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You ARE training your mind and body for the upcoming race wars,

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Thread replies: 230
Thread images: 49

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You ARE training your mind and body for the upcoming race wars, right?

pic related, me.
are you training your boypussy too you kangaroo-fucking fagaroo?
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arm gains.jpg
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hmm, seems i can either flex my arms or my chest but not both

Good job OP. You show those kangaroos whos boss!
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Looking joocy, keep at it white brother ;)
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Seriously, is there anything more bluepilled than being in poor shape?
The Great Emu Fiasco 2: Fagaroo and the Electric Boogaloo
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Seriously, being strong is the point of right wing, weakness and needing numbers to be strong is left as can be.
nice tits no-chin

even with overhead lighting you look like 200 pounds of chewed bubblegum. that's topkek
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i used to be a leftist, but as I've come to realize the truth of conservative nationalist liberalism it's made me want to be a better person. the left teaches entitlement, the right teaches earning your way through life

Nice fucking package. One question, why take such selfies when you seem to be hung. Is it all balls in there?

Anyway, if you want to work out for health, great. But don't give us a 'muh gains' pose when your cock still appears bigger than any muscle you've actually worked.

Long story short. This pic will never communicate supremacy. But a dick pic just might.

There are boards for that, btw.
those are called pecs, men have them, maybe one day when you weigh more than 60 kilos you'll understand

>He buys cheap supermarket undies.

Is being poor and sexless fun?
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It's mostly superior white dick, i have normal sized balls and a monster cock.

how can black "men" even compete?

and yes, this is me flaccid, i'm a grower...
it's called estrogen-induced gynecomastia. you got it from being a fat fuck.
>Is being poor and sexless fun?

new job starts next month, and i'll finally be not poor for the first time in my life

Are you even cutting you fatty
And do more squats those legs are pitiful.
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my legs look better with a pump, none of those pics are taken with a pump.
Let's see it hard
fuck off faggot
can you make a webm of you sucking on your finger
>No calves
How much are you lifting.
Give stats m8

From the looks of it you've only been going about a half a year.

Its nice to see /pol/ work out but its nothing to write home about just yet you're still clearly above 20% BF.
Also fix your form your legs are too far apart and your hands too close.

Feet should be pointing forward and legs a bit wider than shoulder width.
Nice gyno you got there. You're going to need surgery to get rid of those tits
I wish I had a big cock then again it could be worse.
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Daily reminder I'm easily one of the strongest people on this board.
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Bait thread level: Australian
You're doing us proud. Now back to /b

Wrong retard. Sumo is superior and you can take advantage of bar flex.
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Nice cock bro, no homo
>middle eastern wire beard

Ok pal
fuckin weird night time /pol/
>You will never have a cock as big as OP
Why even live?
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I think I'm straight now :^)
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Looking good, anon. I'd hit it.
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Fucking hell m8.
Your tits are better than my wife's.
Gimme a feel. No homo.
Nice tits wanna fuck em
What the fuck is wrong with you, he's literally Craigslist-tier :^)
>Naturally hairless

Beta detected.
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See you there brüder
What's your new work?
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Just banter, m8.

Tfw I'm buffer than you and I just work at UPS
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Nice gyno faggot
We need to see it hard so we know it's better than a BBC
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Dude you look like shit,

>beta shoulders
>toothpick forearms
>fat where triceps should be
>sucking in abbo gut

did i mention literally have no shoulders? your back fat meets your neck giving the appearance of a frog


pic related, me in January after a cut
We all know that tattooed manlet prick isn't you.
I have appreciated the penises
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what the fuck is this fag shit?
lol manlet.
Sorry they aren't dog penises. I'm sure you would like those even more.
op I need to suck your dick Im not going to be able to sleep until I do. Why did you do this
You look like a white nigger.
>>>/soc/ bait
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what the actual fuck straya
>he's afraid of dicks
For those heavy flow days I use extra strength tampons for altrighties
Suckin on my tobacco phallus
>that flag
>a tampon expert

Of course.
Fat fuck.
I'm not going to lie, you're probably the gayest Mexican I have seen here.
You tell me

Seriously boxers called alpha? Trying to hard m8
>he likes period commercials
Keep it up OP. Looking thick, strong, tight.
There's LITERALLY nothing wrong with liking period commercials.
lol who did you get to take those pics?
>inb4 mother
Good leaf, gotta look good considering that man's best friend is now man's boyfriend.

You are kind of creepy dude
Just started going to the gym last week. I'm no where near OPs level but I know hard work will pay out in the future. It's good not being a whiny liberal, because the one thing the government can't gibs is a nice body.
Yeah enjoy your thread strange person
I will not. Triggered? Triggered :^)
It's easy to look like this guys. But you must sacrifice your testicles and penis.

This man here is injecting growth hormone and trenbolone into his chest and shoulders, to stimulate all over muscle growth.

To maintain his muscle mass at this low bodyfat, he is taking a horse steroid known as clen. It's not healthy to look like this Canadian
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DYEL mate?
that pic is all preaspective tricks.
>fat spilling over the wasit band
>As to lean flex to get an ass
>baby 'I worked a summer job' arms.
Your chest and abs and obliges have zero definition
so I ask again, do you even lift?
>I'm no where near OPs level
>I'm nowhere near morbidly obese


Jersey shore much?

You realize that elite soldiers don't look like that right?
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A little bit
>everything I know about elite soldiers I learned from watching Ninja Warriors
>he looks like Cher

Jimmy Saville looking ass
WTF kind of hair is that
why do all you fags always stand like that when taking these kinds of pictures
I shaved my hair off, feels good man, much more hygenic
Wish I was pitt

Decent progress desu but stop attention whoring on /pol/
>he went from fat and gross to fat and gross
>"decent progress"

lmao /pol/'s standards are low
He clearly gained a fair bit of muscle

That's not to say he doesn't need to cut badly

But It's not like there was no progress there
to make their chest look like it stands out more than it actually does
???? what are youtalking about?

just a normal standing posture my man

I wait at the bust stop standing like that, wait at line to purchase my food, etc. just a casual way to stand
0 traps bro.
I'm skinny as a twig, so yeah.

No they are just not that bulky and focus more on endurance than strenght.
DYEL? height weight stats now you fag
His diet is obv shit but you can see he started lifting from the first to last pic difference.

As a /fit/fag i like to be encouraging when someone puts forth effort.

Just like how fat shaming fridays should exclude the gifs of fat chicks on treadmills...they are trying and that should be encouraged.
Looking good m8
I agree with you, I hate when people fat shame in gyms. Like they're at the gym what more do you need?
rat faced midget lmao
So did u take that pic for a bunch of dudes to Jack off too?
>ruby red nips
Does your abo husband bite your nipples whenever you do the dirty or what?
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Post boi pucci and more titties.
Skinny is god-tier.
Skinny is low test. OP is high test, and could fuck you up, you Kraut pansy.
This is what EVERY body should look like.


Skinny/lean and smooth :^)
LOOK at this 1973 looking oaf what the fuck is wrong with you LOOK AT HIS FACE why just why did you think this was a good idea

you're like 4'2
>fat is bad
I'm sorry, were we training for a race war or a Mr. America competition? Good luck being useless if you go a day without food
Get a fucking haircut.
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That body would not be suited for hard manual labour, like OP's body. It's not functional.
>hard manual labour

lmao lower class much? :^)
What if the world ends tomorrow and you have to use your woodcutting skills to assassinate people?
Superior German engineering has given me the ability to fart zyklon b.

How can fatties even compete?
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>parents obv race mixed

Touche', but in Australia, we're totally disarmed of Zyklon B farts and firearms. So we must be built as brick shithouses, with excess bodyfat in reserve for possible famine in the coming Chinese war. When the Chinese take over, and send all of the unemployed junkies out to farm rice and cotton.
There's LITERALLY nothing wrong with being a cute manlet :^)
Right....I'm leaving /pol/ for good
>in Australia, we're totally disarmed of Zyklon B farts

This calls for a German/Australian alliance RIGHT NOW.

Take my hand, Ausfag. Take my hand and let me show you the magic of zyklon b.
Nigger, you looks weak. How tall are you and how heavy are you.
Is that Dylan Klebold?
Was hoping I'd see a comment like this scrolling down the main board. Still not going into this thread, either.
>sumo deadlift

You are a fatass op. Your first pics fooled us all.
You sir are a faggot.
I'm the same weight in the first and most recent pics btw
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You look like a Slav. Are you?
you looked like such an alpha till you included your face in your pic...
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We are nothing like the cucks in swedistan, germony of frenchsturdistan bro and unlike them, we wont be cucked.

>Be a fingolian
>be blessed with traits no other race on the face of the earth posesses
>god tier rage gene
>language made solely for cursing, insulting and spreading fear in to the hearts of other nations
>suomalainen sisu ja perkele!
>unhealthy relationship towards all pointy objects that can be used to stab people
>even unhelathier relationship with alcohol
>known to hold grudges (never forgive, never forget)
>when the anger reaches it's, trasform into a super fingolian

If some one would be so stupid and start allahu akbaaring here, at the end of the day all they will hear is our war cry's while we will crush their bones, cut their ball's off and bury them behind our sauna's.
Mexican of Irish descent here. I tip my sombrero to you, my white brothers.
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Our meme factories are steady.
I'd suck your dick :^)
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I am.

2 years old picture.
No homo tho :^)
weak sissy whitey.

we want strong black bull.
lmao grotesque
can't even conquer apostrophe usage
get "missed" in action faggot
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facial gains.jpg
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my face changes with bf%
Great, a half-breed Asian mongrel chiming in :^)
nvm then i scrolled down and saw your dick

You're Russian, admit it :^)
deca dick lol
you were 2 years old in that picture?

fuckin dunwitch horror up in here
hello is this the anime thread
>fuckin dunwitch horror up in here


th-thanks germany-senpai
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ofc check these squats
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Fucking torn acl ruining my gains
Got surgery 2.5 months ago after walking around on it for a month, not knowing I tore my acl
>ginger pubes

How do I love thee? Let me count the ways <3
Dammit Germany you should've just imported Mexicans into your country instead of Muslims.
Geez that guy is not fit. I hope people don't see that and think that is what fit and strong looks like. Fucking horrible.
Admit he's cute!
no this is a jewish gay board
you have a good jaw now
>t. Mehmet
Implying that there would be a single person in your country that would be willing (or able) to do anything else than continuing to suck in that syrup when the beheadings finally begin.

lmao proof?
This is LITERALLY a lie.

I'm not hung, but at least I'm uncut :^)

Nice gyno. You're not even that fit. How much do you lift?

I am currently training to pass my russian citizenship test. Plz gib advice, germany-senpai.
You look like one of those women that do bodybuilding

10/10 looks like a dumb passive democrat
Out b8ing the ops b8

Nice fatceps ahmed.
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fucking degenerates sharing pictures of your dicks
Fuck Russia, move to Munich at once or feel my wrath :^)
youd look bara husbando tier with a beard
I'll certify you kosher if you know what I mean
>he's """""intimidated""""" by penis

No one believes you, Canada. No one.
You have a girly ass anon
Why the fuck is everyone sharing their faces on an anonymous internet board?? Are you all retarded? Also you're not a slav yet stop squatting
Hans, shouldn't you be doing the chores pointed to you while Achmed and his jolly friends are using your wife and daughter as their personal cumbuckets?
>those tiny fucking arms
do you have problems reaching the upper cupboards in your house?

Fukken kek
His ass is LITERALLY god-tier.
get a better haircut, slim down a little bit and you'll be good my friend :)
Oh why thank you fellow Northamerican!
Look good but that delt looks mangled, stop pinning your shoulders and get some deep tissue massage on that lump
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>no arm definition at all, chicken wing forearms
nigga do some manual labor once in a while i bet you don't even have callouses on your hands

also, try to grow some body hair ya little boy
Remove the tricycle from your ass
Thanks for sharing the cuck fantasies you fap to every night :^)

His arms are normal. They look short because he has tight biceps and internally rotated shoulders
tfw no alpha /pol/ack bf to ravage my ass while he calls me a faggot

b-bring me luck please lord kek
>he wants to massage that guy's lump

lmao gay
>his arms are normal

if he was a midget.
Look at them they're short at fuck

is this better?
Lies it's the speedo pushing the cheeks outward
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> Irish descent
> Has Indio eyes

Fag por favor. Stop embarrassing us.
I can't believe Trumpcucks want to build a wall to keep THAT out.

Trumpcucks wtf is wrong with you
Everyone has to start somewhere, right?















oh not this again, shut the fuck up you stupid dickpig. he wants to deport ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS. ILLEGAL. NOT ALL MEXICANS.
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Why does everyone on 4chan look like a serial killer in some way?

>that cold stare at the bottom
Is that Lena Dunham or Toby Maguire?
> doesn't like muscle legs
> likes manlets and weird Mestizo guy who pretends to be Irish

What kind of homo are you? Have you no decency at all?
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come back to /plg/ bae
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Instead of jerking and fantasizing about your nation wide failure I rather keep on fucking my hot wife. We cant all be like you now can we?

do you have skype or kik, germany-senpai?
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show us your orange pubes then

oh wait you're just a fucking trash indio

enjoy having your brown lolis and shotas fiddled by us superior white mexicans. :^)
>90 lb hairless half-man weakling
would kick sand in face at beach
What the FUCK has happened to /pol/?
Sorry puto this Mexifag does not compute your message
Eres de Guadalajara verdad putito?

I thought first that op was a /r9k/ robot refugee and I felt srry for him, but now /pol/ is /soc/.

Fuck this! Too much gay faggotry, im outta here...
The recent attention has brought a new wave of Newfags here it should take about 3 weeks to covert the though
Nah see>>79805853
I knew the majority of /pol/ were boipussies.
he looks awful desu. It's like he's wearing a lifelike, rubber muscle suit. He's all out of proportion also, it all just seems wrong somehow. And to top it off he's pulling an abstract duck face. Yuck/10

> implying indios can speak English
> implying having red pubes is in any way good
> implying I care if you fuck the 6 yo india that sell candy and can't even speak Spanish

Top kek puta. Pls go. Don't you have to go apply your whitening cream to pretend you're Prince Harry?
Bajío my burger friend
CNN happened

lmao you got nothing at all

>those babies delts
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You got that right my friend
Stfu straight white cis scum!
Lmao I could literally rip your cock off you bufty
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In different ways, anon. In different ways.
I have an elephant scar on my knee too. You're gonna make it brah
I like the "hardcore lifters" here that are just dying to shit all over OP because he isn't roided out or using DNP. This is petty shit that women do.

Though lifting for reasons like "muh white race" are pretty terrible as well.
i like looking at the instructional inserts in the tampon boxes "yeah insert that fuckin thing, yeah discard that fucking applicator you fucking bloody slut"
well they are on so many roids their testicles have vanished, no wonder they are acting like women
Kind of training
noice, what gun and how far away
What the fuck is that western spy?
Very nice brah keep it going just dont over do it and end up looking like a bodybuilder freak
This is a really weird thread.

P226 in .40. 100 rounds. 25 feet. Headshots were one handed.
Thread posts: 230
Thread images: 49

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