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is the media ever going to figure out what 4chan is?

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Thread replies: 309
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is the media ever going to figure out what 4chan is?
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Let's hope not. No more normies, we have too many already
We r anoneemoose
Expoot us
We dont forgive or not remember


Why the absolute FUCK are you guys promoting /pol/ and it's meme magic to the news? THE LAST FUCKING THING WE WANT IS UNDERAGE EDGY CUNTS BEING ATTRACTED HERE LIKE A MAGNET.
They probably know, they just don't care.
This is the problem when he media is run by old people. They can't fathom stuff younger people like so they treat it with condescending disdain. That "who is this 4chan" woman is a perfect example of it. Meanwhile Gavin and Milo express it for what it is because they understand it.
>digital movement of neo-Nazis, anti-Semites, and white supremacists newly emboldened by the success of Donald Trump's rhetoric

looks like they've already figured it out
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I was kinda thinking this too.
the included the slashes around /pol/ which I don't know if the average media idiot would have done.
Someone has to go down for this, I'm willing to take the blame.

I take full responsibility for this.

I am the hacker 4chan.
>a digital movement
>a movement
Because some men even want to watch their world ending viewing platforms burn
Either that or the shills think it's the only way to beat us
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Meme magic is at it again.
To be fair -chan is the suffix of a name
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No. They take the internet at face value ever since they discovered they can make articles quoting random people on Twitter.

Pretty lethal to apply that to 4chan.
Alt-right? Neonazi?

I thought this was a website for radical leftist pedophiles like Bill O'Reilly said.
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thats some waifu material right there
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the normies know. Shut it down.
Who the fuck takes the internet at face value?
I mean... I am the hacker Reddit
Its already happened.
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noko, gorethreads, 4chan gold passes, and viruses that only retards clicked on /b/ were what kept this place normie-free.

then they made 4chan a featured article on wikipedia and it was all over
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Louise if you are here.
I'd fuck you.
That's 8/pol/

she frequents brit/pol/ m8
I always knew it was you
so... /pol/ isn't for the alt-right?
I mean, the next thread after this one is a black guy who showed up to ask why everyone here hated black people, and he got shouted down and called a nigger, repeatedly.
I think the remarkable thing about that image is that a journalist has described /pol/ accurately for the first time in basically forever.
Oh fuck your special snowflake seektrit treehows nonsense
Calling someone a Nigger, Fag, Faggot, ect. Is just the culture here. It doesn't mean anything you stupid niggerfag.
4chan lore is best lore
It was infinity chan /pol/ anyway.
/pol/ is a board of peace
stop 4chanophobia
/pol/ is one of the most culturally diverse places on the internet so how the fuck can we be Nazis?
She's pretty much perfect other than being anti-Trump.
>when media is run by old people

/pol/ is a bunch of middle aged dudes
If 4chan becomes more normie,v double chan is always the alternative
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I spend more and more time on cripplechan every day because of the cancer that's flooding in here.
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We are religion of peace now
The only digital movement they understand is their own finger up their ass.
it is the leftist meme that Right= Nazi
When the Right hates socialism and totalitarianism and the Left loves it.

It is their Orwellian double speak
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>/pol/ is a hivemind or a single organism

No, go fuck yourselves.

Also, I take quiet pleasure in the absolute confusion and frustration we cause the CIA/FBI when they try to categorize the posting here. Have fun with our memes fucktards.
>/pol/ is a bunch of middle aged dudes

yeah pretty much all the oldfag /b/tards that didn't leave 4chins altogether ended up here
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To be fair it's still taboo to be pro-trump in Britainistan lad.

Not a single MP is pro-trump in public. It took big hitters like Boris for people to finally come out with confidence as pro-Leave.
Can confirm. It's my 11th year on 4chan.
Did Bulgaria even have the internet 11 years ago?
How can I be a nazi if I'm not white?
I'm actually 21 jackass

I live better than you senpai, don't push it.
>Also, I take quiet pleasure in the absolute confusion and frustration we cause the CIA/FBI when they try to categorize the posting here. Have fun with our memes fucktards.
I would absolutely love to get a look at the reports from the guy who monitors /pol/. I bet he gives the most confusing, ridiculous status reports to his superiors.

>they keep talking about the fire rising and crashing this plane with no survivors, I think it's a terror plan or something
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Normies don't stay long and those that do redpill. Normies need to believe in their daily dose of propaganda or they'll turn into cucked r9k.

Remember, we're here forever. The occasional normie invasion soon lose will when they realize they're trying to piss into a ocean of piss.
So they're blaming us for an image posted on another website? Intredasting.

>what is this frog symbol that appears in different "rare" variations?
>is it a secret code?
>is it some sort of a cult?
anyone else notice how the shills have started going to other sites posing as us?
>is it some sort of a cult?
Isn't it?
Is gay-Moot canon?
Ever notice how muslims are trying to push islam on /pol/ lately?

Then they reply with proxies agreeing with each other.

I am afraid some gullible faggots will fall for it.
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So we get an influx of normies coming to see us today?
this place makes me wish i was a journalist. i'd hide so many memes
>what exactly are they checking?
It is not. We a world wide decentralized group of freedom minded individuals.
you're confusing "cult" with "the last bastion of free speech on the internet"
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>mfw the higher-ups use the phrase "what did they mean by this"
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there was this, too, a couple weeks ago on national review...
>eightchan posts the image
>4chan gets blamed

I mean I get that journalists don't get us, but is it really that fucking difficult to realize that they're two completely different websites?
I am sad the language gap prevents us from working with 2ch. We would be fucking unstoppable.

we ebaumsworld now
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We've become the 9gag of 8gag
>implying it isn't the jews and hillary shills
I'm surprised they didn't mention wolf girl
who is that autist anyway
more redpilled people the better
Is eBaumsworld even a thing anymore? Whenever people ask me where I "got that information" I still say ebaumsworld
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That's 8ch you fucking mong. Much better than this pozzed jew loving fucking board of yours...
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>he doesn't know about Yotsuba B
>he doesn't know 4chan's numbering system for files

hover over the image you posted, it's hosted on 4chan as 1467560627130.png

notice the name of the file in the OP? that filename is from 4chan, not 8ch
Sooo. Did our God Emperor do this on purpose for the sake of redpilling people ?
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He is just moving the blame to 8ch

Milo and Gavin can literally eat a dick, they don't know shit
If you look at the link in the article, it redirects to 8ch.

How would the media understand that is a 4chan filename? They messed up, don't bother playing devils advocate for them
I thought we were an antonymous collective
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There's a nuance to the art of shitposting on /pol/.

I'm a fucking tranny, and I'll call them a nigger just because it pisses them off. I'd call them a flizzle-fazzle if that worked too.
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Louise has been pretty cool recently. She joined in with a lot of the channer shitposting on Twitter against the remainers.

Her husband is manager of Metallica btw.
We are not alt right. Alt right is to our left. Alt right is too fucking normalshit now
lol get v& kiddo
disregard my post
8ch's numbering is roughly in the same neighborhood and the ID in the OP is not from here
Hint: check the post number of the post, it's very lacking in comparison to ours

She's pro-Trump and way too philo-semitic. She is qt though :3
>Alt right is too fucking normalshit now
Go back to /mu/ and build the wall behind you, really.

Here's why:
1.) you have apparently given consideration to ever identifying yourself as the "alt-right" gender in the first place.
2.) but now it's too popular
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>featured on /pol/
>a digital movement
>newly emboldened

do these hack journalists ever get tired of sounding stupid?
>numbering system for files
its from 8pol and the link in the article links to 8pol

theyre gonna be invaded by normies, top kek
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>/pol/ is where all the neo nazis gather

hate this meme, we are more diverse than america
Everyone here is "omg literally Hitler" because actually having a fucking spine means you want to gas 6 million jews.

They're intentionally tattooing the swastika on your forehead, even though it's backwards. Just own it.
Every time I see a story trying to demonize 4chan I think it's some novice reporter that think they found some "ultra secret neo-Nazi hideout" they want to expose, and they get approval from their superiors, they look up 4chan and find...mostly anime, porn, and general stupidity. But at that point they've built everyone's hopes up and cannot back down from doing the story.
Now after that they will create 16chan
Joke's on you, I'm only an 18 year old virgin
Wasn't she just on Bill maher?
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You just run that password app and you're safe! And never make your password "password" which is the most common password password.

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Its like an lefty calls you racist because you called a black person, nigger in public, even when you know that person and he doesnt mind
I wish there were 6 trillion jews so I could gas them.
JIDF please go.
Gold Passes didn't become a thing until after the featured article.
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*car splosion*





start dropping the infographics. Red pill them all they wont be able to go back.
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Terrorizing the innocent is not condoned by the FAQ.
Your profile picture is really cute!
>blue board

Nice journalistic skills, faggots.
>They recognize their own by signs of autism, yet dismiss others based off autism.
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You're supposed to lurk the board for months before you try to encapsulate the witchcraft that happens on this board.

We are all pretty much just training each other in how to perform and identify psy-ops.

Each user has their own individual goals, but this skillset is the common thread.
I am a "liberal" in what side of the political spectrum I lean towards but free speech is still a thing.

they can't be attacked once without calling some one a neo-Nazi or a racist
Youve convinced me.

Im getting curtains.
But don't feel it?

HOW IS IT POSSIBLE that we get shouted out on twitter literally every day and we are getting weekly articles written about this place probably monthly massive controversies AND YET this place still feels somewhat the same?

It literally feels the same. It still feels like the period after pol-harbor (obviously pre-harbor was different but thats a different topic)

So how is this possible? Are normies just to scared to come here?
She's my Jewfu
>implying this isn't a positive thing
People always thought that /pol/ would go left-wing as soon as right-wing thought got popularity.

It looks like we are going to even more right-wing as the autism-right gets more popular.

You're a fucking mong ya shriveled dick queer.
The pepe at the bottom of the well.


>digital movement of neo-Nazis, anti-Semites, and white supremacists newly emboldened by the success of Donald Trump's rhetoric
They'll never learn that /pol/ isn't one person, will they?

I'm just a regular center lefty who doesn't believe not having borders and laws and shit is acceptable and who doesn't think toxic racial identity politics and needless gun grabbing counts as a policy platform.

Maybe if the Democrats hadn't gone completely psycho and hadn't nominated a power hungry felon I wouldn't be voting to MAGA.


Isn't that what the majority of /pol/ is right now?

The anonymous jewish hacker known as 4chan strikes again.

your new is showing . its summer. we can use this to our advantage since the geezer shills cant talk to young people because of the generational divide
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Leader of 4chan here.

Do not cross us or we'll fire up our cannons
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I really really hope they don't. Not even because of "Le epin sekrit club", just because we don't need yet another meme label applied to ys, the alt-right was bad enough
I'm /37/ tßh
wow, you know things are going to get done when neo-Nazis, anti-semites AND white supremacists join forces.
>normie finds /pol/
>reads threads, makes a reddit tier comment
>dozens of replies calling him a faggot
>gets sad, lurks more
>eventually starts shitposting to fit in/not get called out
>assimilation complete
Reach down and find your backbone
It's a wonder they can navigate the site in the first place
Hey, I am new here. Can somebody explain this website forum to me? Is it true that this is all satire?
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It's just an anime masturbator site.

Nothing to see here
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>please get a vasectomy
>PLEASE get a vasectomy
please get sterilized and convince your
friends and family to do the same.
Does anyone have that pepe image?
She's from a family of Roman Catholics and married another Roman Catholic.
youre right.

i've learned how to psy-op normies by shit posting here. feels good man.
4chan is already compromised. Might as well use it as an indoctrination station of sorts. Things that require anonymity are better served by 8pol anyway.
>I am sad the language gap prevents us from working with 2ch

Do the Japs even care much for politics or memes?

What do they talk about all day?
probably weird shit like panty vending machines or bagel head implants. The nukes fucked em up pretty bad.
Eightchan couldnt orchestrate a fucking twitch raid. Those gay niggers wont admit it but they all still come here.
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secret meme code.png
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if you say
"hi im a black person" they are gonna answer NIGGERRR DIE NIGGER NIGGER
if you say
"hi im a white nationalist" they are gonna answer

Not so hard to get, just don't make posts for attention, nobody gives a fuck about you, post content
>I'm a fucking tranny
post pics
4 years too late my dude
>OP's house right now
So I guess that means we shouldn't worry too much about the news? If there are enough of us here to dilute the /reddit/ shit, we'll be fine?
I... what? They're memes, plain and simple.
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Here you go.

That will be one rare meme please.
Much like in real life.

Redditors lack any understanding of how things work and they are to lazy to understand.
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In the event he doesn't pay up, here friend. Have this rare Bait™, fresh from the farm.

they don't use flags on 8ch, where it was taken from.
Absolutely not. They don't understand that not everything is super serial, that's why they think memes are 100% factual and run with them like the retards they are.
Let the normies come. Eventually with enough exposure they will take the redpill.
What movie is that?

They'll never understand this place though because it's a mentality. We're more real than anything their daily lives offers with their facebook facades and politically correct conversations in real life. It's alien to them.

This too. They don't know what humor is.
its a generation that self-polices its humour to detect problematic expressions of priviledge m8, what do u even expect
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tumblr is equally as degenerate as 4chan and I have never once see any sensationalist articles about flaming tumblr feminists.
The Italian Job remake I believe
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No you stupid fucking mongoloid tell me where the fuck is the flag at in the OP's screenshot? Oh yeah, 8ch doesn't use flags... this entire site is full of jew loving pozzed faggots. 8ch is the superior image board. We discovered meme magic AND kek. Our logo is the same logo as the magician. WE are the ones who redpilled tay. This cucked fucking site is nothing more that a meat shield that protects us from normies and shills, deal with it. We have multiple image uploads for 1 post, webms, MP4's, embed fir YT videos, and one captcha per day. I shouldn't be telling any of you this but I've been browsing here lately and can't stand the amount of degenerate race mixing, jew loving, civic cucks amongst the actual good posters here. This board for the most part has become "alt right" and they're starting to subvert you guys. Most of you haven't actually taken the redpill and post about hitler and white natiinalism just to be ironic.
audible kek
>We discovered kek.
As someone who browses both sites very actively, that's bullshit and you know it. 4chan was already drawing Egyptian Pepes and digging up shit like this:
by the time 7+1 found out about the god of chaos. ESAD.
this much cringe in a post - i salute you !
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Yeah nice failed trips, kek will bless me with digits because I am his loyal disciple.
Fuck off leaf go make another D&C thread like the rest of the leafs...
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too much meme magic happening
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Lel, no. You're probably right I left this site a long time ago so idk. I still think we are the ones who discovered meme magic.
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>We discovered meme magic AND kek. Our logo is the same logo as the magician

i mean really m8, it's as if a fedora had been magically turned into a sentence
I think 8 coined the term "meme magic" desu, but some of the more astounding instances of it coming true (Ebola-chan, Flight 4U, Lemmy) all originated from 4chan. This site has the numbers advantage for sure.
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Thanks senpai

Here's a rare one for you.
times have changed
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>they don't know about our true leader
JIDF shill pls go.

Please. With the amount of frogs posted on this site, this place is normie central
Dank memes, probably.
I have notions of moonspeak. I should go check sometime.
They stuck their dick in the hornet's nest again...
Can confirm. I was part of the diaspora thing. I don't go there anymore. Especially since they removed all the pedo boards.
Everyone knows /pol/ is a board of peace.
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across theUSAand your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
Basket weaving Thailand discussion forum?
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I hope the media never finds out that 4chan is a series of tubes or pipes.
That's one rare pepe, served with Hitler dubs to boot!
You're fucking up with my synchronicities mate.
Fuck off, nigger.
How the hell is it that all you can talk about is lulz hacker known as 4chan.

We have proof for the second time that Trump or his underling is stealing our material and tweeting it. Last time was the black crime statistics thing.

It's unlikely it's a underling as he'd probably be fired for posting something that inflammatory without asking trump and fact checking. So it was probably Trump then.

And now it's happened again.

Another interesting fact is that circle was the origin of the word Kike. Jews refused to sign with a cross so they used a circle. Kikel was the Yiddish name for it. So if Trump has a sense of humour he may have changed it to that on purpose along with adding America first and not even covering up the star points which may be symbolism
Fuck off meme magic is real.
psy ops?
>Inb4 normie
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No I don't think so m8, flight 4u was discovered by /bane/. Ebola chan failed which is probably because you guys can't harness meme magic like we can. And lemmy, idk you can have that one I guess.

lel, new Stefan

Unpack that normie CIA scrubs :^)
I can't even finish reading this I keep laughing mid sentence
>(((Jay Michaelson)))
>"Turns out, the image is of Asuka, a character in the controversial, critically heralded anime series 'Neon Evangelion,' created by Hideaki Anno in 1995. Evangelion created a mythology that makes 'Lost' look like Candy Land, blending together gnostic, cabalistic, Christian and conspiracy theory"
>blending together gnostic, cabalistic, Christian and conspiracy theory
>goyim who oppose Jewish power are under the influence of Jewish controlled opposition movements
Nope. Not this goy.
Only op mentions 4chan not the pic

Well said Anon. Reality is amazing, it is like a breath of fresh air.
>before /pol/ I was a pandering sheeple, Hitler was a bad guy, Islam is just another religion, all races are equal

After /pol/ you see things for the way they are and aren't afraid to say anything. Fear is nonexistent, and everything is minuscule compared to the regular news
too late
I am already here
fuck you
which place gets more traffic
>8ch has quality over quantity!!!!
What good is quality when quality has nobody to consume it? I'd rather have 10 chocolate cakes a day and 1 steaming pile of shit rather than 1 chocolate cake a year. Fuck 8ch and its elitist bullshit, it will always live in the shadow of real /pol/
The core I think
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>mfw /pol/ actually killed Trumps campaign

Could there be any sweeter of a justice?
>the redditors can't into Google
Kikechan is cancerous in its own way though.
Yes please do
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But Trump already fixed the image.
They know what we are. They just don't want to say it.

The media lies and they will never pass up a chance for another "boogey man" to throw shit at
Trump has given us the All Clear

All Systems are GO

>anon goes out to shop
>black van stops next to him, gets dragged into it when everything goes dark
>wakes up to bucket of water being emptied into his face
The containment board is leaking

Say bye bye to Trump's campaign. Everyone knew it would implode eventually, it just took longer than we expected.
Anon I...
They already know, but they can't say they know what we are or they'll be branded as a racist, the whole nazi RP and people saying edgy shit all the time is literally the best defence against them. It makes them uncomfortable talking about us.
no fucking way this is real
a blog post i can believe, but nobody printed this on actual paper
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Have you thought that maybe media does not take these kinds of forums into account, because they don't want the competition?
Not saying I want to see the day, but imagine say a few million normies checking some of these boards out. Redpills 4 days. With enough people it might even seriously change media or politics for the better.
Maybe we are just mad about the idea of losing our suparsekritclub.
this thread is still alive?
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i found a picture of 4chan
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Who can say? Just went on CNN, found this gem. Media still thinks that we make accounts like a Twitter or something of the sort.
Shit son, you don't log in?
The large amount of dumb frogposters is alarming tho
Each post can only be qualified by its own merit.
Worst thing that could possibly happen is brainwashed liberals forcing us to cite sources better.
Speaking of which I started watching this from another thread.
2ch is Japan's reddit. 2chan is Japan's old 4chan.
Russian, japanese, etc. all the chans. Language is what stops us working together.
Otherwise known as meme magic.

The meme magic at work here is taking a word that immediately signals "tinfoil hatter" and turning it into something more idiot friendly.

"Normies" is an memetic engineering term for idiots.

You can't convince people they're retarded by telling them they're retarded. You have to subvert their defenses.

Rule #1: don't make posts like the one you're reading right now.

Silly normie.
>ctrl+f stefan
>no results

ya'll gay

I love how they spin the thread limits as 4chan trying to stop trump general.
Always makes me think.
Rule #1 applies to all the other rules.

Rule #2: If ever you stumble upon a statement or idea that you suspect people will believe, WHETHER IT IS OR NOT, ALWAYS CLAIM IT AS TRUTH, WITH CONFIDENCE, because that's what the normies do.
Only real niggas remember /i/ after they bought a pass.

((((And found the /lounge/ ))))
Rule #3: You're fucking retarded. No, I'm dead serious. Stop pretending to be a mad genius who is in on some huge secret while reading these rules.
I took the political compass and ended up in bernie land too but people like him aren't capable of doing what is needed.
Aren't they admitting that people who post about Trumps poll numbers shills in that very article? Cause it sounds like they are one of the people that do
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> Implying the media don't know

The media know what this website is, how they describe it to everyone else is just how they want others to think of us as.
Normies don't understand that "racism" as a meme in <current year> is intentionally designed to conjure up images of things that rarely happen.

The meme plays on the fear that if we were to let people on 4chan talk shit like they do in real life, 6 million Jews will get gassed, and the evil capitalists will go back to using niggers as farm equipment. That's super duper scary, so we have to keep them on the containment board.

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Al Bundy 2.webm
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>you now realize that mainstream news outlets are browsing /pol/ right now and are taking notes to write their garbage articles
don't give me that crap
Most of /pol/ wants to kill the entire nigger species and make women into sex slaves
I wish it was 30+
Nowadays those damn kids on /v/ are reminiscing about the good old days with Halo.
Damn kids git off my lawn!
This is pretty much the Subgenius Foundation all over again.
It's literally a bunch of 20 something jews, mostly female, who cares, their commentary is as significant as a jidf shit post on pol.
Based Al
Newsflash faggot, your "exclusive" infinity chan isn't special in any way. No one cares about it. You aren't some niche crew of posters influencing everyone else behind closed doors. Jesus. How cringe worthy can you be?
Media has no intention to figure out anything, media is about pushing what they been paid for.
/pol/ is a board of peace those extremists don't represent us
But /pol/ is full of neo-nazis.
I think what you'll find is that /pol/ is full of people who think it's funny that you believe they are neo-nazis.
And the people like OP are the ones that have been in on the joke for so long that it stopped being funny because it's depressing that no one gets the joke.
/pol/ is not promoting it, it just naturally happens.
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/pol/ is satire. It really is.

Nah, I'm just bullshitting you to cover our asses.
So we aren't god-fearing Christians who get off on trap porn and hentai either?
they cant attack trump anymore so they are coming after his fans

"dark corners of the internet" killary said a week ago regarding her popularity ratings
I don't think many would identify as a "neo-nazi", we just have non-pc opinions.
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I thought that was what Christianity was supposed to be.
8ch pol is full of leftist faggots
like that
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>full of leftist faggots
I'd have sex with her
anymore pics?
They have a /leftypol/ board so I'm not sure why they would want to go on /pol/
No. That one serves my purposes adequately.
if you dont know what 'the flood' threads are/were then you should get the fuck off this board instantly.
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Lefties have problems of their own with stereotypes and memeplay.

every time I've been I've seen commie garbage
kek confirms
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It's really going to piss me off if you guys meme her into coming out publicly as a coal-burner.

Just saying.

It's bad enough just knowing that she's in the closet about it.
what if she comes out as a Trump supporter, conservative voter and anti-SJW?
And that's not because I'm a neckbeard admirer, but because I live in an area, surrounded by young women and parents who appreciate an example of a (((decent))) young woman role model in the music industry.
Wew, it's 2008 and I'm on /b/ again.
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That's not how meme magic works.
This... What the fuck?
meme magic doesn't exist nigger
I find your lack of faith disturbing.
Since we are alt right and meme/agree with nazis all the time they are alt left and do the same with communits except they are 100% serious about it and love it
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Mfw bitch turned full blown SJW
Why don't you do an Internet search?
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That picture always makes me Kek. No matter how many times I see it.
Pepe has been a 4chan staple since like 2007.
Don't listen to this fucking liar.
I am 4chan
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So how do you think the media would be responding to the evil Neo-Nazis right now if we instead spammed photoshopped images of her obsessing over black cock all over the internet?
>In his second tweet, Trump also added the hashtag “#AmericaFirst” — a phrase the Anti-Defamation League has warned Trump to stop using in his campaign, since it has anti-Semitic connotations from World War II.

Wow, the nerve of these fucking jewish parasites. Why do you Americans let them dictate what you can't say?
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They already know - it's already monitored and professionally shilled.

4chan's /pol/ is the new Reddit 2.0
8ch's pol is the new /pol/

7chan is decent too.
Brothers, Kek has no preference for half chan or jewish-midget chan.

Kek blesses us anywhere there are numerical post IDs, should we choose to listen to him.
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>blue board
It was "durrihavewebmwithsoundssoiamsuperiorchan"´s /pol/
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>/pol/ 2 years ago
>anti-degenerate 4chan oddity who posted informative generals on Right wing values and enjoyed the occasional happening threads
>/pol/ today
> conglomerate of shit posting and bait threads arguing about the same superficial bullshit day in day out. No objective citations or philosophical references, just people spewing out shit opinions how it's okay if somebody likes traps or if you're white it doesn't matter your conduct

I wish we could go back to when 99% of 4Chsn hated us. Winning the meme wars was the worst thing to happen to /pol/, especially after /pol/harbour.
>yfw the Jew Moot, succeeded in undermining /pol/ quality.
Thread posts: 309
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