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Why do Russians NOT hate Jews?

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Jews created Communism and make up most of today's capitalist oligarchs.

But only 20% of Russians currently have a negative view on Jews.

Because they're already red pilled and don't let them get too far ahead.

Russians feel eternal guilt over expelling thousands of Jews before and during world war 1, up to the point where they let Muslims take over their country nowadays

What happens if a Russian overdose on redpills?
Well if Hillary won it would be bad, thankfully Trump knows the dangers of the Jew.

>50% of "Israelis"s are from Russia.
Think about that.
Why should we hte them?
They have 80% Jews.
Or they're the most useful idiots.
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kill yourself
Israel is ISIS
they're stupid. I mean when you give them a job they will never get above OK level
Russia used to be quite antisemitic actually. In Russian empire jews could only settle in specific area, pogroms were encouraged etc.
But the bolsheviks purged any sane, nationalistic and antisemitic Russian. And rest were starved, gulaged and brainwashed into submission.
>only 20%
Still higher than anywhere else in the West
wtf are you talking about, we called each other kikes for being greedy or cunts in my moscow school
pick only one pls
nationalism is cancer
Ukrainians are becoming more based. Russians less based towards the JQ.
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>Trump knows the dangers of the Jew
One can only wish. I want to see him blow up Israel someday, or at least kick out the kikes from office an the media.

Think Greece and Poland is higher.
>nationalism is cancer
What the hell happened here?
look up the fathers of communism
all jews lived in ex-polish and lithuanian territory
churka pls
lel, similar custom existed in my school, although not very popular

But they do dislike Jews. Recently I think some descendant of Tolstoy even made some antisemitic suggestions
It's sneaky russians who flew from ussr tho
They are a multicultural nation and they need to befriend each populace within the country to keep the politics stable.
Discriminating any ethnicity would lead to civil war within Russia due to the fact that the politics there are very fragile and powers like the US would gladly support their independence.
they are actual jews. "sneaky" russians are verysmall minority
bosnia is 3 times more multicultural than russia
you are just retranslating lies of occupant edministration that took power in february 1917
And also russia respects every cultural group because of that.
Not just jews.
When did the Balkans and Eastern Europe become a part of the West?
It is but it stays together because the government depends on the people to hate each other instead of actually rising up to their corrupt regime.
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because global media is in the hands of the perpetrators
>churka pls
I guess it will be extremely hard for your degraded mind to comprehend it, but when I say "nationalism is cancer" I imply not only russian one, but also minorities' nationalism.
I'm and ethnic Russian though. Khokhols are also brainwashed, but in a different way. And they are cucked by jews same as Russians, they just won't admit it.
>all jews lived in ex-polish and lithuanian territory
Yes and they weren't allowed to live in Russian proper, unless converted to Christianity.
This is true.
>Based Igor Pahmelnik Kerzakusov
we live so good withut ebil russian nationalism and chauvinism for the last 100 years, dont we mu churka friend?
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negative view on jews in USA: "jews aren't amazing and perfect in every way"

nagative view on jews in Russia: "Kill the zhids and save Russia"
>unless you're 100% radical, you're not redpilled

Ever considered that governments sometimes have to do what's pragmatic?
nationalism is better than multiculti shit
proved by last 100 years of russian history
churka pls go
>Israel flag instantly means that the poster is jew
>Poster tries to anger people
I sense more of an faggot who wants attention than a jew
zhids are very evil that's for sure
>it will be extremely hard for your degraded mind to comprehend it

As I expected, you're not a very smart person.
you are iq89, you didnt bring a single argument why nationalism is bad in a ountry with russian majority. just role playing snob.
+15 rubles my putinist shill
Its true but the multiculturalism should only allow equality and no special rights to any group.
Just like putin claimed.

That is just South Park tier humor. Same thing happened in my school.
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Guys, guess who this guy is in Russia, his status and ethnicity.
Nationalism never ends well in a multicultural nation.
Or politically.
Everyone would want to start a coalition against you since nationalism is basically a fringe belief.

Why would they hate us? We are the most successful (in terms of money and inventions) ethnic group in the world in relation to our population.
People who hate us are jealous that we're better.
didnt trump do the jewish ceremony at the wall with the funny hat and all?
but why every minority has its own stateinside "federation" and russians dont? why does balding manlet destroys russian nationalistic parties?
bosnian nigger telling me how putin is good for my country, lmao
russia is not multicultural country
bosnia is
jews started russian genocide and occupation in 1917
why shouldnt russians hate them?
same happens here.
only the first world faggot don't realize who the jews really are.
>but why every minority has its own stateinside "federation"
So putin can have more influence over those areas.
>and russians dont?
I dont know, you tell me.

>why does balding manlet destroys russian nationalistic parties?
To keep his political party in control.

No need to be rude.
Russia has only one culture?
>no need to be rude
no need to shill for occupants of my country you retard

No they didn't.
And as far as I recall, it was the Russians who started persecuting the Jews because Russians thought they assassinated the Tsar.
So all of those non russians migrated to your country and the country just consisted of russians?
bloshevik government was 80% jewsih
bolshevik government killed Emperor and his family
well that is the vibe I'm getting from russians and americans
>+15 rubles my putinist shill
>you are iq89
wo so much butthurt such strong arguments

Nationalism is nothing else but a tool in the hands of the rulling elites for manipulating the masses.

Look at those pathetic russian nationalists. Many of them are/were figthing in Donbass. But are they figthing for Russian people? Of course not, they're fighting and dying for p*tin's interests. And nothing more.
Not surprising

Russian Jews tend to be pretty based. Pretty much the only Jews I'm friends with are Russian Jews.

Anyway 20% is a high number: that's one in five.

Richest man in Russia.

>So all of those non russians migrated to your country
yes, majority of them
7-10 millions fromcentral asia in last 25 years
2 million armenians
kalmiks immigrated here in 18th century when govenment allowed them
>and the country just consisted of russians
80% of country is ethnic russian
go check the wikipedia what monoethnic country is you asiatic nigger
He's outjewing the jews.
Because a Jewish Soviet regime killed tens of millions of Slavic, non-Jewish Russians, and as soon as the Soviet union collapsed, Jewish oligarchs pounced on your country like fucking vultures.

>all jews lived in ex-polish and lithuanian territory
then where did all the kike mobsters appear from when (((Yeltsin))) came to power?
Is that because of the collapse of the soviet union by any chance?
>Jews created communism
I read and study extensively on the matter and I just would like to say this is kinda false
The highest ranking officers of the earliest communist revolutionary parties were jews, but most jews weren't communist. In fact why would they? they were so rich, being the typical jews, that they lost everything with the revolution and Lenin's (initial) abolition of free market
The jews were so many among the high ranking officers because they were widely (rightfully if you ask me but whatever) abused on by the population, especially by the cossacks, in the whole Russia. In the last years of his reign, Nicholas II actively pushed for pogroms in the hope they would unite the population

Jews were always hated in history because of their greedy behaviour, that's why they ended up being a huge reactionary group in Russia, and being reactionary in the late 900s meant being socialist revolutionary, bolshevik or menshevik

Besides they were genocided again during stalinism, so...
>tens of millions
tens of billions
there is nothing wrong in killing ukrainian separatists and commies
and its mostly regular russianarmt that does it commie cunt
Ever heard about pogroms?

No. Bolshevik Government was 16,67% Jewish.
First Bolsheviks had 10% Jews and Mensheviks 30%.

According to communist memberships, only 5% in the communist party were Jews.

There were more Poles in the NKVD leadership than Jews.
take a wild fucking guess

>being reactionary
>being socialist revolutionary, bolshevik or menshevik
>hen where did all the kike mobsters appear
they were allowed to settle everywhere after 1917 and soviet union was their project
its because russia has traitors in govenment who keep southern borders open.
I'm not very good in english, but I mean being "against the common way of thinking"
The "status quo ante" was the Tsardom, so by reactionary I meant being against the Tsardom
Pretty sure middleschoolers from every country uses kike or jew as a word for bullying
And who were those traitors and what were their intentions?
>only 20% of Russians currently have a negative view on Jews.
How do we know this? From (((research)))?
Actually "reactionary" means the opposite.

> russians dont hate jews

Get off my board newfag
I hope my point still got across. Thanks for the correction
not all communists were jews but majority of first bolshevik govenment was
but russian high ranking officers were biggger enemies than jews desu, arrested head of the state in the middl of the war, worst kind of traitors and they were ethnic russians
Because, as much as r/the_donald and liberal media will have you believe it, Russia is not a bastion of "muh white race" or "muh based Slavs".
1/10th of their country is Muslim, terror attacks happen daily and still very few of them have negative opinions on Islam, in fact many of these faggots were saying shit like "But muh Muslims are based! Russian-ized!"
>who ARE the traitors
ex commie elite, fsb, mafia and nonrussian "elite"
>what ARE their intentions
steal as much money as they can and get as much power as they can
How are they profiting off of having immigrants in the country?

Jews were overrepresented in the Bolshevik government, but they weren't majority.
They were overrepresented because of Pogroms.
There are different kinds of Muslims. For the most part only Chechens and Dagestanis blow shit up while we have many millions of Tatars and they are cool. It's more about culture.
>Besides they were genocided again during stalinism, so...
I wouldnt say so. It just happnned there were a great number jews amongst so called "old bolsheviks" and many of them were purged during the great terror.
cheap labour you retard
>we killed russians cause they pogromed us
>they deserved the war in which we killed 10 million people
how many jews were killed in pogroms during nicholas 2nd rule?
>muh based Muslims
Exactly. I told you these faggots would be here today.
>30% of Muslims want to kill all infidels! That means that 70% of Muslims are fine! #DrumpfBTFO
Forgot your kekistan flag
>tatars are cool
thats why they have sleeping cells of hizbut at tahrir all over tatarstan? is that also why they shave parades where tatars wave flags of islamc terrorist organisation? is ti why they kill moderate secualr mullas in tatarstan?
Nevermind, should have noticed.
he is shill

But Jews didn't lead the Bolshevik revolution.
In the first government there was ONLY one Jews and that was Trotsky. I do not understand how hard it is to understand that.
Oh so you're saying that you don't like Muslims?
the entire early movement was a zionist plot to dethrone the anti semetic monarchy and purge all naturally anti semetic ethnic russians, as was outlined in the protocols of zion
after the end of ww2 there weren't any monarchies left in europe what so ever, jews didn't just win, they wound up controlling all the fucking banks to present day

lol what's there to like?
Antisemitism is growing the fastest in Russia. It used to be much much lower.
I feel like this isn't said enough: Communism was a Zionist coup. They're trying it again in the West.
Ask the Rusfags that get insulted whenever you mention the religion of peace in a negative tone.
The only jews who are based are the ones in my basement. You wanna join them kike?
Sure kike.
t. 1/16 armenian 1/4 jewish 1/8 tatar subhuman born in the first place by the grace of the USSR
There is no such thing as a Russian jew or good jew in European society you fucking sandnigger. The only good jews are those who got mauled during security blackout in Ukraine
they're too busy hating themselves
they're not actual russians, most of those don't speak eng and lack the autism to even know about his place
use your head
islam forbids alcohol, and can't into hockey
the rus entire history and culture is built around the consumption of alc in the dead of everlasting winter
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