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How come Asians can't help but stab and hammer eachother?

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How come Asians can't help but stab and hammer eachother?

Seems like every other week theres a mass stabbing or some shit. Are gooks really this uncivilised?
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Another unprovoked stabbing.
>spitting sunflower seeds on the ground in public

c'mon man
Is that a fucking hammer? What the hell.
wait eating in public is dishonorabru?
Is the hammerman some sort of authority figure?

Imperial Train Guardian?

why the fuck is he wearing armor
I guess it's better than a mass shooting every other week. Sigh...
Haha is that the gook thor episode? Serves the sunflower faggot right.
this is actually a fake video. a group of Japanese students did it to demonstrate against the rising far right in Japan. all fake
I honestly don't know why /pol/ likes gooks. They're literally ants. Fuck them honestly. White people are the only people of worth. The only success story of the humans. We'll never be able to go into space if we have to deal with all these fucking insects and chimps.
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Like everyone else they are to cowardly to look at real problems so they vent on targets they can
japs are fucking nuts man.
the funny thing is the same day as sandy hook shooting some chink stabbed a bunch of elementary school kids.

false flags to the max. keep banning guns tho! maybe trucks knives and axes too.

does london still require 18+ id to purchase a spoon?
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How fucking autistic are chinks? Sperging out because someone is eating seeds on a metro? Holy shit.
>in b4 but finlan you are asian
what the fuck is wrong with chinks?
no looked like the victim got the redemption there.
This has to be the least manly fight I've ever seen.
Start shit, get stabbed. Seems fair.

Fuck off. Troublemakers reap what they sow.
Is he going to be ok?
This. Guy deserved it. "Spit a seed and you will bleed."
Good thing he JUST bought the knife he pulled out of his shopping bag.
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You faggots will believe anything.
did he die?
Jap's and chinks are uncivilized just look at them stabbing eachother eating dogs and cats. What a bunch of slanted eyed pieces of utter dog shit they are!
>it literally was just a prank bro
>that armor
i don't have pictures here but... didn't SAM HYDE wear something similar? is it HIM?
It's all fucking China. Been to Korea and heard about Japan, it's a lot better than what you think of as all of Asia.
What the fuck is that guy wearing?
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god damnit.

I was hoping someone got some STREET JUSTICE
They're like 9
That's what you get for chewing seeds on the train, you chinknigger!
totally deserved '
if anything this is what real civilization is.
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>all those fucking attack occurrences from China and Chinese-speaking countries
At least with Chink girls they will always swallow and ask for more.
honestly is there a better way to solve this kind of problem? that idiot would never ever learn as they tried to talk to him and he clearly just didn't care, best solution imo no amount of talking or therapy can do what that gook did in about 10 seconds and instantly solve the problem of a rude dipshit on a train
Gooks do not have what we think of as a society. They have very close families and then the vaccuum of space. They understand no real social obligations outside of family.
that made me hard
>not a single "fuck you" after being hit with the hammer

what a faux-badass, he could've been a legend
The true masterrace
to translate for the rest of the world. when he says asians he means indians and pakis.
Essentially this. Although it's best if you have a proper, respected police force to do the job.
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damn. wonder what would have happened if he had a subway foot long
> April 1980, in Los Angeles, USA, a boy, eight years old, who returned home late from school angered his father because he was late. His penis was then sliced off and flushed by his father down a toilet.
what the fuck america

why does this make me laugh haha

Holy fuck chinese look like aliens...
It's funny how easy it is to bait /pol/. Yes, there's people that are dressed up like fucking Genghis Khan on subways wielding hammers.
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> Guy eats seeds on subway.
> Guy insults other guy.
> Suprised when the situation escalates to violence.

This should be how we handle public transportation in general.
Someone has the webm of the guy just just causually walking up to another user in an internet cafe and slits his throats?
This was crazy.
this is fucking china

china is literally subhuman
What the hell was he wearing?
The cunt deserved it, fuck these people. It's the beginning of the downfall when you start tolerating shit like this.
>Yes, there's people that are dressed up like fucking Genghis Khan on subways wielding hammers.

That would be fucking awesome though
>spitting in the train is rude in japan
but farting on the table is ok, it's rude to leave, or is that a meme?
don't eat dogs or cats ffs?

However, chinese are discusting
>eat cats
>eats dogs
>eats sparrows (yeah wonder why there hardly are any left?.... choina... they wander there and they started eating them... not kidding... they were everywhere here, now all almost gone, have not seen 1 this year....)
>eats everything that is disgusting
+1 driving animals to extingtion "for medicine", but it pisses of libtards so me like (norse, visting)
>they are degenerates
>spit, gorge, hideous sounds
>makes a total mess after them selves
>shits everywhere
cuz commie slave has to come and god damn clean up

ugh my father was there when they started selling us out, starting up factories for they goys here.... he had no words..
Nobody spoke any western language then
So order soup
and a fucking frog head pops up
>I am not kidding

>No Tall Asians

Come on, leave the manlet race alone. We'll breed it out of them eventually.

(Living in Vancouver. White and 6'5". Muh dick.)
how does it not sucker onto their throat and kill them?
Totes bait
Muh mucus membrane
bet he thought twice before showing up late from school ever again, tho.
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and since they all look the same the cops will never find the killer even with video footage >_>
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so that's why there's sfm vore porn. Asians.
Thats fucking sick.

That's not even alive.
Looked like self defense to me to be honest family. Kid with the knife did nothing wrong.
They can't have guns so their subway guards I guess you call them enforcers use hammer or baton, that wierd foil shit is to protect them its a strange place..

Yes they are pretty much the subway police
The guy who got stabbed was a bully. The other kid had enough of his shit and so he came prepared. It was just.
soulless gook fucks just sit around with their thumb up their asses, nobody bothering to help the man and try to stop his bleeding
It's fake. Look it up.
So you're telling me the seed-spitters continue to go unpunished?
No, he has realised the errors of his way and is now another noble subway vigilante
Pretty sure this was staged for a publicity stunt for sunflowers if i remember right, the guy in gold armor is the mascot.
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>Gooks stab each other every other week
This shows the connection
I thought it was the warrior spirit of discipline who will hammer it into those who lack discipline.
>All these guys getting their dicks chopped off by their wives for cheating

To be honest I don't feel bad for the guys, I guess the woman equivalent would be throwing acid to the face. I think I'm turning mudslime /pol/ help.
He got what was coming to him. Based hammerman. Wasn't unprovoked.
>Yes, there's people that are dressed up like fucking Genghis Khan on subways wielding hammers.

At this point I suppose we should be asking why there aren't.
>tfw no hammurai on my public transportation
Reminder that we have higher IQ than you whites.
is he just unconcious? why is nobody helping him? Why did he chase him after getting a few stabs in?

He only seems to have 3 large stabwounds I doubt that would kill him unless he bleed out but there's not much blood.
They need to ban knifes
>no hammurabi in my babylon
Living is suffering
>why is nobody helping him?
because asians have no empathy
>Why did he chase him after getting a few stabs in?
because asians have no empathy

Literally talk shit get hit the webm.
Only samurai may do it
/pol/s are just a bunch of man-children who would believe any obvious bait or shill. They are the nignogs of internet.
>pol believes people
get killed for nothing in third world countries

How odd, wonder where we got that impression from.
is that a fucking power ranger?
>White people are the only people of worth.
false. there are plenty of white equivalents of niggers
>1 case
>all the time
pick 1

Can you get a graph that is normalized per 100k population, and not this stupid graph?
Asians are literally degenerate.

Go find some of those videos where they just have a camera and walk through big cities like Tokyo. Observe how many of the Japanese walk, especially the women.

The majority of them are bow-legged, knock-kneed, pigdeon-toed, or any number of other deformities. Three fourths of every female you see walks funny, and at least half of the males do.

This is what happens when your genetics are inbred mongoloid. To this day they commit some of the worst human rights travesties on the planet, on par or worse than Muslims.
Still, no other country would compete.
fucking based
>US has a lot higher population than nearly all those countries
>Mexico, India, and Brazil most likely don't track and report deaths like Americans do
This one's a gem, lads.
Uncommon fag

That font they use for the clock is the same one you see in a BIOS menu.
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>post yfw not chinese
No, but I think they're working on legislating a law that requires immigrants to pass a background check when purchasing forks
Little faggot had it coming
someone already pointed out its fake. Read the thread retard
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I hope they enjoyed the opium.
I'm not a doctor but I'm pretty sure that dude isn't going to be okay
not so uncommon, many luxs come solely to shitpost on /pol/
I'm certain this is because of our superior justice system and detective work. I would be interested to see how many cold cases exist in all of those other countries compared to ours.
How the fuck did that guy manage to stand up near the end?

Someone actually posted the info on this, not sure if the dude survived. The stabby chink did it because his wife slept with stabbed chink I think.


He forgot that he left the rice steamer on.
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Asians lack empathy a permeated trait of altruism. There mass numbers of breeding demoralized the status quo of inherent care. Obviously the Chinese.
Random knife stabs don't do as much damage as you'd think. What really gets you is the blood loss and since he is running on pure adrenaline, he is able to keep moving to attempt to get away from danger.
If paramedics didn't arrive within 5 minutes then he died.

Fuck. Me.
what's the backstory?
those arent japanese you retard
Damn. Asian countries have badass subway security.
Being an asian must be the most depressing thing ever. They look so soulless.
We are sociopaths
>why is nobody helping him?
In Chinkland you become responsible for someone's medical bills if you get involved. So that's why no one ever gets involved, and if they are involved, they try to finish off the other person because it's cheaper.

>Why did he chase him after getting a few stabs in?
Because he wanted to get back at the guy who had been bullying him by beating the shit out of him every single day for who knows how long.

Probably rage over losing a match in some game
thanks, just crazy
fake hammer
Apparently this has killed people before, but it's rare.
She is so hawt
Subway centurion.

He trew the nut shells on the floor dirty Fin. This is not acceptable.
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> strict as fuck society, ancestor worshipping, shame-oriented social punishment, governments are literally ON the line between modern civilized and "kill the countries that neighbor our own, rape and pillage"
> massive over-population, population density, and worst of all, 'hours of work for quality of life' issues
i'm honestly surprised more people arn't breaking down to even worse levels of violence; lifestyles like this arn't sustainable, and if the population had guns there'd be an over-night change in government (and population) at all levels of society.

> imagine if you imported people with impulse control issues who get violent at the drop of a hat, to a similar density of population
Holy fuck I'm wearing a turtleneck with a kevlar/stab-proof collar from now on.
Oh shit, chinks have train samurai now too?
yeah he was a dick but he doesnt deserve to have his skull smashed in
that hat is one of those old korean hats. cant you tell gooks apart?
they literally have no souls. without oppressive societies they're worse than niggers, spics, and muslims combined

At least post a good example, like that one guy on the subway who randomly started trying to cannibalize some old guy.
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>lower population than america
>reporting their crime
>having competent law enforcement
> nearly all
Lmao triggered chink detected
I read that the guy who got his throat cut had jumped the guy with the knife and kicked his ass earlier that day. could be bullshit though
no im annoyed by your shear retardation.
Stinky chink go eat some rhino horn for your micro benis
mada mada
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are you gook american?
Playing Starcraft in an Asian internet arcade is like walking through the hood in Chicago.
nope i'm italian/dutch. are you a white expat?
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lmao'ing at that goofy walk at the end
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>this uncivilised?

You mean stamping out degenerate behavior?
fuck off OP.
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Its impossible to compare serial killers in America to any other country. Or even murders in America to anywhere else.

This is because the way American authorities record and report murder is vastly different than most countries. If, for example, an unidentified body is found in the US washed up on a river bank its declared a homicide if there is any reasonable doubt that there is foul play. This is recorded as homicide, regardless of conviction or even justification, by the local PD and then later collected and complied by the FBI in the annual Uniform Crime Report. The Bureau of Justice Statistics then analyses this data, publishes it, and fact checks it under the National Crime Victimization Survey, a in-person interview of 90000 randomly selected American citizens over the types of violent crime that they or someone they know has experienced. This data is then complied and used to check the rates of reported crime for racial bias or under-reporting; consistently the the UCR data and the survey match to within one percent.

Now this sounds rather reasonable and logical and... common sense, right? Well many countries do NOT use this model, ESPECIALLY Europe. The best example is the United Kingdom; murder rates are recorded by the Home Office BY THE CONVICTION OF A MURDERER. No conviction = no homicide, and in the case of many serial killers their murder counts are thus vastly under-reported because often only a couple of their murders are used in sentencing to make charges "stick". Additionally, murder charges are only tallied in the year the murder was convicted, meaning the murder rate of a given year has absolutely no bearing on the actual number of murders in that year.

For this reason, the supposedly "safe" UK (or Germany, or France, both of which also use this system) actually has a murder rate that could be HIGHER than the USA, with estimates of real British violent crime/murder rate up to 5 times higher than the current recorded numbers.
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Lets be honest we've all been there senpai.
>"You wot m8, you just stob me in the head with a knife m8. You shuda binned that, now I'm cumin to get ya"
That chart should say sexiest serial killers by country. Just ask Charles Manson I believe? I could be wrong with that name, but I'm thinking of the charismatic guys who faked injuries to murder women, escaped from jail, then got married three times in jail.

Yeah if we start counting all the bodies that are clogging up the Thames then the UK is going to be the murder capital of the world.
I lost all empathy for the fucker when he tried to GO UP THE FUCKING STAIRS AGAIN.
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Who here shops at hot topic?

I understand none of this.
Did it even penetrate the skull
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>hiding behind a pillow when someone draws a pistol

literally the most pathetic thing I've ever seen, not that I've not seen it before, I just feel the need to point it out how much of a stupid slut that bitch must've been.
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The fuck was he doing? Fucking slow acting gooks.

I remember last time this was posted someone explained that it was staged.
story behind webem?
poor guy was late with the chinese food delivery
Felt good watching this.
Fuck you, you're a weeaboo or a nigger.

I've seen hammer attack videos before so it's not a stretch.

3 guys 1 hammer, russian ns beating a guy in a subway car etc...

go kill yourself.
that does it we need to ban guns now
irl telletubbies
tfw chinese
>Imperial Train Guardian

top kek
>when they say GG but it wasnt GG
For some reason that not only didn't disgust me but also gave me hunger.

>Little faggot had it coming

whoaaaaaaaaaaaaaa WHOAAAAAAAAAAA look at how HEARTLESS you are, damn, DAMN MAN, you fucking SCARE me. dude I don't even want to be on the same website with you, you're fucking NUTS.
Maphacks on Dota, Its serious man my brother died that way
this is so fucking retarded
>dont chew seeds on the train you make a mess
>im now going to hit you with a hammer for making a mess
>train is now covered in blood
>did you learn not to make a mess?!
Is not a mess if it's your enemy's blood.
>You faggots will believe anything.
So how would we know they didn't just hug it out and took the picture? mr believe everything
>unprovoked stabbing
>this is what crumpets actually believe
It still a bitch way to get back at him
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Not even that unlikely, my cousin got fucked up by a guy with a pipe after kicking his ass earlier in the day
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Because it's literally been their culture for over 3k years
You have to remember that they didn't industrialize until well into the 20th century and even during WW2 they had changed almost insignificantly.
To them gun violence might as well not exist anyway because why do that when you can do it the old fashion way that your ancestors have been doing for as long as there has been empires?
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The man was wearing a traditional magistrate's hat and fucking bamboo body armor and the question you have is why is he carrying around a hammer?
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Trust nothing

why this security guard so angry
She chewed it...

Also why do all asian girls like to eat tentacles? Fuck I've caught my ex watching tentacle anime porn, what the fuck is up with them and tentacles?
>nobody bothering to help the man and try to stop his bleeding
In most asian countries if you help the person you become legally responsible for them
Now think about what all that would entail
There's a reason you see so many videos of people just ignoring people who get killed
>They're literally ants
So is everyone else who lives in a city with a decent sized population you nonce
>Gun control
This is what happens when you ban guns.
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>that hat
>that armor
>the faggot getting tuned with a hammer

this is the greatest thing ive ever watched, thank you anon
Ever see old fertility dolls? They are covered in tits. So tentacles is like a bunch of dicks.

It is sexy to think about a bunch of perfect dicks there to breed you. Those don't get tired and they push you past your limits.

Like male porn with bunch of greased up thicc women. Or AmPm too much good stuff
How did this chink get a gun?
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Real talk though, East Asia seems to breed nothing but filth. China is filled with insane fuckers like these, and Japan is an anime filled cesspool.

How do we fix East Asia?
>It's funny how easy it is to bait /pol/.
This holy shit, there's no end to the lies I can easily convince /pol/ to believe about Japan. I'll post once to a thread and they'll swallow any nonsense I make up, and I can come back a week later and see it still being relayed by dozens of people as if it's the absolute truth. We don't even have boards this gullible on 2ch.
its from arrested development :^)
hahaha wtf
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This video is staged. And in reality, nobody would ever stop someone from spitting seeds on the subway in China.
>he doesn't eat his food while it still breaths

Even the ones in non asian countries are mostly by asians.
you should look up the dictionary the definition of "unprovoked" you illiterate fuck
She's obviously never eaten one before. Also, dem tits.
Who the fuck is the anime looking subway defender? One Swing Man?
That's called a hit
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>that death rattle at the end
fuck you /pol/ now i wont sleep
Dude still trying to reason with stabber after all that.
He does
why do you think brits have bad teeth? every race got raped to inbreeding and mutations. Genghis Khan and his mongols were just one of the best at it
not one of the best...was the best
humans hurt each other in various cultures, in asia and england its knives, in america its guns

Well that'll learn him
Micro penises lead to over aggression.
Yeah that may have been a slight overreaction to someone eating some seeds on the metro...
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what did he mean by this?
you see a huge amount of stabs and no one is dead, is hard kill a human

A hit to the lung will kill you pretty quickly, let alone 30

Fuck that spoiled shit spitting all over the subway. He deserved it.
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ayyy lmao
this is china though, they are fucked.
i would try this, if you wouldn't you are a craven

Westernized gook gets dominated for being disrespectful. I wish our police would act like this.
was that a super hero?
>Asian judge dredd
This is why I wear kevlar lined undershirts when out in large cities.
Because they don't have guns.
Or freedom, for that matter.
>>83518240 How fucking cucked are you! Unprovoked my ass. Once you are assaulted, its self defence from there outwards.

he ded ;_;

>The victim, Guo Xianghu, had reportedly gotten into a dispute with the suspect, surnamed Lei, in a KTV bar just below the web cafe.
>Lei ran to a department store to purchase two knives before entering the internet cafe, where Guo had been using a computer. Surveillance footage shows as the suspect, dressed in a white shirt and black pants, walked up to an unsuspecting Guo with a knife behind his back.
>"The victim's friends didn't succeed in chasing the suspect, but the police came quickly," staff from a neighborhood store told reporters. "The boy lost too much blood and [rescuers] couldn't help."
eat seeds. get hit.
Asians have been killing each other for centuries, violence is in all of their DNA
That would only protect you against slashing attacks.
Not piercing/stabbing attacks.
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This is actually a proper and functional society that enforces good standards and etiquette.

Too punish unsocial behaviour in such a beautiful way is fantastic.

Imagine if every nigger in America was kept in check and not allowed to run around like feral dogs in the lawless cities?
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Not the same chink. The guy who got hammered has sideburns.
>going as Hamurai and Seed Spittah for Halloween
I never knew how much I wanted this until now

the video is fake you dumb cunt, jesus christ
>being this sheltered

It's not just blood loss you die out from. If you are stabbed in the chest you can suffocate because the seal around your lungs due to your ribcage is gone. You can't breath, and even a small puncture can do that to you.
>not eating animals alive
anti asian propaganda brought to you by the Illuminati. you all cant be this easy kekl
a small puncture to the lung can lead to pneumothorax, but you'll be fine if you get medical attention. Some minor cases of pneumothorax even heal by themselves. The problem is just if you pass out and nobody is around to provide first aid
Obviously it did, since the gook could not even pull the fucker out when he tried. Knives do odd things in the head. This dude fucking lived, and was fine, and it now a record holder!
Fucking gook deserved it. Spit seeds,spit teeth.
No way this is real. That guy just came out of nowhere with a halloween costume and a hammer? What the real story behind this?
Well this is kind of preventitive measure, you seen the informative cartoons about what grown squids do to asian women.

But on a serious note, aren't live squid full of squid shit?
>Kid disrespecting elders and acting like a cunt
>gets his head beat in
Good job, chinks. Imagine if every nigger that blasted his headphone music on the bus got this treatment.
Kind of disproves that foreigners are a danger to society and shows that people have more hatred for their own kin than they do for others.
It disproves nothing. I mean come on, how can one not hate anyone who eat anything on public transport? And whoever eat seeds on public transport, and litter the shells deserve to die, this guy got away easy. On an angrier day I would bash an asshole like this to death with the nearest fire extinguisher.

Anyone who has actually seen what a hammer can do to a face, this is fucking fake.

There are times the hammer doesn't even hit his face.

You should've known most chinks can't weild a hammer strong enough to actually do damage
Dwarf fortress justice system.webm

>imagine if you imported people with impulse control issues who get violent at the drop of a hat, to a similar density of population

Any Europeans care to comment on that?
Rapid industrialization resulting in mental problems to the populace. The same environments that causes the creation of transients in the US and alcohol and drug problems in the US. Asians got into capitalism hard and quick so much so that some cant cope.

Its not so much theyre uncivilized its that they have been forced to adapt and change quicker than westerners

bahaha stupid bully, I counted a whole 10 second where the nerd was still going for the bag...
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Still not in worse shape than this.
Or China during the Cultural Revolution.
Yeah, i can say the same about Mexico, they keep finding mass graves here and there with over 100 bodies or more, yet no murderers, besides, i dont know what someone needs to do to be considered a serial killer in Mexico, maybe kill while not affiliated to the government, the zetas or any other drug cartel? because a regular sicario from any of the cartels must have at least a couple of kills under his belt, you know with the initiation rites where they go around a town looking for someone to kill for the stupidest reasons just to prove the have the balls to kill (which doesn't prove shit because killing unarmed people does not take balls, that's why most sicarios die when the face other armed people, cus the are not trained to fight, just to murder innocent people)

Umm... I'm with the hammer guy. Good job.
He's lucky. That guy would have fucking killed him if there wasn't someone to hold him back. >>83518240
>China has only had 30 serial killers
>Brazil has only had 14

I'm pretty sure I've seen more videos of people committing serial-level amounts of murder from those two countries than the stats you posted.
Pretty sure I'd rather get shot to death.
What about me /pol/?
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underrated post
this is scripted. was an acting group that made the video

>In March 1996, in Sydney, Australia, Tom >Thong Tran's penis was sliced at by his wife >Tran Tu Tran and it almost came off, with >only a "thread" connecting it to his body. Tom >was hospitalized, but charges against his wife >were dismissed after he asked the judge to do >so.

tran tran tran thong?
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underrated post
Was that in Nippon?
Everyone who is bewildered by this, that is why your cities and subways are so fucking dirty. The Japanese are disciplined and have honour.
guy in black was a thief and had stabbed the guy in white for diamonds or some shit

Its in thailand i think
It's Chinese actually.

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>there are people in this thread who think this is real
He's even wearing bamboo armour you mongoloids
I knew it was fishy when the guy in armour came.
But subway manners are a big focus in China.
Puerto Rico is pretty cool> He post funny shit and has Dinosaurs.
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