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Pol investigates

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 345
Thread images: 74

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DC Madam's attorney has hidden an election bombshell. It is due to be released in two weeks.


>“There’s a link right now, that if you had, you would have access to the records,” Sibley says about the website. “If I die, disappear, whatever, they will be out.” Sibley says his website hosts PDFs of Palfrey call logs that contain about 5,000 phone numbers, along with downloadable spreadsheets that contain the names and addresses of 815 Verizon Wireless customers from those logs, which he acquired with a subpoena ahead of Palfrey’s trial.

The story from a fellow anon:

>woman known as "DC Madam" runs high-end escort service in DC for over ten years
>amasses large database of high powered politicians and their sexual encounters with her hookers
>she gets investigated, walls start closing in on her
>"dies mysteriously" in 2007, hanging in her mom's backyard shed is considered a suicide
>but before her death, she gace all her information to her lawyer
>after her death, lawyer was put on gag order, making it illegal for him to release the data
>story gets forgotten for years
>2016 election comes
>the lawyer wants to release the information because it is "very relevant" to this election
>he has set an ultimatum of 2 weeks. if the courts dont lift the gag order in 2 weeks, he's gonna do it (madman.jpg)
>info will also be released automatically
>he set up four servers across the world, and if he doesnt enter a password every three days, the information will be sent to a bunch of media outlets
>this "dead man trigger" style system helps protect him from "disappearing"

The only possible people to be hurt by this are Cruz or Hillary. Post all relevant info and findings here.
Reminder this is all an attention seeking operation to fund some shitty lawyers gofundme page
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Shill harder.
What a fucking shit show. Nothing to see here, move along.
>shilling this hard
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Beware the shills and don't let up. They want to derail the thread because we are on to something.
Faggot crypto Jew shills inciting copycats
Brace for maximum shilling
You're literally getting rused into a huge April fools joke
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>cia knowing will be taken as shitpost
>inverse psicology
>Australia isn't just a 'country' full of shitposters
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he's suing Trump and a 75 year old Korean War veteran now.


Kashiya (Shiya) Nwanguma



kikebook /shiya.nwanguma.5


>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iXshcc8tob8 [Embed]

Prep: Regional champion in the discus at South Warren High ... took first in the event in 2013 ... took second that year in the regionals in the shot put ... at the state championships, placed fifth in the shot put and sixth in the discus.

Personal: Daughter to Raphael and Marlene Nwanguma ... birthday is Feb. 9 ... has four brothers and two sisters ... majoring in biology.


Father is a MD: http://mcbg.org/internal/services/Surgical_Weight_Loss_Program/Bariatric_Surgeon.aspx

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antishill bump
Old thread #1: >>69510289 → (Cross-thread) →
Old Thread #2: >>69523361 → (Cross-thread)→
Old Thread #3: >>69529588 → (Cross-thread)
Old Thread #4: >>69538265
it is nothing to worry about. trust us.
Again, as it's been said, THIS IS NOT AN APRIL FOOL'S DAY PRANK. When this began, it was March 31st and the story broke a couple of days ago. It is being forced-released in two weeks despite the court's gag order on it because the judge is an absolute madman. There is NOTHING about this that has to do with April 1st.
April Fools :)
Stop it
I can't stop staring at it, there's something almost b... Well i won't say it
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Don't answer them. They are just burying the threads with unproductive posts. Thread at /g/ is being invaded too.
It's Bernie Sanders

It's not a fools joke
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It's still March here, shill.
We have written down the IP Address of every "Anonymous" person in this thread and will be sending a letter to your parents. It's past your bedtime sons/daughters go to sleep.

Commissioner Barnes
tfw having ptsd flashbacks back to accelerator spam
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Yeah I'm all for Trump, but to think evangelical Cruz cheated on his wife is quite a stretch. Let's move on, nothing to see.....
Trump is awake waiting for you faggots to uncover what he was already told by the RNC yesterday.
I thought it was a she, well I tell a lie, it looked like a watermelon at first, that backpack
Funny how everyone who crosses the Clintons winds up committing suicide, huh?
>Please don't kill me, Hillary
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i already posted the names in the previous thread but nobody seemed to notice.
i'll post it again

Why does this keep getting posted too?
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Nothing to see here, people. Move along.
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You said the same fucking thing in the last thread.>>69542146
Will Trump win?

Share your thoughts.
Yeah, two weeks. Just in time to be buried by an attack on Democracy Spring participants by 'Donald Trump supporters'
Because it will end Trump's campaign
cute, now go back to /b/
they still have not figured out file names.
what kind of idiots do these people hire
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Worst shill ever detected.
Stop shilling already.
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Bruises on her wrists!! Zoom and enhance.

Be careful anons. We've entered the lion's den.
Shit is gettin wayyyy too real tonight
how did she get up there with no chair or step ladder


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Reposting because of the sliding shills
>Cap this for posterity and my imminent death.

Consider in 2005, Heidi Cruz was confronted by a police officer while she contemplated suicide. Why was Heidi so sad? Because Ted forced her to leave D.C. Teddy boy found out about her side job for fun freelancing as a high class prostitute and was having none of it. From then on the marriage became purely political and she thought the only way out was suicide. But she ultimately resigned herself to her fate.

Why do you think Ted runs a harem? Because he wants his revenge on her. When this is all said and done mark my words it won't be about the girls teds banged, it'll be about all the cocks Heidi Cruz's vagjna has gobbled. It all makes sense now, why this family is so utterly emotionless around each other; the parents hate each other and he uses the children as political props for attention.

I'll catch you guys on the flip side, I'll be seeing you space cowboys.

A bullshit lawsuit by a fat fuck gorilla that is used in the circus?
He'll die, his "dead man" system will have been compromised and disabled. The info will not get out, anyone else who still has it will also die.

This guy's making a publicity stunt out of what should just be released immediately. He'll pay for it with his life, and nobody will ever get the secrets he has.
Yfw the No Agenda podcast talked about this 30 days ago

It's not an April Fools joke, also it's Bernie Sanders kek
>All the shills using that same kind of filename.
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no joke

>so what does 68 have to do with hilldawg?
[This response can only be read with a 4chan Gold account]

It's shills shilling shills trolling shills shilling trolls. Whatever ya'll are poking at is rustling mad jimmies. Too dumb to do anything but watch but damn keep digging you glorious autismos.
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Corey Lewandowski confirmed for the murder of the DC Madam
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So why are we trusting the word of this lawyer, Montgomery Blair Sibley? He sounds like a real life Saul Goodman.

>Something is amiss here, and we haven't even gotten to the part where he sued the U.S. Supreme Court for treason (twice!), asking for $1 million in damages. Or that he spent 77 days in a Miami jail for refusing to pay child support. Or that Maryland has stopped him from running a law office in the state. Or that federal prosecutors in Palfrey's case say Sibley's filings are so ignorant of basic legal tenets that they are "almost incoherent."


Pic related is him with an actual bagpipe for you Better Call Saul fans
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what that image is referring to. Pelfry's suicide note

and on /g/

>> 53801143
Reminder that the shills are out in force like never before. KEEP DIGGING
So now making a prediction is grounds for shilling? Thanks for making it easy to identify the actual shills in this thread FBI.

fuck i messed up
Shill post
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You guys do realize that it is highly against Ted's religion to cheat on his wife. I dont think this going anywhere, we are waiting time that we could be using to help trump.

Forget about this April fools crap
Can you tinfoils give us a break for just one fucking day?
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She just jumped, Trumpster. I promise.
I was just thinking this, if only the picture was zoomed out just a little more to make sure. But you're right probably a two man job.

this video should be included in any future OPs. it's a good primer and might eliminate some of the repeat questions.
Picture scared me more than The Schilling
Shill this Shill that

Let's fucking work

Bruh you can't report me for an opinion. I'm not shilling just think it's unlikely.
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She obviously kicked the chair across the room in a final fit of glory.
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Go for it buddy.
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You can go ahead and screecap it.

If this is as big as it seems with the amount of damage control shilling going on here tonight - don't be surprised when those with the most to lose put a fake attack into action
Yes because shills write 3 paragraphs. GTFO you shill bastard
I wonder what kind of perverse and degenerate fetishes we will find out about Bernie Sanders.
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It's obvious that the person who's on that list is Corey Lewandoski. He was working as a lobbyist for Americans for Prosperity during that time. If you continue to dig you'll only derail the Trump Train. We don't want that.

Reminder.... this isn't about Ted cruz..... this is about bill clinton. I will be dead in 24 hours. God speed anons
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Guys, what if one of the people who got Hookers was Bernie?
There's a video saying a highly religious texan Congressman who played on strong religious beliefs was one of the clients
If you're surprised by somebody acting against their supposed beliefs, you're obviously not familiar with Catholic priests.
Who am I kidding, though? You're a shill.
>filename related
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its already on twitter and people are investigating

Wait until "Clinton killed DC Madam" goes mainstream.
look at all these brand new threads just made

definitely trying to push this one away

because he is the troll we all aspire to be.
Being that it's April fools, are Australians and Canadians going to contribute with quality posts?
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Who could be behind this post?
Would effect the election though m8 everybody knows he's a hound dawg
I was going to say...
When I wake up me, Bill Clinton, or Heidi Cruz better be dead or else...
Have you seen all the obvious shill threads in the catalog guys?

Its getting scary out there. The amount of resources they are putting into disrupting us is pretty insane
was that just discovered now?
Posting to keep this on page 1.
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>Originally intended as a badge of shame, the pink triangle (often inverted from its Nazi usage) has been reclaimed as an international symbol of gay pride and the gay rights movement, and is second in popularity only to the rainbow flag.[6]

corey is gay
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too late fuckos
Let me, friend.
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The difference between true believing faggot political interns like you and everyone else on /pol/ is that we don't care about anything but the truth and destroying the liars who would distort it. Fuck off, you're not convincing anyone. And STAY AWAY FROM MAI WAIFU.
/g/ delivers
Haha omg 6?? Shill-city
they were all made within 5 minutes
>it is highly against Ted's religion to cheat on his wife
Psh. Yeah, like that ever stopped anyone before.
yeah spread that shit on twitter
anonymous delivered
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We're threatening to take over the Internet with our dedicated memers and legit haxxors base. They see how /pol/ spread through Twitter and now Reddit and are panicking. It won't be long before we send White Genocide mainstream and blow the lid off the whole Jewish conspiracy.
Have we already explained why a Verizon phone bill has an ATT logo?

People are starting threads on the fastest board on 4chan? NO WAY
You are a fool. Try this.
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Agreed. End times are drawing near.
Holy crap man, this is history in the making! SHILLS BTFO
Dear God, I can imagine them all being scrambled to their stations now like ants
Yeah I'm confused, I thought it was 815 Names from Verizon?
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guys, there has got to be something here. coincidence or not, the suicide note makes a chilling reference to hilldawg and 1968 - an important year for her. Pelfrey commited suicide 1 month before the dnc convention in 2008. What else can we find about this??


Are all the numbers associated with names?
>Bump to counteract shill sliding
Oh shiit.
Bill Clinton Sex Scandal isn't exactly bombshell news since the 90's.
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Okay get back to the Trump general, this isn't going anywhere. We would have found it by now if it existed. April fools prank probably.
>they are spamming pol with shitposts
Things got silent
nobody knows what's going on anymore. the anons who were working on this are sleeping or shilled to death.

nothing in this thread is new. the prize is a Verizon phone list from 2007 of calls to the DC Madame. it contained 815 phone numbers of clients.

we aren't looking for any of the other lists (that were released years ago)
Hillary Clinton coverups are always news though because so around her "committed suicide" under very suspicious circumstances.
This. He should drop the info and take a vacation to Argentina.
No no, don't do this to me mane, this has to be made up, r-right?
>because so around her
because so many people around her
Sorry, it's 2 AM
Piss off, shill. This could be important.
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Yeah, I'm going to bed. Try again when I wake up. We can't let this die. Promise me this investigation won't die /pol/


shitpost on twitter
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>The first post of every thread
What are the chances?

no. Hillary is also 68 yrs old. 6-8 can also mean June 8th, the day she's supposed to clinch the nomination (the morning after the CA and like 5 other primaries)

These phone numbers are too old to be relevant
/g/ is having some good finds
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Just STOP researching this, you nerds. You are wasting your time on absolute drivel. It's driving me crazy reading these threads and seeing people think they're uncovering a conspiracy.
>he has set an ultimatum of 2 weeks.

Fuck that shit, just do it right away
>what is Livor Mortis

I suspect she may have killed, but that coloration is normal after death as blood pools due to gravity.
That makes more sense desu, I was wondering about the dash in-between the digits why would she not just write 68 like a normal person?
>be a shill for the CIA
>CIA is agent for New World Order
>In charge of all secret societies and databases
>part of the Order of the Illuminati
>they're all under heavy brainwashing since birth
>this is why they're so willing to work for the New World Order
>not even the Rothschilds know the whole picture
What a morally righteous career for these people to have. It is definitely worth it to be paid by the cents to sell out the human race. Fucking cunts.

Cruz was a deputy attorney general for the Bush administration at this point so it's definitely relevant.
The date thing makes more sense.
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Where did Cruz live in 2001?
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There are 2 black SUVs in front of the my house that weren't there before and weird shit is happening on my phone. I'm just over reacting guys right?
Why are you here then if it is such a waste of time?

Shill more Sweden
from one cuck to another, fuck off
No. Bump.
>I can't tell if this is bait
yea hes almost Trump level trolling right now. Not even Trump trolled with a dead-man switch
fuck off cuck
Quick, call up Alex Jones so he can be disappointed again!

Foreigners BTFO at Trump Presidency
>whining about thread
>not saging
>bruh you must know this only stokes the flames
We will remember you anon, anything you'd like us to pass on to your family?
Unfortunately this.
Even the memes talk of his sexual activities. This breaking wouldn't hurt them, UNLESS, it directly tied them to the suicide.
Then that would give credit to their butcher's bill of "mysterious deaths"
>Not knowing how to safeguard your IP

Goodbye, Anon.
LMAO try again DEMON
Turn off your phone. You're probably joking but high-powered Stingrays will cause your phone to connect to them instead of the nearest signal tower, downloading an "official" system update that contains spyware and then emulates your phone's OS on top of it.

No one is getting stingrayed over shitposting about documents that someone else is going to release.

The way you fags are going on and talking about how /pol/ is going to be legendary for this, you'd almost think you had ANYTHING to do with this at all.
Depression makes you do crazy, unimaginable things
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...Y-you guys were my family anon
Are you gonna be a sour little bitch when they do find something?
lesbian is all over it

I even said he was joking. I like to educate, it's fun. Fuck you.
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>Don't suicide me.

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Why the fuck is everyone so sure he was telling the crowd to get them out of there and not his security?

What the fuck?
What state do you live in? Call the cops. The local police won't know anything about this and they will come to help if you are white and have no criminal record. Actually your race won't matter if you have no priors. They won't know about the black cars and what they are for but they will treat them like a robbery or suspicious person
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Don't worry anon, there's a happy ending.
Time to put your 2nd amendment rights to good use.
What the fuck does this tell us other than it's Texas. There are a lot of Texan politicians who purchase pussy.
Post this on /x/ and on /b/ already, let other boards help us on this shit
We only need to find one of them.
I feel you brother
I'm not joking ;(
My phone even had a software update like an hour ago.
I'm gonna go hide under the blankets now guys, blankets are like base
Set up tiny chat maybe some kind anon will watch you "commit suicide" and record it for the world to see ;p
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Can I get black bagged for shitposting this thread?

I'd love an excuse to stay up all night comfy as fuck, wrapped in a blanket with all my guns locked and loaded
quick q. why did someone flip out over an expired domain page?
Flash a custom ROM ASAP
take pics of the SUV, and record the noises on your cellphone and post them here
Apple juden

Triangulate where the nearest cell towers are and figure out if its coming from the SUVs.
Technically anything can happen. But if you want my opinion I will tell you to get comfy and not to worry
i was here from earlier, basically we are looking for 2007 verizon bills that are related to the current campaigns..

everyone was getting 403 errors..

someone earlier mentioned to keep the codeword diamond in mind..

also keep in mind escortlist.pdf

im done for the night.. fuck the shills im dead
You can get black bagged for reposting/ saving informatiom they are deleting off the internet, but I wouldn't be worried about that. More then likely your electronics will be stolen instead.
I feel like I know this whole madams life fucking story now.. Ive been going through every number... the first one was named Cathryn.. weird thing is, she was called in DC, but lived in Texas and had some weird similarities to Ted, including hi9s second daughters name is Catherine and cathryn is a religious nut too... I also found a guy in Falls Church Virginia that might have a connection to both the DC Madam and Ted Cruz's campaign. ... plus a bunch of other shit
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Kek approves!

3527; Sprint Spectrum, Florida.
7400; Quality Inn, Washington DC.
0099; Telemarketers, Kek.
1000; M Lhuiller LLC, 3495 Sonoma Blvd, Vallejo CA.
8284; Owner Unknown, Beltsville Maryland.
2420; Alex Chen, 4415 Brookfield Drive. Kensington, Maryland.
5201(800); Wyckoff, NJ. Owner Unknown.
5201(866); Comerica Bank, Location Unknown.
7274; David Custer, 9911 Indian Ln. Silver Spring, MD.
2211; Courtyard Marriott, Hotel. Pennsylvania.
2068; Owner Unknown, Operator Starpower Comms. Washington DC.

Working on the rest. Will look for identities of any names and companies that come up.
We have had this document since fucking 2007
Holy shit
We should spam /pol/ with these threads to drown out all the shill threads
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So obviously the Clintons outsource their assassinations. Do you think it's through an organization like the secret service? Do they keep a private skilled individual on retainer? How would I need to apply for the position if I was interested?
That's counterintuitive. We are doing well by calling them out and bumping this thread. But I'm not going to tell you what you can or can't do anon.
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Should I have the 12 gauge with magnum slugs/glock .45 FMJs ready to go or chamber some 5.56mm rounds in my M14/berreta 9mm with hollowpoints?
Death was worth being right maybe. I'm gonna turn my phone off find my usb with tails on it now
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Wew lad
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Holy fuck, it's happening
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RIP this anon
First rule of hiring a hitman, anon. Kill the killer.
5.56 for long range. 12 gauge for close range.

t. USMC (retired)
Reminder: DC Madam killed herself because she was facing a long time in prison
YO GUYS THIS IS A COMPLETE SHILLSHOW. Sad. Really sad. Is this what /pol/ has become now? Like it's really disgusting to see this, and I'm becoming more and more convinced that the end of days is here with people acting like they are.
>"dies mysteriously" in 2007, hanging in her mom's backyard shed is considered a suicide

It does. It doesn't sound like anything other than a suicide.
Hillary used her service.
.............this is a link to the phone numbers...

...................this is a 202 lookup link
Make a pastebin.
Ey Tampabro, how do you get city specific flags?
But the more people we can save from the shill threads, the more we can crowd source the entire board. Plus, the shills would have to spread themselves out instead of just posting in one or two threads.
this shit is dying
not shilling
You do have a point. I don't disagree with you brother
>5/6 years
Thank you for the service to our country and advice anon.

What sidearm would you recommend with a berreta 92fs vs a glock 21?
5 years?
I recently moved to america and I am curious who are they polling for these? Do these mean anything?
That's the ATT log that was released back in the day.
We are looking for the Verizon log that was gag ordered. According to the attorney, there is a bombshell in the Verizon log.
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On the github, you can search for cities. Tampa happened to be there

good luck!
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Nice repeating digits, friend
goddammit you're an american, use a giant revolver like god intended

New Thread if people want it Honestly this one went to page 4 when I made it but jumped back up to page 1.
Thank you brother. Glock 21 in my opinion because 9mm I really don't like. I mean don't get me wrong you can kill with 9mm but 45 is much better. Glock 21 man
this is the full DV Madam file?

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>tfw /pol/ is influencing the fucking campaign
>tfw /pol/ is going to meme a president in office
>tfw we will meme The Happening

The lawyer is successfully setting his shit up so he doesn't commit suicide by shooting himself twice in the back of the head then jumping off a cliff, I doubt you guys are going to accomplish shit that doesn't involve finding anything available via top level search engines / digging through websites that are open to the public and don't require any privilege escalation.

I'm just going to wait to see who gets rekt when he releases them, instead of roleplaying as a l33t hax0r goobergate digger.


you guys are more annoying & pathetic than Homestuck roleplayers
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I think they honestly make them up. Polls are made to shape public opinion, not reflect it.
>forgotten for years
No it pops up every couple years.
the ones from Bethesda are back and forth within the hour and then another call from the quality inn Washington DC perhaps confirming the arrival
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92fs is a meme gun for vidya edgelords. stick with a glock, M&P shield or Springfield XDS
you're wasting your time. the numbers you're looking up have been out for years. we need the fucking VERIZON LIST FROM 2007.
kek no, he should be getting a glock 17 or 19.
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All these flavors and you still picked salt
God she was so hot.

I'd still do her, y'know, after the hanging, but she was hot before the hanging too.
We're like a more effective ISIS.
Look someone on pol actually knows what they're talking about The Corporate Cabal that controls the world and it's governments irrespective of all the political theatre and "voting" hahaha
It's somewhat rare but not to the point where we haven't all at least seen it.
Why do i think the rest of the password will be Silk
Can't let these threads slow down, boys
It does; her mom's shed would've been private (likely she and her mother would've been the only people with keys, and in D.C., it would certainly have normally been closed & locked), she may have rationalized that her body would be found relatively quickly but not so quickly that the attempt would be interrupted; a hit would not be so personal as to utilize a family member's property unless it was necessary for some reason; much easier for a cleaner to hang them in a warehouse or shit, an abandoned building.
It was a suicide.
I've always wondered about that - like, 9mm is pretty lethal, hell, you can kill with a .22, and has the large advantage of not deafening and likely temporarily blinding you when fired at an attacker in the dark.

You won't be wearing protective gear in most home defense situations, and I assure you, a small caliber hit WILL cause a criminal to fuck off
haha its nothing. gtfo reddit shill ahaha shill harder reddit :)

6392; Mazda Motor Company, 7755 Irvine Center Drive, California.
3779; Evelyn Stephenson GRI. 1675 Providence Blvd. Deltona, Florida. Coldwell Banker Property Showcase
4477; Owner Unknown. Alexandria, VA. Will continue looking for address later.
6522; United Airlines Customer Service.
0507; Colgan Air, Inc.
0455; Owner Unknown, Beltsville Maryland. AT&T.
4655; United Airlines Mileage Plus Center.
Go on...
>a small caliber hit WILL cause a criminal to fuck off
You don't want him to fuck off, you want him to die. A living intruder will testify against you and they will almost certainly make something up to hurt your credibility.

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God Bless
lol i've literally been saying this since the first thread was created
But they want to make it look like a suicide
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Alright I got my shit locked, loaded and comfy as fuck lets influence some elections for the good of America

No need to make it if it already is one.
Let's not tell the shills what weapons we have in case they actually are planning some chicanery. Let's have surprise on our side.
Guys, don't you think we're wasting our time with this thing ? All we do is find some outlandish obscure unimportant anecdote that we hope is real, even if it isn't about anything that important, then we go and look for anything remotely connected to it, and when we realize it was all unimportant we jump on the next ship, to continue searching for irrelevant shit.... we should all just go outside, or go to sleep.... hell, i'd rather kill myself than doing it all again.... when all you do is look up unimportant shit on the internet you have to realize that you're not doing anything important with your life, like getting a job (without one, you're just not gonna be happy).

it's not important guys, just let it go.
small calibers will kill, but it makes more sense to use larger calibers in the event that your attacker is extremely aggressive and/or well-trained. you need to be able to drop them quick.
Follow it up with some shots to an area that has a lot of arteries then, or the brain.
This shitty lawyer had his law license revoked for 3 years lmao
This makes me very happy to read
Guys, don't you think we're wasting our time with this thing ? All we do is find some outlandish obscure unimportant anecdote that we hope is real, even if it isn't about anything that important, then we go and look for anything remotely connected to it, and when we realize it was all unimportant we jump on the next ship, to continue searching for irrelevant shit.... we should all just go outside, or go to sleep.... hell, i'd rather kill myself than doing it all again.... when all you do is look up unimportant shit on the internet you have to realize that you're not doing anything important with your life, like getting a job (without one, you're just not gonna be happy).

it's not important guys, just let it go.
Yes I'm rare I usually am on /b/ so I don't post here.
Yes, exactly. Magdump that fucker. Just keep shooting until he stops moving.
>mfw we find out Hill Dawg is a total lez
for 'vexatious litigation'

If I could get my hands on that it would be great. Deep Web?

Also, a company like United Airlines will not just up and move location every 9 years. Most likely any businesses on that list are still there.
Go fire a .45 in your home without ear/eye protection. Especially after being, say, asleep.

I'll wait.

Don't get me wrong, I own both, and in, say, a defense I was "planning" for, I would use the larger calibers. But my bedside piece doesn't need to blind/deafen me on shot #1, I'm fairly accurate but that's massive overconfidence.

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Shill Harder Nigga
OH SHIIIIT the signal bars on my iphag are going up and down because the feds are worried about our discussions on a malaysian quilt joinery enthusiast help chatline.
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ship crash.webm
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First post is mine

Second one was posted in less than 10 seconds after i did.
Guys, don't you think we're wasting our time with this thing ? All we do is find some outlandish obscure unimportant anecdote that we hope is real, even if it isn't about anything that important, then we go and look for anything remotely connected to it, and when we realize it was all unimportant we jump on the next ship, to continue searching for irrelevant shit.... we should all just go outside, or go to sleep.... hell, i'd rather kill myself than doing it all again.... when all you do is look up unimportant shit on the internet you have to realize that you're not doing anything important with your life, like getting a job (without one, you're just not gonna be happy).

it's not important guys, just let it go
Lel I saw that
It was more than one minute later, enough time to switch proxies and post again from the same computer.
Guys, I'm not going to post it here, because I don't want to be Palfrey'd, but check GodLikeProductions, someone may have found the bombshell. It looks like the entire records. No names or anything, but all the bloody numbers.
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I can't think of a better way to be a patriotic American than using the first amendment to its fullest in the name of a nationalist American president while preparing to use the 2nd if shit hits the fan.

God I love this country and everyone else who does too.

You'll have permanent hearing damage which won't be that much on it's own, but it's cumulative.

Use a .45 or a 9mm with quality ammunition. Or a shotgun. Pretending that you'll be BLINDED is just.. I just don't even know what's wrong with you. There's some loadings that flashbulb the shit out of you but they're mostly slower burning powders. I doubt you shoot much.
>, but all the bloody numbers.
It's fucking nothing, I told you
Did she chew it?
Lel :)
We are 100% sure we did find the server. The place that's hosting it has taken it down today.
posting before i go to be

what we really need is someone that runs a BGP server and retains good logs. If we assume he set this up sometime this year, we can limit the amount of IP addresses to newly available IPv4 addresses this year.

After that, it wouldn't be terribly difficult to filter it. Filter out servers not online. Portscan the rest. Reverse DNS if we assume it maybe has a domain registered. (If it's going to send emails, it very well may be registered and have a MX record. Which reminds me, did anyone run dig MX on the miamilyft.com address? im on my phone in bed senpai).

This would at least gives us a baseline of data to grok through-- then you can try to find 4 servers with similar signatures: time/date set up, ports open, location, etc.

Unfortunarely, we need a botnet to portscan millions of addresses. This is not trivial.
didn't really believe in automated shills till now, just thought you were tinfoiling too hard.... i honestly just thought it was trolls(posing as bots)trolling tinfoils.... but this shit is fucking REAL!!!!
Nope, swallowed ALIVE
Whats going on in that gif?

out shilling the shills now?
Temporarily confused, not permanently blinded. Try opening your eyes after sleep in pure darkness and then fire off a shot. That shit's bright, man. You'll be able to see up until you actually fire, then it will be very difficult to see in the dark.
Don't worry guys, the lawyer is working with Wikileaks. The information WILL see the light of day.
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Worth :)
it wasn't one minute. i updated the thread 5 seconds tops after i posted it
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You have just activated my trapcard

He had 4 servers. There are 3 more out there and only one needs to be found as long as we get in.
ofcourse i'm shilling the shills, how can you not do it ? make them think they're winning, that's when they expose their jugular. like they just did
It says one fucking minute.
Just a reminder as to how serious this is:

D.C. Madam's Attorney, Sibley, says his website hosts PDFs of Palfrey call logs that contain about 5,000 phone numbers, along with downloadable spreadsheets that contain the names and addresses of 815 Verizon Wireless customers from those logs, which he acquired with a subpoena ahead of Palfrey’s trial.

This is what we are trying to find. They are full of connections as to who used her escort service before she was busted and subsequently killed herself. It directly relates to the 2016 presidential campaign. This is huge.
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Fatbeard arriving to battle
new thread

The letter specifically said 815 WASHINGTON DC clients.

At the time this all took place, Ted Cruz was Solicitor General of Texas. Did he spend time in Washington at all?

Otherwise I'd expect this to concern Bernie, Hillary or their family, since Kasich can't become more irrelevant and linking Trump to an escort service would probably only end up helping him lol
what am i looking at here
those are seconds FFS.

honestly can't tell if retarded or troll

It's definitely not someone triggering the fuck out of /pol/ with proxies. Do you guys forget what website you're on? Used to be the way to trigger everyone was cuckposting
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Remember people move. There may be nobodies living at those addresses today, but the former occupants left evidence they were there. Phone numbers become defunct, but old phonebooks will still have the information if the number no longer exists. Good luck out there.
Bro... no
i'm retarded. nvm. i'll go to sleep.
disregard this, bgp doesn't work this way and i knew that. melatonin fucks me up
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>DC madam keeps list of politician fetishes
>gets released
>Bernie sanders interracial cuckoldry and pegging fetish becomes public knowledge
why would they be messing with yiu
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Who wants to be happy?

>Lulz, a corruption of L.O.L.
>of /pol/ with proxies. Do you guys forget what website you're on? Used to be the way to trigger everyone was cuckposting

I literally live in a country with almost no negroes, and I SHIT YOU NOT there are pigeons outside my house. I'm just over reacting guys, right?


0455; Beltsville, Maryland.
Company Name: Mclean John
Services: Insurance Information and Consulting Services
Established: 2002.
Annual Revenue: $170,000.
Employees: 2-4.

The more I look into this person, the more small businesses I find. Strange thing is, all of them only employ an average of 3 people.
now i got it. you're just trolling us to think there are way more shills in here than there are, so we trully go apeshit... what i originally intended on doing. and I thought i was being original. too drunk. to tired. autisms is showing now
That's interesting, but remember to look up who lived there when the calls were made. Consulting is a major red flag by the way.
And what if they're silent phone numbers, not included in phone books?
Lol yup, /pol/ gets so close to swallowing that whole redpill, but they get sidetracked with "muh God politics" and a bunch of other "alt-right" politics.
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Real or fake and gay?
There are always records. If you have someone on the inside of a phone company you can get access to all sorts of records. Unlisted numbers are only a handshake away.
where have i heard that name before?
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it's real, however that list was released back in 07. We're looking for the unreleased Verizon records that a judge put a gag order on.
Die Hard

You are definitely autistic.
that's mcclane
April Fools

It's a company established 5 years before the calls were made. Obviously one of the employees made the call.
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