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Monsanto and chemical food

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Monsanto is a chemical company that was started in the year 1901. They created DDT and Agent Orange. Many people aren’t even aware of their existence and that needs to change ASAP. They’re absolutely huge and own a majority of agricultural production WORLDWIDE (India currently having many legal issues with them). (See link-http://www.truth-out.org/buzzflash/commentary/make-monsanto-pay-for-swindling-farmers-in-india) (yes source is a blog, but she’s a doctor and you can easily google her). I’m sure many of you have heard of GMO… guess who made those? MONSANTO. They are the ones who directly poison our food and encourage the use of chemicals in/on our food.
More than just health effects, (see link by New York Times about lawsuits against them) [http://www.nytimes.com/2016/03/01/business/monsanto-could-benefit-from-a-chemical-safety-bill.html] this company bullies and threatens farmers into producing their GMO crops. (see free doc- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IvkNda-_jdc) . It’s important to note that GMO crop are to be made on a mass production scale and require heavy and expensive machinery (in order to keep up production) that poor farmers- especially 3rd world farmers- cannot afford. Unlike normal, natural plants, GMO crops (seeds) do not come back every year and must be repurchased from Monsanto with money that farmers do not have! There was a mass suicide among farmers in India over a ten year span that started in 2005 simply because they, as poor, 3rd world farmers, could not meet Monsanto’s requirements and fell into financial ruin! (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Farmers'_suicides_in_India). The farmers that produce food don’t even have enough to eat themselves- this is so sad!
To make things worse, Monsanto has sued farmers and have won in court! Monsanto has patented (copyrighted) GMO seeds, making them illegal to use/ sell unless paid for. Many crops, such as corn, are wind pollinated and can easily contaminate a neighbouring farmer’s organic crop (via wind).
When their crop tests positive for GMO and they don’t pay Monsanto- they sue the farmers and succeed in doing so! See how they can scare farmers?!
These crops, because of how large the sale is, must be maintained with the use of chemicals. (Chemicals synthesized by Monsanto as well). As stated before, Monsanto’s use of pesticides and fungicides contain chemicals that are very harmful to us and the environment. It’s odd how a chemical can kill all the plants (weeds) around the crop but not the actual crop itself. When it rains on these crops, its causes a toxic runoff that drains into bodies of water and pollutes them! Hence why it’s only recommended to eat fish once a week, as their mercury levels are so high (and for some reason we take that as fact and we’re all okay with it!)
The only financially reasonable way we can help is to spread the word and raise awareness of this company and what’s its doing to us and our planet. As a company that only cares about revenue, when people become aware, their sales will go down! When more people find out, Monsanto will only have two choices: either change their ways or go out of business.
I’m not debating whether GMO crop is good or bad. My focus is on the health effects of pesticides on us and the environment. And also, the hardships of famers (especially 3rd world).
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Here are some scholarly articles that are a better source than the blog (Blog is written by a doctor though).
www.researchgate.net/publication/7302066_Aquatic_Toxicity_Due_to_Residential_Use_of_Pyrethroid_Insecticides (click on PDF, is 8 pages).
Thanks everyone for your time reading this and perhaps together we can discuss environmentally sustainable agriculture such as polyculture (see google lol)! I appreciate everyone’s feedback, negative or positive. A quick reminder that not everyone will agree (even some farmers), so remember to be patient and respectful of everyone’s opinion… as change does not happen overnight!
lol at the idea that there is some food not made entirely of chemicals
The source and all the data pretty clearly demonstrates that GMOs have been beneficial to Indian farmers
there's a worldwide march against monsanto May 21. look on fb March Against Monsanto
it's sad, but we can do something about it
and we can go straight from there to the Anti-Vax and chemtrail demonstrations
im sure the truth is more complicated than monstanto being le evily bogeyman company.
>chemtrail demonstrations
why are you apposed to vax??
>why are you apposed to vax
Same reason GMOs are bad, chemicals are bad and unnatural
Unnatural doesn't mean bad, but pumping a shitton of unnecessary chemicals into food can't be good for you.
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>if you don't wholeheartedly support and love a corporation that has been linked with numerous environmental scandals and war crimes in the past, you're a batshit crazy anti-vaxxer
This is why people hate your company, monsanto shill

Other companies (Volkswagen, etc) have owned up to their misdeeds

Not you, though. You insist on ramming your vile propaganda down everyone's throats

So, once again, fuck off
>but pumping a shitton of unnecessary chemicals into food can't be good for you.
yeah, 500g per acre of crops is just an overwhelming amount of 'chemicals'
>trying to be rational with these people

good luck, faggot
they certainly are problem for us. they're lobbyists and have inappropriate connections with people in government. feel free to do some of your own research, i cant possibly convince everyone
>yeah, 500g per acre of crops is just an overwhelming amount of 'chemicals'

in comparison to what, memelord?
>it's just 1mg of cyanide potassium, come on you pussy
>linked with warcrimes in the past
The government contracted them to do work. Fucking ridiculous to blame the company rather than politicians and the military.
Its seriously absurd to even try and correlate that with the modern discussion on GMOs and shows the actual science of your argument is entirely disingenuous as you are only relying on silly emotional appeals
Except glyphosate is pretty fucking safe for mammals so thats a dumb thing to say
It's kind of amusing how these people think they're "supporting GMO" by parroting lame garbage fed to them by Monsanto PR drones

If they would just shut the fuck up, the public might actually stop associating GMO with the rapacious tentacles of a cartoon villain multinational

But they can't help themselves and as a result, country after country bans GMO
totally agree
hahaha totally called them out - that gif XD
Wait, so you are arguing that countries are banning GMOs because scientists and people educated in science are speaking in favor of GMOs. What?

The only people banning GMOs are doing it to appease uneducated peasants or as a form of economic protectionism, banning foreign technology in a misguided attempt to control the economy
>country after country bans GMO
And nothing of value was lost, inb4 vile shills shriek about how if we don't bend over and take it up the ass from their paymasters, poor little children will go blind

Suggestion: sell your fucking yachts and pay for some vitamin pills for those poor kids, if you actually care about them (but you don't, and everyone knows it)
>PR garbage is science
No, it's PR garbage

But keep digging, I fully expect you next to tell me that, because I disagree with you, I'm against vaccines.
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What exactly do you think the word "chemical" means?
I'm sure it has been given a 20 year testing period before we put it into, like, fucking everything, right?

Brain damage, birth defects, stillbirths, infertility, eh who cares, AgriCorp #425832085 got a few cents more, that's all that matters.
So you are just going to write off all science because you have feelings?

If you are going to support a stance use actual evidence, you can't just claim all science is wrong because you don't like what all collective evidence suggests
Well, since "science" for you means "whatever was printed in my PR brochure from Monsanto", yes. I am going to write that off, that thing you call science.

It's funny how you people try to twist around the English language like that.
Glyphosate has been on the market for over 40 years
Its not some nascent poorly characterized technology

and its not fucking related to the safety of GMOs, if you want to argue glyphosate is unsafe argue to ban glyphosate, do not try and conflate it with GMOs and trick uneducated people into being afraid of all sorts of wonderful new technologies
Do you seriously think Monsanto is large enough to form a conspiracy involving the entire scientific establishment including countless public institutions and Monsanto's market competitors?

Monsanto is a kind of big company, but its not particularly large or influential. Probably not even close to the top 100 most influential companies in america
the reason they blame monsanto for war crimes rather than the politicians is because in the Vietnam War they needed a herbicide (later to be called Agent Orange) to the kill all the trees (so the Vietnamese soldiers couldn't hide among the dense forests). Monsanto released Agent Orange without testing it and claiming it to be safe. (perhaps again with gmo?) people today are still born with horrible defects and the American soldiers exposed got terribly ill
>we're not actually engaged in a propaganda war against the general public, look over there, Wal Mart!
>Glyphosate has been on the market for over 40 years
And recently a study found it causes leukemia.
Also nice shifting the goalposts, can we have food WITHOUT scientists fucking with it, putting pig DNA in it or pumping it full of Cancer™?

Just naturally grown fucking food that is tended to by a farmer, instead of some lazy fuck fucking his sister 24/7?
That was different though, we now know all GMO, even GMO that hasn't been created yet, is safe by definition because I said so. Why would I lie to you? If you question me you hate science.
Nature =/= good
Stop this god damn meme
Your logic is so bad that it is hard to believe you are being serious. Your entire stance is we shouldn't pursue progress because muh feelings.
Also, please keep in mind that agriculture of any kind is extremely unnatural. Meanwhile countless toxins and deadly things are 100% natural
Agent Orange deal is a completely different thing, but it kind of shows how much the company cares about safety.
lol yeah, science doesn't exist, they are just guessing
I like how you cherry picked that one word, even thought the post would have had the same meaning without it.

Is it because you're fucking your sister?
>Nature =/= good
I am not saying this.
I am just asking for food that isn't fucked with by scientists, food that was allowed to grow as it was meant to be so I know I won't be getting cancer from some scientist going OH I DID MIT I KNOW WHAT I AM DOING and pumping it full of some random shit.

People in medieval ages somehow managed to get fucking crops going, why can't we do it now?
pretty sure the people running the company then are dead of old age now. I don't think you can draw any conclusions about what the company is doing now from it
>I am just asking for food that isn't fucked with by scientists
all food was fucked with by scientists, thats what agriculture is. Otherwise you would just have to be a hunter gatherer
Vietnam wasn't 100 years ago, most Vietnam vets are alive and kicking. No reason why people behind Agent Orange wouldnt't, atleast in part of original project, be still alive.
It's not about getting crops going, it's about making it illegal for a farmer to reuse seed so that they can repurchase more seed over and over and over while blanketing their fields with chemicals from the same vendor

Shills like to pretend they're "saving humanity" but what they're doing is lining their own pockets
>most Vietnam vets are alive and kicking
sure, but most soldiers were ~20 while the execs of the company were surely 50+. Its quite possible some are alive but its pretty unlikely that the same people are running the company
>all food was fucked with by scientists
That is my whole argument, literally all of it.
Can we cut out the scientists out of it? Can we just prepare the fields, plant the seeds, water them and fertilize them using cow shit?
>it's about making it illegal for a farmer to reuse seed so that they can repurchase more seed
If you don't like it just buy old fashioned seeds. This a really fucking simple problem to solve
This is a manufactured issue by the 'natural' food lobby, its not even a real concern amongst farmers
My main issue is, it's hard to tell what was made with GMO shit and what isn't, if there was a law enforcing use of GMO labels, majority of my concerns about GMO would stop mattering.
How do you think humans discovered that cow shit helps grow crops? Thats fucking science. The whole process of agriculture has always been guided by science, just because some facts are taken for granted does not mean they were not learned through careful observation and experimentation (science)

Without the science of agriculture humans would have never left the natural lifestyle of being nomadic scavenger hunters. Natural life is fucking terrible
Accurate food labels is doubleplus unscience. Muh antivaxxers!
the problem is that simply knowing whether something is GMO doesn't really tell you anything as its such a broad class of things with no defining characteristics with relevance to human health

You could probably make an argument that it would be useful to know what specific strain or breed is used GMO or not, but that would be a pretty burdensome change to the system. Unless you are specifying specifically what gene has been added, knowing that a crop is GM is just useless noise, unly intended to confuse customers into buying things that market themselves as natural and GMO/Gluten/MSG free
I still would prefer a label so I could avoid it like wildfire.
>simply knowing whether something is GMO doesn't really tell you anything as its such a broad class of things with no defining characteristics with relevance to human health
Or to put that another way, we're not really sure about surprise allergens affecting some small % of the population that might arise from randomly swapping genes from other unrelated organisms, so just trust us on this one, it's fine. I mean, if we started labeling this shit people might figure out that they have a food allergy to GMO tomatoes and we wouldn't want that now, would we. Peanut allergies aren't real and celiac is a mass-hallucination on the part of hippies.
Why do you want to do that though. Sounds like a simple case of lack of education and buying into marketing
Because he isn't "educated" (translation:brainwashed) by "science" (translation:whatever the brochure says to type in this scenario)

Anyone properly educated would know there is nothing to worry about and monsanto knows what's best for you.
>Why do you want to do that though
Because "may or may not kill you with a painful disease" is not good enough for me. I'll just help the supply/demand do its magic and pay insignificant amount more to make sure I'm not eating some poisonous shit.
but it is not poisonous and there is literally no reason to eblieve there is
Its like going to church every week and forgoing premarital sex just because what if hell and eternal damnation is real
Its a fucking silly thing to do
So your whole thing is that science is wrong because you say so? But you also have no evidence at all to support the claim?
lol youre awesome
It just keeps getting better
>if you disagree with me you are an anti-vaxxer christfag, don't you realize that by wanting truthful labeling on food you are supporting the invisible bearded skyfather who isn't even real? LMAO sheeple!
See >>72514242
>Because "may or may not kill you with a painful disease"
who told you this? This is not a thing, thats not how it works at all. Being genetically modified by modern means makes it no less safe than crops modified through more outdated means. In fact if anything it is safer than the mutagenic techniques beloved by the natural lobby because GMOs have precisely controlled modifications to their genome while organic natural crops have only random changes so who knows what will happen
yes , finally someone who understands the post
it has nothing to do with what I believe
If you disregard science in favor of emotion you are doing ti wrong. You are in the very same boat as anti-vaxxers, climate change denialists, non-celiac gluten free observers, and the devoutly religious
theyre impossible to avoid in grocery stores. cereal, granola bars, tomato sauce, everything...gmo
>if you disagree with my brochure you're a christfag antivaxxer
Sure buddy, you must be right
>Shills like to pretend they're "saving humanity" but what they're doing is lining their own pockets
Thats the beauty of capitalism, mutually beneficial transactions. Just because they make money doesn't make them evil, stop this Bernie Sanders tier bullshit. They make money by providing a product or service that people want to buy. Farmers choose to buy GM seeds because they are way the fuck better than the alternative even considering that they need to buy them every year
Random changes are predictable and they're usually something low profile that helps the crop adapt to enviroment, there's nothing wrong with that.

Now putting a gene from a fucking animal into a veggie is all sorts of fucked up.
>tfw Monsanto is slowly doing what I don't have the balls to do

thank you based Monsanto
>crops modified to get moar lucrative lock-in licenses are safer for our profits than crops modified through unscientific means, ooga booga tomatoes are dangerous unless stamped "gene spliced by Monsanto", ooga booga!
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>Its like going to church every week and forgoing premarital sex just because what if hell and eternal damnation is real
Or maybe you know, I want the first time to be special and don't mind 1 hour a week for the church?
>Random changes are predictable and they're usually something low profile that helps the crop adapt to enviroment,
um, no. mutations are random, they are not usually beneficial, the vast majority of the time they are not
Also, organic natural farmers bombard seeds with highly energetic radiation to force mutations, and plant very high number of crops hoping to find a few good mutations to breed into established lines. Its the dangerous shotgun method compared to GMO's precision surgery
just cause your educated doesnt mean you like gmo. my environmental science proff hates gmos
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Typical pro-monsanto shilling tactics.
lol, you go to church because you don't mind it? That seems like a pretty weak reason

I grew up catholic where people adhere to dogma and tradition out of guilt and fear
You organic lobbyists are doing pretty much all of those things
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>mutations are random
You do realize wheat won't suddenly turn red out of ass or grow 8 meters long?

It's because the plants have genes.
Mutations are not random, and while they're not beneficial, they're not detrimentary either, bad mutations simply get wed out by natural selection.

Also two rights don't make a wrong.
you know thats not true. look at his sources... youre clearly a shill yourself...boosting gmo and bashing sanders lol.
>Also two rights don't make a wrong.
That's it, I'm going to sleep.
Goodnight corporate shills and cu/ck/s.
Stop buying into his propaganda. Not liking GMO doesn't mean being anti-science.
so true lol
>Mutations are not random
well there are certain mechanisms that cause them but they are essentially random

>and while they're not beneficial, they're not detrimentary either,
No, stop. Most of them are bad for the plant, thats exactly why selection weeds them out. But we are specifically talking about mutagenic techniques used by the natural/organic lobby to induse extreme numbers of mutations hoping to find a cool and useful one. They have no fucking clue what other mutations were generated. Luckily it probably doesn't fucking matter because this shit isn't dangerous, but it surely has a higher probability of creating something harmful than more precise GMO techniques which do not have the potential to magically make a crop harmful (though surely a harmful one could be designed if done intentionally.)
Hi guys,

OP here.

I just wanted to start putting my name in my posts so that everyone knows when educated people like me (I read journal articles, that means i'm educated) are posting.

It's good to educate yourself on how evil monsanto is, I know because I read some articles on JSTOR.

Anyone have any more questions for me?

Would anyone like to know about the benefits of hemp?
>Not liking GMO doesn't mean being anti-science.
Yes it does
When you are basing your stances on liking, rather than on evidence, you are being anti-science
Have you ever taken a biology class beyond high school level?

Monsanto is bad because of their microaggresion against farmers


the internet is free you know, getting degrees is overrated

all the information about why monsanto is terrible is freely available

just go and see!

you don't need a pHd to know that chemicals in food are bad lol
I like truthfully labelled food. Show me the evidence that truthfully labelled food is harmful. Oh look, you can't. And yet you've insisted that labelling is harmful.

Now is the moment to take your own life.

you're triggering me, please let this thread be a safe space where we can be free of monsanto
>microaggresion against farmers
lol, this is a joke, right?

why are you linking infographics that use wingdings font from word 2003?

couldn't u get a more reputable source like JSTOR?

that makes you sound educated
No, there actually is someone named "Jenny" who just happens to have the same name as Jenny McCarthy, posting propaganda against people who think food should have accurate labels.
>Show me the evidence that truthfully labelled food is harmful
No one suggested this. But its disingenuous to suggest a broad GMO/GMO free label purveys truth of any meaningful kind
End your life. Science commands it. If you don't end your life RIGHT NOW you're against science.

accurate labels is literally mansplaining and disenfranchises many african americans that don't know how to read

this is a microaggresion


uh are you stupid, don't you realize that every single food item eaten today has been "GMO'd" for centuries since before you were even borne? read some literature


uh i'm a scientist, i've done many experiments in my high school bio 1 class.

AP exam soon :)
>being opposed to something that you can't even prove is harmful
Why are you ruled by emotions instead of logic?
>implying I read the name slot
What are you even talking about?

uh you should respect the sholars among u


logic is a field dominated by white cis men. logic is literally evil
Jenny is obviously not the OP

quit being a shitlord
yeah that's someone trolling the OP by pretending to be them.
Jenny is not op

uh, yes i am

prove that i'm not u mansplaining shitlord
jenny not OP
fuck monsanto

i agree

monsanto is bad because i read an article about the atlantic on it

never met a monsanto employee though or been verifiably affected by any of their business decisions, but fuck em!

i heard they dont stand up for the lgbtqbea community either, those shitlords!
fuck monsanto thank you op
You don't eat food made out of dark matter and leptons?

I got this from /ck/ before so I'll post it here. If you're serious, then you'll read this.

Personally, I couldn't give a rat's ass about thirdworld farmers. I'm a third-worlder myself, and that white man's burden just slides off my shoulders.
Pasta and faggotry.
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OP is either shitposting or retarded. GMOs reduce the need for pesticides exactly by being genetically modified to produce their own. The links OP posted pertain to the pesticides that people who aren't using GMOs would need to use to keep yield. As to why OP would be doing this, maybe some half-assed sense of nobility or a thankless gesture to supporting someone else's cause, who knows.

The ironic thing is that GMOs are actually progress. Yields have improved, pesticide use has reduced, produce is cheaper for consumers, less land needs to be used, and further innovations may be able to address even more things. I don't fully understand the real motive of whoever's against GMO progress, probably people lobbying for organics or small-time farmers trying to gain leverage by being the little guys. Because GMOs are the future.

Monsanto is a company and they'll do what they can to make money, just like any other. But this benefits consumers and hurts small to medium sized producers. There's no point in fighting for someone else's money. Also pic related
Why do ETs care so much about environmenral injustices
Back to the real anonymus I presume
Nobody cares, Ron
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Monsanto is destroying the planet

the science gap is pro gmo because those paid to be objective are swayed by global conglomerates lobbying with billions of dollars
Aluminum polluted soil = only Monsanto & their monopoly you passively let infiltrate the American political system will be left standing
climate control technology is the hardest Redpill for any board to swallow

the technology has been a thing since the late 1950s,
Several world leaders have gone on record confirming their existence

to discount cloud seeding is to ignore eyewitness reports from military personnel & countless government officials

it's fucking real wake up
First off, nice picture
Secoundly you are right. Mossanto is doing one hell of a job to keep you stupid. In south america farmers get free courses from Mossanto where they are teached how to be dependend of them. Only one of many shit they are doing
They are fucking awful, bee killing pesticides shilled to UK government
>I don't fully understand the real motive of whoever's against GMO progress
I don't understand them and they scare me. You changed the plant's genetics. Now who's to say that the plant won't change my genetics? What if I start producing pesticide?
sauce is ghibli nausicaa: Valley of the Wind
Monsanto is based af. If any, you leftists should stop shilling
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