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/pol/ is celebrating Trump ending DACA while Trump tweets that

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You've had your day to celebrate "liberal salt", now get on social media and make your voices heard. #EndDACA

Trump is signaling that he has every intention of signing such a bill. Not everything is 4D chess.

>"Codifying the DACA program will have two negative consequences: encouraging future illegal immigration with minors and allowing those 800,000 people to obtain legal status for their family members via chain migration, which rewards the very people who broke the law in the first place and further depresses working-class wages," Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., said Tuesday.

He's correct. We have to fight this. What about the dreams of American children, who are being ignored and replaced? Call your congressmen and get on your social media accounts. #EndDACA
It was an executive order. Congress is desperate to kill it. Relection coming up, no republican is stupid. He'll just veto and send it back.

He's encouraging them to "legalize DACA". You're putting too much faith in him.
Because he knows they won't.
It's the best way to get your political opposition under control. Give them free reign over a topic you know they'll fail to handle properly and make them embarrass themselves in public.
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Hmmmm OP I think you are implying with your post /pol/ isn't the brightest group of chaps.
>It was an executive order.

Like that Muslim ban?
He's literally pushing for something Obama pushed for, but pol's 100% ok with it.
DACApedes are pretty based. Why does /pol hate them, outside of ptg at least?
>Like that Muslim ban?

Care to explain how those topics are related? Considering that the Muslim ban had a clearly defined time frame that was supposed to buy them time to come up with a more permanent solution while DACA was just
>fuck congress, #YOLO
in the hopes that no one would bother to repeal it.
We weren't celebrating it, that was the T_D cultists who migrated over here. We had a big post going about how Trumps cucked essentially extending it for 6 months rather than destroying it and beginning instant deportations which his base overwhelmingly supports. Now it will be signed into law and no deportations will happen.
The REAL Donald Trump has shown his true colours.

Still any trumptards supporting him blindly, whatever he does?
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It goes to show how ineffectual the Obama administration really was. All he did was fast track a bunch of unpopular shit via executive order ignoring the fact the next sitting president could remove them just as easily.
At this point though the illegal issue basically can't be solved. Getting 30+ million people out of your country peacefully is a pipe dream.
The best they could do is to get rid of welfare (the only reason they really come here) and give it a few years at which most will become broke and simply go home.
>He's literally pushing for something Obama pushed for, but pol's 100% ok with it.

Why do you think Obama had to do it via executive order? Because there's no majority for it, that was the only way he could get it installed.

There still isn't any majority for it, so it won't make it out of congress this time, either.
What they say isn't that relevant, what's relevant is what they do and what the end result looks like.
>Care to explain how those topics are related?

You are bitching about "Congress not doing their job on immigration".

Trump didn't go to Congress for that Muslim majority country ban.

Using your own logic, it's also "unconstitutional" just like DACA.

or in denial

because DACA will fail based on the constitution, states have already threatened to sue and it has been predicted that it would be thrown out if brought before the supreme court.
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>Why do you think Obama had to do it via executive order?

That was under a D president, now the R president is in and they will pass it for R president. Learn how partisanship works you dumb faggot.


Trump has changed his mind completely. He now believes that DACA is a good thing unlike his 2015 campaign self. Trump has never kept a campaign promise ever.

Yes, as an executive order. But now Trump is pushing for a legal option to grant amnesty, through congress. With his support, it could happen

I'm encouraging people to fight this instead of assuming Trump is playing 12D chess
WTF amnesty don is real now even though it was wrong the last 100 times #ImWithHer
Donald Trump Thought Ronald Reagan’s Tax Cuts Were A ‘Disaster’


The more you bring her up, the more desperate Trumpcucks look.
Let's archive it
>With his support, it could happen

What's the matter, you don't want amnesty for millions of illegals like Amnesty Don?
Kys, shill
Your mom is a disaster.

if it happens, it will be because his supporters didn't speak up. Let Trump know that there must be no amnesty for illegals if he wants to keep our support. Trump is surrounded by people who want this 24/7. The congressmen all want it. The only thing that works on them is threatening to get them out of office.

None of these people will have to live with the Dreamers, none of these people will have to send their kids to schools where everyone is speaking in Spanish
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wow it's almost like any legal action for them will come along with the wall and RAISE huh.
fucking t_d retards not understanding anything. though i'm guessing op might be a immigrant civ-nat cuck triggered by RAISE.
I am not a WN and I support it. I can understand why WN's would not though. In my perspective, there were three main problems with DACA:

1. It was blatantly illegal. Separation of powers is there for a reason.
2. It contributes, even if only partially, to incentivising even more illegal immigration; mainly because our Southern border is not adequately secured.
3. It was already being abused by the Executive to essentially "pass" amnesty to the parents of these young adults. So the criminals who had actually made the decision to illegally cross the border and take their children w/them were being legalised.

The goal of DACA, however, is something I broadly support. It's beneficiaries did not commit a crime by immigrating; their parents committed a crime, and their parents should be held accountable. To blame the child for the actions of the parent is preposterous. So, I think it is unreasonable to punish (deport) these beneficiaries for the crimes of other people. Punish the criminals. But this legislative package must only be passed once the border has been adequately secured; in combination with the law being a legislatively passed, the three problems I described above would all be neutered. Anything else I would consider a betrayal by the eGOP.

Where did Trump say that in his tweet?
This whole thing seems like he's trying to play both sides. Like he's trying to convince his base he's the savior who's getting rid of the evil DACA and he's trying to convince the libs that he's actually a savior who is forcing congress to act to get this in law.
>It's beneficiaries did not commit a crime by immigrating

Their being here is illegal regardless and there's no defending that. Justice is blind for a reason.
With people like Bannon and Gorka gone, you faggots think he cares about the wall or raise act?

You think he's not conning you?
They didn't do anything. How can you punish them for not doing anything? Would you punish a teenager who has been blackmailed via extortion to assist in a robbery? Or would you punish the criminal who is blackmailing him?
>Like he's trying to convince his base he's the savior who's getting rid of the evil DACA and he's trying to convince the libs that he's actually a savior who is forcing congress to act to get this in law.

He's done this various times, like the "transgender military ban" that was never enacted, it even says the the regulation that in a couple months in the study says trans should serve it will go back to Obama's policy. Look it up.

He's a lying sack of shit who does things to make it seem like he's doing shit.

Also his muslim ban expires very soon btw.

Not really, he's being extremely plain and direct in his intentions.

The media is stoking lib rage by saying he's ending it, meanwhile in written statements he's saying he wants the Dreamers to be given amnesty. He's literally only saying one thing, you're falling for media lies.

Contact your congressmen and #EndDACA. No amnesty for illegal aliens.
I just can't give a shit about this stuff anymore. Every time its hinted that Trump is "thinking about amnesty" it just ends with him BTFOing illegals even more. Remember the joint address to congress that the media was reporting he would announce amnesty an instead he announced an agency where people could report immigrants committing crime?
And no one is refuting that it is illegal by definition. That is why I am proposing a legislative adjustment, i.e. a change in what is and isn't legal. Changing the law itself is a legal act. So I don't see your point at all.
Unless he knows it is going to fail. then he can paint himself as the good guy and say
>Oh look congress is obstructing me again! I tried to get them to stay I really did. Poor me Trump *sniff*
It's classic Trump. The libshits brains will melt from the contradictions.
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>Trump literally says pass amnesty
I wonder if maybe this is some 4d chess shit. I bet he's getting rid of it in 6 months so that it will be a contentious issue going into the midterms. He's hoping the democrats will campaign on it, thus making naturalizing illegal immigrants a core of their campaign strategy for midterms which would play out fucking horribly for them.
>Unless he knows it is going to fail.

>GOP congressional leadership want DACA
>Trump wants DACA
>push it though congress
>he signs it

Ok so what will you say after that?
>I wonder if maybe this is some 4d chess shit.

Like firing bannon and gorka?
Im confused about burger law. He tweeted that he wants the congress to legalize DACA and liberals are shitting all over him because he wants to deport 800k people. The fuck does legalize mean then?

That was the media reporting it. Now he's actually saying it himself. Repeatedly. and so was his press secretary
>Repeatedly. and so was his press secretary

36749374934793847 D CHESS

By supporting amnesty he's not supporting amnesty!
I'm not saying you shouldn't oppose it. Get on the blower tell the congressmen they are history if they support DACA
>15 posts by this id
Don't reply to me anymore autist, thank you
>Im confused about burger law. He tweeted that he wants the congress to legalize DACA and liberals are shitting all over him because he wants to deport 800k people. The fuck does legalize mean then?

Trump put 6 month hold on DACA and wants congress to pay a replacement

DACA is not codified law, just like his Muslim majority ban, it needs to be codified so it can't be repealed by future presidents.
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any of the legalization bills being proposed will not pass without further border security and RAISE.
i'll gladly take 800k people already living here, VS 1 million poo in loos, chinks, and mudslimes a year being granted PERMANENT RESIDENCY.
you're no better than t_d civ-nat fag if you wouldn't.
Supreme Court ruled the Trump EO as legal
Supreme Court ruled the Obama EO as illegal

Debate me
>I'm not saying you shouldn't oppose it. Get on the blower tell the congressmen they are history if they support DACA

yeah the people who are sitting comfy in their seats are really scared. Who's going to run against Trump?
Yes, ok, then why are liberals still shitting on him? That's the part that confuses me, this seems like some Obama level shit that he wants to pull and lefties are like "UR DEPORTING 800k PPL THAT DONT KNOW ANY COUNTRY OTHER THAN U.S" even though he's trying to make it the law to be unable to do so.
fuck off shareblue

It's about (((their))) globalist agenda. They want to run a prison planet of race-less, culture-less, nation-less, identity-less subdued sheep. They make up less than 1% of the world's population, yet look at all they control from the world's finances to the media that brainwashes us.

In short, they use the entertainment and news media to encourage globalism and discourage nationalism and traditional western values. They distort and lie about the present and past in that effort.

The truth about immigration, by the numbers:

Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide

The plan to eliminate the white race:

Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:

Cultural Marxism & Social Justice explained:

Why are we in decline - Cultural Marxism:

The Jewish role in the refugee crisis:

Leftist subversion explained by former KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov:

also see

The facts about slavery in North America:

Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:

The Jewish role in the porn industry:

Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)

The Holocaust:
>Supreme Court ruled the Trump EO as legal
>Supreme Court ruled the Obama EO as illegal

That's not true at all and you are full of shit
He's done this with executive orders that are essentially worthless and meaningless and he claims he accomplished some campaign pledge and then never does anything to follow up.
I thought the days of 4D chess were over. It's more like Ivanka asked him to.
Well what do you want me to say? Gas the dreamers immigrant war now? Making calls and writing letters is just about all you can do at this point, as a concerned citizen.
Listen, I know you all love Trump, but I want to re-elect Nixon next term.
>Making calls and writing letters

Yeah I'm sure they will listen to that.

>makes a difference
Well I guess theres nothing left to do but get your gun and start the hunt, Bucko.
Just kidding I know you are falseflagging trying to rile us up. But Trump did say he was going to be president for ALL Americans, that means he is going to do things not everyone likes. Thats life, I'm afraid.

Because they're stupid. But apparently rightwingers are just as stupid if they think Trump making a deal with Dems in exchange for a mass amnesty is some genius 4D chess. Republican WH and congress.
Worked real well for General Nikias
Raise act halves immigration AND makes it merit based. Would you have 500k asians and whites or 1M spics
It is true

Read the facts faggot
These were all his ideas in the first place
i have doubts RAISE could pass on it's own.
you've already seen countless cuckservative opposition to it. it has a much better chance of passing if attached to any legalization bill for those with DACA.
In order to pass amnesty republicucks will have to drop the pretense and shit on their voters. And they will be doing it right in the fucking midterms.
It looks like he wants those RINOs who sabotage him to commit seppuku.
Trumps just taking his base for retards now
>Yes! God Emperor! God Emperor!
>*Extends it for 6 months inexplicably, encourages congress to make it law*
>95% of his base believes hes ended it
He knows Congress is gonna shit the bed on this so when they fail he can say "guess they're all going back. I tried to keep them but Congress can't even get this right."
Literally 4D chess
And 6 months from now when congress has done jack shit and Trump puts an end to DACA what then?
>These were all his ideas in the first place

HAHAHHAH motherfucker Trump is just doing whatever Trump thinks will make him popular

You think he has an ideology?
>Tell Congress to make DACA law
>RINO's drop the conservative act and vote for it
>Trump vetoes it anyway
>RINO's get exposed and primaried

I see no problem with any of this.
RAISE will never pass, Trump knows this and is just promoting that to make it look like hes doing something
>Muh 8567D Chess, hes gonna get RAISE act passed with DACA legislation added in
Thats just retarded. Congress can just do that amnesty shit, Trump clearly wont veto it, hes encouraging them if anything
Trump had the chance to begin deportations and cucked out. Only T_D cultists dont accept that
Tom Cotton and Steve King are ethno nationalists and the best allies we have inside right now. Thank god and show them support as a proud American without outing yourself as some nazi acting retard
Under that scenario deportations would begin, but why would congress do "Jack shit", hes rallying them on to pass it which they now will

If he's willing to sign it then congress may be able to do it. I would be careful with this line of thinking. 4d chess is just a meme,

He wouldn't veto something that he specifically asked for
Because 6 months isn't enough time to take a shit in DC much less pass sweeping immigration legislation. It sounds like an eternity to normies on the street but even in year past when congress actually functioned anything involving immigration law always collapsed. Trump is ending DACA and congress gets the blame for not doing something about it. Pretty good move honestly.
He was also willing to sign a repeal of Obamacare, yet Congress shit the bed on that, despite the fact Republicans have been running on that since the day ACA became law.
As long as McConnell and Ryan are the Republican leaders in Congress, nothing of substance is gonna get done.
IS that why he stuck with his messages when every poll in the country told him he was losing?
Daily Reminder ignore the shills:


>White House talking points on Tuesday urged DACA recipients to prepare for a "departure from the United States," a much starker possible future than Trump administration officials used in public when announcing an end to the program.

Trump has officially put a leash over both parties heads and is dangling a carrot in front of them they will only get if they provide a bill that gives him what he wants. He must make it appear that he wants this to work out so the onus is on congress to make it work.

Trump will get his wall or the DACA shit skins go either way he holds all the cards and will achieve one of his promises
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Hillary is my Abuela

>she has to go back

Trump to deport my Abuela
Sorry but your just posting like a Trump cultist now. Hes openly rallying for congress to pass DACA, which all available evidence suggests they will. He had the chance to deport them now and chose not
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lol lrn to politics
>Cites CNN
>Anyone who doesn't support Trump in everything he does is a shill
>Encouraging congress to sign DACA into law is just 676565D chess
>Lets negotiate with the left, give them DACA then they will give us the wall (even though they never will, only a show of force will work)
Sad that cultists are now spinning Trump encouraging congress to sign this beaner bill rather than getting rid of it now/deporting as a great thing.
How sad it must be to use such mental gymnastics.

I am sure trump said prepare to leave because he does not think they will be.....
>you can bring your child here illegally and they can stay

No fuck off. This incentivizes illegal immigration and announces to the world that you can bring children here illegally and they won't get deported.

Most of these DACA applicants are adults now fully aware that they are in the country illegally. Australia treats illegals far worse and keeps them in offshore islands. Either the law applies to everyone or it applies to nobody.
you stupid trumptards, you stupid white males. Whoever you elect he will always pushing liberals policy. Nobody is stupid enough to make some uncivilisatory like Building a wall.
Deportations are at a record high and illegal crossings a record low though

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