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This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 327
Thread images: 112

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Rallies And Press Conferences
> Rally in Cincinnati, OH 7/6/16
> North Carolina Rally 7/5/16 - MUST WATCH!
> Speech at Western Conservative Summit Denver, CO 7/1/16

> Trump on O'Reilly 7/5/16
> Trump on Hannity 6/30/16
> Trump On Mike Gallagher 6/30/16
> Trump on O’Reilly 6/29/16

> Comey declines to comment on investigation of Clinton Foundation
> Comey Admitted That Clinton Is Guilty Of Espionage And Treason


Dokdo isa koorrrrea
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Years ago, I was Trump's best, or should I say, only friend. Why would he have a Finn for a best friend, you ask? Well, he isn’t that bright … he thought I was Irish. Truth is, he isn’t the affable, good-natured soul that his speeches have led you to believe. First off, he was bipolar ... and syphilitic ... and a hermaphrodite ... plus a raging alcoholic. That’s right, a bipolar, syphilitic, drunken hermaphrodite, who was addicted to Japanese puke porn. On the rare occasions when he was sober he would chatter incessantly about the film Mary Poppins. He really loved that movie. In fact, he always dreamed of floating down from the sky while holding a big festive bumbershoot like his beloved Mary. One day he bought one of those huge beach umbrellas and replaced the canvas with an old Nazi relic that he claimed was Hitler’s original “Blood Flag” from the historic Beer Hall Putsch. We then drove to Trump Tower where we found a perfect high spot that had a drop of several hundred feet. He then leaped off of the cliff while happily singing "Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious“ and, well, it didn’t go so well, let’s just say the old Blood Flag got much bloodier that day, but somehow he survived with only some injuries. Weeks later, much to my surprise, I was informed that Trump had gifted me the key and contents of his secret underground bunker. It was essentially just a lot of old VHS tapes with Japanese labels on them and a couple of large scrapbooks full of 1940s german news articles. Also, Trump goes on about the legendary individuals who he supposedly knows. In truth, the only celebrity he ever met in his whole life was Dick Wilson, who used to play “Mr. Whipple” in the Charmin TV ads. He was making an appearance at a supermarket opening down the street and even he told Trump to “fuck off” So there you have it, the truth about your hero. By the way, do any of you guys like rare Asian adult films involving regurgitation? I'm selling his tapes.
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How do I advance my #VoteOnTwitter campaign?

Think about how narcissistic her damn motto even is. "I'm with -her-". It reads like the usual cult of personality kind of motto.
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MAGA 2016! We're going to win!!!
I laid down last night before they had confirmed who the shooters were, do we know anything about them or have any pictures?
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No, I mean working professionally as an animator, ok non Trump related activities.

Of course we do it for free for the God Emperor (and his internet people
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>windows 10
Anon, please. How can you MAGA when they're keylogging you?
didn't they change it to "'strongertogether" after trump destroyed "imwithher"?
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>calling for the death of a murderer
>the current year
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I don't know why, but I got chills from that pic OP.
>trump continues to fall from the polls

GIve up already.
There was a ready to share image on the same subject circulating in here recently.
I'm looking to finally get my ccw after this. Anyone else feeling somewhat similar feels?
>bernie sucks
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I plan to release a political cartoon soon.

I basically do a right wing talk show for a Chinese audience now. Today we were talking about how black people are violent and rude.
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Is the shooter being negatively portrayed?

Does Shaun King have a point???
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Everything is monitored regardless. I don't really care much for it.

(((They))) can get into any computer and are already monitoring yours.

They already know all of your favorite porn sites.
He's with is.
I am urging bernouts to follow their principles and vote for Bernie Sanders instead of Crooked Hillary Clinton. Preferably from the comfort of their homes on twitter.
>stronger to get her
> I basically do a right wing talk show

You the animation or the talking?
>this fucking nigger
Hopefully he can try to kill a few cops (not succeeding) so they can blow him up with a robot.
> BLM has announced they have compiled a list of registered Republicans from state voter registries, which include home addresses
> "These people need to understand that their choices have consequences."
> The group says those on the list have one week to change their party affiliation "or take responsibility for it."

He must be so proud of his sons.
i thought he killed himself?
jesus christ so many happenings in the past few months.

are these the end times? I feel like the whole world is descending into chaos.

>tfw I'm kind of enjoying it
>He was blown up by a bomb attached to a police robot

What? The police have bomb robots? When did Dallas turn into a Megaman game?
typical military goon, a complete goober with no job prospects post-highschool, and no skills, talents, or abilities worth anything to anyone so he gets the army to take care of him for the rest of his life

why do we allow poor people to join the military again?
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Hey where do you guys get the fonts that you use to make mock ups of the campaign graphics? I would really like to be able to use both of the fonts from Trump's campaign sign but can't find them anywhere without paying a couple hundred.
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So glad I finally get a reason to post this.

No, they tied a claymore to the end of the bomb-disposal bot and detonated it after a 3 hour gunfight that left an officer dead and two more wounded.

Mr. King neglected to mention that part of the incident.

This is terrorism. Hope everyone has their guns ready.

Times like this make me glad i'm a registered independent who is voting for Trump.

I do animation, talking, and a talking animation.

I've been testing it in huangzhou, I am American though obviously. There is a lot of demand for American news on the Don in Chynah.
You don't have to portray anything. He is negative.
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Trump will guid us through the coming race war.
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Don't you guys realize Trump isn't going to make it to the general election?

Look at the delegates. Hillary has TWICE the delegates Trump does, Even Crazy Bernie has more than Trump!

Face it. The General will be between Clinton and Sanders. It will be the ultimate progressive election, no racists or conservitards allowed. Stupid Donnie Drumpf has less delegates than both of them! Sad!
Know known ties to terror groups and no prior record of violence. Wonder if he was coerced by unknown string pullers to do that stuff. These past days of the Clinton stuff and FBIanon are making me think everything has something else behind it.

Then again ... could just be a plain disgruntled nigger.
Did Trump cancel his speech today?
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FOX being savage as fuck today not even humoring a spec of liberal bullshit.
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Yes, they used an e-Jihad robot to Wall-e akbar the terrorist.

The funny part is, they were talking to him through the bot. Once the police saw the person was beyond negotiations, they just blew the robot up with him.
>(((They))) can get into any computer
I don't even have any ports listening on this computer. The only thing I can think of is something that can somehow penetrate NAT and speak to Intel AMT on this box... but that's not worth much if I switch to my Novena.
>no blobs
>no ports listening
>no proprietary software for them to subvert at the vendor
Ya the guy a couple minutes ago btfo obongo and lynch
A reminder that Trump has no chance against Hillary. Just look at the polls lol
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I really need to get my concealed carry asap.
you're about 3 months late with this bate
Cool. And by what mysterious designs you found your way into this board of peace in this Vietnamese cross stitching imageboard?

I'm an idiot. No known*
This will be quick if they try anything.

Everyone imagines total anarchy and totally ignores the platoons of roided up natty guards ready to massacre dindus with martial law impunity.

The most comfy way to enjoy this happening is like a Roof Top Korean with a popcorn machine, some music, and a beer, and just watch the slaughter.
Has the race war started?
When is king nigger holding another speech?
I just got home, speech when?

desu the sound like fun, I know a friend with a pick up truck and 20 guns who offered to pick me up if there is ever a happening
>I really need to get my concealed carry asap.

tfw you never leave the house but work from home so not NEET

Keep those names and make sure people never forget it.
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So what are the pros and cons for the possible VP picks that Trump might be thinking of?

Who would you like to see personally?
So there was only one shooter? Did anyone know fucking anything last night?
> Children with autism spectrum disorders may have difficulty regulating their emotions or expressing them appropriately
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This is the American Revolution. Lets hope we can have another

That general the FBIanon spoke of
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I've already got a nice .44 carbine, I just need some more ammunition. I'm not concerned about being nigged outside my home because I live close to the woods and have a fast car, so I can get the fuck out of pistol range.
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I am a very old fag

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second this, source?
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>BREAKING: Police officer shot in #Ballwin, suburb of St. Louis, MO

stay safe ameribros

Feels good knowing I live in a rural area and have some time if a race war ever kicks off
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> Hillary supporters commit acts of actual terrorism
> New Republic writes articles about someone in a crowd saying something

Remember when leftists went apeshit over GW for cherry picking evidence, or can the New Republic be self aware at all?
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cheer for newt "moonbase by 2020" gingrich
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Just got a new rig with a bunch more memory and have yet to reformat the OS drive.

It's going to be Windows 7 to Windows 10 if I use what I've got.

What are my alternatives?

It's Newt.

>TRENTON -- It is highly unlikely that Gov. Chris Christie will be Donald Trump 's running mate, according to two sources who are advising the Trump campaign and who requested to remain anonymous.

>Instead, the sources said that former U.S. House Speaker Newt Gingrich is "the likely pick" to be the tycoon's choice for vice president.
Look at what music he listened to.

Literally indoctrinated himself. Doesn't listen to anything but nigger drive.
I am a devout catholic, and it says do not kill, I mean idk what to do, I doubt anything will happen for another 2 years but I mean if it ever gets to that point would it be okay?

Anybody have any thoughts on this, I want to protect my wifes son but not sure how to follow the rule of god when theres blacks with aks banging on my door.
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>We love our police officers, don't we folks?

He's been saying this day one, and Hillary comes in like she's a supporter of law enforcement. Her day will come.

>not executing someone guilty of treason
Savage is going to have a field day with this.

As another Catholic to you, I'd say you defend your fucking flock
That would be a huge mistake.

The Obama Admin is clearly telling authorities not to arrest or detain BLM twitters users calling for violence and killing police + white people. They've been doing this for well over 2 years.
lol, we are almost contemporary. I missed the first Habbo raid but was here for the 1 year anniversary.

My bet is that most of /pol/ is old fags from old /b/ before it went to shit due to chanology, the boxxy wars and ponyfags .
I wonder what that list looks like with the coincidence detector on...
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I know this might be controversial... but Shaun King is a bit of a racist imo :(
It's embarrassing how ignorant /pol/acks are about anything with a circuit board.
At least try to look up ANT.
There's nothing wrong with that. I don't need to defend it.
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it wouldn't

p-pls respond

speech/rally when?
Any word on whether Chaffetz has gone anywhere with the perjury case yet?
I think it's probably happening

He pays big attention to online polls, and newt's been winning most of them. Plus he tests people in front of crowds at his rallies and Newt's been by far the most liked

I'm not sure why he's so keen to him though, maybe they've had a paste and Trump knows he can trust him
He was in the fucking reserves, he's no god damn Vet
He's a white boy pretending to be black for personal profit. Of course he's a racist.
shaun king is a a race baiter

Of course he is, all these self-hating whites are
Of course he is, only white people can be racist.
That's because they're just frustrated and oppressed. They'll put a white man in prison for making fun of Muslims on YouTube though.
Can someone tell me why people want to vote this fag?
Gingrich is a globalist and the risk of Trump getting JFK'd jumps a thousand percent if he's VP.
Read upon Just War theory.
Speech canceled, look previous thread (or this one, I forgot) for the announcement

Only problem with that is Newt has a boatload of scandals that Normies would go crazy over- plus the fact he voted for NAFTA
Shit nigger, this is literally where I grew up and driving back there this afternoon
thanks man
Not happening today
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Fuck off Canada. Newt is the goddamn shit. He has baggage? Perish the thought! We're in trouble with Hillary being squeaky clean!

No really. Fuck off. He's smart, he knows how to beat the Clintons at their own game, and he has an impressive track record with bipartisan support. He can get shit done.


Lifelong Georgian here. We love Newt. Pic related.
Why is that?
He was my first choice
First it was Newt, the Randlet, then Sessions, now Newt again

He's got experience passing laws, can fill the role of attack dog, and can elucidate on Trump's policies and present them in a more intelligent manor
>most of /pol/ is old fags from old /b/ before it went to shit due to chanology

Once it started to feel weird (what is now called SJW) I left. I never go to /b/ now, no point, all the gold is here. /b/ is basically a college campus.
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ahahah holy shit
it would bring some reps back but idk if it is worth it for that
The only real alternative is Linux at this point, since the BSDs (Unix family) and ReactOS (open source XP clone) aren't really ready for production use. I recommend Ubuntu since it's relatively user friendly and has a larger focus on internationalization for ching chong runes.
i honestly don't see the problem with that. All trump needs is a dead man switch that brings the pricks down should he get JFKd. After all who wouldn't believe the message the president prepared for the case of his death?
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Checked, and yes, this is end of the empire type of stuff.

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Welcome, hopefully our faith perseveres through this current pope and Islamic Migration.
damn, i was looking forward to this one. thanks anyway
What paper is that?
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Just a reminder that the pope blessed this (back in the crusade days).
Die in fire.

I really don't think it is honestly, I would make Manafort have them bend the knee instead
>supporting a globalist who called Trump racist during the judge mess
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That's really reaching..
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Christ my sides!
Be honest lads..

Is there actually going to be an election this year?

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Exactly, Newt is unloyal too.
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Take my awoo edit

>called Trump racist

Citation needed, friend.
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Do they EVER learn? You can't "decode" Trump. They're stuck in their old paradigms for what it means to be a leader. He's not like them, and he's not like Obama/Clinton/Bush.

Also, nice source on their image... Pathetic.
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So is Trump giving a speech today or not?
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That's the flag and coat of arms of one of our biggest cities (and district capital): Evora.

But there are more (pic related).
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>wahh blacks are being hunted down

>what do you think about the blacks that were shot down last night?

>lol that don't make me mad

I'm starting to rage at this point.
He's a globalist rat backstabber.


The backstab.


Yea. Ok.
Good to see you too.
>loved NAFTA
>loved amnesty
>immediately turned traitor to blast Trump on the judge shit
he could be a useful asset in the administration, but he's a globalist all the way. NewtVP all but guarantees an impeachment at best and a JFK at worst

I am hoping FBI anon is correct and Trump goes with that General he mentioned
salon? link no thx
Newt will bend the knee just like everybody else
He's already coming around on NAFTA

I'm just worried Newt isn't that good of a hedge against assassination as Rand or Sessions or Matthis
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British Empire.jpg
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This is an edit i worked really hard on
Agreed. The only part that still worries me is Trump saying "Newt will be part of our government" in some way.
Oh, let them not have pity for our dead if we're allowed to not have pity for theirs.
This whole series is very nice (and accurate). Your OC?
Just court Bernouts by saying Trump isn't owned by corporate interests like Hillary. and its true too. Don't' make it into a capitalism vs communism thing, they are too emotional regarding that subject, it gets people off track. Make it a globalism vs nationalism thing.

Either source works, still proves Newt is unloyal

Can you even fucking read?

>“I don’t know what Trump’s reasoning was, and I don’t care,” Gingrich told the Washington Post in an email over the weekend. “His description of the judge in terms of his parentage is completely unacceptable.”

>The former House Speaker and once rumored potential Trump running mate went even further on “Fox News Sunday.”

>“This is one of the worst mistakes Trump has made,” Gingrich said.

>“I think it’s inexcusable,” the former House Speaker, who has thus far failed to criticize Trump’s birtherism, anti-Muslim bigotry, misogny and casual racism, said.

Read the last part a few times you fucking idiot. I hope people like you fuck right off the Trump train when he makes this announcement.
>Agreed. The only part that still worries me is Trump saying "Newt will be part of our government" in some way.

Maybe he will be Trump's connection to congress? I don't mind that idea honestly
stop sperging out
windows for muhgames, OS X / Linux for everything else
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No. Use reverse search. I just draw like stick figures and blobs.
How you holding up since last night?


This came from Michelle Bachmanns campaign in 2012. It was thoroughly debunked and that coward wouldn't even respond once the media confronted her about it.

Goddamn some of you are fucking idiots.
She is fine. Some Swedebro posted some very nice pics of her on another thread. She is fine.

Sorry I never saved the pics. Swedebro?

Here's her based analysis:

She is fine.
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nigger monkey gun.webm
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>calling a nigger mass murdered by his initial is racist
>gunning down a dozen white people isn't.
I don't want him anywhere near Trump. He can't be trusted and I hope Trump knows that.

No fuck off you Newt shill, he didn't bother defending Trump and instead decided to attack him when everyone else was too.

True loyalty is tested in times like that and Newt failed
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I havent transformed into Awoo yet after masturbating to her. I think I am good.
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Don't worry. Trump's back is covered.
>provides no citations
>doesn't realize that hillshills can do this too
Did you read the thread?

Well Trump does have to use some of these cucks, and Trump does know how to use people.

Plus this

>Not Jesse Jackson And The Harlem Hellfighters.webm

So first he called Trump a racist and then I show he didn't and now he's not being loyal?

Keep moving those goal posts!
he needs newt as long as he doesnt give too much to him
i think vp is bad but if he can get him to to work the congress it would be good
That text literally showed he called Trump racist, though.

No, he attacked Trump period. I don't give a shit what words he used.

Fuck back off to Newt you cocksucker


Agreed, that is what I'm thinking
Didn't he turn down $200mil for a Gingrich VP?
protection intensifies. The Newton is with him.

>All recent polls are dead heat with most recent Trump winning.
I can already see in a few decades, after that list of "he will never conquer the Milky Way" timeline:

> his supporters will never found a religion
> his religion will never become the dominant religion of the Galaxy
> his religion will never split into "pro Newt" and "anti Newt"

Its rumored he did
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Give it time, you'll grow fond of her.

He didn't. And salon even gave him shit for not pointing out Trumps "casual racism".

And for you idiots claiming he would be the reason Trump would be assassinated? You might as well just admit you're too fucking young to remember the 90s because you already have.

Liberals hate Trump but they despise Newt far, far more and have done so over decades, not months. They don't want Newt as President - they'd compromise with Trump over him.

Fuck that honestly

It was an unsubstantiated article on InfoWars. It's completely bogus.
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I don't need ching chong runes on this rig, at all.

I got a buddy into Linux that really wants to try it. Can it run everything Windows can without me having to be a /v/ level autist?

If so I might go that way. My only concern is that it won't run normie stuff I need to run.

Thanks man.

>Muh True Conservatism

Found the Cruzlim
Considering he raised 50mil in less than a week I doubt anyone would offer pocket change for a VP position.

Is all you do suck Newt's Newt?
I could fucking assassinate Trump and Salon would call me racist for being a white male. That doesn't mean shit. He attacked Trump and wrote NAFTA.
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so any illuminati card talking about race war?
Dallas Mayor dropping redpills.

Overton window is shifting hard as fuck
Your a fucking Legend
Can I just get a yes or no,you god damn nigger?


Ah so thats how Trump appeased the republicucks. I saw all the news of them coming aboard. He had to take in Newt
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Good argument
Source please

Also making house calls a bunch of well armed middle class white people is going to backfire horribly.

No, but the blatant bullshit around here needs to be called. I voted for Trump. A Trump/Ginrich ticket is my political wet dream. They both shit all over liberals. One with the eloquence of a sledgehammer, one with the tenacity of a pit viper. It'll be an awesome campaign.
InfoWars is more accurate than CNN.

He canceled it in respect to those killed yesterday
Can you read the thread?
The convention schedule, Donald.
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No, I meant that I havent started growing wolf ears or something. T-thats what happens right? You turn into the anime character you fap to?

pic unrelated
Thank you.
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Post yfw the fire rises

>write an article about Trump turning down $200 million for Newt
>no sources, no names
>Trump about to name Newt as VP

Do you understand the hypocrisy?
If it is Newt, can he make publuc penance for NAFTA? I can't see that helping Trump
He's not picking Newt for VP dumbfuck
I... I don't think that's how it works, anon.



Newt is going to alienate independents though, and he did vote for NAFTA

How much ammo do you think that would give Hillary?
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Nah m8, that's not how breeding works. Same reason why you don't turn black if you fuck a black girl, so there's nothing to worry about.
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I don't think so
>implying you wouldn't love to see her neck snapped, swinging from a tree
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He would have too, but I don't see the point for Trump to take on the baggage.
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Did we find out what gun the shooter used?

Kek, all these people are doing is showing how retarded they look
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The fucked up part is Space Exploration is the only hope of long term survival for mankind.

We should have had a moonbase 20 years ago, we should be investing billions annually into living in space, production of artificial gravity, growing plants, raising animals in low g environments etc. etc. etc.

We spent next to nothing on space exploration or the technologies to increase the plausibility of long distance space voyages.

We were in the 60s more capable of sending people to Mars than we are now with computers less powerful than the average desktop calculator.

We have had crude nuclear propulsion devices that could send humanity to the far reaches of the stars for decades, yet we spent hundreds of thousands of times more on wars and social engineering on a planet that could be struck by a comet or asteroid or solar flare or super bug or any number of things that wipes out humanity and makes this biome unsuitable for life.

Trump and the Moonman 2016.

Going with the ol ostrich with his head in sand route, eh?

Dunno yet.
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>liberal hippie queen
I dunno man. If Trump has a guy like Gingrich running as VP, he'd better wear two vests.

Newt is a little too establishment I think.

I don't want to see Trump get Hinkley'd, or Oswald'd.
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>tfw in 10 years home invasions become commonplace in America due to destabilization
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No one's denying he's being vetted, we just think he a terrible choice.
Mark my words, he's not getting picked. He's picking someone who won't have Trump assassinated to get an NWO puppet into the office.

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You could have had a moonbase, you could have chosen to live
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No, people are definitely denying it will come to fruition. Just look at this thread.



Hope she picks Warren.
There wasn't any good footage or photographs, but from the length and curve of the magazine it seemed to be either an AK in 7.62x39mm or a gun that takes AK mags. But that's just speculation on my part
>Can it run everything Windows can without me having to be a /v/ level autist?
Windows and Linux are different OSes, so no. There are an increasing number (2200+) games on Steam for Linux, and more on GoG, and the graphics drivers for Nvidia and AMD are about on par with Windows for recent hardware. If you absolutely can't live without specific Windows-only games, you can keep Windows around and only boot into it for games, while using Linux for everything else. There are more advanced options for running Windows inside of Linux with full access to one or more physical GPUs, but that's tricky and easy to mess up so I recommend a simple dual-boot for now.




Read above jackass. The Dems hate Newt far more than Trump. Newt would be Trump's Biden. Trumps safe.

Plus there are better choices that are more based than Newt, like that General the FBIanon mentioned


I don't even hate Newt m8, I just think there are better options for Trump. I do think Newt would be good in the Trump admin as long as he is watched closely.
Trump isn't gonna pick Newt. He's parading with him to please the neocons who are out to kill him
Most ANTs outright don't apply to the Novena because of the unique architecture, and I cross checked the board against the schematics it came with to check for extra chips, and found none.
>Can it run everything Windows can without me having to be a /v/ level autist?

Linux is better at vidya than it is at production, and it isnt even good at vidya.

Linux is something you keep around in case shtf or if you need extra anonymity.
Trump needs Gingrich like he needs a hole in the head.
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A Shia/Sunni type of deal? I can see that.

>mfw Newt is a false prophet


card related?

Look, I don't want another chance of a H W. Bush happening
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>t. assblasted photoshop user
I'm using Arch Linux in production as a workstation and a hypervisor and I get shit done more effectively than my Windows-using compatriots.
>an online poll shows Newt leading

You're delusional and a chill.

Newt is not becoming Trump's VP pick.
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>talking about the computative jew in a trumpgen

This may be slightly off topic and maybe it's total bullshit....

Does anyone have photos of Hillary at Bilderberg meetings? Or does anyone have pics of the meetings period?

Asking for a friend.

My exact thoughts, these guys would ensure we clean out the corruption
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>you don't turn black if you fuck a black girl
around here you do.
Could you imagine how BTFO Clinton would be on foreign policy and national security with those picks?
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Ive heard that Jim Webb was a really good choice. Whataburger him?

>Implying Newt isn't a pariah to the current GOP.
>Implying Newt isn't one the only people to ever cuck the left
>Implying there have been modern day congressmen who have done more for America than Newt
>Implying anyone will knock out Trump a middle of the road conservative democrat to get Moonman as president.

Newt is a safe pick, you need to realize in todays neo-con GOP and neo-liberal left he's about as much of an outsider as Trump is.

Guys like Gingrich and Huckabee are seen as old fashioned by the current crowd of repubs and he isn't well liked by them to say the least.


Yeb!, Rato, Lindsey Graham, and even Mittens are far more of a neocon than Newt. Jesus Christ. You kids are clueless. At least you're voting for Trump I guess.
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>Hillary at Bilderberg meetings

Is this one?
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Jesus Christ, source?


I don't want any of those guys, I want generals like


To purge every Traitor, plus they would BTFO Hillary in foreign policy
>pullin a rand
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I swear to god EVERYONE on Fox News shills for Gingrich. The only person I haven't seen is Karl Rove.
Melania is so fucking hot.

I memed for him earlier, but it's unlikely to happen
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It's so nice to see my flag.

Dig the Canuck with the hockey gloves and the teapot too.

Neither seem to mind too much either.

Nice work.
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I was one of the people at the Trump Cruz meeting.
Cruz is the VP pick. They planned this back in April...of 2015. Of course the specific plan wasn't formed until January of this year, where Cruz would play the anti-Trump, have most of Trump's opponents coalesce around him, and then force them to concede defeat when he steps up at the convention.

It's also going to be great for media coverage, the two biggest GOP rivals joining up to defeat Hillary.

One part of the meeting was fun was Priebus' face the entire time. The guy was in shock at the explanation, he just kind of stared at his hands the entire time. At the end he just looked over towards Trump and asked him "what the hell are you" to which Trump did that smirk he likes to do and replied "I'm Donald J. Trump." Cruz looked like he was about to laugh the entire way through it.

He's right you know.
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>fuck black girl
>become black
>get scholarships, jobs, and entitlements due to affirmative action
>get away with shit because WE WUZ KANGS
>SJW's back you up when whites look at you wrong
>Go from hard mode to easy mode after a decent humping session.

Part of the reason it makes me suspicious, Murdoch's doing?
if he wins over the black vote, then its a YUGE advantage
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Protip: Hongkies have less freckles and slightly darker nipples. Hope this helps.

I really hope that isn't true, because if it is, that makes both Trump and Cruz look like Liers.

Plus Trump BRANDED Cruz. That kills the Rat

This is probably Bullshit though.

It won't happen. Trump has stated several times he wants someone versed in politic realms a governor, senator, (speaker of the house) to make up for his lack of policy knowledge.

Newt has that and is seen as a steady hand, and a proven fighter in the realm, and a proven victor in that realm, and as a matter of fact is the last Republican to give a Clinton a black eye.

If you think that all those things aren't a factor here you don't know why Newt is top choice atm.
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I Want to Believe this Double D ID
SJW pandering never works. Ever.
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I really doubt this. Trump branded him as Lyin' Ted.
Would look silly to VP him after that, his reputation is shattered forever.

I personally hope the VP pick is a total nobody from left-field that nobody expected.. but I also don't care much.

>wins over the black vote

Oh wow, kill yourself. We don't need more pandering
surbriseee :-DDD
Saving the world
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Better pick a better waifu.
shut up dork
His name is poison to Independents, and Trump knows it.
I think it's part Murdoch trying to push Gingrich and part useful idiots. Jeff Lord wants Gingrich. Adelson wants Gingrich. Bob Dole wants Gingrich.

So many people want the moonbase.

I don't know, this might just seem too crazy for me.

I don't think Newt is unqualified, I just don't Trust him not to backstab Trump one day.
Why's that?
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New Thread

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If this happened I will be so happy

True, I like the moonbase meme, too bad I don't Trust him.
Milli and/or Vanilli just got btfo on CNN

Cruzlim confirmed, kill yourself.
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Jim Webb is a gimmick.

He's a Blue Dog Democrat (essentially conservative Democrats) and was running against Hillary in the primaries for a while until the first debate came around and he apparently forgot his party was full of cucks. When asked who his greatest enemy was, he told them it was the enemy soldier who threw a grenade at him but he wasn't around anymore because he killed him. Of course he didn't gain any traction with the liberals.

If Trump could get him it would cause massive butthurt but that's about it. He's said he won't support Hillary but would consider voting for Trump so it's not impossible yet very very unlikely.

Pic related: The grin on Webb's face when he told everyone how his enemy wasn't around anymore
Literally unbeatable in Security. Would probably be the highest assassination insurance too. Would really cause chaos if Trump died.
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It is subtle memery though. An association with Malcolm X.

The MSM race baiting is just insane. It's so obvious and blatant.

Gee I wonder who controls the media. Anyone know?
They won't tell anyone about the plan publicly. I'm just posting it because you guys are big supporters and most won't believe me anyway.

The confirmation will come when the VP is announced.
As for the "Lyin' Ted" stuff, if you don't think Donald knows how to spin that, you haven't been paying attention for the last year.
After this shooting, Trump is going to surge in the polls.

Trump is really going to win.
Windows by Marco$oft is only good for games. Use Linux(Ubuntu) or even macOS for everything other than games
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Don't sweat it Don. I got your 6.

Poison to independents in 1996-2004 maybe.

Do you think anyone really remembers half the shit he did, do you thing Clinton will bring up anything he did back then so they can bring up Gingrich presiding over a successful impeachment of the president (her hustband)?

Trump is not an idiot, Trump has landed the independents and a large chunk of the Bernie vote. He needs to calm the never-trump people and delusional republicans who think they cant vote for him.

Thats the mission, thats why my money is on newt VP before convention or as much as I'd hate it RATO VP at convention.
How can one man be so blue pilled
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New Thread


Oh god, I hope you're not advising Trump on who to pic at the convention
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Rato would be a perfect VP

Right after trump got assassinated he would act exactly like Clinton so it's the best of both worlds
Someone just the other day kicked at our front door around 1:30am. We think it was a little fucking tool that had been in the area trying to sell home alarms. Either way it was spoopy. Had to change the deadbolt and the door is cracked around it. Live in a pretty quiet neighborhood, and no one else was messed with.

Used to have a cop car on the street, but I think that guy retired or has a desk job now.
dead giveaway
she has got some big testicles
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>Thanks Rob, actually, I haven't been to bed yet. This is normally right around the time I get home.

Wayne Newton is awesome.
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Very cool guys. I will continue to suck Microsoft™ dick and learn to dual boot.

James, my linux mate, will be most pleased.
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I am not the artist. The country tittygrab i posted is my edit, tho.
Hes a war hero, and is disinfranchised with both Reps and Dems, and reaching across the aisle would help end bipartisanship, which we need. We need a Trump Party, based on Nationalism and success.
That's yet another problem with Newt. We need to galvanize the support of independents and disaffected democrats, just like in the primaries. Newt would make that harder, not easier.
LOL underrated post
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