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"Black Panther" hits the marvel universe. "Black panther, AKA T’Challa, protects the people of WAKANDA, a futuristic utopia in EAST AFRICA.
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>into futurism

My sides have just exceeded the limits of the universe, thanks faggot.
IF you read the article, Wakanda, is actually the most TECHNOLOGICALLY ADVANCED PLACE IN THE WORLD!!
That's pretty much what has put them in the hole though, they're the most advanced nation but it makes panther and his people fairly arrogant. People like DOOM and Namor saunter in all the time and easily fuck their shit up. Half of his non-jerking him off because he's my super special character (Priest) storylines are just that. The other half are the good ole romps that normal supers got back in the day, playing the FF's wolverine essentially.
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Guys. It's comic books. You have to learn to pick your battles. This is a sign of immaturity.

Don't have a problem with this.

Better to have more black superheroes and other fictional characters than recklessly changing white characters into minorities for the sake of pandering to screaming children.
I wonder how many soldiers would have fought for their country if they could see their countries today
Black Panther and Wakanda have been part of Marvel for decades.

Better question for /pol/: why is the culturally homogenous enlightened despotism of Latveria still a backwards shithole?
>inb4 the Zionist Four
It's fiction at least. Ridiculous and unrealistic, but this site is also filled to the brim with retards jerking off to the thought of their magical space catgirl waifu harems traveling across the galaxy in search of their cock for 20 rounds of sex a day and complete devotion, so imagining Africa being relevant is pretty reasonable as far as fantasy goes.

The Black Panther made his debut in like the 1960's you fucking retarded asshole.
Every time I hear that I think of this
They filmed some of the Blues Brothers there along the beach. Not many black people though.
>White old man is literally Hitler
>east africa

holy fug i had a laff m8s
Doom is their Trump, and you see others trying to make them look bad..
>guy he's hitting has the same logo and similar costume
Is he beating the shit out of the previous Captain America for being white or something?
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why would you need a superhero in a utopia?
>east Africa
I wonder what would happen if they made Black Panther a white guy in the movie?

How hard would niggers chimp out?
I never watched a capeshit but I would totally watch one about a black superhero btfo'ing and cucking shitty white males :DDDD
Da wite man oppressen dem niggas can only be stopped by superior black vibranium technologums.
Pick my battles? I think it's funny. It flopping hard will be downright hilarious though.
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Seeing black mooslims is sad. Islam is an arab religion, not a black religion.
black panther is actually a good character

also, wakanda isn't bad
>keeps traditions through generations
>strong national identity
>ambitious, intelligent citizens

it's literally everything /pol/ wants out of an independent black race.

I can't believe I lived long enough to see my people become the bad guys. WEW
>Black guy beating up an old white man
I thought comic books were supposed to be fictional?
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>a futuristic utopia in EAST AFRICA
This. If only niggers would be like Wakandans, and T'Challa actually marries his own race not like other marvel cucks heroes
Why do niggers dream about where all niggers ear a million bucks living in this utopia when this is not the case IRL?
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>making a thread inside another thread
To keep actual niggers out from ruining the utopia.
Latveria usually is doing pretty qell, there's a couple rare scenes where people go to fight room and villagers throw syones at them cause basically all their problems are caused by the avemgers exploding their country every other month.

Wakanfa is just a socialist paradise based off of having a super-economy, being the world's only supply of vibranium.
Marvel and everyone else gullible enough to buy into this shit still doesn't change the fact that East Africa is an unadulterated shithole, along with the rest of sub-Saharan Africa minus the few European bits left.

Wakanda is a lie that only a fool would use to pretend that Africa isn't a failure.
Yeah, so?
Superman often exists in a USA that is many times better than reality.
Old man is Steve Rogers. AKA: Captain America.
This is the characters 75th anniversary tribute.
Literally to fight nigger off.

His pre-eminent enemy is a nigger earlier who keeps raising new ethic cleansing armies to try to steal their tech so they can chill out at other chimps better.
There is no logic behind your post.
Um, you may have missed on the point that it is fiction, and COMIC book fiction, at that.
Just sayin'.
Who has that screenshot of the old British soldiers who hate what Britain has become and said they probably wouldnt of fought if they knew what it was going to become?
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Marvel is SJW as fuck and they push all kinds of bullshit.
Nice greentext, gonna do my ancestors proud and steal it.
Nah, I was talking about a news article. I think Daily Mail or something.
I've read some pretty wacky alt-history sci-fi , like Ultima (Stephen Baxter), the Incan Empire finds Europe and eventually defeats Rome etc. But this is to much to swallow.
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The most fucked up part is that that is the 75th anniversary comic.

To celebrate the 75th anniversary of Captain America they put Steve Rogers in the place of Adolph Hitler!
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Looks like the Guardians from Halo 5.
And it took him THIS long to get a movie representation?
He's not a major character you KNUCKLE DRAGGER!
Fuck you leaf. Us niggers are finally taking over and you can't do shit to stop us!
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Black Panther has been a part of the Marvel Universe since the fucking sixties, with the same fucking backstory.
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Standing by for the first Marvel movie to ever lose money.
>Futuristic Utopia
>Future East Africa

Pick one
Comic books have always been about power fantasies. Jews came up with superman because they felt weak.
Isn't the Black Panther's biggest enemy a gorilla?
Are you retarded? Black Panther is from the 60s.

He is just a black, king, Batman. His actor also thankfully doesn't suck.
Thats just fucked up. Steve Rogers was and is the hero of so many americans and especially american kids. but the kids wont mind, they love the BBC thanks to your gov.
But black panter hates his neighbors because they are retardeds that try to steal from his nation so I'm all for a solo movie
The title "Black Panther" is a rank of office, chieftain of the Wakandan Panther Clan. As chieftain, the Panther is entitled to eat a special Heart-Shaped Herb which, in addition to his mystical connection with the Wakandan Panther God, grants him superhumanly acute senses, enhanced strength, speed, agility, stamina, durability, healing and reflexes

Batman doesnt have special wakata weed to superstrenghten him.
מה קורא גבר

Black Americans understand that 99% of them have no relation to East Africans right?
I think its fine for them to have black panther, its way better for them to just add to the universe than just turn characters into PC bullshit.
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Still no match for Gorilla City.
Oh nice I'll have to read this. I love Baxter's stuff, anti-ice was amazing.
But Wakanda is like a /pol/ country but just painted black
>hates outsiders
>"only one skin color fools"
>retained it's original religion
Besides this is better than garbage like Whor (female Thor) or dyke Captain Marvel or jew shit made by Bendis
יום עצמאות שמח
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Does anyone buy this shit? If people will by this crap. I might write one myself. The adventures of Richard the turd, he's brown and going down.
"Super-hero" comics are basically jewish-Zionist propaganda, Captain Murka was created by 2 to start a anti-German hysteria, Marvel and DC went full Neocon during the Bush II years but became Liberal again when Obama turned President, fucking kike propaganda.

The only good thing is brazilian artists like Ed Benes wo draw hot women with big bundas
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>inb4 CPT Abu Britani
>a futuristic utopia in Africa
The only utopia in Africa was Rhodesia
Say it with me
literaly the ugliest letters in the world.
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Agreed, better they actually attempt to make their own culture instead of trying to steal ours.
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Wouldn't it be better to propogate fake maps showing wakanda as a real place. Then all the nogs would go there as rapefugees.
Do you guys even know how cynical and sad you are? You sit around all day whining and putting people down. Get a fucking life.
We used to make fun of my ginger friend in high school by saying he did photosynthesis lol
Found the comic book kid.
I hate comics. All pol consists of is whing and petty insults. It's an echo chamber for racist retards. Get a fucking life.
Jessica Jones(the show) exists as well where the MC is a coalburning independent woman who don't need no man and would rather watch the world burn than being with a white male that had some balls before he got pussywhipped by her.

It pushes all sorts of shit such as feminism, diversity, and being gay.

There's only a couple relevant white males in the show, one of which is a main villain.
The other one tried to kill the MC's best friend while under mindcontrol but quickly became a numale walking dildo for her after he regained control over his body.

The show features in your face fucking that's not sexy or erotic and was poorly placed, which made it feel rather forced.

This nigger's comic has nothing on the sort of bullshit mahvel already has out.
Oh man, Stephen Baxter's shit is incredible. His Manifold and Time Tapestry's series are awesome too.
Wasn't that Fantastic Four?
I'm glad I already heard about this a while back before going to see the movie, because I would have laughed heartily in the theatre.
Green lantern was black, static shock was black there have been black superheroes
Is /pol/ aware of "Nuwaubian Nation"?


I think you guys will really get a kick out of it
It's like Gran Turino
Black Panther was the worst part of Captain America Vs Iron Man. His movie will be shit
yeah but none from a "utopia" in one of the poorest regions in the world. also conveniently super rich, vibranium suit, and some kind of jungle voo doo for powers.

basically black african batman that is way less interesting.
There is superhero literally named after black terrorist group?
Oh fuck off.

You act like Black Panther is something new they came up with to be progressive or something.

Black Panther has been around for ages.

I swear to god you faggots always have to be the fuckin' victims. Jesus.

No. It was a plot point in Enemy of the State that African Americans thought Black Panther was "their hero" compared to the Avengers/Fantastic 4 etc... despite the fact that Black Panther is only in the USA at the time because he's currently in exile because a mad man has taken over Wakanda and is flooding it with refugees from surrounding nations.
Is there panthers in Africa? I thought they were South American
If it was a utopia, I don't think they would need protection.
are you retarded?
BP has been around for a long time
Will all the villains in the movie be white?

/pol/ is the new tumblr, didnt you hear?

>it's literally everything /pol/ wants out of an independent black race

I don't want any kind of black race, I want the black race to go extinct.
>A black panther is the melanistic color variant of any Panthera species. Black panthers in Asia and Africa are leopards (Panthera pardus) and black panthers in the Americas are black jaguars (Panthera onca).
For love. That's why.

In the doctor doom storyline, they describe how after the death of his mother he made a deal with the devil.

Every year he gets to challenge the devil in combat. If he wins, he saves his mother's soul and she goes to heaven. If he loses, his own people start to despise him.

His country is quite industrious and technologically advanced. Not on the level of wakanda or stark industries, but he has the workforce of a small nation.

He's kind of a decent guy, all things considered. Dr. Doom did nothing wrong.
Reminder: Wakanda has the cure for cancer but won't share it with the west over MUH SLAVERY.
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fuck not even the niggers in africa are this delusional
Wakanda's intelligence and success is due to exposure to Vibranium during a crucial period in their people's development. And even then they engage in tribal warring among the other tribes of Africa.
I can't even take him seriously with that stupid mask.
yeah there's definitely a lot of aspects about the comic that are retarded but its not anything new, maybe if OP wasnt some reactionary moron or possibly even some false flagger he could have taken the time to search BP and find out that the comic has been around since the 60's
I've seen this posted many times over the years but I've never seen what happens after it.

So...what happens after that page?
yum i fucking love black olives
Stan Lee and Jack Kirby are white.

They are offering the black community a respectable character and an example of something to strive for. It sends a clear message to all black readers.

If you go back to africa and make it great again, you get to join the avengers.
who the fuck are the guy's villains. the only one I read was where they were being invaded by Skrulls and black panther found and killed them all.
This. Too bad niggers can't into comics
>Stan Lee
He's Jewish
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Sam is a terrible Captain America. Mostly because Steve is so much apart of Captain America no one else can really be as good as him. Thank god they brought Steve back, I was sick of a nigger being Captain America.
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Friendly reminder that comics are a Jew-controlled industry so these conversations are pointless since we already know what they're going to do.

On a side note, Civil War was bretty gud. Saw it on the weekend.
גם לך אולי נראה אותך ברחוב של תל אביב
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>a futuristic utopia in EAST AFRICA
Im pretty sure red skull then murders Captain America and wins. IIRC its the same comic where the "Well there's no god here today. Just me" line comes from.
>black guy in movie is literally a proud African kang
I almost spat my drink out in the theater and got some dirty looks. Goddammit /pol/, what have you done to me?

Also, since when was Tony Stark such a cuck?
Isn't the red skull dude supposed to be 'le ebil nazi man'? Why would they give him such obvious red pilled factual dialogue?
Stephen Baxter's novels all have a Liberal vibe.
>It flopping hard will be downright hilarious though.
If Ant-Man didn't flop I can't really see how any MCU movie will, especially not hard.
I dunno why they did that cover. Cap and Sam stopped their squabbles awhile ago. That doesn't happen in the book.

BTW, Black Panther is redpilled as fuck. Wakanda is a superpower because they freely exploit their natural resources and are isolationist nationalists. They fucking cured cancer and only gave it to their citizens. Their entire government is a monarchy predicated on following an ancient religious warrior tradition.
I dunno. Jews can't check every single thing their underlings put out. There's bound to be a few redpills from disgruntled authors and editors.
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Doom is a gypsie cuck
The american comic industry is hopeless right now but I still like some comics from DC
What a cuck. Really, all characters who possess any sort of intellect should be racist as hell. Unless they're also a liberal.
Also, did that moron really just pull the "Islam is a race" card? Wew lad, I hope the writer is beheaded.
You forgot to mention that Iron Man's wealth is essentially pocket change compared to Black Panther's
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In case you guys don't know it's not like the niggers in wakanda are the ones that made that super advanced civilization. It literally fell out of the sky and they just fucking horde it and occasionally sell to the highest bidder so they can also jerk themselves off about how rich they are.
Vibranium is a mega rare ore in the marvelverse that only comes from the one alien race. This alien race only visited a few times so there is very very little of this ore on earth. All of America's stockpile of it, for example, went into making Captain America's shield.
Now these uppity niggers are sitting around beating each other with sticks when lo and behold a whole fucking ship drops onto their island. Suddenly the amount of vibranium on earth went from like 4 pounds to several million tons and all of it is in wakanda along with all of the new alien tech that was on the ship.

tl;dr wakandans are just collecting space welfare and being uppity niggers about it
Because >>73672487 isn't the original. >>73671904
is. Same difference to us goyim though.
Wow how disappointing. You'd think they'd at least let the evil villains not be liberal pussies.
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>possess any sort of intellect
>also a liberal

Pick one.
this has nothing to do with the actual country of Latvia right? it's has always bothered me
From what I know it's supposed to be near Turkey and has nothing to do with Latvia I guess it just sounds like that because they wanted it to sound slavic.
Why do they have to ruin every character, Jesus Christ.
>Why is this completely fictional place a backwards shithole?

Gee, I dunno, maybe because the writers decided to make it a backwards-ass shithole?
Because Jews

and its not real
huh, that ship looks kind of Egyptian, weird huh?
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God I love african cinematograph.
Black man. Read comics for 28 years. 1st issue of Black Panther LAME AS FUCK!!!
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