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The /cfg/ research division has been hard at work finding connections, analyzing data and producing the fuel that has been injected into the memes, designed by our memefags, which have formed the brunt of our assault.

This is the place for the data found in the research divison to really do it's work. We provide suggestions to the meme team and I know most of us are also active in the research division.

Come on in, grab a chair and let's game out scenarios that we might have to deal with and see if we can't just help save the world from ruin.


Should we game out scenarios as our own Red Team with the updated info within these threads?

If they are concerned their own strategists might not be on their side, that would mean the task would need to be outsourced.

Did FBIanon mention RTP first or was it an anon who brought it up?

If FBIanon is the one who mentioned (and emphasized?) it, might that also be a clue?

Should we form our own "Red Team?"


Threadly reminder: do not respond to shills and baits. They will divert your attention.


>/cfg/ Official Website (WIP!)
tl;dr - what if it is all true - Then what? What is the story? Where does it lead to?

The creation of the red team thread compartment of /cfg/ was created to answer this question.

The framework reveals the hypothesis:

>develop lines of master narrative
>>Increasing failed and failing states is consistent with weakening borders goal
>>"Flushing" failed state zone refugees into developed world is consistent with weakening borders goal
>>Encouraging mass numbers of refugees is consistent with miscegenation goal
>>Leaders advocating these policies are aligned with Soros

>Develop short term extensions of current trends
>>public acts of mass violence trend
>>continuing spread of failed and failing states trend
>>continuing advocacy for abandoning national sovereignty trend
>>increasing pressure for gun control trend

Apply three step formula:
Find a thing to do
Do the thing
Post results.

tl;dr George Soros is using his billions to fund efforts toward the goal of a single world government, presiding over a miscegenated single race of passive mocha-colored serfs.

"Conspiracy lunacy!"

So was the idea of a continent-wide, representative, constitutional republic A. ever existing, B. winning the bloodiest war in human history, C. inventing weapons which can literally end the species, and D. ruling over the entire planet.

Soros dream is not going to happen tomorrow, or next year. According to the US census (I'll have to find it) if every miscegenation trend in the US continued from current levels, it would take 125 years to reach the race-mixed average. It is a long game.

We seek evidence consistent with it.
>Red Team Ops:

>Develop lines of master narrative
>>Increasing failed and failing states is consistent with weakening borders goal
>>"Flushing" failed state zone refugees into developed world is consistent with weakening borders goal
>>Encouraging mass numbers of refugees is consistent with miscegenation goal
>>Leaders advocating these policies are aligned with Soros

>Develop short term extensions of current trends
>>public acts of mass violence trend
>>continuing spread of failed and failing states trend
>>continuing advocacy for abandoning national sovereignty trend
>>increasing pressure for gun control trend

>Develop role-specific evidence, however concrete, or circumstantial
>>The global "black team" cabal is real.
>>Hitllary is the Chief Money Laundering Officer
>>Bill is the Chief Marketing Officer
>>Obama is the Chief Operations Officer
>>Merkel is the Chief of Research and Development
>>State Department and Pentagon are the Production units

>beware shills. the latest tactic is to imitate the recent influx of "insider with intimate knowledge" for the purpose of instilling a sense of futility, and urging us to abandon the effort. They are scared
I posted this in the general CFG thread but I thought that I should post it here as well:

I preface this by saying I don't know if I should post this in the Red Team thread or here, so I'll post it here. I think a major part of the picture that we're missing is how a major organization like Soros' will reduce aggression in the world among society in general. A major piece of this puzzle to reduce aggression among males is to increase the amount of estrogen that males are exposed to around the world. Estrogen makes men more like women so it makes sense for people who want to subdue groups to spread it amongst that group. So, how does one accomplish this goal.

(Side note: notice how the number of transgenders and gays have been increasing and their advocacy has increased. Side note 2: Notice the the correlation between fat people, fat has more estrogen, and how obesity has risen. This would bring more people out of military eligibility and also limit the aggressiveness of a population significantly.)

I would reccomend some eagleeyed anons to look at the links between big pharma and Soros, include shampoos and any products that touch the skin regularly in that assessment since products which touch the skin for about 25 seconds are absorbed into the skin. Also look for links between big food (i.e. BASF, Bayer, Dupont, Dow Chemical Company, Monsanto, and Syngenta) and State Department coercion on smaller countries as well as on big processed food companies (i.e. coke, kraft, conagra, etc.) and how they are regulated as well as their connections to Soros.

I think that if we looked at Soros' connections to what would otherwise would be everyday companies, we might be surprised. I don't know if we'll find anything but this may help find other aspects of their overall conspiracy.

tl;dr Find connections between Soros, big pharma, big GMO, big food, and how the State Department helps these companies.

Pardon any typos.
Who is the black team, exactly?

In summary, short of linking to the detailed mind maps of /cfg/ central, the black team is:

>George Soros, et. al.
>Any institution captured by an ideology which embraces, or exhorts:
>>"No person is illegal" - the rally cry for a borderless world.
>>"Immigration is among our core value traditions" - No western nation has ever held among its core traditions inviting terrorists to commit acts of warfare upon its soil. (That includes the warfare act of mass rape). The conflation of immigration with invited infiltration is a key rhetorical magic trick to keep a keen eye out for.
>>"World peace," "White privilege," "No oppressed group can be racist." - all candy land follies formulated to erode ethnic identity, consistent with the Soros-ian goals of a single mocha-colored serfdom.
>>Gun control. Gimme a D. Gimme a U. Gimme an H. What does that spell.
>Institutions thus include, the Democrat party of the US, the post-secondary learning institutions of the US, the federal bureaucracy, and any stated globalist organization.

The black team is not a conspiracy, it is an ideology. It thrives on the left in every infected nation, but the right of many is also infected, especially in the US. It's values are progress toward its goals by any means. It's tactics are falsehood as truth, victimhood as a weapon. As we have seen, the black team will sacrifice entire populations (Syria, Libya, Yemen, Iraq) to its goals.

Who is not the black team - patriots. In the US, Trump's base is best described as the Patriot movement. America first. Constitution as manifesto, rule of law above all else. There is evidence (forgive me, Kirk) that Russia stands against the globalist programme. Nationalists wherever they are found my be counted as allies. Pic related.
oldbread archive:

We aren't even on their worry list until we produce new evidence or information. Until then they pull enough strings to keep busy.
>>continuing advocacy for abandoning national sovereignty trend

As has been noted, nationalism is one of the ideas which black team has be working toward eradicating. In order to accomplish this, black team has to demoralize the population of a nation and destroy it's image on the world stage; who wants to be associated with always being the bad guy?

By constantly assaulting, not only the international image of a country, but the pride the citizens of that country would feel when a worthwhile goal is accomplished, this overarching goal is brought closer to fruition.

It becomes easier to convince a population that borders are barriers to diversity when one is constantly made aware just how evil your country is. The ceaseless dribble of misery the 24/7 news cycle pedals assists in the undercurrent of dread a people feel about their nation.

Beliefs once cherished are made to seem as if they are outdated and quaint, something to be put aside for a "broader view."

Probably the last time the United States really felt proud about itself as a country was when Armstrong uttered those historic words from a small base of the ladder of the LEM.

Our nation has lost it's way, and people like those who are part of black team have steered us to where we are today.

Something has to capture our imaginations once more to the same degree as to when we were challenged to do the things that were not easy.

Our nation needs a challenge to make it come face to face with the fact that it *is* capable of doing great things when a worthy goal is placed before it.

Pointing out what it is that we are fighting by doing what we are doing in the research thread is defining that challenge. Once we have given the beast a face, we must then explain wt that it be dealt with.

Finally we need to be able to give people hope that once the task is accomplished, it will have been worth making the might effort to break free from the restrictions which invisibly surround us.
Anyone have the archives?
>Anyone have the archives?
Some of the high level PsyOps are trying to take over. The ingratiate themselves.
The kind caring shills. The devoted shills. The true blue Anon shill. The very reasonable shill. Be careful. Don't let them become mods. Don't let them ruin 4Chan.
Trying? There is so much disinformation and misdirection happening. Doing effectively
Got it above. Thx

the /cfg/ meme starter pack V2 contains:

/cfg/ Google Doc text file - July 12 2016 version
guide of advanced meme warfare 1.3
guide of using gimp to make /cfg/ memes
gimp programs for windows and mac
guide of using adobe photoshop cc 2015 to make /cfg/ memes
memetic warfare font pack - containing fonts used in Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump presidential campaigns
blank folder - containing over 100 images and templates for /cfg/ memes
done folder - containing over 600 completed memes collected from previous /cfg/ threads


Other Important Links:

/cfg/ Google Doc (updated everyday, text file is for backup purposes only) - https://docs.google.com/document/d/184csN1oQdRRhnzqAC5p90ySYgcS91GAO4FybPqZD_0s/edit

Mindeye's Red Pill Media List (watch the videos in the media folder, VERY IMPORTANT) - https://mega.nz/#F!zZIXwZha!pRcAmXpspc8QCiGSWl4r-A

CSPAN - Hillary Clinton Email Investigation - July 7 2016 with Transcripts - https://mega.nz/#!MJgAjJZS!oyEC4r0DZ9S95tnjKhX6qPVyeqIDD86m0I5LN0HKu-M

CSPAN - Justice Department Oversight - Attorney General Loretta Lynch - July 12 2016 with Transcripts - https://mega.nz/#!9chQUBAC!HuIdSCQ4UU0biZm7aYkURmLsA3JmU4niSTs6v6K1GG8

/cfg/ meme starter pack V1 - https://mega.nz/#!hFJjTL5a!gjyOGEewEP5EE-ZOxeEno7ucZqQwPfrBR7oVDMWTfzE

What did Berkshire/Coke want out of the CF?

moved over red team guide
>moved over red team guide
Awesome opossum!

Here's an interesting read for Red Team.


Is Hillary the emperor and the CF her clothing?

Who knitted it and put her out there?

Maybe that's who we need to look at?

4chan is the small child who can see the truth.
>red team guide
I noticed there is a bit that repeats, and the OP pasta needs to be cleaned up a bit too in order to remove that double coverage, so to speak.

It's the section that begins

>>develop lines of master narrative
and ends in >>increasing pressure for gun control trend

Only need those paragraphs in there once.I think move the final section up from the bit below and incorporate it into the upper portion of that segment.
I fixed it up a bit
Made it more pc for the normies
this IS our normie outreach page after all
>I fixed it up a bit
Good job, anon!
xHSBC annon reporting in, brb grabbing a beer
Interesting to note about the fat levels.

heres a bloomberg article saying globally, everywhere poor to rich countries are getting fatter. Article has good stats and its bloomberg, normies will eat it up.


Also another article, dont kow if it shte one i read a while back. But animals are also getting fatter.


If animals and us are all getting fatter then the cause must be airborne, water, waves of some sort or atmosphere.
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You seem to be up to date on this mission. I keep thinking about what the OP that got all of this started said - focus on the Clinton Foundation.

If we focus on the SAP's that were on the Clinton server, I believe the bigger pieces of the Clinton Foundation puzzle will fall into place. I'm speculating that SAP access was given to Clinton Foundation donors (probably Saudi's, Chinese, and Israelis).

This site should help by just searching (ctrl + f) for "Clinton": http://cryptome.org/

I found this site (http://www.readhillarysemail.com/) with a good chunk of Hillary's e-mails and I'm hoping to find e-mails on the Clinton Foundation and their content.

Also, searching "Clinton" on Wikileaks (http://mirror.wikileaks.info/) should be of help.

Thanks for all of your hard work. I hope these leads help.
Agreed, that should be an approach that we look into.

I think they could of rented out the SAP per hour to who ever the "donor" was.

Lets add CF or Foundation, to the search terms when looking at wiki leaks.
IIRC, Coke and Tyson "Fried" Chicken were involved in Arkansas with Clinton/Bush/CIA cocaine trafficking. It makes sense that Coke, a product that used to have real cocaine in it, would have established trade routes set up. When it was removed from the product I doubt those routes went cold.
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Do NOT contribute to these threads.
They are illegal.
A warrant for the disposal of all data drives realting to this matter AND all archives of cfg high level threads have been classified as a MASSIVE national security risk.

Just a reminder that many of us are cultivating sock puppets to push the narratives you guys are coming up through RTP. I hope to have 10 puppets with 100 followers each in the next 7-10 days.

Then it's psyop time.
Round 2: Fuck off disinfo faggot, listing USA first when you're from UK. Hey cucked Muslim fluffer, in the US we still can speak our mind without fear of jail.
Muh freedom of speech boipucci. Cuck laws in Europe, Canada, and Europe don't apply here.
Keep it up brother it's ours to lose.
sleepy bumperino
Entertainarino in the chatarino https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fjpMSD3Yb1c
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In the spirit of keeping the bread warm while the graybeards catch well deserved ZzZzs, I'd like to put forward the idea of taking the soon-distilled tomb of incriminating evidence against the Clinton crime families, crowdfunding nice prints of it in book form, and post mailing copies to every news outlet on the planet. (and by news outlet I mean underground news, not CNN/MSNBC/etc liars. Let them get preempted and continue to die off)
Good idea, we definitely need to work on cleaning up the evidence to the point where the average person can read it first though. Would also be best to get some more serious evidence linking them to the human trafficking and such. I'd be willing to help fund that when we do get there, however
Thanks and likewise I'd be good for a couple of copies. Perhaps the website for the comprehensive (full data, organized with index/search/etc) and the book for the highlight reel material in easily skimmable form.
>>80818119 (Cross-thread)
So, Russia is using ISIS to attack the US and the west in general based on the links given in case they're truly threatened?

Also plans for Soros-backed protests on the 15th with locations in pic in post. Check cragislist for the other locations and take screenshots.
The black team kabal has openly admitted (I don't know the source off hand, I'm on my phone) that they control us by controlling the food in the world. We need to see if there are any connections between the CF, soros, and the multinational conglomerate food producers (Monsanto et al). Should be plenty to work with there, although it might be murky as fuck. Some of the thought trees. I have seen involving the global food players can be pretty convoluted. I think I have seen a few popping up on research division's bread. Just some food for thought
"Food as weapon" should yield tasty search results.
Humpty bumpdy

>As President, she would aim to sign into law a program to provide subsidies from U.S. taxpayers to Monsanto and other biotech firms, to assist their PR and lobbying organizations to eliminate what she says is “a big gap between the facts and what the perceptions are” concerning genetically modified seeds and other GMOs. In other words: she ignores the evidence that started to be published in scientific journals in 2012 showing that Monsanto and other GMO firms were selectively publishing studies that alleged to show their products to be safe, while selectively blocking publication of studies that — on the basis of better methodology — showed them to be unsafe. She wants U.S. taxpayers to assist GMO firms in their propaganda that’s based on their own flawed published studies, financed by the GMO industry, and that ignores the studies that they refuse to have published.

>Also, she expressed the wish that: “the federal government could help biotechs with ‘insurance against risk,’ she said. Without such subsidies, she said, this is going to be an increasing challenge,” because otherwise, biotech companies might get bankrupted by lawsuits from consumers who might have become poisoned by their products. She wants the consuming public to bear the risk from those products —
Here are a couple of questions, why would the Clintons sell uranium to Russia, who would sell to ISIS?
Why would Russia go along with their plan of using Russia as a fall-guy to ISIS terrorism in Europe to give pretext for NATO to invade Russia?
Finally, would anything change if Trump were elected, considering the momentum that the plan seems to have for simultaneous terrorist attacks in Europe using nuclear and biological weaponry?
The question is, is it really Russia they were selling it to, or Tavistock owned corporation in russia that was used to ferry it out to ISIS?
is there any tl;dr;?
what's this thread is about?
This is the Red Team/Strategic Division of /cfg/

Basically the anons here try to figure out the plans of "Black Team" as well as try to think of how to best go about our own efforts.
Thread posts: 45
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