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Prove Jews are behind non-white immigration

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Thread replies: 200
Thread images: 113

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You like to talk about "white genocide", but for it to qualify under the UN Convention on Genocide (section 2) there must be a deliberate plan to shrink the white population. If white people simply stopped fucking (like pandas in captivity) then its their own fault. So what proof is there that Jews are behind non-white immigration?

>White Liberal Colleges

>implying this won't cause a large number of college age whites to avoid reproduction because they think letting the White Race die is a noble cause because muh colonialism.
google a video on barbara lerner spectre you faggot
She doesn't make imigration laws you dumb fuck.
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>jews said mean things
That's not proof Jews are behind non-white immigration either.
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Someone has to pay for the ride, poor people doesn't pays for it themselves, they just pay a toll that never covers the entire operative costs.

That's why the pirates always get caught or sink.
That's more like it.
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having fun yet?
read Arthur Kemp, he already said that white people can have a land exclusively for them, like jews in Israel, like tibetans etc. We just need to get international garanty.
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But did Jews write it? Did the plan talk about "reducing the white population"?

>US pays Israel foreign aid
nothing to do with white genocide, stay focused. This might turn out to be a useful thread if you try to provide meaningful proofs for people to spread. Don't just spray a bunch of unrelated shit.
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This actually reads like:
> Retired assholes are shriveling up into old farts, but not dying in these places. So, if we want to keep the wheels turning, we need new people.

I don't see "fuck white people" there, it just looks like they are looking for exploitables, really just anybody desperate enough, to fill the roles opening up, and being left open, due to their unappealing nature.
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Does the Mafia call the cops and tell them about their crime before committing it?

How much more obvious does it have to be. The indigenous population of Europe is White!
see >>139614552
and watch >>139615811
we can give you faggots the pieces we can't put them together for you
No homeland or explicit civil rights for Whitey.

All Indigenous European countries to be flooded by brownies as well as European colonial acquisitions. If Whitey had at least one homeland to call his own like every other group does this wouldn't be much of an issue. As long as Israel exists and is genociding Palestine and won't accept an open borders society then we deserve our own homeland too. It's only fair.

There is a lot of evidence that Jewish Zionist bankers duped Europeans into fighting two world wars so they could acquire Palestine. I'll be damned if all those Europeans died in vain for a kike homeland where they continue to Ponzi scheme the world masses and then blame whitey eternally for it especially after doing so much dirty work for them.

No White homeland, No backstabbing Jew Israel. Sorry, can't/won't happen.
>Does the Mafia call the cops and tell them about their crime before committing it?
cop-out, keep digging you'll find the proof. It exits.
What are you suggesting? Just say it. I already know the schtick about the Jews. Is there something more to it than Jews wanting whitey gone so they can control the globe without opposition?
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>UN definition
-50/10 bait
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just look who was behind the 1965 immigration reform bill

ya mook
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notice how OP skipped over this one

OP should kill himself
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Jew faggot OP still here?
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yea but her jewish ngo pushes for immigration of third worlders, thats what they do, they lobby the people that make the laws you stupid fucking slant eye gook
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There is no Jewish conspiracy...The few Jews that talk about white genocide are just flaccid old men and religious zealots, and are no different than the Deus Vult LARP-fags on /pol/.

You want to know who IS causing white genocide? I'll tell you the REAL REDPILL YOU CAN'T HANDLE: It's white male business owners. That is who.

EVERY country being flooded by non-whites, has white men furiously hand-wringing and using all of their power and influence to bring these people in, because they want a source of cheap labor and a larger customer base. Oh you mad? I'll prove it: South Africa originally had ZERO blacks in it. The blacks were brought in by white men to work in the mines and on the farms. They cost 1/12th the price of white men.

So you can sit here and argue about "muh nepotism!" / "muh economy/muh free trade!" all you want. White men inflicted this mess on themselves. There is no white genocide. There IS 2000+ years of white men being greedy, shortsighted, and stupid, and making the same fucking mistakes over and over again.
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Hey Jew faggot OP dont leave now we're just getting started


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course not
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look at this goy LMAO
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all the jew faggots run and hide?
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>Barbara Spectre admitting that Jews are behind the push for multiculturalism in Europe:
>Gregor Gysi: “Every year more native Germans die than there are born, this is very fortunate”
>Sarkozy: “The goal is interbreeding”
>Sarkozy: “Interbreeding enriches society, consanguinity kills them”
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I'd love for one of the faggots ITT to defend this one
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Nevermind the obvious NGO sponsorship, political influence, etc. let's take a look at who's pushing the multicult on our kids all day.
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are yellin and yellen clones?
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nah just Yellen who woke up on the wrong side of the bed
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jews views goyim as animals, what more is there to prove.
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why stop there?
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Here you go

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if the desert is inhospitable why do i live in it you retard people live here ffs
>muh its a desert
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I said you belong in the desert with your pedo worshiping genetic brothers. You've forfeited your collective right to live amongst us. America was your last shot and it took you less than two generations to completely turn on them, they treated you ratfaced kikes better than their own children.
Few of you seem to bother to read what I asked for in the OP. I don't care what "bad things" jews said, I asked for proof jews are behind non-white immigration. Its a good exercise to have us find proof on stuff like this, to redpill newfags and lurkers. What the fuck do you have to be upset about, stop bitching fucking post redpills.

this is more like it, but be more specific
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you fuckin faggot, we already did post that stuff.
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Here you go


Inbred protestors, quotes from prominent kikes, headlines of Jewish newspapers, and pictures laying out their nepotism and corruption within media. What more do you need.

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Franz Boas. The kike who invented "cultural relativism" and did fake science to "disprove" race being a real thing.
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All of these are recent. You want me to go back to hart-cellar and all that shit? I'll just link to you to culture of critique. It lays out their influence over the slave trade/immigration/refugee system up until a decade ago.


Get them all.
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thank you niggerfaggot for your many valuable contributions to this bread
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Replace "mix out to genocide Germans" with all whites
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Hitler: Jews Are Brainwashing Americans

It was one of the first videos limited by YouTube and the ADL for a reason. Hitler warned us.
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>we already did post that stuff.
No, only this guy did:
And this is sorta related, >>139622095
but its not "jews making immigration laws / making immigration happen" -- I want DIRECT examples of Jews being DIRECTLY responsible for immigration, because unless you prove that, you didn't prove it was genocide by the legal standard. The fact that I have to explain all that to you makes you a retard.

>Inbred protestors
dont make immigration laws
>quotes from prominent kikes
sticks and stones, niggers say lots of anti-white shit but they don't make changes to immigration, use your brain
>headlines of Jewish newspapers
not related to immigration laws
>and pictures laying out their nepotism and corruption within media
that's all lovely and interesting, but it wasn't the task you were given, you're just sperging dumping everything jew related. GET MORE FOCUSED AND REDPILL US ON THE TOPIC IN THE OP YOU MONG.

>Steinlight: 'The Jewish Stake in America's Changing Democracy'

They aren't, but if they were organizing something like that it would be proof they are the master race.
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>if Jews destroy the greatest civilization in history that makes them the master race
It literally makes them the lowest race in history
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Is Sutherland a jew, or just a shabbos goy?
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remember that lovely statue France gifted to us when we won our independence? please tell me how that stain from miss lazarus made its way onto it

If they control the whole world and have the ability destroy the whites, that means they are the strongest race on earth and all others are inferior.
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You're arguably right if they succeed. They won't though.
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>if they destroy the world it makes them the master race
If we get struck by a meteor and its wipes out all life, the meteor doesn't become "the greatest civilization" or "the highest form of life" on Earth. If you're jewish, and this confuses you, it might explain why your race is such cancer.
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If they control your money, your government, and most of your social movements, in what respect are they not your master?
Already proven, it's not debatable, nothing more to discuss.
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and yet if the host dies the tapeworm dies too
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>b-but if they steal everything you built and they destroy it and any hope that it will ever be built again because they wipe out the race of builders, then they're the master race
This is why Hitler was right.
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My wife and I have 2 children already. The both of us are blonde hair, blue eyed, and have northern euro ancestory. We are going for our third child out of the 5 we want.

If you are white and have an SO: breed and have as many kids as you can. Don't let the "go to college" meme or "wait till your 30" meme sponsored by schlomo & his minions stop you. We had our first child seniors in high school, broke, and young... having children made me advance to higher paying jobs because I have something to fight for. Breed you fucks!
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>h-hey now... my culture may be weak enough to be dominated by jews for centuries, but it's still the best
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>if we destroy the world we're the master race
This is why Hitler was right.

Are you saying jews don't control your banks, media and many other institutions?

They already have you as a slave race, they don't need to kill you.
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>if Jews destroy the civilization you built and wipe out the race of creators, they win
This is why Hitler was right.

>jews own white civilization
>ignore this fact because you have no counter argument
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if your only talent, you only contribution to history was stealing a civilization you didn't build, and either arresting its progress or destroying it, then you're just a plague or a parasite, nothing more.

>can only insist that if he steals from you he's better than you
This is why people believe kikes are subhuman.
"steals from" in the same sense a king steals from the peasants.

>implying having the ability to control the world and doing so throughout history can be a sign of anything but superiority
>"steals from" in the same sense a gypsy family moves in and squats in your home while you work in the garden
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I love watching the kike mental hamster wheel.

>"squats in your home" in the sense that they own your home and all your familly's homes and live in a much nicer place off the rent money
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I know you think its all a joke, but you're helping forge the future right wing death squads with every post you make. This is the endless cycle of kike history.

>says the guy who made the same irrelevant argument 4 times:

Oh shit, I'm gonna radicalize /pol/!

These kids could become real terrorists if I keep making fun of them.
I'd say Jews own all civilizations not just White civilization because of their soul destroying ideologies they spread across the globe and their massive amount of wealth they've stolen from everyone over the years. You keep all the knowledge to yourselves and tell your children you are superior to everyone and pass it down the line. While white people are just trying to enjoy life and make the world a better place you plot ways to divide people and create hate. We know you want everyone gone it's not just whites but you want us gone first because you've been robbing us the last thousand years at least and you are paranoid that we will get some limelight and tell everyone about your genocidal, homicidal and pilfering nature. I don't know how you subhuman rats can sleep at night with all the blood you have on your hands.
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>the guy who made the same "if I steal/destroy it, I made it" argument 4 times and got the same identical reply

When did I say to control is the same as to make?

The identical replies I got were not counter arguments, just the weak complaining about the strong.
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>completely walks away from his positions and pretends he never had them at all
Wow, Hitler was right again.

I said jews control your society, I never implied they made it. Just what do you think my position is?
>the guy who made the same "if I steal/destroy it, I made it" argument 5 times
Wanna go for 6 and make it even?
You had the Paranoid delusion that you were superior to everyone on this planet and that you shouldn't have to work for a living but make everyone else work for you. You devised a plot to swindle your way into the banking institutions and loot the majority of wealth coming out of all countries in Europe and elsewhere while not giving anything back to the people. You have no code of honesty, I don't think you can even fathom that because it's clearly not something that exists in you demons. Word is bond with white people. Word is just bluff with your people. All you do is crack away at social systems to find weak spots until you sneak yourself into them then call yourself king then only assist your own kind to keep the legacy going. You spend the rest of the money on creating division amongst everyone else because you are so paranoid that we might come and purge you from the earth for what you've done collectively to humankind. You have been doing this since the Roman times at least and probably Babylon as well. Greece scholars speak of your demon race inciting Persians to attack Greeks through spreading fear and paranoia that the other Greek man might strike you down Persian, I heard him plotting about you; you best strike first. We know your kind man.

American reading comprehension must be pretty bad.

control =/= create
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So, you finally understand that I never said they made it then? Just that they control it.

Is good because it has an actual counter to my claim that control implies superiority. You should be more like him and make counter arguments that are actually relevant instead of complaining about things I never said.
>(((white-man))) bussiness owner
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I don't know what that says, I'm not actually a jew.
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Wow a whole thread of Jew hate and articles of liberals calling for multiculturalism stemming from both economic and rationalizations of inevitability. Man yeah the white genocide is totally a thing! Pol should definitely keep pushing this narrative because it makes so much sense and is super easy to defend!

I'll even come out and say that white people are not superior to Jews but neither are Jews superior to white people. All races possess traits and characteristics that are unique. Jews are excellent at masterminding and monetary control. I have a feeling in medieval society the Jew was the King's advisor quite a lot. They make good plotters and tacticians when it comes to long term strategies. If the Jew would open their borders and get mixed out like they want us mixed out I wouldn't have such a problem. If everyone in the world was collectively doing it. But for them to just remain pure is rather hypocritical and a double standard to what they preach. I think whites are very creative but they can be gullible because of their morals and the honesty thing is or at least was pretty strong with white people before the erosion of morals.
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>stemming from both economic and rationalizations of inevitability
obvious and cringe damage control desu
It is not hate when the quotes come directly from the horse's mouth. It's not our fault that Jews feel they are so superior that they can't keep their mouths shut at the schemes they've pulled off. If you might have noticed all of those liberals are Jews! Ding Ding calling for multi cultural or racial suicide for all innumerable times. Immigration is not needed in European countries because Europeans can have more kids if it is really that sorely lacking. No need to spend 10x the amount on an immigrant when you can just pay Europeans to have more children! Hey, what an unbelievable idea that is it seems to have passed even those with such superior intelligence.
Wow u r really good at this, wheres the upvote button
Bitch please this thread is pathetic and white "genocide" is just as pathetic. Browns are reproducing at a faster rate and not everyone in government is a white natoonalist. Gee surprise surprise brown people are now entering your country REALLY MAKES YOU THINK
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here now KYS KIKE
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>Gee surprise surprise brown people are now entering your country REALLY MAKES YOU THINK
Cashews catalyzed.
Liberal kikes pressing for multiculturalism is not "white genocide". Its the abolition of the ethnostate. White genociders please just stop. More embarrassing to /pol/ than MLP
Are you cucks truly that lazy to not even take a glimpse through this thread of truth. Do you not even care for your children's future if you have any or white people at all. If we told you we planned to genocide all black people throughout the world through mixing them out and still keeping our own women on the side to reproduce white children would you think there was an issue then? The issue is NO WHITE HOMELAND. OTHER RACES COMING INTO ORIGINAL WHITE HOMELANDS. We want a HOMELAND like the Jews have a HOMELAND. Not one country is free of massive immigration where Europeans can live and preserve European history. Jews have this in ISRAEL they have laws where you can't intermarry with blacks and other minorities but they love removing our laws that espoused the exact same thing does this not sound hypocritical to you?
>America literally the height of economic power and living conditions
>America literally advertises this fact globally and champions it as a justification for foreign military ventures
>poor browns view America as their singular chance of salvation from poverty and death and know about immigration

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>Liberal kikes pressing for multiculturalism is not "white genocide"
It literally is.

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Hillarious...they teach it in Harvard .. pure coincidence I think not..
Having a white HOMELAND is a fine ideal. When you keep repackaging MIGRATION as GENOCIDE is when you just make yourself look fucking stupid and damage your attempts at forming this homeland.
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This precisely
No it's literally not. This is why you're retarded because you're using the word "Genocide" in place of "natural demographic shift" due to birthrate factors (exclusively Hispanic birthrate) just Fuck off with that. Most whites don't believe like you in ethnic homogeneity. I would personally support a white ethnostate - I don't see any problem with people using their own property as they wish, but good fucking luck building that, faggot .
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>No it's literally not.
The man who wrote the definition disagrees with you.
(((Raphael Lemkin))) so fucking Hillarious!
America excluded itself from that definition in regards to your interpretation once it brought over slaves, Chinese, Irish and Hispanic as legal migrants, just like every other European country.

You have white liberal parasites pushing immigration because of their altruistic tendencies, and because immigration is allowed, YOUR cries of "Genocide" are nullified because of the legal proceeding surrounding it.

You are a fucking idiot trying to tie the definition of GENOICDE to the actions of a nation with regards to its policies regarding its genetic makeup (direct or indirect regulation) and have nothing to stand on.

Go fuck some white bitches, have white birthrate exceed brown, and then do the natural thing and migrate. Your stupidity and victim complex is mind boggling.
OK, the thing is we need other Whites even those that aren't with a movement for a White Ethnostate to support us and stop calling us Nazis because we want to preserve European culture and History. The problem is other white people that aren't radical as are not willing to do that citing us as racists and Nazis automatically. We truly aren't we just wish to make a homeland to secure Indigenous European existence throughout time. White people have stood up for blacks and Jews time and time again in their civil rights movements. Its time to give some protective civil rights to white people, allow them to establish a homeland and give them rights that protect from hate crime because you know that whitey isn't going to be the majority forever and there is a chance that the minorities that we were fairly kind to regardless of all the race baiting bullshit propaganda on the news will not be so kind to us when we are a dwindling minority. If we don't get some form of Civil rights protecting our Ethnicities like all other groups do then we are free games for genocide and the way the anti-white rhetoric is ramping up it's not looking good. Professors tweet genocide is required for whites and it just flies in our countries like we somehow should just accept that and it was a madman who was having a bad day when he quoted that.
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>America excluded itself from genocide once it started white genocide
I feel you brother, I truly do. However I don't think I personally would live in a white ethnostate because "being white" is a superficial and downright worthless organizing principal. It may last max of 2 generations before its inhabitants realize how shallow the founders ideals were. But seriously good luck recruiting. Saying WHITE GENOCIDE and HEIL HITLER just turns off Normies so you need to formulate a better argument that doesn't stem from a victim complex as well as a vision for your white ethnostate.

Unfortunately for you people really only care about economic conditions because if I can't find bread to eat, I'd rather be surrounded by blacks than starve to death surrounded by whites.
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>"being white" is a superficial and downright worthless organizing principal
You only say that because you're a kike.
Uhh... Unless you came at this argument from the position in being in a "white ethnostate", the very principle of genocide is out the window. Whites dont organize around ethnic heritage. They organize around shared vision and common ideal.

Also define "white" you little snake. You'll see that your definitions and interpretations simply do not hold water.
>financial, economic and cultural hub is a multicultural crossroads


it's not like it's been this way for the past millenia
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Your argument is:
>if minorities exist in your nation, you can't be the victim of genocide
So, the Germans could have systematically gassed their Jewish minority and it wouldn't have met the legal definition of genocide?
Lol OK go ahead and try to recruit to your ethnostate citing that as a core principle. Just fucking try it. And no, not a kike. I'm a 6'3 sweedish/germanic heritage so just Fuck off
Lest we forget, the Hart-(((Celler))) Act was written by a Jew.
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>I'm a 6'3 sweedish/germanic heritage
lol sure you are Moishe
Germans WERE GASSING people. People who organized around both genetic and religious heritage.

If Mexicans start gassing white people then yes. Literally genocide. You weak ass . Not a hard concept.
Stay mad cuck. You couldn't pull white pussy if you paid for it
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Just to recap this, Your argument is:
>if minorities exist in your nation, you can't be the victim of genocide; you must live in an ethnostate to experience genocide
But according to this post: >>139636338
>white people can be genocided even if they don't live in an ethnostate

You sound confused, Shlomo.

You sound upset, Shlomo.
You have your argument mixed up fag. You're a little snake. You're conflating demographic changes due to migration and immigration with GASSING PEOPLE.

>Its genocide because I say it is
>I can't get laid with my ideal Aryan waif

its not a white identity its a european one.
the whole "white" thing where we are defined by skin pigment is a strawman concocted by deceitful kikes. albino niggers dont get into the ethnostate. its about uniting with our european brothers who do have a shared and distinct cultural and genetic background. sure some of it was epic battles between ourselves but who hasn't fought with their own siblings a few times
imagine the chinks "peacefully" sending 500 million of their peasant chinks to america. what the fuck would we do? Imagine they don't have any initial outright aggression and instead just start spreading out everywhere like a plague. they eat dogs cats and rats to survive for awhlie until they are able to vote gibs for themselves in all the sanctuary cities. they breed relentlessly and dont assimilate. how would this not be genocide? is it somehow different when it occurs slowly rather than all at once?
Ahahahahahahaha oh man great post, made me laugh. Unsure if sarcasm or not.

>white is European heritage! Let's organise around this concept!
>this will totally work out just ignore the last 2 world wars !!!

>Inb4 the JEWS caused it
theres no way that picasso is real
>illegal immigration to a country
>not an invasion

Wow real great fucking argument. For the record I'm against harboring refugees as its a soft form of invasion and has no upper bound.
People always blame others for their misfortunes, to relieve their guilt.
One thing off the top of my head
It is very hard to buy a house these days as house prices have rocket whilst wages have stagnated
But the government is building free houses for shit skins
Having a house makes it a lot easier to start a family

That's one example
you are trying to ignore the entire history of ethnic conflict and create a brown dystopia so im not sure how you can claim to make more sense than identifying as european and uniting against kikes like you
well this is how americans have responded to it in the past:

do you really think it would be different this time? what would you propose we do? gas them?
Yeah retard we need new people
But their plan isnt "how do we make the native whites breed more"
its "how do we replace them with shitksins"

holy shit this ones pretty unquestionable
>avg. feminist by religion around 10-30
>jewish #263
wew lad
>we can't let them notice that were running a ponzi scheme
How am I ignoring history? States that have existed through time have always resisted conquest and invasion. This is the right of the state. State sanctioned immigration is a method of expansion and assimilating various cultures. America provides economic incentive to immigrate and the American ideal allows people to retain prior cultural ties (and I wish this was not the case)

I don't get what you're arguing.
I'm strongly against illegal immigration? What Regan did was basically "whoops we didn't secure our borders and now we have all these people. Do we a) tear the county apart and deport 3 million people or b) capitalize on this potential source of cheap labor?

We should have went with deportation imo
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