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Identity Evropa

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Thread replies: 56
Thread images: 23

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Why haven't you joined your local Identity Evropa branch /pol/?
fake news fake poster you retarded subversive faggot.
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>fake news
you would say that, shariablue faggot

Fuck off with your fake posters you commie faggot. IE does not use nazi/violent imagery. sage
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IE will continue paving the way as the foremost NS group in America
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>IE does not use nazi/violent imagery

They do now
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JIDF shill spotted

"Don't worry about making cash. Worry about when people decide to start murdering journalists in the street. That's a quote." - Nathan Damigo
where have you been? Under a rock? Cville was a game changer senpai. We're going all out now, no more hiding

fucking degenerate.
Fuck off
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Sounds like someone's afraid of getting shoved in a gas chamber by college chads.

Fuck off kike. No one is going to buy this shit. Your attempts at subversion are pathetic.
I guess you bastards need to defend you useless nasty fucking niggers and arab garbage by shitting on white identity, huh.
Another meme group already? sage this man
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The only way to promote White identity is lynching googles and gassing Skypes you jidf shill
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fake poster is fake
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>some asshurt nigger took the time to make all these shitty shops
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This shilling is so obvious because they're trying *too* hard and they've come with too much material.

When someone shows up, pushes a narrative that doesn't sound consistent with what we know, has a ton of propaganda behind it, and starts calling out the backlash as shills...

Then you're being fucking scammed. No sage because people need to see this shit for what it is.
because of the swastika shit
what's wrong with swazis?
IE has never been a Nazi movement.

This is an organized effort, everyone.

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>due to acids
IE explicitly prohibits Nazi symbols. OP is a Shareblue/Antifa faggot trying to defame them
>Be me
>White passing quadroon who looks Italian

Feelsbadman. I have some friends who are involved in similar groups to IE. I hope I don't end up on the wrong side of the race war. I feel a kinship with huwhytes.
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>Oh no its a big scary swastika :(

What are you, a nigger?
because i'm a slav
>white passing quadroon
>looks italian
so a double nigger?
>IE PROMOTES nazi imagery

ftfy senpai

I just got off the phone with Damigo and he said it's time to take off our chad clothes and reveal our true colors

The time is now

I don't look like a Sicilian. I have white skin, blue eyes, wavy hair, etc. I could pass as a northern Italian.
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^this, Damigo sees himself as a 21st century Rockwell. It's time to become who we are
>reddit spacing

Christ you people are fucking dumb.
Another thread?
keep trying, faggot. Try harder.
You can't post this shit anywhere else but here. Do you realize how much time you've wasted?
>in all fields
IE member here, I can confirm that these posters are legitimate. After Charlottesville, we realized that a more radical message is necessary.

Leadership has approved these posters for official use. I'm glad to see Damigo take things in a different direction.
Richard Spencer here. Just got off the phone with Damigo and can confirm that this guy is an IE member
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>IE member here
>can confirm

Do we need any other evidence that this is coordinated?
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Get on board or get left behind. We are radicalizing our message

Just got off the phone with my dad who works at Nintendo. He said you two chucklefucks should be embarrassed by how bad you are at your jobs. My 5 year old daughter could subvert political movements better than this.
Ah, most writers draw from their own experience. What's it like to fuck a goat?
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IE will move forward. With or without you cucks
Former atomwaffen turned IE member here. I just got extremely vetted by Damigo. He told me how the reason WN1.0 was because of bad optics.

When George Lincoln Rockwell marched through the black Neighbourhoods of Chicago, it was bad optics because all they did was wave Swastika flags when they should have been lynching every nigger they walked past.

"This time," Nathan said, "These niggers won't be spared from our optics."
One time Richard Spencer came back from a week long NPI conference party absolutely drunk and high. He confused Nathan Damigo for Mike Enoch and started to get extremely erotic with him. Nathan, thinking Spencer finally was opening up to him didn't make a sound and let it continue. Spencer laid Nathan on his back and started to finger his ass and give passionate hickies and love bites all over Nathan's lower body. The next day Spencer had sobered up and realised what had happened. Nathan said "Oh, that was the most beautiful night of my life." Spencer's beating was so severe Nathan died for 8 minutes and barely came back to life.
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Once he got the taste of commie blood there was no stopping him after that.
This can't be real, seems like a honeypot or something.
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>so and so here

You fucks are so stupid that I literally told you why you're being stupid and you still persist.

>kek he's le triggered, keep doing it guiz! get him riled up!

No sweetie, your incompetence just makes me feel so right.
I saw Nathan Damigo at a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.
He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”
I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying.
The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.
When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.
The main reason WN1.0 failed was because of all the infighting.

The only way to stop this infighting is to get everyone on the right to agree on this one message.

Race is real
Race matters
Race is the foundation of who we're going to exterminate from this planet
wtf I hate Nathan Damigo now

Because of its rabid, Hitlerite antisemitism.

If you want to appeal to normies, you need to drop the Jew shit. Learn from Jared Taylor.

If they stop chimping out about kikes I might consider joining.
Identity Europa isn't violent or Nazi. Most of Europe suffered from Nazis, and the Swastika is a memetic German symbol. Bad meme, Shareblue. Hollywood Nazis are shills and FBI infiltrators. They're not even National Socialists. It's just an identity advocate group.
Replace the last line with
Race is the foundation of identity.
Also you leftists are obvious shills trying to promote violence and no one is buying it. Nice custom flag, faggot.
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