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>implying Whites aren't taught this Remember playing

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>implying Whites aren't taught this

Remember playing cops and robbers? "Put your hands up!" and we did.

Blacks are quite literally fucking retarded.
do they seriously need this discussion? its so fucking obvious how can niggers be this stupid?
>father in the picture
>black household with two parents

Of all the things that never happened this never happened the most.
when I was a kid my parents taught me exactly that. always be polite and comply with the guy with a gun, it's pretty obvious even if you aren't taught it though.

do they think complaining about it will change it? a cop will suddenly realize they are in the wrong for stopping you and let you go? this has never happened. and never will happen.
Which couch do they sit on to watch TV.
>complying with the police is supposed to be a bad thing
I imagine the camera is sitting on a couch facing the TV. that's kinda how my childhood living room looked like, except there was a table in the middle. It was bretty gud.
What exactly isn't right about raising your hands if an officer is pointing a gun at you?
>be white, middle class
>starting in 1st grade school teaches firearm safety(stop don't touch leave the area tell an adult), police safety(remain calm, do as they say, find an adult you know), chemical safety(yak stickers), snakebite safety

Maybe its a Texan thing.
>no this isn't right

Shyt man y I gotta do wit dem crackas say? Wud dem Finns did? Cap me?
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>I nearly asked why so many people hate complying with police
>I nearly forgot the degenerate quota exists
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much better thank you
>Doing as the policeman says isn't right
You literally can't make this up
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Are they trying to make themselves look bad?
Nigga that's Eddie Eagle's firearm safety
It's sad how much more realistic this is.

>Mother not an obese sheboon yelling obscenities at her son
Little nigs listen to these multimillionaire rappers and hip hop artists telling them "FUG DA POPO!" "DON RESPK AUTHRAH" "BITCHES EHN HOES" "DRUGS R CUUL"

And what happens? Nigs get dead or end up in jail. They have nothing to blame but themselves.
these niggers killed a white family and are living in their house and wearing their clothes.
Fuck yeah it is.
Taught myself this and I'm white.
Blacks btfo
My dad is a criminal defense attorney and I was taught the exact same thing.

It's funny because my real dad taught me this, not a cartoon dad. I guess it helps if your mother knows who the father of her baby is.
It is common sense

>No this isn't right

Well, maybe if blacks stopped tagging that stupidity onto the end of their advice they wouldn't get shot.

Now - where's the talk for white kids about avoiding black people, since they are much more likely to rape and murder you?
In reality
I was taught this when i was 10
>imblying black people have fathers.
Holy shit is that actually the nigger that got smoked in Baton Rouge?
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Loving father teaching his children how to properly handle and respect firearms.

I don't see the problem.
Looks like him, #PeaceforAlton
If it is since this is 2007, that's his now 15 year old son who is the result of him raping a 14 year old when he was 20

If they were only they were taught to carry their lawyers business cards around in their wallets or purses.
White people seem to be bootlickers by nature.
It's literally the opposite.

Whites are told to respect authority while niggers chimp out for no reason.

How hard is it to keep your hands on the fucking wheel?
Ahahaha next thing you show us niggers riding unicorns.

Ahaha a nigger having a dad at home i fucking cant!
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I still don't understand why these people don't know what cause and effect mean. Don't fight the police like you're entitled to kick the cop, who's doing his job, in the balls. What's so hard about stopping what you're doing and talk to the cops like a civilised person so you won't get hurt? Running away from them is a fucking neon sign pointing at you saying CRIMINAL. What happened to common sense?
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>Hey mista, I suck yo dick fo a dolla!
Such a shame this mythical black nuclear family has to have the talk most white parents give to their children about respecting police
This. And more this.
Requesting the pic of the black guy standing on books looking at kangz
>Nice house
>TV probably not stolen
>Responsible parents
>Talking like white people

My immersion is broken.
>all the sciences
Top kek, huebro.
Complying with the police is always the right thing to do. Absolutely true. But:

>Cops are NOT trained to disable, only to either hit the biggest target or kill.

>Their protocol for every type of stop isn't taught to use as citizens through public means. Either our parents five us a gist or we need to think about looking into it ourselves, often too late.

These two things really are a little fucked up. We should know protocol as citizens. The police should be held to a higher standard with gun use. If I'm wrong please let me know why, because this is honestly the only sense I can make of it.

>implying Whites aren't taught this

>implying that they are
Whites very commonly talk back to the police. They get away with a lot of things that blacks wouldn't dream of getting away with. I have heard the stories from my white friends about their brushes with the law, and how they either charmed their way out of trouble, or took the ticket like a man and told the "pig" just where he could go.
Most of black friends who have had encounters with police have stories about being dehumanized and humiliated by them.
You're in no position to comment on this. British cops aren't trigger-happy. They've only even carried a piece for what... ten years?
This goddamn picture makes no sense
>black family
>lives in decent, well-kept house
>father is present in child's life
>parents actually teach their children lessons of life
>two full size couches facing each other and not the TV
It's like a picture from an alternate universe. Who would have their furniture set up like that?
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I don't understand, is the older black guy in the OP pic his older brother? Maybe a neighbor? His gym teacher or basketball coach came by to talk to him?
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thats cause they only learned how to play "robbers and robbers"
>you have friends
>you come to pol
Okay buddy go up your meds.
>Son if cops tell you not run dont run
>dont point weapons fake or real at police
>if you get pulled over dont get angry just follow the officers orders

Fucking retards cops are huge fucking assholes but at least 90% of these deaths could have been avoided if they just LISTENED.
oh come on now, there is bound to be at least one.

The problem is police are allowed to whip out their gun and turn a situation from zero to 100 faster than a person dealing with an officer can process what's going on, considering most of them think they're going to die anyway.

Situations like the Minnesota incident could have been avoided entirely if officers gave any indication that they were going for their gun. Even if it was some juvenile bullshit like

>On the count of three I'm pulling a gun on your sorry ass

and at least it would give the person subject to the stop the ability to talk to the officer and let them know they're reaching for their wallet, not a fucking gun.
What does that even mean?
You forgot the caption that says something like "Daddy bondin w his lil niggas and hoes" or whatever
i quite agree. i was never taught this because my dad figured i wouldn't ever really get in trouble with the law. while he was mostly right since all i do is work and sleep. i have had a few run-ins with the law when i was driving too fast, and i still knew to keep my hands in plain view at all times until instructed to do otherwise.

i mean it is pretty common sense.
was never taught any of this. somehow i just instinctively knew.
>white man fucks a 14 year old
"It was common a century ago for 14-year-old girls to marry grown men. If there's grass on the field, play ball!"

>black man fucks a 14-year-old girl
"He's a rapist!"

Intellectual integrity is not your strong suit, is it?
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>I have heard the stories
...and that's all they are.
Probably his 3rd or 4th step father.
Fuck the "cops and robbers" example.

When I was a young kid, my mom told me the story of some local teenager who had a prop gun as part of his Halloween costume. She told me about how he hadn't been careful with it, how he had scared the cops with it, and about how they had shot and killed him because they thought it was a real threat.
Then she explained to me how police officers have to do their jobs, and what that means when they're confronted with particular situations like that one.
She ended by teaching me to always be careful and respectful around cops, because if you're not something can go wrong and they could kill you.
And also my dad left when I was seven.
So fuck you, black peole, you're not fucking special. Everyone goes through this shit that you complain about as being some special burden.

> properly handle and respect firearms

They're holding guns like niggers
>Doing what the police say is wrong in their eyes
Jesus, then they wonder why they get shot all the fucking time.
Blacks are retarded. Every parent has this speech with their child. Blacks only just start giving the speech in 2016. Blame authority for their shitty parenting...
Glad I'm not the only person who caught that.

>implying white people get to do what the fuck they want around nervous police officers and never get shot

You have to be a special kind of retard to need to be told not to provoke armed police. If something that obvious is tripping you up then you were not cut out for life in the big city. It's not because you're black, it's because the cops aren't fucking psychic and don't know if you're a good boy or an armed thug until they've had a closer look at you.
no shit.

i have been pulled over by police about five times, in all of those times i have never gotten shot because i listened to the officer and didn't tell them to fuck off.
>above the law

this count probably is a shillary supporter.
>23 unarmed black men killed in 2016
>19.5 million black men in America
>Rate of 0.1 per 100,000
>Murder rate of black men is 19.2 per 100,000
>Literally 192 times more likely to be murdered than to be killed by police

Yeah but you need to fear the 5-0.
Exactly. Me and two buddies got pulled over because we'd hit a deer a while earlier and it busted a headlight. We kept our hands in sight, we were polite to the cop, and we got away with no ticket or gaping chest wounds. Is it because we were all white? I doubt it. Is it because we didn't make sudden movements after announcing we had a gun in the car? I'm sure that was part of it.
>hit a leg artery and they bleed out in minutes
>a way harder target especially while the target is moving
10/10 police work there

I distinctly remember hearing multiple times in school and at home, "always do what the police say, but if they ask you to get in the car without a reason ask if you can call your parents.

I also remember being told I couldn't have a toy gun because sometimes kids get in trouble because people think they're real.


Hue comes in with the kek
>Remember playing cops and robbers?
no i remember we played this game in elementary school were you get on the monkey bars and kick each other while hanging and if you drop you lose and we would be lined up on both sides to replace the fallen
What is it with American police though? Nearly all European police carry firearms yet this shit doesn't happen here.

A - tame your fucking niggers
B - tame your fucking police
Here's my estimation of American cops:
>30% Saints
good people who want to work hard to make a positive difference in society
>50% Jobbers
ambivalent schlubs who don't give a shit about anything but putting in their time and cashing their checks
>15% Pigs
corrupt men who are trying to line their pockets or push some kind of agenda
>5% Demons
sociopathic nut-jobs who simply view their badge as a license to terrorize and kill with impunity
Hey now! Black's resisting is just gross negligence and extreme carelessness..
top huek
i swear up and down, if you watch the tv series called cops, you'll see some white people acting nuts, usually they are drunk or high, but they don't often even ask the cops "why did you pull me over?"

or pulling any kind of bullshit where they mouth off to the officer, but you watch all the niggers, and i swear almost each and every single one of them gets offended that there is a cop around. always badmouthing, mouthing off, being obnoxious and loud, or even fighting or running.

i was taught at a young age there is no point in running from the cops, they have a lot more of them than me and a lot more equipment and training. fighting it is useless, just comply.
>Cops are NOT trained to disable, only to either hit the biggest target or kill.
You're absolutely wrong. They are trained to kill with firearms, but they are also equipped with non-lethal weapons and techniques.
Yes some do. Smgs all over London's, not puny pea shooters.
Quite fair
generally speaking, the firearms are the last resort.

they are suppose to be pulled only when the suspect is a viable threat, and only shot when your life or others are in immanent danger.

the shooting is usually grouped to the largest part of the body to succeed in taking the aimed target down. this is usually the chest. aside from the heart and lungs, no other parts shot should be fatal, however they do teach them to shoot close to the heart, to nullify the threat.

but you are right, they do have pepper spray, handcuffs, zipties, k9 units, and tasers to help nullify a threat as well.
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None of this would be happening if you blacks liked and listened to Will Smith's clean rap.

He and DJ Jazzy Jeff tried to save you. You didn't listen

The guys you see with the weapons are generally the lowest tier of armed police. Their job is basically "contain, call for backup, use firearm only if absolutely necessary".

Whenever a UK officer fires their gun they are always investigated.

>source: numerous friends and family in Met, SCO19 and SCO20
Kekd and checkd
Where I am (East Yorkshire) patrol cops don't carry any kind of weapon. We have ARU (Armed Response Units) that appear out of nowhere if someone reports the threat of a knife or gun situation.

A mentally ill retard guy I used to know went walking through the crowded city centre with a toy gun in his hand once, and he'd apparently removed the red thing on the end of the barrel that shows it's a toy. He lasted about a minute before he was face down in the street with armed guys in tactical gear sat on him.

I much prefer our system to the USA, but I guess you can't just ban guns once the genie's out of the bottle, you'd only be disarming the honest folk and leaving them at the mercy of armed criminals.
Oh, dry up, with your unfunny bantz.

I'm black and in my 40s, and my parents gave me "the talk" back in the 1980s. Because of my training (and my natural patient temper), I kept completely calm while a Sheriff's Deputy rousted me at the bus stop after school like a common criminal right in front of my friends, cupped my balls, dumped my belongings on the ground, and kicked my library books and homework in the dust.
I didn't look like a criminal. I was bookish and timid. However, I was black, which gave him an excuse.
The piece of shit had probably been dressed down by his wife earlier, so he felt the need to go bully some skinny nerd to reaffirm his manhood.

There's nothing new going on out here. It's been open season on blacks for 150 years. It's just getting attention now, because it's no longer easy for the police to hide their unjust deeds, because of today's technologies.
Who is that adult black male in that picture on the right?
>I have heard the stories
>...and that's all they are.
Guys [of all colors] love to tell fish stories.
So, tell me... why would none of my black friends tell a story about telling the cop to go to hell?
Liberals blamed Christians and the NRA for shootings unrelated to them. By that logic, the Dallas shootings are BLM & their fault
fucking mom caption has me dieing
Everyone does it.

>muslim terror attack: one side vilifies muslims as extreme while the other side defends them
>police kill a black guy: one side vilifies cops as racist while the other side defends them

There are literally only two sides to every story nowadays, and neither of them seem realistic. The only common ground both sides have is that they both insist that the powers that be are working for the opposition.

He's a community social worker, checking up on a single parent home.
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kek'd and check'd
fucking kek
His mom's boo?
True. And white teens and white groups of teens are also tailed in stores to prevent shoplifting. I remember having it done to me, and I remember doing it to all teens who entered the store on orders from the boss when I worked in a store, regardless of race.
Taming police works at cross purposes with taming niggers. Give em an inch and they take a mile
my parents fucking gave me the talk and i never did anything fucking criminal ever

learning how to interact with police during a traffic stop and in the streets is definitely thought to white people
Texasbro here. I was shooting guns and told to respect & listen to the police when I was in kindergarten. This is more of a Dallas/Oklahoma containment thing.
what is this meme?
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the little shits are probably dead or in prison now
You got beat to the joke by one post and that other post even said it better, it's ok though, I still appreciate you, here is a (you) for you
>mother and father who are together
Lmfao. GTFO. They could at least try to make the propaganda accurate
Who the fuck has a framed picture of MLK jr. in their fucking house?
This is what happens when you coddle an entire race
Dumb dead cops should have complied.

Dumb dead cops should not have resisted.
tfw a brazillian delivers a poignant burn
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>More anecdotes
I don't know you or your faggot friends, and I don't know any of my friends that would tell a cop to fuck off to begin with.

How old are you?

Also what race?

Serious questions. I suspect underage and or black if you can't see how this wouldn't lead to tons of dead cop's and common sense would indicate this wouldn't work
im just a white dude living in the burbs and a get this spiel too of course. what is initially, police are good guys and they want to help becomes obey their orders, argue as to the lawfulness of the actions in court. compliance is paramount. police like to come in to local primary schools and establish a relationship early as a teacher and helper as opposed to an enforcer, which i think makes a big difference. i doubt the same kind of engagement is going on in the inner city
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