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Ask a white male who as converted to Islam anything. >pic

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Ask a white male who as converted to Islam anything.

>pic related my ideal woman, inshallah
Reminder that we will kill every muslim in America.
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good dhimmi
holy fuck she is qt

one of the few times the hijab makes them cuter
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a fucking muslim Weeaboo, extreme autism
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Lol ok, that threat is emptier than your future faggot
A 10/10, how can white women even compete??

Did you convert in some desperate ploy in get muslim women?
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You have betrayed your ancestors and the civilized world. There is no place for you. Do the world a favor and kill yourself. Try not to blow anyone else up on your way out goat fucker.
No, Islam and Muslim values are very relatable, motivational and even inspirational.

Post hidden, reported and not read.
How does it feel to accept heresy written by a pedophile Arab having hallucinations in the desert?
I would tell you to kill yourself, but muslims tend to have a different way of doing that
how do you find the dietary restrictions? Thats one of the main reasons what kept me from conversion, i would have been okay with pork but gelatin is almost in every sweet thing and i cant do without my jelly beans. That and the commitment to praying 5 times a day everyday.
So, there's this image of God in Christianity, right? God is the father, the shepherd, the king. The ideal relationship a Christian has to God is that of a child, a follower and a loyal subject.

What's the image of Allah? What's the ideal relationship a Muslim can have with Allah?
Considering that the term "Muslim" means "one who submits", I've assumed that Allah was the dom and all Muslims are his subs.
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As Salam Aleikum
I have only one question my brother
why for allah sake would you marry a AAAYYY LMAO ?
Also i'm an ex-muslim and FUCK ISLAM
Let me guess; Are you an explosives enthusiast?
>Post hidden, reported and not read.
>Blatant lies and manipulation of the truth
Why bother
>implying im a radical
Finding halal food isn't too hard, there are local Arab and Jewish grocery stores that have halal meat. Avoiding pork and gelatin is tricky because it's in so many things, I just read ingredient lists and labels. Tedious but not too bad.
The dom sub relationship you mentioned is actually decently put. You submit yourself to Allah and Muhammad.. and Ali if you're Shia but i'm Sunni. It's a tranquil feeling actually.
If by Ayy Lamo you're referring to an Asian, I think anime has largely skewed my tastes to a point of no return. I can't find other races attractive anymore.
That was so funny I almost forgot to laugh.
Why are you fucking retarded?
>Ask a white male who as converted to Islam anything.
you just went full retard
I have the Hiroshima given right to report posts, hide posts and not read posts. Sue me.
The same reason why your mom's a fucking slut.
And you just went full beta. If you're not Muslim you're beta, it's really that simple.
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You should convert to Mormonism for these 2 simple reasons

>You get your own planet
>Unlimited women to fuck in the afterlife (celestial Kingdom)
>not radical
>if you're not x, you're y
wouldn't expect more from a mudslime
>And you just went full beta. If you're not Muslim you're beta, it's really that simple.
yeah uh no, how much of a fucking idiot do you have to be to convert to fucking Islam? the most hated religion
You're a fucking idiot for converting.
I'd understand if you were raised muslim but only a fool would actually study islam and then decides to convert.
I'm sure you're pure blooded, American mutt.
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You will get yours OP.
I already got my own planet. I just have to remove all you other sad fucks from it first.
you want to kill people freely how will your society work.
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>So what we can gather... you're a basement dweller who couldn't fuck white women, so now you dream of ayy lmaos, and wanted some meaning to your failed existence.

Hell yea I'm voting Trump. We need you guys clearly marked when outside.
salami bacon man, mohaMad piss be upon him
You favorite Aya?
Do you believe in the jihad? the concept of holy war against the non believers? If not why do you call yourself Muslim as you do not adhere to the Quran and Allah's teachings?
White mail here, also converted to islam.

>all these faggots not knowing that op's picture is photoshopped
Matsui Rena a former japanese idol for anybody who is curious
Are you one of those fake nig muslims that "convert" in prison and claim that the black man is the original islam because they are too stupid and uncreative to come up with their own God?
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How are you planning on killing yourself?
Why is your muslimfu is Asian?
she isn't a muslim you mong
If what you say is true then you're the ultimate redpill
I come from communist country and I laught at any westerners who take communism seriously
I think you'd feel me
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>post hidden reported and not read
SJW turned converted to AJW
Nothing to see here /pol/,move along
What's it like being a paedophile degenerate?

Why were you a loser who didn't fit in before converting to Shitslam?

Are you a virgin?
Convert to Islam you WILL get a QT submissive Asain waifu upon sign up

>being this retarded

all the asian muslim come from the shit tier countries
Is today bait thread day or what?
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>white male
>american flag

>yeah its real halal for a muslim to dress up as a bunny
Asian women have weird faces, look like kids with their big goggly eyes.

Why do you feel the need to say gay shit like this? You're not Arabic and I highly, highly doubt you know any Arabic. Just say "if God wills it" you stupid faggot. This is one of the reasons I hate Islam.
Redpill me
Kill yourself arab.
Salam alaykum wa rahmetullahi wa barakatu brother, welcome.

I am also a white male muslim, 6 years since my conversion.

Then you need to kill every white male to make sure since some are white males with normal names.
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>>You get your own planet

WAT !!! Romney couldn't even get his own chair in the oval office !!!
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>don't let those shitskins take me away anon
>Then you need to kill every white male to make sure since some are white males with normal names.

White males who convert to Islam are a tiny minority of degenerate social rejects, it's not a big deal.
Why not change your name? You already do faggoty cucked shit like this:

>Salam alaykum wa rahmetullahi wa barakatu

Might as well go get a tan, too, you wannabe camel fucker. Hope you die.
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You just took this and put a trap's face on it
Think of the submissive wife though, and not getting cucked at every turn like you.
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>>pic related my ideal woman, inshallah

So you're a pedophile just like that piece of shit false prophet of yours?
My wife is perfectly submissive and also not a sand nigger or sand nigger lover.
>hair shows
not a true muslim
kill yourself.
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>Avoiding pork and gelatin is tricky because it's in so many things,

Not eating pork?
You are an intelligent coward.
>submissive wife

I am sure that's what your left leaning liberal wife likes you to think.
it's a shop you retards
>but gelatin is almost in every sweet thing and i cant do without my jelly beans.

Some even strict salafi scholars consider gelatin to be ok due to the process of Istihaalah (process of change) which means that a substance changes into another substance with different characteristics, so an impure substance may change into a pure substance, and a haraam substance may change into one that is permissible according to sharee’ah.

For example a animal have died of sickness and started rotting is haram to eat, but then it turns into dirt and you grow carrots on it, the carrots are halal because the animal have changed into something halal.

SOME scholars consider gelatin to be chemically different enough from the collagen it is made of. And you can also find gelatin that is considered halal by all scholars which is made from cows and oxen for example.


>That and the commitment to praying 5 times a day everyday.

Well, that is obligatory to get to heaven anyway. And when it's a routine then it don't matter. Only people who worship God enough to sacrifice some time to worship God get into heaven. So you need to be genuinely devout or else it might be uncomfortable to submit to God. Alhamdulillah it is easy to me
Neither my wife nor myself are leftists.

>Not Pakistani

I doubt it, Achmed.

Muslim women don't like weak minded reverts.

>niggas still not reading the thread
>but i'm Sunni.
you could have picked any other decent denomination twelvers seem decent.
Also how hard would it be for a chritian(non-thriniarian, dont drink/smooke) to convert to islam?

sauce on OP's photoshopped girl for retards who keep replying
Saying Insha allah is better. Allah is a better term than "God" because you can make "God" plural, like "Gods". You can not make Allah plural in Arabic.

Islam have more sophisticated terms.
>Also how hard would it be for a chritian(non-thriniarian, dont drink/smooke) to convert to islam?

Extremely easy, just proclaim "La ila illah-lah, Muhamadu rasull-illah" and BAM, you're an honorary sand nigger!

You wouldn't?

We are coming to you next. Allah praise your new government.
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You are now on 12 watch lists.
Thank you for your time.
Indeed, truly they are servants of Allah (Satan).
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Lol, no, I would put a 30-06 into that under-age sand niggers head and roll her body into a ditch.
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are telling there are chrisitans in the middle east stupid enough to pay jyzia/get beheaded just for not sayin a fucking phrase?
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How can filthy kafir women even compete?
Not everyone is an unprincipled coward like you Yuropein nu-males.
so now you can cut heads for honor AND the glory of Alah?
What motivated you to convert?
And be honest, would you rate yourself as beta or alpha, or in between?
It's simple, if you go to the mosque they will likely make sure you know what islam is, then they will teach you how to say the "shahada" and then you are muslim. You will learn the details at your own speed, but likely someone will show you or there might be courses locally.
Muslim women like anything they're husband commands them to like.
That's a boy...

How big a moron do you have to be to call a Japanese gril 'sandnigger' ???
>Yuropein nu-males
im just on vacation im from latin america.

>Not everyone is an unprincipled
yeah, not everyone like to pay jizya or get executed, excuseme for being picky

>You will learn the details at your own speed, but likely someone will show you or there might be courses locally.
thats the problem it seems like a religion with a lot small letters you may convert and then get surprised because there's a rule you didnt knew about
That's not true, but a muslim woman should do what the husband commands except when it goes against Allah in any way. But you can't control what she likes or don't like.
>Honorary sand nigger


>im just on vacation im from latin america.

>Honorary sand nigger
so being christian make an honorary merchant?
Wearing hijab makes you an honorary sand-nigger.

If you wanted to be an honorary Jew you should have whined about the Holocaust more. Try again later.
found you, ahmed
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Don't worry kebab. More people are turning against Islam by the day. You people will soon see the day of the rope.
When will you be blowing yourself up?
>you may convert and then get surprised because there's a rule you didnt knew about

Only people who genuinely believe the Quran is from God and that the Prophet Muhammed (saw) is God's messenger can convert. If there is a surprising rule, then submit to it. It's not a problem for anyone who believe in it. Following what Allah says is part of worship. Islam literally means "submission to God", bow the head to the ground in worship and do what God commands, we muslims are the slaves of Allah. We live and we die for Allah.

There is no small letters, nothing is hidden, it's not like those alawis (like Assad) where lots of the religion is secret, nothing about islam is secret.
Fuck, you just reminded me that I love Assad.
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your ideal woman is a young transsexual asian boy?
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can you sleep at night knowing that the holy trinity of trump, farage and putin are hunting you down for your traitorous ways?


You ain't no Christian bruv.
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It is now.
Obviously, Muhammad fucked a 9 year old and according to the Hadiths he is the greatest man who ever lived and all Muds must follow his example...

I didn't know Aysha was a boy but considering the Mud propensity for ass-robbery, I wouldn't be surprised.
These hijabs look ugly as sin. Is that what they're trying to accomplish? I think the babushka hijabs worn by Iranians look kinda cute, but holy fuck these hijabs make their necks look like giraffes senpai.
Christians used to be non-trinitarian... Then they were procecuted and killed and there were no more christians who followed the religion of God so God sent Muhammed with the same message as all other Prophets to guide humans again, for the last time until judgement day.

Non-koranic or muslim source or GTFO.
If God talked to Mohammed then he also talked to Jeffrey Dahlmer and Ed Gein when they were raping and murdering.

Mohammed is as much a prophet of God as the next serial-killing rapist with voices in his head.
>I think the babushka hijabs worn by Iranians look kinda cute

They look like hookers, they show everything off like a prostitute, of course you kuffar love that.

Muhammed (saw) came right after the non-trinitian christians died out. And continued the message of God without flaws
>Loose hijab makes a woman look like a hooker

Wow, you sand niggers sure have a low standard for arousal, no wonder you faggots are always messing around with little boys and farm animals.
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>Post hidden, reported and not read.
Pic related = OP
So you are ok with the whole killing of apostates?

Arianism was a heresy that started well after the church was established. Try again.
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>y-you don't have to go to paradise to make it with a virgin, anon. I'll be you virgin tonight.
Pic related is what I'm talking about.
It has been part of it since the jews followed Jesus around when it was a form of jewish practice. And it's basically a extension of the original jewish non-paulian group.

Modern christianity is a paulian cult that killed off everyone who was not part of the cult.

Again, that's a nice claim, but where's the proof?

that's pretty Iran specific attire .. uncommon in rest of asia
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I can't believe how easy it has become to bait /pol/.
It's a known fact for historians.

That James (Jesus father) was saying Jesus was only a prophet but that was popular only between poor Jews.

But Paul who founded the trinity and such, and the idea of Jesus as a man-God that Romans were familiar with (Cesar is a man-God too in their eyes), it got more support by Romans.

Our belief in Islam is that Jesus will be like "where I told you exactly I'm a God?".
*I mean James, Jesus's brother...

How did you convert man? what attracted you first...

And tell me what's your favorite Aya.
Fucking weabooses
why do you worship a mass-murdering warlord, rapist, enslaver and torturer, as the most perfect example?
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your not the OP

you don't consider muhammed to be the most perfect example fo all mudslimes?
>>pic related my ideal woman,

>looks underage
>paedo just like the prophet
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weebs converting to Islam is a whole new level of fucked up desu.
We do but we don't worship him. Don't apply your Christianity non sense to use. Mohammed is nothing but a normal man who's chosen to be a messenger. And he isn't the only messenger from God, he is only the last one.
>has converted to islam
You're not white anymore.
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and yo udon't deny that the man you consider the most perfect example was a mass-murderer? etc
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I consider my big bro to be most wonderfully perfect brother , it ain't mean I worship him tommy
see >>70477879
I chuckled.
Hey OP shouldn't you be killing this apostate?
What he mass-murdered?

He got kicked him and his follower from their home and run to another city and fought to get their rights.

It's the example I would follow. And yes if you tried to attack me and out of my home and land I will make your life a nightmare.
would you torture an old man to death over money?

The earliest biography (sirat) of Muhammad's life is the work of Ibn Ishaq (85-151 A.H.) who was born in Medina. In this we learn of Muhammad's actions after he had conquered the towns of Khaybar. This event is also accepted and recorded by Ibn Kathir [1].


Kinana b. al-Rabi`, who had the custody of the treasure of B. al-Nadir, was brought to the apostle who asked him about it. He denied that he knew where it was. A Jew came (T. was brought) to the apostle and said that he had seen Kinana going round a certain ruin every morning early. When the apostle said to Kinana, "Do you know that if we find you have it I shall kill you?" he said Yes. The apostle gave orders that the ruin was to be excavated and some of the treasure was found. When he asked him about the rest he refused to produce it, so the apostle gave orders to al-Zubayr b. al-`Awwam, "Torture him until you extract what he has," so he kindled a fire with flint and steel on his chest until he was nearly dead. Then the apostle delivered him to Muhammad b. Maslama and he struck off his head, in revenge for his brother Mahmud. (Ibn Ishaq, Sirat Rasul Allah, translated as, The Life of Muhammad, (tr. A. Guillaume), Karachi: Oxford University Press, 1998, p. 515.)
What is like knowing that you will have a virginal wife? Kinda a dream of mine and other POL users to be the first for our wife. Oh well, I guess having a wife who has swallowed a galloon of cum from other men won't be so bad.
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Just save yourself the hassle. Muhammed has enemies in his time who said worst things about him. And I can give you countless example, but who's credible and who's not.

And no Kinana isn't credible in Islam, even Bokhari and Muslim books not 100% of them credible since some of Hadiths conflict with others.

So give me something from Quran, that is my manual of life and I will follow everyday. Not something claimed by someone.
>that is my manual of life

Needing a storybook to lean basic moral values. That's why you people cause so much problems.
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are all non-muslims your enemies?
Yellow more like
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Muhamed was a greasy little faggot and Allahs house nigger

Islam is for fucking animals, go live with your incestuous rape-baby friends in sand nigger land
Our problems caused by individualist and it get condemned. You guys cause problem as a society, you decide to bomb Libya as a whole society by leaders who you voted for, you destroy people's life as a society and you are proud of it.

And when someone get sick of your bullshit and bomb you, you cry like "those guys killed few people of us, so sad".

No one is my enemy except those who attack me and force me outside of my home.
How can any sane person follow a man like Muhammad who:
(1) let young boys watch him clean his private parts (Bukhari 1:4:152)?
(2) sucked the tongue of a boy (Musnad Ahmad 16245)?
(3) dressed up in little girl's clothes and women's clothes (Bukhari 2442)?
(4) slept with or had sex with a dead female body in a coffin or grave (Kanz al Ummal 34424)?
(5) was a pedophile (Bukhari: 5:58:234,236; 7:62:64,65,88)?
(6) said to consume house flies (Bukhari: Vol. 4, Bk. 54, No. 537)?
(7) commanded to drink camel urine (Bukhari: Vol. 8, Bk. 82, No. 79)?
(8)admitted to having a devil (Muslim: Ch.14, Bk. 39, No. 6759)?
(9) confessed to being demon possessed (Ishaq: 106)?
(10) told false revelations (Tabari VI: 107, 110; Ishaq: 166)?
(11) encouraged adherents to lie and break oaths (Ishaq:365; Tabari VII: 94; cf. Ishaq: 519; Bukhari: Vol. 7, Bk. 67, No. 427)?
(12) sex with animals (Abu Dawud 38:4450)?
no they aren't.
no but really, historically, muslim rulers allowed people of other religions to live, christians (european), not so much.
>that is my manual of life and I will follow everyday
this is why you have such shitty backwards retarded rapey savage insane 3rd world hellholes as countries, and why your people haven't contributing anything much to science for hundreds of years

you have no curiosity about how the world works, because to you it's all the magic man in the sky

you have no morals, whilst pretending you do

what would your countries be like if you'd never discovered oil? oh wait, it was US who discovered oil in your lands
>No one is my enemy except those who attack me and force me outside of my home.
are you banned from being friends with non-muslims, unless it is to guard yourself from them?
>allowed people of other religions to live
after they'd invaded you mean? how jolly generous of them, and the jizya was such an amazing tax, I hear it wasn't more than half the crops in some cases, they're practically saints
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>you have no curiosity about how the world works
I don't like to brag, but I'm sure you used some software you a few lines of code written by me at some point of your life and all your family did. And I'm a strong devout Muslim.

No this is BS. The only thing I'm not allowed to do with no Abrahamics is to not marry them. But for me personally I would marry only a Muslim because I wanna meet her on heaven :P


Muslim convert, waifufag... two troll threads in one
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So what you are saying is Muslims are willing to fight?
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how does it feel to have become an edgelord looking for attention?
What the fuck does inshallah even translate to?
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Looks like a boy in a hijab.
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they were better and more noble rulers than you brits have ever been, in a time that was much harsher in general.

also this meme that arabs/middle easterners haven't done shit is crap. they were civilized when europe was a shithole, but things change, you can't view everything based only on the todays situation
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Salami bacon brothers
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>you decide to bomb Libya as a whole society by leaders who you voted for

I didn't, I voted Le Pen (father and daughter) and they were both:
- against that shit in Libya
- for zero tolerance against problematic maghrebis

What's your excuse for Belgium?
You see you can say "I condemn" all you want, in the end you lot always try to find lies and crappy excuses for your "brothers" and that's why you're hated as a whole.
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If God will it
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A white, muslim weeaboo. Jesus Christ, just hop into an oven.
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So it's like the sandnigger version of Deus Vult?
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/thread rekt sage reported swag yolo
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>Severe persecution
We have churches here and foreigners who work. They are barley even noticed
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Fuck off goatfucker. Die.
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There's a video of those guys months ago in a club. Dancing with half naked girls. What kind of Muslims are those?

Those are nothing but oppressed people living in a getto with thoughts of revenge.

We have those here in a form of Ultras, and people here too keep claiming that football make them do this. It's not fucking football, it's them living on fucking huts next to people living on a decent life on a city with a decent economy (Casablanca). But they can never make it to the higher level because they can't even afford to study.

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>I'm sure you used some software you a few lines of code written by me at some point of your life
a few lines of code is a scientific advancement? coding is childs play you moran

>No this is BS
O you who believe! Take not the Jews and the Christians as Auliya' (friends, protectors, helpers), they are but Auliya' of each other. And if any amongst you takes them as Auliya', then surely, he is one of them. Verily, Allah guides not those people who are the Zalimun (polytheists and wrongdoers and unjust).

Interpretation of the Meanings of The Noble Qur'an, trans. Khan and Al-Hilali (2007)

O ye who believe! Take not the Jews and the Christians for friends. They are friends one to another. He among you who taketh them for friends is (one) of them. Lo! Allah guideth not wrongdoing folk.

The Meaning of the Glorious Koran, trans. Marmaduke Pickthall (1930; rpt. 1992)

You who believe! do [sic] not take the Jews and Christians as your friends; they are the friends of one another. Any of you who takes [sic] them as friends is one of them. Allah does not guide wrongdoing people.

The Noble Qur’an: A New Rendering of its Meaning in English, trans. Abdalhaqq and Aisha Bewley (2011)

O ye who believe! take [sic] not the Jews and the Christians for your friends and protectors: They are but friends and protectors to each other. And he amongst you that turns to them (for friendship) is of them. Verily Allah guideth not a people unjust.

The Meaning of the Holy Qur’an, trans. Abdullah Yusuf Ali (2010)
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Pretty much except it's used more commonly
How does it feel being a total cuck?
No, "if god wills it" and "god wills it" have different meanings, and therefore different usages.
you consider terrorism of civilians to be fighting?

and if by "fight" you mean "murder in cold blood"
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was going to ask what you think of muhomeddick.png but someone else already posted it.
>muslims easily triggered meme confirmed
No,she is ske 48 member.
jurina matui.
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Islam is a result of historical revisionism by Abd al-Malik for the purpose of giving an identity to the Arab conquerors. Your religion is complete falsehood, look into the historical timeline of the Qur'an, and watch Jay Smith's talks on the subject.
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Are you the same Libyan who used the nametag Sandniggerkun?

Good point I guess. Soon we will take back Constantinople. DEUS VULT
I wouldn't even care if all the Ramjeets looked like this here the guy looks bad ass. Like a wizard or something
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That girl is cute as fuck. I would wife her after freeing her from the chains of islam and helping her become ambitious, intelligent and successful.
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>ask me anything.

why? you have already shown that your thinking and decision making is retarded, why would we want to know the mind of an idiot?
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she is not muslim,Japanese idol.
her name is rena matui.
Sarkozy was a fucking bastard, he ruined this country, wish Le Pen held office, France would be much stronger
I don't remember I don't always use name tags bur when I do they are usually random.

What was the thread about
how many churches were built in the last 5 years?

are numbers of Christians rising or falling?

is it legal to proselytize muslims, or at all?

what was the religion of Libya prior to their conquest by islam?

please answer all questions
>a few lines of code is a scientific advancement? coding is childs play you moran
Not any kind of coding, kid.

>Take not the Jews and the Christians as Auliya
Auliya' means responsible about you. Something in the place of your father and such. For obvious reasons. And trust me if Islam told me to not befriend you I will simply not. I take Allah in account before everyone.
do you know what muruna is?
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We will find you when the curtain falls.

sand niggers can always be sent home, but your mere excistence is a shame off your blood.

might even meet you before the curtain falls, im already scoping out a couple of you traitors in my town, ill get 5 years max because this is norway.
>Not any kind of coding, kid.
go on then, tell us about your amazing scientific advance
Allah forbids His believing servants from having Jews and Christians as friends, because they are the enemies of Islam and its people, may Allah curse them. Allah then states that they are friends of each other and He gives a warning threat to those who do this, And if any among you befriends them, then surely he is one of them.

Tafsir Ibn Kathir, Vol. 3, p. 204
I don't know how many churches were built they usually just get built, they requirements are the same as building a mosque

I've met many Christians many of whom are blacks whom had escaped persecution from Nigeria or other country's where Christians are being hunted. Libya has never been a religious country so as long as a person checks out on paper he can stay.

Gaddafi disallowed proselytizing in the country outside of mosques, so the rule applied to Christian missionary's top

The last religion was Christianity during the Italian occupation and before that a pagan religion known as Tamazigh, some of the churches were built by the Italians and the rest were built later.
In Arabic it means being smooth. I kik every time conspiracists use Arab words to scare you.

I googled it now and it's just funny.

OMG it's Muruna, I'm scared...

>go on then, tell us about your amazing scientific advance
It's what I like to do, and what I'm doing and it's going will for me. I'm letting you doing scientific advance on /pol/.

I told you, there isn't "friend" word there. And what you think... Arabic is God's 3rd language and can't use the world "befriend"?

Also why in Bible you use the last interpretations and not the ones of the dark age, but in Quran you search from those one of the 14th century when Muslims where on war with Crusaders?
I'm also a white guy who converted to Islam. Lol at all the PATHETIC WHITE KNIGHT BITCHES in this thread.

You "christians" talk about "deus vult" and other bullshit all day, but you don't even get up for church on Sunday. Lmao. You are PATHETIC. Say what you want about Muslims, but we are prepared to actually DIE for our religion.

Oh and don't even get me started on western women. They are pathetic, hedonistic whores who couldn't care LESS about you. You do realise that the only reason ANY women claim to be Christian these days is to get over the guilt of being assfucked by Chad and Tyrone right? No western women actually believe in God.

Whether you like it or not, Islam IS the future of Europe. A few thousand internet nazis who cry on online forums cannot stop millions of brave Mujahideen. Go ahead, get angry, say "d-deus vult", blast Rammstein and Skrewdriver when you lift weights alone later if you like, but remember that NONE OF YOU WILL ACTUALLY DO SHIT. We are CONQUERING you, and you pathetic dogs bow your heads and OBEY.
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>nothing but oppressed people

Excuses and again excuses. The poverty argument is loved by the left, but proven wrong so many times they don't even bother using it anymore because it sounds insulting to the victims.

We had europeans immigrating here since the 19th century: there were some italian anarchists but that's all. And why don't asians cause this?
And people here have access to education, it's just that they behave so badly the education system, that was once one of the best in the world, can't even work properly now.

Same problems in Belgium, Netherlands, Germany, Denmark, Sweden... your people is a problem everywhere no matter how much you are helped.
Like an american politician would say : you didn't send your best.

I wish the war criminal and his friends will be sentenced to penal servitude in Guiana, like we did back in the days.
Muruna means flexibility
Your ideal woman. You mean your ideal child you sick Allah worshipping puke degenerate fuck. Kill yourself. Do it now. Die.
Without left wingers to keep muslims safe we would be stopping your skulls in.
>Excuses and again excuses.
Same for you, "but I didn't voted for Sarkozy and I'm good and he tricked us".

And for bombers I don't care, they are born there and raised there, and you should notice that your country is a suicide bombers manufacture for a reason or another while other countries are doing fine with Muslims minorities.

Just don't get close to our country and do the fuck of what you want in your country.

There's videos saying Muslims are using Muruna (ohh scary) and try to look modern to the west but they actually need to kill them all and such and waiting for the right time.
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Actually you are just a dumb nigger

And a slut for some dead pimp

All muslims are whores for Muhamed, Muhamed was a fat greasy cunt that got murked in the most painful way possible at the hands of a Jewess lol

Fucking idiot
Shut the fuck up, your delusional who are you to judge these people, let God judge them you have no right to do so yourself

New Muslims are always cancer just look at the ISIS recruits

Stop posting photos of ugly women. You aren't helping your case.
>In Arabic it means being smooth
not having google translate

it means flexibility

the right to break any other commandments in order to fool the infidel

>It's what I like to do, and what I'm doing and it's going will for me. I'm letting you doing scientific advance on /pol/.
well claiming that you wrote a few lines of code doesn't count as an islamic scientific advance, in order to refute my claim, you should have a long list of recent islamic scientific advances to show me

>I told you, there isn't "friend" word there
take it up with ibn Kathir

>Also why in Bible
we're discussing islam, not christianity

>we are prepared to actually DIE for our religion
we are happy for you to die, good luck, perhaps we'll help you one day. does that sound like a bargain? we could extend it to others of your kind too

you forget that the immigrants re being fed by us, supplied with utilities, even internet. how would you fare with no food or water?

at least this one can translate a bit better
are you a wannabe mass-murderer?

wow, that's like, so, cooool

evil people are,like, sooo amaaazing

you want to kill your own extended family? or subjugate them?

who wouldn't want that?!
Trans female Muslim here, what do you think of trans women OP?
Yeah, but you literally wouldn't. Fucking lmao. You're an 18 year old CHILD. You've never broken a law in your LIFE, let alone "stomped someone's skull in". You get nervous when girls look you in the eyes, you're not a fucking warrior. LMFAO.

The funny thing is that you KNOW this is true, but you keep telling yourself that you'll change, that you'll "join in when the day of the rope comes", but you forget that the REASON why Islam is conquering you isn't because "the peoples of europa are sleeping" or whatever cringeworthy bullshit you fags believe, it's because you are PATHETIC BY NATURE, and we bravely carry the righteous sword of Islam.
Would fuck.
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It means that too, I saw a video on YouTube after I Googled it with some crazy conspiracy theorist saying BS like that.

Dude I don't care for inventions, I care more for spending my life here without hurting anyone in it, and doing what I want.

Money is just fantasy points for me, and same for inventions and so on.

For befriending Kuffar I don't believe Quran said so. If you can convince me that it did I will remove Kuffar friends from Facebook right now. Okay?
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how often do you give your moms money to Bernie sanders? and how much?
Your religion is more barbaric than Christianity, & I think Christianity is shit anyway.

Your religious teachings are terrible, pick up a Qur'an and read it. Be careful not to criticise Islam though, you'll probably be beaten, outcasted or killed by your Islam loving, warlord worshipping friends & family.
The Islamic world hasn't had any major breakthroughs thx to it all being divided, during Islam's golden age during its first caliph after the prophet the caliphate was a bastion of knowledge and research.

Too bad it collapsed and has since then never managed to recoup. Only way to usher in a new age for the religion is through a reformation. We need modernization, we need our own Martin Luther
Kek, did you make it?
How does it feel to be a part of the most self-centered and presumptuous religions on the face of the planet?
Thats the perfect woman.
Where are asian Muslims and how do I join islam?
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Is Islam the new Yoga/Zem Meditation?
I've been seeing more and more young "educated" middle to high class people getting sudden interest in it as a form the same ways they used to with other "exoric" Asian philosophies/religions. Even famous people like Batfleck are doing it.
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Thanks for the list.
Okay Murtad. Fucking coconut Muslim. You aren't a real Muslim because you're Libyan. You're a JOKE, a disgrace to our Prophet s.a.w.

You DOG of the West. I bet you don't even read the Qu'ran

Wrong, the Prophet s.a.w. died of illness. He was not murdered.
What are they going to do about the Jewish problem?
I like my religion dude, are you jealous?

I don't feel okay when I get cared away of Islam. And I start crying when I see someone converting to Islam. You can believe how much we like our religion man... I think it give people a peace of mind.
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Fun fact: a protester was killed by inhaling the fumes of an American flag he burnt.
>Freedom go to hell

Haven't cringed that hard since I saw the Game Shakers commercial
Tell me are you convert?

Converts actually a good example of Muslims according to my experience...
howd you do that
僕はいいです。Hope I said it right.
I find it pathetic how many people ITT would convert to Islam in exchange for a chance at a "qt modest gf ^_^!!!" and a religion that is "anti-degenaracy" and have no real interest in finding a real spiritiual awakening or a true contact with God and the world.
It's very cold and calculating way to make a descision that is about an leap of faith.
I'm a Quranist, the quran is the only Islamic scripture I read, also I expect the Hindus that converted you have told you that blowing up innocents will send you straight to heaven huh?

Idiot it's people like who will drag us down, we need to modernize we can't follow laws meant for a civilization that lived 1400 years
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>Only way to usher in a new age for the religion is through a reformation
hmm, you admit that islam isn't perfect?

I suppose it's a start

and all the advancements islam claims are from conquered peoples, before islam took hold of the brains of the next generation

nah mang, I wish, kekked so hard first time I saw it

>peace of mind.
just a peace of their mind is left, the rest is extinguished forever, many such cases. sad

a pleasure trips man


read about that, made my day, couldn't have happened to a nicer fellow

hue huie hue hue hue br
you ignore the hadiths?
>we need to modernize we can't follow laws meant for a civilization that lived 1400 years
this sounds promising, maybe you should give up islam altogether
Sometimes I am jealous of people who live in a fantasy. But that is all.

I pity you and your people being infected with the disease known as Islam. The damage it causes through it's outdated, stupid, bullshit teachings is immense.
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Salami bacon again, salad snack bar
>born there and raised there,

And tell me : raised by who?
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Using the example of one country to generalize the whole region. That's like saying Europe shouldn't let in Canadians because Americans are school shooting psychos.
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”僕は元気です。”is better desu.
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Islam was perfect back then but now for this age, also Islam united minds from all over which is what caused the scientific breakthroughs we didn't Steal them
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post bill noy, the good goy

canada, your opinion is irrelvent

fuck off back to your moosecuck shed
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you are welcome to believe your comforting lies

don't research it though, you maybe dissapointed
>we didn't Steal them
do you accept that muhammed and his men stole lots of money, treasure, and captives though?

if mohammed can steal and it's ok then, maybe for you to steal conquered peoples science isn't so bad, huh?
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Just wait till we get over there mudslime, we may our differences with the mother country but don't think you can take her without out the righteous wrath of her greatest son... THE USA !!!
Yes, I admit that some of them may be true but too many contradict the Quran, also the image that the prophet is painted in in the Hadith does not resemble the one in the quran.

He himself said do not right anything from me but the quran, and if you wrote anything erase it

You can't cheat the quran or manipulate it since it came directly from Allah but you can do so with the Hadith which is
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But that is the manly way.
>we can't follow laws meant for a civilization that lived 1400 years
The fuck... you want to Christianisize Islam? kek

It working good for me, encouraging me to not be degenerate.

>And tell me : raised by who?
By good people who were good people all their life, and people who oppress them on street.

Muslim girls in your country isn't allowed to have Hijab, and long cloths on schools, some of them leave school for that reason. And you be like "we love all, we don't oppress, we good people".

You guys hate Islam, we oppress Muslims just as you did centuries ago to Jews.
there does seem to be a lot of bad stuff in the quran also

such as "been commanded to fight until religion is only for allah"

you are condemned to perpetual world until all infedels have been eradicated
No, it's more a way of life than a religion when you truly delve into it, Islam means submission I have submitted myself to god I can't just leave
good to hear son

send freedom shooties, natural rights and backbone
it seems islam wants a fight to the death, theirs, or everyone elses

given that, I know which side I will pick
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sex with animals is allowed, hmmm
That statments works more the other way round
Looting during wars was acceptable, it's still done in today but there were laws on what you can take and what you can't
you can think that all you want

it certainly wasn't BECAUSE of islam that science was advanced

islam teaches blind submission, and no questioning, it wants to live in the past
declare war
steal stuff

pretend you are saint

Why would you want to kill me?

I pose you no harm for I just wanna live my life and let you leave yours.

God should be the one who judges us for our belief and actions I shouldn't have a say in the manner
>sex with animals is allowed, hmmm
It's allowed in your society. You even proudly make porn like that... Not to mention trans, cuckoldness, faggotry.

But I know you media give you daily doses of "we good, them bad" to make you feel about yourself.
>Encouraging me not to be degenerate
If you jumped off a cliff you'd stop being degenerate. No need to be Muslim.
if only your prophet hadn't ordered all muslims to fight until religion is only for allah

do you think we are blind? to what the muslims have done everywhere they have invaded?

even the fucking buddhists have turned militant in burma because they realized you have conquered the 6 former buddhist nations that surround them, and you intend to conquer them too

Lmao. This is the face of all apostates, the people who want to make Islam indistinguishable from decadent Christianity. If you'd READ your Qu'ran, you'd know that there IS no reformation from ALLAH'S OWN WORDS.
no it's not

and you didn't disagree, you just pointed at something else, your typical logical fallacy

tu quoque
Alot of stuff in the quran was usually taken out of context when criticized here on pol but there quotes that I can't defend I agree
It was a tactic used by many during mediviel times

He wasn't declared a saint for that, that would have been stupid
No that's degenerate.

Where it's allowed? show me a source.
You guys do all degenerate stuff then accuse other people to feel good about yourself. I can't even imagine living a life like you.
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