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Thread replies: 58
Thread images: 17

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lmao ya right, calm down fatties, worry about the rampaging chimpacalypse first
>random people claim to have seen "military vehicles" in the deep wilderness
You're not very bright are you?
op here we are just proposing the idea it wont work unless we work together.
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so far this is what /b/ has come up with.
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Start distributing on tumblr/twitter. 90% of people there don't even bother to fact check before spreading a story/rumor
The Russians actually cooperate when we escort their jets out of our airspace, and we're fucking Canada.

Why would they send tanks to Alaska if they let US tell them where they can and can not fly.
That would be the worst strategic option i can think of.
Like amerifags give a fuck.
its going to be for twitter and fb mostly.
people are just going to accept the news and start hashtaging nd shit
>for lulz.
event will be posted soon
>Be in highschool
>Live in Georgia, the state
>Russia invades Georgia, the country
>Tons of kids getting checked out from school
>Parents think we are being invaded by Russia
Well, that's the south for you.
There's always some Alaskan who believes cold war is not over and that Russia is about to invade at any moment.
putin lands in alaska?
I guess we'll be the ones blocking their passage.

Don't worry, we got your back US. If they manage to take over Alaska, we'll beat em at hockey. They'll be so embarrassed, they'll leave and never come.
I feel sorry for the south. Nothing but rednecks and niggers.
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>for lulz.
If you say so.
I just imagined a really shitty hockey movie.

>russians invade canada
>local town challenges them to a hockey match in 1 week
>if they win russians have to leave
>if they lose the russians keep canada
>but the town doesn't have a hockey team
>stupid drama of getting a hockey team together to beat the russians
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has more

someone wanna make a voat.co subverse? better organizing
It's pretty much all we can do. What do you expect us to do apart from drinking and playing hockey with them?
>active trying to bring more newfags into 4chan
Way to go Anon, you just never learn. While you're at it, go have some protests outside of Scientology buildings or send death threats to outspoken feminists and see what happens.
better lulz pranks than seeing YLYL and FB friends fap everyday
it'd be like mighty ducks + red dawn. The hollyjews would love it.
When in the history of 4chan has there been a time where going on a raid with /b/ "for the lulz" EVER not backfired horrendously?
OP here follow the /b/ thread for those interested hopefully we can get this big, also can someone do the voat.co Idk how it works.
It's better to try to do something "fun" than playing with your dingle berries all day.
Keep posting OP's message and this in other threads and on other sites. Start making twitter accounts to trend 'deleted screencaps'



We start in two hours, fifty-five minutes and keep going
the images here are gay as fuck, pixelated images, shit text wrap, writing expected from a 12 year old girl (aka /b/tard)
only good one
Did you shop all this OC yourself?
These. Start making twitter avcounts to get the tags trending. Include
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You better not goddamn ruin this plan.
It has to sound more real so people search google and ask friends about it. Russia invading Alaska is some WW3 tier news and I'm sure the sirens would go off in every city if it happened.

What's it like drinking cum on a daily basis?
Fuck off commie faggot
We'll need a way that convinces Fb and Twitter about the invasion being real.They'll Google it and then see "Russia invades Alaska" as the most searched thing and the images will support the plan.
I tweeted with the hashtag #alaskainvaded
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oh joy.jpg
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>my exact face right now
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Posted to a large closed facebook group, awaiting the retarded replies.
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>muh super secret club

Fuck off newfags with this raid bullshit
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fuck off back to /b/ pls
Tweet guys!
I am both intimidated and intrigued by your faggotry.
Don't ever stop
They're just passing THROUGH Alaska. Watch out, Canola.
Which one?
If it's the one you think, respond to the thread in it and we will know. Else, 'tis not.
Literally Space Jam on ice

The implications of these things being seen in Russia by older people who don't understand internet culture, much less 4-Chan. The ones who run the country.
This is the exact sort of thing that could start World War III.
Just think, WW3, was actually started by 4-Chan.
Remember this so that if you survive, you can recant that you were there to your children and grandchildren, and that you had a part in it.
Thread posts: 58
Thread images: 17

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