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Gavin Mcinnes

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Thread replies: 108
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I don't get this guy

First he's all "motherhood or being a housewife should be a respectable profession, we need to support women's traditional rights and make women happy"

but then he's pinching women's asses and acting like a macho man, treating women like objects

It's like he only cares about women rights and treaing them with respect when its at his own convenience for showing the difference between men and women, he doesnt actually respect women at all, just wants to appear like he does
Sounds like you're triggered.
>generally an action of disrespect

Stop redefining terms, liberal scum.
yeah its common sense not to touch any woman inappropriatly just because you find her attractive
Gavin has no integrity, he never did. He's the original hipster archetype - used to be a liberal, but now that leftism is too mainstream he's converted to conservatism in an effort to maintain his hipster cred. His "conservatism" is all completely superficial and his philosophy immature.
he honestly strikes me as this huge nerd

im surprised he is married and has had kids with a woman who can stand him
>treating women like objects
Aw, poor tumblrina is having some confusion, let's all give her a hug...
explain how treating women like pieces of meat, or sub human, is a good thing
Explain why it isn't
mcinnes isnt worth discussing to be honest. he has nothing intelligent to say.
its not ethical
This. He is a super hipster and is now starting a bullshit right wing hipsters movement with left wing social beliefs. Fuck him.
He pinches feminists. Feminists aren't real women.
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He's a moron, that's why. I saw an episode of his show a while back with Sam Hyde, Milo-bu Barbie, and a fucking porn star as his guests.

Milo was telling stories about how much he loved getting fucked up the ass by black men when he was younger, Sam Hyde sat there in a 1920s newsboy cap making stupid noises, and the porn star's only contribution to the conversation was to show her pussy.

I cannot believe these crude, dimwitted hipster losers are becoming the fact of the new right. But I suppose it's true that the squeaky wheel gets the grease.
Couldn't have said it better my European friend (I don't know you're flag sorry)
>treating women like objects

I don't get it. Yes, I realise they're people and have a personality and everything, but of course I'm primarily interested in their bodies. I mean why would you spend time with an ugly girl? I already have male friends (and a female one, but she's pretty) for conversation. When talking to a girl, I want to get to know her, but primarily because she is great to look at.
he's just a contrarian and likes to joke around and have fun.

he tried too hard on rogan but when he's on his own shit having fun he's bretty gud
If some chinless faggot with a redditbeard pinched my wife's ass I'd punch him in his faggot face. It's a sign of disrespect.
Just look at how shitty Islamic countries are.
its ok to be a teenager
Gavin got to a point where he could no longer compete with all the edgy leftists doing what he did, so he thought it'd be a shrewd business move to go for the edgy right wing /pol/ demographic that gets mostly ignored outside the internet. And notice how sometimes he forgets the act and goes back to saying things like "dude young folks need to do drugs and party every day and shit because come on don't be a square."
i find him hilarious.
the interview with heather marie scholl was phenomenal.
i wonder what itd be like if hed appear on the red bar show.
>neocon hipster kike blowing douchebag

I don't like him
>the interview with heather marie scholl was phenomenal.
Is that the Jew who got btfo and clammed up when she said Scandinavia had higher quality of life? Yeah, that was pretty much his 15 sec of fame.
>what are gender roles
Men should be men and women should be women.
>hating Sam Hyde

Sam is great in his own environment but he doesn't have strong frame outside of phone videos. His stand up is getting better though.
he dint eben got skol
He's always been on the hard right. You're mistaking Gavin McInnes for Vice today. When he was involved in it, it was full of slurs against fags and niggers. He got in trouble in 2003 for admitting to being a white supremacist to the New York Post and he wrote an article for the American Conservative bragging that he was using Vice to convert the American youth to conservatism.

He doesn't have left-wing social beliefs. He thinks women belong in the kitchen, he's understands that races aren't equal, he is a practicing Catholic, and he hates fags and trannies.

He's being transgressive. In a world where liberalism is the norm, conservatives have to be transgressive.
After watching MDE since the start it was kinda weird to see Sam sitting there being so passive and awkward. Particularly when that slut started showing her pussy he seemed really outside his comfort zone.
men should be men by disrrepecting a woman's prvacy and pesonal space and feel free to pinch or outright grope her if he please. thats what a man is!

How come everything /pol/ related or /pol/ has interacted with is together in this show?
Yeah, pretty much. He's also desperately trying to prove he's not a racist
Despite claiming he's all for saving the white race and this and that, the guy needs fucking slapping.
>Particularly when that slut started showing her pussy he seemed really outside his comfort zone.
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heres the cliffnotes.
the entire thing has been taken down from his channel but there are mirrors.
its worth watching though. the full thing is around 50 mintues of BTFO.

>He's always been on the hard right. You're mistaking Gavin McInnes for Vice today.
You're right, I made the same mistake.
>but then he's pinching women's asses and acting like a macho man
Women enjoy being treated like women by men who are acting like men. Imagine that.
He's a hypocrite and memes too hard sometimes, but he's funny about it at least. He's doing his show from Paris next week, should be entertaining.
see >>55828055
Go be a faggot somewhere else
then he says Arabs are inbreed, But if you say blacks have a lower than average IQ he will get put off, Also he says he does not like that the geeks are taking over media
Most women like being treated as a sexual object, fyi. They can be just as horny as men most of the time. Imagine if women were pinching your ass suggestively, you'd fucking love it and feel like a stud.
He's a confused faggot that can't make up his mind whether he's a republican neo-con faggot or an alt-right racist.
ill agree some women and some men like being treated as sexual objects, but id argue most do not
oh yeah the part when sam starts crying and saying the six million, and Gavin got all uncomfortable was the best
That guy isn't that bright. On Joe Rogan he was a complete contradictory mess and really boring.
If you want women to be women

you gotta be a man

that's the deal, provide and be a macho
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lol joe was harrassing him pushing the atheist science doush meme and it didn't work.

i think being hypermaculine to prove you are macho, rather than just being macho, is a sign of insecurity and weakness
He's an actor telling you what you want to hear

He has no real ideology or beliefs, he's a media shill and wants desperately to be relevant , so he's filling demand and creating content for right wing muh lady type folks
Then you don't know women. I hope you've never given anyone relationship advice.
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they (Rebel Media) Are in Paris right now coverring the aftermaths of the shooting
>acting like a macho man....

Get the fuck out of here with your faggotry, eunuch.
you're generalizing all women probably because you dont have any experience yourself with them, your projection is palpable
He just seems like a 40 year old version of a relatively socially adjusted 4channer. He doesn't seem like a serious political person but he seems alright
>you're generalizing
I refuted your generalization. Are you slow?
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hey fedora wearing fags

Gavin is the hipster god.

You actually owe him for everything.
>Most women like being treated as a sexual object,
are you fucking stupid or what this is not true at all, do you live in the real world
Lmao virgin detected.

No, he's right. Any term that is affiliated with white nationalism becomes cancerous.

White nationalists will be the death of any nationalist movement. The Stormkeks either need to learn to contain their autism or gas themselves.
projection, again

you have no experience with women so you assume they are all sluts and whores and deserve disrespect
>betakek whines that women aren't sex objects even though he only has his hand to love him
>meanwhile us men who don't give a fuck are getting loads of pussy.

If I had a fucking nickle for every time I've seen this here or irl
I said, and this is an exact quote
>Women enjoy being treated like women by men who acting like men.
Please tell me where I have goofed, because I don't see it.

people claiming he rasis

on 4 chan

its almost 3016 guois

Um, what's the problem?
>all this salt

Please die
Hes a fucking man you blobbering cunt.

If he was respectful he would just be some no pussy beta hipster.

But he let his beard grow and said fuck it to modern stigma, and you fucking love it you dirty slut you would plow that bushy face into your cunt and you would have loved it, youd suck his filthy unwashed cock thinking if he loves you to.

He wouldnt call you the next day and you would press charges you fucking cunt because you thought you had meal ticket and strong arms.

Youre a triggered little whore, come to the north(not sweden or oslo) and us swearing smelly hairy snow niggers would plow your green hair colored cunt in order and give you a real viking mutt.

Fuck off back to social studies
>but then he's pinching women's asses and acting like a macho man, treating women like objects
Did he really do this?
men sleeping with easy women who do like being treated as object, what a shock, that means all women are like that i guess!
being treated as an object whose sole value is sex is not treaing a woman like a woman, you shittier
>but then he's pinching women's asses and acting like a macho man, treating women like objects

Women like that, though. That is, if you're good looking of course.
>being treated as an object whose sole value is sex is not treaing a woman like a woman
So you are slow. I never said, nor implied any of that. Clearly, you have no idea how sexuality works.
>meanwhile us men who don't give a fuck are getting loads of pussy.
you implied better men who are successful in sleeping with women is because they treat them like objects, when both of them are equally just as terrible. you're making this to be about getting laid when its about treating women like human beings
>Clearly, you have no idea how sexuality works.
again, more insecure projection
I never said that first quote. You can't even keep tabs on who you're arguing with.

>he hates fags and trannies

has milo on the show
has some gay guy who fucked a teenager on the show
has that tranny which threatened the kike on the show, is nice to him

both of you are equally retarded for thinking women as sub humans or sex objects is a good thing, theres no point is responding to either of you at this point, you're so deluded
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If someone states the TRUTH it equals HATE ? to the sheeple dumbfucks.

He wants the PC dumbfucks out of power.

Can't say i am against that.

fuck the topkeks
It leads to feminazis, and shitholes like the middle east, that's why. Dumbass.
>implying women bring anything to a relationship besides sex
what about raising children, cooking, cleaning your house, things that men preferable do not enjoy doing/are not good at

I don't see anywhere in this webm where the guy objectified the female it would have made ZERO difference and would have literally hurt his chances if he acted that way toward her.

I don't know if this brutal ignorance is a internet meme or if boys really hate girls literally this much. INB4 I get called some buzzword like 'triggered' as if treating people nicely is SJW.

Fuck off.
>women as sub humans
Once again, show me where I said that.

>or sex objects
Women enjoy being objectified by men they find attractive. And in that webm I posted, a woman was objectifying a man. I'm sure he didn't mind. It goes both ways.
>are not good at

Have you looked at any women in this generation? They can't cook, they won't clean, and they want to kek you for Chad's babies. I know this because I am a Chad and some kek is raising my bastard.
Also I can cook and clean better than any gf ive ever had. Their idea of cooking is ramen noodles. KEK
that gif you posted was inappropriate too because that guy is a professional body builder and not the chads of which you were referring get laid a lot, not a good representation of men overall, in both exmaples
>Once again, show me where I said that.
you implied it
>Women enjoy being objectified by men they find attractive.
still not a positive thing. women should not have to feel degraded because men tell them they should to turn on.

this is so stupid, YOU wouldnt want to feel objectified for sex, as if thats all you're good for, and neither does a woman, why is that so hard

it doesnt matter if you're attractive or not
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>mfw Gavin shills still come here after he got destroyed by Weev on the issue on opnline anonymity
>you implied it
WHERE? What gave you that impression? Because it's fucking retarded.

>still not a positive thing.
Why? The dynamics of sexual relationships is one party is the dominant, which is biologically predetermined to be male, and one party is the submissive, which is biologically predetermined to be female.

It's not a shocking revelation, nor is it wrong to assert something like that. It's fucking nature, you dipshit.
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this. anytime i see one of these try hards i know hes probably a secret fag or got molested when he was a kid. thus, i reject the trappings of the hyper masculine because it shows insecurity. especially down here with all the mma shit. every secret faggot for miles around is an mma tough guy. when i see these turds i dont think "man he could beat some ass" i think "man i bet he sucks a mean dick". i also hate these gym rat faggots and MUH LIFTS turds. that behavior is feminine narcissism.
>What gave you that impression?
you're acting like treating women as subhuman because they are by nature suppose to act submissive is a good thing, which it isnt

this might be a revelation for you: you can treat women with respect and not like garbage only good for sex and nothing else, AND they can be the submissive party and behave according o biology

i know its a crazy concept because you're so use to just flopping over the one radical spectrum or another because you dont have a grasp on how the world works yet, throwing around declarative statements like candy
It's 2015
You're not understanding any of this at all.

Never have I said women should be treated as sub-humans or solely as sexual object. Going around slapping random women on the ass is nigger tier.

HOWEVER, women enjoy being objectified by men they are attracted to, because it means she has his undivided attention, which she wants. That is a true statement for almost all women who walk this planet. If you cannot recognize this, you must be some indoctrinated commie faggot.
Oldest strategy in the book. Tell women what they want to hear, so that you can get laid.
>That is a true statement for almost all women who walk this planet.
there you go again regurgitating that bullshit
no, that is not true for 'almost all women'. sure you can get some bimbos who think they like being objectified, but after their glamour and beauty diminish they will change their mind, when it is too late

women or anybody really do not enjoy being thought of as sex objects, or objectified at any given time
How do you think humans have propagated for hundreds of thousands of years? It's human nature for men to act outwardly sexual while the women act sexually submissive. We see it all over the animal kingdom, son. This is elementary school biology. Go turn read a National Geographic or something.
He's a true hipster; he just parrots whatever is currently fashionable in the counter-culture. Sam Hyde totally stole the show when he was a guest which goes to show how weak this cunt is.
being a housewife is noble but it's too automated these days to be considered "real work"

women shouldnt be allowed to use electronic devices to help with chores imo.




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He's a fucking faggot.
Because 4chan is part of an NSA social experiment. All of this information is part of a large web to control your mind - Sam Hyde is one of the major controlled figures of this 'counter culture'. Remember Sam's first big hit 'An Inconvenient Anime'? It was packaged perfectly for 4chan's audience who have experience with chinese cartoons and videogames.

You are being dragged along the information biosphere to a place you'll never come back from.
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How fucking gay is this fucking faggot!!
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fucking cokehead
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>yfw he was a judge for a Kenny vs Spenny episode
kenny vs spenny is shit
I don't know much about the guy, but all I see in this thread is adjectives. "Hipster. Immature philosophy. Not worth discussing. Neocon douchebag."
What has he argued that's wrong? I'm not saying he's right, I just don't know.
That is the middle-aged generation in a nutshell

1. Still hold onto conservative values, when men were men, macho stuff
2. Their children are absolute faggots because they're degenerate liberals
>do whatever you want to do, it's your body!

And thus was born the SJW generation
>(I don't know you're flag sorry)

Don't even care if you're a troll.
Just hover the mouse cursor over the flag.

And for fucks sake, learn the difference between you're and your, it's your own fucking language.
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