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Ex Google CEO set up a start up company that will work to ge

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Ex Google CEO set up a start up company that will work to get Hillary Rodham Clinton elected...

Look at the startup's website:


The article:

bumping for interest
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The symbol on their website.
Literally the entire website.
Tldr care to give a summary
Am I the only one here terrified by the implications of this?
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>He explained that the Groundwork and its parent company, Chicago-based Timshel—which according to its website is named for a Hebrew word meaning “you may” and is devoted to “helping humanity solve our most difficult social, civic, and humanitarian challenges”—are “all one project, with the same backers,” whom he declined to name."
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I think Eric Schmidt also worked to get Obama elected. He has all the connections in Silicon Valley.

It's not unthinkable that today American elections are really controlled by the Tech companies.

Google is a private company and can change search results as it wants. Imagine what huge impact on the public opinion they have...

And they don't need to do this obvious... they can make very subtle changes.

Also, Facebook, Google, Microsoft, all of them are in cahoots, they are all pro-Democrat, pro-Hillary to various degrees.

Silicon Valley seem to prefer liberal, slightly left-wing Dem establishment candidates.
We are privileged to witness the beginning of the NWO
Moot works at Google now.
>big companies essentially own governments
>economic crisis everywhere
>governments spying on citizens

when you think about it, we're currently living in that future high-tech dystopia pop culture imagined in the 80's
I've said this before too.
This thread feels like old /pol/ and I like it.
on a good note, synthwave is coming back and it's awesome
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Can't wait to live in one of those cute cuck cubes.
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they don't even hide it anymore

Supporting the eventual winner is smart. As much as I hate it, Google knows wtf they are doing.
Would you live in there if you could NEET without working?


the future has arrived and here we are, in a holding pattern waiting for the inevitable clinton presidency...

the question now is just what hillary's friends have planned?
Fuck the Illuminati, we should steal their memes
>you may
Examples of good new synthwave ?
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Probably. But could I call myself a man anymore?
>the question now is just what hillary's friends have planned?

I hope their plan is to make us all unemployed through automation and artificial intelligence and give us universal income.
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Fucking bump, goddamned kikes are at it yet again
Me too, I am fine not reproducing and loving my life on VR. That has actually been my lifelong dream
>they are all pro-Democrat, pro-Hillary to various degrees.

Oligarchs love their corrupt, purchased Progressive politicians
>Silicon Jihad: How Silicon Valley elites and the American progressive ruling class formed unholy alliances with Middle Eastern powers to foster the modern rise of extreme Islamic terrorism, mortgage the safety and personal wealth of America's working class, and reign in the demise of domestic independent energy producers.

These people bought the company that bought the Paris theater that was shot up last year, right before it happened. Hillary Clinton and Schmidt are right in the middle of it all.

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If Trump doesn't win this election, we will never have another Republican in the white house ever again....
Yes, I already decided not to have children.
It's too awful, all the jobs that are available are awful, and if I had to come home to screaming kids I would just end up hating them and transferring my hatred towards life to them, they would grow up to be depressed, what's the point?
Looks like you guys shouldn't have missed off the Hispanics.
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I almost fell for the VR meme. Almost. I want to give real life a chance first.
so how do we get past the lock screen?
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The two sneakiest, stealthiest, shiftiest people alive today in a single picture.
just go on jewtube and look up NewRetroWave, it's a channel with a bunch of synthwave and 80's nu-retro type music. Tons of artists, regular uploads.
HTC VIVE seems to be the best of the bunch.

And Taiwanese HTC is partnered with Steam which is a lot less shady than Kikebook (Oculus Right)
Thanks mate <3
jesus christ

again, put some neon lights in this pic and boom, dystopian 80's imagery

is it possible to be nostalgic for something you never experienced?
How you think they sell us that shit

even and especially if we reach Matrix levels of immersion, fuuuuuck that
Why? Life will be much better. No one would want to experience real life we could just set up automated feeding systems and come out for breeding and maintenance all of humanity except for a few million caretakers could live a blissful life.
Reality is being destroyed and I say about time.

Thread theme:
I live to struggle
I live for pleasure and the elimination of suffering
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But can you feel anything without knowing pain?
Yes, life is solely about avoiding hardship and getting by with the minimum effort.
holy fuck
that's the gayest thing I've read
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Here's your (vivian)
Believe what you want but if you know how to game the system you can spend your entire life laying around while others support you.
I look down on people who work.
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Just to support what this anon is saying, look at your own risk of being triggered:

did they literally rip this off from the Republicans in House of Cards
It's not gay, because getting fucked in the ass could be seen as a hardship, so he would avoid that, too.
>implying it ever left
thats literally what future pop is

Look up Xkeyscore if you haven't heard of it.
Hiro 'dies' and moot just happens to take over.
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What does it mean, /pol/?

The elite have realized leftists are actually easily controlled
As long as they put out some stupid social media post in favor of some gay leftist cause liberal will ignore the fact they own slaves in china
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That it's already too late
I wonder if anyone actually doubted Hillary would get elected lol
>another NSA program

why am I not surprised
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This guy knows.
It's both a sigil and an organizational diagram
Also notice the use of colors. Those who are in the light, and those who are in the darkness
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Cables or network laying underground, maybe even roots or some sort of foundation. Floating triangle could be a pyramid or reference to illuminati. Floating meaning being above everything else. Dot in the middle, well your guess is as good as mine.
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>named for a Hebrew word meaning “you may”
>all one project, with the same backers, whom he declined to name
It's called cyberpunk. Check our /cyber/ or lainchan
Also the spatial organization. Those who are in Earth, and those who are in Heaven.

9/10 sigil, really fucking good, if a little too easy to read. Maybe that's also the point, though. For the average dude, it imprints his preconscious. For those who care and know, it spells "We are powerful, watch your steps"
I dont think its an org chart. It looks more like roots growing deep into the earth.
what would our sigil with an organisational chart look like?
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Every fucking day, every fucking time it's the jews.
You were spot on the tree imagery.

The Triangle means the Elites (maybe Trilateral specifically?). Also the source, the mastermind of the whole thing.

The dot is an intermediary agent, that acts on the mandate from those Above, to manage those Below. They are the Elite's "angels" in a sense. It also fits the tree imagery in that it is the trunk that connects the roots to the leaves.

The circuitry refers to tech, information, and power that comes from above. The roots.

Those who "know" are in the white part, those who are the target of this manipulation are in the dark part. However, the parts are all floating, not directly connected.

The whole thing basically spells "An Elite group has put a think-tank in charge of manipulating tech and shill in social networks in favor of their special interests, also, some guy in the whole thing knows his shit on magic, specifically modern chaos magick. They think they are important and they are le ebin sekkrit group. I'd also say the magick guy is relatively experienced with chaos magick, but he's young"
Are we seriously at the point where we're considering fuckin' MAGICK? I mean come on, this is shifty as fuck, and there's probably something going on, but I don't think that schlomo has fuckin' MERLIN locked up in his back room helping him take over the western world.
It means the Elite at the Top of the Pyramid are going to give you a needle injection of a tiny circuit probably designed to terminate the used and use RFID shit.
the user *
>swipe your hand and pay for your goods its that easy !
>rejecting the pleasure real life can bring for intangible 'pleasure" on a screen

i'll be the "terrorist" planting emps to snap you faggots out of your world-ending dream
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so you admit to working for hillary to nuke people?
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It's not what you think as magick (fireballs n sheeet). The spells and enchantments and curses of old are the symbols, trademarks, and memes of today.

Haven't you seen this meme magick fuckery in /pol/ itself? Ebola-chan or Kek does ring a bell?
Do you really think Google's logo being imprinted on the retines and minds of millions of people every second every day is something meaningless and innocent?

I'm on the Jungian train. Man is reinventing the wheel. Archetypes and Gods, they have always been there. It's just the collective view of it what changes.
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Alright, I'm done. Holocaust 2: Holocaust Harder when? A world without Jews and Muslims would be paradise. Let's make it real.
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I think Hydra symbology would be good.
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What if the pyramid is the globalist and elitist shadow government of corporations, Jews, and the like? The darkness is the general populace unaware of what's really going on, while the little roots are the media (notice they're also light) being rooted into the populace to sway their opinion to favor the elites. The dark cube going towards the pyramid are the people who are aware of and are resisting their schemes (/pol/, Trump, etc).
That's not magick, that's called psychology.

How do you think controlled occupations work?
1) Determine a target nation
2) Infiltrate governmental systems
3) Seize control of the media
4) Use the media to control consumer habits and thus the economy
5) Generate political crises
6) Crash the economy
7) Emerge as the savior to all crises if you are given power
8) Deny or miseducate your citizenry
9) Generate a rulership mythos that justifies you staying in office.

Don't you see? By creating stories of "Jew magic" to describe things we very well know to be explicable you are literally HELPING THEM take over.
You are both agreeing with me, and at the same time, falling into it
Oh, also it's not "jew magic". It's literally everyone's magic.

However, this guy is doing the contrary. He's taking their sigil and reprocessing it in a way that empowers him. This is one of the most effective ways of countering it
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Check out some Manly P. Hall, the symbols used by companies and organizations are usually occult symbols, or egregore / sigils, they imbue these markings with intention and meaning before exposing them to others.

I do 2D design and am constantly using this occult technique for things, old symbols have meaning that are still relevant to many people this day.

These symbols all mean something, you just need the right eye to see it.
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