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No shitposting edition. Our goal is to expose online journal

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No shitposting edition.
Our goal is to expose online journalisms corruption and discover the secret on why everyone on earth wants to cover this up

For those who are new

Phil go home

For starters, all this censorship and damge control really seems suspicious
I bet she fucked a mod here too
Start numbering the threads, nigger.
I searched the catalog and there was nothing so I made it.
Video in question:

NB4 Jim is permabanned, Zoey Quinn Flagged the video for copyright, and attempting to close the blog to cover it all up.

This shit has been deleted fucking everywhere. Steam page, /v/, rock paper shotgun, etc. They're in full damage control mode.
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No shit. I thought the damage control for Gaza was bad enough. This has been INSANE! Somebody from Kotaku posted CP in a thread earlier today and the SJW mod let the post sit there for like a half hour!

These "people" are sick, just like Zoe and the 5+ guys she met on the Gamer Girl Casting Couch.
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She has to have fucked a mod here, there's just no way. They're taking threads down over on /b/, too.
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ITT: Don't respond to SJWs trying to get us offtopic.

We have enough shit to prove that it's true, that's why there's a full media blackout. We have to force it into the mainstream somehow.

One option is to post it all over every gaming site, every forum, every article that these dumbasses have. No Hamburger Helper name calling shit, but tossing out the corruption angle. That's my shitty idea, who has a better one to expose this shit?
>They're taking threads down over on /b/, too.
When I first heard this I could hardly believe it. You just know there's some sort of conspiracy going on among the mods when they're deleting it from /b/ of all places.
>Also, if you’re coming from the 4chan r9k thread to find something to bash SJWs for — what are you even doing with your life?
Well he has you all beaten there.
Persistence is key.
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No, don't number the threads, please. It will just be another way for Kotaku to bitch.

>nobody cares
>why you guys still making thread after X number?
>didn't you know only virgins make threads over X number

Don't let them do that. Just make one after we hit 350-400 posts with a new title. The JIDF used to always shit up the threads on Gaza with "muh 300 threads" bullshit. No need to do that here.
What is next?

They can't just hope to sweep it under the rug and hope nobody finds out about it, Phil Fish's rabid lapdog routine and the pathological censoring of the story on every single site has stirred up too much intrigue.

Will the gaming journalists come to her defense and to the defense of the people she fucked, unwilling to turn on one of their own, or will they throw her to the wolves to save themselves?
I mean what are the odds though? I always pictured 4chan mods as basement dwellers scattered around the country
5 Guys every day
Reminder that based GameFAQs don't take no guff from SJWs.


If you know of any forums for one particular series, go there and post this. They can't remove it completely, no matter how hard they try.
>they're taking threads down on /b/ too
What a day we live in.
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>She has to have fucked a mod here, there's just no way.

Hint: one of the mods here works for Gawker, and at least one on /v/ works for Kotaku
they keep deleting. we keep posting.
>doesn't belong on /v/ because it's not vidya
>doesn't belong on /pol/ because it's not politics
>doesn't belong on /b/ because, uh
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I'm all for that, but keeping this shit alive here is only part of the game.

We need to keep throwing quinn's dirty laundry into the face of every fucking site that's hiding from it any way we can. Another idea is to fill up the twitter of Phil Fish, 5 guys, and all the journos with tweets about this.
What was it
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>we live in a day where even /b/ deletes this but GameFAQs doesn't
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Do these 5 guys in pic related still all have their twitter locked?
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Tweet this to every game developer in the industry and every popular gaming YouTuber you know. We can make this happen.

you know who that is, right?
Screencapped this, just in case.
>and at least one on /v/ works for Kotaku
2 do, both redditfags. thats all i can say.
I've gotta be honest. I've been on just about every Zoe thread since Sunday morning, and I've only seen them get to 200+ posts, then phased out. I'm not seeing any direct thread deletions on /pol/.

I've seen TONS of censorship on /v/, plebbit, and other gaming forums. /r/tumblrinaction has one megathread. /r/drama has one or two threads about it. /r/gamedevcensorship has two.

Has anyone picked up any further information? It seems they've gone on a blackout in the hopes we give it up and stop caring. I'm not gonna stop thinking about this until we get a response from Kotaku, RPS, and any of the other companies that are associated with her sexual bribery.

Does anyone have anything new from within the last 12 hours or so?
Absolutely senseless moderation aloof right now.

I'd say that this is political considering that it pertains to media and is now undergoing unsolicited censorship.
On /v/ it's just
Minor shitposting then silence

I know there was a video and some other blogs but I'm not sure.
I've been in and out all day
>I've been on just about every Zoe thread since Sunday morning, and I've only seen them get to 200+ posts, then phased out. I'm not seeing any direct thread deletions on /pol/.
That's not honest or you're not paying attention. A /pol/ mod came out and explicitly said he was deleting the threads.

Not anymore apparently, but it's still unnerving to think that /pol/ could be compromised.
> no shitposting guiz,I'm cereal
Oh wow, a mod actually deleted a post that was off-topic, for once. Thanks for cleaning that shit up, based mod.

Isn't it funny how the mods deleting this just proved their censorship, thus showing this to be a political matter, and gave us a much stronger case against the corruption? Streisand is coming for you sexual harrasing pieces of crap.
Why DOES everyone want it covered up? It's just about some chick sleeping with some dudes probably to get more coverage. Why does it have all websites rushing to not have it discussed? This, out of all stories?
Forbes.com has written some good articles about gaming. Specifically this guy Erik Kain:

He has come out on the gamers side several times in the past and his writing is more likely to hit the mainstream audience which is what we want over niche traditional gaming news outlets.
>doesn't belong on /pol/ because it's not politics
Current events, bitch.
>consumer based journalism
>ever NOT being a steaming shit pile
>all these people butthurt bcuz of feminazis
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Someone contact this nigga
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I'll find out. I'm gonna make a profile and start tweeting this shit to every last journo in the industry. Can anyone give me a list of these assholes, it's hard keeping track of every prick.
finally giving in the inevitable goyim?
>she din do nuffin wrong!
>courageous, strong, independent wymyn
because it's against the narrative
Holy shit. How many fucking dicks has zoey sucked to earn such a massive white knight following?

Are these betafag mods worried they'll be exposed and publicly humiliated if it comes out they slept with the kotaku bicycle or do they really think she'll suck their dick again if they protect her online?

Posted from my samsung galaxy 4 active because I was banned from 4chan for 3 days because I posted a thread on this topic.
That itself makes it even more suspicious. Fags think censorship can stifle debate.
Because the whole gaming journalism industry is corrupt as fuck and this story could set off a chain reaction that results in everything they've ever done wrong coming to light. That's not to even mention that Gawker owns Kotaku, so this could have very far-reaching ramifications. If Gawker goes down, the entire SJW media complex will soon follow.
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>They're in full damage control mode.

I didn't think this was /pol/ related earlier on, but now I do. This is not just /v/ slut shaming some skank developer groupie with dyed hair and daddy issues, this entire episode has lifted the lid on the working practices of gaming journalism, the front line of a multibillion dollar industry.

They have good reason to be scared if any of this stuff is true. Zoe and those other two women have apparently fucked their way into paid consultancy positions deciding on what is, and what is not, feminism in gaming. Imagine this happening in any other mass media: that's Jew-level manipulation.

This also explains the lack of women in gaming journalism despite the legion of girls into video games. It seems aspiring journalist have to be vetted by the likes of Zoe. How much competition is she going to "permit" do you recon? On the flip side, what sort of woman will a narcissist assist?
>SJW Feminist cheated on her BF and slept with a bunch of game reviewers so her game would get good reviews

>Makes SJWs look bad
>Makes Feminists look bad
>Makes the guys she slept with look bad, shows how gaming journalism is corrupt
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>Wozniak is drawing attention to that Fine Young Capitalists project
>The one that has recently come into the public eye because of Zoe ruining it and the creators coming forth

... He fucking knows. He knows and is well aware he's being bullied into keeping quiet.
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>Does anyone have anything new from within the last 12 hours or so?

Well well, looks like Zoe has a chip implanted into her hand that contains the PC game Deus Ex. You just can't make this shit up!!

"Quinn is also interested in body modification, and has implanted a chip in the back of her hand that contains the game Deus Ex,[7] in addition to having a magnetic implant in her left ring finger.[8][9]" -http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zoe_Quinn

So who wants to start making Deus Ex shoops of Zoe and her hand implant?

>dirtiest and most useless copy of Deus Ex on Earth has been found, finally we can rest
Okay guys, while we're talking censorship, does anyone have insight as to why it's being covered up? I don't mean tinfoil, I don't mean did she fuck a mod, I mean seriously why? Gaming journalists will write articles on the tiniest controversy in gaming, but won't touch this. /v/ and /pol/ are filled with off-topic shit all day, but can't discuss something on-topic. And the topic is just a few figures in the video game industry involved in a sex scandal which implies a lack of journalistic integrity. Is this response proportional to what actually happened? What are we missing?
Has their been any official responses from Zoe or all other parties in question?

Checking out their social media and it's eerily quiet.

see this post >>34246636
for a reminder of the lengths a white knight will go to when he realizes that a damsel *might actually fuck him for white knighting*
We should get #FiveGuys trending right now. Imagine that
snitches get stitches
quinn has clearly shown herself to be a capable women. once she sucks your dick your converted. not even you are safe. the premise is actually kind of sexy.
see >>34247014 and >>34247085
Someone posted a Humanity Fuck Yeah (HFY) story, presumably by accident. It was one that I hadn't actually seen yet and it turned out to be really good.
Once 4chan shuts down I'll have the time to become an e-celeb

I'll get popular throwing around cutting edge memes and pop culture refrences.

Then when I get to the peak of my popularity.
I'll give out a "free game" online
Encoded with a. Virus that doesn't activate untill days later.
It deleted everything but the OS itself
And a permenant wallpaper of Zoe.
With the words

You should have listened
Phil Fish just wants to get a hand job from a hand that has Deus Ex implanted in it.

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Hey guys, I came from /v/ because threads are getting nuked over there within 10 posts, if its not shitposted to bump limit by people claiming its of board topic. I wish I'd seen the light sooner. Please forgive me
Didn't care about this tumblr drama in any of other 100 threads posted and still don't. Whine about ugly whores having sex and you not on /r9k/.

inb4 ZIDF

Once m00t finds out one of his mods has been playng "puck the underage"...

Heads will roll

furthermore it reveals that their is no "journalism" in gaming. it's all quid pro quo.
What's weird is that depression quest was actually pretty good, and deserved some of the coverage anyway. If I had discovered it on my own I would have enjoyed it and maybe told some other people.
Why the fuck would Moot hire these motherfuckers? Has Moot really gone fulljew on us?

corruption is what governments do you exaggerating black

everyone has always known Kotaku was unreliable sauce

I think the actual problem is that nobody wants their site to land in the crosshairs of the 'gaming' 'journalist' white knight brigade.

When shitaku et al. break their silence on this(because they have to eventually) they're just going to deflect.

>hey guys the problem isn't our corruption that has been exposed
>the actual problem is [whatever given website] allowing itself to be used as a platform for misogynists to harass blah blah
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Not just other "indie" sites.
It's ones with supposed reputation like IGN

Something's fishy

Oh boy can't wait for the mod to crack down on this too.

She's probably fucking him to.

>he does it for free blowjobs
Why hasn't this been edited yet?

Controversy in Video Game industry heading
post all info.
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Remember who the real victim is.
Thanks comrades, I guess my post was a little poorly timed
Deus Ex was good but not "Implant it into your hand" good.
fuck you.
But I'm 26 and married to an attractive asian female with a master's degree in computer science. Why would I want to throw away my current relationship for some fast food bitch?

Inb4 race traitor
Are you not aware how he's tried to monetize this place for years now?

mother of god, that filthy, filthy whore...
Take GameFAQs and Twitter off of this list; the only thing happening on Twitter is the people in question deleting their posts, and GameFAQs is allowing it to stand as well. We need to constantly update this list.
Not that I disagree, but what's the alternative to Moot funding it out of his own pocket? (which hardly seems fair)
i just dont get it. /pol/ can talk about the difference between races, the holocaust being a hoax, and yet this cant be talked about. /v/ can talk about how hot the asses of peach and rosalina are, yet this cant be talked about

what gives? i just fail to see why it's such a big deal, a big enough deal to actively cover up. i feel like i'm missing something. almost every website related to games, and many that aren't, don't want this talked about. what the fuck?
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If she played Deus Ex, she probably put all of her skill points in auto healing and damage control

okay so I checked the sauce on it and try not to cringe while you read her reasoning for this bullshit stunt

>I wanted to conquer this weird, primordial dread of doing something like this. I wanted the chip in me sooner rather than later, to start programming things in my body, to connect more closely with the tech I use to make my art. I didn’t want to just go to a body piercing studio I have no rapport with and sit there like it was just a routine procedure when these things mean so much more to me, as gross and weird as that may seem to most people. I wanted to do it myself, I wanted to take that leap and see what it was like, to DIY biohacking and reach for a more interesting future with my own hands.

meanwhile her shit friends and group are like:
>"omg you're so indy u have deus ex injected into your hand"
>"that's like way more indie than a zelda tattoo"

fucking retard

no wonder the shill in the last thread was telling us all to go to /b/, /v/, and even /r9k/. he knew he could get the thread shut down on those boards
sorry but who exactly is phil fish and why is he "important"?
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Yep. Want to be an online gaming journalist?

Don't mention anything Zoe doesn't like, especially anecdotes about her sexually assaulting people at a wedding. Guy is obviously a n00b, he won't work again under the current regime.
Is the porn worth updating my browser?
That's why we're all here.
Does anyone know any mods on other sites like reddit or any other popular forum.
This is still getting out and around even thought it's being hushed up. But not enough.
We need coverage
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SJWs are in position of power


They're the discourse gatekeepers i.e. mods.

Do you understand now?
you won't have a choice. once she makes you cum she'll corrupt you to be her slave forever.
He made an indie game once and threw a few bitch fits on twitter where he announced he wasn't going to make a sequel. All around stereotypical indie hipster douchebag. There's even a few caps of him posting on /v/. He isn't important, just loud.


>No time for the old In and Out love

No it's disgusting.
Her body is terrible and her face is hideous
He made a game and was in a movie about making the game. And he's, uh, very loud.
>"Can you show us how it works?"
>"its just a file in my hand"
>"But how do you play it?"
>"Oh you don't, I just want people to know it's in me"
>"But you could be lying, it could be empty"
>"No, but it's Deus Ex"
>"But why not a heart rate monitor, or anything remotely useful?"

>">I wanted to conquer this weird, primordial dread of doing something like this. I wanted the chip in me sooner rather than later, to start programming things in my body, to connect more closely with the tech I use to make my art. I didn’t want to just go to a body piercing studio I have no rapport with and sit there like it was just a routine procedure when these things mean so much more to me, as gross and weird as that may seem to most people. I wanted to do it myself, I wanted to take that leap and see what it was like, to DIY biohacking and reach for a more interesting future with my own hands."

You are a fucking idiot.
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At last, now you understand anon.
>Be an aspiring game designer.
>Friends in the industry, working with companies and journalist all warn me of how shitty it is.
>They are all have nearly quit, or been fired for "upsetting the balance" which is code for "do as we say fucker, WoW Cata deserves a 9/10 not the 6 you give it!
>Think for awhile and be freelance.
>Maybe I should go indie!
>I save up enough money to live on while I make my game so I dont have to beg.
>Phil Fish makes a ass out of himself and ruins nearly any credibility indie devs have.
>Zoe fucking in and out girl arrives on the scene to make it worse.
>Start having second thoughts again.
I hate these fucking people more then life itself, they shit all over their fans, dont like fucking games, dont like people who play games, but know its the easiest fandom to manipulate because everybody and their autistic mother play them.

Fuck Phil Fish.
Fuck Zoe.
Fuck Anita and fuck every last dirty cum rag who destroys the only fucking decent hobby to make a living at left.
They are even destroying the comic industry.

>Ill still continue to work on my game regardless, because I want to make something people enjoy and be happy for it.
She does look kind of manish in the face. Was hoping the body would make up for it though. Oh well.
He's not important just apparently a "friend" of Zoe's. Most likely a 6th burger or fry.
He likes to throw tantrums
Grey Death. NSF Now.

ugly r rating

I get it she is a fat degenerate with dyed hair.

The things i don't get.

>not even remotely /pol/ related
This has nothing to do with news or politics.

/V/irgins should be handling this battle. it's about video games.

>Who does it affect?
About 6 people in total.

So many other good happenings on at the moment so please gtfo and stop posting.

Zoe Quin is a whore. It has been noted.
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Keep truckin', friendo
why do you care so much?
why don't you hide the thread?
one bad apple taints the bunch, and now we got five of them,
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Why should we care about vidya anyways

The entire culture is poison
It's beyond saving
Well, it is one for the books.
Only one guy was able to jack off to it when they were first found on /v/.

He was considered a saint then the matter was dropped
they literally were not getting attention so they focused on what the vast majority were paying attention to, and then they starting kicking it.
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I'm really trying anon, but each year it gets worse and worse thanks to these degenerate mouth breathing motherfucking snow flakes.

Ive already got shit on for
>No female lead.
>Its to hard.
>Why is there no transgender character.

>blatant example of cultural marxism
>not marxism

Stop posting with that flag, faggot.
>This has nothing to do with news or politics.
>This has nothing to do with news
Its solid evidence of an instance of corruption in the industry of video game journalism

>/V/irgins should be handling this battle. it's about video games.
The mods there disagree. Threads are deleted near instantly, and even on /b/ they're getting deleted it.
saved for the inevitable

/pol/ janitor/mods pulled this same shit over janitorgate. What was janitorgate? When it was revealed that /pol/'s mod was a homosexual brony, and that several mods/jans of other boards were niggers/gays/feminists?SJWs. Because revealing conflicts of interest in our benevolent and all-powerful moderating staff is against 4chan rules.
>keep /pol/ in /pol/
>unless we *really* don't like it, then we'll just auto-sage and ban you

I will delete the thread if you don't be quite.
Fuck them. Your game will be better than them.
/v/ is deleting any mention of it
So is /b/
/r9k/ just kinda dropped it, but for a whole they had some
Mod problems

And a little earlier we were too, the last thread was shitposted to pieces. I don't know what happened
Why the fuck isn't this topic allowed on /v/?

You have to be willfully fucking blind to think a developer fucking video game journalists for positive coverage isn't somehow video game related. It directly impacts the goddamn hobby.

Did Zoe fuck the /v/ mod or something?
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/pol/ is always the last hope.
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There's an article on kotaku right now promoting some indie dev's rant where he calls video game fans terrible people not worth supporting.

I fucking hate the smugness of it. Publish an article about the rant and say he's right and telling your readers he's right about them, therefore suggesting he's a better person


Yeah, I'm sure most of the mods here have loyalties elsewhere and were made mods as part of moots internet dick-sucking tour to try and desperately remain relevant. Daily reminder, moot, canv.as was a complete and utter failure, without 4chan and its base, you're fucking nothing.
She did everyone and the dog man
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>"omg you're so indy u have deus ex injected into your hand"
>"that's like way more indie than a zelda tattoo"

This is the cancer that is killing society. Instead of actually accomplishing things, these babies justify their existence by drawing on themselves with tattoos and play peg-in-hole games with their "unique" piercings. How much you wanna bet she uses this as a way to attract betas?

>dude, I scored BIG TIME
>oh yeah, how's that?
>this SUPER hot chick I banged
>what was so super about her?
>brony hoof bump right back at you, bro, I told you I was hardcore
So this essentially has an impact on 4chan as a whole. And /pol/ is the savior we need.
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Feminist mods on /v/ sadly.

gaming's dying due to casualization, not due to Kotaku which only leftists consider relavent, anyway.

comics were dying before SJWs humped new life back into them.
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/pol/ was right again...
That's what's kind of made me interested in this saga.

I happened to catch the original post, and was at least cursorily interested in seeing some kind of retribution for Zoe being a horrid, manipulative hypocrite, but that was about it.

But then there was no retribution, and no acknowledgement at all- and then came widespread, multi-site deletions, damage control and censorship that's started to make me wonder if there's actually something going on behind the scenes here.

Hell, can you imagine if it was found that some feminist filmmaker was fucking dudes for good reviews? /tv/ would be all over that shit.

Also >>34247985 is right, and I shall not doubt /pol/ ever again.

A few threads back we even had a SJW post some random CP in the middle of a thread, trying to derail it.

It was completely ignored by everyone and the mod oddly enough.

This whole scenario is bizzare
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>If she played Deus Ex, she probably put all of her skill points in auto healing and damage control

ZING!!! She's gonna need some burn heal!

Deus Ex shoops when?
Does anyone know how this ended up on 4chan in the first place? Who found the blog?
He doesn't fund it, between ads and passes, he makes a healthy profit.

He'd just like to be an internet magnate instead of merely well off, and at his age he probably doesn't give a shit about integrity. You can't spend integrity.
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Join us.

/pol/ is the only source of freedom now.
>meanwhile while other important things are going on in the world

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>every moderator force on the planet is trying to cover this up

Who hasn't this whore slept with?

occam's razor is that moot hates raids
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>On the flip side, what sort of woman will a narcissist assist?

Anita Sarkeesian came out guns blazing to defend Zoe about some bullshit or other before this story broke, so that answers your question. they look out for their own kind
5 guys eh?
I don't know if it's been posted yet but.

>Just like one of my Japanese doujins!
Shit, I knew I had heard of this girl before. She got quite a bit of attention a while back from doing that shit. She will literally do anything to stay relevant.

Using CP to shut down discussion. How can SJWs and feminism justify that?
Somone on /v/ posted it in an attempt to take down kotaku I think.

Before they started, they stopped to deliberate about what it meant for the image of feminism and SJW's as a whole and that's when it spread to /r9k/ and /pol/.
Because suddenly after that discovery, mods happened
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Wow, Internet Aristocrat is really quick at making videos! He already did Zoe. I pray that there is a part 2 eventually. Let's make it happen.

/pol/ = power
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Let's not forget that Zoe was taken advantage of by being forced into sexual favors my these men in exchange for reviews and support for her game which just proves how the patriarchy runs the gaming industry and forces women to resort to sexual favors in order to become successful. Those men should be tried for rape and sent to prison for abusing her like that. I support Zoe and think she was the obvious victim here of male oppression, which just supports what the feminist community has been saying all along about men in power taking advantage of women's bodies for their own sexual pleasure being the only way women can become truly successful. It's disgusting and Kotaku should be held accountable for their enabling of this behavior and corruption. #justice4zoe

it's hilarious that the shitlords of 4Chan are gonna propell her even higher just like they did with Anita.
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>We have lost the idealistic Moot
>Now all we are left with is an empty husk of our once great Big Boss
>The only one we can rely on to bring us back is Snacks.
So who really should be rebuked? Zoey for soliciting sexual favors or the 5 idiots who thought that just because they get access to pussy they should actually put effort into helping her game and gamejams work.
So what is the plan of action to change any of this?
>Play with up to 5 friends!
Fucking kek

Oh my god... This is monstrous. I'm screen shotting this thread for my next article
/v/ no know big word smart man saids
/v/ ignore this post
no respond to this
The faggot on the right (the married one) straight up deleted all his social media accounts.

If that isn't admission of guilt, I don't know what is.
>In a row?
>Why DOES everyone want it covered up?

Because it shows gaming "journalism" and feminists and SJWs in gaming to be completely comrpomised and utterly morally bankrupt hypocrites who whine about obectifying females in games, all the while the females are literally whoring themselves out. The past however many years they've bee pushing this shit was all lies, any credibility they may have had is totally shot, and the gaming companies that bribe them for good reviews aren't happy.
omg are u saying dat Michael Brown dint delete his twitter yet because he gonna post the truth soon?!
social media accounts ARE EVERYTHING
I don't think it's too extreme to say this isn't right for /pol/ because it has a weak connection to politics, and video game journalism really isn't the journalism discussed around here.
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>muh vidya journalism corruption

Aren't we beating a dead horse? There's like 3 of these whores stirring up shit every month, how is this any different?

The videogame industry is fucking garbage, we know this.

This discussion is banned on 4chan since it discussed personal and private information on said person, REGARDLESS IF IT HAVE ANY IMPACT ON THE TOPIC AS A WHOLE.

Now we knew why Kotaku and Giant Bomb are shit, while we already knew Anita Sarkeesian is a Co-lady.
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It's a sad day when even 4chan isn't safe from censorship anymore.

Dark times are ahead.
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So they don't do it for free anymore, huh?
>she pulled down her boy shorts revealing her hidden sex, gaped and wet like a raspberry jelly doughnut the world's fattest man had carelessly shoved his puffy thumb through
>"I give you this gift, this taste of my trickle, happily. However, at a future time I will ask for a consideration. Do you agree? Do you agree to this debt?" she asked, oscillating her hips around like a concrete mixer full of fudge.
>"Y-yes, Locke, anything. Just b-be my manic pixie dream grill for the moment, for this flash of now-time."
>He thrust in her and in that flash it was over and her army had grown by one.
is there a pastebin for info to spread?
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And while we're at it.
Figure out the connections of who's modding where and why they have the goal of shutting all this down,
If they really don't care, they'd let us run loose. But they're not
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>Decide to post Internet Aristocrat's video on Facebook to see responses.
>MFW White Knights everywhere


>SJW with CP

>A person that identifies with 'social justice' also has CP
>and also uses it to radically promote censorship

i've seen some shit.
The problem is 4chan mods,
Among MANY other mods to most other sites are immediatly deleting any mention of all of this the second they see it
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This ain't no joke nigga, /v/, /b/ even fucking /pol/.
God damn 4chan is being overtaken by the hotpocket squad.
I see you found her fantasy article
>Straw that broke the camel's back.
Run with it. Otherwise nothing gets done.
okay so apparently even /v/ is censoring this? how deep does the indie ZOG go??? i thought 4chan censored basically nothing but cp. are /pol/ broteam and badgame the only free bastions of open thought left in a chaotic SJW internet?
>Let's not forget that Zoe was taken advantage of by being forced into sexual favors my these men. It was all in exchange for reviews and support for her game. This just proves how the patriarchy runs the gaming industry and forces women to resort to sexual favors in order to become successful.

Dude, you should have made that into 3 sentences. I fixed it, but damn, get your shit together!

>really just a digital Choose Your Own Adventure Book
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The three main idiots should be outed for it at least. What they did is extremely fucking poor practice for journalists. Boggs needs to suffer a bit more because that asshole cheated on his wife.

Zoe needs to just, get off her high horse a little. She needs to spend a while with her name in the mud, because she's at the helm of a lot of fucked up shit right now.

Don't fucking give them ammo to use, because they will abuse it to the end. Keep it on a fucking professional level if you have any piece of common sense in your body.
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>Fishie only gets to film
Not even the Fish gets to swim in that loose SJW busi.
no more pain, only dreams
Is 7chan still a viable alternative?
The relationship in Game Journalism between the reviewers and the devs are the most directly incestuous relationship I've ever encountered. Some people are bought off easily, and give games amazing ratings for free gear and a copy of the game... these 5 asshats got sex out of the deal... Soooo I'd say they're winning.

the only person who should be ashamed is the married dude, but I dont know what his wife looks like, but she has to be pretty haggard to risk it all on Zoe.
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>threads removed from /v/


>threads removed from /pol/

>threads removed from /b/
The OP

and this
Because soon it spreads to other forms of journalism. Soon, men in their entirety will be considered the lesser being. All men will become niggers if the feminists and SJW's get their way.
Yet this thread is still up >>>/v/258623202

stop being so dramatic.
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That's the logic of it.

We make our own monsters.
As far as I can tell, the reason the threads are being censored are because of how we are trying to contact Boggs' Wife in regards to the affair; this constitutes doxxing and as a result the threads are deleted.

So all we have to do is make an IRC or something.
How long has it been up.
I give it 10 minutes
they also probably got one or more STDs from all her unprotected sleeping around
I just messaged Erik Kain this shit and the links to IA's video and the pastebin. We need big name journalists with actual fucking integrity to talk about this shit.
People are harassing kyle pulver and brandon mccartin for no reason on twitter. pretty sure someone just picked random indie game developers to scream at based on blurred out names in those zoe post logs.... not cool
Been up for 48 minutes.
you never know... the zoepost said she never got back to him about getting checked out
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complaining about 4chan is against the rules, goy. keep /pol/ in /pol/

that mod made a damn good point
Shouldn't me mention this too? http://www.forbes.com/sites/davidthier/2014/08/14/depression-quest-free-on-steam-in-wake-of-robin-williams-suicide/

Fucking trannies and bronies were promoted as well on 4chan.
Mods are asleep. Post Zoe Threads!
What if this is all an elaborate ruse? Is that possible?
i just /pol/ to be wrong. i just want this whole thing to end and everything be better than it was before.
pls just this once
Why would his wife help get the word out about him cheating?
oooh nooo someone is sending me text messages on a private social media website which can easily be blocked/ignored dealt with in any other way than being a whiny little BITCH
It seems the mods have given up on the shut it down technique now
Its disturbing how widespread this shit is being silenced
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Um fucking excuse you how long have you been following this? This is only quite recent, to pretend that it didn't happen doesn't me it never did.

God damn mudblood.

Retards focusing on the wrong people, what else is new really.
Na they still had to pay. Still the only pussy they ever get.
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>pol was right again
Huh interesting I didn't know that.
But we have been making threads all day.
And they've been deleted within 5-10 mins.
As you can see they're doing their part to spread the word, they're linking the original blog to her game on steam through reviews
I loved those books when I was a kid. The major difference though? Even though those books are made for kids they still have better writing than what she threw together.
We might not be able to contain it.
>marketing Robin Williams Death to sell a vidya
holy fuck

Hey /pol/, I just got home from hanging out with some of my friends, many of whom are in the games industry, and one of them is friends with Zoe Quinn - he has apparently been helping her out by flagging all the shit you've put up on DepressionQuest's Steam page for her.

Go after the corruption in games journalism angle if you want, but can you tone down the posting of vile shit on the game's page? That's just making more work for my friend and it seriously detracts from your point - he was telling me how it was a bunch of MRAs trying to bully a woman for being in the game industry.

He's a nice enough guy for a SJW and it's just him and Valve support staff that are seeing a lot of the garbage you're posting - give them a break. They're not who you're mad at.
I never said it didn't happen, pointing out that it has calmed down.
It would bring down the corrupt head
Are you fucking retarded? This has been in worldwide news for years, way before vidya journalism.

All journalism is fucking awful and panders to SJW/Jews/anyone who fucking pays them.

Journalism is a joke, you seriously think it only happens to vidya journalism? How naive are you fuckers jesus christ.

You don't see us making 200 threads a day about corrupt journalism because it happens everyday.
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Reminder that Quinn is a vampire turning guys into white-knight thralls after drinking there cum
yeah harassing random devs that have nothing to do with zoe and slandering them and putting them in videos is the kind of that's going to Get This Taken Seriously by gaming media
Nigga I was just in a thread that got deleted.
Go to the /v/ thread for that
>deus ex on a chip in her hand
>probably the only copy of deus ex in existence that has been involved in a hand job, or sexual contact of any sort

shes ruined this game for me
>jk reinstallan
Your friend shouldn't be a white knight and offer his services for free(he does it for free)
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Children of /pol/... you are beaten. This board is now under my control. Stand down and prepare for SJW occupation. I have come to claim what is mine. Return the nudes and I will spare the rest of your board.
>actually asking us to make things easier on a white knight

So...Valve is now directly involved in censoring this story is what your saying?

Holy shit, is that Burger Chef?
Explains your point nicely.
It won't be so bad. Her tactics will cause her to plateau hard in the industry. She will likely end up as a low level employee for a decent studio/publisher, or she'll be stuck in the Indie market for the rest of her career. She's just giving ammunition to people who will hit her much harder than anonymous posters on >>>/pol/ can do.
Go take your shitposting back to /v/.
If there was ever a thing I wish I could unsee, she takes the fucking cake
This thread has proben the gaming media is a corrupt pile of horseshit, why do I give a fuck?

Things need to be shaken up, not taken into 'consideration' to see how my feelings feel about this feel.
Everyone who has a goybook, post that shit. If people give you shit, throw it back in their faces. This needs to get around.
You know how you can tell Zoe is a real sleazebag?

She took money to be naked on the internet yet didn't even have the courtesy to show her vagina. She was so arrogant that she thought her flabby boxy body was sexually enticing enough on its own and those silly boys could get off on her half-finished tattoos and gyno tits without needing to see pink.
Got a demo anywhere? Who are the people making these comments anyway? Are they playtesters or journalists?
>people on /pol/ can finally do the right thing within their influence
>please waste your time on these things you can't change anyway and ignore the SJW cancer that you've been warned about all this time
>nothing to see here

No he/she/it did not.
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>/v/ making another shitstorm about some retarded cunt in their hobby

what is this? the fourth time you guys have brought this shit to /pol/ because you fuckers try to form raids to dox?

Anita, Dina, that one cunt from Dragons crown, now this?

Jesus Christ you faggots really are afraid of women
Why contain it?

Most of us know this, that is why such opportunities are gold.

It is all about credibility, and the SJ tards are using up theirs really fast because they are unprofessional retards that think their buzzwords will always save them.

Forgot my pic. This is what you should tell them.
Gotta go listen to the superbest friendcast who love neogaf anyone want to take bets they can't talk about this

Wait till you see when Hilary gets elected how shitty women can be.
I bet you use tumblr, fagula.
Oh shit, that is exactly what he is implying. Aaaaaand screenshot.

he's been whiteknight-spamming in defense of Zoe all day
Why would they?
why should this occupy real estate on my facebook wall? Why should I annoy all the people i know who aren't really into gaming with this?
anyone else here want to fuck Kyle in the boipussy?
>Sure. What would I say to him though?

Do this, in this order.

0. Make your intentions clear to him first. Say you are sick of corruption in journalism and use the term "Indie Developer Casting Couch". Don't use feminists terms, but make it clear that women shouldn't be pressured into sex like that, ever.

1. Ask what his intentions are first and foremost. Does he want this info to be shared with blogger/youtubers, does he want to share it with bigger news sources or on social media?

2. Then ask what he has info about. You need to do this second, because the first question establishes a sense of trust.

3. Then ask him to give you the info in whatever way he would like to give it to you, by encrypted email or imgur, whatever. Just get the info somehow.

He wants one of us to get the info, but he wants to know it won't be used for slut shaming.
Key word: how?

It's pretty rare for someone to intentionally make their marital troubles news. She can't fire him. There's no guarantee she'll even divorce him right away.
Forbes has pretty good gaming articles which I always found strange, I guess it's because their staff have actual qualifications.

I know a lot of people who have done "video game journalism" and most of them have never had a real job and really don't have any qualifications for anything.
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>TFW Sakurai just blew SJW the fuck out with tonight's Smash 4 Pic of the Day

Its a sign, a sign that there will always be hope.
Every time someone asks this question I know at least some things are right in this world.
>Its disturbing how widespread this shit is being silenced

This. It's abnormal just how far the SJW reach goes.

1st thread i made on /v/ got deleted within the minute. The 2nd thread i made was derailed in no-time.

And it's not your average shitposting either, it's dripping with Reddit.

If anything needs to be done it's reconciling all the relevant boards and start mass emailing to moot, he must fix this SJW problem in his staff because politically-motivated censorship is not acceptable ever. 4chan is slowly turning into Reddit.
If they aren't into gaming, why would they care if you post this? Sounds like you just don't want the word to get out...well, more than it already has.
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Seriously, this shit is nuts. It has opened my eyes to the fact that even 4chan, in itself corrupt, can become even more corrupted by fucking pussy of all things. This man fucks GIRLS and yet dares to tell us what we can and can't talk about? He dares call himself a Moderator?!


This is the Wild Wild West, motherfucker.

I suggest a bloody coup to tear down the current mod structure and subsequently appoint our own, incorruptible doctrinaire neckbeards in their place. One thought is that they must be so repulsive that not even the whoriest of gold diggers could bear to come after them. Absolutely no normies, no one that looks even remotely half decent. Another requirement could be, they have to live with their mom. I don't know. I'm just brainstorming here.
>Sakurai just blew SJW the fuck out with tonight's Smash 4 Pic of the Day

I don't know what that is. Why don't you post it?
You're ruining Their poster girl for getting all chipped up
Why should we give a fuck about that partisan whiteknighting? Would they care if it was a guy being pushed into the dirt?
Now they try to blackout the whole incident because it doesnt fit the SJ narrative. Lying manipulative fucks, i really hope that one day all of you pay the bill.
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To be honest, 4chan does have rules against "doxxing" people.
Things would be better if people stopped posting the nudes.

Better, here's Tumblr's reaction

Valve is taking down offensive stuff that violates their community standards for reviews. It's not some unprecedented censorship campaign - pretty much every legitimate company is going to keep blatantly offensive irrelevant material out of their customer review sections.
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its some nintendo mario shit

dont get off topic, go to fucking /v/ if you want to talk vidya not /pol/
>the SJW tumblrfag is a homestuckfag

14 year olds made this? That's awesome! They got some talent!
>Things would be better if people stopped posting the nudes.
What does that have to do with doxxing? The nudes are publicly available pictures that anyone can find with a quick google search.


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/v/ doesn't allow any discussion that does not conform to SJW norms, or that questions SJW orthodoxy in any way. This has been the state of affairs with them for years. They are so busy arguing about nintendo and why it does/doesn't suck that they still haven't noticed
anyone have a COMPLETE list of sites/places in which this has been censored? I have a few different copies of the list, but they are outdated.
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>he does it for free pussy
Isn't it being taken down because of doxxing? Dunno doesn't seem right to me seeing that. Why not just try other journalists and do a proper investigation? Apologies because I didn't follow this entire thing and just heard about it from /v/
Really? Thank god. I might have to visit /v/ again if the feminist threads are being deleted. You faggots really need /vpol/ to contain your faggotry.
cp doesn't even get banned that fast. seriously, what the fucking fuck.

mods need to get their priorities straight.
Posting nudes on /v/ is grounds for deleting the thread.
Plus nobody wants to see them unless they are bulimic or work for Kotaku.
Friendly reminder to do what you have to do to complete the vision in your head.

If your game didn't have any female leads when you started, unless you had planned on adding any to begin with then don't change it. If your game was meant to be difficult from the get-go, then don't change it. God forbid you didn't write in a trans-gendered character in there before, you sure as fuck shouldn't now.

You need to learn to appreciate criticism, and not slander. Critics aren't critics these days, so you LITERALLY have to learn to read the real criticism now. Which is highly unfortunate for you.

But in the end, don't give up. Because as long as you stay true to your vision of the game, you'll make it, and it will be all the better for it.

Shoot me an e-mail if you want, if you need any help or support I'll be here.


So "This game is trash and I can see how it took sexual favors to green light it" is going to get removed? That's incredibly relevant and true and expressed in an unoffensive way...
Well, I just found out I was banned for posting about this on /v/.

Not that guy, and it has nothing to do with doxxing, but the nudes are unnecessary and are just making us look bad. It plays right into the slut shaming narrative.
They love shit talking for funs. Eh its over you lost you got stuffed into /pol/. It sucks hard. I get it. now see how poorly gamers are treated and there is no way to pull your money. They will burn. They don't have the skills for real jobs so you wait a few years and something will come out. Cutthroat people exist in every industry and when these people think they got something to retire on bamn the new social justice warriors eviscerate them for being whores while being whores themselves. Bro team had the balls to shit talk zoe.
Well, congrats soldier. Least you've done the smart thing by coming here to tell us abo-

Oh wait. Now they'll get you here for ban evasion. Smooth.
God dammit. She figured out she won't get the right attention from us.
Fair enough, I thought you were implying that posting her nudes had something to do with doxxing.
if he's only banned on one board, he's safe here
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>some indie dev's rant

not just any indie dev...
I'm banned on /v/, not on /pol/. It wasn't a global ban. The reason for the ban was that it was "off topic" and "not relating to video game culture."
Oh right, forgot. e-mail in name thread.
everyone else got sex out of the deal, and he's doing it for free?


dude. if you see forbes.com/sites it's literally just another blog front. These arent real Forbes writers
You have to have a "slut" to be "slut shaming".
reported for reporting reports
reported for encouraging vigilante action
Are you not aware that being banned on one board doesn't make you banned on every board most of the time?
*bullshitcoughcough* Not relating to videogame culture, my ass.
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Remember to watch this video, too.

that's just him being wishywashy from yesterday. He's the one who said he got sexually harrassed by zoe at phil's wedding, then phil threw a shitfit at him for saying it.

you guys getting BTFO

damn who would of thought that /v/ was smarter than /pol/ to report your shitposting doxxing
They still have a degree of vetting which is far more than most can say.
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Uh, I'm calling bullshit on this. Deus Ex is around 400MB - 450MB. I can't find information for any microchip implant that will hold that much data.

Maybe she put the MD5 on an RFID implant or something, but I'm having a hard time believing that she's got 1/2GB of data implanted in that hole.

If you know of an device that can do this, please post it here.
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How did these nutjobs amassed the power to impeach others?

The best way to end the SJW pandering would be showing the real game industry that these fucks do not buy videogames, and that pandering to them leads to lower sales, not only that, it also creates distrust in their fanbase. Why would they go with the opinion of someone who not only isn't a costumer, but also gives them bad reputation instead of people who do actively buys their products?

When companies get the heads up involving, listening, or asking these abominations is not only not beneficial, but also damaging tumblr will go back to being just as insignificant as livejournal.

The best way to demonstrate the power of the SJW force, it's by showing they held none.

Any ideas of how can we accomplish this?
It honestly wouldn't be the first time she's been called out on lying.
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You want proof? Here you go.
iirc its just a steam key. she definitely literally did do risky home-surgery for the sake of (???) and publicity
Twelve bucks that the "Chip" is actually a cheap micro- or mini-SD card that she had stuck under her skin.
it's not that shocking given it's about a indie news site and falls under there "people we give a mild shit about" blanket.

Given they more or less probably outright asked steam to help them out if not had contacts inside the company.
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/pol/ACKS! We must remain STRONG!

Here is the only place where it is relatively safe to even mention the quinnspiracy, we must continue to talk about it!

how would u feel if u injected deus ex into your hand for the cyberdystopia but its just a steam key and then valve shuts down steam when Peak Race War happens
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Would you /pol/?
fucking off legunfag
Yeah, but at least yours didn't call the damn video about corruption in video game journalism "not relating to video game culture."

It's not just about sales and money. It's about propaganda and influencing the minds of the public.
and it blows my mind that she got paid to get naked when she looks like that
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Can we ally with /v/? Seeing half the shit that gets posted there I know half of you fuckers lurk over there anyway, may as well make it official.

I don't know if he's fucked her or not. My guess is 'most likely yes.' But we're all pretty fucking degenerate by /pol/ standards - sex just isn't that big a deal to people in our circles.
If she didn't fuck everyone?

>3 day ban for discussing video games on /v/

kek that'll show you
No man, I believed you. I'm saying it's bullshit because they're assholes.
horns dot fucking aiff
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Wow, a Steam key. Retarded bitch is too retarded to at least use the MD5 or some other checksum.
These people have tasked themselves with saving gamers. They can't even save themselves. They consider us in the lowest regard and know gamers can not unite to drive them out. They face absolute truth that they are corrupt and pull an information blackout as if we are children. They accuse us while being incapable of seeing their own corruption.
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I got banned from /co/ because the thread about JL8 spin down into controversy, I didn't agree with the janitor's views, and it got me banned.

IF those boards had had any actual moderation, for example deleting /frz/ threads on sight, or e-celeb threads on /v/ etc it would have not been suspicious, but given these new discoveries, it is quite possible that our mods might be SJW agents.

We SomethingAwful now.

[spoiler]Our Utopia of bans begins now, gentlemen niggertits has been officially compromised[/spoiler]
there is nothing to ally over

you fuckers did the same thing for M9
>/pol/ you're our only hope
then stopped after a week when nothing changed

nothing fucking happened, you guys dont do shit you just stir around in your own shit screaming like children

its entertaining to watch so please keep having a tempter tantrum

screen shot this when nothing happens just like mighty 9
Oh god, niggertits. Now there's some nostalgia.
Made me cackle like a krazy kielbasa, that did
It is obviously not relevant to the boards interest anon.
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Around snacks...
I'd try, but I don't know if I could.

Really, it's not even her body that bothers me so. It's the flat, limp, thin hair. It would be like doing it with the bass player of a 1970s jazz fusion band, only in the early 90s when life had really served him up a shit sandwich with diarrhea lemonade and he's really trying to find the tunes but it's like all the kids are into that grunge and they don't appreciate Weather Report like his generation did and man even the purple hair dye isn't managing to connect him to a younger audience like he thought it would and also his hair is limp and thin and he has to wear glasses because he's 45 and his eyes have gone to shit.
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Mods are hard at work I see

>we didn't censor anything!
Who the fuck has the power to bully ol' Wozzie Bear
jesus, that's actually pretty scary

more details on circle.

we don't care about the sex so much, it's a mild ho-hum. I like to fuck too. I fuck girls who have multiple partners.

The cheating thing makes her a terrible person but the SJW aspect will just turn that into slut shaming. Besides, that's NOT what we care about.

we care about how a person (note that I am not saying woman, gender does not really matter here other than she was a chick and they had dicks and we know what happens there) MANIPULATED AND LIED TO AN ENTIRE (tard-baby of an industry that it is) INDUSTRY AND THEN GOT IT TO CENSOR THE STORY OF WHAT SHE WAS DOING
Wait, what happened with JL8?

Also, I wouldn't be surprised if it's the mods who vet for new mods, creating as inbred an environment as video game development.
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Phil, is that you?
>All deleted
I've come to see /pol/ as the only sane place in the entire internet.

Treasure these moments boys, we don't know how long they'll last.
pretty sure they are deleting that for mod evasion you dumb retard

least they didnt delete the thread because of your dumb ass
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inb4 deleted
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>I want a male lead its my game
>I want it to be hard, its my game
>I don't want there to be a transgender character, its my game.
If they don't like it they wont play it.

Tell me what it is and ill buy it twice when it comes out.
I'd say that I wish a mod would explain their reasoning behind this, but after seeing what the /pol/ mod posted I probably don't want to.
I feel like I'm front row at a fucking Jerry Springer show. Everyone involved in this is daytime TV levels of retarded. Fuck this entire industry.
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is he doing it for free?
She's only good for hate-fapping. Not good looking enough to be worth getting AIDS.
Why is her hairline so high?

Serious question.
Well I want moot to kill 4chan

No. She looks like she has nigger lips. I think she is tainted.
Was he already found dead, hanging from the ceiling, in a sailor suit with his dick in his hand?

What I am trying to say, what is he up to?
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>posting on /co/

Redwood's a nigger so you're pretty much in Orwelland there.

>faggots thinking they're best but can't make any worthwhile OC outside of fetish material
these people do not deserve to be in the game industry. They blatantly disparage us while ignoring their own unprofessional actions. They call an information black out to protect their own corruption. These sick fucks think we are children and we are on pol where other sick fucks will call out a group and treat them as if they are inferior. There are no social justice warriors just people looking out for themselves and their bank accounts who scam without consequence.
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>You don't see us making 200 threads a day about corrupt journalism

maybe we should
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You did part of the job. Now get rid of the tattoos and piercings. Then I would fuck it.
>posting screenshots of ban evading all boards

how fucking stupid are you, of course they are going to delete it and ban you

not like it will do anything but good lord you are stupid
well damn i love his twitter.
Dude has my respect now never really got into allot of his stuff but yeah dude got my respect though which is more than pretty much everyone else on youtube has.
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you have access to the head bitch in this whole conspiracy?
>Tell me what it is and ill buy it twice when it comes out.
He can't do that anon. The SJW will know the dev is an "evil shitlord who hates womyn" and his game will be banned for oppressing snowflakes.

Video file mirror if this ever gets taken down

if anyone is interested their is a thread about her on /v/ right now

maybe you people would care to insert some commentary about this situation into it, i would like to hear some actual dialogue about this

>Go after the corruption in games journalism angle if you want, but can you tone down the posting of vile shit on the game's page?

Not unless we get some dyed haired, thick rimmed glasses gamur gurl sex out of the deal. Not from what's her tits, though, she's hideous, but one of the ones that looks good. That's the price of our silence.
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>you fuckers did the same thing for M9

That is because there was nothing to be done about Mighty No. 9. It isn't unethical to draw female game characters. It is extremely unethical, and should be illegal, to have sex with your boss at work.

This is pants on head retarded, just like Phil "Baby Beard" Fish
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No one knows.
Mods deleting shit left and right BTW.
> pierced nipples
> anorexic
> man face
> awful tattoos

Literally the only thing she has going for her is that she has a vagina.
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He's also got mad balls for calling out Machinima as well.

Everything is connected. Watch as Machinima partners suddenly take to playing "Depression Quest".
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Row row figh



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Shitty genes and too much hair dye.
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>/v/ keeps deleting the threads

The scum are among us

We need to vacate to another chan or something, this is fucking ridiculous
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Anyone else trolling her "game" forum? there's some gold to be had in here.
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>Her tactics will cause her to plateau hard in the industry. She will likely end up as a low level employee for a decent studio/publisher, or she'll be stuck in the Indie market for the rest of her career.
>implying she won't suck dick all the way to the top
Erik Kain is a bastion of hope in the ocean of piss that is gaming journalism.
DmC: Donte might Cry is a perfect example.
>every other 'journalist' praises it as the second coming
>Kain writes a 3 part story on the game, admits that he had fun with it but can see why 2.75 million people think it is complete dogshit.

>best gaming journalism comes from a fucking finance journalism site
Yeah go to 420 chan, please.
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>this thread
Just posted a thread about this on /v/ we will see how long it takes to get taken down.>>>/v/258632440
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holy fuck
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>fight da power

I love these threads but can you stop, that shit is corny as fuck
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I say we make a single-board chan.


make that a bi-bordial chan.

>implying she won't suck dick all the way to the top

You really think millionaire game publishers want anything from her? They can get solid 7/10 women on the EA Casting Couch all day long. No need for Zoe "Deus Ex" Quinn.
just like ur mums vagina
in that one thread still existing on vidya there's a easily distinguishable minority spam posting of various versions of 'who cares'

more forced than milhouse
Oh god this whole thing is great read. I love game drama. Really lets the filth come out and show.(Not this but the corrupt sites)
I see you do not touch the untouchable,break the unbreakable.
If you're having trouble with the moderation here, sent feedback. Enough people make ripples. 1 is nothing. 25 is something. And 100 is noticeable.
You gotta respond back to the mod at the bottom, adds to the funny factor.
so /pol/ what do you think zoe's ethnic origin is?
I couldn't. Its the face. Then again I'm saying this with a flaccid dick.
If Zoe says it's oppressive it must be fucking true!!!!! You fuckers will never hurt the teflon snatch. There are enough teflon snatches and copper balls to out whine you dumb fucks.

Moot should know better than to fuck with 4chan's users, hell he KNOWS better than to fuck with 4chan, he's stated publicly that he does not fuck with 4chan.
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here's mine.

>All that build-up

He's literally begging people to make him tell.
When did Broteam call out Zoe? I know all about the Machinima bullshit.
/pol/ is exactly as filthy as corrupt journalists. This "campaign" is making me facepalm hard. This is like fucking daytime television.
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>mfw I posted in that thread with a report link

I just want to watch everything burn

It's already gone.
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He's not the most popular or liked person but do you guys think asking Sean Malstrom is an option? He does hate the SJWs.

I want to see the whole thing come down. Let's find some more links and connections.

Some of our more talented undercover operatives should message and join up as 'allies' and try to get a better sense of who's pushing what agenda from the top down.
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in case anyone didn't see
Remember the nigger who got shot? Okay let me be specific, the nigger who robbed a store, and then got shot...I am terrible at this, who was shot 6 times as he was fleeing?

Well the JL8 draws these cutesy support posters for every contingency, and people donate money to him, and he donates part of it. Basically like any charity store, you buy this for that, and this percentage goes towards charity, yada, yada.

Well the thing is that he drew this, and negroes did not like it because cops are obviously the bad guys, since they remind them of the massa, so a black massa is like super offensive. SJW turned on him, and so it is the end of JL8, because of NIGGERS Yale was trying to help.

There is also a faux controversy about him showing his dick, but this has never been proved successfully, and people are adamant on people asking for proofs, so if you go around asking about this, people expect you to take their word for it, you can go ahead and ask in twitter, and facebook, his dick isn't there.

I said making a martyr of a delinquent was stupid, and that got /co/ janitors panties in a twist. So instead of deleting the thread when it reached more than 50 posts, he simply went on and banned people that did not agree with #justice4treyvon part 2.

Yeah, I'm not giving you any more details, I've probably said too much as it is.

The people on the other side of this only see this as slut-shaming. You are a bunch of autistic manchildren attacking a girl for trying to break into your 'no girls allowed' treehouse. You are just getting written off as the same old bad guys that appear in every feminist narrative.

You only discredit yourself and get the sisterhood and the white knights to circle the wagons when you harass and bully a woman online, no matter what she's done. I don't know how you haven't figured this out by now.
go on his twitch he had to do an emergency play through of depression quest in which he talks about this. he also talked about it on his twitter.
Already down, holy shit
if you're there, have you been b&?
If you're going to do something, fucking do it now.

It's only a matter of time before fuckers from SA, SRS, etc. start posting strawman comics and videos to poison the well.

Now is the time to act.
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Zoe gives them a handy every time they delete a thread, they have their priorities straight
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We'd probably be more inclined to help you /v/irgins if you were actually concerned about the breaches of journalistic integrity, but you're just meme-spouting the same FEMINAZIS RUINED MUH GAEMS tripe.

Do you even care that she slept with her superiors for good reviews and positive backing?

I just want some answers. WHY IS THIS HAPPENING!?

Must we bring /b/ into the equation? surely their numbers are infinite and their thirst for lulz and internet accountability is unquenchable.
Yeah maybe if we just ignore corruption it'll go away.

Oh wait, that never works you fucking idiot.
Oh, that? I don't see why people would get mad. Maybe because it's Hal Jordan.

Also, you don't have to say "/co/'s janitor". We all pretty much know it's Inspector Redwood.
Let's not forget that Zoe was taken advantage of by being forced into sexual favors my these men. It was all in exchange for reviews and support for her game. This just proves how the patriarchy runs the gaming industry and forces women to resort to sexual favors in order to become successful. I support Zoe. #Justice4Zoe
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If /pol/ manages to make her career bomb it would bring 4chan into a new golden age like that of the 2003-2007 era 4chan

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>If I sleep with you, will you unban me?
In brightest day, in blackest night,
No rims or jordans escape my sight
Fuck the truth, who cares who is right
fuck whitey, WE DIN DO NUFFIN!
# R E K T



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This the one?
twitch /broteam/b/558874575


Wow. That is truely VILE of them.

SJW are truely the new Nazis.
handy jays for metacritic scores on superman 64. They will be coming from a guy but don't handslutshame me
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I am hoping it was someone else, seeing Redwood go full SJW is sad. /co/ has been good to me.

Fuck you Redwood, you used to be my nigga.
Left ebin powah may may XD
What needs to be done.

1.Make more images about what happened, clearly showing Zoe was in the wrong.

2.Distribute this around the net, put in on imgur as a repository for later thread.

3.Spread the information around.

4.Someone make a youtube video about the who thing, like a mini-documentary.
Yes I do. This shit is completely fucked and needs to be talked about.
I'm reading his post on his fourms right now it's just full of shit about how machinma is failing and there not even paying bills.

I wonder how twobestfreinds are doing...Also i had no respect for them after freemans mind anyway they treated that guy like trash.
Godspeed you crazy dog..

>You only discredit yourself and get the sisterhood and the white knights to circle the wagons when you harass and bully a woman online, no matter what she's done.

Not among the sane quiet people who quietly watch and read all this without commenting. Remember, women are increasingly identifying as anti-feminist and saying in survey after survey that feminism is irrelevant, obsolete man-hatred.

No he didn't. I hate it when people say

>There are wars and death and famine and disease! They are more important!

No they fucking aren't. It's like imagine your loveable grandparent dying and now try to imagine a million niggers dying in africa that you have never met. I bet you felt more for the first than the latter. This matters to us because it is what we are involved in and it affects our hobby and part of our lives. ISIS or whatever doesn't and if they do they will get blow the fuck out when they try it.
i blame the gaming media for how shitty the games are today

Take a few breaths and think about what you're saying. You're all going fucking insane. I'm going fucking insane just being here. My head is spinning just thinking about how fucked up /pol/ is
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>Redwood go full SJW

What is so fucking appealing about this SJW shit? How the fuck has it spread like wildfire so quickly?
Guys, we don't even know if she got good reviews out of sleeping with people. It's possible, but we don't have any evidence of it.
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I know about you guys, actually. I know about the coke.

It's going public soon.
That's rather poetic, actually.
Still up to the chin full of faggotry, but poetic faggotry.
>If /pol/ manages to make her career bomb it would bring 4chan into a new golden age like that of the 2003-2007 era 4chan

No. We honestly don't care about her career. That is really low-hanging fruit. You need to go after the guys who either consented or coerced her to have sex. Some of them work in very high positions in the indie game industry. They are the corrupt ones infecting everything from the top down. Zoe is just a pawn they use as a wet hole.

then get out faggot

need to go back to your hugbox?

feeling triggered?
zoe pls
>this got all the way up to bleedingcool
>yale's career is practically ruined
>Godwin's law

They are here.
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No son, the world is fucked-up, /pol/ is just right!

/pol/ is the only sane response to the world we're living in, this board makes everything make sense.
New thread when?
Pussy from ugly chicks, Redwood loves hanging around white ugly chicks.

It... it was a matter of time anon.
It was edited and protected yesterday, but surprise surprise, it's been taken down
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Mah nigga.
It's the new disillusionment. We thought it was over when we lost our childlike innocence. Now we've lost that last bit of hope for humanity.

I think it's the idea of all-inclusiveness and positivity, though under the surface lurks disgust and shame. It's like David Lynch's "Blue Velvet". All we need is a severed ear.
>we don't care about her career
Speak for yourself. People like this need to be made an example, and making sure she never works in the industry again would be a pretty good one IMO.
Not that it's likely to happen, sadly.
sry its called burgers and fries,

yeah that looks like the one he has the balls to cover this.
>zoe pls

Fuck you, idiot. Zoe is a nobody. BMAC is the prize here.
Well that's really the problem. The vocal minority of any group is who makes the rules. Someone yells "MY GROUP WANTS THIS" and claims to speak for their entire group, and people for some reason believe it.
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>If I sleep with you will you unban me?
>All we need is a severed ear.
Is a ball pit full of piss a good replacement?

Now please stay in your containment and leave /pol/ you fucking retards. Stop spamming threads here.
He does it for free
But it's being successfully discussed on /b/ and /v/ right now too...
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This is Gamespot then

This is Gamespot now

This shit is making cry like a bitch, I've been going to that site since 2003, and remember the shitstorm when gerstmann gave Twilight an 8.8 and got fired for not be Vidya company's bitch

What have these SJW's done?
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Redwood was a bitch muthafucka

He enabled all those Adventure Time faggots back in the day; now look what's happened
Original vid that IA was talking about

Nah, that won't work. The ball pit is just a matter of incompetence on part of Tumblr fandoms, whereas we need something else to represent the SJWs.
Zoe is cheating on 5 guys with Big Macs?
Watching it now.
I feel like I should review the game and point out all the buzz words she fails at like ableism etc.
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See this link for the censoring of her Wikipedia page

I thought Twilight Princess was a great game. Sure, it was basically just Ocarina of Time 2.0, but I was okay with that. I thought it was better than an 8.8, but I don't think Jeff Gerstmann should have gotten fired just for that.
I'm a desperate perverted NEET
that being said even I wouldn't fuck someone as evil as her
if it was a different chick with her body then yes
She probably fucked Mayor McCheese.
New bread when?
People need to be careful about sensationalizing this. We don't have any evidence that she got positive press coverage in exchange for sex. I'm pretty sure she has only been accused of sleeping with her boss, with Robin Arnott (curator of an indie game festival), and a writer at Kotaku who apparently didn't write about her game... unless his articles were wiped completely off the internet without a trace.
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>Quinn is also working on a full motion video game starring Greg Sestero.
>Greg Sestero
I have a chan. It's shitty, running Kareha on a free host, but it's something.

If the mods decide to SHUT IT DOWN, at least any more than they currently are, you guys could post there.
No he was fired for the Kayne and Lynch review, the company was bribing sites to give the game good reviews, Gerstmann told them to fuck off, and now he's at Giantbomb

What a fucking world, Ryan Davis is Dead and people like Pat from Giantbomb and ZoeQ are alive

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I've been a regular of 4chan since 2007 - years before /pol/ even existed. What started as a containment board has slowly turned into a concentrate of the most ignorant and spiteful people on the internet. /pol/ and tumblr are two sides of the same coin of insanity, and you're too caught up in your circle-jerk of vitriol to even realize how retarded you're being.
>Thread doesn't bump
Fucking Moot, you kike.
Dude I was just shitposting on Destructioid, they are jumping on her bandwagon.

To be clear, I'm not saying that she definitely hasn't slept with any members of the games media who have written positive things about her game, but there's no evidence or accusation that she has, just speculation.
I can't link it the website thinks its spam.

Bro team calls her out on this and shit talks her a bit.

Fuck he is like the first gut legit covering this and I can't link the stream.

even better

By der Führer, this much censorship all over the internet at the same time, it's almost as if incredibly compromising documents from Israel were leaked on-line.

I don't understand why something this seemingly banal is being swept under the rug so hard by so many.

This is what makes this damn thing so interesting. Anyone have a theory on this?
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>...through the things you find as you investigate their house, makes Gone Home one of the most captivating story driven games in the medium's history.

Could we have stopped this? What signs did we miss? I don't even have a problem with Gone Home itself other than it costs about $10 more than it should, it's all these people acting like it's the greatest thing ever
TotalBiscuit weighs in: http://www.twitlonger.com/show/n_1s4nmr1

>TL:DR - If Zoey Quinn did engage in censorship via the abuse of the DMCA on Youtube then I thoroughly condemn her actions as being both fucking stupid and unethical. If outlets did provide her favourable coverage because she had intimate relations with some of the writers, they're goddamn idiots for doing it, why the hell would you compromise the trust of your readers for that? The shitstorm is too insane right now to make a huge amount of sense of and I have no idea what is true and what isn't. Cooler heads prevail, heard of that phrase? Calm the fuck down and things might become clearer. Also please stop shouting at me, thanks.
oh cmon she was definitely getting all up patrick klepeck's jewdick
Totalbiscuit just posted his thoughts on it.
It's the one I linked.
why do you even come to /pol/ if you hate it so damn much in the first place?

You're a dog-fucking goddamned kike motherfucker that's why.
note that the person in her 'circle of friends' dipped TFO when I mentioned I know about their cocaine use.
unfucking real the pretentiousness in those statements and her choice of vocabulary are amazingly annoying
>4chan is a blunderbuss. It's a giant cannon filled with fuckin screws, nails, bodyparts, shit and waifu.
Aw shucks.
The thread hit the bump limit. We need a new one.
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>yfw reading the Cracked article that will eventually result from this

Oh Boy I hope John Cheese writes something extra retarded
Wait what? Explain please?
Yeah, and then 2 other names that were blurred out, but that hasn't stopped someone from randomly guessing a couple indie game dev names, and now they're getting yelled at on twitter and having their faces plasterred on videos because someone "guessed" and came up with a couple random people who make games
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ZIDF detected
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Tomorrow is going to be a interesting day.
please be trolling please be trolling please be trolling please be trolling please be trolling please be trolling please be trolling please be trolling please be trolling please be trolling please be trolling please be trolling please be trolling please be trolling please be trolling
I emailed Erik Kain some info about this. I want this to be big man.
I want everyone in this thread to see that there is a youtuber that will shit talk this bitch and no Im not him or zoe or the jew or phill phish. He is a canadian saying he saw her on oc cupid
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[Tsundere blushing intensifies]

I told you in my first post - don't ignore the corruption. Go ahead and write about that. Shout it from the rooftops. But spamming offensive garbage on her game's Steam page isn't going after corruption. It just makes you look like giant twats.


The sane quiet people only ever hear that MRA trolls are attacking another woman in the game industry.


If you had said pretty much any other drug I might have been concerned, that's one of the few nobody I know is into.


I'm still here, dumbass, this thread just doesn't have my full attention.
Doubt it. Like he said in the TL;DR, he's going to give it a while for a fuller story to come out. Hopefully it won't be too late, though.

I don't know why, but I feel like emailing Joystiq might help. Don't ask.
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A true patriot
Someone please send a news tip email to one of the big media (Times, Guardian etc.)

We need this to blow up big time
Because I hate indie devs like her

If everything fails, at the very least, notify dailymail and its ilks
Jew just mad we never fall for you tricks, you hebrew lying spider cunts.


>Zoe whore confirmed for Mkultra.
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>What signs did we miss?

There were no signs to begin with, the only thing that I remember were Overly concerned parents worrying about the violence and oversexualization in vidya

Now it's Whores and Pussy whipped faggots among our age group complaining about Violence and oversexualization, but now they have power and positions to spread their ideology and censor anyone who disagrees.

You are not alone, brother.

I'am going to keep posting this shit 24/7 non-stop, and i urge everyone else with even a bit of love for vidya to do the same.
you dont have an email address or what
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>Implying Zoe Quinn does other drugs just not cocaine
>Top Kek
>When will you blow up your twitter calling 4chan a bunch of disgusting monsters?

Phil get the fuck out of here. Your giving us more ammo.
>Oh Boy I hope John Cheese writes something extra retarded
He can't stop himself from being an annoying faggot, it's in his nature.
>The sane quiet people only ever hear that MRA trolls are attacking another woman in the game industry.

They're not sane if they use labels to attack and dismiss criticism.
They're not sane if they think MRAs even have anything to do with this.
They probably wouldn't pick it up, seeing how it goes against their liberal views.
My theory is that she's the poster child for gullible girls to think getting chipped is cool, and to then encourage everyone else that its a great idea. And this is ruining it.
Its an nwo plot, hence the odd amounts of censorship.

But then I think everything is an nwo plot.

damage control intensifies
A god.

Here's the reupload of the MundaneMatt video
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considering she would probably still be dripping the spooge of the last video-game reviewer she fucked, idk if I could even get it up. I'd jack off on her face and slap her after, though
Because it may lead people to see that feminists are full of crap. And that media in general is full of corruption.

I could severely damage profits for a lot of people, and well, money is everything. I mean, they can report on all kinds of things about other countries and war atrocities and political scandals, because it sells, and your average person can't do anything about it, but we can choose what we consume. We literately control the elite with what we buy, its why the media spends so much time trying to brainwash people, it makes them, and by proxy, profits, more predictable.
haha thanks. I thought I was taking crazy pill there for a minute.

>implying other anon wasn't just fishing for information on drug use and just got some
The same way they justify any of their hypocrasy

>i'm a victim!
>you're harassing me!
>oppressed people can't do bad things!
>it doesn't matter what i do, we have a bigger problem, it's called straight white males!

pick one
2 minutes and baleeted

>>34252020 ?
>>34252020 ?
>>34252020 ?


>>34252020 ?
>>34252020 ?
>>34252020 ?

or how about fuck you and your faggot friend
Check out bro team on twitch look for the vid burgers and fries its an emergency play through of depression quest after finding out about these threads.
I just realized something
the threads on /b/ are getting deleted because they know /b/ will actually do something about this
let's see how long before this post is deleted
God Bless /pol/ I may not agree with everything on here but I agree with your freedom to post it. its like the last bastion for free speech on the chan and most of the interwebs
bump cuz fuck you.

I'am even sending dozens of e-mails to Fox News and CNN. Not even kidding.

I wnat the entire country to know how much this stupid cunt fucked up.

If these so called "journalists" think they are important, let's notice the real big dogs.

The government could use a nice sex scandal at the moment to divert some of the attention to the shit that they do. I for once will support them.

The entire gaming journalism crew needs to go down, now.

Hey, I'm not saying it's how it should be. But it's how it is. Barely anyone is going to hear about this incident and the ones who do will overwhelmingly hear it from the perspective I said they would. Does leaving offensive reviews on her game's Steam page support that narrative, or the narrative that you're heroically exposing corruption in games journalism?

And 'antifeminist' = 'MRA' now, probably because it uses fewer characters on Twitter
Stop polluting /po/ with your /v/ garbage. It's not our fault your mods are shit take it to the board it belongs. This has nothing to do with politics you fucking faggots this is you /v/irgins gossiping about a typical cheating whore. She's only mildly significant to you guys because she designs video games. So fucking what? Pick up a real cause and be productive you fucking pussies.
Thank you, based anon.
I am also doing this as we are speaking now.

Other anons, please do the same.
The more emails speaking of the same topic, the more the news will pick this up.

Make sure to inflate the fact that she fuck her way to fame and manipulate the video game journalism
Because thats what Zoe does!
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There needs to be something new. A new website at the very least. /v/ is being censored, /pol/ is being censored, kotaku, joystik, they were bad from the start. Somewhere free from corruption needs to rise.
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she looks like such a kike there
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Nigger I am one of you, I've been on 4chan since 2006, I was on /new/ before I was here, I've been on /pol/ since it began, and I made a point to keep up with people I've met in the gaming industry because I love games and I'm a huge gamer

Please express your autistic rage somewhere it'll be more effective at achieving your goals and less of a pain in the ass to deal with for some guy who's not even involved in this, that's all I'm asking
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>mfw this thread should have died an hour ago but is artificially being kept alive by mods
>Holy shit. How many fucking dicks has zoey sucked to earn such a massive white knight following?

The majority of the army are aiming for SJW points in the vain hope that some SJW-feminist in their social circle will be so impressed by their white knight bravery that they get a complementary BJ too. Who knows hey may even have a slideshow of Zoe/Locke porn while they're getting sucked off. Well that's their ultimate fantasy anyway.
oh hay yeah because we are your fucking hug box

no wait fuck off and die

that place is so fucking slow that 100 /pol/acks would completely take it over
she's fat m8
bitch is just sucking in her gut

fuck off phil
>inb4 melonhead gets banned
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Not today, Makaan!
part 1
Just a passerby, but flicking through the twitch video someone posted, holy shit this bitch has no clue what depression is actually like
I don't even think she researched it
I was clinically depressed for several years when I was younger (from 8th to 12th grade, to be specific), attempted suicide after dropping out of highschool and thankfully got treated soon after
When you're depressed, you don't hate yourself, you don't hate anything, really, other than getting up in the morning, I guess. Life, death, pain, hunger, sex, it's all just another ho-hum thing. There's not a whole lot of sadness. It's more like you're bored 24/7, you can't find anything to get excited about, you don't look forward to anything except the weekend when you can sleep in - a state more scientifically known as apathy. A lot of edgy kids probably have some mild form of depression, it's not uncommon in teenagers pumped full of hormones, but some people legitimately have the disorder known as depression, and they have it way worse than others. You spend most of your time thinking about stuff, usually stuff that's way bigger than you are and doesn't matter day to day (existential crap, humanist crap, etc. Loads of pointless BS) and that can make you feel small and make things worse. You don't laugh, cry, smile or yell unless you're trying to put up a front, which is a very bad idea because you're much less likely to be diagnosed.
I tried to kill myself out of curiosity.
I've never seen such censorship on forums EVER.

Why are they defending this vapid cunt?
part 2
I figured that since nothing was really all that interesting here, may as well check out the afterlife now, if there even is an afterlife. I think the only reason I really put it off is because I figured that considering where I live, it's only a matter of time until I see some kid walk into traffic, and at least then my family wouldn't know the truth about it. That said, it was more an urge than a conscious thought - I found myself fascinated with sharp objects and long drops, I spent a lot of time walking along cliffs, made me think about how easily it could happen, how all I had to do was take one "wrong" step, which is absolutely terrifying now that I actually value my life again. I think that was the key point, really - I didn't care about my life at all, I got really reckless sometimes too, ended up in the hospital more than once. Doing stupid stuff was more about trying (futilely) to get a rush than any kind of self-harm, though. When you're depressed, you never consciously realize it, because everyone thinks it means that you're sad all the time, so you think that you're just another person, which the apathy really helps to reinforce. I think "suppression" is a better word, because what's really happening is that most of your emotions are suppressed, you barely feel anything.
It's not like you can't do work, it's just that work doesn't interest you, and you don't see the point
tl;dr: depression fucking sucks, be happy if you don't know what it's like
because she has friends in the industry
and maybe because it would make them look like complete idiots for defending her

/b/ has fallen on some hard times, about half of them are under 18, and its got a significant infestation of yooropoors and ausfalians, who are SJWs to a man.

that said, if we could get the word out to the right autistic basement-dwellers, we would gain valuable shock-troops
don't forget that reddit also browses /b/
I knew a couple of dudes that used both
Did that too. Waiting to see the reactions.
>only half of them are under 18
Jesus, I shudder to think of what kind of miserable fucks the other half are.
>Nigger I am one of you, I've been on 4chan since 2006

>Please express your autistic rage somewhere

apparently you've been confusing 4chan for weallgiveafuckaboutyourfriendsandfeelings.com all this time

if you had been here all this time then you know what this place is like and exactly what sort of response you would get here. so go play the victim some other spot with the rest of your faggot friends.
Do like seasoned artists. Produce shit for the masses to make a living. Enjoy your hobby with friends.
I just looked it up and played it.

Holy shit, guys. It's literally just a few html pages with multiple option links about "talking about your problem" or "drink."

That's the entirety of the game with 10/10 awards from the betas who got to touch her STD-ridden poon.

Honestly, she's such a disgusting vindictive bitch that I would be quite satisfied with ruining her "career", just like that mixed-race whore in donglegate or the wog lawyer in britbongistan. these fucks got paula and the mozilla CEO fired, and they tried to do it with le Duck Dynasty Man too, so turnabout is fair play
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>calling yourself a gamer
kill yourself
Is this subtle enough?

Sup /v/,
I just finished playing OFFSPRINGFLING and was looking for the next game to sink my teeth into. My favorite games are FEZ, SOUNDSELF and an award winning game called FRAMED.

One of the games I am considering is called DEPRESSION QUEST, it seems like it would be a great game and I cannot find any bad articles about it on KOTAKU.

Other games maybe I would like are

>Excite bike
SPACE invaders
>Nba jam

Let me know what you think. I would NEVER FORGET a good game. I don't really like games with CENSORSHIP either.

>you all get an extra hour
I would absolutely love to see an investigative article on this done by Forbes (as well as more gaming articles from them in general.)
"You have good taste"

Enjoy your bump.

Yeah, I expected this kind of response from edgy faggots like you, but hopefully some people will read what I said and think twice about what they're actually accomplishing by posting offensive Steam reviews
Oh shit it just went past the 2 minute mark! you fucking did it!
you are a god amongst men
/v/ has had like 2-3 thinly veiled threads about it already, they don't need another

threads about video game journalism are the ones in question
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>starts trending
>the actual restaurant gets crazy publicity from this
>make the zoe burger
>"five guys approved"

I want this.
2 threads on /v/'s catalog with her face
2 other non blatantly obvious threads also about her
you're a moron
Good to know that gaming journalists will sleep with feminists and then turn around and call us the monsters.

They're the monsters. We will destroy you.
All threads regarding this are being censored. Stop being a goy.
Your second linked post was deleted, what was it.
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Might have been too subtle, actually
All of them are SJW threads.
/v/ is far, far less censored than posts here would lead you to suspect.

I think the shills are trying to keep interboard movement to a minimum.

Wrong Book. It should be:




"Zoe sucked mine and I don't even know what she made" - 10/10 Kotaku

"She takes it all the way down, fuck!" - 11/10 Rock Paper Shotgun

"I hope she sucks mine next. Please!" - Phil Washedoutdev

"I'm just hoping for a free sympathy BJ from a SJW girl I know. Zoe is the best and I'll defend her always" - 10,000 random hipster gamers
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no they aren't, anything being posted in them is the same shit posted in this one
4 threads on the front page with 200+ replies
they were being censored yesterday
Jesus, that guy seems pretty knowledgeable of the gay communities.
>implying they are not being pruned and slid

This fucking guy

I'm not questioning whether or not they are being slid, but I don't see the point in making another thread when there are already multiple ones
What does it accomplish?
wait until they hit there post limit retards
>>starts trending
>>the actual restaurant gets crazy publicity from this
>>make the zoe burger
>>"five guys approved"
>I want this.

The mayo is vegan. Instead of animal derived ingredients it uses the freshly milked cum of gaming industry reviewers and string pullers. It's called Zoe special mayo, SJW approved.
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Please don't ruin my favorite burger chain for me
Anybody have any idea why I can just go into any thread and see "Dead"/Deleted posts?
Joshua Boggs, who cheated on his wife with her, protected his twitter account when this first broke, and has now even deleted the entire thing.

@erikkain, the gaming journalist from Forbes, has been notified by a bunch of people and will hopefully cover the Zoe scandal. But it wouldn't hurt if a few more sent a tip.
are you using 4chanx?
it pulls them from the archive automatically
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