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/cfg/ - Clinton Foundation General: NO MORE SLIDING Edition

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 290
Thread images: 71

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Who is Mr. Cheng?

Cherie is the London Connection!
the London School of Economics and Political Science"
The U.S. State Department also donated money to the Cherie Blair Foundation for women


>TLDR info here (also see first few comments):


>First FBI thread

>Second FBI thread


>Hillary nuclear file here

http://pastebin.com/PBejCc6J (embed)


>/cfg/ General Guide
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>Step 1: Find a task
Simple tasks include making memes, phonebanking, joining the social botnet, and digging for OC dirt on the CF.

>Step 2: Do a thing
Steal a meme from Occupy Democrats or elsewhere and replace the text. Memes should roughly follow this format:
>X: Money donated to the CF
>Y: What did the donater get in return?
>Z: Source.

Join the botnet by making a throwaway twitter, connecting the account with ifttt.com, and using http://twittermoneybot.com/ to autofollow followers of major figures like Trump. See >>79687335 (Dead) → → → → for more info. Don't use your home computer for this.

Digging for info is trickier, but there's a shitton to get you started in the archive. Read all of the most important discoveries and follow the trail.

Add content to the Reddit or Website
I forgot soz

>Step 3: Post results
>Self explanatory. Just remember to try and get real hard evidence that we can spread and repackage for normalfag consumption.
Critical links:

CF Donor List:


CF Highest paid contractor list:


HRC Paid Speaking engagements:


HRC Private Jet Travel:

Threadly reminder: do not respond to shills and baits. They will divert your attention.

>Miscegenation Shilling
These posters often create bait threads in which they create a single op with the sole topic being about some form of miscegenation. These could be shock images of Black men with White women, or other types of threads where it is a picture of a non-white Woman with the OP asking if that woman is hot.


>Trump General Shilling
Generally, the main Trump general shills are those who try to D&C the common posters in the thread. They tend to attack NAZI posters for being 1488ers, and AWOO/Anime posters for being r9k weebs. These types of posts serve no real purpose. Sometimes they are purely defeatists.


>General Leftist Baitposting/Sliding
These are low-effort non-miscegenation posts that generally involve some image macro and a very low-effort comment. Examples include "Really makes you think..","pol BTFO","pol will defend this", "conservashits (With Occupy Democrats Image)". Sometimes these threads have no purpose but to slide more useful threads.


>Dedicated Shilling
These are posters who constantly everyday on the clock post about a specific topic that goes contrary to most of pol. In the album linked you will see a very dedicated Canadian leafposter that for 3-4 months would argue how Obama did such a great job creating 14 million jobs. Any actual good arguments against Obama's capability as a president he would ignore, however, he would destroy posters who were not good at debating. The best way to defeat these guys is simply to ridicule them with memes, because you will never convince them they are wrong. They are very likely paid shills.


>The Art of Shilling
You can find a very good guide here https://i.sli.mg/MRmGUs.png (embed)
You can find further examples of shilling in the parent album.

I preface this by saying i don't know if I should post this in the Red Team thread or here, so I'll post it here. I think a major part of the picture that we're missing is how a major organization like Soros' will reduce aggression in the world among society in general. A major piece of this puzzle to reduce aggression among males is to increase the amount of estrogen that males are exposed to around the world. Estrogen makes men more like women so it makes sense for people who want to subdue groups to spread it amongst that group. So, how does one accomplish this goal.

(Side note: notice how the number of transgenders and gays have been increasing and their advocacy has increased. Side note 2: Notice the the correlation between fat people, fat has more estrogen, and how obesity has risen. This would bring more people out of military eligibility and also limit the aggressiveness of a population significantly.)

I would reccomend some eagleeyed anons to look at the links between big pharma and Soros, include shampoos and any products that touch the skin regularly in that assessment since products which touch the skin for about 25 seconds are absorbed into the skin. Also look for links between big food (i.e. BASF, Bayer, Dupont, Dow Chemical Company, Monsanto, and Syngenta) and State Department coercion on smaller countries as well as on big processed food companies (i.e. coke, kraft, conagra, etc.) and how they are regulated as well as their connections to Soros.

I think that if we looked at Soros' connections to what would otherwise would be everyday companies, we might be surprised. I don't know if we'll find anything but this may help find other aspects of their overall conspiracy.

tl;dr Find connections between Soros, big pharma, big GMO, big food, and how the State Department helps these companies.

Pardon any typos.
Hey so I got a lightbulb that went off after reading the first part of the new document about soros. Please read.

Soros is invested heavily in gold and in that first part it is mentioned how the rich will need a way to store precious metals etc.


Soros bought Arch Coal back in October along with a man named Leon Black.

Black is incredibly rich, owns "The Scream", and is the founder of Apollo Management. Maybe this is the next step, looking at artwork to see who has used it as a store of value or as a way to launder money to the organization. Hopefully the idea about the buying of the coal company helps.
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Whitewater was only a piece.

Raytheon and worse
Follow leads to Other Foundations i.e. Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and Rotary International Foundation, the latter directly connected to the UN.
Want to find corporations laundering money I suggest checking out Florida Corporations Division www.sunbiz.org.
Chelsea Clinton is in over her head as is her husband Marc, who was introduced by his convicted father and B&H Clinton while at Martha's vineyard.

60 MINUTES OVERTIME NYC attorney: "We run the country"

2.) http://www.infowars.com/video-hillary-claims-she-is-not-in-the-pocket-of-anyoneafter-receiving-6-million-from-soros-last-month/
Video: Hillary Claims She Is “Not In The Pocket Of Anyone” After Receiving $6 million From Soros Last Month

3.) Global Witness, a London-based nonprofit organization that exposes international corruption, came to New York City 19 months ago. It wanted to see how helpful U.S.lawyers would be in concealing questionable funds.

4.) http://townhall.com/tipsheet/katiepavlich/2015/06/16/reminder-hillary-clintonsdaughter-is-married-to-a-hedge-fund-manager-n2013214

Reminder: Hillary Clinton's Daughter is Married to a Hedge Fund Manager

5.) Marc Mezvinsky https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marc_Mezvinsky

6.) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward_Mezvinsky Ed Mezvinsky,
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7.) http://bigstory.ap.org/article/4418af4accab43ccac993440765def0e/clinton-intervenedfirm-after-request-son-law

8.) Neptune Minerals Inc. http://www.neptuneminerals.com/

9.) http://nana-dev.com/companies/ The NANA Family of Companies

10.) http://www.conspiracydigest.com/carlyle_group.html
Carlyle Group
The Carlyle Group, CVC Capital Partners and Energy Industry Veteran Sam Laidlaw join forces to launch Neptune Oil & Gas Ltd., a new Oil & Gas Acquisition Platform
Tue, 09 June 2015

11.) http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article3995.htm
The Carlyle Group is a private investment bank which doesn't come to the publics attention very often but it is one of the biggest American (ed: USA) investors of the defense industry, telecom, property and financial services.

Case 9:15-cv-80388-XXXX Document 1 Entered on FLSD Docket 03/24/2015 Page 1 of 59
a/k/a The William J. Clinton Foundation
a/k/a The Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation
1271 Avenue of the Americas, 42nd Floor
New York, New York 10020
Service: Chairman Bruce Lindsey or Vice-Chairman
Chelsea Clinton Mezvinsky (neé Chelsea Victoria Clinton)

13.) http://www.nytimes.com/2015/02/08/nyregion/stream-of-foreign-wealth-flows-to-time-warner-condos.html?rref=collection%2Fnewseventcollection%2Fshell-company-towers-of-secrecy-real-estate&_r=0

Towers of Secrecy
Stream of Foreign Wealth Flows to Elite New York
Real Estate
Thanks for copying to the new thread
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The World Federation of United Nations Associations (WFUNA) is a global nonprofit organization representing and coordinating a membership of over 100 national United Nations Associations (UNAs) and their thousands of constituents. Guided by our vision of a United Nations that is a powerful force in meeting common global challenges and opportunities, WFUNA works to strengthen and improve the United Nations. We achieve this through the engagement of people who share a global mindset and support international cooperation – global citizens.
WFUNA's Secretariat is based at One UN Plaza in New York City and at the Palais des Nations in Geneva, Switzerland. We also have offices in Seoul, Korea and Brussels, Belgium.
WFUNA is an independent, non-governmental organization with Category One Consultative Status at the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC); Associate Status with the United Nations Department of Public Information (DPI) and United Nations Organization for Education Science and Culture (UNESCO); Special List with the UN International Labor Organization (ILO); General Status with the UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD); Status with UN Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO), International Atomic and Energy Agency (IAEA), United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), UN World Metereological Association and consultative or liaison links with many other UN organizations and agencies.
WFUNA is a nonprofit organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the United States Internal Revenue Service Code.
WFUNA is set up under Article 60 of the Swiss Civil Code

Remember to look into Hillary's brother, Tony, connected to Haiti.
Interesting all the funds that went there to help the victims but where did it go?
Why is it that Tony Rodham gets the gold mine there that had been closed for fifty years?
Bill Clinton has direct affiliations with him as well.

Any time, this is actually extremely important that we haven't looked into much.
new red team bread

oldbread archive

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LOL Bernie sold out to Hillary and the Globalists. Trump 2016! Watch:
James Comey sat on the Board of a shady Bank that donated to this foundation.

James Comey was hired onto the Executive Board of HSBC to head up the division that was responsible for stopping future money laundering like the Mexican Drug Cartel HSBC scandal. HSBC got off the hook with a minor slap on the wrist under $2BB fine. They could have gotten away with more but Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch's Justice Department didn't proceed because they thought it would tank the economy.

Comey was hired by the Obama admin as FBI director almost immediately after the results of the HSBC scandal. Prior to that he used to work as a federal prosecutor in New York. Funny enough Loretta Lynch was also a federal prosecutor in New York.

HSBC has 7 or so donors with swiss bank accounts that donated to the Clinton Foundation.

There are people on the Clinton Foundation board that used to work with Loretta at the same lawfirm.

Bill gave a 6 figure speech to them coincidental.

They donated to the foundation directly.

80 million dollar donated by HSBC customers to the foundation

It came from the Swiss banking division and it's rumoured that same division is in tax avoidance scandals.

The Clintons used to own stock in this Bank.
Does anyone think any prominent Jews factor into all of this? It might be worth it to look into Bob Iger, Michael Lynton or Aviv Nevo.
Yeah, estrogen in food and water supplies are actually having observed effects on wildlife (like amphibian populations suddenly becoming all-female)


I'm literally the author on the Reddit post you're copying there.
The Clinton's owned stock in two banks that I am aware of DeutscheBank and HSBC.
some form of plastics converts into estrogen and makes tranny frogs. sorry i'm not a source kind of anon
is there any information we could request from the government using FOIA or something along those lines?

Yeah, Comey's in there too eh..

Yes. He was hired right after the HSBC Mexican Drug Cartel scandal.

Now that I think about it. You know Fast & Furious how that shit just recently came out????

I wonder if the US was complicit as shit in the entire HSBC Drug Money Scandal too.
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This is the kind of shit that makes me want to put a bullet in my head sometimes.
The thinner the plastic the more easily it seeps into liquids and food. Just look up it at any "health foods" hippy site and they'll explain it. But it is one of the things that they actually get right
Wait so the gay frog thing is real?
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Just think how much stuff uses plastics.
Interestingly enough, there really hasn't been that many direct merchant connections. Most merchants are at the media/thinktank-general population interface and are below the top tier CF financial layer.

To quote the article I just posted. Its almost like something is targeting us.

"Another recent study found that Americans have twice as much BPA in their bodies as Canadians, but it couldn't figure out exactly why."
I'm sure if we follow these connections enough, eventually it would lead to ((them)).
I'm kinda high right now, but just wanted to say they're probably going to kill her and Bill y'know.

She gets away with all this shit, even gets her security clearance ok'd, everything looks great...

Boom, plane crash and her and Bill and fuck it, maybe even Chelsea all go down in flames. Make way for prez Biden and VP Warren! It's what Obama wanted all along.

The Clintons are lackeys and not part of the long-range plan. Biden will waste some time while the crazy people line up, oh I dunno, how about another Bush, for the future and the hits just keep on comingggg


You guys see what I'm saying???? When did the Clinton's own HSBC stock. Not when the Clinton's were in the White house was it?????? When did Fast & Furious start. When did the HSBC Drug Money Laundering Scandal Start...
So I'm trying to find a video, which I think will be useful.

It's from at least a year ago, a reporter asks Clinton if she sold access for donations to the CF. Clinton doesn't even lie, she misdirects and blames Republicans for such allegations.

I remember it clearly, but I can't find it at all. I think it's useful because it's a tacit admission of corruption to anyone with a brain. ( I honestly think I may have seen at as a moment of Zen on the daily show, which I was only still watching as Jon Stewart was about to retire).
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LOL Bernie sold out to Hillary and the Globalists. Trump 2016! Watch:
Last Bush was too much of a failure for them to try another one. They need a new conservative dynasty to fill the void.
Yes, and it happens to people although not to the same degree as certain fish/amphibians because they're actually designed for sex changes and we're not.

But this estrogen shit is like widespread medication of human populations, intentional or not it's making men more like women. (suddenly the plague of numales begins to make some sense...)


While the drinking water contamination is small, it's constant, and exacerbated by further contamination in foods, shampoo, bottled water, etc.
i don't think it was malicious.
>>plastics and birth control and pharms revolutionize world
>>oh shit they're feminzing men
>>well let's start a new culture so the men don't an hero, and let's get some new plastics in the mix.
>and the pharms and birth control?
still all just a big accident
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>those sevens
>post about frogs

praise be unto Him.
Thats it. Gay frogs were real. Hat is on. Im in
Whenever you guys post this lameass Robert Byrd meme it warms my heart because I know you're desperate and Trump is going to lose. Enjoy posting it for the next four to eight years, I'll be laughing at you.
Soros is the main merchant.
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No editing needed on this one
keep up the good fight lads.
will help out later.
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oy vey
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the /cfg/ meme starter pack V2 contains:

/cfg/ Google Doc text file - July 12 2016 version
guide of advanced meme warfare 1.3
guide of using gimp to make /cfg/ memes
gimp programs for windows and mac
guide of using adobe photoshop cc 2015 to make /cfg/ memes
memetic warfare font pack - containing fonts used in Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump presidential campaigns
blank folder - containing over 100 images and templates for /cfg/ memes
done folder - containing over 600 completed memes collected from previous /cfg/ threads


Other Important Links:

/cfg/ Google Doc (updated everyday, text file is for backup purposes only) - https://docs.google.com/document/d/184csN1oQdRRhnzqAC5p90ySYgcS91GAO4FybPqZD_0s/edit

Mindeye's Red Pill Media List (watch the videos in the media folder, VERY IMPORTANT) - https://mega.nz/#F!zZIXwZha!pRcAmXpspc8QCiGSWl4r-A

CSPAN - Hillary Clinton Email Investigation - July 7 2016 with Transcripts - https://mega.nz/#!MJgAjJZS!oyEC4r0DZ9S95tnjKhX6qPVyeqIDD86m0I5LN0HKu-M

CSPAN - Justice Department Oversight - Attorney General Loretta Lynch - July 12 2016 with Transcripts - https://mega.nz/#!9chQUBAC!HuIdSCQ4UU0biZm7aYkURmLsA3JmU4niSTs6v6K1GG8

/cfg/ meme starter pack V1 - https://mega.nz/#!hFJjTL5a!gjyOGEewEP5EE-ZOxeEno7ucZqQwPfrBR7oVDMWTfzE

>> Some 4chan Hacker dude managed to uncover more dirt on the Clinton Foundation IN A WEEK than any news organization in the past 2 decades

if we give him more red-pilled hard links, maybe he can reach more faster. Frontline needs Tweetable Intel for gobees

>> tell him he says hi
I aint no hack, way more on Soros -> Clinton connection; look deeper and older and see where it starts
Oh I've been on the Trump train for a long time. No need to lecture me. I just want to point out there are inconspicuous ways that we are attacked and different groups are able to catch it since they have different biases compared to us.

There was no specific time. So I guess way back. However Loretta had a scandal with them too it really can't get more shady.

Loretta crafted a soft-touch deferred-prosecution deal for HSBC, after being caught in the largest drug-money-laundering case in history. Loretta Lynch helped negotiate a settlement with HSBC in 2012 that saw the bank avoid criminal charges.

ok we get it frogs are turning homo now connect that to the CF and also figure out how this will generate any outrage beyond kek worshipers
So I finally found it.


Tell me what you think of the video anons.

She's asked directly whether she gave favors for donations, and she doesn't say, "No."
exactly, anon, the fact that she didn't just come out and say something along the lines of "hell no, what are you talking about this is complete and total bullshit" basically means that's a "yes"

Politicians never say yes or no. However it would seriously harm her prospects for further shady bribery if she said outright no.

Did you fags find anything yet??
wow big suprise there
Right, I was hoping it would be useful for propaganda.

I really feel that was a poor moment for her, and anyone that isn't completely brainwashed should recognize what her non-answer and deflection means.
>Obviously hasn't read the thread
Why don't you try doing that first.
Oh wait
Why am I even replying.
Why the fuck is anyone drinking water downstream from sewers?

This doesn't make ANY sense.
She's so far down her ego hole that she'll never admit to any wrongdoing at this point. Senility plus the endless spinning hamster wheel is probably what's behind it, but it's an attack avenue so at least it's useful.

Here's the one clip I find that's so utterly damning though. I remember seeing it on air, almost couldn't believe it

>Replacing jew death with death death

they're literally looking at israel, why would you change it?
You must not understand how water tables work
>Why the fuck is anyone drinking water downstream from sewers?

Everyone drinks water downstream from sewers, unless your water supply is an artesian well.

City water systems make all process their water through water treatment plants.

Guess where *that* water comes from?

You guessed, it, sewers.

Guess what *isn't* filtered out in the process?

That's right, pharmaceuticals:

>Only half of drugs, other newly emerging contaminants removed from sewage

>The scientists reviewed 10 years of data from wastewater treatment plants worldwide to see how well they removed 42 compounds that are increasingly showing up in the Great Lakes.

>Six chemicals were detected frequently and had a low rate of removal in treated effluent: an herbicide, an anti-seizure drug, two antibiotic drugs, an antibacterial drug and an anti-inflammatory drug.

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So it wasn't entirely surprising when the fund began to dump its former largest position, Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd. (NYSE:TEVA), last year as the generic and specialty drugmaker was staring down an imminent threat from the entry of generic Copaxone, the multiple sclerosis drug that tends to make up around 20% of the company's quarterly sales.
Living up to its reputation, however, Soros Fund rebought about $25 million or 423,308 shares of Teva in the second quarter
>Copaxone contains amino acids and is used to prevent the relapse of multiple sclerosis (MS)
>eorge Soros was funding Teva Ph. --> Hillary has MS confirmed? If my memory is good, didn't an FBIanon / insider predict it?
> Why did he sell every share then rebought a portion later? Change of plan? (((acceleration of plan?)))
Also : Teva was reportedly pursuing a $40 billion buyout of generic drug rival Mylan earlier this year to help offset any revenue losses from Copaxone
And then Teva surprised most of us with its somewhat out-of-the-blue deal for Allergan's generic drug unit that was resoundingly cheered by the market. (Pic related)

>Conclusion : this is fishy. I'll investigate more.
>Oh shit we didn't find anything
>err r-read the thread!!

Yeah so you didn't find anything, get a real job you NEET fags. Even if you're as shit at it as you are this you will still get paid.
The HSBC Connection

>HSBC Mexican Drug Money in Obama's 2008 Campaign?


Loretta Lynch crafts a soft-touch deferred-prosecution deal for HSBC,
after being caught in the largest drug-money-laundering case in history.
Loretta Lynch helped negotiate a settlement with HSBC in 2012 that saw the bank avoid criminal charges.

>New FBI Director President Nominates James B. Comey at White House Ceremony 21 June 2013


Loretta Lynch becomes Attorney General of the United States 27 April 2015

>Recent Info: Justice Department Overruled Recommendation to Pursue Charges Against HSBC, Report Says


Note HSBC has strong clinton ties too. So it is in everybodys mutual interest that nothing happens in any investigation in
the foundation or the Clintons.
Look at the bio, tech, and gold stock Soros was buying I don't know if it means anything but he has interest in it.


And plastic
Worked there couple months after the first scandal.

Their whole business model is being gray, nothing wrong with that but they have been doing more and more laundering. Thats where all the money is.
Corresponding banking is something that regulators should look into, thats where the washing does occur.

Being Gray means being legal until the Law Knocks on the Frontdoor.

King Nigger was involved and then the fix was in via Holden. Loretta got Attorney general for her dilligent work on not ratting anybody out.

Obama picked Comey from the board of Directors after they paid Bill a nice ammount to dodge the IRS.

All people now from the FBI to the President to the Clinton to the General Attorney have vested interest that any investigation into the Clintons and the foundation goes nowhere.
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Let's try this one.

Anyone have the bullet points for making sockpuppets?

What you're looking for is BPA in plastics and xenoestrogens. They're in everything and they fuck with out testosterone levels.

All the info is there if you people would look into it

>Still no dealwith the $40 billion buyout. It is expected for June 2016

>[alarm?] looks like the $40 has never happened because every link I find is a ''Teva planning to buy/Teva buys in June.. So what made Teva's value go so high in this graph? >>80809710

The acquisition’s postponement could also be a road bump for another major pharmaceutical M&A: the proposed $160 billion Pfizer-Allergan PFE 0.25% megamerger. That monster deal is almost certainly contingent on Allergan selling off its generics portfolio. In fact, the two companies have already discussed the possibility of a post-merger split.

>Pfizer Canada Inc. is the Canadian operation of Pfizer Inc., one of the world's leading biopharmaceutical companies. (ayyyy it's 15 min from my home!)

Some analysts posited that the agency is consulting with the FDA on which and how many products Teva should sell off to allay antitrust concerns, and that the requested divestments could be substantial.

>gonna investigate more.
Agreed, about the knocking.
US AML law (Thanks Patriot Act) states banks need to know up to 2 or 3 layers (forgot, havent done aml in a while) of where the money came from. Basically Clients clients clients, if you just wire the funds through more real clients that you own or control thats one way around.
Another way is by using bearer shares, there are many ways of doing it.

Funny thing is that HSBC was the first bank to be fined over 1mmm, but they opened the gate for other banks to be investigated/fined. PNB takes the cake though, they were about to lose their US banking charter but the french president had to talk to King Kunka here.

It's called BPA

Meanwhile MSM: Comey is such a Straigtshooter Boyscout.

Holder and them wouldn't prosecute because of global disaster. More like it's their moneywashing scheme
Look into these guys. http://www.hsbc.com/about-hsbc/leadership

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>When did the HSBC Drug Money Laundering Scandal Start...

Probably a different name/company then, but the "Clintonians" were running drugs and guns in Kosovo through Soros connections

> This image and link depicts Brown's plane that "went missing" over Croatia under odd circumstances
Clear connection with one of Clinton's victims, Ron Brown, gun running & allegation of campaign contribution scandal in 1996 elections
> New names, find the gun running money - start here

> Follow the money; Follow the Crime; Look as deep as you can back in time - PB

You see what I'm saying tho right? The HSBC gun money and the ATF smuggling is linked I think... It goes way back.
Ya its hard to prosecute, because then you would have to jail the legal department, the compliance staff, operations, business, tech etc. Everybody who touched those deals etc.

Easier to fine the company, companies get fined basically monthly ranging from 20k to couple mm.

If the bank can not get a massive fine, and still continue doing the gray washing they will treat it as an expense/cost of doing business.

Theres more illegal money in the world then legal, whether it be money from drug dealers, terrorist groups, oil from isis, stolen money from african dictators, or from western governments. it all needs to be washed and refed into the system.

In the end theres more crime generated capital then legal capital, we wash the money with out knowing it too. Like go to a grocery store that has a sketchy atm, a lot of the times those atms have illegal money generated from w/e activity and you with draw from it, boom you washed money.

HSBC was created to finance the Opium trade, so they were washing money legally and illegally since day 1.
They didnt go over that part during orientation.
>red team thread

i literally havent seen this thread ever

where find
make sure we don't get slid. The shills are making slide threads again
>>red team thread
>i literally havent seen this thread ever
>where find

Current red team thread.

Kind of slow at the moment, but there's some interesting stuff in the archived threads.
Savages. My water comes from mountain reservoirs above any agriculture or runoff.

This entire province does (BC).
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B.Clinton gave Soros $100 million taxpayer dough to destroy the Serbs
> Soros had grudge over a $5 billion deal involving precious metal mines in Mitrovice
US under Soros swooped in and looted the country and gave it to Soros basically
I need the pic of the racist things hillary has said.

Problem is no records....

we have an avidativ where she calls out how a 12 year old girl preyed on her rapist.......
I don't have them saved, but some pics in these have sauce.

She said I'm gonna go talk to these white people. (not racist, but useful on niggers)
Almost all the images I've seen that involve racist shit she's said had an invalid source.
Awesome, thanks!
she said she'd be disappointed if chelsea married a "black"

Do NOT contribute to these threads.
They are illegal.
A warrant for the disposal of all data drives realting to this matter AND all archives of cfg high level threads have been classified as a MASSIVE serious security risk.

You forgot to post your blank red square pic.

Bad shill!
Nice try asshole, that's my shtick for the shills who are going to be charged with fraud.
>page 6
bump while i dig, compiling a yuge list of links will drop when finished but it's gonna be a bit
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Oh yes.
I'm not sure if this advice has been posted before, but here I go.

Don't ask me how I know this shit.

If you guys want to look into human trafficking, don't focus way too much on Epstein. Focus on Clinton's ties to human trafficking hotspots, namely Central and South America. While the Middle East, Central Asia, Southern Asia, and Southeast Asia are breeding grounds for the practice (holy shit is it a huge problem in India), most human trafficking making its way to the United States these days comes from Central and Southern America. It's difficult to smuggle a human into the USA from those places by bringing them to Central/Southern America, and there are plenty of people south of the border to nab.

One of the huge impacts of promoting mass migration across the Mexican-American border is the enormous boom to human and child sex trafficking in the United States. I would suggest looking at any criminals ties the Clinton Foundation has to shady Central/Southern American individuals or organizations.
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This is the kind of thread /pol/ is made for

You are doing the Lords work gentlemen
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Interesting, will try to see what's around.
sleepy bump
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There's an interesting thread up. Huge info dump I'm sure you guys could use
Was wondering when these threads will be back. Cool shit.
All you goddamn idiots who have no idea who Robert C Byrd was can go fuck yourselves
He can tell as many people as he wants not to be affiliated with the KKK, it still makes Hillary look bad.
I take that as a challenge, was just lurking and incubating my twitter following but now I'm going to bump more tonight just for you
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Nice try, UKuck
So would anyone like me to read Clinton Cash as fast as possible and post the best result I got? Any active info people hope for in that book?
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The stuff with the gold mine in Haiti is of interest to me, but I'm coming up blank with why Majescor would sell so much stock to M Partners Inc. for about 1/10 of the what the stock was trading publicly. Especially if it was for getting dosh for their mining operations in Haiti.
This move makes no sense business-wise, and there doesn't seem to be an apparent connection to the CF from these companies
To help this search along Here is a snapshot of his holdings. As of Dec. 31, 2015, funds at Soros Fund Management, run by George Soros, were valued at $5.4 billion.
During the quarter, Soros Fund Management had 235 total holdings. Adecoagro S.A. 5.9% of portfolio.
Synchrony Financial 4% of portfolio.
Level 3 Communica...3.2% of portfolio.
Zoetis Inc. Class A 3% of portfolio.
Dow Chemical Comp... 3% of portfolio.
Cypress Semicondu... 3% of portfolio.
Endo Internationa... 2.5% of portfolio.
Allergan plc Ordi... 2.1% of portfolio.
Polycom, Inc. 2.1% of portfolio.
PayPal Holdings 2% of portfolio.
Delta Air Lines, ... 1.9% of portfolio.
eBay Inc. 1.8% of portfolio.
Facebook, Inc. 1.6% of portfolio.
American Airlines... 1.4% of portfolio.
LyondellBasell In...1.4% of portfolio.
EQT Corporation 1.4% of portfolio.
iShares iBoxx $ 1.4% of portfolio.
Columbia Pipeline... 1.4% of portfolio.
DISH Network Corp... 1.4% of portfolio.
Time Warner Cable... 1.4% of portfolio.
Amazon.com, Inc. 1.3% of portfolio.
Marathon Petroleu... 1.2% of portfolio.
Viavi Solutions Inc. 1.1% of portfolio.
Qunar Cayman Isla... $1.1% of portfolio.
McDonald's Corpor... 1.1% of portfolio.
Like HSBC isn't laundering money, even out of places, like New York ????? By focusing on the bank's misconduct far overseas, you make that misconduct inaccessible to Americans. It's also taking place in the States.
>Adecoagro was heavily invested by Soros when it started its IPO in 2011. And of course there is QATAR connection to the ipo. "
Qatar Holding LLC, the investment arm of the Qatar Investment Authority, the Persian Gulf state’s sovereign wealth fund, agreed to buy stock equal to about 25 percent of proceeds.

Carlos Slim? Thought he was only drugs?
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Drugs and people travel the same routes.
A person is needed to smuggle drugs, a smuggling route that works for one would work for the other, and it's stupid to throw away free money when you need to transport both anyways.
like 1/2 the threads on /pol/ are slide thread, what did you all just find out?



BONUS: https://wikileaks.org/clinton-emails/emailid/13987

Knowing what we know now, I wonder what "the potential power" of that tool is as well xD

see >>80822706

also >>80823035 made a good find, look for any relevant e-mails

Can the Euro arm wake up? Too late for this over here boys.
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Bigdata analysis revealed what mails Cliton deleted.


Looks like Sidney Blumenthal mid have caused the Libya regime change by realying conspiracy theorys to clinton as legitimate intel.
Well we could start with the War on Drugs in mexico, there is a treasure trove of leads.

was defined by former President George W. Bush as a “new security cooperation initiative” between Mexico and the United States to combat drug trafficking and organized crime.
In March 2009, President Obama signed $300 million more into law for Merida Initiative funding as part of the 2009 Omnibus Spending bill.
 The release of 15% of these funds depends on a State Department report regarding 4 Human Rights requirements conditioned by the U.S. congress for Mexico to fulfill. These include improving the transparency and accountability of federal, state and municipal police; ensuring that civilian authorities are investigating and prosecuting members of police and military forces who have been credibly alleged to have committed human rights violations; engaging in consultation with Mexican human rights organizations; and enforcing the prohibition of testimony obtained through torture.
 The funds released will go to military aircraft and towards drug interdiction equipment and training; these resources are intended for Mexican military and federal police forces. Members of the Mexican Congress have complained about the lack of transparency related to the how these funds have been dispersed up to this point.

This link advises the companies that benefited from the deal were DynCorp, Risks Inc Lockeed Martin, General Electric and United Technologies(which the author mentions has a connection to Clinton foundation due to them owning Sikorsky)
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Trump donated millions to the Clinton foundation, so it must be legit.
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LOL Bernie sold out to Hillary and the Globalists. Trump 2016! Watch:
bump 4 justice
This is congressional hearing worthy. I am going to look into this more and send it in an email to representative Chaffitz and Gowdy, hopefully we will get some answers re: lybia at next week's homeland security congressional committee meeting (lynch will be present aswell)
This may define a link between George Soros and the manipulation of music entertainment pre-2010
> $16 million funneled from Mexico Media Empire to nightclubs & high-end car dealerships
The Derboghossian family, Amernians (Serbia/Kosovo) was also indicted in the ensuing charges: 102 felonies; state dropped charges on Mario De La Fuente, but kept the seized $12 million. Derboghossian’s were charged with low-level felonies also dropped.
Several Americans owned shell businesses used to launder the Mexican money, Jodi Upton only one named never charged. Her nightclub was actually ran by Swizz Beatz who did charity work with the UN to “unite entertainment industry for peace”. Organized fundraisers for other entertainers also. Big player in the Gordon Parks Foundation, a George Soros open society foundation.

> Swizz Beatz helped promote and sell over 280 million records in the US alone.
Swizz Beatz also listed as CEO of MegaUpload when KimDotCom got busted, Swizz claims he gave 90% of proceeds to the artists
>I was hoping it would be useful for propaganda.
Anon propaganda is the act of knowingly spreading dishonest opinions in an attempt to sway a target audience. What you're doing here is attempting to expose misbehaviour.

Same time frame
Hillary is kkk? I hate her less now.
Start looking at the other side of this equation. There's rumblings DeutscheBank is about to go down.
>Hillary investigation heating up
>Bank execs coming out of nowhere totally unprompted to say it's doing fine
>Investigation over
>No more unbidden announcements
But I hope that picture is a joke, because the KKK would favor Trump over Hillary. The KKK doesnt want non white minorities in this country, including, who wouldve thought, the job stealing mexicans. Trump wishes to get rid of all the illegal aliens gaining unauthorized access to our country, and, coincidentally, a large majority of the job stealing mexicans are in fact illegal aliens. Therefore, the KKK's opinion is closest to Trump's.

Now, that being said, saying that the KKK supports a certain candidate, is not a valid argument against them. The KKK can support whoever the fuck they want, but the candidate cant choose who supports them. Its not like the candidate is reaching out to the KKK asking them to support.
>high level thread meme
kek (pbuh)
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The lack of information about Rosatom and their dealing with nuclear material is particularly damning.
If that anon was right about the SAP on the server being related to when we were decommissioning nuclear warheads and where the material would be, as well as the news articles in the other thread >>80818119 , both the US and Russia are planning around simultaneous terror attacks in Europe using nuclear, chemical, and biological weaponry, using material sold by the Russians, and the US, by Russian proxy.

I'm taking it you haven't seen the Klan leader saying the KKK support HRC then
>The KKK can support whoever the fuck they want, but the candidate cant choose who supports them.

Where have you been when the media spin the whole "disavow David Duke" bullshit?
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They donated $20k to her.
>Knowing what we know now, I wonder what "the potential power" of that tool is as well xD
The "tool" referred to in the email is software on phones used to monitor messages made by eAgency Mobile Solutions called My Mobile Watchdog.CEO is Bob Lotter

> Ironic considering HC using insecure devices
Do we have the name of the IT guy? I bet he works for The Lotter Group also chaired by Bob Lotter that handles privacy and 'affluency' to people in California

>As President, she would aim to sign into law a program to provide subsidies from U.S. taxpayers to Monsanto and other biotech firms, to assist their PR and lobbying organizations to eliminate what she says is “a big gap between the facts and what the perceptions are” concerning genetically modified seeds and other GMOs. In other words: she ignores the evidence that started to be published in scientific journals in 2012 showing that Monsanto and other GMO firms were selectively publishing studies that alleged to show their products to be safe, while selectively blocking publication of studies that — on the basis of better methodology — showed them to be unsafe. She wants U.S. taxpayers to assist GMO firms in their propaganda that’s based on their own flawed published studies, financed by the GMO industry, and that ignores the studies that they refuse to have published.


>Also, she expressed the wish that: “the federal government could help biotechs with ‘insurance against risk,’ she said. Without such subsidies, she said, this is going to be an increasing challenge,” because otherwise, biotech companies might get bankrupted by lawsuits from consumers who might have become poisoned by their products. She wants the consuming public to bear the risk from those products —
Christ that second one just sounds like eventual human experimentation subsidies.

>we promise it won't kill you
>oops we just killed a shitload of people
>not our fault though
>Neptune Minerals Inc. http://www.neptuneminerals.com/
Was facing near bankruptcy in 2014 due to Soros selling off shares

> Currently getting ready to begin huge gold mine boom off of New Zealand, shares are frkn cheap right now, but given history of Odyssey Marine (several 'failed' projects) and subsidizing by London
this has to be a slush fund corp
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Just had a thought. It should probably go on the red teams thread, but can't find it.

What if all this at the highest level is a war between Soros and the bilderberg, Rockefeller, and ? FBIanon, while legit as shit is a plant to bring down either an opposing power faction or a dog that has gone off the reservation.

We know the Panama papers were Soros initiated and implicated many many high level people. Haven't checked to see if they were from the bilderberg group, but wouldn't be surprised considering how big they are. This leak by FBIanon is retribution for that and is another shot fired in the global war for power. Maybe the bilderberg, et al disagree with Soros' methods for destabilization and power.

I also thought that the reason for the ramp up in warmongering against putin is that he is a hold out and competitor to their power.
Putin and is only one who does not submit to the gobalist NWO control.
There really aren't any factions outside of that, only the illusion of such through more tavistock psyops.
You are either an agent of tavistock or fighting to end tavistock.
That is where the line is drawn, there is no inbetween or bystanders, it affects everyone.
At this point, it wouldn't be surprising for there to be a bit of an ebb and flow when it comes to collusion and competition between the higher-ups. Who can buy out the most influence and then who can bump off the next most influential guy just because.

Makes me think back to some of the discussions on /pol/ where tribalism came into question, since it's becoming more obvious that people at ALL levels haven't progressed past that decision-making process.

It's a double-edged sword, but at this point, anything's possible and in-fighting between the top .00001% can be expected.
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well fuck guys, valuable lesson learned. Save your research files obsessively. I spent the better part of all night researching into Bill's Middle East speeches. I didn't find a whole lot but I had a couple details and leads worth looking into. I had everything in a notepad file but then my computer crashed and now I have to do all of that again. Fuck.
The mother fucking worst
and because Im a paranoid twat I had everything on tor so I cant find half the sites I had found earlier
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Like what I said before, get the info and dump it in all non US-affiliated/Anti-establishment Media outlets.

Relevant Media Contacts:
RT (Russia)
Globalresearch.ca (Canada)
Global Times/Xinmin (CN)

The Intercept
Foreign Policy Journal
Wikileaks (?)

Arabic/Middle Eastern Media:

Expose the Foundation:
Follow the accounts
The connections binding the Clintons to their crimes and depravity
Expose the suicidal agenda of the Democrats/Tea party

Highlight the moves made by the US and explain American objectives and let the normies make the connections on their own.
>US-related NGOs creating ruckus and havoc across the World
>Racial Strife
>Martial Law
>Effective containment of China and Russia
>Neutering of Europe and Japan/Korea
>Dehumanising propaganda

Trump must prevail to prevent another World War
I will always bump these threads
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Never forget Hillary Clinton's crimes both Domestic and Aboard

And Remember that it is no coincidence that the 'Open' and 'free' Media of the EU states, Japan and South Korea are being hushed and redirected to jingoistic narratives
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Heading off to sleep for a bit, so doc will be quiet for a few hours.

I might actually set an alarm for before the threads get busy again just to save time later. Had to keep the thread going though.
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>Teachers Boo Hillary Clinton For Comment During NEA Speech

Charter schools, familia. Islamic ones.

>Followers Of A Mysterious Turkish Islamic Cleric Have Donated Heavily To Hillary’s Campaign And Family Charity
>"Members of a secretive Turkish Islamic movement that is at the center of a congressional ethics committee investigation have donated hundreds of thousands of dollars to Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign and to her family’s charity, a Daily Caller investigation has found."

Charter schools are poison enough (google "Charlotte Iserbyt - Charter Truth" for more info), but with Hitlary in the WH expect things to get worse.
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LOL Bernie sold out to Hillary and the Globalists. Trump 2016! Watch:
Hey guys, internet's been shit a few days, a bit out of the loop, have we turned anything up? I see something about Cherie Blair in the OP?
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Might be off topic.

But I used to brows the sg back in the fall. So in regards to foreign affairs, who do you think Hillary will support?

Considering the kurdish movement going on in the middle east, will she be fully backing them even if it means causing more trouble for Turkey, or will she just use them as a tool and throw them under the bus once they aren't needed any more.

I know Russia is getting involved with the kurds, so I wonder if it's a game of tug of war between who the kurds will back.
alright guys its a lot less complete than I'd prefer but I think I put in enough info for you guys to grab a few good leads. WJC speech info: http://pastebin.com/Uw6Rmifn
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>that picture
We will arm any group that is willing to fight Assad. Kurdish forces are "fighting ISIS" but they're also bombing Syria. Just a small subset of YPG in Aleppo is actually defending Syria.

She will go into Iran (expect another 9/11 type event leading up to it). She will set up a puppet gov in Sudan election in 2017 (clockboy's dad will be elected). She might stay away from Libya, but don't count on it.

Israel and Saudi ties will strengthen. France and Germany too. Expect refugees to flood in the US whether you like it or not. She was responsible for the Honduran coup in 2009, so South America? Fuck 'em all for the resources and let them die.

The TPP MIGHT not go through, MIGHT. She said she doesn't support it, but Japan is getting antsy what with Tokyo being covered in radioactive glass particles. They may invest billions in getting the TPP launched.

The Arctic is going to be a battleground - she wants in the loop and will shove Putin as far as she can to get it. Trudeau, of course, will roll over like a puppy so there's no hope there.

Many more things... :(

Don't elect her please Ameribros. She's going to kill us all. Her and the CIA/CFR.
oi guys just noticed we dont have a red team thread up. I'd make it myself but I dont know the template. Anyone on it?

>In 2013, Clinton’s $500,000 fee from the Jewish National Fund to speak at a 90th birthday gala for former Israeli president Shimon Peres leaked to the press and sparked an uproar. The fee was initially going to be paid to the Clinton Foundation, but the former president rerouted it to an Israeli charity
>-Which charity??


Good job, anon. I can spend a few hours rooting around in this pile for sure.
Sure would be nice to have another visit from FBIanon to help motivate the thread to pick up speed again.
yay I did good :D
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FBI bro will visit us in the next couple of days.

check them.
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I guess kek isn't with me today.
Ya any place can be used to move money, see my response here on how easy it is, and how we can be the tools.
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need latest google doc for website
Yea, and as the threads frayed and thinned, the /pol/acks did not falter. For they knew that one day, when the time was right, their savior FBIanon would return to deliver them from Hillary.
-The Book of /cfg/
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need google doc for website update
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>page 7


It's time to get to work!
Actually it's planned.
We can't go too much further until the conventions conclude, to risk a bernie democrat ticket.
The real purpose was to generate the buzz and make a few certain key things established in the minds of savvy individuals.
-BLM summer of chaos and attempt to shutdown the conventions
-The existence of Tavistock.
Anything beyond that is just an added bonus while we wait for the next stage.
wait wouldnt a bernie democrat ticket be good for us?
No, he would make it easier to rig it againt Trump because people would actually be voting for Bernie as opposed to Hillary whom nobody will be voting for.
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At this point it doesn't matter.

He already endorsed her. So the Bernie supporters are very emotional right now and spilt.

It's a good opportunity for the meme team to use their emotions to good use.

found it
I've been doing regular updates on Clinton Corruption: http://www.battleswarmblog.com/?tag=hillary-clinton-scandals

friendly blog
>bernie supporters are split
Not from what I'm seeing. They're pretty unanimously #NeverHillary, which only makes her a gaping liability risk with no reward at this point, which makes the chances of her not getting blood ritual sacrificed even more slim.
New Red Team thread:


Oldbread archive:

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no doubt in my mind that the pharmaceutical companies are involved in some despicable shit
From what I've seen of history, nothing really happens unless influential and powerful people involve themselves in it.

Even the founding fathers of the US were well-off to begin with.
>Also look for links between big food

One anon has shown that there is a LOT of interest in the food sector from Qatar, look cross reference those posts with the Soros-related one and see if there is any overlap between the two.
Hillary has connections to biotech industry. The state department has acted as the marketing and enforcement arm of biotech. Hillary has given "speeches" to biotech.


Has anyone worked on compiling a list of Bill's where abouts over the past twenty or so years? An easy to read reference list of that type would be helpful to what we're trying to do here.

I'll make a start tomorrow if no other anon's are already on it.

>In interviews with The Washington Post, both Rodham and the chief executive of Delaware-based VCS Mining said they were introduced at a meeting of the Clinton Global Initiative — an offshoot of the Clinton Foundation that critics have long alleged invites a blurring of its charitable mission with the business interests of Bill and Hillary Clinton and their corporate donors.


>Clinton’s brother, Tony Rodham, was a board member of a North Carolina mining company that enjoyed prime access to Haitian gold deposits in the wake of post-earthquake relief work organized in part by former president Bill Clinton through the Clinton Foundation.

>Another board member of the firm, VCS Mining, was former Haitian Prime Minister Jean-Max Bellerive, who co-chaired the charitable Interim Haiti Recovery Commission with Mr. Clinton.


Company Number
Incorporation Date
11 February 2010 (over 6 years ago)
Company Type
Delaware (US)
Agent Name
Agent Address
615 S. DUPONT HWY, DOVER, DE, 19901
Directors / Officers


It's a slow day at work today /cfg/, what can I help with?

(I can't look into biotech/pharma leads while at work. My livelihood may or may not depend on those industries...)
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Hey guys, not sure if this is the thread to post this, thought about making my own, but in the interest of weaponize memes and dominating the narrative, we need to seriously get to work on creating a false reality for ex-Bernie voters, meaning enforcing Bernie or Bust, or pushing them to vote Trump.

We should start producing pictures and getting aggressive about keeping Bernouts loyal to him only so that we can eliminate an entire voter base for Hillary. Considering the size and scope of this voting bloc, I'm tempted to say this may be one of the most important things we can do. It could give Trump a massive edge and maintain infighting, confusion, and disorientation on the democrat side of the isle. Thoughts?
well if my man triple k bro the byrd is for hillary then im officially #hilleryartillery
some dude mentioned that south/central america is where the clintons do most of their child trafficking, rather than middle east, etc.
don't really see your image working against bernouts m8

you'd succeed with the black demographic though
This is the top article on Yahoo's homepage
Excellent find! Is this legal? I thought campaigns weren't allowed to collude with other political organizations?
VCS Mining related:


^ Contains links to other related information, also has blurbs about key people involved with the company, VERY IMPORTANT RESOURCE.
When's the google doc going to be sent to the congressional investigation team and/or other people (wikileaks?)
>VCS Mining and its wholly owned subsidiary, Delta Societe Miniere S.A. are pleased to announce the awarding of a gold mining exploitation permit issued by the Haitian Government for its Morne Bossa project. This is one of two permits issued today, the first permits of this kind issued in over 5 decades. “We would like to thank President Martelly, Prime Minister Lamothe, and especially the Director General of the Bureau of Mines, Mr. Remarais, for their cooperation, vision and commitment to the development of Haiti’s natural resource base,” commented VCS CEO Angelo Viard. “The Government’s commitment to responsible development of the Country’s vast natural resource base will be a major contributor to economic development, employment and the welfare of the Haitian people.”


>Director General of the Bureau of Mines, Mr. Remarais
I don't even remember opening this link, but apparently it hasn't been posted in here yet, so I'm going to do that: https://medium.com/@williamreynolds/missing-clinton-e-mail-claims-saudis-financed-benghazi-attacks-b471a61b5b2b

it's weird, it's like the link just opened itself in my browser when I wasn't looking

guess I should stop staying awake for 18 hours straight
Brings up a good point.

Is it worth sending any of this info to guys like DeSantis, Chaffetz, and Gowdy? Do you think they'd share it with their aids? Or will they just ignore us "internet crazies."

These guys know what's going on, but I'm sure they're still as out of touch with the internet as most dudes in government. They've got twitters though.
We're going to make the website not tin foil
Move all the articles over into book form
Then send that

One anon contributed this
So now that Bernie is out of the race, why Clinton? Well I'll tell you. Securing a liberal supreme court for the first time in decades, securing the Obama legacy in particular regarding foreign affairs and healthcare, taking on the student debt crisis, raising the minimum wage, just to quickly list off a few of the things that got me excited for Hillary (was for Bernie until the math got nearly impossible for him in I don't know, May?).

A big underrated plus: already has established relationships with world leaders and people in Washington, she would really cut down on the transition period and could get to governing so much quicker than most presidents.

Similarly, as Obama alluded to last week, you don't really understand what it is to be president (close to the worst job in the world) until you sit in the chair, but Hillary probably understands it better than anyone alive who isn't a former president. For some reason she still wants to be president, and you can doubt her motives but unless you actually believe she's a power-hungry psychopath (I really don't think so) she has to believe in her ability to do something good for the country.

And finally, and this one's honestly the most under-covered narrative of the election, we can show the world, women and girls everywhere, and ourselves as a nation that the United States is ready to elect a female president. I'm not saying her gender is a reason to vote for her, but it's certainly a reason to be excited about the prospect of her presidency.
Atlanta is the biggest hub for human trafficking from what I've heard. Might be good to start there.
>They say testing indicates the metals could be worth US$20 billion

And here is where Majescor ties in:

>In recent months, the Haitian government has awarded its first gold and copper exploration permits to SOMINE SA, which is jointly owned by Canadian company Majescor Resources Inc and Haitian investors, and VCS Mining LLC, a North Carolina-based mining company with offices in Haiti.


Very nice. Starts a promising trail. "
Mr.Rodham is the President and CEO of
Gulf Coast Fund Management LLC"

Someone try to find the client list of this LLC. Also, the other organizations listed on this page, they all warrant investigation.

Businesses are required to submit some sort of registration to the state they operate in. Go for the source, /cfg/. Finding pre published news articles isn't going to uncover incriminating evidence.
This sounds like prime red team material here, please cross post.
wouldn't use zerohedge as a source for anything m8

they're almost as tinfoil as godlikeproductions

same deal with globalresearch.ca

probably controlled opposition desu; check if their articles link to somewhere else, and then check to make sure that the 'somewhere else' isn't a satirical website or something that posts fake news.
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Yeah, a meme magician contacted me about making graphics for the site
This is me saying go for it Twatter bro
Every Communication I have will go here
Unless it's some B.S. like "keep up the good work"
I don't think y'all want those

WEW - that's a good one. Needs to go viral.
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Holy crap!

I just found this long ass comment on a Bernie youtube video about him endorsing Hillary.

Maybe we can use it in some way?

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Should I post this on the meme thread?

Make the case black and white for them.

1. Show what they did
2. Show the law
3. Show how they broke the law

We will NOT find incriminating evidence in a pre published article. I can't stress this enough. Use an article as a lead, then start digging like mad:

-business registration documents
-published financials
-professional fundraisers used?
-is organization properly registered to solicit funds
-is organization properly registered as a public charity? Or are they just saying so on their 990s in hope that they don't get caught?
-are they using any potential loopholes in the law to get away with what they're doing? (This means reading the actual law)
-Any similarities between multiple organization? (Names, addresses, signing lawyers)
-who's the registered owner of their website?
If you find something interesting, it will open up new questions you weren't aware needed answering. Investigate those leads, find the raw data. Build a case bulletproof and politicians and the media would have no choice but to address.

This is how we evolve from conspiratards to uncovering undeniable facts.
If you find something actionable with some solid proof, post it and organize. Get as many people as you can to call in to each guy with an easy tagline and provide some quick evidence. Multiple people calling on the same issue will get noticed and passed along to the actual rep.
I would at least direct them to it so that they are aware.
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>mfw it's working and everyone starts seeing the truth
>mfw I'm bumping this thread
Great advice, anon.

This should go under the Red Team ops guide on the website.
I made a post about it

Post any updates y'all want

I go through the threads every morning
One guy was working on it starting last night but he's only working on while Hillary was SecState, PLEASE start researching on this.

Also, I've noticed burnouts have no idea of what we've found. I've even seen them calling out Trump for his Saudi ties as to why he's worse than Hillary. Give your power to meme team regularly.
House Republicans seek Clinton Foundation investigations

Someone should spam this all over twitter then.
Forgot pic
Level 10 comfysec wished to FBI anon.
fukin don the savage
Here's some background information on George Soros.

George Soros' father served in the Austro-Hungarian army before he was captured by the Tsarist Russians and sent to a prison camp in Siberia. Sometime around the Allies' attempt to invade Russia and stop the Bolshevists, Soros' father escaped the camp and went to Moscow.

While in Moscow, it is known that the father was a part of Esperanto groups, Esperanto is a made-up language that wishes to become the universal, singular language.

Naturally, the communists were all over that group. The father is able to escape back into communist Hungary and becomes part of the government.

During the Nazi invasion, the father along with his family, including Soros, is persecuted for being Jews. They go into hiding.

Soros and his father go on to attend the World Esperanto Congress and Soros, through Esperanto contacts, is able to immigrate to England and attend the London School of Economics.

He attends in 1947, the same year Tavistock is founded. Cannot say much more beyond it being a coincidence.

In any case, at LSE, Soros is mentored by Karl Popper, one of the philosophers riding the wave of the Positivist crisis partially induced by the Frankfurt School.

I read into Karl Popper and his works. This guy is proto-social engineer that admired the Soviet's attempts at social engineering but disagreed with Marxists that revolution should happen overnight.

Soros is then sent up the recruitment ladder, through London finance firms, then Wall St. firms until he has acquired the capital through the Soros Fund to begin Open Society.

Open Society of course being a reference to Karl Popper's use of the phrase in his works.
Bumping for justice
Bump. I think everyone is watching Sky News.

Dunno if this is actually news or not, first I had heard of it though.
go away illuminati shill. your last thread was shit.
the smile instead of answers deserves some attention... maybe better than my attempt.

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a snake...
for justice
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^ bump 4 Trump
no sliding
slippidy slide, don't let it fall off
If we got phone numbers and called, like, actually called not just troll calling, any actors in this, big or small, and recorded the conversation, would there be a chance that one of them slips up in what they say? Even if they dont, transcripts look good on paper and could be valuable intel. Is that something we could do?
This is some next level stuff. Something like this would need to be done with someone with experience and ability.

Otherwise they end up coming off like a tard and may and up having the opposite effect of what we intend.
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The contents of this high level clinton thread have be classified as of SIGNIFICANT threat to national stability in many countries.
Do not discuss hate speech or make reference to topics which are associated with hate speech, by nature of you being in and posting in the same thread as these high level clinton threads you are braking the law.

oh yeah of course, as capable as a lot of people on these threads are at getting information and making connections, I'd rather not sic some raving autists at some poor secretary. I just figure that there's probably someone here who has experience in fields like that.
I just noticed you guys have only the preview of The Clintons' War on Women in the /cfg/ backup, which only has the preface, introduction and a part of the first chapter (out of 27 chapters plus epilogue, sources and whatnot).

Is this intentional?

If it isn't, here's the full version (epub). Update it:
It looks like from 2010 to 2013 the highest paid people were involved in filming and producing some sort of live event and doing something with the recordings:

>have be classified

Better luck next time desu
nice find Guadalcanal
O no I hate to brake the law, don't mind breaking it tho
Thanks, Malaysia.
Something else (A huge factor, really) leading to obesity and low testosterone is FDA and Big Food dietary recommendations and food additives. Sugar makes you fat and unhealthy.

Everything has far, FAR more sugar in it than it used to.

This happened back when two researchers were fighting over whether fat or sugar caused high cholesterol and heart disease. (I can't remember their names but the pro-sugar dude was american and the anti-sugar dude was european. I think British.)

Big money, big food, and FDA revolving door types pushed really hard to make sugar look innocent, and make dietary fat look evil.

People aren't eating more than they used to (generally) and they're not exercising less. They're eating proportionally much more sugar due to backwards FDA/big food guidelines.

This is causing bad health and docility.

I bet that if you look at the people involved in that "pro sugar anti fat" revolution, you'll find at the highest levels some kind of globalist conspiracy.

With Michelle Obama whoring the totally upside-down FDA food pyramid all the time I think it's likely.
You realize the processes necessary to filter out hormone molecules is extremely expensive and complex. I guarantee most bottled water doesn't even get filtered properly to remove hormones, and city water and we'll water definitely doesnt
alright guys off to work. If I dont crash from sleep deprivation I'll be back for more research later. Stay woke yall
So I've been thinking.

There's no way it's just Soros. He can't be The Mastermind. There probably isn't any one person behind all or even most of this.

What I want to know is who does Soros work for/with... Because there must be a group, that's just how things work in the world. And if there's a group, it seems like he's in charge of their acquisitions.

And if he's like they're "Acquisitions Manager" and there's more people involved, then what are THEY doing?

What is their main goal?

And it seems shit like this goes way, Way, WAY back in time. These same kinds of things have going on since the beginning.

So then.

Assuming they've had at least a couple thousand years of playing this game, why haven't they attained their goal yet?

Are there people working against them other than Trump, just now?

OR... Had they already attained their goal in the past, but then something happened and they need to regain control?

We may be able to figure out what they're trying to do now by looking at what their predecessors have done before. And, if we can find what their downfall was in the past, maybe it can happen again now.

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Omega 6 polyunsaturated fats from vegetable oils (canola, soybean, corn, peanut, etc.) as a replacement for butter and cream have also spiked since the 60's.
>There's no way it's just Soros.

It's not, the Bushes are in this up to their eyeballs.

They're just considered history since they're not currently 'in power' but the shadows can be a very effective place from which to operate unnoticed.


We thank you for your continued hard work guys.
ought to be thinking about newbread soon
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pic related
Holy shit this thread is still alive, bump.
I suppose the threads are at a cool down right now, and eventually we'll pick up steam again?
Next post should be a link to fresh bread.
I'm from meme bread. Don't have the links to create new research thread but someone should def do it. Slow day on my end as well
committee of 300, who work for the olympians
who the olympians work for though isn't documented
Baking bread


kek blesses u
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