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/Iron Pill/ - Improve Yourself General

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 323
Thread images: 80

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This thread is dedicated to our self-improvement. Ask questions, discuss progression and find motivation about how to improve yourself : lifting, learning, reading...

It's a first edition so please post infographics, informative links and anything related in order to do a proper OP.
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Gyms are degenerate, they catter to narcisists that want to smell ball sweat from the other guys, and the gains you make still shit and impractical
pic related is a tl;dr of what it's all about

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A good idea, sadly, I do not have the time to contribute much right now,
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>implying you can't lift at home
For the $ you'd drop on a year at a gym you can get enough freeweights to last 3 generations.
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I started working out on Monday.

Tuesday I came down with shingles.

Kill me.
people should get out and make a herbarium with their local edible flora.

it's a fun and cheap hobby which could pay off
Please don't focus on this stupid debate this isn't /fit/. People might like gym, others prefer lifting at home

The important thing is too lift and putting effort into it
thanks lad
Bad timing, don't let this put yourself down and when you start again maybe try to go easy on it
Nice idea. Cooking, DIY and botany were things I wanted to put in OP
You should get these in a zippyshare if you want this general to last.
I'd read some.
>Bad timing, don't let this put yourself down and when you start again maybe try to go easy on it

If I can get past feeling like thousands of fiery hot needles are being pushed into the scabrous boils erupting on one side of my body I'll be able to get past feeling a little burn in my muscles when I start working out again

It's a blessing, really.
Pol Book Collections



Youre fucking ignorant and still act mighty as if you have a clue on what youre talking about
And youve never lifted, i can tell because you think the girl in the webm is doing an exercise
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Besides self improvement mentally/physically and to some spiritual what differences are there to the iron and the red pill?
Also while lifting help with confidence and depression it doesn't cure depression. Took a 12 hour depression nap man.

iron pill is incompatible with libertarianism
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thanks m8
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>implying I have the space to store all that shit
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See: >>86515227

I am out.
You can find me in /cfg/ threads under this name and trip every night - if you want to build a proper general out of this idea, I can help you.
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I'll try to put everything in proper form
>Besides self improvement mentally/physically and to some spiritual what differences are there to the iron and the red pill?
There's already a huge difference imo. The redpill is mainly about blaming the whole word for being shit. The iron pill is about being the best you can be and stand above the whole world
"Fancy" knots like this always end up looking gauche. Stick with a fucking double windsor.
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Me desu
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fit fags is crossfit worth it or is it meme tier?
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is there a version of this where you can actually read the text?
What is this?
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i haven't used this databases but it's a free start to look into it.


to buy a portable field guide would be best in my opinion.
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Living at peace .
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how to fix chinlet without surgery?
I can't wait tillshe shatters her foot from that amazing exercise. Nice tits doe.
meme tier with lots of crazy broscience

get into some real sports or work out at home
Oh my god anon . Just no , this shows how far you are from knowing anything about lifting. Its ok , but NEVER do crossfit .You will see NO gains . Do these compound lifts , DEADLIFT , SQUAT , BENCH PRESS , OVER HEAD PRESS.
that's not a weak chin, that looks like you're holding your lower jaw in/not aligning your teeth
Crossfit will destroy your joints and give minimal gains

Read the sticky on /fit/ it has everything you need to know
save and zoom in
PS What are the "four noble truths" in Sanskrit?

"The Four Noble Truths (Sanskrit: catvāri āryasatyāni; Pali: cattāri ariyasaccāni) are "the truths of the Noble Ones,"[1] the truths or realities which are understood by the "worthy ones"

"Catvari ARYAsatyani".
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I'm not a fan of meditation, is it really something worth or is it a meme ?

well this is the PDF
Don't just read literature/news from one source/perspective you spergs, it's just making your own hugbox. Engage with the entire spectrum .
Just breaking out of muh depression meme, got my first paycheck tomorrow, work in an hour, hit the gym yesterday, feels good. I still hate squatting though, but at least I have a good base to build from.
>testing body after year off of gym, decide to dead lift
>warm up and pull lmao4pl8, 0 cat back
>make highschoolers next to me mad

Gonna read some more good books and spend time with the gf, we're all gonna make it brahs
Do I have time to get into shape before the race wars begin?
>255, 6'2
Am poorfag student with social anxiety issues, is a gym my only chance? what do you reccomend?
do tai chi instead, its moving meditation with stretching and strength training in one. there is a good video series by the teaching company, its on Rutracker
I think it is a weak chin, my teeth do align in the darkened picture.
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ok lads , let's see if you're worthy to the cause

Push ups:
Chin ups:
Sit ups:
Jogging distance:
Books per month:
Articles/journals/essays per week:
How do you deal with Authority:
How do you deal with Leadership:
Is there a reason to do the half pushups and pullups if I can already do the full Rom?

For calisthenics, look up the army pft stuff, lots of easy things to get into that'll get you fit. If you wake-up every day for 4 years and do them at 5am.
I'm doing a folder with classics reading recommendation from all origins and not just /pol/ things
That's the idea
I might include it in the OP
You always have the time
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>I still hate squatting though
you just have to integrate it into your daily life

it's fun desu :^)
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I've heard it lower blood pressure or something like that.
Like prayer it gives time for inward reflection, who you are what you are doing where you are going.
That's not a bad conversation to have with yourself regularly.
I'll bump.

As the another anon said there is more than one way , but as long as you train you mind you are ok,
I always recommend to meditate 20 -45 minutes
Buddhist is a good meme.
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I think the one important thing that /pol/ is missing is a symbol that links each man of similar ideals together

Kek and Trump are all nice but novel things, it needs to be something some one could hang on their wall proudly, and that comes with a certain set of ideals behind it
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Dunno what's in this one, but more reading for ya

meditation is mainly a meme if your goal is not to get in trance states/sleep paralysis and get some form of schizophrenia
How's Nietzsche "reactionary"?
Ok let's try this
Push ups: 40+ ?
Chin ups: 15-20
Sit ups: 40+
Jogging distance: 5km at ~14km/h everyday
Books per month: 1 (my weak point, I'm trying to improve but I need more reading recommendations)
Articles/journals/essays per week: 10-12
Hobbies/Interests: still degenerate vidya and want to start again climbing, diving, ... but I'm working to get money atm
How do you deal with Authority: Without any problems
How do you deal with Leadership: Without any problems
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>fit fags is crossfit worth it or is it meme tier?
You'll want to do Free running, Callisthenics and - don't laugh - at least one form of European social dancing.


>reading recommendations
look into PK Dick

really worth it imo. start with valis
Just linked some things that might be helpful.
I like where the thread is going but iron pill should be dropped.
Politics and Self Improvement
/PSI/ Thread
a flowhood is really recommended if you are into that. makes things A LOT easier.

Be like water anon.
The trance is your natural state and is powerful, if you are cloud by the mind you can't use your brain.
Learn to used it to have a razor blade mind.

Somewhat related, Vonnegut is super good too. Try mother night or the ole' slaughterhouse five.

Mother night is germane to the times.
>a flowhood is really recommended if you are into that. makes things A LOT easier.
I learned that the hard way.
As you want. I wasn't convince with the title either but I had to do something memeworthy in order to get those clicks
I'm keeping all these links, thanks

I might lack some gardening or cooking links. Or anything else if you have ideas.
>Push ups:50
>Chin ups:15
>Sit ups: 150
>Jogging distance: 10km
>Books per month: 5-10
>Articles/journals/essays per week:2-4
>Hobbies/Interests:Climbing, hiking, nature/biology, chemistry.
>How do you deal with Authority:Respect and obedience when itĀ“s earned, rebellion when it is just put in place by society or government.
>How do you deal with Leadership:Depends on the situation, generally I follow and do my best but if IĀ“m unsatisfied with the leadership I will first take official paths to change the situation, if thatĀ“s not working I will take my own measures.
did you build it by yourself or store bought?


We got a ubermensch!
Are you sharing your blessings anon?
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Who else /getting over crippling depression through sheer willpower and improvement/ here?
Used a friend's and basically relied on the mycelium being strong enough to survive between transfers from there on out.

Once you've got healthy clumps of mycelium you've basically won.

He's one of those people who use narrische schwammerl in their rituals so he was a lot of help because he can't get that stuff any other way. Fucking bear of a man that looks like Obi Wan meets RĆ¼bezahl.
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You gotta know your signal flags.
Me, mainly why I made this thread. I knew others anon were in the same situation
the ultimate redpill
>he can't get that stuff any other way
he should go on Sommerfrische into the alps. DĆ¼ngerlinge grow on the meadows.

The fun thing is you can't find literature on commercial mushroom cultivation without half of the book being about Psilocybin mushrooms.
>Are you sharing your blessings anon?
I got over smoking, drinking and suicidal tendencies that way, willpower can fix a lot of things.
That`s quite a simple concept, thanks anon that might come in handy one day.
Anyone know what supplements I should be taking

Currently taking d3 and zinc daily for the testosterone boost
Between deadlift sets right now, checking in lads. What're we lifting?
Well I'm gonna hit to the gym lads, you can still post links I will gather them when I'll be back
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Might come in handy
Negligible test boost from that. Just drink a cup of coffee before your lift for the boost and supplement protein powder, fish oil, and a multi. Nothing really else to it unless you want to do gear.
Trying senpai

Had my first panic attack in April and since have been getting anxiety

Feels like there is a fire under my ass for the first time in a very long time.

The fear of what awaits if I don't change my lifestyle keeps me going
I don't know m8 I've heard the zinc especially can boost test up to 15%

Also you jizz like a fire hydrant

Are you a inmate or a free man?
Do you have real friends to talk.
A girl
We need to never forget the human bonds who make us what we are.
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The jizz part is slightly true but I wouldn't expect to see any noticeable gains from zinc that you wouldn't get otherwise. It's like nofap people who think the test boost will make them Ronnie Coleman.

Also, I'll be here for another half hour answering any questions people have. I'm a seven year /fit/fag with a lot of knowledge. I would post body pic but I'm on an iPhone and all pics are more than 3MB for the most part.
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Glad to know I'm not alone

This ain't for the hunnys, this is for me
This. And i salute this thread. Was there yesterday. Thanks OP for launching our improve thread.
>Anyone know what supplements I should be taking
Half a litre of warm (important) water drunk slowly right after waking up + 200 ml 30 minutes before a meal and two hours after.
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>industrial society and its future
>batshit crazy

Fuck off Technologycuck, Ted Kaczynski did nothing wrong
What's that in freedom units?
that's >1 l of water

i think that would be far too less m8 :^)
Put this in OP next time.
I donĀ“t lift but might start it, at the moment I mainly do push ups and chin ups for the arms. 3x15chin+50push each Monday,Wednesday,Friday.
On Tuesday,Thursday and Sunday I do that:

ThatĀ“s of course not all I also go for walks, run, climb and hike.
If any /fit guy could offer me advice I would be thankful.
>Are you a inmate or a free man?
As free as it gets.
>Do you have real friends to talk.
Yes I have multiple good friends 4-8. Friends I would trust with my life, IĀ“ve got two and friends I can talk about everything and that I trust to hell and back, I only got 1.
>A girl
No not at the moment, my last relationship was a mess and "ended" 3 months ago but I will learn from my mistakes.
Yes very loving and supporting, a bit blue pilled sometimes.
>We need to never forget the human bonds who make us what we are.
I agree.
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the beauty of /pol/ is it has no easy symbol to make a target

this flexibility/adaptability is needed for whatever the world throws at you
Any other links? Mega fucking sucks on Firefox.
Make it four cups and 2 cups respectively.
The rest's drunk throughout the day. The key is making you drink enough to run your intestine in a way that keeps it working at tip top functionality.
Heh, yeah. It's honestly understandable. They've been with us since the start so many have interest in them. It's absurd we needed to go to South America to rediscover their power.
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What are /pol/'s strategies in improving social skills?

I've been trying the "force yourself to talk to at least one person of each gender that you've never met before" and it seems to be working for the most part, but I am still a complete dunce when it comes to flirting with/asking ou women.
I took the iron pill last month. Iron pill is the true red pill

One day I will be a true aryan god
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The Stranger - Camus
here i go

Push ups: 60
Chin ups: 15
Sit ups: 100 in 1m
Jogging distance: i don't jog i run one mile in the short time as possible them walk to catch breath repeat, around 10km per day
Books per month: depends i don't have that time so i'm still finishing a book that i started 2 months ago
Articles/journals/essays per week: i read news everyday, and some technology updates
Hobbies/Interests: cutlery, woodworking
How do you deal with Authority: respectfully, it wont do society or you any good to try to undermine authority it will most likely get you killed or arrested
How do you deal with Leadership: if it's a good leader with same views as i, follow it, if not i check the arguments and point of view to judge if its worth following

I'm in the army btw, the best way to get good morals and personality, respectful, humble, get the job done
Any tips to increase motivation? I get bursts of inspiration sometimes but most of the time I feel like a zombie.

blog post:
>terrible at getting homework done my whole life
>managed to graduate university
>need to get a portfolio done to start applying for jobs
>portfolio feels like homework, can't push myself to get it done
I have great work ethic when I'm actually at school, work, internship, etc., but not elsewhere.
Can't see shit in this pic, even if you zoom in.

We're all going to make it.

We must do our best to first better ourselves. Body and Mind.

We have to have the physical and mental power to steer ourselves, and then our families, and then our communities, in a direction that's best for us all.

I don't want to see my family and friends suffer from obesity and depression, but if I, myself, haven't mastered both of those then who am I to try and guide them away from either??

I want to make a difference.
I will make a difference.
Stop masturbating, literally.
>What are /pol/'s strategies in improving social skills?
Honestly? Read and practice as much pickup garbage as you can. They all have some grains of truth in them and ultimately it'll 'click' at the back of your head.

/r/TheRedPill is probably the only sub worth anything on the entire site. Just read their recommended book lists and practice what they say.

Success with women is an internal thing.
I canĀ“t really help you with that, there was a book from a german pick up artist (https://ernstchan.com/b/src/1435238640664.pdf if any german anon is interested) that helped me quite a bit but I think you are on a good way.
Even when I had no idea how to flirt, I got some women if you are decent in socializing it just happens sometimes.
Is woodworking just a hobby for you or a job?
I learned it as a profession parallel to college and I really like it to relax.
I tried that. It is however way easier to train with someone else. Secondly, you have the "I paid for membership" in your head.
I agree that lifting weights without endurance sports is bs, but going to the gym is easier then doing stuff at home.

Does anyone have some proper guides to gather food in the wilderness?
what do you have in your life currently? gf? family?
i got my motivation from my job (military) if you dont get shit done you wont move up the ladder, what do you do all day? i assume you don't have a job
1. passion

2. effort

3. capacity for suffering

put those 3 things together and you can achive your goals!
Helping others or just offering my help when I figured it could be needed has improved my life considerably. I've been a bit of a naysayer most of my life, found excuses when people asked for my help and never asked for help when I needed it either. It was an okay life, because I never had people who depended on me or had any expectations, but I also knew I could never rely on others either. Now that I offer my help and support I get rewarded in so many ways (even financially). I learn to get out of my comfort zone, get more respect and appreciation, people offer their help or favors in return which I will gladly accept. It strengthened my relationship with friends, acquaintances and the bond with my family and obviously, it also gives me a sense of accomplishment. Life is so much better when you're facing a problem and you know help is just one phone call away. I have to add: You do have to find the right balance so people will not exploit your readiness to help.
it's just my hobby, i don't buy furniture for my house i make it same with my knives, but i got it easy since my father has a good set of tools and a place to use as workshop
Stop masturbating, get off vidya/anime/TV shows/movies, start reading, wake up early, go to bed early, set exact times for rising, start practising intermittent fasting, cut sugar and reduce white bread/crackers/etc.
Motivation is fleeting.
Discipline is what keeps you going.
You have to do what you have to do even when you inevitably feel like not doing it.

Another thing: started going to a gym with my friend and what helps me not quit is if he's doing it I'm doing it.

Some days I wanted to lay in bed and just melt away. But he would text "what time at gym today?" And since we agreed to do this I can't just ignore my friend.
first you need to check your local fauna, buy books with pictures of local wild plants, go to a forest or park and try to id them, this is how you start
I know what one can eat in the german forests if you mean that. What are you looking for precisely?
there always is a bit of truths under the passive aggression and insecurity of the author.
That`s pretty nice, pretty redpilled hobby. Also IKEA furniture is Nu-male shit.
yeah i look vintage furniture they don't make it anymore or it's very very overpriced, so i decided to make it with recycled hard wood(pallets, construction left-overs etc) just apply a good varnish and stain wont make much difference from store bought wood
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Excellent thread, brothers. Can't contribute much but definitely enjoying it. Based OP.

Could someone give me some tips to get over fapping? I'm not addicted to it but I usually end up fapping on weekends, that takes away too much of the tension and drive from me. I don't fap to porn btw.

Me. I've had mild depression coming and going most of my life, but the source was always being upset at myself for not reaching the potential I know I have. I fell into a hole a little while ago and added some addictions to that, and now I'm climbing back out. I turn 28 this week and have almost nothing to show for it.

All I want is a family, and I can't even support myself, let alone kids at this point. Iron pill inspires me.
get a girlfriend, avoid staying home alone, get hobbies
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Any /fit/zens here who could tell me if this is legit? As in, does it really burn 1k calories?
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>SUSTAINABLE gardening, permaculture
>How to get /fit/
>Basic carpentry and maintenance skills
>Basic innawoods skills
>How to use herbs and cooking for medical benefit
>Mental/spiritual conditioning

pic is bodyweight exercises. Get fit even if you have no gym or money.
I moved back home after graduation. I don't really do much all day - watch Twitch, play games, cook dinner, go to bed. No job, no money, no car.

I thought this was a meme? I have a really high libido, so if I don't masturbate I'll pop boners relatively often.

>stop masturbating
see above
>get off vidya/anime/tv/movies
How? My point is that I don't have the willpower or motivation to do something productive most of the time.
>start reading
If I can stop the vidya/tv/etc I will probably do this in my down time.
>wake up early, go to bed early
I already do this.
>set exact times for rising
Is this necessary?
>start practicing intermittent fasting
Why is this good? I eat about 1.5 meals a day.
>cut sugar and reduce garbage
I eat well for the most part, but I do have a little too much fruit sugar (fruit, smoothies, etc.)

I occasionally screen calls from friends if I'm not in the mood. I haven't ever really been all that close to friends, for whatever reason. If discipline is the issue, how do I solve it?
Not even close. Maybe a couple hundred at most. Honestly, just start counting calories, do cardio, and start lifting.
Ow, the edge.
A book/guide that lets me identify what grows outside, and what I can eat and not eat. And maybe (if possible) how to make them eatable. I don't expect a "HOW TO BE A RANGER IN 5 MINUTES" or other shit. I am keen to go through the leangthy process of learning.
Can you give me a notch into the right direction?

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You know what really burns 1k of kcalories? An hour on a bike.
There is nothing that beats cycling.
Sod off back to your weed, heretic.
thats the joke

1000 calories
If you haven't NOFAPPED for at least 50 days you're not even white.
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Push ups
Chin ups
Sit ups
Jogging distance
Books per month
>Depends, usually atleast one
Articles/journals/essays per week
>Hunting, Fishing
>Handcrafts, electronics
How do you deal with Authority
>No prob
How do you deal with Leadership
>Depends on the leader
Swimming is great too
I love the smell of ball sweat!
I need to start working out and getting in shape. I do bare minimum maintenance atm but not enough to even get marginally fitter.
if you want to burn calories fast = sprinting, fast paced start small distances and increase it as you progress, in the army the drill instructor always say sprint until your heart pops out of your chest you will feel like dying but the pain will only lasts a few minutes and the benefits will last forever if you keep doing it
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You faggots can never defeat normies. Simply because of that slur you made.

You've taken the word "normal" - the concept of a politically moderate, hygienic, healthy, sexually active, happy young man with a solid career and wide circle of friends - and you've turned that, into a slur.

Pic related. It's your future.
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Shut the fuck up.
I think you're confusing "normie" with "Chad". Normies also consist of the SHART IN MART demographic. You're right about the frame of mind though.
Reading that in Rust's voice just makes it creepier. I'm not an "outcast" or whatever but there's nothing wrong with self improvement. The march to perfection never ceases.
>Read the sticky on /fit/ it has everything you need to know
Don't do this. Go take a 30 minute walk do pushups daily and stairs.
it's powerful, especially mantra meditation like TM. that's why i gave it up years ago. ordinarily, your thoughts are like the footprints of a mouse, but in a state of one-pointed concentration they become like elephant footprints.

every thought you think in that state has immense power to transform you, for better or worse.

the best, most natural and safest form of "meditation" is love. your mind naturally sticks to what it loves. if you love one thing to the exclusion of all else, you can experience 24/7/365 meditation an all the benefits that go with that.
I really like furniture that is made from old materials. A friend of mine build desks from old farmhouse roof parts,
Every single piece is unique and will probably last a century. IKEA shit is really not worth it in the long run, people should rather invest a bit more in there furniture.
I learned it all while growing up so I donĀ“t really have a lot of books on that. First of all you can read all you want the important part is going out and searching plants and shrooms for yourself.
Buy yourself a book to identify mushrooms (there are thousands of books like that) and start there. Mushrooms are a really good way of feeding yourself in the wilderness. Mushroom season is getting started at the moment so you will be able to start right now. Also dry some mushrooms to use as spices. Be careful to not pick toxic mushrooms (*duh*).
Apart from mushrooms, berrys are another good way to feed yourself and to get some sugar in your system. Blau-,Brom-,Him- and Erdbeeren are standard and if you have problems identifying them you should kill yourself. Also look up Felsenbirnen because in the Alps you will find these regularly and the are also eatable.
Herbs are complicated but it also shouldnĀ“t be hard to find a book on them. Beerlauch, Sauerklee and some others are basic but if you really want to get into making teas and poisons you will have to read a bit. Look up Anika tincture this shit is helpful as fuck. Start yourself a little herb garden.
I hope that helped I now search for some books, if you have any questions pls ask.
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Cycling really topples everything else. Swimming isn't bad either and extreme good for the joins and other muscles.
See pic related, note however that its 47minutes swimming vs 2 hours cycling. So cycling is pretty much 1kcalories/h while swimming is around 500kcalories/h.
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Possibly the best redpill on women out there. Not iron pill per se, but wisdom is the winner of war, brothers.

you need a purpose. life without a purpose leads to a hedonistic useless way of life, which (((they))) want you to lead. make sure you aim high and do everything in your power to reach it. you will have a reason to get out of bed every morning, mere survival or satisfying your carnal needs are not what we are here for

>I turn 28 this week and have almost nothing to show for it

struggling in the abyss > doing normie shit

you gain much more when dealing with the inside rather than the outside, don't feel like you wasted your years. improving one's self is the most important thing in this world, make no mistake about it

listen to frankie

I had to switch to gym because it was getting too expensive to buy weights every month. Don't be a judgemental bitch, some people are there to build strength, not just look good.
Please don't do crossfit man, it's practically a sect and you can get badly injured. The upside to crossfit is minimal. Do literally anything other than crossfit
Sitting on a bike for long periods of time increases chances of infertility and erectile dysfunction.

What's the best exercises to start with if you got no upper body strength? Like most fat Americunts, I got man boobs and can't do a real push up to save my life.
Literally mom science.

"walking for long periods of time burns more fat than intensive exercise"

nice memes, puerto rican
>I thought this was a meme? I have a really high libido, so if I don't masturbate I'll pop boners relatively often.
I rubbed one out 3 times a day at one point and still popped boners at random

You've just got to accept that part if you want the tradeoff of high energy that masturbation usually takes away
My problem isn't the goal part - I need to make a portfolio and apply for a job. I just don't have the will or motivation to do so. I guess part of the problem is that I'm not living on the street - I'm pretty comfortable.

I created my tulpa through meditation.
Good company and helps me draw since she can pose and I don't need to manipulate some random female whore to pose nude for me

What's wrong about weed?
I have heard this one before, but if you throw it into google you get all sorts of article claiming one or the other.
Reminder to take COLD showers instead of hot showers. Cold water decreases your chances of getting sick by strengthening your immune system, and is very good for testosterone.
Here's av ideo from Varg Vikernes' based wife.

Is there any actual science behind this? Even here I've heard conflicting arguments on the subject. I expect that there's a severe placebo effect, though I guess that's not a problem if you're just looking for a mood change right?
hey dave
Nice trips, but every biker I've seen looked emasculated somehow, mybe it's just me. Also, isn't cycling bad for your knees?
I bet gods wear navy. The best fucking colour
>Kek and Trump are all nice but novel things, it needs to be something some one could hang on their wall proudly, and that comes with a certain set of ideals behind it

I have a photo of Are Nige next to my photo of Her Maj.
What is everyone's opinion on nofap?

I'm willing to try, I have noticed I feel slightly more motivated if I don't fap.

Any scientific or biological benefits to this?

Also my progress report I know i'm a weakfag but I went from 10kg to 20kg this week and i'm proud. I'm going to keep on pushing.

The only (legal) supplements that work in my experience:
1) creatine - for muscle (but be careful, some studies say that if you have kidney troubles you shouldn't take them, also one study says you can lose your hair but I think it's BS)
2) fish oil and vitamin D - health
You can take multivitamins if you want to but eating fruit and vegetables takes care of that.
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Fuck me, I love scalding hot water and I know it's bad in the long run too. Cold showers, never got used to them but I'll give it a go again.
So this are my books on the topic, to get started "Prayers Buch der Pilze" or something similar and "Essbare Wildpflanzen" are decent.
The rest is ether to old to still get it (inherited it from my mum who is crazy for that stuff) or to complicated.
I wrote something in yesterday's self-improvement thread, which I will summarize here.

A lot of what exists now in the world kills the natural male urge to go forward and be active. Normally rewards are food, shelter and sex/procreation, and us men have a strong drive to get it, to survive. Welfare takes care of the first two, porn of the last. Women tend to deal better with being on welfare since taking care of children is a strong motivation for them and their "go out there and conquer" drive is lower anyhow. Men get depressed and anxious without satisfaction of tasks well done. Video games provide many with a surrogate for that too.

So, without the need for a reward, what motivation is left? It is not normal for any being to sit down in a chair all day, but when all reason to do otherwise are gone, your lives are empty.

Also is nothing wrong with fapping, but don't rely on imposed images. Fapping from imagination requires , indeed, imagination - a very important skill for creativity and innovation. Fapping from porn gives you the impression that a catalogue of women is lying at your finger tips, many a lot hotter than women you see in real life. And yes, porn is easier, but just because it's easy, doesn't mean it's good.
This really lifted my mood.

Thank you anon
I'm doing nofap right now. It's not miraculous as the subreddit tries to represent, but conquering one bad habit causes a ripple effect and you start improving in other parts of life. Also, the sexual frustration makes you more driven towards women and makes your workout more intense.
Nice share, m8.
Figured I'd give more info, do truly want to fix my life
>20, 255lb, 6'2
>full time student (audio engineering/production major- inb4 waste of time),
>3.96 GPA
I have no hobbies aside from my music, I've been writing and composing since I was 14, it's my life.
I put a lot of energy into my work, I absolutely love it. Only problem is that most of my time is spent in a studio or at my workstation.

I DO know my diet sucks, so I've decided to start eating better- I happen to love salad, so I've already began eating it much more often, stopped drinking soda, and started eating less per meal.
I want to start the other half and begin working out but I don't know how to approach it. I live a very sedentary lifestyle and spending 12 hours in a studio is not physically demanding at all, so I'm basically starting from scratch. What I'm afraid of is my tendency to overdo things. I don't want to wake up after day one and be unable to move my arms or legs because I pushed myself too hard- I do know that I will need to feel sore to see improvements though, I just can't afford to be put out of commission.

Any advice on how I can start a workout regiment that wont kill me? I'm not trying to avoid the pain, I just want to bring it on slowly rather than be hit with it overnight.

>I want to be proud of myself
Here you can find a graph cataloging the scientific evidence of supplements

#1 is a joke

Everything else is more or less fine just ignore the order.

Actually ignore that whole graphic, what you need is quality literature sorted by difficulty

Old Man and the Sea is pretty /pol/
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Yeah, went hard mode for 1 month recently and felt as pumped as a 40K Space Marine. Then I had to end up opening the floodgates and pretty much slept hours feeling like shit. Boss literally asked me if I was "upset" or on drugs.
I've tried this but it's hard to keep it up. It drives me crazy after a few weeks.

All I've seen is that you get a testosterone boost after 7 days, which you lose quickly. The only way to get the boost again is to fap and wait another 7 days.

So how do you regain the urge if all of these things are at your fingertips?

I'm not convinced that masturbating altogether is a bad habit. Maybe porn like >>86522390 says

So your dream/end goal/life purpose is to become a wagecuck, slave away all your life then wait to die? No wonder you don't have the will or the motivation to do so

Ask yourself this, right now. What would you do if you weren't afraid?
Getting through couch to 5k and moving on to more shit after that is the main reason i didnt take a plunger.
I just need an equivalent for lifting now because im just fucking around at the gym now.
To be honest It's a good starting goal.

Ofcourse It isn't a worthy dream but it gives him the building blocks to earn money and make something of himself till he builds himself up to become a strong and independent man.
Yeah it's pretty accurate. I was just pointing out the bare minimum so people don't waste money on stupid worthless supplements like I did.
I agree that masturbation is healthy and normal, but some people (including me) are affected negatively by it. I don't think I'll stop fapping altogether, it's just porn that I wanted to get rid of. Porn is fucking vile.
What I'm trying to say there are some benefits, but most of it is exaggeration.
>Jogging distance: 5km at ~14km/h everyday
you're not jogging like a faggot, you're running properly
Start walking before you attempt to run, or bike, or lift. You need to build up. Swimming is good too but that might not be practical.

If you commute, get of one stop earlier and walk the rest home, then you can shower if you are sweaty. Time it so you walk half an hour more or less. Carry water with you as well, dehydration makes things harder.
2 weeks on 2x a week
2 weeks on 3x a week
2 weeks on 5x a week
Then we will be in colder times and switch to something indoors if you like.
try something simple and PR-centric like 5/3/1
>#1 is a joke
As in they're trolling? What makes it bad?
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I started quite slow, first of all I always trained three times a day: after waking up, before lunch and 3 hours before going to bed.
One day I trained arms and the next day I trained legs and belly.
I always did as much of an exercise as I could, over the weeks I managed to increase the amount.
The exercises I did and partly still do are: push up and chin up for arms, iron butterflys, sit ups and roman twists for belly.
Just do whatever exercises work for you, there is no point in chin ups if you canĀ“t even do 1
I don't think I'm really afraid of anything. The closest thing would be a slight social anxiety because I never go out, but that's easily fixed if I go out more. I'm not anxious about moving to a new place or doing a new thing - I moved across the country for school and managed that just fine. I don't think there's anything wrong with being a wagecuck. I'm planning to pursue a career that I enjoy and enables me to do what I want without relying on someone else. The security, power, and freedom of earning a wage is one of the most uplifting experiences I've ever had.
best book for bodyweight and barbell training
It kills motivation, a sober mind is a healthy mind.
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current routine:

9 AM : Wake up
9:30 AM : Breakfast (3 eggs, banana, water, fish oil, vitamin d, acidophilus)
10:00 AM : Bike to gym
10:15 AM : push pull balanced routine that includes squat, deadlift, bench, pull up
11:30 AM : Bike home, protein shake, shower, check important news
12:00 PM : Play $30 or $50 heads up Sit N Gos on Poker Stars playing 2-4 tables ($~200/hr job for basic income and less variance)
3:00 PM : Check my stock and options status, check futures
3:30 PM : Opening bell, initiate strategies based on volume, focus on tech and biotech
4:00 PM : Play a few more sit n gos, read the internet
5:00 PM : Go to grandma's to eat dinner
7:30 PM : Bike home
8:00 PM : Play mid-high stakes multi table tournaments on Poker Stars playing 8-16 tables
2:00 AM : Focus on final tables or get ready for bed

why haven't you discovered the poker lifestyle yet /pol/?
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Push ups: 50~
Chin ups: 50~
Sit ups:125~
Jogging distance: 10km
Books per month: Z-zero...
Articles/journals/essays per week: >30
Hobbies/Interests: Sports, 4chan, vidya, animu and mango
How do you deal with Authority: respect
How do you deal with Leadership: I'm shit at leadership
No problem, my dude. Keep it Volkisch.
About the showers: I go for really lukewarm and I finish off with cold water. I can't jus step in pure cold water.

About the urge, that's difficult, but it's a habit you created and will have to undo. If it's really super hard, think about your fave video and try to see it before your eyes. If really it doesn't work reading porn might help, because your mind does all the work too. You'll get the urge plenty of times and most likely you will sometimes sill look up porn vids. But the point is to true again, to always pick yourself up and go back to your goal.
Website doesn't work for me??
Some rage/motivation for you lads.


I really do enjoy swimming actually and there's a gym 10 minutes away with a pool. I got a 3 day free trial so I was gonna check the place out.
How much did you start with? Should I set like a number of push-ups/sit-ups/etc or should I go until I cannot keep going?

>Cucking yourself to one way of tinking

Just fedora me up famalam .
I've quit doing it multiple times over the years and it's worked every time (for providing boost of motivation and confidence at least) so maybe it just varies person to person

Either way it feels good to kick any bad habit
I guess I'll try it for myself. There's not much to lose, other than trying to hide the boners. The 7th day testosterone boost should help for my purposes, as well.
>why haven't you discovered the poker lifestyle yet /pol/?
I tried it. Not a fan. Cash games are an incredibly dull grind now that everyone knows the metagame so well, and MTTs are hours of waiting around in the hope that you'll win the dozen or so flips you'll likely run into.

I never really tried HUSNGs desu, but I don't have the bankroll to support diving in at the top end.
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This was the case for me, but my brother recently moved out for school and I brought out and cleaned up our old exercise equipment from our shed and turned the room into a small gym.
I think it depends on your race's surrounding environments, i.e. what your forefathers lived in. I have Gaul/Celtic ancesty, these guys were used to the cold/cold water like rain due to their environment. I have literally no trouble getting in and out of cold water. I feel like those of souther european ancestry (greeks/spaniards) might hve a bit more trouble with that since their countries are warmer. Maybe it's because I live in Canada.

nice trash heap
literally - all garbage
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Here's how to lose weight.

I used to work in a prison kitchen, supervising about 10-15 pedophiles, murders, rapists, and one guy who got busted with around thirty kilos of heroin.

Yes, this is in michigan, no, not detroit.

Anyway, i fucked my leg up bad. Numb, burning, itching, all down my right thigh, thought i tore a muscle. Nope, fucked a nerve up. What the doctors were too nice to say, or afraid to say, was that the only reason it happens is because you're fat. Only way to fix it is to be not fat. That fucking simple. No drugs or therapy will fix it. at this point i was around 302 at 6'2", heaviest i've ever been.

I went on a rather amazing diet plan, called the "stop eating so goddamn much" diet. 3 meals a day, 1-2 snacks if you need, portion control (double cheeseburger and fries is not a snack, chubby), lots of water (soda is not water), no eating after 8:00. Ever. It requires an assload of self discipline, and you will be the hungriest motherfucker in the world for about 2-3 weeks. Being a hungry motherfucker means it;s working.

Been doing this for a bit over three months, down to 270 or so, feeling much better, not tired all the time, getting feeling back in my leg. I did nothing extra then just stop eating so goddamn much, and it's worked well. Starting to go on more walks and such as well, but just not eating so goddamn much will make you lose weight.

It is very good and the best thing I've ever done. My plan is to never fap ever again. Will that happen? IDK I've been saying that ever since I started NoFap two years ago. My longest streak ever was 120 days, right now I'm at 30.

The thing is, contrary to some beliefs, you actually do keep gaining benefits. I'll give you a breakdown on what happened during my longest streak. Also, I've had other long streaks as well and the benefits usually matched up to the same days each time.

Day 1 - feel like shit, like my old self after a relapse
Day 3 - this is when I started to begin to get motivated again, energy levels are clearly elevated
Day 8 - start to get that "superpower" feel as well. My personality gets charismatic and interacting with girls is painless
Day 15 (two week mark) - I begin to feel comfortable in any social situation

Day 28 (four week mark) - This always is an interesting milestone. Here is where the "superpowers" become full fledged. I have amazing mental clarity and develop the will to dominate anything and anybody in my path. Unfortunately, this giant surge of testosterone always seems to make me become unglued at times and somewhat erratic. Feelings of disappointment that I'm not doing better at life, anger, blaming ((them)) for screwing me over, etc. Currently at this point on my current streak

Day 63 - Mood begins to mellow out, able to undertake any task without hesitation, low stress etc

Day 90 (only been here once) - This was an interesting time as well. At this point (I'm an avid coffee drinker) I felt like no matter how much I slept, I could jump out of bed and start the day without any coffee whatsoever. Endless energy

Day 120 - the only time I got this far, it was around this point that I started feeling happy and content at all times. No more jealousy or anger just content, yet focused
I started with 10 push ups and 3 chin ups. When I felt like that was easily doable I always increased push ups be 5 and chin ups by 1.
Belly wise I started with 80 sit ups and increased by 10 when it got to easy and with 100 roman twists and increased by 10 (my belly game was pretty decent to begin with).
Just try how much you can realistically do and if that gets to easy increase by a reasonable amount.
Thanks for linking that video. He was an absolutely incredible orator.
Is nofap just a meme. I've been thinking of trying since I haven't been motivated to talk to girls as much as I use to
stupid gypsy scared of a little iron

Yes it's a good starting goal but to what ends? If you put up a almost unreachable life long goal, you will act with a purpose, not to just get by and survive. When you feel like giving up, you will remember your purpose and move on no matter how shitty your life gets. Think of it as something like the star polaris, it's always up there in the night sky so you don't get lost


Don't be silly anon, we all have fears and worries. They are the things in our minds that keep us from fulfilling our wishes. This alone shows just how you need to get to know yourself more. For example do you know why you have social anxiety? I mean the real source of it, not this source's reflections. Nothing is random or by chance

>I'm planning to pursue a career that I enjoy and enables me to do what I want without relying on someone else. The security, power, and freedom of earning a wage is one of the most uplifting experiences I've ever had
>I've ever had

Earning your own money is good but being a wageslave is not the only way to do it. If you don't work at a wage job you love (not like, love), you will get frustrated by it. We are talking about working for 30+ fucking years here. The. same. fucking. shit. every. fucking. day.

Think about it anon
i agree, though i do not play poker online, i set up friend meetings and sometimes they invite new people, i win everytime, I'm thinking of joining pokerstars how are the level of the players? sit n gos are the most profitable, i encourage you to start a poker thread its a very redpilled game for males
Show us what you think is better instead of whining like a fucking faggot.
thats hideous.
does a handjob from your gf count for nofap?
Bumping, this general is actually necessary.

In addition to focusing on physical development this thread should emphasize diet, mental development, spirituality (or whatever the atheist equivalent is), and cultural development (especially for Americans who have no culture).
there is nothing to lose. gonnay try it too, tho the urge to fap back can be painful af
I've been wanting to get into poker the last 5 years. How do I go around learning? I'm a beginner.
Since the year began, I've been limiting myself to one fap per week, to release the sexual tension that has been building up over the week from college and work.

I have a little more energy and I am more confident around women, but that just may be because I imposed this situation on myself and I'm forced to be social to a degree.
your hormones might be related to it, but you have to kill that lazyness don't think oh its just today i'll go to gym/workout tomorrow no problem, don't procrastinate, set up rules and follow them, it may sound silly, but before i workout i check news that i know will piss me off like huffington post or another leftist scum news site, sometimes even 9gag makes me angry i waste that anger at the workout
It's so hard not too, the propaganda is too much for me to handle sometimes.
you can start playing singleplayer games on pc, them go play with other real people cause that changes the difficulty of the game a lot, computer AI gets very basic after a while
I need a recommendation for diet. My diet right now is dreadful and I'm eating shit load of junk food.
Is nofap just a meme. I've been thinking of trying since I haven't been motivated to talk to girls as much as I use to
To wagecucks, how do you fit any workout into your daily activities? I work from 08:00-17:00 and am usually exhausted when I get home I sit in my chair or bed with no energy.

I want to improve my life since I'm still young but I'm really out of shape. I'm cutting soda out, and alcohol out of my life. I want to focus on eating better and to stop relying on buying food, and cut junk food (candy, high sugar foods) intake. I don't know if I should try fixing my sleep schedule and waking up earlier to cook a breakfast. I've thought about it but I can never act on it. It may be good to cut video games out as well and focus on reading more since I stopped since I finished high school 6 years ago. I don't know how to start, I can't afford a gym but I have some weights and a punching bag hand me down. Where do I start improving myself? I want to ensure the survival of my race and pass on my genes.
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lads, any reccs on flag/symbols?

green = the fertile lands of the west
grey = 'Iron', the constant strive for self improvement and strength
white = well..
red = the colour of /pol/, symbolizes the collective strength

Thanks my nordic friend.
>or whatever the atheist equivalent is
ItĀ“s the same, atheist can be quite spiritual but I fell like spiritual development is something that one can only do alone.
oatmeal, eggs, fruit for sugar n vitamins, meat i like fish a lot and it's cheap around here but anything goes, avoid bread and pasta, i literally have no time to cook so i just cook eggs and oatmeal that takes 5min or less to make also fried fish cause baking it takes a lot more time
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I'm not thinking super long term here - I could very easily employ myself after I gain some experience. My skillset is very flexible - I just want to actually go work somewhere first. Once I feel like moving on, I'll go the direction that I feel like.

>we all have fears and worries
No fears, but certainly there are stresses. I'm a financial burden on my family at the moment, which frustrates me. That frustration doesn't motivate me though, it makes me want to lay in bed in despair. As for the social anxiety, it's mostly an issue of vanity - the longer I stay in without going somewhere, the less social skills I have in public. It's like pic related. The anxiety mostly goes away if I'm in public often, so I'm not really concerned about that.
Push ups: 10
Chin ups: 0
Sit ups: 20
Jogging distance: can jog decently far, like 5km but never pushed myself
Books per month: 1ish
Articles/journals/essays per week: about 10 probably less most weeks
Hobbies/Interests: I'm a musician/ guitarist by trade, hiking
How do you deal with Authority: Not well in the past, haven't had to deal with much authority since school
How do you deal with Leadership: Pretty I think - I'm not a good leader though

I'm assuming that I'm probably not cut out
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You have to beat yourself up. You've probably been doing it anyway, just use it to an advantage. Be the bully who made you feel bad for being a piglet in the first place.

You are not hungry, you're bored. Play something, move around, clean, drink some water. You're not hungry, you're bored.

You're hungry? Good. A little hunger is good. You want a snack? No, big boy, a roast beef sandwich and cole slaw is not a snack. By the same token, a large pizza is not a meal, it's several. If you wanna eat junk, fine, but it's not gonna work as well. Don't feel like cooking? Buy a rice cooker with a steamer basket. Fill with two cups rice, four cups water. get some frozen veggies and some chicken breast. Put 1-2 chicken breasts and some veggies in the steam basket. put on the lid. Press the button. when it clicks, you have food. Wanna get fancy, maranate your chicken.

The magic of this whole process is that there's no excuses or cheating. all the diets and programs and systems are a work-around for not having will and discipline. Which is why they don't work. Take your goddam life in your hands and stop eating so goddamn much, and you won't be as fat. If you expect someone or something to do it for you, then just like the pudgy piglet you probably were, you're gonna relapse the second you get the chance.

Yes, cake is tasty. Is it better then buying pants in a regular store? if so, then eat up. Yes, you could indeed eat nearly all of that large triple meat pizza. That, or go up a flight of stairs without losing your breath. It's all about which you would rather have.

B-but i can't do that!

Then you're going to be at the mercy of your base urges, plain and simple. self-discipline is the ONLY way, anything else is a band-aid, and just as easily removed once it wears out. Nobody is going to do it for you...if you depend on a doctor, a guru, friends or family to help bear you up...then you're not going to succeed anyway.
The lightning looks bad. Keep the three main colours, make a red banner on the side or something with a Swastika or some other fashy symbolism.
No. but if you doing hardmode (90 days) it does count.
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any programmers here?
I had an idea of sorts, we make a website, something simple using Flask or whatever and a chrome extension that does nothing more but report the [ANTI-TRUMP] activity to that website.

So let's say you're in a twitter coversation, you just click the extension, it reports the [ANTI-TRUMP] activity and it's immediately displayed on the website. There, the users looking at the website can go to that twitter conversation to [CLEAR THE RECORD] about Trump.

And so on. Could be a good way to organize our memetic efforts tbqh
i get you i remember before i got in the army i worked a regular job i got home at 6pm literally just wanting to sit down and not do anything, but that changed i got in the army in the first months i got to bed after a day running and working out and learning in classes i literally passed out slept like a rock, after a few months i got used to it and i always sleep like a baby

kek, it's up to you my friend. Honestly, any thing from a partner doesn't count neither does wet dreams. One of the main points is to develop a relationship with a girl. The only thing IMO is intentionally masturbating solo

It's not a meme. Think of it as a defragmentation process of a HDD but in your brain.
good to know, thanks guys
i was always worried it would end my streak
Maybe a Bot? Are you using a key-word dictionary? What happens when someone says something sarcastically?
you're a regular person maybe a lil bit weak, work on those chin ups/pull ups, being able to lift your own weight is important in many scenarios specially survival.
Thanks mate. I've been eating quite a bit of pasta recently so I'm going to cut that out straight away.
10 push-ups?
Fuck, I can do that right now
How long did it take for you personally to notice a difference? Just trying to put things into perspective so I can try to make a plan of sorts
Thanks germanbro, I'm gonna start now I guess
Don't do this. Go for a 30 minute run and start a well rounded strength routine.

Former wagecuck here, I would just wake up before it's time to go to work. Simple. Actually had a friend ask me this pretty recently.

Although you are going to have to eat pretty healthy to have the energy to do this. Basically if I had to be at work by 8:00 a.m., I'd wake up at 5 or 5:30 so I could drive to the gym and back. Whatever it takes bro. Sure it might suck at first but you'll get used to it. I wasn't about to let some Jew CEO keep me from something as important as fitness
Spiritual development can be done as a group but the most effective way is alone. Still turning to a place like this for tips on fasting, meditation, and other ways to develop a sense of spirituality can be very useful for a well rounded man.
Try not to eat anything with more than five ingredients.
I can confirm that getting angry is a good way to motivate yourself for a workout - bonus points if you like to destroy things in rage :^)

Meat and vegetables! Other kinds of food are rewards that you can enjoy once in a while. Make sure to vary the vegetables and eat a lot of them! (i.e., don't rely on green beans, try something you might not like)

My old workplace had a gym there, so most people would work out after work.
i love oatmeal, here in Brazil we eat a lot of rice in everymeal, i cut that out and started eating oatmeal only, it stays in you stomach longer it reduces your hunger through out the day also rich in protein and fiber will fix you up in no time
>things that never happened
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no, I meant as in /pol/acks install the extension and then whenever they come across anything [ANTI-TRUMP] on the net (anywhere, youtube, reddit, twitter even 4chan) then they just click the extension to report it and then other people see that on the site and come to [CORRECT THE RECORD].

I think it would be too complex to make a bot go through the conversations and search for anti-trump sentiments. I don't know where to even begin with that? Machine Learning?

But it would be simple to make a bot that just tweets in #Trump and #Hillary related hashtags pro trump sentiments.
lads I can imagine something similar to the lower-echelon Freemasons forming here

constant self improvement is a pivotal role in the collectivization of us, it also gives a basis for the movement as a whole to work on and help each-other

what's needed is more communication, 4chan is great, but ultimately impossible to make any real connection


I have to disagree here. It depends what kind of spirituality you are looking for. Christian? Buddhist?

I am an Orthodox Christian and there's no way I would be well spiritually developed without having a spiritual father to confide in. Even the monks at the monasteries have a spiritual guide.

But yes, other than talking to a spiritual father, it is best to be alone to pray and inwardly reflect

These threads are great, I agree. Nowadays these are the only ones I even respond to on 4chan.

All these others divide and conquer threads like the "Why aren't you married yet???" are poison.
How many days are you on now and how many often do you ejaculate with a partner?
i agree, when i was younger i wanted to do everything by myself without helping anyone, the i realized that real happiness is the one you can share with others, helping other people to be great again should be mandatory in this board, all i see here is hate towards people with the same mindset and beliefs, we should unite
Tai Chi is ace.
Active meditation with profound effects on CV health.
If OP is around add, The Harvard Medical Guide to Tai Chi to the reading list
Nobody ever do this. Four in the hand or half windsor. Full windsor can be considered if you're fat.
You could use a discord, and even make separate parts dedicated to different ways of improvement. (Literature, spiritual, physical, etc) Of course weed out those who are there to mess around or just be negative.
Start by tracking your time in a little notebook. Write down all you do for a few days. You'll quickly see what you waste your time on. Your problem isn't work, it's probably efficacy or video games.
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I'm pushing through but every day is a struggle.
Great. To notice a difference? Hard to say, I was pretty skinny at the beginning (total skeletor mode) and I never really gained a lot, it was a very slow but steady process.
I realized that IĀ“m no longer the spooky scary skeleton after half a year (I was and still am pretty thin) when a girl in bar made moves on me. I never got a compliment for my body ever before, that was a strange experience.
But you still shouldnĀ“t just do it for the looks, for me the best part was to be able to lift heavy stuff and to feel like I could achieve something.
You both have good points, I personally feel like I grew the most when I had wise people around me to talk with but also time to just be with myself.
A strong general. We all use 4chan, and we seek self improvement.
Iron pill general?
How to win friends and influence people
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Really liking these threads, it's so easy to go your entire life without knowing some little bit of info that could improve it drastically.

Every man should learn the very basics of economics, i recommend "How an economy grows and why it crashes" - can read it in a few hours

My question is: does religion (whether you believe it all or not) help with motivation, confidence or generally improve you in any way??

I think I'd like to get into Protestantism considering its historical success
Keep it on the chans. Skype groups degenerate into drama and circle jerks.
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let's make a /pol/ discord server?

A guide and mentor can always be helpful, I am Greek Orthodox and totally understand the perspective you are coming from.

At the end of the day the best way to develop a healthy spiritual life varies from person to person, some seek the company of a congregation of believers, some seek the gods of their ancestors, some see spirituality and the body linked and practice yoga or tai chi, and some seek spiritual enlightenment within themselves.

This thread can help with spiritual development by offering guidance to those that don't know where to begin, whether christian, pagan, buddhist or atheist (Muslims probably shouldn't bother).
If people are interested I could make one. It would be good to be in contact with those striving towards the same goal.
it would be great to each learn from eachother, I assume many of us already do pick up articles posted, essays, videos and movies recommended and such.

But it's because of the anonymity that the chances of recognizable improvement are slim and disheartening, it'll be a worth while cause to collectivize so as to have something to work from. To see that we as a group are improving.

It could start off as simply an online presence, a community like /pol/, of people from other boards and such who join the group to better themselves, then, in turn, help better others and new comers better themself. The difference being that each other is identifiable, likely with an alias.

/pol/ is a chaotic mass of a new power, look at what it's achieved already, without planning or cohesion, imagine what could be done once the laggards are weeded out and the willing are improved to become better, more communicative men

maybe I've just been reading too much Mosely
I'm a pagan (Greek pantheon) so plenty of my gods are pretty much emblems of perfection in body and mind. There is no glory in weakness.

I already made it
what is a discord senpai
I think it can be beneficial but I also donĀ“t feel like I could get "into" it.
I canĀ“t just start to believe, I canĀ“t just throw my whole worldview willingly out the window, I canĀ“t lie to myself on purpose.
Being a spiritual atheist/agnostic can provide you with the same benefits I guess.
has it helped though? can you compare a non pagan you and you you and see an improvement (I agree there is no glory in weakness but does religion help)
it's like an IRC but not ugly

you just make an account and talk in chatrooms https://discord.gg/BW3Ym
Politics and Self Improvement general
Segmented topics and leaving 4chan would lead to less users and less traction.
Christianity definitely can help with your struggling in life, but it's a two-way thing, you have to dedicate yourself too.
Not a meme. I found it very helpful when i was overcoming depression
>tfw went from 120 lbs to 138 lbs

I can actually talk to people without stuttering now.

kill yourself edgelord
Self improvement is edgy now?
what a disgusting elbow

>Books per month: 5-10

I dedicate my efforts to a certain god that resonates with it (studying and reading philosophy goes to Athena, if I were going to the gun range I'd dedicate it to Ares, gym-stuff for Apollo). It helps me to strive to be the best at what I do, because I'm not just doing this for myself. I want to offer up something that costed me effort to a deity. Half assing it would be an insult. I can't be the greatest at everything but the main point is the effort, and it helps me push myself a bit harder.
I am a mathematician living in the US. I am a really good poker player and used to play a lot online.

A few years ago they took away all the options I had for playing poker and made it more or less illegal.

Where can Americans play?
>I'm not like the other girls!!!
>drops weight on foot
Most books are only a hundred or so pages. Pretty easy to read that in a day
I really read a lot and also quite fast, it starts to fuck with my sleeping habits. Also>>86527354
ItĀ“s not like IĀ“m reading the bible 5-10 times.
Not a meme. The most important skill you develop is stabilizing your moods and being able to snap out of a thought.
>Not reading the bible every day.
Flexibility is key, but here are some general guidelines:
1) Gotta get your body right, first. Regular exercise of whatever form, strict proper nutrition (eat what your ancestors ate, ignoring the mass produced filth your parents might have been tricked into eating, AND NO CHEAT DAYS as even one day of preservative-laden dreck can ruin your gut flora for a lon enough period of time to fall back into a rut), and break your bodily vices (if you like to intoxicate yourself, which can have ritual and mental benefits, do so on special occasions only, and never by yourself) one of which is regular masturbation.
2) Give your mind TOOLS. Whatever promotes your ability to solve general problems: meditation for detachment from emotional traps and presence of mind, calculus and m.v. calculus in the vein of an analysis course (eg. Spivak's texts) as well as linear algebra to understand mathematical proof and for use in a broad range of disciplines, statistics for a rigorous understanding of real world problems, and computation are where I'd start, but really studying most disciplines properly will allow you to see the benefits of abstraction as well as its fundamental limits, when only trial and error can be applied.
3) ohhshiiieeet why the fuck am I wasting my time on 4chan again

That seems really bad for the back.
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>does religion (whether you believe it all or not) help with motivation, confidence or generally improve you in any way?
As long as you can find a based church then it serves as a good supportive community as well as a place to find friends and a potential future wife.

>I think I'd like to get into Protestantism considering its historical success
You probably want to find a church that's KJV-only, then. Reading the Bible for yourself will help you spot out the deceivers, frauds and equalists. The based preachers aren't scared to preach from the OT or condemn homosexuality, while the shit ones stick to their favourite gospel stories if they touch the Bible at all. You're looking for lovers of traditional British moral values, not progressives.

Best of luck in your search.
The older generatsion grew up on reading, nothing else to do (1 tv channel, no internet) Reading a book a day was normal, so 5-10 month is easily achievable
there an iron pill for on-set schizophrenia?
Not fapping is very good

Don't fall into the trap that all you need to succeed is no fap though. Nofap should be a side dish to you self improvement efforts. Don't center your journey around no touching yourself.
>using discord over irc
>self improvement
you never gonna make it
It's dangerous and more likely to hurt something (back, smashed foot) than help anything.
i agree we should stick to 4chan it's easy to use brings more people far reach
just b urself ;)
Orthodox, Catholic or Protestant? Which one do you recommend?
I only suggested it since it's easier to communicate, it also keeps a lot of shitposting out since people are easily accountable for their own posts. Though having threads dedicated is also good to bring people into a state of wellbeing.
new bread when?
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that is funny
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I found this on a pervious post
Hope this helps
OP here, I just went back from the gym

I've got a shitload of link and image to compile for new thread
Avoid processed shit mainly

Here's what I've been eating lately someone pls let me know if it's alright

Breakfast: generic organic oat square cereal and milk topped with strawberries

Snack: about 12 almonds unsalted

Lunch: whole weather tortilla with chicken or tuna mixed with cottage cheese, cherry tomato, green pepper, dill weed and pepper

Snack: Greek yogurt

Lunch: a chilli. Canned kidney beans and diced tomato, mushrooms, green red and jalapeƱo peppers, Onion, Garlic, chilli powder, chicken, and chili powder

Snack: apple

I think I need more vegetables desu
>still lifting pretty little barbells
>not strongman training.
>have fun being aesthetic boy.

It's like you hate actual strength.
Generally if you have to ask if you need more vegetables, you probably do. Your diet depends on your needs, but yours looks alright to me.

more protein
>working out?
more protein
>losing weight?
avoid a low fat diet, count calories instead

chicken breast is a meme
Fug one of my biggest fears since I had a panic attack and anxiety for the first time.

What are you experiencing anon? How do you know your in onset mode?
>Orthodox, Catholic or Protestant?
That matters less than which Bible they're preaching from, how they're preaching from it, and what the community themselves believe, and the easiest way to find those details out is to go visit the church yourself.

Protestant churches are some of the best and also some of the worst around. They can vary wildly in quality, and because the movement is based on sola scriptura the it's especially true for Protestant churches that the version of Bible they preach from can be a huge red flag. Orthodox churches I have no real experience with. Catholicism is something I have a hard time recommending when Pope Francis exists, but some Catholics seem quite based in spite of their pope.

But, as I said those distinctions ultimately matter little compared to whether or not the Christians in them are traditionalists and nationalists, or heretical.

Working to be 10!
Working out somewhat. usually an hour of cardio 5 days a week and 20ish mins of lifting. Not high weight mind you

Weight loss is my main goal here
Well I did a new OP quickly, should I change the name of the general ? if so, any idea ?
6 max cash is fine. full ring is terrible obv.

MTTs are a lot deeper than that imo, and losing flips isn't even that big of a deal. but yes it does suck losing KK to JJ with 17 left for 100 BBs, like just happened.

don't just jump into it. i'd start with $3.50s and move up quickly. you can start with like $50 and see if you like it at those levels. if you're losing more than winning at low stakes heads up it is time to reassess skills.

if you win every time, you might as well try it out.

poker stars is definitely challenging as there are many regulars. the less known the site, the more fish.

but this also usually means the site has software that sucks.

and the games have hardened ever since Black Friday. soft games from 2005-2010 are a distant memory.

i agree on the redpilled portion.

Harrington on Hold'Em for very basic concepts. (outdated)

A book on poker math (Very important to understand)

The Mental Game Of Poker: Proven Strategies For Improving Tilt Control, Confidence, Motivation, Coping With Variance, And More

Go to 2p2 (Two Plus Two Forums)

Play A LOT. Hundreds of thousands of hands.

It really depends on if you plan on playing cash or tournaments.

Play in real life.

Bovada was an option but recently got bought so I don't really know the status. Then there's also: BetOnline, America's CardRoom, Black Chip.

Also if you live in NJ you can play on Poker Stars. A few other states are now legal too.

Most of my US poker friends have relocated to Mexico or Canada for years now though.

The real tournaments and cash games are only available on non-US sites at this point.

>lifting, male
Definitely fit some more meat into your diet. You're probably hungry all of the time. Don't be afraid of fatty meat, either.

Just make sure you're hitting your calorie target and you'll be fine as far as weight loss goes.

current name is fine
id say you're fine leaf.
i rarely have any anxiety, if anything im freakishly over confident and a general freak, im positive all my co workers know there's something wrong with me. anyway, look out for visual hallucinations, i dont have anything auditory, ive had static like pic related over my vision for as long as i can remember and getting older that static morphs and changes things. used to be just random shapes or bullshit like that, but idk i see all sorts of things, people sitting in cars that arent moving and no ones actually there. trees turning into shadowy figures, idk weird shit that's impossible to describe. point is unless you are having at least visual hallucinations constantly, and i mean all day everyday and probably have some thoughts and beliefs that arent exactly the norm, id say you're fine
I ride my bicycle through heavy traffic every day in two sessions of 45 minutes. Feels good and challenges the mind.

>brake and weave to avoid idiot mother using stroller to get right of way
>blunder past idiot pedestrian
>10 seconds later
>almost get hit by two ladies on a scooter who wanted to overtake and don't know how to traffic
>scooter crashes because braking and turning on the descending bit of a wet bridge
>tfw the driver and her passenger made themselves a double Dutch sandwich between the scooter and the asphalt
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