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Transgenders bathroom laws

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Time for a red pill on transgenders, they suffer from a psychological mental disease called https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Body_dysmorphic_disorder

>A fairly common mental disorder, affecting some 1.7% to 2.4% of the population, BDD usually starts during adolescence, and affects men and women roughly equally.

>Besides thinking about it, one repetitively checks and compares the perceived flaw, and can adopt unusual routines to avoid social contact that exposes it.[2] Fearing the stigma of vanity, one usually hides the preoccupation.[2] Commonly unsuspected even by psychiatrists, BDD has been greatly underdiagnosed.[2] Severely impairing quality of life via educational and occupational dysfunction and social isolation, BDD involves especially high rates of suicidal ideation and suicide attempts.

^^ that are the facts, to make it easier to relate to, imagine someone anorectic, they think they are fat and do everything to lose weight, now, does the anorectic when skinny like a stick look in the mirror, smile and say
>I am skinny now, satisfied and will have lunch later!
No, they do not, never, instead they stop eating alltogether and unless saved with therapy and in most cases meds they die, drop dead. People around them constantly also reinforce the anorectic saying
>you are so skinny, listen you are sick believe you need to eat you need help!
Because they are correct, the anorecric woman or man needs fucking help.

Now over to transgenders. First they start acting feminine and here I will explain the emerging pattern that will continue until the end, ok.
>It is not enough
It never is.
So what they do is start dressing in female clothing, obviously they go for the most feminine clothes because how else reinforce their delusion, you never see an anorectic wear baggy pants right. High heels quickly follow, again, men don't wear that so the transgender female needs it. Now you think to yourself perhaps,
>ok ok I see where you are going with this.
Let's see shall we
Unisex toilets are the better solution anyways.
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So after the dresses and highheels they aubject starts shaving their entire body, eyebrows are wrong, the bears unnaceptable don't get it started on hairy arms and legs but again it is never enough.

The subject quickly realises it needs to change its figure, more lean and perhaps even a pair of fake titties become their focus. The entire time like the anorectic they percieve no change and perhaps deep down they also know what is staring back to them from the mirror is not a woman, but a freak.

So it carries onwards changing everything little by little even working on their voice but eventually they reach a wall, what can they do to make themselves what they were not born to be? What how?

And here comes the doctors, instead of diagnosing and sabing their patients from a mental illness they in the name of political correctness, maybe some greed, they offer the sick fucks to have their genitals cut off and am open surgical wound in its place. Finalky they think
Finally after hormon treatments and years of sickness finally they will be female.

Guess what? It was not enough, and to be perfectly honest, that is not a pussy and medicine is not there yet today where it can have a baby or change the actual kromosons.
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Now what we have here is a walking talking man without a penis, a pair of plastic tits, dressed like a woman, wearing highheels, weak muscles, PMS without blood, painted brows, shaved body and carrying a purse.

But you guessed it,
So what does it do, well obviously after gazing itself in the mirror for an entire, perhaps week it decides that it is other peoples fault, as with the anorectic example where their surrounding tried to reinforce they are sick, skinny and need help, here the tranny demands the opposite

Just like the anirectic getting pissed that you do not see that it is clearly fat so to is the tranny mad at you for not seeing it is a woman.

So it demands everyone and I mean everyone in the world to address it as
>lady woman

But it is not easy however 2016 we are finally here, it can walk an entire day through an entire year never having it addressed incorrectly, congrats, full delusion completed, reached, it is finally a woman, it thinks it, you think it, we all think it, or at least that is what we say should we want to keep our jobs that is.
That would not work as I explain.
More incoming. Last I hope.
They work just fine where they exist. Majority of men aren't perverted creeps, so there would be enough peer pressure to behave properly or get your ass kicked.
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As asked and asnwered already, but
>Do you believe that is it
Do you? Did you think the Transgendered transexual trans whatever is now healthy? Do you think it now is satisfied, happy and at peace?

No it was not enough.

>but what about unisex toilets
Good question, but here is the crux, the unisex toilet does not reaffirm confirm reinforce their delusional mind their sickness if anything it is a reminder to them that they are not a woman. To them that is the same as you calling it Sir, Mr or dude. It is the same as when they had a penis and not yet tucked in, or were foat chested cause breasts is a commin female trait characteristic body part.

They need bathrooms and locker rooms to stay gender separate but allow them without needing to do anything, such as show ID or proof of sex change to use, any such measure other than that is a reminder that they are mentally ill and wrong.

So now going into 2017 with bathrooms, lockerooms and no need to lie on employment, insurance or goverment papers, they are finally a woman, and it is not a mental sickness illness or delusion because they were born this way, believe them, that is how you know for sure that a 3 year old can make the decision to have its penis cut off because if it changed or arose in their teens that would be proof of mental ilness!

Well you guessed, you are not born trangender anymore than you are born anorectic, it is a sickness, they are mentally fucking ill

And guess again
>You think this is it?

No, never, you think toilets was it? Haha guess again, this is not over until they think they are a woman, just as it is for an anorectic, they will never eat until skinny, guess what, anorectic people DIE, transgenders ALSO DIE.

Trump is a fucking idiot and dead wrong on this issue, anyone placating this is dead wrong on this issues, it has to be stopped if anything to save their fucking lives, they are all in need of treatment.

>What is next?

Last incoming now.
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That is actually true, this is the first major fuck up for Trump besides his stand against internet freedom. I don't actually give a damn about American politics, but I like trump less now.
Your incoherent rant doesn't make much sense to begin with, and it doesn't explain at all why unisex won't work.

Gender segregation MIGHT make sense in highschool where you have a mix of prepubescent and pubescent kids - but then why don't we go all the way and throw them together in sports classes where they get boners from jiggling boobs? Anything which is "forbidden" automatically creates the appeal of crossing that border, at least in certain people. Which is EXACTLY why you got creeps peeking into girl's toilets and locker rooms. By segregating toilets by gender you are creating the implication that defecation is something sexual.
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What is next, well the next fight already begun


There is a lot more of this.

Sports already started adopting it in the quiet, some talking about it and olympics and are others are about to change it, yes you heard me.

In the near future all women sports and male sports will have to allow transgenders, meaning that women have to compete against men EVEN if they did not have their penis removed or hormon treatment, that is right, you heard me.


Do you... Yes, again I ask

>Do you think that is it?

Of course it isn't!


This is a mental illness that for instance in the case of an anorectic never stops until dead so where do you think we are heading? To a point where all is good, where they are done and the tooic is over?! Ha!

It is never ober until they or we or everyone is dead, there is no win here, no common ground no end ever, this is reality.

And I am done dealing with none red pilled idiots here and elsewhere that accept this shit, time to swallow the truth and stop accepting mental illness to rule our lives in any capacity, and also time to save a lot of lives lost to a lie who without treatments cannot get well and who will die should we not get them help and as with the anorectic anorexic person who we tell is not fat, so to must we reinforce it that they are the gender they were born into!

(Final post.)
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Fuck up? This was a strategic move to pull Democrat and moderate voters
Nice dubs check em

I just hope there will eb a transgender MMA Fighter who gets his ass handed to him by vanzant, holm, jenna and the likes.
>why it doesnt work
It is not a rant, it is facts as for your question I did answer it.

The transgender will never accept it, they already made it clear that they will never accept unisex bathrooms even if we all used unisex bathrooms. Impossible in germany the muslims would never allow it ;)

Because it does not reinforce their "gender identity"=delusion
The mentally ill man wanting to be a woman wants to use a female bathroom because to them that says
>"weee I am a woman now!!"

Hope I made it perfectly clear now for you.
Wasn't there some study where a pharmacological treatment was able to stop transgender feelings in the majority of cases? Requesting /pol/ack librarians to find the evidence
It is a major fuck up and funnely enough every trump supporter I know was against this shit until trump fucked up on this topic.

Many trump fans need to get it through their head that shit like this Trump needs to go back on and be against if he wants our support, the amount of bs from trump many of his supporters accept "for the greater good" is getting out of hand.

This is also not just bathrooms, it does not stop there, that is the point of my redpill, unchecked this will destroy everything, literally.
Great OP

Thank you, we needed this.
4chan isn't your personal sjw libtard blog.

Go write your shill novel on tumblr or blogspot
Wow it matches 100%

It really is a mental issue
>they already made it clear that they will never accept unisex bathrooms even if we all used unisex bathrooms

Got any source on that claim? Are you capable of logical thought? If anything, unisex bathrooms would make it clear to them that they aren't special snowflakes, and growing up with less seperation between genders would teach them from young age that it doesn't fucking matter as which one they identify when they need to take a shit.
Yeah right implying they will actually vote for Trump while disagreeing with him on all the other more serious issues and generally hating him thanks to media is retarded
It is BDD some psychiatrists actually did try and red pill people but...

What is your thoughts on homosexuals op?
I would actually give no fuck over who uses which bathroom as nobody walks around naked in them, women and men who take a shit occupy the cabin while men pissing are just facing the wall. Seeing somebody's genitals is impossible unless you are perv and look directly at somebody's body. But pandering to whims of mentally insane is wrong.
>moderate voters
>moderates wanting transgenders in their lockerooms
All polls shows moderats and a big majority is against the transgenders in wrong bathrooms.

Besides that, your logic is beyond stupid.
>let's destroy the country to appeal fringe radical leftwingers to vote for us
Nice write up OP
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Would be appreciated yes.
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Wew lad I didn't read any of that because as a non-American your opinion means 0 on this.
>Triggered by OP
You are mentall ill tranny, seek help.
Who gives a fuck let them use whatever bathroom they want IDGAF.
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I like when people on /pol/ pretend to be psychologists. You are not psychologists. Actual psychologists agree that gender dysphoria is not body dysmorphic disorder. If you think that is incorrect and you know better than the majority medical opinion, then please inform the majority medical opinion; you have a moral imperative to insure sick humans do not harm themselves. Only you can save these people from themselves and these evil doctors.
They do not suffer from BDD etc.

Completly different but I would argue it is still a mental disorder or possibly medical or both. It is not normal, healthy and neither should it be encouraged but it is not the same thing. It clearly has characteristics that shows it is a sickness just different.
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>giving the left more deals
We've been doing this for 40 years now and I'd didn't work, they will come back and ask for.more

Could use some spellchecking etc and better formatting. I think I will do it later and I hope others do as well this shit needs repeating, over and over until the day we treat this people for their mental illness.
These trans people and their advocates work globally, here as well and their sickness affects everyone in their surrounding.
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Well I am and I do know, it is the exact same thing you mentally ill just demand it not be labeled as such because facts hurt. At best a psychiatrist will rename it but it is the same condition.

There is zero evidence that it would be different or that it is not a mental illness vs several studies and observations and medical professionals who support that it is a mental illness.
That is the point of my thread first and foremost

It is never enough, this is not gonna end, ever until it is accepted a mental illness we treat, not encourage.
That's pretty much what I mean. And can confirm, in my whole life of using public toilets I've never seen another guy's dick, nor wanted to.
The links you provided specifically stated that a year of hormone therapy is required. Could you possibly be mixing truth with your lies to make your lies seem more credible? Or was that an honest mistake?

You can't ever win with those nutters
Thsi right here.

They always claim it is something else or not crazy but they can never prove it!
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First it required compete against men.

Then a seperate league completley.

Then complete surgery

Then just hormone therapy

And no, now the demand is whatever the fuck the person identify as in his or hers head. Feel free to google the topic or pretend it isn't raining.


The guardian, olympics ruled it.

Have a good day.

>Transgender athletes should be allowed to compete in the Olympics and other international events without undergoing sex reassignment surgery, according to new guidelines adopted by the IOC.
I don't share the view on this with Trump, but it's far from enough of a reason for me to not support Trump..
Trump 2016.
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>destroying all sports
Are they fucking mental?
>still pro Trump
That's fine.

Point is his stance is wrong and his supporters would do well and should push to change his stance on this because it is wrong, not accept it just because it is your candidate, his voters employ him, not the other way around, no one should ever accept this bullshit.

It may not be obvious yesterday or today but tomorrow, one day if this is left to grow further all society will be lost.
Now ask yourself people, what is next? Because again, it never stops.

Yes they are mental lol
Yes, they are certifiably insane and need help. But they are also human beings with a biological need to take a piss now and again. Building them their own special snowflake bathroom is a huge waste of money, as is doing a dick check on every individual going into every bathroom in your state. So they should just go into whichever one they can pass as.

They've been doing it for forever. Nobody knew to get outraged about it until the media told you to, same as every other irrelevant social issue that we waste so much time arguing about.
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I am at a fucking loss for words

None of what you said is true, you might wanna read up on what actually has happened and changes taking place, which I might add also covers lockerooms and no this has not been going on forever. You sound like one of the liberal cucks who next will claim cavemen use to wear highheels and this is normal baka

Let me redpill you on how we should deal with the problem.

The argument about what is natural should be based on the nature, rather then ouer preception of it, because if we allow some people to interprate nature in some ways, we open the doors to both sides of the spectrum cherrypicking details to further their subjective views.

>So what should we do with the transgender?
There exists a third group within human biology, called intersex people, they are born with mixed characteristics of the gender binary. Such variations may involve genital ambiguity, and combinations of chromosomal genotype and sexual phenotype other than XY-male and XX-female.

Its estimated that 70 000 000 people are born intersex

so the question should be, why doesn't this third category already exist in terms of international law?
We we think unisex bathrooms are a bad idea, why not just have 3? male, female and intersex?

The transgender people who then have so called mental disability could easily just be made to use the third bathroom
>Germany talking about solutions to a group of unwanted "people"

Here we go again!
Sorry bro
You got it.
Psychological mental diseases are social constructs. They have no place in science.
Bottom line it isn't just about bathrooms, that is the point.

As an example

And further, I have no idea what you say is correct, honestly but even then we will be 9billion people in a near future and 70million even if true is an insanely small figure to appease.

It would be easier of such people if identified medically to get a doctors note that allows them passage to the bathroom in this case male bathroom because less dangers could arise and less uncomfortable for the rest of us.

To suggest the entire globe build special bathrooms for such a small amount of people is stupid and in the case of mentally ill anything that we do to reinforce their delusion hurts them and us. It would be like walking up to people suffering anorexia and being anorectic and tell them they are fat and should lose more weight.
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no it isnt, its about nature and science making the distinctions rather then us humans
>social constructs
Biology, race space all in our heads kek what I time to be alive!
What? Not following you, I made it clear, please read the entire post.

We cannot have a third lockeroom and third bathroom everywhere in the world to appease, even if your number is not pulled out of your ass, 70 million out of many billions on earth.

It is stupid and the people you wanna appease are mentally ill people, how is that scientific you know we have the ability to treat BDD right? Well we do. We have medications and therapy that can treat and cure this, how about we save them instead of having them destroy society and kill themselves anyway?
>shredded his penis
Fuck my balls itch reading that.

100% this, we should be saving their lives. The left does not care dead or alive they use them like they use all minorities


>There exists a third group within human biology, called intersex people, they are born with mixed characteristics of the gender binary. Such variations may involve genital ambiguity, and combinations of chromosomal genotype and sexual phenotype other than XY-male and XX-female.

>Its estimated that 70 000 000 people are born intersex

That's a fuckin lie. Get out of there kike sjw cunt.
Good posts and all true

Also pissed with trump for dropping the ball on this
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Thanks for confirming that, I am having no luck finding credible sources on it lol

I also like to extend a warning to people here and the trannies and cucks out there.

If this is left alone and progressively gets worse and we one day have the choice between getting fucked by trannies in the ass who are also your local priest and the person teaching our kids in school or joining something like Islam, people are gonna chose islam, not even kidding here. Because the way things are going there will not be a christian alternative to this or something else and in the end billions are gonna have enough of this degeneracy one way or the other and the trannies at that point if still alive will be killed in a bloodbath.
I am against the mudslimes but you have a valid point m8

The jewish journos would also be in for a rude awakening that day, they are prepping the ovens themselves
Same here

google exists dude , just check it youself


as for your comment, i suggest you find out how far your willing to go with your appeal to majority
The number is actually a conservative estemate of how many people are BORN with diffrent sex characteristics
All i said was that i have no problem with transgenders if they would want the same threatment as the intersex people deserve
I am fully aware of the mental state we are talking about. The only problem is that it isnt going to be solved by talking about "what an mental illness is"
We should concentrate on what nature already does, instead of us creating some arbetrary lines
>google exists dude , just check it youself

My google says you are a lying kike.
Unless you present academically reviewed papers to confirm your words - get the fuck out of here.
I would not bet against that. It is a scary thought.
I am pretty sure there are many who already converted because they had enough of todays society and how bad shit has got
Don't forget the politicians.
>arbetrary lines
Kill yourself you mentally fucked POS
>Unless you present academically reviewed papers to confirm your words - get the fuck out of here.

Where the hell do you think you are?

>science means being lazy and not even using google which is an easy way to verify that ouer ancestors didnt have

here lazy fucks

as for books on the subject, i suggest wikipedia

>what is "natural" shouldnt be based on nature, but rather how we precive it

yeah fuck off
There is no such thing you claim to exist. Tripple checked it. And your entire argument is against nature, science and reasonable thought nor is it logical making zero sense whatsoever.

You obviously need to seek help, you are not a special snowflake, you are mentally ill suffering from BDD, get treatment before it is too late and if you wont at least do yourself in private, do not be selfish, I am sick of traffic stops when your kind uses a train to exit this world.
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When the fuck did people with mutilated body parts, who psychologically think they are the opposite sex, think that everyone is okay with them using their non birth gender restrooms?
>that website
Lol swede is right, kill yourself.
>defecation is something sexual.

In Germany it is

here you go you lazy fuck >>72116422

the argument is rather simple, even you should understand it

A) there exists a group within ouer evolutionary line that has certain characteristics
B) another group wants certain privilages, that claim to have similar characteristics
C) both should be judge on whats natural (what nature produces) so both should be judge by A

nature, natural, scientific
the only way to do it without making lines based on fallacies
I think it's a ploy to convert berniefags who's given up hope, but still hates hillary to go trump.

good luck finding a better estemate, which is what you need to do if you want to be scientific

or even better, disprove intersex people exist.
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Since last few years and

We have yet to seen the end

>intersex evolutionary snowflakes
Dude you are sick
Why not just let them use disabled toilets.
So what you are saying is we can cure pedophilia by allowing pedos to fuck kids? Of course Germany would suggest something this stupid.

yeah they are snowflakes, but what are you going to do about it? Stick to ideology rather then science
>it is a ploy

Brilliant! (Your mental gymnastics that is.)
>why not use disabled toilets
More disabled people, often just a single restroom, takes long and doing so hurts the actual disabled people now shitting themselves waiting in line for everyone and anyone who in their mind claims to be different gender which cannot be proven.

Like if we had handicap parking without the need to prove a handicap, how long until no free handicap spots?

Still reinforces their mental illness while things get progressively worse across the board not just toilets and lockerooms, they will still kill themselves you know this effort to accommodate this bullshit

You know,

Figure it out.

Besides, they already refused unisex bathrooms, what you think will happen when the leftwing media hears the suggestion they should use "disabled" toilets lol
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In a year or two this OP and other posts will most likely be made illegal. I can see trumpbots defend trump if he makes this hate speech, today in New York if you write women's or men's bathroom you can be sued. It is illegal to identify a stall toilet or bathroom as for a specific gender.

That are New York values he likes.

We are already screwed, enjoy the red pill and truth while you can, expect if you have kids that grow up in the west that they turn trans at middle school or earlier even and if you dare refuse your boy to cut his penis off social services with cops will take custody of your child and do it against your will.

This is he future and most fucking cunts here on /pol finds this acceptable

Absolutely fucking disgrace you guys

Thanks for thread Norway, we will all see each other in hell soon.
>soon this will be made illegal
You are probably right.
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>/pol/ BTFO
not an argument

still no comment on >>72116926
and >>72117019
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damn broder that is harsh, but true.
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You making the leftist cunts slide lol
Mate it is all fubar

Not even this place is straight anymore
Great posts /pol needs more reality checks

Shit really has gone down hill lately, seems we have a brigade of transfags on here oushing their fucking agendas destroying mankind.

All good threads get slided on /pol just how it works now.
Fuck off
They pushing NWO and atheism agenda

Transgender is sick need to kill them all.
Thank you

There will come a time if we do not treat them as sick then yes, it could come to that

>muh safezone
Förlåt kek

Sorry to you as well but I think they started sliding the moment you made the OP

Reality hurts these insecure fags
Men knulla dig själv i röven eller nåt fru spectre

Wanna add that most of us have come to realize lately that many of the so called Trump fans are shills and they are leftwing liberal sickos who push shit like transgender rights when they should be locked up and force fed antipsychotic pills

still no arguments
no one seems to be interested in the scientific approach, i guess ideology is better
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Everything is going exactly as planned.
The threads they slide with

Fucking invasion and of course no mods or they be doing jack shit

Yes mannen
Shit is out of control

Just a bunch of trans sanders and pro BLM spam currently
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>fairly common
>affecting some 1.7% to 2.4% of the population
Lol you are probably right

Anyway I tried. Peace.

/pol is broken I guess, oh well.
You have been debunked several times no you are not a third gender and yes you are fucking mentally ill and need treatment and no I do not care if you die and yes I would kill you myself if I could get away with it.

quality thread OP

debunked by who?
i didnt see any responses to this >>72118939

sorry if i triggered you, i was of the preception that this was about science, i didnt know this was just made for hugbox people

i will ask you to "debunk" these two
and il be gone
but if your just here to spread your safespace bullshit, im obviously going to anwser until i get kicked out by the mods or this thread dies.
Still thanks for trying, had a good read and I had no idea the fucking olympics will now accept people doing sports as the wrong gender if they simply identify as such in that degenerate brain of theirs

Nothing sacred anymore.

Peace out min Norska bror
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>gone bonkers
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dont worry im not mad about it
same happens on tumblr and reddit
The wave of transgendrism reflects the massive mental illess sweeping society

It's time for the redpill movement to adopt transgenders and stop fighting it so much. If it's the "red pill", then they have to accept even uncomfortable truths. The truth that trannies are right about this. This isn't the fight to focus on. Trump was right. Just let them have that and bring them into the fold. It's not degeneracy, it's just illness, but an illness that is medically justified. They're not crazy, just ill.
You are not seeing the bigger picture. Unisex bathrooms are still a step in the wrong direction. It indulges in overexposure to this mental illness and is already having repercussions in schools. Children do not need to be informed on sexual identity. What children need to learn is math, science, language and above all else common sense.

Mixing genders will only in the end hypersexualize the already saturated social dynamic of our western society. This will be the straw that broke the camel's back. There will be no coming back from this. The liberal have already won, now they are trying to reap the spoils of their crusade.
Fuck you, damn, not often a shill like you is this obvious. Go to hell
You're right, OP.
Soon it will be mandatory education in the already mandatory sex ed in school and they will push on our kids that they are transgender. One day kid will be home after classes and tell you it wanna cut its penis clean off and if you question his decision the authorities will intervene maybe even take your kid away and do it without your consent.

Not being hyperbole here.
The amount of shilling right now where the fuck are the mods at?
Isn't it nice that the masses are being kept distracted by where 2% of the population wants to piss?
his stance is based on business not personal beliefs.
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No idea
Checked 4x4
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Quads quads 0/

GTFO drone

Fuck off, Trump was supposed to be the alpha "I don't give a fuck and will not conform to political correctness" candidate.
transgenderism is degenerate and trannies are cunts
no I could care less about policing bathrooms
muh slippery slope
It is fucking crazy it should even have to be debated. This is the final straw for me and many people. Things like this will backfire one day and then the killing begins
>muh slippery slope

Jesus fuck.

The amount of denial

Fuck all who support this bullshit, all. There are two genders
That's it and you are either born a
The end.
i feel the same

i dont even understand the argument

this is the kinda shit that happens during the fall of an empire
>he was suppose to be the anti PC candidate

I started out as a supporter of his but at this point I have concluded that he is either a plant or degenerate himself.

At least I was hoping that his supporters would call him out in this and push for him to change his opinion that is ignorant and wrong on the subject. But instead too many of his supporters are like that guy, spineless cunts.

This is a lost cause. Cruz literally only candidate calling this shit out and Trump needs to do the same.

>factualy wrong
alright mate sure, I don't feel like increasing control over how someone pisses
>soon transfaggotry will be forced on our children
This is what people need to realize already have kids as young as 5 had their genders changed.

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Basically kek
It is obvious at this point
Look at all threads made since this. So much spam few times do I see shills out in full force like this
How is this a left thing, though? Why do you need separate bathrooms for men and women? It doesn't make economic sense. You duplicate the bathroom facilities for basically no reason other than "muh feelings".

You know, speaking of which. "muh feelings" is a lefty position.

Woman may not be the equals of men, but they don't deserve special snowflake treatment or their own bathroom.
my cure for transgenderism is browse /pol/ whenever I'm not working.

You are my medicine /pol/. Never let me go.
who here was trans but self medded anti psychotics to cure gender dysphoria?

Shits amazing.... against doctors orders but fuck it man. I laugh when I see trannies crying about their lives now. I'll never be one of them.
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Not leaving
ITT: Norway proxy shills
>somebody finally understands
I hope you're voting for Cruz and not Trump.

Dead fuckin serious
The brutal reality of /pol/ is a wonderful thing. Like pinching yourself to stay awake.

So many mistakes I could have made in my life if you weren't there to stop me.
>self medicated
It is practically illegal or at least career suicide for doctors to treat BDD these days. You are forced to self medicate but it works and sure as hell healthier then cutting limbs off.

Which reminds me, there are now translimb? People out there now, people who believe they should only have one arm some have no legs and they intentionally cut them off and the same people pro transgenderism supports people chopping their feet off baka
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>"educating people on dangers of transexuals and the fact it is a mental illness is considered shilling"
if you go to a bar or a baseball game or a play or an amusement park, regardless of the ratio of men to women, there's always a line for the female bathroom and very little/no line for the male bathroom.

I don't want to wait in line to take a piss because Tommy Hates His Dong wants to feel special.
I want to know what force is behind the lack of fucking choices.

This 3ring circus is fucking shameful
With the exception of Carson and Cruz I believe every single candidate is pro transsexuals, maybe Webb as only dem against it.
Soon enough the players in Baseball will be transvestites too
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Tell me why it's wrong to not make an issue where there wasn't one.
>first the mentally ill campaign for their recognition
>a state specifically recognizes them with a law barring them from certain restrooms
Why even do that? That's fanning the flames. We have laws against everything bad that could happen to someone in a restroom. There wasn't an epidemic of trannies committing crimes in whatever gender bathroom they were trying to pass themselves off as. The sign on the door doesn't stop anyone just like a "gun free zone" doesn't stop the government from killing citizens.

So Trump says we shouldn't be feeding identity politics and that somehow makes him what? A mental illness endorser? You shills can't make an argument to save your own lives.
That's not why you'll be waiting in line, you'll be waiting in line because fuck you. It's cheaper for the people running the establishment.
Aye fucking raid happening now

>voting for Cruz
I would if I could. This is a deal breaker for any sane person who want their kids to not grow up degenerate and care even a little about the fabric of our civilization and society
>Tell me why it's wrong to not make an issue where there wasn't one.
It keeps the goyims fighting eachother
You better have your chosen one credentials handy otherwise I'll have you shoahed from this board for racism.
>why start shit
Wrong they started shit you ignorant fuck

>Our General Assembly and Governor McCrory swiftly took care of this because it’s just common sense that men should not be in women’s bathrooms,” said Kami Mueller, spokeswoman for the KeepNCSafe coalition, which advocated for the state-level action.

>The Charlotte ordinance that started the fracas expanded civil rights protections for individuals on the basis of marital status, sexual orientation, and gender identity or expression. Critics homed in on one aspect: that transgender people would be allowed to use their preferred restroom.

>The ordinance provoked immediate outrage in the Republican-controlled legislature, where lawmakers said urgent action was needed to protect children and women and rein in local governments.

They made it law in Charlotte and the state reacted to what is disgusting degenerate filth destroying the western world pushing the goalposts further and further and it never ends

They started it

Trump is an idiot who doesn't know you are too.
>This is a deal breaker
>I'm a single-issue voter like the other mouth-breathing retards
>this is the only difference between el rato and trump
>totally not an issue of the rights of private establishments and individual states being turned into yet another identity politics tantrum
where to begin with you
might as well just laugh at your flag

Sex offender is your ally

Hi kike
Thanks for clarifying what actually happened and what is going on

Too many shills here and idiots
>mentally ill people ruling the country is not an issue
Speak for yourself faggot
>be me
>transition in the early 2000s
>pass 100%
>live happily in stealth
>LGBT movement gains steam
>I fucking hate these people
>Leftists increase their demands pretending to represent me
I just want to be normal. This push for all of these extra rights is not what I or a lot of the "stealth" oldfags want. I'm happy and have a successful life, and all this shitstirring is making things worse.
You are scum

Your empire will end if you keep this up
>sex offender pushed for the shit
Everytime like anti gamergaters who are convicted pedo
Guess Disney didn't mind
Your flag is what is becoming the laughing stock of the world

A fucking JOKE
You might be living in a bubble but more people laugh at your flag than ever in history
>I just want to be normal.

Because being an MtF is normal...
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>does not know he is the punchline
>things that never happened
Go away
muran ma uusan aheyn
ایک دلیل نہیں
inte ett argument
muran ma uusan aheyn

the wall is going up and you'll only get your shekels for so long
If you still believe Trump will keep a single promise then you are a bigger joke than we already know
Alright lad alright. I'm sure you're just steamed at king nigger coming over and shitting on the brexit but I have faith you can still pull it off.
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baths law.png
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>Best Solution
I didn't say I was normal. What's the alternative if assisted suicide isn't available?
They are no better than Obama voters at this point

But the fact that they agree with men in women lockerooms and bathrooms illustrate a bigger issue, the issue that America and soon the rest of us will be a lost cause and our civilizations will come to an abrupt end.
You can stop trying to shill the kike puppet, you shill. All of these kinds of shitty news stories are developed by the kike to distract from shitty trade deals and the kikes robbing our countries blind.
Seek treatment book an appointment with a psychiatrist tell them you got BDD and you think you are female and promise it is legit not a trap to get them fired and beg for meds and help and they will cure you permanently.

>Dead fuckin serious

You are a dead fucking joke.

The desperation of these rats right about as they are about to get BTFO'd is amazing.Oh i am seriously gonna enjoy this.
>Obama pushing shit down our throats
You fags been pushing shit on us like transgender crap and more for decades on all Europe constantly and we are not stupid enough to believe your retarded bathroom laws allowing transmentals to use the wrong toilet won't be making its way across the pond as well.
A year of hormone therapy will not counteract decades of test. Look up some people that are on HRT and transitioning, they still look like men.
>shill shill shill
>must be a shill if not supporting a transvestite society
Fuck off KIKE
It is fucking insane isn't it and now they don't even require that
>Seek treatment book an appointment with a psychiatrist tell them you got BDD and you think you are female and promise it is legit not a trap to get them fired and beg for meds and help and they will cure you permanently.
I've been in therapy for 15 years and am not unhappy right now at all
>I have been treated for 15 years
Again, things that never fucking happened fucking troll
yeah mate you sure showed me
congrats for putting this much effort in a cruz shilling thread though
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You are shilling for transgenderism
Let that sink it

great idea
You too burger

Thanks Trump for making you a tumblerina
Trump have turned them into Bernie supporters lol
whatever makes floats your boat ahmed ;)
You're a fag kicking up a smokescreen for Cruz.
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You only think that because you haven't been to the one at my school.
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It is happening isn't it?

Nah, i don't care.And if you guys want to be taken and your concerns seriously, you are on the wrong site.

You are delusional if you believe that /pol/ is safe from the degeneracy of /b/ and /lgbt/
>Teump supporters are now feeling the Bern
Yeah they got mindfucked hard
If this continues there will be a day when we are left with the choice of complete utter degeneracy and broken society or radical Islamist
That should be a scary thought

Stopped reading there.
That's your problem, you don't care about anything and what is left at this point? The wall? He is PC now.

It happened

All it took was less than a year and a twittering billionaire
>An anorectic or anorexic (from the Greek an- = "without" and orexis = "appetite"
You probably can't read anyway.
>That's your problem, you don't care about anything and what is left at this point? The wall?

I don't care about bs non issues.Keep crying about it but i still wont give a damn about which bathroom transfags go in.

>He is PC now.

Phahaha.Your shilling is pathetic.

Just because someone doesn't care about tranny bathrooms doesnt make them PC.You could be gay and still kill niggers.You are not PC.
would rather have trannies than a caliphate senpai
birthrates are a concern though
>stopped reading there
You libs attention span is really bad these days, you guys can't even finish a book.
Wat the fuck
If you want stand-up conservatism where no liberal bullshit slips through, you'll vote Cruz.
It is getting worse obviously with no end in sight

At some point the choice between the two might be a lot easier today. Christianity and the church is beyond cucked now, archbishops are lesbians and pope is a SJW

He is right it is a scary thought
You sound like you get payed honestly

I hear the shekels across the continent

Does Bulgaria have a Soros library or something?
Couldn't agree more but at this point they seem to not care about anything. All in. Another Obama again.

>would rather have trannies
In bathrooms? In lockerrooms? In your sports? Movies? Tv? Books? School? Your kids sex education? Teachers? Professors? Presidents? Where do you if ever draw the line? How about the transgenders who intentionally try and rape straight people and make it a hate crime to discriminate sex against a transfag even if you are straight?

Do you even have a limit to your cuckoldry?

Comedy gold.


>You sound like you get payed honestly

For what?Pointing out facts to lonely losers?As i said you are on the wrong site.4chan's degeneracy predates /pol/.

Who knows how many here fap to traps.That's probably one reason your shilling can't get any track.
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I-is /pol/ waking up?
Are we finally going to repel /r/the_donald and /r/sandersforpresident from our politics board?
Fucking shills invaded

Trump at this point could literally dress like a girl and fuck a fag on 5th avenue and still his supporters would vote for him
absolutely, if it means I don't get beheaded

Nah, just the few Anti-Trump shills found themselves in one thread.Bad timing though as you are about to get raped tonight.Can't wait.
Just bought some pueraria mirifica, starting my transition into a trap.
According to the information I read this stuff will half my erectile length but shouldn't kill reproductive capabilities.

>to every ailment there's a plant
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>trump could be fucking fags
I think many people are waking up to the scam
granted they're mostly yurops
I would rather be beheaded then having my kids become transfags and for sure rather behead transfags then to be fucking one
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>still this invested in the rights of men thinking they are women
>granted they're mostly yurops

I see arguing don't see much agreement.
The issue was created by the left as a divisive junkfood issue to distract you from the border, economy, etc. Every minute we spend talking about it is a victory for the leftists. It's not a bad idea to just take it off the table.

What bathroom a freak uses is literally item #1001 on my agenda. Would it have pleased me if he said gas em? Yes. But he is more concerned about locking Rato out of the western loving tranny states like Trannyfornia. Those idiots over there are so stupid they actually vote based on idiotic issues like this.

Spot on
>>still this invested in the rights of men thinking they are women

No i am not.I am telling you i don't care and am explaining to you why most of /pol/ doesn't care either and why your shilling is destined to fail.
Or maybe it is a victory for leftists that transgender mentally ill people will be in your women's locker rooms and bathrooms and spread their fucking degeneracy further creating even more degenerate fuckers running around destroying the white race while others sit back, laugh then kills our civilization which would then deserve to die just like the Roman Empire

Half of NC voters are against the bill. That's just NC, ignoring all the more liberal states. You're wrong. Most people don't give a shit. Most people only care about the economic impact of the law.

An evangelical retard is never going to get elected to the White House again. The GOP stance on social issues is a complete non-starter. Things will only change if these movements go forward and people are allowed to see that they solve nothing and transgenders continue to commit mass suicide and mutilation for no benefit.

>trumpcucks actually defend trumps views on this

no shock that these cuck's would be taken for a ride
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>I don't care
>proceeds to shit post for hours

haha as if swedekek
people that actually think that are the ones that give transfags ammo and enable them to dominate the issue and the arena
I don't think you could care more even if you tried

Unholy fuck!

So when those "crazy christians" said a while back "If you let them have gay marriage soon they will be legalizing bestiality and lord knows what else" They were right...

Slippery fucking slope indeed
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A - it's a state issue
B - he's pivoting to the general (I bet some bernie fags were like - "oh I can support him now, fuck Hillary)
C - Trade deals don't care if you're a man who wears a dress or not
D - Build wall.
E - Fuck the UN

Shitposting doesn't equal caring.Its not like im writing TL DR either.
Newsflash dingus, the laws don't create our degeneracy, they mirror our degeneracy. We are a sub prime degenerate culture- that is the state of affairs. Are you suprised we have freaks wanting to use the other sex's bathroom? I'm not. If we enlighten ourselves as a society that's the best possible result, b this notion that our laws will be determinative is misguided.

I'd rather be a degenerate culture with strong borders and a strong economy, than a degenerate society with weak borders and a weak economy because we couldn't stop arguing about activist wedge issues.
No one in Europe pushes this shit like you fuckers do

In fact

You fuckers lobby us to become as fucking degenerate as you

top damage control
Slippery slope was real all along


I think I have body dismorphia, not from me wanting to be a faggot but no matter how much I lift and get massive natty gains I always feel like a small twink
You are wrong and ignorant on the topic

They started by pushing
Law that makes it legally required for all transgenders to use whatever bathroom and shower they want

And it is fucking wrong end of nothing to discuss only race traitors and sick fucks would be for this

Yeah, from you shills.You are getting BTFO'd tonight in 5 states.
You will not be able to have it both ways burger

This will lead to the destruction of America there are no ifs or buts
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The Norwegian is going to tell me about the 10th Amendment..
There are different levels you could have a mild case or worse and you should have it checked out and at the very least ask strangers, if mental they will make it clear especially a doctor if you go see one, it is not a joke and you should nip it in the bud if possible.
keep saying that shill
you people act just like the trannies you hate
They keep repeating same lies over and over hoping no one will notice

>you are getting BTFO
correction, our society as we know it and future is getting BTFO by degenerate faggots
They are willfully ignorant
>ignores facts
>changes topic
Respect the 10th amendment then, oh wait you cunts don't
I know that feel, family. No matter how big you get, it's never enough.
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>tranny lover
>and a Trump supporter
They have gone off the deep end, Trump drove them off a cliff and now they are no different than Bernie fags
This is a very very obvious shilling attempt, Cruz/Hillarybots have been spamming it for the last week.

Yes, Trump's views on trannies do not align with many of ours.

No, none of the other candidates measure up to him in terms of being anti-immigration, anti-establishment, and even implicitly pro-white.

No, trannies do not even come close to the level of importance of a border wall and deporting illegals.

Yes, OP should definitely kill himself.
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are you seriously about to turn on Trump because of


seriously nigger?
They are sheep
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Officially supporting the trans movement now, get rid of dem bitches on muh teevee.
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That was a funny video.At last your pathetic existense was of use.
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>muh wall

A wall doesn't mean anything if you dumb idiots all have an even worse birth rate than now which is shit and with more of this propaganda for transexuals and faggots you will all be Mexican in 10 years anyway.

>that video
Not one bit surprised at this
Another lib transshill

Only in America baka
>it is discrimination and illegal for Man U to deny this "man" former woman to play in the premier league
>what a come back
We are all in this together.
Stay Muslim Britain
>now officially pro trans
yes keep on with that ad hominem

I don't like trannies in general, tolerate those who keep it low-profile, and hate those who make a huge deal out of it and restrict other's freedoms because of it
and I also don't want the government continue tampering and policing others on social issues regardless

social liberalism and social conservatism be damned if it means more control over others
but I guess you eurocucks are too used to sucking statist cock
I think that is how the Romans sounded back in the day before their empire fell

>muh fags
>muh immigrants
>muh sexual degenerates

They are idiots for accepting this
Haha they are really sheep baaaaa
smfh, what a fuckin joke is Germany now.
>an hero pls
>stay Muslim Britain
Honestly starting to believe we might be saved and survive thanks to the fact as fucked up as Muslims are - they will never allow us all to die like this suicide by leftwing crazy bollox
I believe you
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You are the ones in the spotlight now stop trying to change the subject you fucking cucked piece of shit fatass you are are the fuckinge degenerates destroying your country, right now and no matter how you fucking spin it you are destroying western civilization with your fucking bullshit

Sorry newsflash another red pill for cucks

There you fucking need to hear it and wake the hell up
Holy shit Norway dropping truth bombs up in here
damn you are slapping that bitch
now that's a stereotyped /pol/ post if I ever saw one
almost a compliment

>same people replying
even better

stay delusional
>nothing else matters
I think you are gonna kill the poor cuck with that red pill
>Mexicans are better than trannies
True but do you think they get it? Still good someone had to fucking say it already
scratch that, more like proxies by the same shill
It would be easier to keep it low profile if trannies were given a stall and an urinal just like how the handicapped have a stall despite being a minority.

Delusional levels are off the fucking charts.Look i know you are really buttmad about tonight, but can you try to hide it better?
>this desperate
Sorry to break it to you Yankee but there are more normies here than freak shows like you
Should be welcoming Mexicans
>must be a proxy and shill if doesn't wanna cut your dick off
>been here for 5+ hours
>doesn't care
Uh huh
or you know, have unisex restrooms
>same people

This shit needs to be repeated until Election Day and he blew you dumb American out of the water

>been here for 5+ hours

Not even close.I don't have to spend even an hours to write 11 posts consisting of one or two lines.

>doesn't care
>Uh huh

I enjoy triggering you but no, i don't actually care.
>unisex bathrooms
Trannies already declined that because it does not reinforce their believe they are women unless the bathroom or locker room they enter says "women's"

You are going in circles now this thread already addressed that shit is in the damn OP and Trump support that and in New York it is law.
Just gonna filter you at this point
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>don't care
Then you won't mind that we all filter you, bye.
That would be best but I fear most people aren't ready for it yet. Hopefully I'm wrong here, though.
Dem 8's
KeK is strong with the truth
Jag kan bara instämma
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first we give the liberals the transgender bathrooms thing, next they're going to normalize pedophilia.

this is a slippery slope. I'm for MAGA, but Cruz is right on this one.
Filter cya, tell your cucked friends over at plebbit to go f themselves from us
Yeah I'm gonna do that too fucking shills anyway
Well fuck trannies and their feelings then, you say it as if we have to pander to them huh?

as a possible option, not as an immediate requirement
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go fuck yourself
Best advice so far


Universum 25. Its explains everything for that mental illness.
>like transfags it is a 1% minority who does not own a smartphone
Perhaps that figure correlates with degeneracy
Always nice to see a good old American man here
Oh poor cucks got triggered.You'll need a lot more than filter to escape the buttwhooping.
What is that?
honestly though, several of these posts are so eerily similar in form and opinion
it's a pretty good effort in shilling
Yeah I am going to filter you too

You can cry but you cant run.
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Ideally, he wouldn't have conceded the tranny bathroom thing. that being said it's a comparatively unimportant issue to get hung up on.
We're getting harder and harder to find.

Just saw a thread the other day talking about how there is a difference between "black people and niggers" and that the educated ones are called black people. I don't know where these fucks get their information, but they are all called niggers in my book
>how to project your shilling
>keep repeating that the others are shills
And filter applied
It is retarded especially when the words mean the same thing, their skin is fucking dark black negro nigger or as we say neger or svarting

Left always play semantics to try and distort facts and change reality to further their agenda

Just now the word "retard" is not even part of the dictionary anymore, like wtf and the word to replace it is already a fucking slur baka

I hope your peers get wise fast before it is too late
Stay strong ameribro, we cannot surrender without a fight
I feel the same in Sweden ;_;
and I don't have reason not too based on the behavior among several posts?
not that it matters in a dying thread
you shills go on ahead and make another OP
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