laws they wouldn't have to worry about Hispanics trying to vote for their illegal friends' amnesty.
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If that happens, Trump would be worthless.

It's what happened with Reagan, and they all eventually got amnesty and fucked up the US demographics and electoral map permanently.

If he gives any form of amnesty, he deserves to lose.
>writing a full text wall just to push the "He doesn't want to be the most powerful and influential person in the world!" meme
consider suicide
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>Cruz cheated on this
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I love you guys. No homo.
Go be a leaf somewhere else
wtf I love Cirno now
Varney BTFO'ing Obamacare architect right now
Love you too.
Hispanics who are here don't give 2 shits about amnesty; they'll just vote Dem for the gibs. It doesn't matter if the GOP only spoke Spanish and the Dem candidate was the evilest looking white bastard ever, Hispanics will always vote for gibs.
>dick sucked by aids person
>"never a bad thing"

watch more always sunny
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>supports amnesty
>calls anyone out

You redditors don't understand the "leaf" meme.

You're supposed to use it when someone from Canada is acting like a cuck or a leftie.
>erratic trump launches crazed scheme to save his campaign
What happened to Journalism over the past decade ? A few years ago this headline would get laughed at, now it's at the forefront ?
Except for the Cuban expats, they really fucking hate communism.
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Just wanted to stop by and drop off a fresh new pepe for you guys
he's right, amnesty would be just what dems/cuckservatives would do and so I wouldn't even bother voting as I've always done prior to Trump
Do you think anyone is fooled by your bullshit?
Someone else make the new thread. I'm not gonna phone post it again.
>Warren does not make investments he is not sure about.
What investments he makes is different from what he says in public.
>Most sane people would agree with Trump's plan. Why would she post this?
Her base aren't quite sane.
And I'm not the only one to suspect that there is at least 1 mole in her campaign.
This guy looks more cucked than what I imagine a cuckold redshitter looks like
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Would you?
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In no way is Trump going to say he wants Amnesty, he also not going to say he will have a deportation force because that's horrible general election politics
Wow, a campaign made out of failure.
Will OBAMACARE Destroy What’s Left Of The MIDDLE CLASS?

What matters most to me, more than whether he'll let hardworking non-criminals stay after paying back taxes, is that the WALL GETS BUILT.
Let's hope they help Trump win Florida.

Is there anything Trump has to bump himself up in the polls? Other than the debates I don't see much unless Hillary fucks herself over.
I heard he actually flies home to NY almost everyday, so I bet he's sneaking some zzzzzs on the plane.
>hardworking non-criminals
They're here illegally, they're criminals. They don't have to go right away, but he needs to have some system put in place to get them out.
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TFW live in PA, registered DEM, voting Trump, for the lulz!
>he also not going to say he will have a deportation force because that's horrible general election politics

sad, why are people such softies? in the old days this would have won him the election in a landslide
Well considering she never stops fucking herself over, and that the debates won't be good for her, I think we're gonna be okay.
Im on it
Bitch built a wall around her convention. She lost the right to criticize the wall
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I have faith he wants them all gone.

He was a member of the reform party and they have always ran on mass immigration hurts wages
(((George Soros))), Black Lives Matter, and Manufactured Civil Unrest: Leaked Docs Prove the Real Goal Is Federalizing America’s Police

He fucking tried to be hardline

Look at the polls
they're all guilty of being criminals and ID fraud
That is a pretty bad false equivalence anon. Don't be stupid.
she lost the right to criticize the wall when she had no ideas of her own and just stole Trump's. She'll be promoting a "safety fence" by the end of this.
>I hope they arrest him the second he steps off the plane. He's been in real estate for years, he's probably done at least a few things that are illegal in Mexico.

I'm screencapping this post. I didn't see this possibility but now it's makes sense. How did Hillary treat Mexico when she was Secretary of State?
IS there any chance that Mexico would welcome a Trump presidency since he would work to kill the cartels? So many possibilities.
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Insider anon said ILLary was the best and cleverest meme he had seen so far. We should absolutely push it in every direction.
He also left the Reform party because of Pat Buchanan and David Duke being too racist for him.
Good God
New thread where?
nice, thanks bro
Not Pat Buchanan

David Duke

Who the fuck would want David Duke anywhere around them?
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You forgot to say "good ones". Nice cuckservative meme.

They are all criminals since they are living in your country illegally.

It won't stop them from coming via other means, it won't stop them from overextending their visas, it won't stop them from having anchor babies. And if they don't get deported, it will incentivize more of them to come illegally since they know they won't be deported and nothing bad will happen to them.


Holy shit.
This vermin should never leave Seattle.
I like security though, for my borders and for my elections. Although I do honestly think debates will most likely go for Trump.
> Scenario 1: Trump is bombastic and Hillary appears weak like Jeb
>Scenario 2: Trump isn't bombastic or mean and people, including Hillary, are caught off guard
> Scenario 3: Hillary pulls a 2012 Obama and practically falls asleep
> Scenario 4: They do debate fairly normally and Hillary doesn't do well because she was always scared to actually do it even against Bernie
> Scenario 5: Trump is bombastic and like an ass but Hillary doesn't appear weak (worst case scenario but I don't find it likely)
> Scenario 6: Trump is an ass, Hillary responds by being an ass but Trump is better at it so Hillary just looks like Rubio did after his 'tiny hands' remark
> Scenario 7: They debate fairly normally and Trump doesn't do well due to lack of political experience/mods being dicks (most likely bad scenario for Trump imo)
I mean, yeah, they should turn out well but I like how it was in the primary when he was ahead by 15 percent with 2 opponents. I know he won't get that big of a win but a +2 for him would be more reassuring than the -4 we seem to be stuck at.
What part of "Only allow the ones who have stayed out of trouble for over a decade" makes you think I don't support "round up every other one of them and stick em on a train."?
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I touched up on the lighting a bit and we're good to go. Thanks

Because it gives wiggle room that leads to a slippery slope.

It starts with 15 years, then like you said, "over a decade". Then over 5 years. Then it's not just the "hardworking" oned, it's the ones who merely "stayed out of trouble".

See: Reagan Amnesty. It was only supposed to apply to "hardworking people who worked on farms", but it extended to almost everyone, even in cities.
>If he gives any form of amnesty, he deserves to lose.
Well, no problem then because you get Hillary and the USA will get fucked even more
>paid for by Taco Bell
No matter where you are along the wall, you will never be more than 5 miles from a Taco Bell, so Make a Run for the Border for delicious deals.
t h i c c
youre doing dogs work anon

keep it up
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Hillary reinforcing these primitive patriarchal ideas about a single race family with the MAN barbecuing is insulting to our intelligence, and frankly offensive.
The blogosphere happened.
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