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Conservatives lack sense of humor, study finds

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>A recent study published by Heather L. LaMarre, Kristen D. Landreville and Michael A. Beam of Ohio State University in the International Journal of Press/Politics examined how audiences of different political persuasions react to jokes made by Stephen Colbert. The results are quite astounding.

The authors used a respectable sample of 332 individuals, and found that personal political ideology is a good predictor of Colbert’s own political ideology. Here is the kicker: “conservatives were more likely to report that Colbert only pretends to be joking and genuinely meant what he said while liberals were more likely to report that Colbert used satire and was not serious when offering political statements. Conservatism also significantly predicted perceptions that Colbert disliked liberalism.” See? Conservative really do lack a sense of humor!

Well that explains a lot.
>What is alt-right era Internet



that's the extent of liberal humor, also Colbert is a liberal fagget
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Oh wow! Liberals found Colbert funnier than conservatives. What an insightful study that in no way is a giant fucking waste of time and money.
>liberals find "DUDE REPUBLICANS LMAO" funny
>republicans do not

Conservatives finding Colbert less funny than Liberals do =/= Conservatives not having a sense of humor
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Liberal humor doesn't give conservatives a chance to laugh. They laugh at you, not with you.
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And liberals clearly lack souls.
maybe politics should stop being a joke to liberals then.
more 'educated' AND easier to laugh at?

man, those liberals are just the tops
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Make Donald Drumpf again!
I don't know man liberals do have a good sense of irony. Like how they have that one joke where they see groups of people with different views they say "People are sheep" in that imperceptively sarcastically superior tone. I mean using a group catchphrase to criticize people for conformity is comedic genius. How to you think they keep this stuff going? Do they have to go to workshops etc.?
bullshit study, by what parameters are they using to quality "humour".

The world is falling apart into Leftist bullshit, this is no laughing matter.
In other news
>libshits don't take politics seriously
I'm still amazed that anyone finds someone like Samantha Bee or John Oliver funny.
Biggest comedians in the world refuse to perform at universities because the liberal students are triggered by literally everything and have zero sense of humor.

Funny how a field dominated by leftist idiots with useless degrees somehow manages to completely ignore the current liberal climate in academia.

There is no one on this planet with a worse sense of humor than a millennial liberal.

Jerry fucking Sienfeld was too edgy for them. Yes. That Seinfeld. The what's the deal with airlines guy. Was too fucking edgy for them.

Into the trash it goes. The desperation of the left and their projecting never cease to amaze me.
ITT: butthurt Republicans
its easy to find humour in juvenile things like buzzwords and funny faces/noises when you're intellectually fucking retarded.

Headline should be
>Conservatives are just harder to make laugh, because they find different things funny, and surprisingly don't laugh at liberal level humour.
I'll have you know I have a great sense of humor.
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That's homophobic and ableist you white fucking male.
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>Liberals/leftists obviously most butthurt and triggered when you say anything the disagree with
>conservatives hate humor!!!

Girl =/= woman
>conservatives were more likely to report that Colbert only pretends to be joking and genuinely meant what he said while liberals were more likely to report that Colbert used satire and was not serious when offering political statements

sounds to me like the conservatives just know when they're being manipulated and the liberals don't

Well that explains a lot.
>make fun of liberals
>get called literally hitler
>>>74624183 (OP)
>Biggest comedians in the world refuse to perform at universities because the liberal students are triggered by literally everything and have zero sense of humor.
>Funny how a field dominated by leftist idiots with useless degrees somehow manages to completely ignore the current liberal climate in academia.
>There is no one on this planet with a worse sense of humor than a millennial liberal.
>Jerry fucking Sienfeld was too edgy for them. Yes. That Seinfeld. The what's the deal with airlines guy. Was too fucking edgy for them.
>Into the trash it goes. The desperation of the left and their projecting never cease to amaze me.

This, every word of it. I remember reading somewhere a while back that Jerry Seinfeld says he doesn't perform anymore because he can't, due to political correctness. He apparently says that PC killed comedy, as far as he's concerned.

I agree. Liberals have zero fucking sense of humour.
Oh yeah, and this whole board proves every day that conservatives are funny as fuck when they want to be. I regularly crack up at the shit posted here. It's great.
Chris Rock and even Liberal hero Bill Maher said the same thing

Seth MacFarlene has whined too
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You know what's REALLY funny?

Worrying about losing my job because some thin-skinned leftist didn't like my joke and decided to ruin my life over it
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You know you've got no sense of humor when Seinfeld is 2edgy4u.
Wasn't it the case that some conservatives actually thought Colbert was genuine? Maybe that's one form of stupid. The other is that the liberals slapping their flips together to the shtick probably thought it was an accurate portrayal of conservatives.
Just because we can't tell our jokes because we're afraid of being jailed for a comedic hate crime doesn't mean we don't have a sense of humor.
People don't joke about things that they don't at least endorse in some way or acknowledge the logic in.

This is why people like Colbert are roaches.
The fact these morons earn their bread doing such "research" triggers me beyond description
It's not funny if it's based on half-assed research and sometimes outright lies, and the asshole at the desk's shitty opinion. Looking at you, 2016 fuckteeth limey.

The Onion's parodies are closer to the truth than the average liberal "news" "show"
So here's my theory on why most comedians happen to be liberal:

Both comedy and liberalism share something in common: validating the absurd.

Comedians have a knack for recognizing absurdities. Jokes are funny because they surprise you - they rely on suspensions of reality and safe thinking and transcend into the absurd. This break with "normative" thinking shocks our minds, and the response is laughter. Does not compute/haha wtf/etc.

Liberalism isn't about simply recognizing absurdities, it's all about accepting that there's nothing wrong with absurdities. There's nothing wrong with any culture, because life is absurd and morality is relative. There's nothing wrong with degeneracy, taking drugs, making paintings out of shit, pride parades, killing babies, or open borders. Those things may seem absurd, but life is absurd so we should accept it. The only "evil" people to a liberal are those who say "No, we need laws and rules and limits."

Many comedians naturally drift toward liberalism because they notice absurdities so readily that they NEED liberalism/tolerance/progressivism to tell them that the absurd is acceptable and even healthy. If they stop to think "What the fuck is this?", they'll lose their minds.

Comedy is a central coping mechanism for liberalism and cognitive dissonance.
Our government spends billions on shit like this every year.
when you send every conservative to the gulag on charges of first degree thoughtcrime you are left with only the best and most inclusive liberal humor. Be careful not to laugh though, don't want to trigger those who are humor fluid.
>Study finds lib researchers don't understand Nigger jokes.

>There was velcro on the cieling
>humor is quantifiable

>The what's the deal with airlines guy.

He actually never said that.
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That...actually makes a shitload of sense.
>conservatives were more likely to report that Colbert only pretends to be joking and genuinely meant what he said

conservatives are retards
news at 11
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Republicans werent all that funny

thats because of their age

Us on the other hand are about to meme someone into the Presidency
>people whose beliefs are closer to what Colbert imitates are more likely to think he believes what he says

What a surprise. Meanwhile, comedians aren't allowed on college campuses because liberals get triggered.
Can we get another column breaking down demographics in each state? That'd probably clear a lot up.
>mississippi the lowest
>hahaha conservatives are soo stupid

It's 40% black
The average IQ of a white person in Mississippi is above 100
>states with a big black populace are more likely to have a lower IQ
who would have thought
Hell anyone could have told you this.

>alt right

>alt right
>fucking alt at all
There is no alt right. You can stop the sham now. You're just the right which has found some miraculous way to have even less morals, which I'm not sure how the fuck you accomplished, but congratulations on that.
Must suck going through life being so stupid. Shame,
I do have to also say though that Colbert is emphatically NOT funny at all. Saying mundane things while perking an eyebrow and giving an overly serious glance is not humor. It's retarded.
Liberals don't understand Sam Hyde.
So how can they be more humerous?
Taxation isn't theft.

The rich are importing the third worlders.

The libertarian principles you want have already been tried - in the 1800s and they were shit.

The prosperity of the 1950s was because the rich were reined in.
Crack open a book, and try to stop rehashing the same thoughts in your head all day- that's how you got to where you are today
>people are more likely to understand and like humour that panders to their political views

wew lad
So how do you explain Germany?
>King of the Hill goes on for a decade.
>The Goode family didn't make a season.
>same writers. Same humor style.
>Conservatives can't take a joke.
Yeah, Mike Judge would like a word.
must be true, I never laughed a single thing he said
>Haha conservatives arent funny!

Yeah because its a laughing matter to watch your country getting destroyed by dumb lefties, I'd be funny too if I had free reign over the conervatives and could soften up the borders to my likings.
Don't you mean Rethuglicas?

libtards die laughing at the most inane, empty, degenerate, foul shit. shock value is not humor. its just a child's game old pervert comedians play bcause they hate their life and they only do comedy because they are lazy fat fucks.
I have a great sense of humor. I think (((social science))) is hilarious.
>You're just the right which has found some miraculous way to have even less morals
even more*

The problem is that the left finds having morals to be immoral, because their only morality is total equality of all humans regardless of morals
This. Satire is a very effective form of propaganda.
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>The opposite of everything my opponent says must be right!
Doesn't work that way.
I'm going to do a study where liberals don't find nigger jokes funny and say it means they don't have a sense of humor.
But the conservatives are right. He is only pretending. In fact, his show is nothing but political indoctrination.

Also, what a horrible study. Not actually worth the time.
>liberals were more likely to report that Colbert used satire and was not serious when offering political statements.

Satire is using a specific kind of humour to make a serious statement. It's not pure comedy. The purpose is not to be funny. When Jonathan Swift wrote A Modest Proposal the purpose of it wasn't to get cheap laughs.

>Satire is a genre of literature, and sometimes graphic and performing arts, in which vices, follies, abuses, and shortcomings are held up to ridicule, ideally with the intent of shaming individuals, corporations, government or society itself, into improvement.

the lowest states probably have a much higher per capita of employment. Spending 12 years at a university is worthless if you don't have a career or a girlfriend or friends or money or a future.

at least you have a high IQ because you memorized and regurgitated the correct information that was properly validated by a tenured marxist.
I didn't see the word propaganda in your statement.
>rightfags dont like leftfag humor
>therefore rightfags dont have a sense of humor
IQ is correlated with observing patterns, not regurgitating memorized information
>made by Stephen Colbert

>A comedian who's role is to make fun of conservatives

Gee im sure theres no bias here

Fucking wow what piece of shit website would take this seriously

My sides
No, republicans aren't funny because they're angry, evil minions of Satan and they hate things like fun, humor and enjoyment. This is coming from someone as puritanical as it's nearly possible to get.

>even more*
I didn't fucking stutter. You're all the cancer of the mainstream right except you're open about being sluts and drug addicts, whereas the republicans at least try to pretend they're not doing this shit.

>The problem is that the left finds having morals to be immoral
No, the problem is YOU DON'T FUCKING HAVE ANY MORALS. Being an evil piece of shit who makes human sacrifices to Mammon is NOT being a "good person". Conservacucks are delusional as fuck.

>because their only morality is total equality of all humans regardless of morals
And the only moral that conservashits have is "Everyone who isn't me can go to hell".
>examined how audiences of different political persuasions react to jokes made by Stephen Colbert
>Stephen Colbert
In other news, people with peanut allergies don't eat peanut butter.

If anything this election cycle has proven is that Liberals can't make a meme which is even remotely funny.

what did they do?
Get a whole line up of Left wing comedians?
Conservatives are not likely to find political humor from a far-left zealot who does nothing but make fallacious jokes about conservatives funny! This clearly means conservatives have no sense of humor!

lol, butthurt liberals.
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>HE'S LIKE HITLER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>RACISTS BTFO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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u wot?
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>Conservatism also significantly predicted perceptions that Colbert disliked liberalism
Wait... you mean Trump supporters are mostly dumbfucks??
>not laughing at bad excuses for jokes told by Cuckbert
>hurr you lack humor
Fuck off.
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Honestly, and when you come across with some hilarious rape/racist banter, they all shut down and flail around like developmentally disabled children seizing.
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>study finds
>respectable sample
Did you just assume my gender, you cis-het white piece of racist shit?

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>study finds
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Have these people not seen our dank memes?
I do this shit all the time in real life when people say something like "sir may I help you?" or something like that

I do it in a very jovial and playing manner just to drop a subtle redpill of how fuckin retarded the whole concept of trans/fluid is

I go way overboard when I'm at the gym or something like that and a friend or two are in the locker room. WHOA MOTHER FUCKER I IDENTIFY AS A FEMALE INUIT GENDER FLUID TRANS BABY PLEASE MIND MY SAFE SPACE

this is like "Ford enthusiasts not really interested in Suzuki"
do memes count as humor for the purposes of this study? it seems like they must not have considered them
Yeah, somehow I doubt they included the DANK may may jokes associated with tribal niggers in Africa burning tires on top of eachothers shoulders.

The why is Michigan and Illisnois high on the list?
Before or after Eisenhower said taxing and regulating them heavily as retarded, repealed those, and suddenly the post war depression disappeared?
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