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Obama speaks out on DACA.
>Pardons a guy for excessive drug sentence
>guy pardoned was a murderer too

Yeah, fuck Obama.
Follow the law. Espeically the eligability to become President. If those laws arent followed we might elect some foreign commie who hates Americas founding ideaology because he was educated by muslims.
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Wtf I hate white people now
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White ppl plz help
>is friends with a pedo
>hires the prosecutor that got his friend a sweet plea deal for fucking kids as labor secretary
Yeah, fuck trump
fuck obongo he doesnt know shit
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get a good look at this bitch.

she craves the white cock, she is desperate for the BWC. Deport that slab of beef before it hooks someone in its clutches.
If we all wanted safe, secure borders, there would be a Great Wall of America on our southern border.

This snake cannot do anything but lie. It's his native language.
I wish that stupid nigger would go enjoy the billions of dollars he stole, and shut his nigger mouth.
"I don't want to deal with this problem, so let's just turn a blind eye while it gets worse and worse over time. Oh no, now they've been here for a decade and don't know any better because we didn't do anything about it! How could this have happened?"
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>i no smart, what is law
shit like this will always tickle my jimmies
I have a rebuttals

>the original order of DACA as enacted by obama was illegal

All of that shit he wrote and all you need is my statement above
Nigger advocating breaking the law.

What else is new
>Pardoned murderer is back in jail for another murder.
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Well once they all meet us halfway by "willingly accepting the penalty," then we can start talking about changing laws.
I mean, I can't see why they don't love us

I mean, they live in white people's countries. They're not discriminated against, we don't kill, rape or assault them more than they do, they're actually favored when it comes to education, they're portrayed as better people than us in media.

I've never had the occasion to talk to this type of person because they simply don't exist in real life, they're too afraid to voice their hatred of white people, but I'd love to hear their reasons.
i don't care who said it, that is some mental gymnastics.
Fuck you Obama. You care more about shitskins who don't belong rather than white people who are actually apart of this country. I'm white and don't even have a job making over 100k, a hot girlfriend, nice house, or anything i'm promised through so called "white privilege". In fact basketball players who are black are making all the money and getting all the hot white women. Hip hop culture has destroyed my generation and either turned us all into hopeless NEETS watching anime or turned into brainwashed wiggers. So fuck you OBAMA how dare you actually care about these people who are not part of the country but you leave us to ROT!!!
Dreamers didn't break any laws. Their parents did.

How can they not know they are undocumented???
>Trump is undoing MUH legacy cuz raycizm n sheit
>We all want safe, secure borders
Why that wall of text below then?
>(((dynamic economy)))
>trump businesses have laundered money since the 80's
That's where you are wrong faggot.

The children of illegal immigrants petitioned the govt for deferred action on their deportation. This is an admission on their part of breaking the law.

Elections have consequences.
So basically he thinks Trump should solve the problems his administration was too inept to deal with. Yeah fuck this guy.
James Earl Ray literally did nothing wrong.
That whole on paper argument can be used for fucking everything. Go fuck yourself Obongo.
Being here undocumented is breaking the law, period. Ignorance of the law excuses no one. When they signed up for a "deferred" action, that's both an admission of guilt and acknowledgment that it was only a postponed decision on their deportation, giving them time to rectify their situation by either becoming full citizens or leaving. There's really no excuse for their actions.
Congress never sent him a bill to deal with it. Just like they won't do it now that Trump's asks, but trump will whine about Democrats obstructing with a republican majority
>unless it's contempt of court, that's fine
Fuck O-cunt-a

Illegal president who did illegal things.
>it's an Obama gives a needlessly long statement full of nothing but predictable, empty rhetoric episode
How is petitioning breaking the law?

I don't understand what you'd expect them to do. They've lived most of their life in the USA. They know other of Mexico or south America. If it were you, would you just leave your friends and life behind to go to a foreign country, or defer legal action?
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>they may only speak english
Obstructing what? Wouldn't Trump be happier with no legislation on this being sent forward? All he's doing is reversing Obama's unconstitutional solution to the situation. Trump said he would be a president for Americans, he has no obligation to do anything for anchor babies and the people who voted for him agree. Elections have consequences.
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if it is contrary to the American spirit why did he have to push it through using an executive order?
What I would do is attempt to get citizenship, while learning Spanish and preparing to move. When your parents leave you on train tracks, you don't just stand there watching it come going, "What was I supposed to do?"
He received 3 million less votes than the most unpopular candidate in modern political history
Good thing the popular vote isn't part of the constitution then. California and New York don't get to decide what the rest of the country has to put up with. Resorting to "muh popular vote" just shows you have no rebuttal left.
Obama has literally taken to social media to complain about the President.
>checks other foot, shoe confirmed
at some point the feely arguments need to stop at the end of the day nobody in the USA made the choice, a choice with consequences for the daca people it was their parents. Its like saying that you cant send a drugdealer to jail because the kid will end up in foster care.

Gee, maybe having a porous border isn't a good fucking idea then huh.
You lost. Leave the country if you don't like it.
There is no rebuttal because nothing will happen. No bill on dreamers, no healthcare reform, no tax reform. The president and Republicans are neutered with a majority
I didn't lose shit. I voted 3 Rd party because I don't get emotionally attached to shitty politicians
Did Obama just admit to being unconstitutional?
You and i both know getting citizenship is difficult. They didn't just "stand there". They got jobs, gained education, contributed to their communities and economy, and worked with lawmakers to create DACA.
No one would just move to a foreign country if they don't absolutely have to. How would they even move given that they don't have a passport and often make little money?
Insurrectionist piece of shit!
Dear Obama: This is the problem with short-cuts.
I already said Trump would be happy without a bill on dreamers. What's the issue there? And yeah the GOP are useless, everyone already knows that. The party needs to be burned to the ground and started anew.
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I miss him.
B-b-but anon!

He was so totally a peacekeeper who dindu Nuffin
Yeah, nothing is happening
you miss being lied to and having a president NOT keep his word. Its no wonder why trump is president for the next 8 years
Here's the thing, DACA provided a way for many to get hired by large multinationals. Some of these DACAers who got jobs in those places, who do not make up majority of them, just like many Americans do not have nice white-collar jobs, will be able to move to other countries in Europe, the anglosphere, and maybe even their native countries and get jobs through said companies if they are lucky. Things get complicated when you know that you have to leave the country where you grew up in or force yourself to get married in order to become a resident, knowing people, most of them won't do either right away.

You make that comment with such ease, but if you were in their shoes, and considering that you are
a channer, you wouldn't get much done right away.
Here's the thing, all the writing was on the wall that eventually they'd absolutely have to. Every day they were rolling the dice instead of using their massive advantages to prepare for the inevitable. One of the left's problem is treating people like they're retards that can't ever be expected to do anything for themselves, and then when the bad shit everyone knew was coming happens, everyone throws their hands up like, "how could they have possibly known they needed to take care of themselves after we spent all this time telling them they didn't need to bother."
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pic related
kys, faggot.
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This tbhfam.
Best flag post

>average age of DACA illegal is 25
No bill was passed by Congress under Obama because they didn't trust him to uphold any enforcement provisions.

Then he enacted DACA and proved them right.
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>Things get complicated when you know that you have to leave the country where you grew up in
Their parents did it, so can they.

>these dreamers are americans in their hearts, in their minds
>everyone in the world is whatever nationality gets them the most gibs and have the inalienable right to relocate to that place at the host nation's expense

the average DACA beneficiary has probably paid more in taxes than you have kiddo

get a job

I pay more in income taxes every year than a lot of families earn, eat shit parasite.
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> America grew stronger as a result

As a result of the backlash?
million mexicans go out and a million h1b from asia come in
what i don't understand is if the dreamers have been here for so long then why can't Apu, take the test, and become full burgers

>trumpcuck LARPing on /pol/

what else is new. like i said--get a job and stop stealing my own yankee tax dollars. when will the bible belt write a check to refund all the squandered northern money?
It's almost like it's not as easy as you make it seem.
It's so funny how they run to the courts for protection. All they need is 1 activist federal judge to completely overrule the legislative and executive branches
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Build the wall you lazy fucker.
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Still playing a fake ass hero for approving a "raid" on a house with no power on CIA owned asset land and blowing up the shopper on the ground and spinning crap about "burial at sea" while the crew of the ship was intimidated and forced to sign USS Liberty like non disclosure for life docs about what DIDNT HAPPEN LOL Soetoro your next to be deported though we may want to gas chamber your half kike ass

Fuck you, bitch. This is what you get. You could have been building sympathies, but instead, you chose to tell me to go fuck myself. So... my answer is "No. YOU go fuck yourself".
Oh shit, haven't heard that one before lmao
"The law" as opposed to "a law" it does make sense, stupid as fuck but logically sound
Imagine a white person behaving like this in Korea
am I too believe the mexicans I went to school with in commiefornia, who pull out a mexican flag any chance they get, prefer to speak spanish, and shit all over american culture are patriotic americans? fuck off.
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> talented, driven, patriotic young people
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Both the cuckservatives and the democrats pull this "magic dirt nationalism" where anyone born here (or who moves here at a young enough age, apparently) magically becomes American and holds the same history, culture, and values as real Americans.
Love democrats and media, they're all acting like 1 million are going to get deported but in reality just force these useless congressional shits to do their job in 6 months or get fucked.
That girl is not Korean. She was a spic pretending to be Korean because she likes Kpop.
Actually you're the larper, filthy spic. Trump won the rich vote.
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